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IMPORTANT Applications for National Guard

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Malik Rich

Feb 28, 2023
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL:
Malik Nouman
2. Your age: 20
3. Time zone: UTC+5
4. Average online per day: 8 Hours
5. Your Discord: axelu66#4920
6. Your Nickname: Malik Rose
7. Your ID: 80154
Additional information
1. Leader of...
want to become the Leader of the National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
Answer: 1)
I want to become the leader of NG because I have a good experience in NG I was a Brigadier General previous term in NG and I learned a lot of good and bad things in NG if I become the leader of NG I will try to fix all the problem of NG
2) NG is one of the most important departments to protect the city and help other departments like LSPD, FIB & SAHP by providing backup. I have been in NG for 2 Terms serving the state and learning about the state myself and I think I am ready to become the leader of NG and bring some good changes.
3) I also want to that In NG all soldiers know about every law and rule that make NG one of the best Organization in City

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in an organization.

I Make sure that all Department work properly and Also that there is no nepotism in every department I also work on laws and hired the best Human resources that train soldiers perfectly and give a lot of knowledge about the laws and regulations of ng and also explain to them the authority and work of NG.
NG people need to be encouraged to do things so I would implement a bonus scheme that is mainly aimed at the lower ranks like privates, and specialists,s, etc. where they will be rewarded for doing things
Each hour on gates 5k
Fail to stop a raid - 5k
The person interviewed - 5k
Events attended - 5k
Person Trained - 15k

Department Management System:

Air Force

This is an AirForce Department that is patrolling on Skye of NG and they also take a soldier to a Global

This is the Department of Special officer only High skilled shooters or professional global training will join this department when they pass 2 phases of training then they are accepted in this department phase 1 shooting training and phase 2 global training.

Military Police
These would hand out strikes to officers who are doing something wrong and are also in control of the department strikes, they investigate corrupt soldiers and would build a case file against them, and they would work side by side with public relations when someone has put in a complaint about an NG soldier

Human Resources
This department would take charge of training and interviewing new recruits they must train people properly and prepare them for NG they would also review applications and take a decision about accepted or rejected

This is the department that makes sure the soldier follows the rules and laws and this department also handles the court of ng and gives equal rights to everyone.
Thank you

Combat Medic :
This is the Department of medical this department make sure that all soldier is well and gives a pill to these soldiers who need pills they also make sure that the soldier at the gates is with full health and check in every 20 to 30 min to gateskeepers health

Rank Management System:

29-LT. General
28-Major General - Head of Department
27- Brigadier General – Deputy of Department
25- Lt. Colonel
24- Major
23 -Captain
22- Lieutenant
21-Second Lieutenant

====== High Command ======

20 -Command Sgt Major
19- Sergeant Major
18-First Sergeant
17-Master Sergeant II
16- Master Sergeant
15-Sergeant 1st Class
14-Sergeant III
13- Sergeant II
12- Sergeant
11- Corporal 1st Class
10-Corporal III
9-Corporal II
7-Specialist 1st Class
6 -Private 2
5 -Private 1
3 -Trainer 2
2-Trainer 1

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Diamond Fellas

Nov 22, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Atalay
2. Your age : 24
3. Time zone : GMT+3
4. Average online per day : 8+
5. Your Discord : Atalay#2547
6. Your Nickname : Diamond Jozu
7. Your ID : 71163

Additional information
1. Leader of National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. To bring structure and order to Org
2. To make the org a more exciting place to work
3. To bring a legal corp into the org with Military Law in place
4. Work closely with all the legal Orgs
5. I am working in NG for last 2 terms as LT.General and I want to improve what we built with old general.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Have promotion Ceremonies. Army should be more serious and dangerous for bandists than other organizations. Training of NG personal on a regular bases, plus other orgs.
Hosting regular training tournaments within NG arena and shooting range within all Legal organizations.

My departments -

Military Police – This is a specialized division who track down on corruption within the National Guards soldiers,
they will be the “Internal Affairs” Of the National Guard, they hand out strikes, look into officers and make Case
Files on Corrupt officer and in the rare case can stop, track down and apprehend officers gone “AWOL” And bring them into court.
These small group of officers can only answer to the general, and can skip the Chain of Command if they withhold classified information

JAG- This is the division where Military law would be enforced by means of a military court system

Infantry – This is a basic division which new troops are put into as they first so they can learn about the National Guard and how to improve,
The leader of Infantry must be very experienced within all division and he must be a friend yet also a leader to all new troops he must advise
them in what to do and give them information on other divisions so they can join them after they are ready, This division specialises in base
duties such as gate keeping, raids and basic events. This will build our soldiers up to be the very best possible, in order to leave this
division, you must be promoted past corporal and must join another division, People below Corporal can only be promoted by the Major general of infantry

Airborne – This is an elite division made of the best pilots in the city, There main duty is to patrol the skies looking for on coming threats for example raids,
They also perform extractions when are fellow soldiers are in danger and can take them to safety, This is a divisions also made for counter intelligence as they are
used as scouts on base and are also the first people on the scene to a global events and relay the information to the Air traffic tower who can dispatch the appropriate response,
There guys must always be on the ball and react to react.They also specilaized on planes such jets and they can lead scout runs around the yellow zone in raid hours for possible raid.

SASD – This is a division of highly skilled soldiers with the best tactical ability, Gun skills and situational skills, they will host events such as Ammo runs and ghetto patrols
and attend global at the advice of the Airborne.

Combat Medics - This division us made up half medic half soliders they can provide medical checks to hostages
in hostage sit. And they responsibility is making sure theres no disese spreading inside Fort Zancudo.And doing periodicity health checks the soliders.

Robert Pluxury

Oct 26, 2022
1. Your name IRL - Soumik Acharya
2. Your age - 24
3. Time zone - UTC+5
4. Average online per day - 8 hours
5. Your Discord - SA GAMING#6782
6. Your Nickname - Robert Gaitonde
7. Your ID - 70379
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
Ans= i love Ng And this is a real life Army i love armies I will treat everyone well, I will not treat anyone badly, I will train everyone who will pass the interview And I will be active 8 hours daily. : 1) I Spend a lot of time in NG I am Brigadier General in the previous term and I am also ng in en2 lt. colonel

2) And I know very well how NG works and what authority of NG is in the city

3) want to make proper laws and regulations in NG and make sure that NG will work properly in the city
3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in an organization.
Ans= My Advice to improve the role-play of the NG is to make a proper best team of interviews and training. and we give 2 phases of training that make our soldier's.

Robert Pluxury

Oct 26, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Soumik
2. Your age : 24
3. Time zone : GMT+5
4. Average online per day : 8+
5. Your Discord : SA GAMING#6782
6. Your Nickname : Robert Gaitonde
7. Your ID : 70379

Additional information
1. Leader of National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. To bring structure and order to Org
2. To make the org a more exciting place to work
3. To bring a legal corp into the org with Military Law in place
4. Work closely with all the legal Orgs
5. I am working in NG for last 2 terms as LT.General and I want to improve what we built with old general.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Have promotion Ceremonies. Army should be more serious and dangerous for bandists than other organizations. Training of NG personal on a regular bases, plus other orgs.
Hosting regular training tournaments within NG arena and shooting range within all Legal organizations.

My departments -

Military Police – This is a specialized division who track down on corruption within the National Guards soldiers,
they will be the “Internal Affairs” Of the National Guard, they hand out strikes, look into officers and make Case
Files on Corrupt officer and in the rare case can stop, track down and apprehend officers gone “AWOL” And bring them into court.
These small group of officers can only answer to the general, and can skip the Chain of Command if they withhold classified information

JAG- This is the division where Military law would be enforced by means of a military court system

Infantry – This is a basic division which new troops are put into as they first so they can learn about the National Guard and how to improve,
The leader of Infantry must be very experienced within all division and he must be a friend yet also a leader to all new troops he must advise
them in what to do and give them information on other divisions so they can join them after they are ready, This division specialises in base
duties such as gate keeping, raids and basic events. This will build our soldiers up to be the very best possible, in order to leave this
division, you must be promoted past corporal and must join another division, People below Corporal can only be promoted by the Major general of infantry

Airborne – This is an elite division made of the best pilots in the city, There main duty is to patrol the skies looking for on coming threats for example raids,
They also perform extractions when are fellow soldiers are in danger and can take them to safety, This is a divisions also made for counter intelligence as they are
used as scouts on base and are also the first people on the scene to a global events and relay the information to the Air traffic tower who can dispatch the appropriate response,
There guys must always be on the ball and react to react.They also specilaized on planes such jets and they can lead scout runs around the yellow zone in raid hours for possible raid.

SASD – This is a division of highly skilled soldiers with the best tactical ability, Gun skills and situational skills, they will host events such as Ammo runs and ghetto patrols
and attend global at the advice of the Airborne.

Combat Medics - This division us made up half medic half soliders they can provide medical checks to hostages
in hostage sit. And they responsibility is making sure theres no disese spreading inside Fort Zancudo.And doing periodicity health checks the soliders.

Zoe Blackstone

Leader of Creed family
Mar 3, 2023
1. Your name IRL : Sondre Livgard
2. Your age : 18
3. Time zone : UTC+1
4. Average online per day : 4-9
5. Your Discord : Sondre livgard # 3554
6. Your Nickname : Cole blackstone
7. Your ID : 46559
1. Leader of...

National guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1# I want to be a leader because i love national guard.
2#i am former deputy in macs terme, having a lot of experience how ng should be done and fixed.
3# i love how ng is working and how we doing the job.
4# i like to guard the gates and have system on my units.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1# I want to make training better to keep the National Guard on top where it should be.
2# Will improve how we combine with other Leos, and how we communicate well.
3# will improve anything i can improve to keep ng in mind full readiness where it should always be.
4# As a leader, I would have a good team with the most trained and respectful soldiers, at the same time as we do our duty and suport every other org.

My Departments :

# they will have a system to get leaded by the heads, as same time we help them running it smoth.

Military police :

Military Police is a department we are doing all the checks on our units, as same time as they transporting the 10-15s to the doc.
They are making sure that every unit dont have any iligal items while on duty. Will improve the professioalism and more respect for the military police.

S.A.S :

sas is the units that are attending to special ops, at same time they are the main units to do the ammo runs. they are the first responding to globals, and is the national guards special forces. i want to improve specialy sas because thats the most popular department for all our units. when joining the sas i want them to go trough a test, and if them do good they get the job. As special forces we always should know what to do and what you dont should do.


Jag is the department of justice, they making sure every soldier gets a fair Punishment if needed. They are Lawyers that will be supporting our soldiers. i want the jag units to be well trained and good to making sure our units are safest possible.

Airborne :

Airborne is the department that transporting our units to globals, as well as they patroll over the base. Making sure we dont have any 10-14s in thew base. Airborne will be improved with having always ready choppers and ready to do their job, "transporting our units"

Combat Medic :

Combat medic the department checking hostages for damage, they heal up soldiers in battle and making sure every unit has a active health incurence. this is a new department i made, i want to make the medic team bigger with more units. i want to come up with cool ideas, how to make new good and more jobs for them.

Infantry :

Infantry is the department, hiring, fireing, training, and promotions. they take all the training for the soldiers and making sure they pass the test. Want to improve how the Infantry do things like, training because sometimes the soldier isnt completed the training and ends up with a tonn of strikes. Because of that i want to make the training of our soldiers better.


Jacob Brown

Oct 7, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL - Liam Bishop
2. Your age - 17
3. Time zone - Greenwich UK
4. Average online per day - 4-6 Hours
5. Your Discord - Jacob Brown#8264
6. Your Nickname - Jacob Bishop
7. Your ID - 23646
Additional information
1. Leader of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I would like to be leader of national guard for three reasons and these reasons are -

Firstly, National Guard would be a new experience for me and a great challenge but i think it would be very good and fun and i could make the organization much better.

Secondly, I have some great ideas for NG which will minimize corruption and make sure everyone enjoys their time in NG and completes their duty to the best of their ability i would really like to share my ideas with the rest of National Guard.

Thirdly, I gained much experiences from the leaders I served under from other legal orgs and learned from their mistakes and i believe with my knowledge i can lead NG into a great term.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.
I will introduce new divisions so that every soldier has their own purpose and they can fulfil there own duty extremely well
I will ensure that every soldier is being professional while on duty and being respectful to everyone.
I will have promotion Ceremonies to make sure every soldier gets praised when they deserve it.
I will add the following divisions -

Air Force - This department will ensure that the sky's of NG are safe and that every solider attends global.

Military Police - This is the department that would hand out strikes to soldiers who are doing something wrong and are also in control of the department strikes, they investigate corrupt soldiers and would build a case file against them which would then be presented to me for further inspection.

Infantry - This department would be very important to National Guard the HR department would be responsible for reviewing applications and deciding weather they are accepted into the organization or not and they also will be training new soldiers.

Combat Medics - This department will be responsible for checking every soldiers health and every single hostages health is EMS is not available. Combat Medics job will also involve insuring everyone has health insurance.

S.A.S - SAS is the units that are attending the special ops such as Drug Supply, at same time they are the main units to do the ammo runs. these units will be the first responding to global, and is classed as the national guards special forces. I want to improve especially sas because thats the most popular and mainly biggest department for all our units. when joining the SAS i want them to go trough a test on overall knowledge, and if them do good they will go through a physical test so that they can prove to me that they are worthy of joining the department. As special forces we always should know what to do and what you should not do.#

JAG - Jag is the department of justice, they making sure every soldier gets a fair Punishment if needed. They are Lawyers that will be supporting our soldiers and will be defending them if any issue is to arise in court. I want the jag units to be well trained and good to making sure our units are safest possible. The Jag department will be very closely linked with the department of military police.

In Addition Every NG Soldier Can Be In One Main Department And Then One Secondary Department.

Each hour on gates - 5k
Fail to stop a raid - 5k
Person Interviewed - 5k
Event attended - 5k
Person Trained - 15k

I also have ideas for a new ranking system it will go as following -

29-Lt. General
28- Chief of staff
27- Colonel
24-First Lieutenant
23-Second Lieutenant --------------------------------------- High command line
22-Chief Warrant Officer
21-Warrant Officer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Junior commissioned officers
20- Sergeant Major
19-First Sergeant
18-Master Sergeant
17- Sergeant First Class
16-Gunnery Sergeant
15-Staff Sergeant
14-Sergeant V
13-Sergeant IV
12-Sergeant III
11-Sergeant II
10-Sergeant I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Non commissioned officer
7-Private First Class
5- Junior Private

I also think this could be a good warning system -
1st Strike- Nothing ( Verbal Warn )
2nd Strike - Demotion
3rd strike - Blacklist for 24 to 48 hours or dismissal from the org depending on the severity of the situation.

My Previous Experiences -
1. FIB DHOD Of Department (Spec Ops)
2. LSPD Executive Assistant Chief (High Command)
3. Government Lawyer In Training
4. SAHP Chief Of Staff (High Command)

Regards, Jacob Bishop (23646).
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Krish Federal

Your Evil Nightmare
Nov 27, 2022
My Name IRL : Krish
My Age:18
Time Zone - +5:30 GMT.
Average Online Per Day : 5-6 Hours
My Discord - Krish Geek#0001
NickName-Krish BlackSquad

Leader Of - National Guard

Why I Want To Be Leader Of National Guard :

1-In My Opinion , being the leader of any organisation is the task of much responsibility , and with the leadership,you need to have experience also that can help your organisation and its members to learn and grow,with me , i have been the deputy chief of police at lspd, deputy leader of ballas,deputy head of department of fib , leuitinant of sahp and lspd also i have good experience at ng as an captain . So i believe that now i have a good experience with all the orgs and leading my friends and showing them the right way to succeed. Now with the leadership of national guard , i want to share my experince with even more people and i would be blessed to teach more people and help them to be experienced as well. Morover , i have been holding the deputy position at gangs like ballas , families , vagos so i know how exactly the gangs plan the store robberies/globals/and most importantly the fz raids . So i think if i will get the chance to lead the organisation , i will guide my companions in the organisation about how to succeed in the raid of the gang and protect our city from the terror of gangs.

2-"National Guard" Has always been the most prestigious jobs ever meant to be , a soldier has the topmost respect in everyones eyes,but still i feel like somewhere the power of NG is underestimated due to lack of proper management and lack of proper orders/regulations . Therefore if i get the golden chance to get the leadership of the organisation , i will give my 101% to make ng recognised as it should be and also will take care of the enforcement of all the laws and proper management with the organisation so that it becomes the best organisation of the city in my term.

3-"Army" Is Signified as the best security for any possible situation , therefore , if i will be selected as the leader of the organisation , i will make proper departments like military police , quick response team , air force etc . Also i will make sure to get properly every guard trained according to his department so that he can excel in his department , therefore , i will make sure that our army is ready with specially trained agents to tackle every situation with full efficiency and protect the city . I also have an experience that ng lacks the gate keeping thing and many tresspassers easily enter the base . Therefore , in my leadership , i will give a priortity to gate keeping as well and make sure that every deserving soldier gets the required bonus and special rewards for his hardwork towards the city.

My Advices To Improve RolePlay :

-For improving the roleplay,i will first of all choose the most capable head of all the departments , for this i will not do a random selection , instead , i will keep a proper test system to see which soldier is how much capable for the particular division and therefore choose wisely the head.

-I will make sure every hardworking soldier gets special bonuses as well along with the paycheck , so that they feel involved and appriciated for their hardwork. I will keep a specific and special bonus system for every event,task of every department and make sure everyone is happy with what they get in return of their service for the city.

-I will make a very keen and careful selection of my deputies , so that even if i remain absent due to some OOC work for some days , they take over the NG management with full assurance .

-At last , i would never treat any of the soldier as if i am their leader , will always remain like their friend and always listen to their problems and take it as my first priority. I will always try to keep them happy in my term .

I hope my application will be accepted , i will be highly obliged.

Regards, Krish BlackSquad (70540).
Deputy Chief Of Police.

Lisa Flx

Ex-Leader Of Bloods
Oct 25, 2022
Ayush Agarwal
2. 17
3. GMT +5:30 ( IST )
4. 5 to 6 hours and 8 to 10 hours on weekends
6. Eagle Cash
7. 46522

Additional information
1. Leader of....


2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1- Experience Side -
I Have Been In National Guard For More Than 4 Months Now I Have Been On Every Rank Starting From Private To COS I have leaded small teams , ammo runs and now I want to lead a big team I Have Spent A Lot Of Time in National Guard I Have Been A Part Of all Departments In National Guard and I Was A Head of MP ( Military Police ) and IA ( Internal Affairs ).

2- Some Changes - NG Currently Is Doing very good and in a good position. I would like to make some changes which will be under my leadership. Like daily Recruitment daily trainings on base MP doing license checks , background check 2 times a week in base this will help in maintaining discipline among soldiers.

3- New Policies - If I became leader of National guard I will be implementing many new policies the Policies are written down below:-

New Policies are as follows :-

1-Respect Policy -
Everyone in NG no matter what rank they have, high ranking officer can't disrespect a lower ranking officer and cant abuse his power of rank, In my career of NG I saw many HC's didn't gave respect to other units.

2-Policy for joining NG - If someone wants to join NG they have to agree on a contract to join NG if they deny to accept the contract they can't join NG

3-Ranking Policy - I am going to give those people ranks who are doing well and have enough experience for that rank and after they got the rank and they are not doing well they will be removed from that rank.

3. Your advices for improving Role Play level in organization.

- Firstly I will focus on getting as much numbers as possible since NG is Army and more numbers means more working people in the ORG specially I will focus on bringing old NG officers Back because I will need experienced people in the ORG.

-Everyone in NG have to be on duty everyday for At least 1 hour.

- I would be making sure that I am giving fair promotions to all NG officers and they can always come to me and talk to me if they think they deserve more.

-I have noticed that our biggest weakness is not giving enough attention to new peoples. I will be giving attention to new peoples because if they don't get it, they will leave for better opportunities and we need those people.

These are going to be my Departments :-

- Human Resources ( FTO )

Human Resources is like a FTO only the name is going to change their work is to train new people take interviews and check applications!

- Military Police
This is the most important division in NG. The Military Police is an invitation only division and only the best and the most trusted people can only join this division because their work is to give out strike check people background and maintain Discipline among NG soldiers and also they have to take a 10-15 to DOC by reading their Miiranda rights and hand them over to FIB/SAHP/LSPD so they can process them!

- Air Force
This is a special division made up of the best pilots. Their main work is to patrol/scout around the Military Base and alert the other units for a possible raid or any danger they have to report to other fellow units Immediately!

- Combat Medics
Combat medic work is to provide health (HP) Whenever their fellow soldier's need (HP) they have to provide the soldier's medicines med kits and keep the soldier's healthy!

- US Marshals
This is a department filled with sharp shooters , brave soldiers of NG. They will take part in most of the 10-10 situations , hostage situation , ghetto patrol , ammo runs . subs and this department is the one who is going to lead Ghetto Patrol from NG side!

-Punishment System

1st Strike- Nothing ( Verbal Warn )
2nd Strike - Demotion
3rd strike - Blacklist/Suspension for 24 to 48 based on the situation

-Bonus System
Gate Keeping -6k ( Per Hour )
Raid - 8k ( Per Raid )
Bank Robbery -10k
Store Robbery -10k
Ammo Run - 5k ( Per Truck Delivered )
Aircraft Carrier -9k
Soldier of the week - 40k
Any other Event - 8k

-Ranking System
30-General ( Myself )

29-Lt.General ( Deputy )

28- Chief of Staff ( Curator/Upper Head of all divisions )

27- Colonel ( Head of Departments )

26-Major ( Deputy Head of Departments )


24-First Lieutenant
====== High Command ====== 👆

====== National Guards ======👇
23-Second Lieutenant

22-Chief Warrant Officer

21-Warrant Officer

20-Command Sergeant Major

19-Sergeant Major

18-Master Sergeant

17-Gunnery Sergeant

16-Staff Sergeant

15-Sergeant V

14-Sergeant IV

13-Sergeant III

12-Sergeant II

11-Sergeant I


9-Corporal First Class


7-Gate Keeper

6-Private First Class





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isssac navoski

Feb 24, 2023
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
2 hours
Issac navoski
I have been playing innocent grand roleplay for a really long time and i have decided to apply to be national guard to not let criminals with guns kill innocent people and go in gangs so i want to stop that with my national guard team.

Famiglia di Nemici

Jun 14, 2021
1. Your name IRL Kaiden
2. Your age 18
3. Time zone PST
4. Average online per day 7-8 hours weekdays 12-14 hours weekends
5. Your Discord Lil/Yactyy#7784
6. Your Nickname Dave Winters
7. Your ID 3099
Additional information
1. Leader of NG
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
2.1 Leadership: There's been some amazing leadership for the first term to this last one but i think i can go above and beyond and be the best leader NG has ever seen i know who i want for certain positions already i have everything mapped out.
2.2 Family: this last term made me realize so much NG needs better leadership someone who will step up to the plate when needed someone who can get along with other leaders and not fight with them.
2.3 Discipline: I plan on implementing a lot of discipline but i also want people to be able to have fun while be smart about it i don't want people breaking rules and getting kicked out of the org for stupid reasons.
3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.
3.1 Structure: I'm going to implement enough structure and discipline to where people know how to have fun while not breaking the rules.
3.2 Ranks: I'm going to give people ranks/roles based on experience if they deserve it and if they can show me there fit for that role/rank.
3.3 Corruption: ive seen plenty of corruption in NG last term i had a bad experience with corruption so i plan of trying to limit is a much as possible.
3.4 I want this next term to have the best roleplay experience while still having structure.

30 General of NG [Myself]
29 General [Deputy]
28 LT General [3rd Command]
27 Brigadier General [4th Command]
26 Chief of Staff [5th Command]
25 Colonel [6th Command]
24 LT Colonel [7th Command]
23 Major [8th Command]
22 First Lieutenant [9th Command]
----------High Command---------
21 Chief of Operations
20 Chief of Commands
----------Junior commissioned officers---------
19 Sergent Major of NG
18 Command Sergent Major
17 Sergent Major
16 First Sergent
15 Master Sergent
14 Field Operative Sergent
13 Sergent First Class
12 Staff Sergent
11 Sergent
10 Medic
--------NCO's [Non-Commissioned officers] -------
9 Corporal
8 Specialist
7 Private First Class
6 Private
5 Infantry Trainee
4 Medic Trainee
3 Trainee
2 Recruit
1 Suspended

The Punishment system will be
Strike 1 warning
Strike 2 Demotion
Strike 3 Honorary Discharge from the ORG

There will be rewards for Certain jobs like gate watch the bonuses will be decided by the amount of work put into their job.
The different Divisions with be Air force, Army, Marines, FTO, Navy Seals, Combat Medics

Air Force: The Airforce will be the division that does recon by flight they will get intel by using planes, drones Etc.

Army: The army will be the division that takes control of Areas of the marines clear everything out they basically hold down positions.

Marines: The marines are front line they are the first one to push every fight they are highly skilled in marksman and very skilled in be able to communicate during situations.

FTO: The FTO division will train all the new recruits basically the heart of NG they will lead training simulations and seminars.

Navy Seals: The Navy Seals will be the elite of the elite best the best only highly skilled marksman and highly trusted sharpshooters will be a part of the Navy Seals What the navy seals will do it highly secret only the Leader and Deputy will know about the operations apart from the Head of the Navy Seals.

Combat Medics: The combat medics are the people that go in and heal and or provide medical attention to fallen soldiers they will be highly trained and highly intelligent.

I wish NG the best for whoever becomes General.

Regards Ex HOD of Patrol LSPD, Ex HOD of SWAT LSPD, Ex Deputy Chief of SWAT SAHP, Ex 3rd Command bloods, Ex 4th Command LSPD Ex HOD of Detectives LSPD
Thank you for your time reading my application!

Avinash Reddie

Jul 19, 2022

1. Avinash Reddy

2. 24

3. GMT+ 5:30

4. 5-8 hours

5. Avinash Mcc #9898

6. Ria Reddie

7. 46221

Additional information

1. Leader of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

NG Leadership Quality ==

I want to lead this organization since I've been in the NG for about three to four weeks, I've learned a lot from the deputy, I know virtually everything, and I have some excellent in-game teachers who want to guide me and elevate me to the rank of better general.

I am already familiar with everyone at NG SS LSPD SAHP.

Everyone would be content with me as the new General, in my opinion.

I also have several suggestions for how to enhance the NG with trainings and scenarios that encourage more RP.

I want to lead this organization because I've worked in the NG for about three to four weeks, I've learned a lot from the deputy, and I know virtually everything there is to know.

No favoritism (Everyone are equal in NG) ==

Even if executives put in a lot of effort on behalf of the organization, favoritism is quite dangerous for the workers.

Compared to other members of the organization, the leader may readily promote their friends and relatives.

Making decisions in a stressful circumstance ==

The national guard is sometimes tasked with dangerous missions.

In that situation, the leader must make a choice carefully because even one slip-up could endanger the lives of a soldier and other law enforcement personnel.

According to me, I am capable of making decisions that will enable the organization to exit that situation without suffering any harm.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

When more and more org members become aware of all the server rules, the organization's degree of roleplay will only rise.

To do this, I intend to randomly administer trainings, tests, etc. to make sure every NG member is well-versed in the server rules.

As a leader, it will be my duty to make sure that no one consistently breaks the regulations.

Those who disregard the regulations will be subject to harsh punishment.

Also, there would be weekly promotion ceremonies where the most dedicated and effective members would be offered promotions and the best performer of the week would also receive a bonus.

Each promotion should be carefully considered and implemented.

NG ON TOP !!!!!

Satish Royal

Server Administrator
Server Administrator
Oct 28, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Information :
1. Your name IRL : Satish .ch
2. Your age :26
3. Time zone : GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day : 4 to 9 hours per Day
5. Your Discord : Satish#7807
6. Your Nickname : Satish
7. Your ID : 75647
Additional information

1. Leader of National Guard.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1.To Bring structure order to Org.
2. To make the org a more exiting place to work .
3. Work closely with all the legal Orgs.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. | like i have many new ideas and new thing / updates to ng (its not just text if i accepted to the interview ill say some) and ill start doing it according to Real army system
I will be making a lot of devistions on NG Such as, and i will get them to work all the time.
Recruitment Representative
Military Police
Air Force
internal affairs
Combat Medics
3. I can orginazie everything in NG i will make a gate keeping system where if you stay at gate you get a reward and for each devistion i will make a reward system if you complete this Tasks you get money by leader or deputy's

4. National Guard doesnt have real duty exept ammoruns , for that ill do my best to bring new duty for national guard but contact high admins and ng curators, such as doing millitary patrols in sandy and also paleto bay by help of SAHP ofc.

5. I will let national guard ready for any duty and any speical opration.

6.according to member count in this city its not hard to get many units so as i did in past and get more then 35 units without mass recruitment ill do my bestto let national guard have more then 70 units

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. | i'll bring new laws and rules to let every single thing rp (according to Real National Guard)
2. ill Stay in touch with state org to support them if needed, and send unites if they need.
3. as i said above ill bring many divisions as HR, IA, MP , more and more
4. Im thinking about taking the NG tunnel border so military police can check people if they are wanted or not.

Ranking System
===== High Command =======
First Lieutenant
Second Lieutenant
Chief Warrant Officer
Warrant Officer
Sergeant Major
First Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Sergeant First Class
Gunnery Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Sergeant 1-3
Private First Class
Private 1-3
Recruit 1-3
Under training

Sorry for my bad grammar, Thanks for reviewing my application.

Vansh Kumar

Curator Of NG, Curator of Unoff-Org
Server Administrator
Jun 10, 2022
Applications for NG Leader are now CLOSED

The following players are selected for the NG Leader Interviews at 17:00 Server Time (07/03/2023)

Atalay#2547 - Diamond Jozu - 71163
Sondre livgard # 3554 - Cole blackstone - 46559
Krish Geek#0001 - Krish BlackSquad - 70540
Avinash Mcc #9898 - Ria Reddie - 46221

Manas Badmash

1. Manas Satya
2. 17
3. IST/GMT+5.30
4. 8 Hours
5. Manas#6969
6. Manas Badmash
7. 3318

Additional Information

1. Leader of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

i. I want to be leader of national guard as i want to stop the Store robberies and crime in the city and make sure that no one tries to enter the fort Zancudo and Steal the ammunation . Will make a strict Strike system and make sure that National Guard is corruption free and no one is there who sell our secret information to anyone .

ii. I would represent the better image of National Guard and will increase the national guard roleplay experience and re-improve it's Radio Codes , Code of Conduct and System of Events.
A new bonus system would be issued that is the following :-
Gate Keeping - 10k Per hour
Person Trained - 10k Per person
Ammo Run - 5k Per Person
Military base Robbery -
Lose - 5k Per Raid
Won - 10k Per Raid
Store Robbery - 8k Per robbery
Escorting to DOC - 5k per person (Safely)
Ghetto Patrol - 10k per patrol
Sandy Shores Patrol - 10k per patrol

(These Bonus System will fluctuate according to the need)
iii. I would Make the Uniform System to be Strict and make the radio system good so that no one does OOC things there and shout , will make the radio system professional. The High command and rank system would be maintained in a Good manner . National Guards would be having professionalism , proper Attiquates and Well Mannered . Will be only issuing higher Ranks to those Who are capable of it .

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Will Divide National Guard into different departments
1. Air Force (AF) - This Department would be giving support to National Guard from the Air and will be heavily trained to drive Air Transport Fastly and Professionaly . They would be trained in different Phases So they can control it in any situation and give the best air support to all organizations.
2. Human Resource and Training (HRT) - This Department would be keeping the Track of Arms and ammunations of all organizations and check that How much Arms and ammunation we are supplying to them to make sure that no organization is stealing. This department would also be Recruiting and Training the person. This department would be keeping a truck full of Medics, Repair Kits and Fuel Canisters . They would Keep The track of all illegal Items that are found and confiscated from the person.
3. Internal Affairs (IA) - This Department would keep the check of the recent Patrols and make the proper Weekly Schedule. They Would be issuing Strikes to the Person who is not following rules , unprofessional and doing things without High Command Permission etc.
4. Special Operation Force (SOF) - This Team would be heavily Trained and would be taking over all the special operation including patrols would have a Proper Sniper Team and Would be taking over the Special operations in Store robberies and Hostage Situations . They would be given Training for Every thing .
5. Military Police (MP) - These Will be protecting the base taking the frontier in Every Event and would be doing negotiations in Hostage Situations as well as Store Robberies and in military base robbery they would be fully covering alarms and generators and cover The Gates

This would be the rank System of the organization when I would be leading :-
30. General ( The Main Leader of the organization - Myself )

29. Lt. General ( Deputy )
28. Chief of staff ( This Would be the taking over the Charges and would be keeping the track of all departments )
27. Colonel ( These would be the Head of Departments )
26. Major
25. Captain
High commands
National Guards 👇

24. First lieutenant
23. Second lieutenant
22. Chief Warrant Officer
21. Warrant Officer
20. Gunnery Sergeant
19. Sergeant
18. Major Specialist
17. Master Specialist
16. Senior Specialist
15. Junior Specialist
14. Specialist
13. Major Corporal
12. Master Corporal
11. Senior Corporal
10. Junior Corporal
9. Corporal
8. Major Private
7. Master Private
6. Senior Private
5. Junior Private
4. Private
3. Trainee
2. On Leave / Loa
1. Suspended

All The Decisions Would be Taken by the High Commands, They would be having power to do everything.
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Lord Tzariar

En2: Leader, Tzariar Family
Leader of unofficial org
Aug 24, 2022

2. Your age IRL: 26


4. Average online per day: 6-8 Hours

5.. Your Discord : Tzariarofficial#5449

6. Your Nickname : LORD TZARIAR

7. Your ID : 54254

Additional information

1. Leader of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I would like to lead National Guard for this reasons

#1 In English server #2 , I was Chief of Staff ( Under Deputy) and Head of the Department Special Operation Forces (SOF) in Army National Guard. I served in the NG for nearly 4 terms. I learned a lot of things. I saw disappointment among NG officers about their paycheck after long gate keeping and also saw them getting bored to do gatekeeping. As a result I saw NG gates being vulnerable to gang threats. My duty as NG Leader is to fix all these problems and let NG units have best RP game play.

#2 I have many new ideas and new thing / updates to NG ( Its not just text if I accepted to the interview ill say some) and I'll start doing it according to Real army system.

#3 To lead one of states org you have to do everything fair and seriously and ill try me best to lets our units have fair , serious and funny RP game play with new events , rules , ng laws and new divisions.

3. Your advices for improving Role Play level in organization:

My advice's for improving Roleplay level in organization

#1 I'll bring new laws and rules to let every single thing RP (according to Real National Guard)
I will give the NG officers proper bonus for gate keeping and other works.

-Bonus System

Gate Keeping -6k ( Per Hour )
Raid - 8k ( Per Raid )
Bank Robbery -8k
Store Robbery -8k
Ammo Run - 5k ( Per Truck Delivered )
Aircraft Carrier -8k
Any other Event - 8k
Good Training(ISSB)- 20k

#2 The Punishment system will be
Strike 1 warning
Strike 2 Demotion
Strike 3 Honorary Discharge from the ORG

#3 As I said above I will bring following divisions:

Military Police: The division that takes control of Areas of NG base. tow unwanted vehicles and will do the work of handover the 10-15 to DOC.

Special Security Forces ( SSF): The front liner, they are the first one to push every fight they are highly skilled in marksman and very skilled in be able to communicate during situations. They generally accompany the NG leader on missions outside base.

Air Force: The division that does recon by flight they will get intel by using planes, drones Etc.

Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) [ Consists of NG and other LEO ]: the elite of the elite best the best only highly skilled marksman and highly trusted sharpshooters. Gather Intel and do covert operations approved by leader.

Inter Service Selection Board (ISSB): Train all the new recruits basically the heart of NG they will lead training simulations and seminars.

Directorate General of Forces Intelligence(DGFI): Fight against internal corruption of NG and weekly background and license check of officers.

Medical Core: The Medical Core are the people that go in and heal and or provide medical attention to fallen soldiers they will be highly trained and highly intelligent.

in the last the only thing I want is let National Guard strongest org because national guard must be always ready , always there in sky on water , on ground every time ready!

New ranking system:

1. Suspended

2. Recruit

3. Soldier

4. Specialist

5. Lance Corporal

6. Corporal

7. Sergeant 1

8. Sergeant 2

9. Sergeant 3

10. Staff Sergeant

--------NCO's [Non-Commissioned officers] -------

11. Field Officer 1

12. Field Officer 2

13. Senior Sergeant

14. Master Sergeant

15. Warrant officer 1

16. Warrant officer 2

----------Junior commissioned officers---------

17. Senior Warrant officer

18. Master Warrant Officer

19. Chief Warrant Officer

20. 2nd Lieutenant

21 1st Lieutenant

22. Captain

----------High Command---------

23 . Major

24. Lieutenant Colonel

25. Colonel [ Head of the Dept ]

26. Chief of Staff [ Curator of Dept ]

27. Brigadier General

28. Major General [ Under deputy / 3rd Command]

29. Lieutenant General [Deputy]

30. General [Myself]

Long Live NG !!!!!!!

-Lord Tzariar

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Satish Royal

Server Administrator
Server Administrator
Oct 28, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. Your name IRL : Satish.ch
2. Your age : 26
3. Time zone : (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day : 8+
5. Your Discord : Satish Kumar#7807
6. Your Nickname : Satish
7. Your ID :75647

Additional information :

1. Leader of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. To Make the NG active as possible and train soliders how to fight battles and long time and how to shooting and aiming and how to form formations to fight bigger group of armed criminal and train soliders how to survie longer in kill on sight battles

2. As General i spend over 1700 hr in state orgnizations such as NG,FIB,LSPD and SAHP as a high command i have the experince to mange the national guard and make sure to offer good bonuses for solider's that will work hard and make the orginzation active and ready to make the orginzation a bettr place to come
3. To make the org a more exiting place to work

4. Work closely with all the legal orgs.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I will introduce new divisions so that every solider has their own purpose and they can fulfill there own duty extermelywell

I will ensure that every solider is being professional while on duty and being respectful to everyone
I will have promotion ceremonies to make sure every solider get praised when they deserve it.

I will add the following divisions -

1.Human Resources

2.militay police

3. S.O.F[Special Operation Force]

4. Combate Medics

5. Air Force

1.Human Resources :
This department would take charge of training and interviewing new recruits they must train people properly and prepare them for NG they would also review applications and take a decision about accepted or rejected

2.Military police : This is the most important division in NG. the Military police is an invitation only division and only the best and the most trusted people can only join this division because their work is to give out strike check people background, licence check and maintain discipline among NG soliders and also they have to take 10-15 to DOC by reading Miiranda rights and hand them over to FIB/SAHP/LSPD so they can process them !

3.S.O.F[Special Operation Force] : This is division of highly skilled soliders with the best tactical ability, gun skills and situational skills they will host events such as ammo runs and ghetto patrols and attend global at the adive of the Air fo

4. Combate Medics : Combat medic work is to provide healyh (HP) they have to provide the solider's medicines med kits and keep the solider's healthy.

5.Air Force : Air force is the department that transporting our units to globals,as well as they patroll over the base. making sure dont have 10-14s in thew base. air force will be improved with having always ready choppers and ready to their jod ."transporting our units"

Ranking Structure :-

====General Officers====

30) General
29) Lt. General
28) Major General
27) Brigadier General
=== Commissioned Officers ===
26) Colonel
25) Lt. Colonel
24) Major
23) Captain
=== Non-Commissioned Officers ===
22) First Lieutenant
21) 2nd Lieutenant
20) Chief Warrant Officer
19) Warrant Officer
18) Marshal
17) Master Sergeant
16) Command Sergeant
15) Platoon Sergeant
14) Sergeants First Class
=== Regulars ===
13) Staff sergeant
12) Sergeant
11) Gunnery
10) Specialists
9) Master Corporal
8) Lance Corporal
7)Corporal 1st class
6) Corporal
5) Private 1st Class
4) Private II
3) Private
2) Recruits
1) Suspended

Requirements :

- 5+ years in the city
- Fluent in English and mic quality
- Must have a clean criminal record
- No Face or Hand Tattoos
Benefits For Joining :

+ Bonuses for gatekeeping, attending events and helping in ammo runs up to $100.000 per day!
+ Free gas for soldiers
+ Pleasant Working Environment


Zoe Blackstone

Leader of Creed family
Mar 3, 2023
1. Your name IRL
Sondre Livgard
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
3-9 hours
5. Your Discord
Cole Blackstone#3554
6. Your Nickname
Cole White
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. i want to be leader of NG because i love how they work, they are perfect for me and make me happy.

2. While I have been in the National Guard I have learned a lot, made good friends and had fun. this was the basis for me, I want to try to be a leader, learn from mistakes to lead the national guard to the top where it should be, to show the country who is the best.

3. I want to become a leader, get things in order, make NG a success. Together with my soldiers, make the world and social communication better. as I know having fun being focused is important. With my previous experience as a debutant in several terms, I know that it is possible, it just takes a little time and patience.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I will make the roleplay better by making the training better for all soldiers. With a good team and good soldiers, it won't take that long. Ng is not recruiting Soldiers they are making them!
4. My departements
SAS is a special force within the military system, they must always be ready to go out on missions with other Leos. they must always be in top form within rules and discipline. if i get the leadership i will train the sas soldiers better and make sure they always know what they are doing.

infantry are the ones who recruit new soldiers, and train them to be professional and disciplined. if I get the leadership I will make sure I get top quality training.

Military Police:
Military police are the ones who look after all soldiers, make sure they don't carry or own any illegal objects. provided that they are well versed in the rules. if I get the leadership I will increase the capacity with soldiers, within the military police to ensure that all corrupt soldiers are taken.

airforce are highly trained pilots with good reflexes. they are the ones who transport soldiers to missions as well as with globals, they fly around the base after intruders and gangs. if I get the leadership I will make sure that we always have free polos ready for battle.

J.a.g are lawyers within the military, they ensure that all soldiers receive a fair punishment for what they have done. and that they know all the rules perfectly. if I get the leadership I must make sure that J.a.g's soldiers are always available.

Combat Medic:
combat medics are the soldiers who make sure that everyone is healthy and ready for battle. they make sure hostages have no injuries or illnesses. as well as making sure that everyone has active health insurance. if I get the leadership I will ensure better and healthier soldiers.
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Tabrej Federal

Ex-Governor Aka Ex-General
Aug 17, 2022

My Name IRL : Tabrej
My Age:18
Time Zone -GMT +5:30
Average Online Per Day : 4-6 Hours
My Discord - Tabrej#0523
My Nickname- Tabrej Carter
My ID-51746

Leader of National Guard

1.Why do you want to be a leader of National Guard?

I)-I was High command and deputy of National Guard, so I know How things work over here. I have full knowledge of Leading NG, i have already worked with many successful leaders who have completed her term very goodly. if i get a chance to be a NG leader i am sure i can proof that I can be good and successful NG leader.

II)-I am professional in every work, and I am one of the best negotiators of my NG term and i know How to take or accept any legal org ammo run request and how to manage the Whole NG. I am active and creative. Also, I have plans for so many Global(IC) Calls .

III) I will have the support of other legal org member and some leader who will help me to run my org. Also, I got supportive families and friends to get numbers in my org. I will have high commands from every time zone to Manage the org. I will have my special department patrolling the area of FZ. I will respond to all departments from other legal orgs. If I get leadership, I can confirm I will be able to stop every raid for my strategy and IQ.

2). My advice for improving Roleplay level in the National Guard

-As we know the NG is Army so first of all, I will try to have numbers in my org. after getting good number soldier i already have good FTO team, that's why I can get many Good Solider for Maintain The NG.
-I will host open recruitment every day to get members into my Org.
-I will not delay any ammo runs.
-I will have my high command guiding my soldiers 24/7.
-I will bring back the old free gun license, driving license, and air transport license feature Also I will make changes in my department:

Air force: this is the force some of in best pilots of the city. The main job of the air force is to scout around their base and look for possible attacks by gang members.

Military police: which is the most important division in the national guard. The Military Police is an invitation only division and only the best and the most trusted people from the org will be in it. Their job is to make sure all the units are following the state rules and no one is doing any illegal activity. And there is a lot of action in the division. Also This department will process 10-15s to DOC by reading Marinda rules and will hand over them to FIB/SAHP/LSPD.

Human Resource(FTO): The FTO department is the second most important divisions in the national guard their job is to get new employees to the org and they have a lot to do such as doing Interviews and training to the new units.

Medical Team: I will also have a department named Medical Team ( Rescue Medics Team ) There main work will be to provide medical attention to soldier and rescue hostage while hostage situation. They will be a kind of medic but in NG.

SOF : This will be the group of most sharp shooter and brave soldiers of NG. They will take part in most of the 10-10 and shooting situations. They will guide CRM department that what they should do while hostage situation. This department will take part in negotiation from the side of NG. This department will lead ghetto patrol from NG side also this department will protect soldiers while ammo run mostly.

The seals: These will be the most master mind and classified soldiers of NG. I will only get 5 people in this department with special badge number who will be super classified and active. They will mainly focus on the protection of the General and other org leaders.

Ranking System:


29-Lt. General

28- Chief of staff

27- Colonel



24-First Lieutenant

23-Second Lieutenant --------------------------------------- High command line

22-Chief Warrant Officer

21-Warrant Officer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Junior commissioned officers

20- Sergeant Major

19-First Sergeant

18-Master Sergeant

17- Sergeant First Class

16-Gunnery Sergeant

15-Staff Sergeant

14-Sergeant V

13-Sergeant IV

12-Sergeant III

11-Sergeant II

10-Sergeant I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Non commissioned officer



7-Private First Class


5- Junior Private





Bonus System ---

My Bonus system:
Gate Keeping :- 8k per hour
Per Raid :- 10k
Bank Robbery :- 10k
Store Robbery :- 10k
Ammo will be Per truck delivered:- 5k
Aircraft Carrier :7k
Soldier of the week - 30k
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Alan Zelensky

Feb 9, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Avi
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 8-10 Hours
5. Your Discord: INTRO GAMER#9785
6. Your Nickname: Alan Zelensky
7. Your ID: 93571
Additional information
1. Leader of...
Ans - National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
Ans - I have been experiencing things as a LEO and I have been in vagos at the start of my rp life. I know how to manage people and things to make an organization work efficiently whether it's legal or illegal. During my 3 terms in LSPD as HC, I saw many legal things and the way they work and illegal things too. So, I think that my these 2 experiences will help me a lot to become the leader of NG and personally I want to provide the best backup of los santos and for this not only me but all NG officers will do hardwork as much as we can and want to make sure that the NG always complete their tasks which they committed. I want to implement my skills developed so far in the leadership of NG. I want to become the leader of NG because I want to make NG available at any time for the whole los santos and I want to make NG strong enough to kill the criminals trespassing in FZ raid. It's always been in a mindset of many people that gang members win in a FZ raid but I will prove this wrong if I become the leader and will train every NG officers to be professional according to their status with the help of my departments.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Ans - (i) I won't promote any favoritism in the org because I have seen that most of the people give their friends and family members some of the best ranks in the org and this is very harmful for the org as in this hardworking org members are being ignored and some of them would leave and this will cause a loss of hardworking members in the org.
(ii) I will make 5 departments in NG to make it work efficiently. If I become the leader my 5 departments will be:

S.A.S.S. - S.A.S.S. stands for Skilled And Special Soldiers and this department will have skilled officers who can handle any weapon if it's necessary and know every tactics to handle any situation like FZ raid. It will provide instant backup and will try to save hostages by giving their best and using weapons and tactics.

Air Force - This is the best unit in my opinion because it will track every suspicious activity near FZ and will be reporting to GENERAL or other HC available at that time such that perfect decision can be taken before something happens like FZ robbery. Basically this is also the flying unit of NG.

Combat Medic - Combat Medic is a department which will contain skilled soldiers who can provide medical backup to our soldiers during war or 10-10 in IC language. They will make sure that every soldier is going with full health and will make sure to maintain the full health until the end of the day.

H.R./F.T.O. - H.R. stands for Human Resources and F.T.O. stands for Field Training Officers. Basically this unit will be recruiting the deserving citizens into NG and will provide them training such that our soldiers can perform every task with perfection. The chief of FTO will be a highly experienced person who can handle his division in a way that everyone wants to join F.T.O. to help the new people to join NG and serve the nation for the sake of citizens.

Military Police - It is the most prominent department in my views because it will work similarly as IA and will check for suspicious activities in the org and inform GENERAL. It will give strikes to the soldiers who committed something wrong which can be harmful to the org. It will make sure that everyone is following the chain of command and will try to put the suspects into courts and can give to LSPD/SAHP/FIB to process a 10-15 as soon as possible. It will try to find corrupted soldiers.

(iii) I will implement my ranking system, bonus system and strike system in a very efficient manner such that everyone who commits something wrong will get a lesson, with my bonus system I will reward soldiers who are deserving such that they will get motivated and NG gets more hardworking people, also the hardworking people will make them more better than before and with my ranking system, everyone can understand the actual importance of specific ranks (e.g. HCs ranks).

(iv) I will have promotion ceremonies too to feel the deserving soldiers motivated and because of this other soldiers who wanted to be a part of promotion ceremony will do hardwork to get himself a deserving rank and in this way, everyone will be happy and NG will be having hardworking soldiers due to which we can perform any of our tasks efficiently.

(v) I will be having meetings with FIB director, LSPD chief of police, GOV governor and SAHP sheriff to let them know me and let me know them and this will help us get a better interaction between all legal orgs. We will be also discussing about upcoming events and some of the solutions of some problems. I will be doing meeting with my deputies such that they both can perform works too if I am not present due to some OOC work. My deputies will be having the knowledge of meetings and upcoming/current on going events because this will help NG to be present all the times. Atleast when I am not present, I will appoint my deputies such that they can be available at different timezones, completing 24 hours.

I'll be highly obliged to everyone who helped me if my application gets selected for interview.

Thanking You All
Yours Faithfully
Alan Zelensky (HOD of IA)
Last edited:

Malik Rich

Feb 28, 2023
1. Your name IRL:
Malik Nouman
2. Your age: 20
3. Time zone: UTC+5
4. Average online per day: 8 Hours
5. Your Discord: axelu66#4920
6. Your Nickname: Malik Rose
7. Your ID: 80154
Additional information
1. Leader of...
Leader of the National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
Answer: 1)
I want to become the leader of NG because I have a good past experience in NG I was a Major General in the previous term in NG and I learned a lot of good and bad things in NG if I become the leader of NG I will try to fix all the problem of NG
2) NG is one of the most important departments to protect the city and help other departments like LSPD, FIB & SAHP by providing backup. I have been in NG for 2 Terms serving the state and learning about the state myself and I think I am ready to become the leader of NG and bring some good changes.
3) I want to make sure that we always have as many people as possible to any event that we are needed at, I want to assure that whenever legal organizations need support we will be there to assist to the best of our ability.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in an organization.

Training everyone in the national guard about the use of PDA as many of the High Commands need that training also about a few things. Bodycam checks by Internal Affairs randomly to make sure everyone has their body cams on even if they are just doing gate duties (Last 5 minutes) and HC and Soldiers would have to focus on laws getting sanctioned by the government and check what’s going on in the city and in the county. Active use of radio and only important things to be transmitted through the radio while on raid hours.

NG people need to be encouraged to do things so I would implement a bonus scheme that is mainly aimed at the lower ranks like privates, and specialists,s, etc. where they will be rewarded for doing things
Each hour on gates 5k
Fail to stop a raid - 5k
The person interviewed - 5k
Events attended - 5k
Person Trained - 15k

Department Management System:

Air Force

This is an AirForce Department that is patrolling on Skye of NG and they also take a soldier to a Global

This is the Department of Special Officers only High skilled shooters or professional global training will join this department when they pass 2 phases of training then they are accepted in this department phase 1 shooting training and phase 2 global training.

Military Police
These would hand out strikes to officers who are doing something wrong and are also in control of the department strikes, they investigate corrupt soldiers and would build a case file against them, and they would work side by side with public relations when someone has put in a complaint about an NG soldier

Human Resources
This department would take charge of training and interviewing new recruits they must train people properly and prepare them for NG they would also review applications and take a decision about accepted or rejected

This is the department that makes sure the soldier follows the rules and laws and this department also handles the court of ng and gives equal rights to everyone.
Thank you

Combat Medic :
This is the Department of Medical this department make sure that all soldier is well and gives a pill to these soldiers who need pills they also make sure that the soldier at the gates is in full health and check in every 20 to 30 min to gatekeepers health

Rank Management System:

29-LT. General
28-Major General - Head of Department
27- Brigadier General – Deputy of Department
25- Lt. Colonel
24- Major
23 -Captain
22- Lieutenant
21-Second Lieutenant

====== High Command ======

20 -Command Sgt Major
19- Sergeant Major
18-First Sergeant
17-Master Sergeant II
16- Master Sergeant
15-Sergeant 1st Class
14-Sergeant III
13- Sergeant II
12- Sergeant
11- Corporal 1st Class
10-Corporal III
9-Corporal II
7-Specialist 1st Class
6 -Private 2
5 -Private 1
3 -Trainer 2
2-Trainer 1

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