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IMPORTANT Applications for National Guard

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EX. OG Ballas , Ex. OG Bunta
Apr 19, 2023
1. Your name IRL:- Samarth
2. Your IRL age:- 18
3. Time zone:-(GMT+5:30) India
4. Average online per day:- 3 to 4 hours
5. Your Discord:- sam_federal
6. Your Nickname:- james kepler
7. Your ID:- 77544
Additional information
1. Leader of...National Gaurd
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- 1. I have been experince in many legal org even I have been in NG by LT. colonal I have been trying to be the leader of the legal org.
- 2. I am working in legal org from past 6 years I like to do work of Legal orgs I have been protecting my city and my citizens.
- 3. I know the every corner of NG base I have been from davik's term If i got a chance to be the leader of NG i will make it the most active org and I will try to make the best term.
- 4. I have done many thing by being NG officer I have the skill to handle the term.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- I will introduce a good bonus system.
- I will develop good department
- There will be the training system
- The org will be more active

MY ranking system:-

(30) General
(29) LT General
(28) Assistant General
(27) COS
(26) Major general
(25) Brigaider general
(24) Colonel
(23) Major
(22) Captain
(21) Lieutenant
(20) Second Lieutenant
(19) Master Sergeant
(18) First Sergeant
(17) Staff Sergeant
(16) Sergeant
(15) Junior sergeant
(14) Master Corporal
(13) Senior Corporal
(12) Corporal
(11) Junior corporal
(10) Senior Soldier
(09) Soldier
(08) Specialist
(07) Private Second Class
(06) Private first class
(05) Private
(04) Trainiee 2
(03) Trainee
(02) LOA

(01) Suspended

My departments will be:-

SOF ( Special Operation Force) :- There work is do to do Special operations , they gave Protection to General, LT General of Army , when they are going to anywhere for there Official Work, they only have access to Armored Vehicle.

MP( Military Police) :- There work is to make sure that Soldiers are having Health insurance , gun license , Not carrying any Illegal item ( Like Drugs , illegal guns ) They check the logs of our officers.

HR :- There work is to Hire and Give training to Officers.

Airforce:- There work is to do Regular Air patrol.

Best Regard
james kepler



Deputy Of Tzariars
Aug 18, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Shohag
2. Your age IRL: 18
3. Time zone: BANGLADESH STANDARD TIME ( UTC/GMT +6 hours)
4. Average online per day: 7 Hours
5. Your Discord : shohag01
6. Your Nickname : Parisa Tzariar
7. Your ID : 112315

Additional information
1. Leader of National Guard (NG)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I would like to lead National Guard for this reasons:

(I) In English city 2, I was Assistant General in Army National Guard. I served in the NG for nearly 3 terms. In this term I learn lot of things and i have fully experienced these term. I saw NG gates being vulnerable to gang threats. Also, I saw that there's a lot of gaps between low rank to high rank officers. My duty as NG Leader is to fix all these problems and let NG units have best RP game play. I also have experience as DHOD in FIB, DOC WARDEN in GOV and in EMS as Jr. Doctor which is right now, in my twin I was HC in SAHP, DHOD in LSPD. I have become a Deputy of an active family, you can say I'm managing a family while experiencing Leo as HC I have a quite good management experience because of my management skill. I want to use these stills experience as a leader.

(II) I have many new ideas and new thing / updates to NG (It's not just text if I accepted to the interview I'll say some) and I'll start doing it according to Real army system. I will discuss them in the interview. (In short i can say that i will try my best with the experience i have acquired to make NG not only active but also largest number of soldiers)

(III) To lead one of states org you have to do everything fair and seriously and I'll try my best to lets our units have fair, serious and funny RP game play with new events, rules, NG laws and new divisions. NG has been regarded as one of the best orgs in the past, because of this, it will create a good impression about in the mindset of the citizen. My desire to govern National Guard is mostly motivated by my interest to participate in fantastic role-playing games, have fun following the rules with my friends, and expand our city's community.

3. Your advice for improving Role Play level in organization:
My advice's for improving Roleplay level in organization:

My advice for improving Roleplay level-

(I) Making the members skilled when they join. Hosting special training sessions.
(ii) Making plans before attending every event and discuss with high command.
(iii) Keep the org alive and protect the base.
(iv) Attend all events with other LEOs.
(v) give bonuses to everyone to be more active.
(vi) some secret tasks if they do properly, they will get bonuses for that

#Bonus System

Gate Keeping -10k (Per Hour)
FZ and Gang Raid - 10k (Per Raid)
Bank Robbery -10k
Store Robbery -15k
Ammo Run - 8k (Per Truck Delivered)
Aircraft Carrier -15k
Good Training (ISSB)- 20k
Officer of the week- 50k

#Punishment system:

Verbal 1 - warning
Strike 1 - Demotion
Strike 2 - Suspend + retrain
Strike 3 - Honorary Discharge from the ORG


Military Police: The division that takes control of Areas of NG base. tow unwanted vehicles and will do the work of handover the 10-15 to DOC. And Fight against internal corruption of NG and weekly background and license check of officers.

Air Force: One of the finest Division Of the NG, which does Air Patrol to gather intel around and outside the military base. They provide air support in special operations and transport soldiers to their designated area of operation

Rapid Action Battalion (RAB): The front liner, they are the first one to push every fight they are highly skilled in marksman and very skilled in be able to communicate during situations. They generally accompany the NG leader on missions outside base. Gather Intel and do covert operations approved by leader.

Inter Service Selection Board (ISSB): Train all the new recruits basically the heart of NG they will lead training simulations and seminars.

in the last the only thing I want is let National Guard strongest org because national guard must be always ready, always there in sky on water, on ground every time ready!

New ranking system:
1. Suspended
2. Trainee
3. Soldier
4. Specialist
5. Lance Corporal
6. Corporal
7. Sergeant 1
8. Sergeant 2
9. Sergeant 3
10. Staff Sergeant
--------NCO's [Non-Commissioned officers] -------
11. Field Officer 1
12. Field Officer 2
13. Senior Sergeant
14. Master Sergeant
15. Warrant officer 1
16. Warrant officer 2
----------Junior commissioned officers---------
17. Senior Warrant officer
18. Master Warrant Officer
19. Chief Warrant Officer
20. 2nd Lieutenant
21 1st Lieutenant
22. Captain
----------High Command---------
23 . Major
24. Lieutenant Colonel
25. Colonel [ Head of the Dept ]
26. Chief of Staff [ Curator of Dept ]
27. Judge Advocate General
28. Major General [ Under deputy / 3rd Command]
29. Lieutenant General [Deputy]
30. General [Myself]

Long Live NG !!!!!!!
Thanks for reading my application.

-Parisa Tzariar


May 9, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Krishna
2. Your IRL age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT+5:45
4. Average online per day: 6-7 Hr
5. Your Discord: lucas_shelby1
6. Your Nickname : Lucass Walker
7. Your ID: 151133

Additional information
1. Leader of National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1.I want to be the leader of this organization because i have lots of experience in state orgs i am currently deputy of SAHP and i can lead NG and make NG active and also NG is the backbone of every state organization. i am 100% confident that i will lead the NG and make it the best org in the city by doing RP in Most realistic and fun manner and i will make good releation between with every state organization.

2. I have experience in the National Guard and am familiar with how things operate. I can lead more easily because of this. I'll make sure to establish a good report with the military and get along with other organizations' leaders. There won't be any negative information conveyed to you on the National Guard's inactivity or conflicts with other groups. A team of Military Police will be assigned to monitor military behavior.

3.To make the National Guard work better I want to simplify things. I Will divide the work in four departments : Airforce, Special Forces, Military Police, and Infantry. The Airforce will fly around to keep an eye on things and help out the commandos and soldiers when needed. The Special Forces will be the top soldiers, led by experienced handlers who report directly to the General. The Military Police will make sure everything is fair and honest within the National Guard. And the Infantry led by someone who knows the National Guard well will take orders from the Lt. Generals and handle ground operations smoothly.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1.Organising Public Events hosted by NG.I Will improve the infantry department
2. Huge bonuses will be given to all the Hardworking soldiers 1. Having realistic ranks and deparments.
3. Having realistic ranks and deparments. Having clear radio comms and professional behaviour.


Verbal I
Strike I
Strike II
Strike III + Suspension

Ranking System
[30] General
[29]Lt. General
[28] Commanding General
[27] Major General
[26] Brigadier General
[25] Colonel
[24] Lieutenant Colonel
[23] Major
[22] Captain
[21] First Lieutenant
—---------------------- High Command ----------------------—
[20] Second Lieutenant
[19] Chief Warrant Officer
[18] Chief Warrant Officer 3
[17] Chief Warrant Officer 2
[16] Warrant Officer 1
[15] Command Sergeant major
[14] Sergeant Major
[13] First Sergeant
[12] Master Sergeant
[11] Sergeant First Class
[10] Staff Sergeant
[9] Sergeant
[8] Corporal
[7] Specialist
[6] Private First Class
[5] Private
[4] Recruit
[3] Trainee
[2] LOA
[1] Suspended

Best Regards,
Lucass Walker
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ahmad specter

Nov 1, 2023
1. Your Name IRL: Motasim
2. Your IRL Age: 16
3. Time Zone: GMT+ 5:30
4. Average online per day: 5-8 hours
5. Your Discord: jojo06326
6. Your Nickname: Lucifer Watson
7. Your ID: 122626

Additional Information

1. Leader of National Guard.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation).

1. I have been playing grand RP since 3 years in every city. I think so i have enough experience to take LeaderShip of National Guard and become General so i can solve internal problems of NG. I was in NG for like 2 terms and i see many RP mistakes if i become general i will be able to solve this RP mistakes by myself.

2. Over the radio military protocol will be followed meaning ranks and surnames will be used exclusively with "Sir or Ma'am." being used in one to one interactions with a superior with said superior addressing lower ranks as "Mister."

3.I want the NG to be a fun and engaging place to work. I plan to do this by organizing things like bonuses, events, and competitions. These activities will make work more exciting and help everyone feel like they're part of a team. I really care about making sure every person on the team feels appreciated and motivated. I want them to feel like they belong and are proud of the work they do.

4. To me, titles don't mean much. What's important is making sure everyone in the NG feels included and respected. I'm dedicated to making that happen. I want to create a place where everyone feels valued and encouraged to do their best. By working hard and caring about each other, we can make a supportive environment where everyone can do well and give their all

I feel i have skills to take Leader Ship of National Guard (NG)

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

1. First of all when i was in NG i see many Highcommands was doing favouritism and giving rank to thier friend who dont deserve that as a General i will firstly finish the favouritism from the orgnization.

I also want any member of the NG to feel confident enough to make a suggestion without it being ignored because of their rank or newness to Grand RP in general meaning any previous experience from outside of Grand they have will be taken into account rather than dismissed.

Furthermore I would like all members of the NG to feel confident enough to use said previous experience to assist other members thus showing their leadership abilities.

Lastly I want to fully establish the difference between Command level and High Command Level and as such I intend to use the following rank structure.

=====High Command=====
The rule creators and decision makers.

General - Rank 30 the one in overall command of the National Guard.

Lt. General - Rank 29 the second in overall command sharing the day to day running of the National Guard.

Major General - Rank 28 acting as the curators of the various departments while taking overall command when necessary.

Brigadier - Rank 27 acting as the main go between the Officers and High Command aswell as leading the National Guard when those above are not available

Field Commanders, Department Heads and Deputies.

26. Colonel

25. Lt. Colonel
24. Major
23. Captain
22. 1st Lieutenant

21. 2nd Lieutenant

=====Warrant Officers=====
Jacks of all trades and future Officers.

20. Chief Warrant Officer 5
19. Chief Warrant Officer 4
18. Chief Warrant Officer 3
17. Chief Warrant Officer 2
16. Warrant Officer 1

======Non-Commissioned Officers======
Trainers and support staff.

15. Command Sergeant Major
14. Sergeant Major
13. First Sergeant
12. Master Sergeant
11. Sergeant First Class
10. Staff Sergeant
9. Sergeant
8. Corporal
7. Lance Corporal

The Rank and File of the National Guard.

6. Specialist
5. Private First Class
4. Private

3. Recruit
2. LOA
1. Suspended

1- Special operations force ( SOF ) most brave soldiers they do gp to make sure everything is good in city or not they have to do participate in all fights
2- Military police ( MP ) Patrol the base with cars , car search , License check , pda check
3- Airforce divison ( AF ) quick response to events patrol the base by jetts plane heli
4- Human Resources ( HR ) to check logs recruit people and train them
5- 1st Armored division ( 1AD ) Control all armoured weaponized car trucks to protect the base in heavy gang activity or 10-10

Thank you in advance for taking the time to review my application.
Best Leader

Sunny Pluxury

Mar 13, 2024

1. Your name IRL : Sunny Dalal
2. Your age : 18
3. Time zone : GMT 5:30
4. Average online per day : 6 to 7 hours
5. Your Discord : sunnydalal
6. Your Nickname : Sunny Reactors | 139544
7. Your ID : 139544

Additional information

1. Leader of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1) I want to lead the National Guard because I am sure I can make a difference . when I was in National Guard I have seen many problems that I want to correct like Lack of poor communication Lack of Coordination and lack of seriousness among Solders. The affect come on National Guards and affect that how other organization looking on National Guard . If I be come the leader of National Guards then I will look at the training of all the solders. My goals are to bring professionalism and dedicated back to National Guards making sure that we are taken seriously and respected by everyone in our city.

2) My aim is to create a rewarding and fun experiences for those who wants to see the difficult life of solders . I fell Grateful to have a good team in my term . I will make sure that I can create or maintaining the grateful relationship with the team which I will get in my term. it is the crucial work for all of us to work together effectively and achieved our shared goals.

3) National Guards started my journey. My priority is to change all unnecessary stuff to necessary stuff. My aim will be to keep all departments contributing meaningfully to our progress.

3. Your advices for improving Role Play level in organization.

1) I want to Introduce some ranking system and from 1 to 30 so that it can be seen as a realistic and functional and some Strike system also some bonus system so that more people are going to attract towards ng so that more and more people attract towards ng.

2) I will make sure that all departments are doing there works and weakly task which are given by our lt General.

3) i will create 4 departments in that there will M.P, S.O.F, H.R.T, A.F .

4) M.P this department will work for going on duty means replacing one solders to another and there work is to call EMS staff for regular check up of the solders twice in a weak also this department will search people and cars for any illegal items so that the peace and strictness is maintained inside the base and the area which come under tha base.

5) S.O.F this department will work for special operations which are conducted in city and helping other Organization during they required Reinforcement in city

H.R.T this department will work for hiring staff in Organization and give training to new solders

7) A.F this department work is to use Aircraft which will provided by NG

8) Ranking System :-

30) General
29) LT. General
28) Chief of Staff
27) Base Commander
26) Colonel (HOD)
25) Major (DHOD)
24) Commander
23) Captain
22) Lt. Captain
21) Master Lieutenant
20) Senior Lieutenant
19) Lieutenant
18) Chief Warrant Officer
17) Warrant Officer
16) Master Sergeant
15) Senior Sergeant
14) Sergeant First Class
12) Gunnery Sergeant
11) Staff Sergeant
10) Sergeant III
9) Sergeant II
8) Sergeant I
7) Senior Specialist
6) Specialist
5) Private First Class
4) Private Second Class
3) Private
2) LOA
1) Suspended


Verbal I
Verbal II
Strike I + sent for Re-Training
Strike II + Suspended
Strike III + Dismiss from organization

Thank you for reading my application
Best Regards
Sunny Reactors
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Josh Huxley

Jun 8, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Josh
2. Your IRL age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT
4. Average online per day:4-12
5. Your Discord: josh_longg_
6. Your Nickname: Josh Huxley
7. Your ID: 73485

Additional information
1. Leader of
National Guard
Ex- Vagos deputy (Arups term)
Ex- MOS of HLS (Tonys term)
Ex COS of DEA (Mehbubs term)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1. I want to be leader of this organisation because u believe that NG is really important to all state orgs as they supply them with there org armoury, which means they wouldn't be able to work with out us. We also help FIB with evidence when we get raided so they can do gang raids. I believe that the city will be a different place with out NG.

2.2. I want to be leader of this organisation because i have a lot of state experience and i believe that i will be able to run this org efficiently and successfully due to having a good selection of HCs and 2 great deputies that will help out during my term. I will make sure that there is always HCs available to answer departments and make sure we always have units going to events.

2.3. I want to be leader of this organisation because i believe that i can create a fun working experience for everyone in my org while being strict when needed to, but i also believe that this will cause a good and strong relationship between me and my org members.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I want to make sure that there is always HCs available to answer departments and attend Spec Ops, events, store robberies, ghetto patrols, ammo runs etc. This will improve RP by making people excited to be apart of my org as they will never be bored.

3.2. I will make sure that there is a strong discipline system to ensure that my units dont mess up repeatedly and they learn from there mistakes so it wont happen again.

3.3. I will make sure that all departments inside my org are working to the fullest to ensure the best RP for everyone and make sure that everyone is getting the best out of it. Obviously striking departments that are not stepping up and doing there duties.

3.4. I want to have a good and realistic ranking system that follows the Army and National Guard as i believe that this will improve RP and make it more enjoyable.

My ranking system:
30) General
29) LT. General
28) Area Commander
27) Base Commander
26) Colonel (HOD)
25) Major (DHOD)
24) Commander
23) Support Captain
22) Captain
21) Major Lieutenant
20) Second Lieutenant
19) Lieutenant
18) Chief Warrant Officer
17) Warrant Officer
16) Master Area Sergeant
15) Senior Area Sergeant
14) Area Sergeant II
13) Area Sergeant
12) Staff Sergeant II
11) Staff Sergeant I
10) Sergeant II
9) Sergeant I
8) Senior Specialist II
7) Senior Specialist I
6) Specialist
5) Private First Class
4) Private Second Class
3) Private
2) LOA
1) Suspended

My departments:
AF - Air Force will fly soldiers to store robberies and globals, Spec Ops, GPs etc.
HRT - Human Resources and Training will be in charge of taking interviews, conducting training, making duty logs etc.
MP - Military Police will be in charge of giving punishments to Soldiers who mess up multiple times (Internal Affairs).
SPRT - Special Response Team will be in charge of our Ghetto Patrols, Store robberies by keeping our Soldiers in line etc,

Verbal I
Verbal II
Strike I + Demoted 2 ranks
Strike II + Re trained
Strike III + Dismiss from organization

Thank you for reading my application
Best Regards
Josh Huxley
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Merodinn Hurmaci

Jul 11, 2023

1. Your name IRL: Hakan
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+2
4. Average online per day: 6 - 8 Hours
5. Your Discord: Mero191
6. Your Nickname: Merodin Hurmacii
7. Your ID: 48204

Additional information

1. Leader of…
National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

  • I have tested both legal and illegal organizations and have been fascinated by the law enforcement career as it looks interesting and challenging to me.
  • The National Guard plays a critical role in Grand RP and is an organization where patience is necessary, which I have. I am a person who likes to lead in a professiona and disciplined way. For an organization to be successful, you not only need good collaboration internally, but also strong collaborations with other organizations.
  • I want to become a National Guard leader to build a strong community. By being an engaged and supportive leader, I can foster collaboration, help new members feel welcome, and ensure that all players have a positive and fun experience together.
3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

Throughout my long journey in grand adventure, I progressed by assuming duties in various organizations and obtaining high positions. Reaching the rank of Major General in the National Guard was instrumental in gaining great experience, especially in leadership and teamwork.Thanks to these experiences, I have made significant improvements in my roleplaying skills. I adopted the order and discipline specific to the military, while improving my strategic planning skills and increasing my ability to make quick decisions. I have also greatly improved my communication and crisis management skills.

  • Special training for each department on various days for example, Air force and S.A.S team search and rescue mission (scenario)
  • Ensuring to have enough soldiers from all time zones, especially night time, to avoid inactivity.
  • I will make sure that the new members are used to NG and take care of them by myself.
  • And one of my main goals is to maintain the NG operating for as long as possible. Each member must perform a minimum number of hours of duty each week.
  • My second biggest goal is to give everyone as many bonuses as possible, giving bonuses gives the strength to continue working.

My departments:
Air Force
Military Police
Human Resources (HR)

Chain of command:
=== General Officers ===

30) General
29) LT. General
28) Major General

=== Commissioned Officers ===
27) Brigadier General
26) Colonel (HOD)
25) LT. Colonel (DHOD)
24) Major
23) Captain
22) First Lieutenant
21) Second Lieutenant

=== Non-Commissioned Officers ===
20) Chief Warrant Officer
19) Lead Warrant Officer
18) Master Warrant Officer
17) Senior Warrant Officer
16) Junior Warrant Officer
15) Warrant Officer

=== Enlisted Personnel ===
14) Sergeant Major
13) Command Sergeant Major
12) First Sergeant
11) Second Sergeant
10) Master Sergeant
9) Sergeant First Class
8) Staff Sergeant
7) Sergeant
6) Specialist
5) Corporal
4) Private First Class
3) Private
2) Recruit
1) Suspended

Army would be known as one of the most intelligent and powerful organizations
Thank you for wasting your time and reading my application

Sincerely Merodin Hurmacii

Frank Bellic

Feb 22, 2023

Applications for NG Leader are now CLOSED

The following players have been selected for NG Leader interview today (Sunday 9th of June) at 18:30 Server Time
shohag01- Parisa Tzariar- 112315
Mero191- Merodin Hurmacii- 48204
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