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IMPORTANT Applications for FIB

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Ivan Hopper

May 4, 2024


1. Your name IRL- Lakshya
2. Your age IRL- 17
3. Time zone- GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day - 3-5 hours
5. Your Discord - Hitman.ind
6. Your Nickname - Ivan Hopper
7. Your ID -

Additional information

LEADER OF Federal Investigation Bureau


2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. i want to become director of FIB as this org has so much rp potential , access to do BM raid , gang raid , go undercover and the most powerful org among leos.

2. i have a lot of state side experience with my expertise in the state sector of grp i think i am capable enough to make this the most active FIB term in en 2 history.

3. I have many contacts among many ex leaders and deputy in en 2 and en 3 which can help me to make this term active and run it smoothly .

4. i have also been hc in almost all the org (28 rank) so handling tough scenarios wont be a issue for me.

5. i have a creative mind which can help me innovate new ideas for this org to make the rp better and have good managerial skills so handling the people in the org will be easy for me as well .

6. FIB has the potential to make a meaningful community impact, regardless of its size .

7. I have clear visions to do 100% gang raids i will try my level best to achieve that i have some people in my mind who will take care of the 00 agents and CID to collect as many of evidences also i will be conducting regular meeting with other orgs to be connected by them .

8. secondly i will also try to conduct bm raid as much as possible and try to setup a record in en 2.

9. i am eager to make fib rp better as much as i can and will conduct small events daily which will make it interesting for the agents to work i have also seen there 30-40 people in the city but only 5 -6 attending will try to fix that too

10. there will be no favoritism in my term my head of IA will be looking after that and to ensure there is no corruption done by the head of IA leader or deputy will take care of the same .

11. there will be weekly task will be strictly followed to ensure disciplined and active departments , there will be active meetings where all have the freedom to give suggestion and make it more democratic and sovereign.

12. will conduct gang raid session with all the orgs on regular basis and plan to make it more effective efficient in a favour of roleplay .

13. there will be promotion for active people only if a person is inactive he will be removed from that position/spot immediately.

14. i will try to make this term less warn and punishment free and will hire active and hardworking staff .

15. there will be bm raid sessions too with other orgs and planning of tackling the gangs in the most effective way .

16.if i got the chance i promise will make this term best as ever in the entire en 2 history i met all the requirement to become the leader as well as i know all the rules present in the city i dont have as much punishment history


Internal affairs(IA): IA is responsible for maintaining discipline within the units and would punish all law breakers or corrupt people. They would do license and BGC checks on regular basis so that the organization is not filled with any people with no license or criminal background.

Human Resource(HR): would be responsible for recruiting people in the organisation, creating a general dress code, giving training and tour of hq to recruits and hosting a promotion ceremony

Criminal investigation department(CID): would be responsible for doing unique underground and secret operation executions such as always collecting evidences while going everywhere in the entire city as undercover dressed as a civilian.

Spec Ops: They will carry out special operations eg destroying cannabis , attend store robberies etc

Public Relations(PR): this department will help the FIB to connect and maintain positive environment between the fib and the citizens of los santos.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. Will issue max bonus which will motivate people

2.will try to do 100% gang raid


4.Recruiting only experienced people in the organisation and giving proper training to the recruits so we avoid all mistakes!

5. Doing a lot of activities and regularly attending ALL events!

6. GANG/BM raid sessions with other orgs

7. promotion to active staff

8.regular internal meetings

9. Active departments

10. will maintain good public relations

11. will try to conduct small events daily within the org itself to make it more interesting for all the agents


Subs : 20k

Acc :15 k

Gang raid 50k

GP : 10k

Store /Hostage : 20k

Bank :15k

arrest: 5k

fine issued: 3k

Valid Evidence: 30k

Deputy Director
Chief of staff
00 Handler
Chief of Division
Head of Department
Deputy Head of Department

00 Agent

High Commands

Federal Agent
Black Ops 3
Black Ops 2
Black Ops 1
Elite SSA 3
Elite SSA 2
Elite SSA 1
Elite Agent 3
Elite Agent 2
Elite Agent 1
Senior Special Agent 3
Senior Special Agent 2
Senior Special Agent 1
Special Agent 3
Special Agent 2
Special Agent 1
Field Agent 3
Field Agent 2
Field Agent 1

Thanks for putting your precious time to review my application
i promise if i got this term and make this term the most active term

warm regards
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Lamar King

Jan 30, 2022
1. Your name IRL - Kristopher
2. Your IRL age - 17
3. Time zone - GMT +2
4. Average online per day - 5 hours
5. Your Discord - itapyou
6. Your Nickname - itapyou
7. Your ID - 9896
Additional information
1. Leader of... FIB
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. First I would list that I think I can make strict rules and I can lead our org on being the best org out of all of them and I have experience in fib I have been there before when yip was in the fib
2. Second off I think I have great logical skill and I think I can the org in problem solving and in busting down other gangs
3. Third off I think I make the org better at negotiation and understand a situation witch our team is in and take it under control
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. no more unsafe driving I have seen multiple people drive like maniacs and I think with me in the team we can stop it
2. No more random stabbings or shootings I will make it so people take it seriously and think its no joke

Thomas Bigfist

Sep 7, 2023

1. Your name IRL - Anik Ganguly
2. Your age - ( forum age mistakenly 20 ) / Real age - 17
3. Time zone - GMT +5:30 (IST)
4. Average online per day - 4hrs - 7hrs
5. Your Discord - agtiger72
6. Your Nickname - Thomas Bigfist
7. Your ID - 76053
Additional information
Leader of...FIB ( Federal Investigation Bureau )

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
( 1 )

I want to lead the FIB because I've worked in law for 1.5 years and see its importance in keeping order. The FIB needs agents who are excellent, professional, and organized. With my experience and understanding of the organization, I believe I can lead well and leave a positive impact .
( 2 )
I aim to boost FIB activity by implementing regular gang, family, and black market raids. I prioritize making FIB enjoyable for all. Becoming a successful director is my dream, and I'm committed to uniting and activating all divisions within FIB. I believe in my ability to be a great leader.
( 3 )

We will make sure that FIB all members playing their Respective Roles and make it enjoyable for everyone .

3. My advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

As the Leader of the FIB, my main goal is to improve roleplay within the organization. I plan to do this by giving thorough training to all members so they know how to roleplay well in different situations.

I will bring some Divisions in FIB that will have different Works to do .
The Division will be :
( 1 ) Counterterrorism Response Team (CRT) :
They will deal with Serious Situation and all possible Terrorist Attack.
( 2 ) OO Agents : Most Experienced Undercover Agents will be appoint as 00 Agent and it will lead by 00 Handler
( 3 ) Internal Affairs ( IA ) : IA is backbone of FIB and FIB needs a really strong IA Department for Maintain Internal Affairs and Equality between Employees
( 4 ) Human Resources ( HR ) : HR responsible for Maintain smooth recruitment and employement all necessary work
( 5 ) Intelligence Bureau ( IB ) : This Department responsible for managing all Undercover Activities


Forum warrior
Aug 9, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Muhammet

2. Your age: 17

3. Time zone: GMT +2

4. Average online per day: 4-10 hours

5. Your Discord: elite_shelby

6. Your Nickname: Elite Shelby

7. Your ID: 88436

1. Leader of FIB

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

  • I am very experienced with legal organizations, I have been in LSPD with that experience joined FIB and did 2 terms where i reached Assistant Director role and played important role in making case file in Willian 2 terms.
  • I am surrounded with friends who are with legal organization experience. Will form a team with them and i am sure i can do very successful terms with teamwork and positive atmosphere.
  • Last but not least FIB is meant to maintain Law and order from ground level weather it be busting drug deals , Gang raids or Handling crime rate, I am sure with all my experience and team work i can achieve it.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

  • In my leadership, I will give weekly tasks to each department. If they complete all of their tasks they will get a promotion also I will be sure every single agent is active in their occupation. I believe encouragement is first step to make someone success
  • Will strengthen Human Resource Department will specially take care of new agents. They will give good training to them and with this training agents will be successful in the situations.
  • Lastly, I will make good Under cover team where they act as backbone of FIB in all operations and activity in city. This department will be monitored by Me and my deputies .
  • Will make frequent events internally as well as with public so that interaction with public will give more space to perform RP

= High Command ===

30) Director
29) Deputy Director
28) Assistant Director
27) Chief of Staff
26) Federal Investigator

25) Head of Department
24) Deputy Head of Department
23) Supervisor
22) 00 agent
21) Commanding Agent
20) Black Ops Agent III
19) Black Ops Agent II
18) Black Ops Agent I
17) Elite SSA
16) Senior Elite Agent
15) Elite Agent
14) Federal SSA
13) Senior Federal Agent
12) Federal Agent
11) Senior Special Agent
10) Senior Agent
9) Senior Field Agent
8) Field Agent
7) Senior Field Operative
6) Field Operative
5) Junior Operative
4) Field Assistant
3) Trainee
2) LOA
1) Suspended
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Leroy Lue

What you do is the wish of what you will do.
Nov 5, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Ayberk
2. Your age: 21
3. Time zone: GMT+1
4. Average online per day: 5-8 hours.
5. Your Discord: @ayberkblt
6. Your Nickname: Karl Lue
7. Your ID: 84166

Additional information
1. Leader of
Federal Investigation Bureau

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- to make the organization best organization.
- to make the organization a more working-friendly place.
- to be able to work more closely and amicably with other legal organizations.
- to make the state safer through operations.
- I want to see how I can make this organization better.

3. Your advice for improving the role-play level in the organization.
Promotion ceremonies and mass shooting exercises can be examples of these.

- With promotion ceremonies, all legal organizations can have their employees jump ranks collectively, and all citizens can be invited to watch.
- As the Federal Investigation Bureau, we can provide assistance to state police with a team that can respond first to the highest priority emergencies in the city.
- As the Federal Investigation Bureau, undercover agents will work with the government to run investigations and conduct first-person investigations.
- With undercover agents and the Special Response Team, we can make the state safer and more comfortable for all citizens to live in.

My departments

- Federal Attorney

- This department will take care of the Case File and Arrest Warrants that need to be made.
- They will be defenders of the legal rights of Federal Investigation Bureau employees.

- Human Resources
- The Human Resources (HR) wıll responsible for recruitment, education, training and conducting exams for trainees; retraining employees that received disciplinary actions; certifying HR Assistants and certifying Candidates and Recruits into the Federal Investigation Bureau.

- Internal Affairs
- This special department will help find corrupt agents in the organization and issue arrest warrants against them, ensuring their arrest by law.
- It is a department that will control the strikes of everyone who is in the Federal Investigation Bureau and give them strikes.
- It is the department that will check the health insurance and gun licenses of all agents and bring them in line.

- SRT (Special Response Team)
The SRT are the elite non-conventional forces of the Federal Investigation Bureau.
- Planning and execution of special operations
- Develop doctrine, tactics, techniques, and procedures for special operations
- Assist law enforcement in Counter-terrorism and Hostage rescue operations

- SI (Special Investigator)
- Special Investigators will be work as Undecrover and will tasked with working to apprehend criminals while disguised as civilians and not wearing uniforms or other items that would identify them as Law Enforcement Officer.
- Special Investigators works to arrest Wanted criminals while being Undercover and to gather intelligence on criminal activity and organised crime by gangs in the State.
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Pidim Killa

Mar 16, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Pidim
2. Your IRL age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+6
4. Average online per day: 8 hours
5. Your Discord: pidim96
6. Your Nickname: Pidim Reaper

7. Your ID: 143950
Additional information
1. Leader of FIB
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
- I want to make this city free from crime. And for that the most powerful patrolling org FIB have to be active. And for that it need a good leader.
- I am serious abt Gang Raids, Black Market Raids and as FIB handle it so I want to be leader of this specific org.
- I have spent time with almost all legal organizations and now want to lead FIB.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
- Day, night and both shift agents will get bonus from the Director. They have to collect their bonus from their hod. Also for joining spec ops they will get bonus.
- Promotion ceremony on every Sunday with party.
- Weekly meeting with division chief for improving their department.
- Weekly meeting with whole FIB agents to know what issue they are facing and how to solve them.
- FTO officer will train newbies proper rp commands so that evidence can not be invalid.
- Newbies will not hesitate to get help from hc.
- Transport licenses to drive transport will increase the RP level but for emergency calls, agents can use any transport if there is not enough transport.
- Arena Tournament will be hosted in every Friday so that shooting skill can be increase.
- Friendly behavior with internal officers and other legal orgs.


Thank you for reading my application and have a good day.
Ex- FIB Chief of Staff (en2)
Ex- SAHP Chief Commander (en2)
Ex- GOV USSS Director (en3)
Ex- LSPD Assistant Chief (en3)
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Mehbub Rich

Ex-FIB Director | Ex-Chief Of Police (LSPD)
Jan 28, 2023


1. Your name IRL - Mehbub
2. Your age - 29
3. Time zone - GMT +5:30 (IST)
4. Average online per day - 5hrs - 6hrs
5. Your Discord - mehbub006
6. Your Nickname - Mehbub Rich
7. Your ID - 95891

Additional Information

1. Leader of FIB (Federal Investigation Bureau)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

(i) I want to be the leader of FIB because I have lots of previous LEO experience within FIB/LSPD/GOV. I have completed successful LSPD term as a Leader of LSPD, i work as an Assistant Director in 2 successful term of FIB and i also have experience as a Deputy Governor. I have been in legal orgs for more than 1.5 year and have quickly risen from lowest rank to the highest rank because of my professionalism and dedication towards the org.

(ii) I want to be a leader in the FIB because I see too many people abusing their power and being corrupt for his friends and families. If I become a leader, I'll make sure nobody in my team acts that way. I'll ensure everything is fair and done properly so everyone in the city can be happy without corruption and favouritism.

(iii) I want to be the leader of FIB because I want this organisation to reach its greatest potential under my leadership and I am confident that I can AND will take the required actions to make it happen.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

(i) For an organisation to function properly, communication is essential. I will have meeting with all of my agents once a week to go over all of the issues and their resolutions and I would love to Encourage my agents to stay focused on their Duty and make roleplay feel real so that it will be fun for everyone.

(ii) Since we are all involved in the protection and service of our city, it is crucial that we maintain strong friendships and working relationships with other legal organisations.

(iii) As FIB Director, I suggest having a perfect undercover Division (Joint Undercover Department) where not just FIB, but other Orgs can join too. This will spice up roleplay and get everyone involved.

(iv) To increase overall RP and keep FIB agents prepared for any scenario, I'd make sure that we conduct several drills, cooperative operations, and trainings with other state organisations.

(v) I'm planning to give my agents extra training and classes so they can understand all the rules better. I want to make sure they know what they can and can't do, and that they follow the rules carefully. This training will help them do their jobs better and avoid any mistakes.

(vi) I believe that there is a lot of people who desire genuine roleplay within the server as an LEO. I would like to recruit experienced people who have thorough knowledge of FIB as well as the rules that come with being in FIB and bring more RP experience to the server.

Thank you for giving your time and reading my application,

Mehbub Rich

Ex-LSPD Chief Of Police
Ex- Deputy Governor
Ex-FIB Assistant Director (2X)
Ex- Assistant Chief Of LSPD (5X)
Ex- Chief of Staff of LSPD
Ex-Vagos Under Deputy (2X)
Ex- Head Of Department of LSPD
Ex- Deputy Head of Department of LSPD

Geralt Ravia

Apr 17, 2024

1. Your name IRL - Anik Ganguly
2. Your age - ( forum age mistakenly 20 ) / Real age - 17
3. Time zone - GMT +5:30 (IST)
4. Average online per day - 4hrs - 7hrs
5. Your Discord - agtiger72
6. Your Nickname - Thomas Bigfist
7. Your ID - 76053
Additional information
Leader of...FIB ( Federal Investigation Bureau )

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
( 1 )

I want to lead the FIB because I've worked in law for 1.5 years and see its importance in keeping order. The FIB needs agents who are excellent, professional, and organized. With my experience and understanding of the organization, I believe I can lead well and leave a positive impact .
( 2 )
I aim to boost FIB activity by implementing regular gang, family, and black market raids. I prioritize making FIB enjoyable for all. Becoming a successful director is my dream, and I'm committed to uniting and activating all divisions within FIB. I believe in my ability to be a great leader.
( 3 )

We will make sure that FIB all members playing their Respective Roles and make it enjoyable for everyone .

3. My advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

As the Leader of the FIB, my main goal is to improve roleplay within the organization. I plan to do this by giving thorough training to all members so they know how to roleplay well in different situations.

I will bring some Divisions in FIB that will have different Works to do .
The Division will be :
( 1 ) Counterterrorism Response Team (CRT) :
They will deal with Serious Situation and all possible Terrorist Attack.
( 2 ) OO Agents : Most Experienced Undercover Agents will be appoint as 00 Agent and it will lead by 00 Handler
( 3 ) Internal Affairs ( IA ) : IA is backbone of FIB and FIB needs a really strong IA Department for Maintain Internal Affairs and Equality between Employees
( 4 ) Human Resources ( HR ) : HR responsible for Maintain smooth recruitment and employement all necessary work
( 5 ) Intelligence Bureau ( IB ) : This Department responsible for managing all Undercover Activities
yes hee derseved as a leader and he have best experince

Tyron Opium

Jan 16, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Ali Mansoury
2. Your IRL age : 18
3. Time zone : GMT+1
4. Average online per day : 6 to 7 hours per day
5. Your Discord : aliel011
6. Your Nickname : Alii
7. Your ID : 138589
Additional information
1. Leader of...FIB
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
- If I lead , I want to make sure people in the FIB play realistically and interact well with others. I'll also follow the rules closely to avoid problems. I would ensure strict adherence to all rules and regulations to mitigate any potential conflicts or issues.
- Federal Investigation Bureau was always an org that would be the most professional of the legal orgs. Of course its okay to have a bit if laughs now and then, but still, all agents should have the highest ammount of knowledge and professionalism.I want to try and show the community again that the FIB is the organisation that others can look up to, since the expectations of FIB are always high. Due to my experience with former leaders from other servers, that did great in their term, I would love to improve the roleplay and the seriousness of the organisation as a whole. It would be great to implement my experiences and fresh, new and innovative ideas, in the great term I intend to have as leader of FIB. I would try and focus on investigation rather than writing parking fines and such. This to further the roleplay experience not only for others, but for myself as well. Planning to improving the relationships between all state orgs and a lot more things are the main reasons why I would like to become FIB leader.
- I think FIB is a very important organization in this city because it offers the foundation for the security of the entire city and therefore it’s so crucial to all people as we would like our city safe from all forms of crime.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
-Communication and joined training: As one of the law enforcement agencies with jurisdiction throughout the state, it often times feels that FIB takes over the lead of a lot of operations, I want to change this and let other organisations help out with for example hostage negotiations or leading a store robbery. With joined training sessions, law enforcement officers will learn how to properly work together as a team instead of working against each other, they will learn how to communicate and even form bonds beyond their respectetive organisation

Rishav Raj

Server Administrator
Server Administrator
Nov 11, 2022
Congratulations the following players have been selected for the FIB interview on Thursday 9th May 2024 at 16:00 server time.
  • 88436 - Elite Shelby - elite_shelby
  • 95891- Mehbub Rich - mehbub006
FIB application Closed!

Ironic Uchiha

13 X Deputy, 6 X State, 7 X Gang
Jul 28, 2023
1. Your Name IRL: Abhishek Raj
2. Your Age: 18
3. Time Zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 5-6 hours
5. Your discord: hitman.inc
6. Your Nickname: Ironic Uchiha
7. Your Id: 102914

Additional Information:

1. Leader of…… Federal Investigation Bureau

2. Why do you want to be the leader of this specific organisation? (List three reasons with explanations)

Reason 1: FIB plays one of the most structural role in shaping the law enforcement of the city. The FIB is looked up by other orgs to have the most highly qualified agents who know how to deal with any situation of all sorts! Being the leader of such prestigious org I want to shape the law integrity of the city whilst maintaining its heritage making sure the to keep FIB supreme as always!

Reason 2: I want to take the RP quality of FIB to the next level with the visions I have planned stored in my head and complete minimum 25 raids in my term with an IC event daily ! I want to push FIB’s Rp as federal officers with realistic legality procedure and make sure only the deserving rp promoters are given the rank of an high command. This would be my another good reason to become the leader of FIB as I want to lead a unit of agents who are experienced veterans and can contribute their fullest it enhancing rp!

Reason 3: Due to my duly hefty experience as a deputy in almost all orgs I have the right mindset as well as the right hones skills to be a good leader and command my units. I will teach the inexperienced, stop favouritism, fulfill all criterias pf being a leader and make sure to be punctual with my work and will preach what I practice to my units as well. When my units, I will take FIB to the top , to its fullest potential.

3. Your Advice for improving the roleplay level in organisation.

1. Enhanced and realistic use of radio calls.
2. Rp based drills and training’s held.
3. All orgs joint training operations executed under the guidance of FIB.
4. All orgs joined ghetto patrol to improve connections and build a sensation of brotherhood.
5. Creation of realistic department and ranks serving realistic purposes.

Departments in my term:

1. Spec Ops
2. CID
3. IA
4. HR
5. PR

Disciplinary System under my term:
1 X verbal
2 X Verbal
1 X warn (demotion by 2 ranks)
2 X warn (retraining or temporary suspension)
3 X warn (Dismissal from the organisation)

Rank System under my term:
```30) Director
29) Deputy Director
28) Federal Commander
27) Chief of Staff
26) Head of Department
25) OO Agent
24) Deputy Head of Department
===============High Commands=============
23) Supervisor
22) Executive Agent
21) Commanding Agent III
20) Commanding Agent II
19) Commanding Agent I
18) Black Ops Agent III
17) Black Ops Agent II
16) Black Ops Agent I
15) Sr. Elite Special Agent
14) Elite Agent III
13) Elite Agent II
12) Elite Agent I
11) Sr. Special Agent
10) Special Agent III
09) Special Agent II
8) Special Agent I
7) Field Agent III
6) Field Agent II
5) Field Agent I
4) Junior Agent III
3) Junior Agent II
2) Junior Agent I
1) Suspended```

Ironic Uchiha
12 X Deputy Leader ( 6 X State, 6 X Gang)


Apr 4, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Plamen
2. Your IRL age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT +3
4. Average online per day: 2-3 Hours
5. Your Discord life_55766
6. Your Nickname: Life
7. Your ID: 135618
Additional information
1. Leader of... FIB
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. Passion for Law Enforcement Roleplay

  • Explanation: I have a strong interest in law enforcement roleplay, and the FIB faction offers a unique and exciting opportunity to dive deep into this aspect of the game. Leading this faction allows me to enhance the realism and immersion of our roleplay scenarios, making the game more enjoyable for all members.

  • 2. Desire to Build a Strong, Collaborative Team
    • Explanation: I believe that a successful faction is built on teamwork and collaboration. As a leader, I aim to create an environment where every member feels valued and motivated. By fostering strong team dynamics and open communication, we can achieve our goals more effectively and enjoyably.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Detailed and Immersive Training Programs

  • Advice: Establish comprehensive training programs that cover advanced roleplaying techniques and protocols. This ensures all members are well-prepared and can contribute to more realistic and engaging roleplay scenarios.

  • 2. Encouraging Creativity and Initiative
    • Advice: Foster an environment where members feel empowered to take creative risks and propose new ideas. Valuing members' input leads to richer and more diverse roleplaying experiences, benefiting the entire faction.

Thomas Bigfist

Sep 7, 2023

1. Your name IRL - Anik Ganguly
2. Your age - 17
3. Time zone - GMT +5:30 (IST)
4. Average online per day - 4hrs - 7hrs
5. Your Discord - agtiger911
6. Your Nickname - Thomas Bigfist
7. Your ID - 76053

Additional information
Leader of...FIB ( Federal Investigation Bureau )

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation
I want to lead the FIB because I've worked in Law Enforcement for 1.9 years and see its importance in keeping order. The FIB needs agents who are excellent, professional, and organized. With my experience and understanding of the organization, I believe I can lead well and leave a positive impact .
ii )
I aim to boost FIB activity by implementing regular gang, family, and black market raids. I prioritize making FIB enjoyable for all. Becoming a successful director is my dream, and I'm committed to uniting and activating all divisions within FIB. I believe in my ability to be a great leader.
iii )
I want to be Director to make FIB recruitment more stringent and to introduce a fair promotion process. I will ensure every promotion goes through me to eliminate favoritism and implement a new ranking system for the organization.

3). My advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

i )
As the Leader of the FIB, my main goal is to improve roleplay within the organization. I plan to do this by giving thorough training to all members so they know how to roleplay well in different situations.

ii ) FIB is a federal organization but FIB is not being given the same respect as it used to be. I want to make FIB stricter and simultaneously make it fun for my agents.

iii ) We will make sure that FIB all members playing their Respective Roles and make it enjoyable for everyone

iv) I will bring some New Divisions in FIB that will have different works :
A ) Counterterrorism Response Team (CRT) : They will deal with Serious Situation and all possible Terrorist Attack.
B ) OO Agents : Most Experienced Undercover Agents will be appoint as 00 Agent and it will lead by 00 Handler
C ) Internal Affairs ( IA ) : IA is backbone of FIB and FIB needs a really strong IA Department for Maintain Internal Affairs and Equality between Employees
D ) Human Resources ( HR ) : HR responsible for Maintain smooth recruitment and employement all necessary work
E ) Intelligence Bureau ( IB ) : This Department responsible for managing all Undercover Activities and manages all investigation on crime scenes .

Best Regards :
Thomas Bigfist
Ex- FIB Deputy Director
Ex- Assistant Chief Of LSPD (4x)
Ex- LT General (2x)

Ex- Minister of HLS (1x)
Ex- Minister of DOE (1x)
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Jul 3, 2023
Jackson Eclipse is the right person for this job. His leadership skills within the organization were extraordinary for someone who was not the actual leader of FIB and I highly recommend him to be a person of consideration when looking for the next leader of this org
From 2024, No One Asked.


Jun 27, 2024

1. Your name IRL: Harroop Singh
2. Your IRL age: 19
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 5-6 hours
5. Your Discord: mickey_uchiha_
6. Your Nickname: Uchiha Mickey
7. Your ID: 98609

Additional information

1. Leader of Federal Investigation Bureau

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I want to become the director of FIB because I have been with this server for more than 1.5 years. I spent all my time in legal organizations, and I know that FIB plays a major role in legal organizations. From my experience, I gained. I can make my term the best and most successful.

I did work on FIB as an assistant director and 00 agent. I helped different directors complete their raid sessions by giving them most of the evidence against gangs. From the experience of my 00 agent I will complete my raid session. so I know how FIB works properly.

I am confident that I can handle FIB properly. I will try my best to make the city corruption-free, and I know that FIB has a lot of responsibility, so I am ready to give all my time to this organization. I will take the help of many former leaders and administrators to make my term the best, and I will take their opinion for doing anything to avoid big mistakes

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

During my term, I promise to treat everyone fairly and equally. I won't show favoritism to anyone or any group. Whether it's making decisions, giving opportunities, or handling issues, I'll always do so without playing favorites. This means making sure that every decision is based on what's right and fair for everyone involved, without any bias or special treatment.

II. I'm focused on making sure there's no crime. I will work with my agents to make the city crime free. We will conduct daily patrols in city and highways to make the city free of crime and the citizens can be feel safe.

III. I plan to host small events every day for our citizens. These gatherings will provide opportunities for the citizens to come together, connect, and enjoy various activities. These events aim to foster a sense of unity and belonging among us all. By creating these regular moments of interaction and enjoyment

IV. Agents who perform well will receive high bonuses as a reward for their hard work. This encourages them to do their best and shows appreciation for their efforts.

V. We're hiring a best undercover team to gather evidence against gangs for the upcoming raid season.

VI. I will sign the contracts with many families to solve the problem of inactivity, especially at night.

Thanks for giving your time

Uchiha Mickey
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Zubair Rasheed

Jul 2, 2021
1. Your name IRL - Mohammed Zubair
2. Your age - 23
3. Time zone - GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day - 6hrs
5. Your Discord - zubair_rasheed
6. Your Nickname - zubair shane
7. Your ID - 397

Additional Information

1. Leader of FIB
(Federal Investigation Bureau)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1:- I had a lot of experience in law enforcement as High command, especially with organizations like the LSPD :- Caption 2 times , SAHP :- SWAT Agent , and FIB :- HOD IA and HR . Worked many terms as HOD really showed the dedication and skill in those positions.

2:- To make the FIB active i gonna conducts many events with gifts possible and train Agent how to deal with events, with my experience as recruiter i will manage the hiring to make sure most experienced agents will be hired, and those who have sanity and well being person with minimum experience will also be trained in my lead of organization with my experience, with the lead knowledge of internal affairs from past experiences in many legal organizations the maintains of agents and there logs and duties will be authorised and maintained perfect in the organization by unity among the team. Forming a supportive and collaborative environment to making sure everything runs smoothly in organization.

3:- I focusing on fixing issues with FIB to make sure the departments are stable to show that i am a strategic thinker who's committed to improving the organization.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1 :- Trainee

For the new person who knows the city rules but no experiences those agent will be tested and interviewed and given training for 2 days 1 to 2 hours a day after conclusion the person will be rechecked for the training he got by the written test after he got qualified he will get a basic rank which should be assisted by any high rank then him.

* For the agent who have experiences in other legal organizations like LSPD, SAHP, NG, GOV will be interviewed and check for this skills in organizations and will be provide the receptive rank for his experiences

2 :- Events / Tasks
New task will be given to all of the agents every week to make them active, who complete the task will get bonus and according to the task they complete they ranks will be updated

* Day after a day ghetto patrol will be conducted by FIB
* Every 3 days FIB will conduct a global event for the people / citizens
* Every saturday a internal event will be conducted to the FIB agents which will be rewarded

3 :- Bonus System
* Person who get a valid evidence will get 25K.
* Person who attends all the events without fail will get 2k for each event if the event is successful.
* Person who wins the special event which is conducted internally in FIB will win 100K.
* People who attend Aircraft carrier, Prison protection, Bank protection, Subs, will get 7K per each event if they win or not.
* Every 3 days a global will be posted which will be funded by my personal pocket

4 :- Undercover
There will be more experiences undercover agent who will search for the people who sell illegal items in the city by using club chat /via phone (IC)
* Undercover agent will rome in the ghetto to get evidences.
* Agents who specify Under Undercover will gather evidences from every illegal activity from criminals / bandits / gangs.

----------------------TOP SECRET SECURITY CLEARANCE I (TSSCI)----------------------

[30] Director
[29] Deputy Director
[28] Assistant Director
[27] Chief of Staff
[26] 00 Handler
[25] Head of Department
[24] Deputy Head of Department

----------------------TOP SECRET SECURITY CLEARANCE (TSSC)—----------------------

[23] 00 Agent
[22] Supervisor of Department
[21] Supervisor of Black Ops Agents
[20] Senior Black Ops Agents
[19] Black Ops Agents
[18] Elite Special Services Agent (SSA) 3
[17] Elite SSA 2
[16] Elite SSA 1
[15] Supervisor of Elite Agent
[14] Senior Elite Agent
[13] Elite Agent
[12] Supervisor of Special Agent
[11] Senior Special Agent
[10] Special Agent
-------------------------CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY CLEARANCE (CSC)---------------------

[9] Supervisor of Field Agent
[8] Senior Field Agent
[7] Field Agent
[6] Senior Agent
[5] Junior Agent
[4] Assistant Junior Agent
--------------------------AGENT UNDER PROCESS/NOVICE PERSONAL--------------------

[3] Agent-In-Training
[2] Leave of Absence (LOA)
[1] Suspended
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