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IMPORTANT Applications for FIB

Kakashi Pluxury

I fear only god, not his creations.
Apr 8, 2022
1. Your name IRL Vansh
2. Your IRL age 19
3. Time zone +5:30 GMT
4. Average online per day 5-6 hrs
5. Your Discord vaxx.22
6. Your Nickname Kakashi Federal
7. Your ID 15849
Additional information
1. Leader of...
-> Federal Investigation Bureau

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
i.I've seen the chaos and fights that can run rampant in this city.It’s clear to me that the city needs someone who can bring a fresh perspective and solid strategy to the FIB.I’ve got the experience, the connections which is
needed much to run this honourable organization.

ii.One of my top priorities will be to boost team morale and build a agressive unit which will help and lead in special operations.
With my leadership, I will try to make a supportive environment where agents feel valued and motivated

iii.I plan to implement new tactics and strategies that tackle crime more easily without any civilian casualities.
By focussing on new bonus system,highcommand and stict IA/HR team will help desserving agent to get medal/bonuses/promotions which will keep others motivated and will increase competition among the fellow agents.

iv.I will try my best to raid gangs,gathering evidence,blackmarket raid and try to confiscate as much as illegal items as i can from Blackmarket and Gang Raids.


3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
-> i. Improve communication and coordination among team members through regular training sessions and debriefs by our HR and fellow highcommands.

ii. I will strengthen the connections between different departments within the FIB and other law enforcement agencies,as well ass will try to organize meetings,special missions and operations with all other Law enforcement agencies.

iii. I will setup a Internal Affair team which will make sure there's no org weapon stealing going on and will also make sure that each agent is working properly and filling out logs time to time.


iv. I would be having these department:

Internal Affairs:Internal Affairs is a department of FIB which investigates misconduct of professionalism and corruption going on inside the organization.They check every agents logs ,licenses and evidence provided and punish those who did misconduct on duty.

Spec Op:Spec Op is team which gets unit ready for special ops and leads special op like Ghetto Patrol,Gang Raid,Blackmarket raid,catching wanted criminals and taking out hostages safe out of the situations.

Undercover:The work of this department is to try to get as much as evidence possible agents can and make casefile against gangs or criminals to issue arrest warrant.

Human Resource: Human Resource department's work is to hire new agents in FIB and conduct academy traaining to all new agents.

DEA drug Enforcement Administration's work is to enforce drug laws and stop drug trafficking and distribution between the civilians.

Public Relation: Public Relations can create and distribute promotional materials such as posters, flyers, and social media posts (in-character) that promote FIB activities, achievements and events as well as they can arrange interview of leader and deputy leader with LI.

My Experiences:-
Ex-Chief of LSPD
Ex-Deputy Director of FIBx2
Ex-Lt Generalx2
Ex-Deputy Chief of Policex4
Ex-Minister of Homeland Securityx3
Ex-Commanding Generalx4
Ex-Chief Commander
Ex-Deputy Leader of Families/Marabunta

My Ranking system will be as follow:-(inspired by en3&en2 FIB)
=========High Command=======|
30) Director|
29) Deputy Director|
28) Assistant Directors|
27) Chief of Staff|
26) 00 Handler|
25) Head of Department|
========High Commands========/
24) Deputy Head of Department
23) Supervisor
22) 00 agent
21) Commanding Agent
20) Black Ops Agent III
19) Black Ops Agent II
18) Black Ops Agent I
17) Elite SSA
16) Senior Elite Agent
15) Elite Agent
14) Federal SSA
13) Senior Federal Agent
12) Federal Agent
11) Senior Special Agent
10) Senior Agent
9) Senior Field Agent
8) Field Agent
7) Senior Field Operative
6) Field Operative
5) Junior Operative
4) Field Assistant
3) Trainee
2) LOA
1) Suspended

Thank you for reading my application!!
Last edited:

jhonny bolo

Aug 17, 2024
1. Your name IRL - Santosh
2. Your age - 18
3. Time zone - GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day - 5 to 9 hours
5. Your Discord - jhonny_231
6. Your Nickname - Jhonny Bolo
7. Your ID - 46557

Additional information
1. Leader of...FIB ( Federal Investigation Bureau )

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

Firstly, I have been in LEO for a long time when I got a lot of experience and understand the proper work of LEO, From my skills which I inherited from the High Command rank, I think I am capable enough to handle the big or, FIB

Secondly, FIB needs a high amount of people who are active, I have contact, know various people, friends, people capable enough to be Deputy Director, Assistant Director, COS, HOD, DHOD, normal HC, I know various. If I get the org, I will never have to take tension for the amount of people, activity.

Thirdly, Related raid and evidence, I have a Deputy Director who can manage the UC part of the FIB, I think UC part is the most important part of this org, Which needs a lot of care, If we get the org me and my deputies will ensure that we do regularly raid and do most of amount of raids as much as we can.

Atlast, FIB is also know for leading spec ops, So for that I have many good names who can take care of the Spec ops, Will perform gheeto patrol, Will attend events or lead events and at last for the night shift I have got many people including one of my deputy and event me and even me my assistant Directors and many high commands.

3). My advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

First Point, I think as a leader you have to be active, I have seen many leader personally just playing the game to do the 2 hours per day thing only, I think that is wrong and as a leader you have to show to people that you are a good leader and an active leader who lead the org from the front

Second Point, I believe in asking people nicely, not shouting at them or treating our org family like a family, We should host regularly promotion ceremony, We should not threaten people, If someone has done any mistake they should get an IC punishment such as verbal or strike rather than shouting on them. An org specially like FIB should keep a strict and friendly IA Department and I got a perfect head for that

Thrid point, I think there should be more night activity, for this thing I have got many solution:
i) Me and one of my own deputy can handle the ACC and Subs event, which make our night job more easy.
ii) Special and high amount Bonuses will given to night shift bonus, attending night events.
iii) We will make sure that we hire atleast 5-10 high command who are active at nights.
iv) We will do open recruitment drives at night, and will also make one of HOD/ DHOD of HR to be of night shift.

Fourth point, I believe that a good Department (organization) needs a good sub department, so for that I have decided to add various department our org, they are:

SRT (Special Response Team): This Department will take in charge of the tactical part of the organization), this team will respond to robbery calls, hostage calls, global ASAP and make sure situation is under control and use force if necessary

B )
UC (Under Cover): This Department will take care of managing the undercover activities such as taking evidence and going undercover and catching criminals and etc.

00 Agent: This rank will ben given to the most experienced Under Cover agent, This Department will be handled by the 00 Handler

D )
Internal Affairs ( IA ) : IA is the most powerful, responsible Department of FIB, This Department will take care of the punishment, promotion, demotion and termination part of the organization, This Department highest in charge have authority to take care of the internal part of FIB

E )
Human Resources ( HR ) : This Department will be responsible for hiring and firing part of the org, in my opinion this is the most important Department of the organization, I will ensure this Department have the best Head and Deputy Head and make sure this department is active.

Bonus System:
$10,000 for attending any event from 10:00 to :19:30
$25,000 for attending any event from 19:30 to 10:00
$40,000 for attending the ACC
$45,000 for attending the SUBS
$5,000 for an arrest
$10,000 for attending any IC events (not global)
$25,000 for attending a gheeto patrol

Best Regards,

Jhonny Bolo
Last edited:


Aug 2, 2024

1. Your name IRL:
Ashu Dhillon
2. Your IRL age: 19
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord: alan_degrey
6. Your Nickname: Alan Degray
7. Your ID: 16200

Additional information

1. Director of Federal Investigation Bureau

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I have been with Grand RP for more than 2.5 long years, always in state organizations, and in this period, I have worked hard to develop my role-playing skills and gain experience. I'm sure my experience and skills that were obtained in state organizations help me lead the FIB as a director. The FIB is a very important Law Enforcement agency; it is very important for a director to be as professional and knowledgeable. I possess the efficient skills necessary to handle and lead FIB in the right direction.

Being the Director of the FIB has always been my dream. Given a chance, I will try to run my term as effectively and activist as possible. I'd like to make sure we have a complete raid season. I'd like for us to be doing regular black-market raids, gang raids, and small events for the citizens.

3. During my term, I plan to hire the best Human Resource Curator and HOD who will provide the best training to new agents. I will try to make the city free from corruption and I will appoint the best deputies to lead the organization in my absence. It improves the fib's efficiency and helps to keep it corrupt-free.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

In my term, I ensure equity and fairness in all our procedures. Impartiality will be an absolute policy, with no single case of nepotism to be tolerated at all. Everybody will be selected based on experience and performance during interviews. What it means is that everybody gets an equal opportunity to prove themselves and their potential, and the decisions regarding ranking and positioning should be strictly merit-based. I have tried to create a transparent and meritocratic environment where all are valued and judged on their abilities and the contribution they can make.

2. I'll give heavy bonuses to the agents of the federal investigation bureau. We will do a promotion ceremony every week. That will raise the potential of agents to work harder and harder for the organization.

I will do the small IC events for the citizens of Los Santos. these activities, FIB will be able to engage directly with the citizens and encourage them for joining the FIB

4. I will try to do my best to make the connection with other organizations as realistic as possible. It will enhance the RP amongst the organization.

I'll hire the best undercover and 00 agents that will collect the evidences against the gangs. It will help us to complete the raid season.

6. I plan to hire the best Human Resource Curator and HOD who will provide the best possible training to new agents.


00 Agents:
This department will collect evidence against the Gangs and Families. This rank will only given to the peoples who are extremely experienced. This department can only be lead by 00 Handler, Director and Deputy Director.

Human Resource: This department will hire the peoples in FIB, give trainings to them and do state waves for hiring.

Internal Affairs: IA is the most responsible department. It will look into the corruption between the agents, will check the logs and activities of the agents and issue the strikes

Under Cover: The agents in this department will collect evidence and do work as a undercover. The high command of under cover review the evidence the evidence.

Public Relation: This department will conduct IC events for the citizens and will try to make the good relation with them.

Black Ops: This department will do special operation. Eg: Ghetto Patrol, Finding the cannabis, etc....

William Bros

Who Knows The Future
Jul 30, 2024

1. Your name IRL:
Ashu Dhillon
2. Your IRL age: 19
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord: alan_degrey
6. Your Nickname: Alan Degray
7. Your ID: 16200

Additional information

1. Director of Federal Investigation Bureau

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I have been with Grand RP for more than 2.5 long years, always in state organizations, and in this period, I have worked hard to develop my role-playing skills and gain experience. I'm sure my experience and skills that were obtained in state organizations help me lead the FIB as a director. The FIB is a very important Law Enforcement agency; it is very important for a director to be as professional and knowledgeable. I possess the efficient skills necessary to handle and lead FIB in the right direction.

Being the Director of the FIB has always been my dream. Given a chance, I will try to run my term as effectively and activist as possible. I'd like to make sure we have a complete raid season. I'd like for us to be doing regular black-market raids, gang raids, and small events for the citizens.

3. During my term, I plan to hire the best Human Resource Curator and HOD who will provide the best training to new agents. I will try to make the city free from corruption and I will appoint the best deputies to lead the organization in my absence. It improves the fib's efficiency and helps to keep it corrupt-free.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

In my term, I ensure equity and fairness in all our procedures. Impartiality will be an absolute policy, with no single case of nepotism to be tolerated at all. Everybody will be selected based on experience and performance during interviews. What it means is that everybody gets an equal opportunity to prove themselves and their potential, and the decisions regarding ranking and positioning should be strictly merit-based. I have tried to create a transparent and meritocratic environment where all are valued and judged on their abilities and the contribution they can make.

2. I'll give heavy bonuses to the agents of the federal investigation bureau. We will do a promotion ceremony every week. That will raise the potential of agents to work harder and harder for the organization.

I will do the small IC events for the citizens of Los Santos. these activities, FIB will be able to engage directly with the citizens and encourage them for joining the FIB

4. I will try to do my best to make the connection with other organizations as realistic as possible. It will enhance the RP amongst the organization.

I'll hire the best undercover and 00 agents that will collect the evidences against the gangs. It will help us to complete the raid season.

6. I plan to hire the best Human Resource Curator and HOD who will provide the best possible training to new agents.


00 Agents:
This department will collect evidence against the Gangs and Families. This rank will only given to the peoples who are extremely experienced. This department can only be lead by 00 Handler, Director and Deputy Director.

Human Resource: This department will hire the peoples in FIB, give trainings to them and do state waves for hiring.

Internal Affairs: IA is the most responsible department. It will look into the corruption between the agents, will check the logs and activities of the agents and issue the strikes

Under Cover: The agents in this department will collect evidence and do work as a undercover. The high command of under cover review the evidence the evidence.

Public Relation: This department will conduct IC events for the citizens and will try to make the good relation with them.

Black Ops: This department will do special operation. Eg: Ghetto Patrol, Finding the cannabis, etc....
Best Leader ++


Forum warrior
Aug 9, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Muhammet

2. Your age: 17

3. Time zone: GMT +2

4. Average online per day: 4-10 hours

5. Your Discord: elite_shelby

6. Your Nickname: Elite Shelby

7. Your ID: 88436

1. Leader of FIB

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

  • I am very experienced with legal organizations, I have been in GOV, FIB and LPSD. I played important role making case files total 5 terms in Assistant Director role

  • I am surrounded with friends who are with legal organization experience. Will form a team with them and i am sure i can do very successful terms with teamwork and positive atmosphere.

  • Last but not least FIB is meant to maintain Law and order from ground level weather it be busting drug deals , Gang raids or Handling crime rate, I am sure with all my experience and team work i can achieve it.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

  • In my leadership, I will give weekly tasks to each department. If they complete all of their tasks they will get a promotion also I will be sure every single agent is active in their occupation. I believe encouragement is first step to make someone success

  • Will strengthen Human Resource Department will specially take care of new agents. They will give good training to them and with this training agents will be successful in the situations.

  • Lastly, I will make good Under cover team where they act as backbone of FIB in all operations and activity in city. This department will be monitored by Me and my deputies .

  • Will make frequent events internally as well as with public so that interaction with public will give more space to perform RP

= High Command ===

30) Director
29) Deputy Director
28) Assistant Director
27) Chief of Staff
26) Federal Investigator
25) Head of Department
24) Deputy Head of Department
23) Supervisor
22) 00 agent
21) Commanding Agent
20) Black Ops Agent III
19) Black Ops Agent II
18) Black Ops Agent I
17) Elite SSA
16) Senior Elite Agent
15) Elite Agent
14) Federal SSA
13) Senior Federal Agent
12) Federal Agent
11) Senior Special Agent
10) Senior Agent
9) Senior Field Agent
8) Field Agent
7) Senior Field Operative
6) Field Operative
5) Junior Operative
4) Field Assistant
3) Trainee
2) LOA
1) Suspended

Elite Shelby

Mutant uchiha

Aug 19, 2024

1. Your name IRL:
Ashu Dhillon
2. Your IRL age: 19
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord: alan_degrey
6. Your Nickname: Alan Degray
7. Your ID: 16200

Additional information

1. Director of Federal Investigation Bureau

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I have been with Grand RP for more than 2.5 long years, always in state organizations, and in this period, I have worked hard to develop my role-playing skills and gain experience. I'm sure my experience and skills that were obtained in state organizations help me lead the FIB as a director. The FIB is a very important Law Enforcement agency; it is very important for a director to be as professional and knowledgeable. I possess the efficient skills necessary to handle and lead FIB in the right direction.

Being the Director of the FIB has always been my dream. Given a chance, I will try to run my term as effectively and activist as possible. I'd like to make sure we have a complete raid season. I'd like for us to be doing regular black-market raids, gang raids, and small events for the citizens.

3. During my term, I plan to hire the best Human Resource Curator and HOD who will provide the best training to new agents. I will try to make the city free from corruption and I will appoint the best deputies to lead the organization in my absence. It improves the fib's efficiency and helps to keep it corrupt-free.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

In my term, I ensure equity and fairness in all our procedures. Impartiality will be an absolute policy, with no single case of nepotism to be tolerated at all. Everybody will be selected based on experience and performance during interviews. What it means is that everybody gets an equal opportunity to prove themselves and their potential, and the decisions regarding ranking and positioning should be strictly merit-based. I have tried to create a transparent and meritocratic environment where all are valued and judged on their abilities and the contribution they can make.

2. I'll give heavy bonuses to the agents of the federal investigation bureau. We will do a promotion ceremony every week. That will raise the potential of agents to work harder and harder for the organization.

I will do the small IC events for the citizens of Los Santos. these activities, FIB will be able to engage directly with the citizens and encourage them for joining the FIB

4. I will try to do my best to make the connection with other organizations as realistic as possible. It will enhance the RP amongst the organization.

I'll hire the best undercover and 00 agents that will collect the evidences against the gangs. It will help us to complete the raid season.

6. I plan to hire the best Human Resource Curator and HOD who will provide the best possible training to new agents.


00 Agents:
This department will collect evidence against the Gangs and Families. This rank will only given to the peoples who are extremely experienced. This department can only be lead by 00 Handler, Director and Deputy Director.

Human Resource: This department will hire the peoples in FIB, give trainings to them and do state waves for hiring.

Internal Affairs: IA is the most responsible department. It will look into the corruption between the agents, will check the logs and activities of the agents and issue the strikes

Under Cover: The agents in this department will collect evidence and do work as a undercover. The high command of under cover review the evidence the evidence.

Public Relation: This department will conduct IC events for the citizens and will try to make the good relation with them.

Black Ops: This department will do special operation. Eg: Ghetto Patrol, Finding the cannabis, etc....
Best leader 💙

Mutant uchiha

Aug 19, 2024
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You said:​

Name = Ayush your age (OOC) = 17+ timezone = gmt+5:30 15:00 to 20:00 5-6 hrs musadiqamir Prabal infinitee 149151 13 english and hindi 1. Your name IRL 2. Your IRL age 3. Time zone 4. Average online per day 5. Your Discord 6. Your Nickname 7. Your ID

ChatGPT said:​

Hey Ayush! It looks like you might be filling out some kind of profile or form. Here’s how I would answer those questions based on what I know:
  1. I don’t have an IRL name since I’m an AI, but you can call me ChatGPT!
  2. I don’t have an age, but I was created by OpenAI and have been around since 2020.
  3. I don’t have a timezone, but I’m here to help you any time you need!
  4. I’m available 24/7, so I’m online all the time.
  5. I don’t use Discord or any other platforms like that.
  6. I don’t have a nickname, but you can call me whatever you like.
  7. I don’t have an ID or personal information.
If you have any more questions or need help with something else, just let me know!

You said:​

1. Your name IRL ayush 2. Your IRL age 17+ 3. Time zone GMT+5:30 4. Average online per day 6-7 5. Your Discord musadiqaamir 6. Your Nickname 7. Your ID

ChatGPT said:​

Got it, Ayush! If you need any more information or have other questions, feel free to ask. Here's a summary of your details based on what you provided:
  1. Name: Ayush
  2. Age: 17+
  3. Time Zone: GMT+5:30
  4. Average Online Per Day: 6-7 hours
  5. Discord: musadiqaamir
  6. Nickname: (You didn’t specify one—do you have a preferred nickname?)
  7. ID: (You didn’t provide this, but if it’s related to your Discord or something else, make sure to keep it private for security.)
If you need help with anything else or have any other questions, just let me know!

You said:​

1. Your name IRL ayush 2. Your IRL age 17+ 3. Time zone GMT+5:30 4. Average online per day 6-7 5. Your Discord musadiqaamir 6. Your Nickname Prabal infinitee 7. Your ID 149151

ChatGPT said:​

Understood! Here’s a summary with your details included:
  1. Name: Ayush
  2. Age: 17+
  3. Time Zone: GMT+5:30
  4. Average Online Per Day: 6-7 hours
  5. Discord: musadiqaamir
  6. Nickname: Prabal infinitee
  7. ID: 149151
If you need anything else or have any questions, feel free to ask!

You said:​

1. Leader of... 2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation) 3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization

ChatGPT said:​

Certainly, if you're looking to outline your leadership aspirations for a RolePlay organization, here's a structured approach to address these points:

1. Leader of:​

(Here, you'd specify the exact organization or role you're referring to. For example, “Leader of the Rebel Faction in a futuristic sci-fi RP game.”)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)​

1. Vision and Goals:
  • Explanation: I have a clear vision for the direction and goals of the organization. My experience and understanding of the RolePlay environment allow me to set strategic objectives that align with the interests of both the members and the overarching storyline. This vision includes expanding our influence, improving member engagement, and ensuring the storyline remains dynamic and compelling.
2. Experience and Skills:
  • Explanation: I bring a wealth of experience in RolePlay and leadership. My background includes managing similar organizations, which has honed my skills in conflict resolution, event planning, and member motivation. My leadership style focuses on inclusivity and collaboration, which I believe will foster a positive and productive environment for all participants.
3. Commitment to Improvement:
  • Explanation: I am deeply committed to the growth and improvement of the organization. My goal is to implement innovative ideas and strategies that enhance the RolePlay experience. This includes regular feedback sessions with members, integrating new technologies or tools, and organizing engaging events to keep the community active and enthusiastic.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in the organization:​

1. Develop Complex Storylines:
  • Advice: Create rich, multi-layered storylines that encourage deeper character development and interaction. A well-crafted narrative can immerse members in the RolePlay and provide meaningful challenges and opportunities for their characters. Regularly update the storyline to keep it fresh and engaging.
2. Encourage Member Participation:
  • Advice: Foster an environment where all members feel their contributions are valued. Encourage participation by involving members in decision-making processes, seeking their input on story arcs, and creating opportunities for them to lead their own subplots. This can enhance engagement and investment in the RolePlay.
3. Offer Regular Training and Resources:
  • Advice: Provide resources and training to help members improve their RolePlay skills. This could include workshops on storytelling, character

You said:​


ChatGPT said:​

Got it! Let’s make it more personal and less formal.

1. Leader of:​

(Here, you'd specify the organization or role you’re aiming for. For example, “Leader of the Galactic Rebellion faction.”)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)​

1. Passion for the Story:
  • Explanation: I’m genuinely excited about the storyline and the potential it has. I think I can take it to the next level by adding new twists and turning it into something even more immersive for everyone involved.
2. Previous Experience:
  • Explanation: I’ve been around the RolePlay scene for a while and have a good grasp of what works and what doesn’t. I’ve led similar groups before and learned a lot about keeping things fresh and engaging, so I’m ready to bring that experience here.
3. Desire to Build a Strong Community:
  • Explanation: I’m all about building a tight-knit group where everyone feels involved and valued. I want to make sure everyone has a great time and feels like they’re an important part of the story we’re creating together.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in the organization:​

1. Deepen the Plot:
  • Advice: Let’s work on crafting more intricate storylines that give everyone a chance to explore their characters in-depth. The more layered and complex the plot, the more engaged everyone will be.
2. Get Everyone Involved:
  • Advice: Make sure everyone has a chance to contribute. Whether it’s brainstorming new ideas or leading their own side stories, involvement helps keep everyone invested and excited about the RolePlay.
3. Provide Resources and Tips:
  • Advice: Share some resources and tips on improving RolePlay skills. Maybe organize some workshops or discussions on storytelling and character development. It’s all about helping each other grow and make the RolePlay even better.

How’s that? Feel free to tweak it or add any personal touches!

You said:​

Name: Ayush Age: 17+ Time Zone: GMT+5:30 Average Online Per Day: 6-7 hours Discord: musadiqamir Nickname: Prabal infinitee ID: 149151 Additional information 1. Leader of: fib 2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation) Explanation: I’m genuinely excited about the storyline and the potential it has. I think I can take it to the next level by adding new twists and turning it into something even more immersive for everyone involved. 2. Previous Experience: Explanation: I’ve been around the RolePlay scene for a while and have a good grasp of what works and what doesn’t. I’ve led similar groups before and learned a lot about keeping things fresh and engaging, so I’m ready to bring that experience here. 3. D I’m all about building a tight-knit group where everyone feels involved and valued. I want to make sure everyone has a great time and feels like they’re an important part of the story we’re creating together. 3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in the organization: Advice: Let’s work on crafting more intricate storylines that give everyone a chance to explore their characters in-depth. The more layered and complex the plot, the more engaged everyone will be. Advice: Make sure everyone has a chance to contribute. Whether it’s brainstorming new ideas or leading their own side stories, involvement helps keep everyone invested and excited about the RolePlay. Advice: Share some resources and tips on improving RolePlay skills. Maybe organize some workshops or discussions on storytelling and character development. It’s all about helping each other grow and make the RolePlay even better.

ChatGPT said:​

Your draft looks great! It’s clear and well-organized. Here’s a polished version with a bit more detail filled in:

Name: Ayush
Age: 17+
Time Zone: GMT+5:30
Average Online Per Day: 6-7 hours
Discord: musadiqamir
Nickname: Prabal infinitee
ID: 149151

Additional Information​

1. Leader of:
FIB (Federal Investigation Bureau)
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. Genuine Excitement for the Storyline:

I’m genuinely excited about the FIB storyline and its potential. I believe I can elevate it by introducing new twists and developments, making the experience even more immersive and engaging for everyone involved.
2. Previous Experience:
I’ve been actively involved in the RolePlay scene for a while, giving me a solid understanding of what works best. Having led similar groups before, I’ve gained valuable insights into maintaining engagement and freshness in the narrative. This experience equips me to bring innovative ideas and improvements to the FIB.
3. Building a Strong Community:
I am committed to fostering a tight-knit community where everyone feels involved and valued. My goal is to ensure that every member has a great time and feels like a crucial part of the story we’re crafting together. I want to create an environment where collaboration and mutual respect are at the forefront.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in the organization:
1. Craft Intricate Storylines:

Let’s work on developing more complex and layered storylines. This approach will give members more opportunities to delve into their characters and their development. A deeper narrative will keep everyone more engaged and invested.
2. Encourage Member Participation:
Ensure that all members have the chance to contribute their ideas and lead their own subplots. This inclusivity will help maintain enthusiasm and investment in the RolePlay, making everyone feel like they’re a significant part of the experience.
3. Provide Resources and Training:
Offer resources and training to help members enhance their RolePlay skills. Organize workshops or discussions focused on storytelling techniques, character development, and RolePlay best practices. By supporting each other’s growth, we can elevate the overall quality of our RolePlay.
Traniee rank in FIB xd

Fatih Daisy

Fatih Daissy
Nov 17, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Muhammet

2. Your age: 17

3. Time zone: GMT +2

4. Average online per day: 4-10 hours

5. Your Discord: elite_shelby

6. Your Nickname: Elite Shelby

7. Your ID: 88436

1. Leader of FIB

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

  • I am very experienced with legal organizations, I have been in GOV, FIB and LPSD. I played important role making case files total 5 terms in Assistant Director role

  • I am surrounded with friends who are with legal organization experience. Will form a team with them and i am sure i can do very successful terms with teamwork and positive atmosphere.

  • Last but not least FIB is meant to maintain Law and order from ground level weather it be busting drug deals , Gang raids or Handling crime rate, I am sure with all my experience and team work i can achieve it.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

  • In my leadership, I will give weekly tasks to each department. If they complete all of their tasks they will get a promotion also I will be sure every single agent is active in their occupation. I believe encouragement is first step to make someone success

  • Will strengthen Human Resource Department will specially take care of new agents. They will give good training to them and with this training agents will be successful in the situations.

  • Lastly, I will make good Under cover team where they act as backbone of FIB in all operations and activity in city. This department will be monitored by Me and my deputies .

  • Will make frequent events internally as well as with public so that interaction with public will give more space to perform RP

= High Command ===

30) Director
29) Deputy Director
28) Assistant Director
27) Chief of Staff
26) Federal Investigator
25) Head of Department
24) Deputy Head of Department
23) Supervisor
22) 00 agent
21) Commanding Agent
20) Black Ops Agent III
19) Black Ops Agent II
18) Black Ops Agent I
17) Elite SSA
16) Senior Elite Agent
15) Elite Agent
14) Federal SSA
13) Senior Federal Agent
12) Federal Agent
11) Senior Special Agent
10) Senior Agent
9) Senior Field Agent
8) Field Agent
7) Senior Field Operative
6) Field Operative
5) Junior Operative
4) Field Assistant
3) Trainee
2) LOA
1) Suspended

Elite Shelby
best leader


Jul 28, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Muhammet

2. Your age: 17

3. Time zone: GMT +2

4. Average online per day: 4-10 hours

5. Your Discord: elite_shelby

6. Your Nickname: Elite Shelby

7. Your ID: 88436

1. Leader of FIB

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

  • I am very experienced with legal organizations, I have been in GOV, FIB and LPSD. I played important role making case files total 5 terms in Assistant Director role

  • I am surrounded with friends who are with legal organization experience. Will form a team with them and i am sure i can do very successful terms with teamwork and positive atmosphere.

  • Last but not least FIB is meant to maintain Law and order from ground level weather it be busting drug deals , Gang raids or Handling crime rate, I am sure with all my experience and team work i can achieve it.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

  • In my leadership, I will give weekly tasks to each department. If they complete all of their tasks they will get a promotion also I will be sure every single agent is active in their occupation. I believe encouragement is first step to make someone success

  • Will strengthen Human Resource Department will specially take care of new agents. They will give good training to them and with this training agents will be successful in the situations.

  • Lastly, I will make good Under cover team where they act as backbone of FIB in all operations and activity in city. This department will be monitored by Me and my deputies .

  • Will make frequent events internally as well as with public so that interaction with public will give more space to perform RP

= High Command ===

30) Director
29) Deputy Director
28) Assistant Director
27) Chief of Staff
26) Federal Investigator
25) Head of Department
24) Deputy Head of Department
23) Supervisor
22) 00 agent
21) Commanding Agent
20) Black Ops Agent III
19) Black Ops Agent II
18) Black Ops Agent I
17) Elite SSA
16) Senior Elite Agent
15) Elite Agent
14) Federal SSA
13) Senior Federal Agent
12) Federal Agent
11) Senior Special Agent
10) Senior Agent
9) Senior Field Agent
8) Field Agent
7) Senior Field Operative
6) Field Operative
5) Junior Operative
4) Field Assistant
3) Trainee
2) LOA
1) Suspended

Elite Shelby
THE best chef


No further questions, your honour.
Aug 17, 2024
Your name IRL: Angelo

2. Your IRL age: 22

3. Time zone: EST / EDT

4. Average online per day: 3-5 Hours

5. Your Discord: commandermalo

6. Your Nickname: Leo Malone

7. Your ID: 31129

Additional information
Leader of...nothing.

Yes, it seems INSANE that I even decided to throw this up on here, but you know what? Not everyone has all the answers, and I'm sure we all know that experience doesn't always portray actual skill.

My only experience is (currently) as a Supervisor within the LSPD, and I've given it only gas. I daresay my rise through this organization was meteoric, and I want to apply what I've learned here and try something new elsewhere.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

A. Straight up, FIB was my intended goal for coming back to the city. I took a two-year sabbatical from the city due to my OOC life, and now with more time free, I want to come back and experience the LEO organizations, and try to improve things with the help of others, anyway I can.

B. I consider myself to be an alright LEO, definitely with room to improve, but I pride myself on my administration skills. Paperwork, spreadsheets, Duty Logs, and documents, I can do it all. There will be neither cent nor bullet misplaced, no Agent will ever not know what to do, how to do it, or where to find it, regardless of what "it" may be, either rules, events, procedures, or anything else, while it is under my care. These skills help me everywhere, and I think it's time to share what I know to improve the FIB, and perhaps learn more while I'm at it.

C. Being on the night shift most times, it annoys me how much gangs can get away with, as well as how boring it can be. I want to try and improve that part of the organization, perhaps a change in how Night Shift officers operate, what they can/can't do at certain times (city rules notwithstanding), and perhaps extra incentives for being in the city at that time

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.


An issue that I've noticed, not necessarily within the FIB only, is that nepotism hires cause a ton of friction between them and everyone else. I intend to make sure that regardless of who you are or where you came from, you're going to go through the process like everyone else. I don't need a bunch of clowns running a circus. And if you believe that this inconveniences yourself because you think its beneath you, or you know better, or what of it, then you aren't the right person for what I need to make this org better.


That's right! You read that correctly. I lost count how many times I've watched LEOs get their (and my own) goddamn asses kicked because they (and me) can't hit the broadside of a barn. That's why this term, I intend to include a training regimen, guided by what will soon-to-be Los Santo's newest expert marksmen/women


Going along with my previous shameless boasting, I want to see what's what regarding FIB documents, and see what might need fixing. I'm always for "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", but here's a quote that I like:

“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” — John C. Maxwell

I get it, people don't like to be pushed and prodded, to be told to do more work, but I think its high time we changed that. The point of this improvement, is not to build a house of cards, something to be blown down by the end of my term and forgotten, but to build a garden, a new administration, something that will outlive me, even if I'm not there to help.


Honestly, I know the point of the organizations is to naturally have their own little "bubble" of things to do, to keep from stepping on each other's toes. But sometimes that leads to situations where each side gets stonewalled within their own little space, meaning there can be little to do except perhaps hang around doing nothing.

I want to improve that however possible, once I learn the procedures and methods of the FIB.


We are supposed to be Federal Agents, it doesn't look good if we make mistakes. Naturally, everyone is human, and to be blunt, sh*t happens. But I aim to mitigate that happening however possible.

All FIB High Command will be subject to becoming students of the Department of Education, and attending 2 Classes a week minimum

Too often, the failings of an org lie with its leaders. They are supposed to be held to a higher standard, and I intend to make sure of that.


As you know, my experience might be limited, but my potential is not, and I think with the right guidance, the right folks to help me crew the ship, I can make sure the FIB is and stays a well oiled, efficient machine.
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Nov 19, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Vee
2. Your age: 26
3. Time zone: PST
4. Average online per day: 5 - 12 Hours
5. Your Discord: vAnimated #9015
6. Your Nickname : Vee Venetia
7. Your ID: 3177

Additional Information

1. Leader of Federal Investigation Bureau

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

I have my fair share of experience in several organizations including Government, LSPD, and especially FIB. For several terms I have been HOD of Undercover, HOD of OO Agent, and Chief of Staff as well and great general knowledge of the rules and regulations for Leaders and for regular members and believe I can guide this organization as it's leader. Not a leader who rules with an iron fist, but a leader who ensures the satisfaction of all its members and that the requirements and standards for FIB are being met.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization.

I believe that there is a lot of people who desire genuine roleplay within the server as an LEO. I would like to recruit experienced people who have thorough knowledge of FIB as well as the rules that come with being in FIB that way they can aid in guiding others down the right path and invite more people who may not know as much to FIB to learn and enjoy the roleplay experience from an FIB perspective thus, giving more players opportunity to learn the strictness and the joy FIB can bring to their RP experience and the server itself. As FIB Leader I will return genuine roleplay to the server that way whether you are an LEO or in a gang, or a normal citizen of the state, you can experience better roleplay from FIB as a whole. Taking more agents out on undercover busts, hunting wanted criminals, creating warrants for criminals who need to be arrested, and encouraging members of FIB to rise through the ranks with their hard work to earn bigger rewards and more during my leadership of FIB.


- Director
29 - Deputy Director
28 - Assistant Director
27 - Chief Of Staff
26 - 00 Handler
25 - Head of Department
24 - Deputy Head of Department
23 - 00 Agent
22 - Internal Affairs
21 - Human Resources
20 - Supervisor
19 - Senior Black Ops
18 - Black Ops
17 - Senior Elite Special Operative
16 - Elite Special Operative
15 - Elite Agent 2
14 - Elite Agent
13 - Assistant Elite agent
12 - Special Agent Special Agent 3
11 - Special Agent 2
10 - Assistant Special Agent
9 - Senior Field Agent 2
8 - Senior Field Agent
7 - Field Agent
6 - Junior Field agent
5 - Junior Agent 2
4 - Junior Agent 1
3 - Agent in Training
2 - LOA
1 - Suspended

Gsk King

Jul 17, 2023
1. Your name IRL :
2. Your IRL age : 22
3. Time zone : GMT + 5:30 + India
Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ):14:00 To 20:00.
4. Average online per day : 5-8 HOURS
5. Your Discord : gskgamer
6. Your Nickname : Gsk King
7. Your ID : 89718

Additional information
1.Leader of FIB (Federal Investigation Bureau)

2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

  • I have been part of FIB from the past 8 terms and have a very good experience in the org. I have worked with many leaders during my time in these terms and learned a lot from them. Not just the leaders, but I have a good relationship with my colleagues as well. I have helped many new officers who joined the org and they have grown and had a good time in the org. I was the deputy in the last term and handled GP, Gang Raid, Under Cover Operations all alone at times.

  • I would now like to take the leadership position to implement my learnings and make sure that FIB is the best organization and make sure that the people of Los Santos is free from Crime and Drugs.
3.Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

  • I will make sure that all my officers, from rank 1 till my deputies, all are well aware of the rules of the org and state. This ensures that there is no scope for committing mistakes which will affect the reputation of the organization.

  • I will put my best officers in charge to train my staff on how to deal with situations, so that there is very good roleplay during hostage situation or store robberies.

  • I will reward my officers with a very good bonus system and timely promotions. This will keep them motivated and give their best to the role and the org.

  • One more thing that I will do is to maintain proper communication with all the other organizations and keep them informed about any updates related to the org and any operations that we are conducting.

Thank you for the opportunity!!

Gsk King

Ex FIB Deputy Director (1X)
Ex FIB Assistant Director (4X)
Ex GOV USSS Deputy Director
Ex LSPD Assistant Chief (3X)
Ex SAHP Chief Commander
Ex NG Major

Shadman Israf

Jul 16, 2024
1. Your name IRL :
2. Your IRL age : 22
3. Time zone : GMT + 5:30 + India
Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ):14:00 To 20:00.
4. Average online per day : 5-8 HOURS
5. Your Discord : gskgamer
6. Your Nickname : Gsk King
7. Your ID : 89718

Additional information
1.Leader of FIB (Federal Investigation Bureau)

2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

  • I have been part of FIB from the past 8 terms and have a very good experience in the org. I have worked with many leaders during my time in these terms and learned a lot from them. Not just the leaders, but I have a good relationship with my colleagues as well. I have helped many new officers who joined the org and they have grown and had a good time in the org. I was the deputy in the last term and handled GP, Gang Raid, Under Cover Operations all alone at times.

  • I would now like to take the leadership position to implement my learnings and make sure that FIB is the best organization and make sure that the people of Los Santos is free from Crime and Drugs.
3.Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

  • I will make sure that all my officers, from rank 1 till my deputies, all are well aware of the rules of the org and state. This ensures that there is no scope for committing mistakes which will affect the reputation of the organization.

  • I will put my best officers in charge to train my staff on how to deal with situations, so that there is very good roleplay during hostage situation or store robberies.

  • I will reward my officers with a very good bonus system and timely promotions. This will keep them motivated and give their best to the role and the org.

  • One more thing that I will do is to maintain proper communication with all the other organizations and keep them informed about any updates related to the org and any operations that we are conducting.

Thank you for the opportunity!!

Gsk King

Ex FIB Deputy Director (1X)
Ex FIB Assistant Director (4X)
Ex GOV USSS Deputy Director
Ex LSPD Assistant Chief (3X)
Ex SAHP Chief Commander
Ex NG Major
We are with you
Last edited:

frost 69

Marabunta Under Deputy
Jun 24, 2024
Iam with you gsk bro i hope you will become leader of fib
1. Your name IRL :
2. Your IRL age : 22
3. Time zone : GMT + 5:30 + India
Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ):14:00 To 20:00.
4. Average online per day : 5-8 HOURS
5. Your Discord : gskgamer
6. Your Nickname : Gsk King
7. Your ID : 89718

Additional information
1.Leader of FIB (Federal Investigation Bureau)

2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

  • I have been part of FIB from the past 8 terms and have a very good experience in the org. I have worked with many leaders during my time in these terms and learned a lot from them. Not just the leaders, but I have a good relationship with my colleagues as well. I have helped many new officers who joined the org and they have grown and had a good time in the org. I was the deputy in the last term and handled GP, Gang Raid, Under Cover Operations all alone at times.

  • I would now like to take the leadership position to implement my learnings and make sure that FIB is the best organization and make sure that the people of Los Santos is free from Crime and Drugs.
3.Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

  • I will make sure that all my officers, from rank 1 till my deputies, all are well aware of the rules of the org and state. This ensures that there is no scope for committing mistakes which will affect the reputation of the organization.

  • I will put my best officers in charge to train my staff on how to deal with situations, so that there is very good roleplay during hostage situation or store robberies.

  • I will reward my officers with a very good bonus system and timely promotions. This will keep them motivated and give their best to the role and the org.

  • One more thing that I will do is to maintain proper communication with all the other organizations and keep them informed about any updates related to the org and any operations that we are conducting.

Thank you for the opportunity!!

Gsk King

Ex FIB Deputy Director (1X)
Ex FIB Assistant Director (4X)
Ex GOV USSS Deputy Director
Ex LSPD Assistant Chief (3X)
Ex SAHP Chief Commander
Ex NG Major


Jun 3, 2024
1. Your name IRL :
2. Your IRL age : 22
3. Time zone : GMT + 5:30 + India
Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ):14:00 To 20:00.
4. Average online per day : 5-8 HOURS
5. Your Discord : gskgamer
6. Your Nickname : Gsk King
7. Your ID : 89718

Additional information
1.Leader of FIB (Federal Investigation Bureau)

2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

  • I have been part of FIB from the past 8 terms and have a very good experience in the org. I have worked with many leaders during my time in these terms and learned a lot from them. Not just the leaders, but I have a good relationship with my colleagues as well. I have helped many new officers who joined the org and they have grown and had a good time in the org. I was the deputy in the last term and handled GP, Gang Raid, Under Cover Operations all alone at times.

  • I would now like to take the leadership position to implement my learnings and make sure that FIB is the best organization and make sure that the people of Los Santos is free from Crime and Drugs.
3.Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

  • I will make sure that all my officers, from rank 1 till my deputies, all are well aware of the rules of the org and state. This ensures that there is no scope for committing mistakes which will affect the reputation of the organization.

  • I will put my best officers in charge to train my staff on how to deal with situations, so that there is very good roleplay during hostage situation or store robberies.

  • I will reward my officers with a very good bonus system and timely promotions. This will keep them motivated and give their best to the role and the org.

  • One more thing that I will do is to maintain proper communication with all the other organizations and keep them informed about any updates related to the org and any operations that we are conducting.

Thank you for the opportunity!!

Gsk King

Ex FIB Deputy Director (1X)
Ex FIB Assistant Director (4X)
Ex GOV USSS Deputy Director
Ex LSPD Assistant Chief (3X)
Ex SAHP Chief Commander
Ex NG Major
We want You, Love You Brother
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