- Your name IRL: Ahamed Jobaer
- Your age (OOC): 23
- Time zone + country: UTC+6, Bangladesh
- Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ): depends on my university class time.But probably mostly active in 10:00-12:00, 15:00-19/20:00
- Average online per day(hours): 3-5 hours
- Your Discord ID: User name: jobaer616 (Jobaer Ahmed)
- Your characters' name (IC): Jobaer Ahmed
- Your in game ID: 54349
- Your in game level: 34
- Languages spoken: English, Bangla, Hindi ( understand but speak in little bit)
- What section would you prefer to be curator of ( State or Crime): State
Additional information
- I played GRP for a long time. And i learned day by day from my mistakes. I have every org experience. Like ex: lspd deputy leader, fib cos/assistant director too many time, also crime org. But i never experienced the admin section. I want be a good admin and try to make the city environment well.
- Too much friendly, can handle situation, always thinking and taking positively
- Trusting people too fast

- Try to be active always and be kind. Also doing work regularly.
- No business right now. But if i had ..Of course i'm ready to sell.
1.Your name IRL: Ahamed Jobaer
2.Your age (OOC): 23
3.Time zone + country: UTC+6, Bangladesh
4.Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ): depends on my university class time.But probably mostly active in 10:00-12:00, 15:00-19/20:00
5.Average online per day(hours): 3-5 hours
6.Your Discord ID: User name: jobaer616 (Jobaer Ahmed)
7.Your characters' name (IC): Jobaer Ahmed
8.Your in game ID: 54349
9.Your in game level: 34
10.Languages spoken: English, Bangla, Hindi ( understand but speak in little bit)
What section would you prefer to be
11.curator of ( State or Crime): State
Additional information
1.I played GRP for a long time. And i learned day by day from my mistakes. I have every org experience. Like ex: lspd deputy leader, fib cos/assistant director too many time, also crime org. But i never experienced the admin section. I want be a good admin and try to make the city environment well.
2.Too much friendly, can handle situation, always thinking and taking positively
3.Trusting people too fast
4.Try to be active always and be kind. Also doing work regularly.
5.No business right now. But if i had ..Of course i'm ready to sell.