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IMPORTANT Applications for Leaders

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Yona Accardian

May 8, 2021
1. Egor
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT +5
4. Average online per day: 4-7 hours.
5. Your Discord: Yonathan#6292
6. Your Nickname: Yona Hellsing
7. Your ID: 851
Additional information
1. Leader of MG/Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I want to become a gang leader because I am ready to put all my strength and skills to achieve the result that no one else had before.

Firstly, I have more than 50 people behind my back, who will not sit AFK on HQ, but will play RP, go to events all the time and, of course, turfs. I am as confident in my people as I am in myself.

Secondly, I have my own goals, which previously none of the leaders could normally realize. For example, to make large RP situations with government structures with big amount of people and especially I would like to always have the highway under control, because this is one of the most profitable ways of earning money for the guys in the organization.

In conclusion, I can say with confidence that this will be one of the best leadership terms in the history of this server, at least because of the people that I will bring with me. I have been in other gangs for a long time and most of times I was a high rank there, every time I didn’t like something in this or that leader and I’m not going to make the same mistakes that they did.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

3.1 The very first thing and the most important is that all members of the organization must be in the gang's discord, where will be created text channels, in which all the necessary rules and RP statements will be written.

3.2 Close interaction with other organizations, both criminal and government.

3.3 Replaying various RP situations between the guys in the organization. I can call them "trainings" that will be able for everyone to more easily learn the necessary RP terms.

Finite Days

EMS HR Chief
Jul 2, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Name :
Budhaditya Das
Age : 22
Time Zone : GMT +5:30(IST)
Average Online per day : 7-8 Hours
Discord : Finite #6851
Nickname (IGN) : Finite Days
ID : 28385

Additional Information

Stepping forth for the Leadership of Marabunta Grande.

The Reason:

To start off,
Marabunta was the first-ever organization that I joined after coming to this city. As days passed, I learned about the ways of this city, people, and how things work. I have spent most of my Non-LEO terms with Marabunta. To be precise I've got an emotional attachment with the "BLUES". This HQ feels like home to me.

I got to know many people from this org from the time when I stepped inside this HQ as a member, and with time they became a family to me. I was lucky that I had the best mates ever from the beginning of my career as a Bandit. But as they say "Nothing lasts forever", it got a disband somehow and my fellow mates got scattered in different gangs. But I know they want the "BLUES" back just like before and I am here to make sure to fulfill that wish!! To build the same old home for everyone but with a new spark!!

After being on the server for more than 6 months IRL, I just cannot stand hearing that "Marabunta is always weak and useless.", "They are good for nothing and will get a disband soon."
So, I am here to break that wheel and let everyone believe that the
"BLUES are no less and belong to the top, just like the sky!!"

My Resolve for improving RP in the org :

1) I believe in leadership, not in Bossing.

2) Though we call this an organization, I say, we call us, a family where we look out for each other like brothers and sisters.

3) Racism, Groupism, looking down upon members with a high ID number, is strictly not to be tolerated. Everyone is worthy and has a unique set of traits.

4) I will make sure to teach my mates(members) to prove our worth with actions rather than talks(trash talks)

5) Every member should strictly abide by Server Rules. I will make sure of that.

6) No one should worry about ranks as the only meaning of higher-ups is more work and responsibilities for the betterment of our members and the org. It does not mean more respect, as WE ARE ALL EQUAL AND WORTHY ENOUGH TO STAND BY EACH OTHER !!!

7) I will make every minute count so that people will not stand like ghosts at the HQ. There will be events going on every time, either server events or an event organized from our side. I will include rewards from my side for the winners.

8) I will make sure to interact and give proper guidance to every member so everyone follows proper RP and that no one feels left out and lose interest in the ORG.

Last but not least, let us say together: Bleed Blue!! ---- Marabunta on Top!


Johnny Crashz

Aug 26, 2021
1. Nikola Andrejevic
2. 25 years old.
3. UTC +01
4. 7 hours
5. Horse#3928
6. Johnny Crashz
7. 52439

Additional information
1. Leader of Families gang

2. I want to become leader of this certain gang,first of all because when I first joined,I fell in love with it. Precisely,with people that were in it,with the atmosphere and friendship that was felt in the air,well,as the name implies, FAMILIES. :)
Then on the secondary things,but that are still important,I love being a 'illegal' player.
I like robbing,like kidnapping,like doin' fights in the ghetto,competing with others in gang events!
I feel like that I advanced enough to step onto a higher level. I want to lead people,
teach them how they should play on a Roleplay server and make them improve themselves.
I want to make everyone recognize name "Families" and not laugh at it.
Pretty sure I am mature enough to take this role up and live up for it.
I am not as much veteran as some other players on this server are,but I think I have played
long enough and pretty much active to learn all the gang,ghetto and event things! I know
what is forbidden and what is allowed. I try to make this server a better place to play and live in by
teaching others the right ways! I've been in this gang,and I am pretty sure ex-members that were
high command would recomment me,because they know me pretty good and they know my good side.

3. My advices.. Well,first of all,players that decide to play
on a roleplay server shall go through the rules on the forums. If they are not sure what is allowed and
what not,they should ask other players. As for members in organization,I would make recruitment more strict.
If somebody wants to be part of a gang,they need to know every ghetto rule and improtant green zone rules.. Other
rules that doesn't have much impact would be explained later,as they keep playing.
I would ask people to go to discord before going onto a event,and read the instructions,or would explain them
ingame. When the event is goin on,all the way throughout the event,me as a possible leader,and other trusted people
would give them instructions what to do and what not,to try and avoid any possibilities of breaking the rules!
Also,everyone would have to strictly follow all of the human rights!
No racism,no offensive attitude and all of those kinds,those would be very strictly punished!
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Quis Davis

Jun 11, 2021
1. Your name: Marquis
2. Your age: 26
3. Time zone: EST
4. Average online per day: 7-10
5. Your Discord: Maxus#3037
6. Your Nickname: Quis Davis
7. Your ID: 12520
Additional information

Leader of The Ballas

- I have been in this city since about April time frame and I have been in both legal and illegal orgs. I resonate well with illegal orgs as I have always found it more fun. . I have seen what works and does not work with gangs. I have been in just about every gang under multiple leaders and been a part of a few disbandment's.

- The most recent gang I have been a part of is Vagos and would like to implement a warning/strike system that will enforce the rules not only from a server standpoint but also within the gang. I have seen first hand how this has helped keep everyone in line and keep the gang together for the longest term possible.

-Events, Like everyone else above I think Clandestine is one of the best and easiest events for gangs to partake in considering there is no loss and everything to gain and I notice that a lot of gangs don't even make an effort to show up. Once a leader I would like to have the gang change that. I would like to see that event become more competitive so it benefits everyone and it's not just one gang taking all the parachutes. Then store robberies , there are so many ways you can roleplay a store robbery and I think that is the best thing about this. It really gives everyone a chance to roleplay these scenarios out and make it fun. I believe that as a leader I can contribute to making this the most realistic RP situation for both parties (Illegal and legal side).

3. My advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I believe that using the radios and having more in-game conversations with the gang can help solve a lot of problems. The biggest issue that I have come across as a gang member and primarily being in the ghetto is there is a lot of stalling, fail RP, meeting points while getting robbed and people really just looking to become “forum warriors”. I would like to try and change that by forcing more RP situations. I would like to have my gang not just robbing people in the middle of megamall wide in the open because we have 3 members there. Instead, i would like to force my gang to get 5-10 and control the block. The more people will allow my gang the sense of security while robbing said individual and also everyone else can watch their back. This will make it much harder for people to metagame against us and make it clear that stalling will not work. I believe that after a good amount of time it will become clear that that is no longer an option to get out the robbery with my gang and force people to comply with the rules.


Aug 1, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Ash
2. Your age 17
3. Time zone EST
4. Average online per day: Usually around 8-10 hours
5. Your Discord amze#0001
6. Your Nickname Ash Noor
7. Your ID 2004
Additional information
1. Leader of... The Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? Firstly, I’d like to become the Leader of Ballas because I have put so much time and effort into Ballas previously before it was disbanded, I was a Vice of Ballas putting in countless of hours making sure everything was running smoothly, no members were breaking rules and all server rules were followed and respected, I also made sure every member was having fun while still following all server rules.

Secondly I want to be the Leader of Ballas to improve the roleplay and severity of following rules and regulations in ghetto, during my time of playing in multiple gangs I have realized how ghetto rp is unappreciated it and how people don’t follow simple rules such as pulling over when you are outnumbered or fearing for your life when multiple guns are aimed at you, I was attempting to fix this situation in Ballas but it was disbanded before I could finish it.

Thirdly I will make sure the organization stays alive and I will make sure all members at least attend 3 events per week, keeping the gang active and the events fun for everyone, I will also host a Event for Ballas and maybe the Global server at least 1 time every single week to show our appreciating to the admins and players.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization. Firstly I believe that there should be a punishment system and strict rules and regulations for every gang, however that is not under my control but if I am Leader of Ballas I will make sure to set these rules and regulations and punishments systems. For example if caught breaking rules purposely thinking the maximum punishment you will get is a demorgan, I would kick you from the gang for 1 week so this doesn’t happen again, The rules of the server is the most important thing, little punishments or harsh punishments don’t matter these rules should not be broken, I made sure to set these rules in previous Ballas as well, we never got more then one strike and when we did it was because of Turfs not rules that were broken by gang members.

Secondly I would rob at least 1 store every night to create roleplay opportunities for Government organizations and Ballas so we could create fun but serious and well roleplay.

Thirdly I would make sure when Ballas is ghetto fighting they are prepared and take their lives seriously, this would create more immersive Ghetto roleplay and would assure that Ballas are following all rules.
I appreciate this opportunity and wish everyone best of luck and I would like to thank the Grand Administration Team for taking their time to review this
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Jul 6, 2021
1. Zach
2. 18
3. EST
4. 8
5. Bannable#1405
6. Zach Noor
7. 41107

Additional information:
1. The Families

I believe that my past leadership experiences have allowed me to be an appropriate candidate for the leader position. For example, I was Vice in the previous Ballas and held the deputy role. I tried my best to make sure that the daily operation of the organization continued smoothly with no rule breaks. I was also one of the leaders of Venice 13. My main duties were leading the family and making sure that everyone was aware of all the rules and made sure that things ran smoothly OOCLY. Before all of this, I was in the high command of Marabunta. I made it my number one priority to try to get all reports resolved to prevent any unnecessary warnings from all organizations. I have been looking for a good opportunity to start an amazing experience and a perfectly safe organization where people could have fun while following all rules, but to prevent my inexperience from providing the fellow player base a poor experience I decided not to apply and to instead continue educating myself on the criminal roleplay. I believe that I am now a fit candidate which is why I am applying.

Some of the most fun I have had on the server is at the events. In every family and organization that I've been in, I have tried to always lead the events and encourage people to show up to the events. I promise if chosen I will do the same for families, making sure that all online members are active and are engaging in all the events that are provided, regardless of whether it's an internal event or a global event. I will make sure that I provide as much quality roleplay as an I can for legal organizations, other gangs, and families. I refuse to solely engage in meaningless ghetto fights that end up in a lot of rule breaks. The idea of "Playing to win" will not be tolerated, everyone will follow all the applicable rules, and anyone who doesn't will be subject to the three-strike system, regardless of their rank, ID, or relationship to me. I will make sure that my opinion isn't tainted and that everyone is treated as fairly as possible.

I would also like to promote more criminal/legal organization roleplay that doesn't always result in a shooting. I would like to host weekly police chases that would help encourage people who aren't very shooting-oriented to get involved in criminal roleplay. I will make sure that my members get involved in all events regardless of whether or not they are IC or OOC. I will meet all events quotas every week and won't stop there I will continue to be involved in as many events as possible.

Finally, I believe my mentality towards roleplay is what truly makes me unique. I refuse to play for the win. The meaning of Roleplay is to play out a unique situation and to truly enjoy it. It isn't always about winning or losing or how much you made or lost. I believe that you should just play out the situation you are in and do your utmost to make sure that the roleplay is as perfect as it can be. I will make sure that this ideology is passed on to the remainder of my organization and anyone who fails to do this will be removed from the organization.

3. Finally, before recruiting someone I will make sure that my members are well aware of the rules and aren't toxic members of the community that are playing solely to win. I also understand that as a leader of any organization you are looked at as an example and I will make sure that I set a prime example for everyone, now I will not lie, I haven't been spot-on perfect myself in the past, but I have improved a lot through the experience that I have gained. I care about this server and this organization as it was my first and I believe that with the right person, right motivation and time it will become one of the most notorious organizations on the server.

Finally, I would also like to host monthly meetings between criminal and legal organizations to better communicate about any issues or concerns that they are having to truly improve the RP on both sides.

Thank you for taking the time to read this application.
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Aug 26, 2021
1. Zach
2. 18
3. EST
4. 8
5. Bannable#1405
6. Zach Noor
7. 41107

Additional information:
1. The Families

I believe that my past leadership experiences have allowed me to be a appropriate candidate for the leader position. For example, I was Vice in the previous Ballas and held the deputy role. I tried my best to make sure that the daily operation of the organization continued smoothly no rule breaks. I was also one of the leaders of Venice 13. My main duties was leading the family and made sure that everyone was aware of all the rules and made sure that things oocly ran smoothly. Before all of this I was high command of Marabunta. I made it my number one priority to try to get all reports resolved to prevent any unnecessary warnings from all organizations. I have been looking for a good opportunity to start an amazing experience and a perfect safe organization where people could have fun while following all rules but in order to prevent my inexperience from providing the fellow player base a poor experience. I believe that I am now a fit candidate which is why I am applying.

One of the things I like most about this server is the events. As a family we get to do some and it's always a great amount of fun, I always lead the events with an family and I would do the same for families helping them as much as possible to be an active gang.

It would also help me create a lot of roleplay with government organizations other gangs and families. I don't just want meaningless ghetto fights that end up in a lot of rulebreaks, I would make sure all my members are following the rules, being smart and respectful towards everyone and I will make sure they always have their POVS for events and that they attend all events whenever they are online.

Also I think it would also be cool to see some illegal events organized by a gang. One thing I think would be cool would be illegal street racing events throughout the city in the night. This would be create cool roleplay ideas and would set other roleplay events for the police to be involved in other than shootings.

My best skill is, I really don't get toxic about losing a situation. Roleplay should always be the top priority making sure there is good roleplay and a good example for everyone involved in the situation so this particular situation could set a perfect mindset for everyone involved so great roleplay could happen more often.

Mostly importantly I want to be the leader of this organization because of the amount of experience I have in illiegal organizations and activies, I have spent over 10 hours every single day in the past 2 months or maybe even more than that studying every Leader, every gang and every criminal to see what is done correctly or even incorrectly so I could learn off their mistakes and relive it smoothly and perfectly in mine.

3. The first thing I would always make sure of when recruiting people is that they can understand and speak basic English. As a leader of any organization or community, you need to set a prime and perfect example for everyone, now I will not lie, I havent been spot on perfect myself in the past, but I have improved a lot, I really care about this server and this organization as it was one of my favorites and one of my first and I believe that with the right person and right motivation and time it will become one of the most Powerful, respected and rule abiding organization of all times.

Another way to improve the roleplay would be to create some relationships with different families and organizations for example making sure to have a hostage while robbing a store so you could make a realistic robbery and so its not mostly shooting and so there is actual roleplay behind robbing a store.

Make meetings each week where we talk about what has been done poorly this week so that we could improve on any mistakes that might have been done so in the future everything is done smoothly and perfectly.
Biggg vouch

Darco Pluxury

Aug 13, 2021
Name :
Budhaditya Das
Age : 22
Time Zone : GMT +5:30(IST)
Average Online per day : 7-8 Hours
Discord : Finite #6851
Nickname (IGN) : Finite Days
ID : 28385

Additional Information

Stepping forth for the Leadership of Marabunta Grande.

The Reason:

To start off,
Marabunta was the first-ever organization that I joined after coming to this city. As days passed, I learned about the ways of this city, people, and how things work. I have spent most of my Non-LEO terms with Marabunta. To be precise I've got an emotional attachment with the "BLUES". This HQ feels like home to me.

I got to know many people from this org from the time when I stepped inside this HQ as a member, and with time they became a family to me. I was lucky that I had the best mates ever from the beginning of my career as a Bandit. But as they say "Nothing lasts forever", it got a disband somehow and my fellow mates got scattered in different gangs. But I know they want the "BLUES" back just like before and I am here to make sure to fulfill that wish!! To build the same old home for everyone but with a new spark!!

After being on the server for more than 6 months IRL, I just cannot stand hearing that "Marabunta is always weak and useless.", "They are good for nothing and will get a disband soon."
So, I am here to break that wheel and let everyone believe that the
"BLUES are no less and belong to the top, just like the sky!!"

My Resolve for improving RP in the org :

1) I believe in leadership, not in Bossing.

2) Though we call this an organization, I say, we call us, a family where we look out for each other like brothers and sisters.

3) Racism, Groupism, looking down upon members with a high ID number, is strictly not to be tolerated. Everyone is worthy and has a unique set of traits.

4) I will make sure to teach my mates(members) to prove our worth with actions rather than talks(trash talks)

5) Every member should strictly abide by Server Rules. I will make sure of that.

6) No one should worry about ranks as the only meaning of higher-ups is more work and responsibilities for the betterment of our members and the org. It does not mean more respect, as WE ARE ALL EQUAL AND WORTHY ENOUGH TO STAND BY EACH OTHER !!!

7) I will make every minute count so that people will not stand like ghosts at the HQ. There will be events going on every time, either server events or an event organized from our side. I will include rewards from my side for the winners.

8) I will make sure to interact and give proper guidance to every member so everyone follows proper RP and that no one feels left out and lose interest in the ORG.

Last but not least, let us say together: Bleed Blue!! ---- Marabunta on Top!



Jul 6, 2021

1. Your name IRL: Chris
2. Your age: 23
3. Time zone: US Eastern
4. Average online per day: 7-10 Hours Per Day Average
5. Your Discord: Phrazing#2215
6. Your Nickname: Chris_Bankz

7. Your ID: 43528

Additional information

1. Leader of... The Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

First of all it seems that something new needs to happen.

1.) I love the gang environment on this server, however, from first hand experience I understand just how toxic it can be. I want to change this. The desire to want to be a winner is understandable but losing your cool, breaking rules and harassing individuals (gang members and strangers) in Non-Rp ways is just toxic. Ballas is the first gang I joined on this server and is my favorite gang by far. It would be a great experience to try my hand at making a healthy and fun environment for the gang members and those who interact and Rp with them.

2.) I believe in the concept of decentralized leadership. Although it’s alright to have one individual guiding/commanding everyone all the time, I believe it’s more important and efficient to entrust different roles and responsibilities to those who are more suited to them. There are plenty of talented leaders/Rp’rs on the server and I would love to incorporate the mindset of doing what best suits you into the Ballas Gang.

3.) Reduction of toxicity. Like I said gang Rp can be very fun but also very toxic. Getting robbed, losing a gunfight, getting arrested, making mistakes are all just aspects of being a gang member. I understand this and want constructive criticism and discussion to be the main responses to issues within the gang instead of arguments, anger and rule breaking.

3. Your Advice for improving RP level in organization.

I believe the best way to improve role play within a gang is to have a healthy mentality in the leadership. By being positive and leading in a way to improve people’s experiences and the inclusivity of gangs, I think gang RP as a whole can become much more developed.
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Shamzy Zeebo

Jul 24, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5-7 hours
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
Shamzy Zeebo
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Leader of Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
• I want to be the leader of Families because I'm used to being in charge.

• I know all the server rules, ghetto, event, gz, and rules for leaders. I've have also been in the turf team for Bloods and was one of the best shooters within their turf team. For Events for Bloods, I also made some graphics design which I'm also capable of doing.

• Right now I'm also a higher up in bloods (warlord). Where I am used to doing a lot of managing and structuring.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
• No shooting/beating in HQ (including friendly as it's not RP nor allowed).
• Recruiting only people who know the rules, changing up questions when recruiting so they can't be passed on.
• Using more of the radio, when at events or ghetto fighting.

Sam Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 7, 2021
Congratulations these players have been selected for a interview to be the next Families leader.

  • Axryan#3653 | Jimmy Balenciaga
  • Gagla#4378 | Gagla Clapper
  • Lousybot#5862 | Vladi Hellsing
  • azn#9940 | Barry Allen
  • rich kidyt#0730 | Bobby Fingers
  • Horse#3928 | Johnny Crashz

    Interviews will start on Monday 13th september at 18:00 server time


Aug 26, 2021
1. Jerry
2. 17
3. PST
4. 8+ Hours
5. 400J#1391
6. Jerry Slash
7. 2013
Additional information
Leader of Marabunta
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I want to be leader of Marabunta for a couple of reasons.
  • First off, I've been in the city as well as many others for quite a while and have experience in both legal RP and illegal RP, so I know how to RP and will teach others how to RP like new players or even experienced players. I know all the rules of the ghetto and turf and where all the HQ's and GZ's are located so there won't be any shooting into HQ's or GZ's while I lead Marabunta. I also have really good leadership skills from experience.
  • Secondly, I was previously High Command of Ballas so I know how gangs are run, and I really enjoy doing gang events such as Fort Zancudo, Clandestine, Store Robberies, Informant and Vehicle Theft and will push to make them as often as possible. I can also easily get 20+ experienced players with good leadership skills into the gang instantly who will help manage and run the gang smoothly and will be able to recruit many more members easily but made sure of that they know the rules as well.
  • Finally, the organization's hierarchy will be managed well so people's rank will be depended on the amount of effort they put into the gang and inactive players will be removed from the organization as well as toxic players being removed that don't show a positive stance in the community.
3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.
Only recruiting people who are aware of the rules and asking them questions before recruitment and making sure to change the questions so people aren't telling their friends the answers. Making sure that all members participate in events such as Fort Zancudo or Store Robberies or they will be removed after failure of doing so often. Removing players who often rule break from the organization and have a toxic or play to win mindset.


The Professional Snitch
Jul 14, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Simon
2. 20
3. ST
4. 10h
5. FreeJ#1283
6. Simon Brown
7. 14078
Additional information
1. Leader of The Ballas

2. From the day I joined the life of grand RP I was always wanted to be in a gang, and after being in majority of the gangs and holding high command position in all of them, I believe that it is my responsibility and opportunity, to lead a gang to the top, but keep rule breaks to the minimum as Ballas is well known for more rule break than other gangs. So after servining my ban, and becoming a fully reformed member of grand RP I wanna spread the message that its not to late to change for anyone even for Ballas.

I also wanna taste the new culture that Ballas bring to the ghetto, and albe to give the same new opportunities to new and returning members regardless of their ID's or status in the city. As everyone deserves a fresh start, and allow them to prove themselves as a force to be reckoned in lots of events which would be attended by everyone so everyone can taste the fun.

I have never been a leader of an organization and after being close to great leaders like Ink Lovell and Jack Morris, I belive its my time to prove what im capable of doing, and how much I can change Ballas for the better, but still keep its culture alive.

3. The RP in ghetto has a large spectrum from serious fun rp, to poor toxic RP from all ends even though this would not only be very hard to change and control, there always has to be a begining for great change. And I have seen first hands that admins trying to do their best at increasing events for gangs and controlling rule breaks, not only would I want that to continue, but I would also wanna introduce more interaction with cops, as I believe thats where the best and funniest experience lies in.

I welcome all dislike.
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Robbie West

Aug 6, 2021
1. Your name IRL Robbie
2. Your age 18
3. Time zone BST
4. Average online per day 13 hours
5. Your Discord ᵀᵂᴾBraveHeart#5736
6. Your Nickname Robbie West
7. Your ID 47771
Additional information
1. Leader of... The Ballas
1) I want to be the leader of Ballas because I have been in many gangs and I was a high rank in Ballas before I hope to run the Ballas differently and more structured than the gangs which are on the streets today. I think when people spam the chat, and spam meeting points it can be annoying sometimes. I would also consider myself as a great leader because when I'm leading people in fam events Informal's etc I think I do well with communication and keeping everyone very structured and in good positions i think the thing that stands out with me I'm very understanding and patient I take no bs if your being stupid but I prefer to understand the situation before i decide to take action for example handling things ooc etc to make it better for both orgs legal or illegal to try make rp as fun as i possibly could I would make sure the gang are all up to date with rules making sure they listen and listen to the higher ups my gang would have 2 1 warnings you mess up once your gone and blacklisted this way I know I have the right people in my org people who are willing to commit effort into the gang and bring them to the top I feel I am capable to do this. Most of my family members were in FIB and were all high command members and now many of us are in a gang and in fib we are also high ranking. We are prepared to use the stuff we have learned from the illegal side into running Ballas, and we are prepared to use the legal things which we have learned from FIB to run Ballas too.

2) I have spent a lot of time in this city and been in different legal orgs. I have been into most legal orgs so I am know all the tricks of the trade for all of the legal orgs, I have been in: (was Special agent 1 in FIB) (been in NG) (Been in Gov). With the previous experience which I have I hope to bring a different type of crime onto the streets where it is done in the most organized way possible to avoid any altercation with FIB/LSPD or any legal org. I'm willing to work with them to create events and make rp fun for all of the orgs as that would be one of the main goals of mine to create a fun environment for all and bringing something new and very much good into the streets

3) I think I know the City rules very well and try to spread my knowledge to all my family and gang members. I think with my knowledge and leader I can use Ballas to teach people the proper way to RP/ know what to do in RP situations and what not to do. I am positive that I can teach some of the members the way RP properly without breaking any city rules, which would avoid people getting warning/demorgan/bans.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I think I can improve the RP level in Ballas because I want to handle as many things with RP and staying IC as possible. Also as I said I believe I know the city rules well which I can explain to anyone who isn't sure. If people are reviving with a gun out, searching with a gun out, robbing without 3 people (4 if you are pulling a car over 2 in 2 cars), no combat loggers, and so on. If ANY of these members are caught doing this they will be immediately kicked out of the gang. I will not tolerate any rule breaks even if we are being robbed or if we are robbing someone, as I want to make it fun and fair for everyone in the city including other gangs, civilians, and legal orgs of the city.


Sep 3, 2021
1. Your name IRL Robbie
2. Your age 18
3. Time zone BST
4. Average online per day 13 hours
5. Your Discord ᵀᵂᴾBraveHeart#5736
6. Your Nickname Robbie West
7. Your ID 47771
Additional information
1. Leader of... The Ballas
1) I want to be the leader of Ballas because I have been in many gangs and I was a high rank in Ballas before I hope to run the Ballas differently and more structured than the gangs which are on the streets today. I think when people spam the chat, and spam meeting points it can be annoying sometimes. I would also consider myself as a great leader because when I'm leading people in fam events Informal's etc I think I do well with communication and keeping everyone very structured and in good positions i think the thing that stands out with me I'm very understanding and patient I take no bs if your being stupid but I prefer to understand the situation before i decide to take action for example handling things ooc etc to make it better for both orgs legal or illegal to try make rp as fun as i possibly could I would make sure the gang are all up to date with rules making sure they listen and listen to the higher ups my gang would have 2 1 warnings you mess up once your gone and blacklisted this way I know I have the right people in my org people who are willing to commit effort into the gang and bring them to the top I feel I am capable to do this. Most of my family members were in FIB and were all high command members and now many of us are in a gang and in fib we are also high ranking. We are prepared to use the stuff we have learned from the illegal side into running Ballas, and we are prepared to use the legal things which we have learned from FIB to run Ballas too.

2) I have spent a lot of time in this city and been in different legal orgs. I have been into most legal orgs so I am know all the tricks of the trade for all of the legal orgs, I have been in: (was Special agent 1 in FIB) (been in NG) (Been in Gov). With the previous experience which I have I hope to bring a different type of crime onto the streets where it is done in the most organized way possible to avoid any altercation with FIB/LSPD or any legal org. I'm willing to work with them to create events and make rp fun for all of the orgs as that would be one of the main goals of mine to create a fun environment for all and bringing something new and very much good into the streets

3) I think I know the City rules very well and try to spread my knowledge to all my family and gang members. I think with my knowledge and leader I can use Ballas to teach people the proper way to RP/ know what to do in RP situations and what not to do. I am positive that I can teach some of the members the way RP properly without breaking any city rules, which would avoid people getting warning/demorgan/bans.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I think I can improve the RP level in Ballas because I want to handle as many things with RP and staying IC as possible. Also as I said I believe I know the city rules well which I can explain to anyone who isn't sure. If people are reviving with a gun out, searching with a gun out, robbing without 3 people (4 if you are pulling a car over 2 in 2 cars), no combat loggers, and so on. If ANY of these members are caught doing this they will be immediately kicked out of the gang. I will not tolerate any rule breaks even if we are being robbed or if we are robbing someone, as I want to make it fun and fair for everyone in the city including other gangs, civilians, and legal orgs of the city.
This guy deserve chance let's say why not!! <3

Jimmy Balenciaga

Life is Good 🕊️
May 27, 2021
1. Aryan Lakra
2. 19
3. India (GMT+5:30)
4. 7-8 hours
5. Axryan#3653
6. Jimmy Balenciaga
7. 17062

Additional information

1. Leader Of Marabunta

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

- I have been in this city for a long time and I have gotten experiences from pretty much every organization (leaving out a couple), I have seen how gangs work , I am surrounded by some of the best leaders this city has ever seen and I have learnt a lot from them . I have weighed the pros and cons for leading a gang and I've seen that a lot of good gangs get disbanded over the most stupid reasons and I wanna be better than those leaders. I know for a fact that if I get a shot , I will not disappoint.

- I have also broken some rules which i learned after getting punished now i think im capable that i can get the people to know all the rules of proper roleplaying and i would be keeping a special team or old and experienced people from gangs who are there for a long time to help them and guide them how the gangs work and will be implementing a system where people who break rules will get strike and if they get 3/3 strikes they are fired from the organisation and every week 1 strike will be reduced same system as the warnings given by the god (I Would Like To Thank The Gods For This idea) and as usual some of the leaders are so scared of disbanding that they wont even leave hq but i will not be like that i will make all the ghetto fun and my dream,my target is to get a leader of a gang and get 100% area through turfs and i swear i will get the best turf team.

- I am from 14K Triad All the guys in my family were in ballas but if i get the leader they all will support me and the gang to grow and i can really guide people on how to plan everything all i see right now is too many forum warriors but what i wanna do is make the rp so high quality that they wont even get a chance to take action against us so we all can have a fun time and its fun and games ive made brothers here and just wanna have fun and spend some quality time with the people i didnt even meet ever but i call them fam so its a big connection here since the past 4 months. and i will try my best to do 2 event daily except clandestine and battleship cause they are the most fun events in my perspective

3. i am a livestreamer my self so i will be making really good high quality roleplay content for the viewers and my main motive will be to attract viewers to the grand city and call them here i wont stop till i get atleast 50 people in the city and i will be taking people with 90% knowledge of the ghetto rules so its fun for everyone all in the end is a fun escape from real life for me and i am really glad i found this city and i am able to have fun with 70k + people from all over the world

All i wanna say in the last is ill get 100% territory under control and make Marabunta to the top again.

Larry Hulk

Jul 23, 2021
1. Larry

2. 23

3. EST

4. 10-14 hours

5. Keythebeastyo21#7779

6. Larry mcgavin

7. 42643

Additional information

1. Leader of: SAHP

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization: I would like to be the leader of this organization because I believe that in order to create a safer community it must start with the top providing good training to those below you and allow it to trickle down to even the lowest ranks I believe that if you build the empire brick by brick from the bottom down that you will have a impenetrable organization, this will allow for better experiences within the SAHP and for those that we serve and protect and those that we must deal with all the same, I believe that I can be a good leader, that I will be hands on and I’ll be out there on patrols leading the charge I won’t send my men into harms way without leading the charge a good leader will always be at the front of the first line. I love the SAHP I have been here since Louie was the sheriff since then I’ve made my way all the way up to second highest in command which is known as chief and I was chief of highway patrol I want to see us be the best but while also doing our best to work towards pure perfection, I’d love to also set up a joint task force with the other legal orgs within the city in order to rid the upper city gang activity along with the northern part of San Andreas because it has grown almost totally out of control. And has caused to many losses of life from all org we must band together to create a safer environment not only for Leo’s but for the citizens of los santos as well

I also want to make sure that within SAHP we always make our arrest by the book not make petty mistakes that can cause heartache to our officers I want to be sure that not only does everyone enjoy being with SAHP they also learn from there experiences within SAHP and they feel welcomed and heard from there higher ups I want to make sure that everyone understands that I’m listening to those that are under me and taking there advice and making sure they know that I’ll make necessary changes in order to make the org a better place for everyone.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization:

Step 1: crack down on email calls coming into ic and playing a massive part in the roleplay situations this cant happen as its failrp and meta gaming, it also ruins the roleplay experience for those that are partaking and end up having loss a created tactical advantage in game because people are using info obtained ooc.

Step 2. Implant more realistic ways of doing things, techniques, chain of command, and trainings, while also not attempting to overload those within the SAHP by making small injections over time will allow for a better outcome.

step 3. Use the radio more efficiently and use it for a lot less ooc talk and more tactical call outs which will help improve the quality of role play, because people will start to learn exactly what should go over the work radio and what shouldn’t

I thank you for your consideration administrative team and appreciate you taking the time to read over my application


Larry Mcgavin

Dravon walker

Aug 9, 2021
this man has my plus 1. not only was he a good officer but he handled everything the previous leader should have done
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