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IMPORTANT Applications for Leaders

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Eva ElGreco

May 8, 2021
1. Devonte
2. 19
3. Atlantic Standard Time GMT-4
4. 7-10 hours per day
5. Mr. Giggles🤓#4572
6. Devonte KrownSr
7. 4606

Additional information
1. Leader of National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

During my six months with NG, I experienced both the good and bad sides of this organization. I've gathered knowledge and experience in situations when taking up leadership was difficult. My ability to make rapid and responsive judgments in stressful situations would inspire the organization to perform at its best. My dependability would aid the organization in functioning as smoothly and regularly as feasible, and the utilization of communications would be perfect in helping to develop the organization. Listening to the players' concerns, suggestions, and plans may lead to improved collaboration and domination on the field, resulting in increased self-esteem and confidence to continue pushing themselves to work smarter and more effectively.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

As a former SASD leader of the Nation Guard, operating Special Division was a challenge in and of itself; the training that was set and recruiting people to specialize in that talent was time-consuming but effective. I was a recruiting manager and representative, which helped a lot because understanding the NG system requires a lot of patience and perseverance. My aim is to ensure that each player understands the laws and restrictions of the org and city, to maintain frequent communication with gods to help in the improvement, and to keep everyone up to date on changes that need to be made. Because the National Guard plays such an important role in the city, it is my responsibility to ensure that troops are ready to serve on the front lines at all given times and give first-rate service to all LEOs.
As forme
leader of NG for almost 3 squicky clean terms I can vouch as well for Devonte. He has been in NG for ages knowing all the ins and outs good and bad. He is a very bright young man. I can vouch for him all the way

Rebel Smith

Jun 6, 2021
The Following Players are Invited to the National Guard Leader Interview at 18:00 Sever Time on Tuesday(10/5/2021):

Arsenik Jefepaapakosta- ID 23154 (ARSENIK#7943)
Devonte KrownSr- ID 4606 (Mr. Giggles🤓#4572)
Darius Edge- ID 60769 (The3rdEdge)
Roko Barba- 32517 (BarbaRoko#6956)

Applications for National Guard are now CLOSED.

Standl Wise

Oct 4, 2021
1. Devonte
2. 19
3. Atlantic Standard Time GMT-4
4. 7-10 hours per day
5. Mr. Giggles🤓#4572
6. Devonte KrownSr
7. 4606

Additional information
1. Leader of National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

During my six months with NG, I experienced both the good and bad sides of this organization. I've gathered knowledge and experience in situations when taking up leadership was difficult. My ability to make rapid and responsive judgments in stressful situations would inspire the organization to perform at its best. My dependability would aid the organization in functioning as smoothly and regularly as feasible, and the utilization of communications would be perfect in helping to develop the organization. Listening to the players' concerns, suggestions, and plans may lead to improved collaboration and domination on the field, resulting in increased self-esteem and confidence to continue pushing themselves to work smarter and more effectively.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

As a former SASD leader of the Nation Guard, operating Special Division was a challenge in and of itself; the training that was set and recruiting people to specialize in that talent was time-consuming but effective. I was a recruiting manager and representative, which helped a lot because understanding the NG system requires a lot of patience and perseverance. My aim is to ensure that each player understands the laws and restrictions of the org and city, to maintain frequent communication with gods to help in the improvement, and to keep everyone up to date on changes that need to be made. Because the National Guard plays such an important role in the city, it is my responsibility to ensure that troops are ready to serve on the front lines at all given times and give first-rate service to all LEOs.
no one deserve to be the new general than u bro

Chris Hope

Aug 30, 2021
This guy should honestly become leader. He is very dedicated to this server and has put a lot of time and effort into becoming a high command in pretty much every org he has been in. He deserves to become leader cause he knows how things should run and then make things 10x better as time goes on.

John Fedorow

Oct 3, 2021
Read it over 3 times and it look good, great spelling and grammar it look good bro
That's from my way of looking at it buy its good

step west

Oct 2, 2021
1. Shervan
2. 19
3. CST
4. 8 hours average id say? (could be less could be way more)
5. Sherv#8363
6. Sherv West
7. 11207
Additional information
1. Leader Of Marabunta Grande

2. The first main reason that I'd want to be leader of Marabunta is to try and bring something new to the illegal org scene. I've been in pretty much every gang and also almost every legal organization at this point. I've seen what goes wrong: how orgs get warnings/disbanded, how rp succeeds and fails between Law enforcement and gangs, and how gangs interact with each other whether it be in events or just around the city. I have a few ideas for events and rp situations. So I guess the first main point I'd want to focus on is RP within Marabunta, between the gang and other gangs, as well as the rp with legal organizations in robberies/hostage situations, events, and throughout the city.

Building on the last point, I want to run the gang with as little toxicity as possible and have an environment where people can feel like a family and grow together like how the city was when I first joined. It was fresh, new, and everyone was having tons of fun being in gangs. However, with the large influx of people flying into the city, the rules of the ghetto, general rules, and just basic common sense seems to have maybe gone out the window a bit in gangs. Therefore, I'd want to make sure all of the gangsters know the rules (what we can and can't do). There will be a few general questions that everyone has to know the answers to at the very least to be able to join. I've seen leaders with great potential fail in a matter of days because they didn't have people surrounding them in high positions that could manage the people within the gang to ensure that no rule breaks occur. I want the new Marabunta to have a strong leadership and have trusted people around me who can assist in leading. You can't do all of the work alone and a strong foundation at the head of the gang would help with everything.

Lastly, I want to become the leader of Marabunta to try and make the city more enjoyable for everyone. Many of my old friends who were extremely active in the city, who loved gang life and events, got tired of the repetitive nature of encounters and just certain aspects of the city. Hence why I would like to try and spice it up a bit for everyone. I want to bring people back, bring new people in, and just make the GrandRP city as amazing as I remember it being back when I first started. Every time I would fly in to the city, I would always be excited to drive around the ghetto with friends, feel the thrill of escaping the cops and having a huge chase, rob people, RP'ing fights and potentially even intense hostage negotiations. I'm not saying I want to make the city "great again" because it's still great now, but I want to feel like a kid in an amusement park again and really enjoy it like we all used to.

3. There are two places I want to focus on roleplay with the organization. One is gang interactions in the ghetto and the other is between gangs and legal orgs especially at store robberies. In the ghetto, even though the free for all type mentality can be fun, I think everyone can agree with me that it gets old really quick. I'm not sure how we can resolve this other than creating new RP situations that you must do while robbing or before you can shoot because shooting without talking is boring (this isn't arena). Another potential solution could be to somehow increase the ghetto borders to increase the area that illegal activity can take place (not necessarily a kill on sight but more of a "spreading out" of gangsters so RP can actually occur). I've been in most of the legal orgs on top of gangs as I highlighted earlier and I've seen how store robberies are from all points of view possible (high command, low ranks, gangster, negotiator). I think we need to add more possibilities for negotiation and hostage trades because going to a robbery and having it just be a shootout in 5 seconds is not RP or fun for anyone on either side.

Thank you for taking the time to look over my application (I know it's kinda long). If you would like to know any more about my ideas I'd love to answer them :)
Let all be real here. Sherv is the 100% the most responsible choice for leadership. He has proven it through multiple family events and sticks to his RP and never goes OOC in orgs and by far has a potential to become the best Gang leader this city has ever seen

Eduardinho Focacciaso

Sep 16, 2021
1. Your name IRL Edvard
2. Your age 16
3. Time zone CET
4. Average online per day 5-8 hours
5. Your Discord Eduardo1#8435
6. Your Nickname Eddie Brown
7. Your ID 10269
Additional information
1. Leader of... Families
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation) There is many reasons for Why id want to be the Families leader, and now I’m gonna list the most important of them.

RP Quality
Firstly, it’s the RP quality I could bring out to members and citizens, in being the position of leader. I’m a willing RPer and I prefer having a great RP situation rather than losing or dying, something that I know others strive to learn but doesn’t succeed in. I’m going to do anything to make sure my members are enjoying RP I’ll bring to them, as well as winning turfs and street fights. In saying this I’m gonna have a great balance on street fights and event victory focus, as well as including a lot of interactive and enjoyable RP. I’m gonna make sure at all costs that I and my members have low to no reports made about them, and not having the need of specially assigned “forum warriors” in my gang that makes sure no one gets punished. If I see another gang member does something that weakens RP and is reportable I’d rather get knowledge on why they’ve done it, and if they do not care about weakening other people in they’re surroundings RP I would definitely report them as that is something, that is very selfish to do and weakens rp of all around them. I would also firstly try to void things IC instead of reporting them before doing anything else. I think these RP policies will make all members of my potential leadership glad of the RP they get to participate in.

Creative RP
I’m most definitely gonna involve new and fun RP in the gang that isn’t seen before. I would be a major hosted in global events that me and curators have agreed about that makes members and participants from all sides amazed in the RP qualities of my leadership.
One thing that may not be possible, but I think would strengthen RP for all would be a global event for all around the city, where the gangs had made an alliance for a state coup, that would last a day or some hours where I have a great plan for how all sides can enjoy the RP as well as not ACTUALLY, take over the government. Alongside this I also have other ideas that would go through curators and also through the theme of Creative RP.

Might and members
Immediately when given leadership of Families I would make sure the first members would be my Deputies, which I would have interviews for to make sure I have the best ones available that can lead the organization alongside me, and make sure the gang stays on top, in terms of winnings of capture as well as Roleplay creating and enhancing. I would make sure that I have the most qualified higher commands and shooters to make sure Families stays on top in terms of turf capture. If I ever see someone doing something they’re not supposed to do, I wouldn’t kick them immediately but firstly try to give them a verbal warning and knowledge them about what went
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Upon joining
I would have a rule test upon joining to make sure my members are in good standard of knowledge of rules, and inform them on how we rule and what they can do to get promoted etc. In the Marabunta discord I would most definitely intergrate a members log where I could keep in touch of what the members have been doing for Marabunta and whether so they need a promotion. Further more they would get promoted if they have been seen loyal and good for the gang. I would also try to give the non high commands chances to prove them selves, like leading the gang for an event or suggesting a plan on how we could win the given event that was coming up. I think this a great subject on how the members could show they’re loyalty and effort as well as they’re strategies and would definitely give them a good opportunity in terms of showing leadership capabilities.
Oh and lastly… Families on top!!!

scheen barbados

Jul 11, 2021
1. Your name IRL Edvard
2. Your age 16
3. Time zone CET
4. Average online per day 5-8 hours
5. Your Discord Eduardo1#8435
6. Your Nickname Eddie Brown
7. Your ID 10269
Additional information
1. Leader of... Families
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation) There is many reasons for Why id want to be the Families leader, and now I’m gonna list the most important of them.

RP Quality
Firstly, it’s the RP quality I could bring out to members and citizens, in being the position of leader. I’m a willing RPer and I prefer having a great RP situation rather than losing or dying, something that I know others strive to learn but doesn’t succeed in. I’m going to do anything to make sure my members are enjoying RP I’ll bring to them, as well as winning turfs and street fights. In saying this I’m gonna have a great balance on street fights and event victory focus, as well as including a lot of interactive and enjoyable RP. I’m gonna make sure at all costs that I and my members have low to no reports made about them, and not having the need of specially assigned “forum warriors” in my gang that makes sure no one gets punished. If I see another gang member does something that weakens RP and is reportable I’d rather get knowledge on why they’ve done it, and if they do not care about weakening other people in they’re surroundings RP I would definitely report them as that is something, that is very selfish to do and weakens rp of all around them. I would also firstly try to void things IC instead of reporting them before doing anything else. I think these RP policies will make all members of my potential leadership glad of the RP they get to participate in.

Creative RP
I’m most definitely gonna involve new and fun RP in the gang that isn’t seen before. I would be a major hosted in global events that me and curators have agreed about that makes members and participants from all sides amazed in the RP qualities of my leadership.
One thing that may not be possible, but I think would strengthen RP for all would be a global event for all around the city, where the gangs had made an alliance for a state coup, that would last a day or some hours where I have a great plan for how all sides can enjoy the RP as well as not ACTUALLY, take over the government. Alongside this I also have other ideas that would go through curators and also through the theme of Creative RP.

Might and members
Immediately when given leadership of Families I would make sure the first members would be my Deputies, which I would have interviews for to make sure I have the best ones available that can lead the organization alongside me, and make sure the gang stays on top, in terms of winnings of capture as well as Roleplay creating and enhancing. I would make sure that I have the most qualified higher commands and shooters to make sure Families stays on top in terms of turf capture. If I ever see someone doing something they’re not supposed to do, I wouldn’t kick them immediately but firstly try to give them a verbal warning and knowledge them about what went
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Upon joining
I would have a rule test upon joining to make sure my members are in good standard of knowledge of rules, and inform them on how we rule and what they can do to get promoted etc. In the Marabunta discord I would most definitely intergrate a members log where I could keep in touch of what the members have been doing for Marabunta and whether so they need a promotion. Further more they would get promoted if they have been seen loyal and good for the gang. I would also try to give the non high commands chances to prove them selves, like leading the gang for an event or suggesting a plan on how we could win the given event that was coming up. I think this a great subject on how the members could show they’re loyalty and effort as well as they’re strategies and would definitely give them a good opportunity in terms of showing leadership capabilities.
Oh and lastly… Families on top!!!
they finna sit in hq all day no kizzy


Georgian Clapper
Jun 18, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1.Gaga Marsagishvili
3.UTC +4
4. 8-11 hours a day
6.Gagla Clapper

1.Leader of The Families

2.I want to be leader of families because i think i will do well in gang because i have been in gangs since i joined the server its been more than 7 months so i have lot of gang experience because of that i also now so many people in all the gangs in the city so i have my people that will help me lead the gang and get the biggest and strongest gang in the city

I want to be leader of the families because i have so much leadership experience i have been one of the higher ups in different gangs so i know how all the events work and know how to manage the gang i have my own family as well so i got good leadership skills and experience as well

i want to be leader of the families because i have never been leader of gang and i find it exciting i want to try out leadership of gang and especially the families because this is most underrated gang and i think it deserves leader which will be strict to all the gang members and make sure they will do everything as expected to get gang on top

i think i deserve to be leader because i am good at negotiating with people as well if needed,i have good team of experienced people so they can manage the gang well

i think deserve to be gang leader because i have all the requirements Gang leader should have and i got so many people on my side from different gangs

i am going to manage ranking system well so nobody will be able to get high ranks without any effort in the gang and all the inactive people will be kicked out of gang

3.my advice for improving roleplay level in organization is that i am going to make quiz so nobody will be able to join without filling the quiz, if they cant fill quiz in google, live quiz will be available with all the questions about different rules so it will make our gang more exciting and better because everyone will know the rules and they wont break them and make server better. i would also add trainings on newbies so they can learn how to rob people and all the stuff gang member should know, like this everyone will have chance to join the families even if they are new players. whoever breaks rules is going to get warnings, i will type all the warnings in notepad so if anybody gets 3 warnings they will be kicked out of gang and blacklisted, since we dont need people breaking rules and making server bad to play. when we will be going on events i want every online player on events and if they cant come on event they have to give me a proper reason of why they can't/couldn't go on event, whoever doesnt go to event when active will receive warnings as well and after 3 warnings will be kicked and blacklisted. i will make sure we write down whoever goes on events and i will watch everyone personally, if i see someone have good leadership skills are going to get high ranks so they can lead events by themselves.
if someone doesnt join gang for more than 3-4 days will be kicked out of gang if they dont tell me reason why they cant play RP.
i will make sure no one in our gang disrespects each other no matter what rank they are, everyone in gang should be good with each other because gang is like a one big family and everyone have to help each other in different things. I Will do everything i can to get the Families on top.Everyone will have its own function in gang so it will be managed well some of my higher ups are going to train people to rob people, some of them will train them for shooting on arena and all the other stuff.

Tom Townsends

Jun 29, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL: Yarin

2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT + 3
4. Average online per day: 8-11
5. Your Discord: Yarin.#5504
6. Your Nickname: Tom Zoom
7. Your ID: 41387
Additional information
1. Leader of... Families
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation) I want to be the leader of this specific organization because of few reasons:

- First of all, since I arrived to the city, the crime was part of me. I've joined to Families gang and it was part of my life. I used to be high rank in the gang and did everything I can to the gang by investing all of my time to the gang as a member in the gang, so when I will be the leader, I would do everything I couldn't do while I was "only" turfer.

- Second, I would like to help every gang member as a leader and lead them to the right direction as the leader of them. I would train them everyday- Maybe not me specific, I would make an order in the ranks so one of the high ranks will be in charge of the trainings. I would lead them to be the best gang in the city so everyone will be afriad of just looking on them.

- Third, I will make an order and I will make sure that no one in the Families will be racist, no one in the Families will break the rules (or else he will get kicked immediately). I will be apart of the gang. The fact that I will be the leader won't matter that I will be involved in everythnig that will happen in the gang, even my trainee's stuff. I would know everything and help everyone in anything so we will be the best gang in the city.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization. I would advice for improving to RolePlay level in my organization, that I would make a role in my gang that will be in charge on every newbie that recruit to my gang, this specific role, one of his roles will be to make sure that the new recruiters will understand all of the rules that the must be obeyed and they'll train them also in the Arena to make sure that they'll be better shooter and won't be afraid to be apart of RolePlay situations. I would make rank system that in order to get promoted you must do some good stuff for the gang and for your own, like, specific trainings, be involved in robberies or another gang's roleplay events and etc.

Shamzy Zeebo

Jul 24, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5-7 hours
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
Shamzy Zeebo
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Leader of Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
• I want to be the leader of Families because I'm used to being in charge and I know how 24/7/gun store robberies work and I have negotiated and been in charge multiple times in other gangs which would create a lot of good rp.

• I know all the server rules, ghetto, event, gz, and rules for leaders. I've have also been in the turf team for Bloods and was one of the best shooters within their turf team. For Events for Bloods, I also made some graphics design which I'm also capable of doing.

• Right now I'm also a higher up in bloods (warlord). Where I am used to doing a lot of managing and structuring.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
• No shooting/beating in HQ (including friendly as it's not RP nor allowed).
• Recruiting only people who know the rules, changing up questions when recruiting so they can't be passed on.
• Using more of the radio, when at events or ghetto fighting.


Sep 16, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Aleksandar
2. Your age: 20
3. Time zone: GMT 2+
4. Average online per day: 10-12 Hours Per DayAverage
5. Your Discord: CalEiDarK
6. Your Nickname: Gospodin Crashz
7. Your ID: 51722
Additional information
1. Leader of... The Families
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1). Firstly, Families was the first Organization that I joined, I've met a lot of great people and had a lot of great experiences throughout my time in Families that I feel like I would be able to replicate for others. Although, I had a lot of fun and a lot of positive experiences there were some moments that I was against due to the severity of the rule breaks. I believe that some people have tainted mindsets towards RP to solely benefit themselves and their organization. I believe that this isn't just for the organization nor is it just for the server. I want to be able to provide a fun, serious, fair, roleplay environment for others without worrying whether or not me and my Organization will come out on top. I don't believe that I am perfect, I believe that I have made mistakes, but I strive to not only know what my mistakes are but to learn from them. I believe, that my time on the server combined with the leadership opportunities has allowed me to better prepare myself for the opportunity at hand.

2). Secondly, as I briefly stated earlier, the leadership opportunities that I have been provided with have allowed me to be well fit for this leadership position. I was a high command in Ballas, followed by Vagos. I had my own family that swiftly became an informal family, and at this time am currently high command of Slaughter Cartel and Vagos. Throughout my time in any high command position, the organization and I have received a total of zero warnings. Additionally, throughout my entire time on the server, the only punishment I have received was a single demorgan.

3). Finally, I am an extremely ambitious person, I never leave something incomplete, I always strive for the greatest version of something and make sure I do my best to make it reach its full potential. I was raised to believe that anything and everything is possible, and the only thing stopping you from seeing it complete is your own mental barriers. I believe that this mentality will positively translate into the growth and development of the Organization as a whole.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I am firmly opposed to the idea of possessing a play-to-win mentality, which I will strictly enforce on the members of my organization. Members that will stop at nothing to come out victorious with no regard to the roleplay scenario, or the server rules will be removed from the organization. However, I will do my best to ensure that all members regardless of the experience that they have are fully knowledgeable of all server rules. Additionally, not only will I strive to arrange one global event a week for all organizations to attend, but also I will arrange one event a week for my members only to better their overall roleplay experiences and to bond as a whole with the remainder of my organization.
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Sugar Crashz

Yakuza | Sugar Crashz
Jul 29, 2021
2. 20
3. GMT +2
4. 10-12
5. Firedog#8399
6. Sugar Crashz
7. 51706

Additional information
1. Leader of Famillies
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

- I have been in this city for a long time and I have gotten experiences from pretty much every organization (leaving out a couple), I have seen how gangs work , I am surrounded by some of the best leaders this city has ever seen and I have learnt a lot from them . I have weighed the pros and cons for leading a gang and I've seen that a lot of good gangs get disbanded over the most stupid reasons and I wanna be better than those leaders.

- The main things that gangs take part in is robbing and I see people breaking rules left and right in the ghetto everyday and I want to change that , I want to implement a warning/strike system that actually works and is actually used. Gangs already take part in little to no roleplay and most gangs just go around breaking rules themselves and then when they see someone else break a rule they report it like hypocrites. I'm not willing to have any such people in my organization (If I get the chance to do so). I'm not one of those people who break rules, and my record shows that . I've only ever gotten demorganed once and I was let out of it in 10 minutes. I see that orgs have to do events every 2 weeks even if they have no warnings and I believe in that , even more so that I am willing to spend money out of my own pocket to organize events every week. I want everybody to have fun and let others have fun as well, I do not enjoy a toxic atmosphere and I do not tolerate it and I will ensure that Famillies plays no part in OOC toxicity.

-The second thing would be events , especially , Clandestine . It used to be my favorite event as a and now it's turned into a shitshow and all I see is people camping for parachutes instead of actually having fun and clapping other gangs. I want to fix that , I want to be a part of that change and I give you my word ,that if I get a chance to do so , I will not back out. Then comes Store robberies , I have always loved store robberies as a gangster , there are so many ways you can roleplay them out and yet we only see people trying to win it for the money. My main motive is to make a better experience for everybody and store robberies is one of the events where I can REALLY help with that , gangs are already very low RP and with legal orgs trying to win every store robbery there is, it isnt fun at all. I will personally contact legal org leaders OOCly to ensure both orgs have fun and develop some nice roleplay strategies which can also create some funny moments , and some good content for the streamers and content creators. I know some content creators myself and I know for a fact that they would love to hop in a call with me to create an rp scenario , where its fun for everybody.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I have seen all sides of RP , I have seen serious rp , I have seen semi-serious rp and I have seen bad rp . all in all , I want to bring a change and make the experience fun for everyone . I feel like I don't really have to answer this question that well considering that roleplay is the main reason why I started playing in this city . I have mentioned everything I want to do above and I have more Ideas like collaborating with admins and other orgs to make a fun , Global event of sorts. I hope to get a chance at an interview.
All I want to say is , give me a shot and I will not prove you wrong :).

Also, I want to be the first one to actually make the saying "Famillies on top!" true and a real thing.
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Ash West/Flawless

Jul 2, 2021
1. IRL Name -> Ash
2. Age -> 17
3. Time Zone -> UTC+05:30 (IST)
4. Average online per day -> 8-10hours+
5. Discord -> AshGameR#0230
6. IC Nickname -> Ash West
7. IC ID -> 29767

Additional Information

Leader of *Families*

• Why do I want to be the leader of this organization?
- I want to be leader of Families because I have been in many gangs and reached higher ranks in those during a long time. I hope I can turn Families in a more structured/organized than the other gangs in the street, and by that making possible that Families will become the best gang in the city. I'm in one of the oldest and successful families in the city, which made me gain experience in how to run things and understanding how things must be done in order to become triumphant. Because of those reasons in think I will be great as a leader.

- I was in FIB for a decent amount of time and I was able to reach a high rank in there as well which helped me gain legal RP experience too, and I am sure that will help me in Families. I will use that experience to maintain proper RP scenarios like doing 24/7/gun store robberies while making the negotiations be done correctly and realistically, and by that make it fun and enjoyable RP for both sides.

- Moreover, Since I have joined this city, I have never seen Families being an active and strong gang which makes me feel really bad because Families have always been my favourite gang in GTA so I believe I can make a change for Families and get it to one of the top gangs in the city.

- I think I know the City rules very well and will try my best to spread my knowledge to all my family and gang members. I think with my knowledge and leadership skills can be used for Families to teach people the proper way to RP/ know what to do in RP situations and what not to do. I am positive that I can teach some of the members the way RP properly without breaking any city rules, which would avoid people getting warning/demorgan/bans.

• My advice for improving RP level in organization.

- I think I can improve the RP level in Families because I want to handle as many things with RP and staying IC as possible. Also, as I said I believe I know the city rules well which I can explain to anyone who isn't sure. If people are reviving with a gun out, searching with a gun out, robbing without 3 people (4 if you are pulling a car over 2 in 2 cars), no combat loggers, and so on. If ANY of these members are caught doing this they will be immediately kicked out of the gang. I will not tolerate any rule breaks even if we are being robbed or if we are robbing someone, as I want to make it fun and fair for everyone in the city including other gangs, civilians, and legal orgs of the city.

- As I mentioned earlier that I have been in FIB for a decent amount of time and that also helped me learn a lot about RP so I can put everything that I learned into making RP better in this gang as well as making RP scenarios with other Gangs and Legal Orgs.

Juan West

May 9, 2021
1. IRL Name -> Ash
2. Age -> 17
3. Time Zone -> UTC+05:30 (IST)
4. Average online per day -> 8-10hours+
5. Discord -> AshGameR#0230
6. IC Nickname -> Ash West
7. IC ID -> 29767

Additional Information

Leader of *Families*

• Why do I want to be the leader of this organization?
- I want to be leader of Families because I have been in many gangs and reached higher ranks in those during a long time. I hope I can turn Families in a more structured/organized than the other gangs in the street, and by that making possible that Families will become the best gang in the city. I'm in one of the oldest and successful families in the city, which made me gain experience in how to run things and understanding how things must be done in order to become triumphant. Because of those reasons in think I will be great as a leader.

- I was in FIB for a decent amount of time and I was able to reach a high rank in there as well which helped me gain legal RP experience too, and I am sure that will help me in Families. I will use that experience to maintain proper RP scenarios like doing 24/7/gun store robberies while making the negotiations be done correctly and realistically, and by that make it fun and enjoyable RP for both sides.

- Moreover, Since I have joined this city, I have never seen Families being an active and strong gang which makes me feel really bad because Families have always been my favourite gang in GTA so I believe I can make a change for Families and get it to one of the top gangs in the city.

- I think I know the City rules very well and will try my best to spread my knowledge to all my family and gang members. I think with my knowledge and leadership skills can be used for Families to teach people the proper way to RP/ know what to do in RP situations and what not to do. I am positive that I can teach some of the members the way RP properly without breaking any city rules, which would avoid people getting warning/demorgan/bans.

• My advice for improving RP level in organization.

- I think I can improve the RP level in Families because I want to handle as many things with RP and staying IC as possible. Also, as I said I believe I know the city rules well which I can explain to anyone who isn't sure. If people are reviving with a gun out, searching with a gun out, robbing without 3 people (4 if you are pulling a car over 2 in 2 cars), no combat loggers, and so on. If ANY of these members are caught doing this they will be immediately kicked out of the gang. I will not tolerate any rule breaks even if we are being robbed or if we are robbing someone, as I want to make it fun and fair for everyone in the city including other gangs, civilians, and legal orgs of the city.

- As I mentioned earlier that I have been in FIB for a decent amount of time and that also helped me learn a lot about RP so I can put everything that I learned into making RP better in this gang as well as making RP scenarios with other Gangs and Legal Orgs.
Heavily vouch for ash, the dude is a leader in one of the biggest families and can definitely can change the dynamic of current gangs

Droppa Flawless

6x 100% EN1
Jul 10, 2021

1. Yusuf

2. 16

3. UK (GMT+1

4. 6-8 hours +

5. Yusufff#1115

6. Dropa Dinero

7. 43525

Additional information

Leader of 'Families'

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

- I want to be the 'Families' leader because I believe I have exceptional leadership qualities and want to demonstrate them to others. As the leader of this organisation, I can vouch to this because I can guarantee that it will be run to the highest standards and that it will be a haven for all criminals. I've been in a lot of organisations, and I must admit that the illegal side is a lot more fun since it has its own set of norms. It's a highly enjoyable environment, and my role as the leader will enhance opportunities for many people.

- Another reason why I want to be the leader of this organisation because of my extensive knowledge of gang activity. I've been a member of several gangs, and I know that leading the 'Families' will allow me to demonstrate to others how responsible and hardworking I am. I have also been a high rank in multiple other organizations which has given me the ability to see how being a leader works.

- Additionally, appointing me as the gang's leader will allow the gang to serve as an example of how a gang should be run and what a great gang should look like. I'll accomplish this by ensuring that no one is wasting time by running around HQ doing nothing; instead, they'll be spraying or responding to backup calls. Also, if things get out of hand, there will be a warning system in place, with those who break the rules receiving a verbal warning, a demotion, or a kick.

- My recommendation for enhancing roleplay is to stay as IC as possible. Only call on the Gods if someone is plainly breaching the rules. You should try to solve the problem yourself before calling on a God.

Aki Pluxury

Jun 2, 2021
The Following Players are selected for the Marabunta Grande Interview at 18:00 Sever Time on Monday(10/11/2021):

1. Kalita daa - 32721 (d3cline#5851)
2. Ron atkin - 36116 (BigShip#0001)
3. Eddie brown - 10269 (Eduardo#8435)
4. Sherv west - 11207 (sherv#8363)

Applications for Marabunta Grande are now CLOSED.
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