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IMPORTANT Applications for Leaders

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Ethan Murphy

🎵ישראל היא הבית שלי🎵
May 10, 2021

1. Your name IRL
: Ethan Rovansky

2. Your age: 16

3. Time zone:
EST (GMT -5)

4. Average online per day: 7 hours

5. Your Discord: Feef#0918

6. Your Nickname: Ethan Murphy

7. Your ID: 203

Additional information:

1. Leader of

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation):

To start off the first reason i would like to join LSPD is because i possess something that many others do not, experience, work, and on-duty hours as law enforcement officers. Starting around May, i was a police officer for about one month, which provided me with a lot of experience going through the ranks of trainee all the way to a senior officer. After this, for about 80 days I worked in the SAHP Police department, which gave me a fortunate opportunity to cover the spectrum of both Police Organizations. After seeing my hard work, I was reached out to for a job offer to become the Lieutenant of FTO, within the LSPD. I have since come to rise through the ranks, to my current position as Head of the Recruitment and training division, established as the FTO department. I've come to realize the types of people you meet, and with countless successful interviews and applications I've reviewed, its given me amazing peoples skills. I have the ability to adapt to the situations and i possess leadership qualities, as seen i was running a vital part of the department. This gives me an edge over my rivals, and enhances my ability to perform my duties as an LSPD Officer.

b) Secondly, to continue, I want to become leader of the LSPD because I have a strong and confident plan to roll out through the department when i become chief. These plans include managing call signs, adding in a strict strike system, as well as placing people in positions such as sergeant to effectively and confidently run and pursue a strong career path for new recruits, as well as trained veterans. In addition to this, I can expectantly run the department to the highest standard and will be able to optimize and speedily run all important aspects of LSPD including the divisions like Detectives, Swat, Fto and Patrol Division. With these plans, I can be rest assured the department will run according to plan, while maintaining high RP, and fun.

c) Thirdly I want to be the leader of the LSPD because of my strong work ethic. As goes along with my statements, you can easily ask anyone who's personally worked with me, that I am an amazing and hard worker when it comes down to the task, and a person who pushes to get things done, the minute they are requested to be done. With this strong and confident work style and mindset, things will never be left on the back burner, and I will step up the task with all my effort, 100% of the time. When the department will be in my hands, you can be eased that everything will be taken care of, and any issue that presents will be solved instantly at gallant speeds.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in the organization

My advices to improve role-play would include strategies to make common server rules, known abroad across the officers in and out. I would start immediately by testing and evaluating people who hold high command and supervising ranks about their knowledge about the server rules, to make sure the people at the top know what they are doing, and to be rest assured they can make good and accurate decisions in recruitment, and other activities that affect the department. After this is done, I would confirm and approve an effective system to hire and recruit new people. Such a system would include a basic knowledge test that everyone must undergo during an interview, as well as a second Rp test in order to move on from Cadet to trainee, that tests more in-depth rules, that would be learned and applied during the cadet phase. To pass the Cadet phase, I myself organized a different and unique plan for academy training sessions, that would not only make it easier for cadets, but easier for the Ftos in charge of the academy.

From all my points and strengths, I can guarantee the administration they will not be making a mistake by choosing me for leader of lspd. I would also like to thank the administration for taking their personal time and hard work in order to evaluate my application and make an adequate decision for who will be the new leader of the LSPD.
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Aug 3, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Ahmed Abdullah
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: Pacific Daylight Time
4. Average online per day: 7+ Hour
5. Your Discord: MR.YIPSTER#8258
6. Your Nickname: Cash Yip
7. Your ID:1474
Additional information

1. Leader of: LSPD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
A) I would like to be able to lead this wonderful organization because I know how to understand and communicate with people due to the fact that I was a FTO Capitan for a quite a while now. Also I have seen and worked under the best chiefs that LSPD had also I understand the rules on how to run a organization and what I can and cant do. I also am the type of person that the Curators wont have to worry about me and how I would be able to run things. I also have confidence to be able to train people and help others on how to do things the right way. Also to teach and serve the community on how to make sure they and the people around them are safe.

B) My Plans with the LSPD is to make sure everyone is having their fun and make sure no one is using ranks to get their way over people and make sure there is Equality within the WHOLE DEPARTMENT. I would also make sure that everyone stays IC and make sure that we have the best RP LSPD has ever had. I'm also hoping that I keep other Organization neutral with LSPD so no other smack gets talked around because at the end of the day we all have to trust each other to do our job correctly and we all need each other. I would also really push that we all have to be professional on duty and off duty also I would enforce to follow the chain of Command.

C) Last but not least if anyone has anything to say about me and how I would be running things they would be able to take it up with me and I am also open to new Ideas to be able to preform the LSPD at their Finest and make sure everyone gives there effort a 10/10. I also believe that LSPD needs a leader that can hold the Organization down and also make sure that no one is being left out and to make sure to be able to hold the community down and make sure that I CASH YIP am gonna give it my all.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in the organization.
I believe that to improve Roleplay is to make sure everyone is IC and not breaking rules and I also believe that to give everyone fair treatment and also to make sure that everyone gets a hearing no matter what the case is.
I Just want to say thank you for you taking your time out of your day to read my Application Have a wonderful day!!

Shin Buddha

Your friendly neighborhood orphan boy..
Jun 14, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. My name is Sam.

2. Age :- 21 IRL 50 IC

3. +05:30 GMT(IST)

4.Prophet21 #3779

5.Azrael Morningstar.


Additional Information:-

1. Applying for the leader LSPD.

2. Why do you want to be a leader?

a.) I have been in the city for approximately four months. In these months, I have had taken experience in every organization in the city, and as an experienced legal worker of the state, LSPD always has been one of the organizations that have sparked my interest. The vast expanse of roleplay that comes with LSPD is exciting. I would also like to add that I have served as a curator for LSPD briefly, with D'Angelo Green as Chief, and we worked together towards improving RP for fellow police officers. I believe if I am a good leader and hope not to disappoint if given the opportunity.

b.)I am well known in all legal organizations. Moreover, I have contacts and friends in all organizations, with who I have good relations, which has always helped in flawless inter-department communication. I would also like to ensure that the employees of the organization treat each other and as well as other members of the LEO with respect, which ensures an efficient and healthy workplace environment.

c.)I would also like to address the problem of ranks, in the organization, and recruiting people through family favors. I would like to turn LSPD into a friendly workspace, where everyone respects each other. I am a very people person myself, and always love to help people, take ideas from employees, and make sure everyone gives their hundred percent.

3. Advice for improving roleplay.

I believe the best way to achieve improvement in roleplay in LSPD, is to make sure, that we properly train new employees, about the OOC rules and the IC rules, so perform a constant evaluation of the employees, to make sure, they know the rules properly and abide by it.

Thanks to the staff and administration team, for taking few minutes of your valuable time to read my application.
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Shamzy Zeebo

Jul 24, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5-7 hours
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
Shamzy Zeebo
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Leader of Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
• I want to be the leader of Families because I'm used to being in charge and I know how 24/7/gun store robberies work and I have negotiated and been in charge multiple times in other gangs which would create a lot of good rp.

• I know all the server rules, ghetto, event, gz, and rules for leaders. I've have also been in the turf team for Bloods and was one of the best shooters within their turf team. For Events for Bloods, I also made some graphics design which I'm also capable of doing.

• Right now I'm also a higher up in bloods (warlord). Where I am used to doing a lot of managing and structuring.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
• No shooting/beating in HQ (including friendly as it's not RP nor allowed).
• Recruiting only people who know the rules, changing up questions when recruiting so they can't be passed on.
• Using more of the radio, when at events or ghetto fighting.

Yona Accardian

May 8, 2021
1. Egor
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT +5
4. Average online per day: 4-7 hours.
5. Your Discord: Yonathan#6292
6. Your Nickname: Yona Hellsing
7. Your ID: 851
Additional information
1. Leader of The Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I want to become a gang leader because I am ready to put all my strength and skills to achieve the result that no one else had before.

Firstly, I have more than 50 people behind my back, who will not sit AFK on HQ, but will play RP, go to events all the time and, of course, turfs. I am as confident in my people as I am in myself.

Secondly, I have my own goals, which previously none of the leaders could normally realize. For example, to make large RP situations with government structures with big amount of people and especially I would like to always have the highway under control, because this is one of the most profitable ways of earning money for the guys in the organization.

In conclusion, I can say with confidence that this will be one of the best leadership terms in the history of this server, at least because of the people that I will bring with me. I have been in other gangs for a long time and most of times I was a high rank there, every time I didn’t like something in this or that leader and I’m not going to make the same mistakes that they did.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

3.1 The very first thing and the most important is that all members of the organization must be in the gang's discord, where will be created text channels, in which all the necessary rules and RP statements will be written.

3.2 Close interaction with other organizations, both criminal and government.

3.3 Replaying various RP situations between the guys in the organization. I can call them "trainings" that will be able for everyone to more easily learn the necessary RP terms.

Shamzy Zeebo

Jul 24, 2021
1. Sam
2. 19
3. CET
4. 4-7 Hours
5. Shamzy#7424
6. Shamzy Zeebo
7. 43002

Additional information

1. Leader of: LSPD

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? I want to be the leader of this specific organization as I've worked in the SAHP, NG, LSPD, GOV, & FIB before, and I know how everything works. I'm also great and structuring and I have a lot of experience being in high command in legal organizations. Also, I know the whole legislation as I passed the bar exam before my first try. Also, all the radio calls with LSPD.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization

Make sure there are no “email” conversations going on while we're doing patrols, and us the radio with radio calls and badge numbers more often.

Make the recruitment process a bit more like a real interview. And don't get the job directly but be contacted back in 1-2 hours.

Make patrols more RP ask questions you would ask in real life. Like RP to see if they are drunk. If they were speeding instead of just giving them a ticket and walking away.

More meetings to make sure that everyone is on the same page. And also instantly show up to all events. Have good RP at 24/7/gun store robberies.
And try to negotiate well.
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Jun 26, 2021
1. Isaias J.
2. 24
3. EST
4. 5-7 hours
5. JasonBlaze#5029
6. Jason Blaze
7. 8575
Additional information
1. Leader of...LSPD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1) I have experience in the LSPD as a Captain, leading many Officers and now I want to lead an organization I am familiar with to bring a positive experience to the city.

2) I want to help this organization grow with a strong Leadership so all of the current and future officers can be comfortable not only with the Org. but with themselves to RP well in the city.

3)I know how to have Fun and enjoy myself where ever I go in the city without getting in trouble or breaking any rules. So I want to spread that to This Organization and everyone in it.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Making sure to Keep everyone well informed on how the city works and up to date on any and all changes to the city Ex. Rules and laws
Also how to correctly RP in many situation that can occur by working well with each other and Have many others lead by example publicly


May 9, 2021
1. Chris Monroe
2. 31
4. 4-8 days
5. ChrisMonroe#1192
6:Chris Monroe #1107
Additional information
2. A Chief is a leader that has been crafted from lowest rank on the totem pole. They have been advanced through the paygrades and have demonstrated their technical knowledge, willingness to lead, loyalty, and devotion to the Sailors they serve with. When a Chief receives their Anchors, it is an acceptance of even greater responsibility they owe to those in their charge. Being a technical expert is not something that you learn strictly through reading manuals. It is life experience

3. Making Better tactics and RP situations.


May 9, 2021
1. Chris Monroe
2. 31
4. 4-8 days
5. ChrisMonroe#1192
6:Chris Monroe #1107
Additional information
2. A Chief is a leader that has been crafted from lowest rank on the totem pole. They have been advanced through the paygrades and have demonstrated their technical knowledge, willingness to lead, loyalty, and devotion to the Sailors they serve with. When a Chief receives their Anchors, it is an acceptance of even greater responsibility they owe to those in their charge. Being a technical expert is not something that you learn strictly through reading manuals. It is life experience

3. Making Better tactics and RP situations.

Johnny Crashz

Aug 26, 2021
1. Nikola Andrejevic
2. 25
3. UTC +01
4. 5+ hours
5. Horse#3928
6.Johnny Crash
7. 52439

Additional information
1. Leader of the Families
2. First reason,and most by me,most important one,since we all spend alot of time
in this city,is to make Families a nice place to be in. I want to make
it a place with a nice atmosphere,where players can enjoy to play.
I want to provide them with a hella lot of stuff. Daily events,often store robberies,
daily battleships so they can compete against others for the great reward.
I want to start doing things others were avoiding to. Since I am a big car lover,I want
to start doing illegal street races with them,and I know alot of gangs
are avoiding/skipping doing those,or simply don't like doing them.
To sumarize it,I just want to make it a headquarter where everyone
will want to return to. I want to show illegal players every
aspect of this kind of life,a life where you always need
to be in a move,but all for the great prize and huge fun!

Second reason,well,since first time I flew with my boys to the
city,we were part of alot of illegal happenings,doing all kind
of jobs with shady people. We have seen all sides of hell,but we were also able
to grab most out of it and never regretted doing any of it. I now think that I am able
to step on a higher ladder and start being a guy that pulls the strings. I think of myself
as a very respectful,positive and justiceful person to be able to lead an organization
like the gang. I want to make a different kind of The Families. Not the gang that always
punishes persons on their mistakes,without trying to explain them what they did wrong,but I want to
make a more positive approach to the people and always try to explain them if they performed bad,or made
stupid mistakes,and encourage them to get better instead of immediately firing them. Of course,
if there's no help at trying to show person what they did bad,and what the good ways should be,
only then I would punish them,but again,with explaining them precisely why they got punished.
So overall,a respectful environment with a big chance to become a better player,and a
better person.

Third reason, since this is a roleplay server,I want to give my best to make others,and of course,myself,
improve at doing roleplay at it's best! When it comes to a kidnapping,robbing,or any type of illegal activity,
I want to make it double more fun and exciting by taking a roleplay on another level.
I'd like to have a different kind of teams in the gang,for example,a team for robbing,
team for kidnapping,team for going on ghetto patrols and doing graffitis,team of
recruiters that are gonna get the best possible people in the gang,and of course,encourage new
citizens in this city that have high ambitions to join The Families and etcetera! By making teams for
each aspect of illegal life,I hope to achieve a better quality of spending time in the city. I will
make sure that every person that is in this country hear about The Families,and to wish to join us!
Just for note,I have a strong back-up that would always help me with leading the gang,veteran
players that experienced each corner of this city,veterans that were in a high positions in other
illegal organisations.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I will point out my thoughts about how to achieve a better roleplay level in organization,
and in this city overall.
First of all,I would set a certain requirement to be able to join our
organization. First is a bare minimum of 10 years being in this city.
If a person is atleast 10 years in the city,they should know most of the rules,and
most important basics in how they should perform in different kind of situations,and
how to correctly approach RP.
Second thing that I would add is a quizz. A quizz that every person that wants to join,needs to pass.
A quizz of most of the important ghettoo,green zone and general rules! Only if they pass it,
they would be allowed to join. By this,we avoid getting into situations where we could
get a warning from the curators. And also,we avoid having a stressful sitatuions,and of course,
avoid having a bad time spent playing on this server.
The thing that would help too,is that I would encourage every person in the gang,ingame or via
discord,to always ask if they sometimes are not sure of something,or don't know the right
way to perform a certain action. I would always make sure,before each event,to describe
what everyone should do in that event,and what is allowed/forbidden! Since I said I would like
to have teams for each aspect of illegal life,I would do trainings with them once in a while.. For example,
training how we/they should do robbing. Training how they should act and perform in a ghetto,in the city,
and in the outskirts of the city. Couple of times peer week,I would also do arena training with
the capture/turf team,to improve our combat abilities,so we can show everybody who The Families
truly are!​


Vagos | West Mafia
Aug 29, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Ahmed Abdullah
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: Pacific Daylight Time
4. Average online per day: 7+ Hour
5. Your Discord: MR.YIPSTER#8258
6. Your Nickname: Cash Yip
7. Your ID:1474
Additional information

1. Leader of: LSPD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
A) I would like to be able to lead this wonderful organization because I know how to understand and communicate with people due to the fact that I was a FTO Capitan for a quite a while now. Also I have seen and worked under the best chiefs that LSPD had also I understand the rules on how to run a organization and what I can and cant do. I also am the type of person that the Curators wont have to worry about me and how I would be able to run things. I also have confidence to be able to train people and help others on how to do things the right way. Also to teach and serve the community on how to make sure they and the people around them are safe.

B) My Plans with the LSPD is to make sure everyone is having their fun and make sure no one is using ranks to get their way over people and make sure there is Equality within the WHOLE DEPARTMENT. I would also make sure that everyone stays IC and make sure that we have the best RP LSPD has ever had. I'm also hoping that I keep other Organization neutral with LSPD so no other smack gets talked around because at the end of the day we all have to trust each other to do our job correctly and we all need each other. I would also really push that we all have to be professional on duty and off duty also I would enforce to follow the chain of Command.

C) Last but not least if anyone has anything to say about me and how I would be running things they would be able to take it up with me and I am also open to new Ideas to be able to preform the LSPD at their Finest and make sure everyone gives there effort a 10/10. I also believe that LSPD needs a leader that can hold the Organization down and also make sure that no one is being left out and to make sure to be able to hold the community down and make sure that I CASH YIP am gonna give it my all.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in the organization.
I believe that to improve Roleplay is to make sure everyone is IC and not breaking rules and I also believe that to give everyone fair treatment and also to make sure that everyone gets a hearing no matter what the case is.
I Just want to say thank you for you taking your time out of your day to read my Application Have a wonderful day!!
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Sep 19, 2021
RL name: Benni Khaykin
My time zone: UTC+2
Average time online per day: 4h
My discord: Benni Khaykin #9471
My nickname: Benni
my id: 68531

I want to join the national guard as a pilot. (i couldnt find the application for the national guard so i just thought i might right it in here)


May 9, 2021
1. Chris Monroe
2. 31
3. CST
4. 4-8
5.Chris Monroe#1192
6. Chris Monroe
7. 10007
Additional information
  • Commitment: Being a leader in any setting requires a certain degree of commitment to the job and the mission. “Being a great leader is all about having a genuine willingness and a true commitment to lead others to achieve a common vision and goals through positive influence,” said best-selling author John Maxwell, author of the book“The 5 Levels of Leadership.” In law enforcement specifically, leaders should possess a high level of commitment to all facets of police work and to making their communities a better place.
  • Honesty: Whether working internally within a police department or interacting with citizens, community leaders, and the media, honesty is essential. This can mean being transparent throughout an ongoing investigation, being honest with officers under their command about their performance and ultimately being honest with themselves about their potential shortcomings as leaders and how they can improve.
  • Integrity: For a law enforcement leader, acting with integrity means consistently doing the right thing, even when it’s the more difficult option. When a commanding officer or chief of police demonstrates their commitment to honor and integrity, other officers are more likely to follow their lead.
  • Humility: Humility is vitally important for police leaders today. However, it is one of the most challenging qualities to develop and sustain, as sometimes it can be misconstrued as a sign of weakness. But, when a law enforcement leader demonstrates humility, they help foster an environment where their fellow officers and subordinates feel safe to voice concerns about conduct or incidents that reflect poorly on the department. Additionally, humility allows officers to feel comfortable approaching their leadership with ideas and questions that can help improve department operations. And because many new officers from the millennial generation prefer a teamwork-style approach over an authoritative leadership style, having humility can make establishing that relationship more seamless.
  • Mentorship: The law enforcement landscape and police leadership practices are constantly evolving, but advice and insights from experienced officers is a timeless asset. That is why mentorship is invaluable, so much so that many departments have implemented mentorship programs.
3. give all residents of the city equal and fair treatment, maintain a regular schedule for officers and abide to all rp rules and be neutral in all situations.

Sam Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 7, 2021
The Following Players are Invited to the The Families Interview at 19:00 Sever Time on Monday (9/20/2021):

  • Sass Mayt - ID 1970 (Sass#2923)
  • Yona Hellsing – ID 851 – (Yonathan#6292)
  • Shamzy Zeebo – ID 43002 – (Shamzy#7424)

Applications for Leader of The Families are now CLOSED.
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Mark Rober

Sep 21, 2021
1.Kosta Stojanovski
4. 5 - 8 hours
6. Kosta Stojanovic
7. 69779

EddieB | Undercover Admin

Undercover Mazhor Pluxury
Jul 6, 2021
1. Your name IRL Edvard
2. Your age 16
3. Time zone CET
4. Average online per day 5-8 hours
5. Your Discord Eduardo1#8435
6. Your Nickname Eddie Brown
7. Your ID 10269
Additional information
1. Leader of... Vagos
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation) There is many reasons for Why id want to be the Vagos leader, and now I’m gonna list the most important of them.

RP Quality
Firstly, it’s the RP quality I could bring out to members and citizens, in being the position of leader. I’m a willing RPer and I prefer having a great RP situation rather than losing or dying, something that I know others strive to learn but doesn’t succeed in. I’m going to do anything to make sure my members are enjoying RP I’ll bring to them, as well as winning turfs and street fights. In saying this I’m gonna have a great balance on street fights and event victory focus, as well as including a lot of interactive and enjoyable RP. I’m gonna make sure at all costs that I and my members have low to no reports made about them, and not having the need of specially assigned “forum warriors” in my gang that makes sure no one gets punished. If I see another gang member does something that weakens RP and is reportable I’d rather get knowledge on why they’ve done it, and if they do not care about weakening other people in they’re surroundings RP I would definitely report them as that is something, that is very selfish to do and weakens rp of all around them. I would also firstly try to void things IC instead of reporting them before doing anything else. I think these RP policies will make all members of my potential leadership glad of the RP they get to participate in.

Creative RP
I’m most definitely gonna involve new and fun RP in the gang that isn’t seen before. I would be a major hosted in global events that me and curators have agreed about that makes members and participants from all sides amazed in the RP qualities of my leadership.
One thing that may not be possible, but I think would strengthen RP for all would be a global event for all around the city, where the gangs had made an alliance for a state coup, that would last a day or some hours where I have a great plan for how all sides can enjoy the RP as well as not ACTUALLY, take over the government. Alongside this I also have other ideas that would go through curators and also through the theme of Creative RP.

Might and members
Immediately when given leadership of Vagos I would make sure the first members would be my Deputies, which I would have interviews for to make sure I have the best ones available that can lead the organization alongside me, and make sure the gang stays on top, in terms of winnings of capture as well as Roleplay creating and enhancing. I would make sure that I have the most qualified higher commands and shooters to make sure Vagos stays on top in terms of turf capture. If I ever see someone doing something they’re not supposed to do, I wouldn’t kick them immediately but firstly try to give them a verbal warning and knowledge them about what went
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Upon joining
I would have a rule test upon joining to make sure my members are in good standard of knowledge of rules, and inform them on how we rule and what they can do to get promoted etc. In the Vagos discord I would most definitely intergrate a members log where I could keep in touch of what the members have been doing for Vagos and whether so they need a promotion. Further more they would get promoted if they have been seen loyal and good for the gang. I would also try to give the non high commands chances to prove them selves, like leading the gang for an event or suggesting a plan on how we could win the given event that was coming up. I think this a great subject on how the members could show they’re loyalty and effort as well as they’re strategies and would definitely give them a good opportunity in terms of showing leadership capabilities.
Oh and lastly… Vagos on top!!


Jul 10, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1.Sandro Tsimakuridze
3.UTC +4
4. 8-11 hours a day
5. Sandro#2282
6. Rezi Costello

1.Leader Of The Vagos

2.I want to be leader of vagos because i think i will do well in gang. i have been in gangs since i joined the server its been more than5 months, I have lot of gang experience because of that i also now so many people in all the gangs in the city so i have my people that will help me lead the gang and get the biggest and strongest gang in the city

I want to be leader of the vagos because i have so much leadership experience i have been one of the higher ups in different gangs so i know how all the events work and know how to manage the gang i am a co leader in a family as well so i got good leadership skills and experience as well

i want to be leader of the vagos because i have never been leader of gang and i find it exciting i want to try out leadership of gang and especially vagos because it is a very underestimated gang and i think it deserves leader which will be strict to all the gang members and make sure they will do everything as expected to get gang on top

i think i deserve to be leader because i am good at negotiating with people as well if needed,i have good team of experienced people so they can manage the gang well

i think deserve to be gang leader because i have all the requirements Gang leader should have and i got so many people on my side from different gangs

i am going to manage ranking system well so nobody will be able to get high ranks without any effort in the gang and all the inactive people will be kicked out of gang

3.my advice for improving roleplay level in organization is that i am going to make quiz so nobody will be able to join without filling the quiz, if they cant fill quiz in google, live quiz will be available with all the questions about different rules so it will make our gang more exciting and better because everyone will know the rules and they wont break them and make server better. i would also add trainings on newbies so they can learn how to rob people and all the stuff gang member should know, like this everyone will have chance to join the vagos even if they are new players. whoever breaks rules is going to get warnings, i will type all the warnings in notepad so if anybody gets 3 warnings they will be kicked out of gang and blacklisted, since we dont need people breaking rules and making server bad to play. when we will be going on events i want every online player on events and if they cant come on event they have to give me a proper reason of why they can't/couldn't go on event, whoever doesnt go to event when active will receive warnings as well and after 3 warnings will be kicked and blacklisted. i will make sure we write down whoever goes on events and i will watch everyone personally, if i see someone have good leadership skills are going to get high ranks so they can lead events by themselves.
if someone doesnt join gang for more than 3-4 days will be kicked out of gang if they dont tell me reason why they cant play RP.
i will make sure no one in our gang disrespects each other no matter what rank they are, everyone in gang should be good with each other because gang is like a one big family and everyone have to help each other in different things. I Will do everything i can to get the Vagos on top.Everyone will have its own function in gang so it will be managed well some of my higher ups are going to train people to rob people, some of them will train them for shooting on arena and all the other stuff

Shamzy Zeebo

Jul 24, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5-7 hours
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
Shamzy Zeebo
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Leader of Vagos

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
• I want to be the leader of Vagos because I'm used to being in charge and I know how 24/7/gun store robberies work and I have negotiated and been in charge multiple times in other gangs which would create a lot of good rp.

• I know all the server rules, ghetto, event, gz, and rules for leaders. I've have also been in the turf team for Bloods and was one of the best shooters within their turf team. For Events for Bloods, I also made some graphics design which I'm also capable of doing.

• Right now I'm also a higher up in bloods (warlord). Where I am used to doing a lot of managing and structuring.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
• No shooting/beating in HQ (including friendly as it's not RP nor allowed).
• Recruiting only people who know the rules, changing up questions when recruiting so they can't be passed on.
• Using more of the radio, when at events or ghetto fighting.

Sugar Crashz

Yakuza | Sugar Crashz
Jul 29, 2021
1. Nemanja
2. 19
3. UTC +2
4. 5-12 hours
5. Firedog#8399
6. Sugar Crashz

1. Leader of… Vagos

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation) I have been in gangs since I joined the city in mid June and have been in several gangs, including Families, Vagos, Bloods, and Ballas. Most of the time, I was in Families, and have been the Deputy for a very long time. I know the rules and the events like the back of my hand, and know how to run the gang (in my leaders’ absence). I want to and can lead Vagos so that there is fierce competition in the ghetto and events. I love the environment and community that gangs have, as it is based on loyalty and friendship more than a strict environment like in legal organisations. I want to foster an environment in Vagos that is non-toxic, and welcoming. Everyone will have equal opportunities to prove themselves, and be ranked up, and we will not discriminate against people based on their backgrounds. I wish to build a gang in Vagos that teaches new members how to live in the city and other common things new people do not know. I have a group of very capable and talented people who will support me in leading Vagos. Many of them were High Command in many different gangs, as many different leaders see them as capable as well. With the help of my friends, we will be able to lead Vagos to its former glory.
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