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Mayukh Casanova

Jul 20, 2021
1. Mayukh Dutta
2. 26
3. GMT=5.30
4.10 Hours
6. Mayukh Casanova
7. 38926

Additional information
I want to become an admin because i want to make sure everyone enjoy good quality rp
I want to make sure everyone follow the server rules
I want to help the server to grow and reduce bad player who doesn’t know how rp works

My biggest strength is time management
Little bit of coding
Quick Lerner

My weakness is my strength some times
Dont know core coding


Almighty Jynx

Jul 12, 2021
1. Your IRL name
2. Your age
3. Your time zone
4. Avreage online per day
- 6 to 10 hour a day
5. Your discord
Almighty Jynx#4737
6. Your ID

Additional information

1. Why do you want to become an admin

- The reason i want to become an adminis that I have been playing this server for a few months and I acomplished all of my goals. And now i want to test myself in difrent situations as someone that can calm things down. I can see that the server is growing every single day, so that means that admins have more and more work to do well thats something that i realy want to help you guys with. I also forhot to meantion that i was adinistartor on a FiveM server calles Štajerska RP (server went down becouse owner had some issues). I was administrating for atleast 2 months. And yea as I meantioned I want to help this city so people dont break the rules and things like that.As a gang member i see a lot of rules being broken so i have to call for administrators help on daly bases to punish people for breaking rules. I am already trying to give back to cummunity by hosting big price pool events, one of my bigests events was eventthat i sponsored on SLIMS stream with a price pool of 1.000.000$ to the winner

TY SLIM and SAM RAZE for helping organize the event.❤️

2. What are your strenghts
- I am veary good at time menegment
- Fast typer
- Previus admin experience(FiveM) i have been admin on 2 other servers
- Good communication skills
- Quick learner
- Patient
3. What is your greatest weaknes
- Sometimes I overthink (its good and bad)
4. Will you be ready to leave your RP life to become an admin
Yes, as i meantioned I have acomplished all of my goals in RP life
5. Will you be ready to sell your business
Yes, I am ready to sell my bisiness to become an admin

Thanks for reading my forum :)

Last edited:

Ganesh Gaitonde

May 25, 2021
1. Yash P
2. 23
3. GMT+5:30
4. 9-10 hours
5. active_lazy#6736
6. Ganesh Gaitonde
7. 10999
Additional information
1. I have started my RP experience from Grand RP itself and I have accomplished a lot, now I want to help everyone to have a great RP experience and enjoy in this server, also to punish people who find it funny to break rules, use cheats and give a bad experience to people who actually put in effort to do good RP . being an admin is very difficult but they are the most respected , I believe I have the potential to become an admin.

2.My strengths includes time management, quick decision making, being calm and patient in worse conditions. Being the leader i have the experience of handling situations and finding a solution and to be on good terms.

3. In terms of weaknesses sometimes I directly say things which can be done directly and maybe someone might find this rude, also because of my time zone I'm not present late night but I hop in early morning.

4.I have been the Leader of a respectable Organization , and I believe after that I am ready to leave RP life.

5. I don't have any business and not planning to buy one. I guess I am good on not having a business.


Aug 16, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
2. What are your strengths?
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
*This is a new form since I have changed my discord*

Name: Aakaar Bhalla
Age: 14
Time Zone: GMT+4
Avg. Online: 3 hours
Discord: ft_aks#2976
Nickname: Ivan William
ID: 58136

Why do I want to become admin?
I want to become admin to make sure everyone follows the server rules. If there is anyone who breaks the server rules, I want to make sure they get a punishment in the form of a ban, kick, or demorgan. I want to make sure no one FailRP's, disturbs other players in Non-RP and RP ways.

What are my strengths?
I have determination towards what I do. Even though I am a bit new to the server I know what is right and what is wrong in many casses. My age does not stop me from thinking the correct way.

What are my greatest weaknesses?
I sometimes get distracted from my work.

Will I be ready to leave RP life to become an Admin?
Yes, I am ready to leave RP life to become an Admin.

Will I be ready to sell my business?
If I have any by the time I become an admin, yes I will be ready to sell my business.

Akash Vinod

Ex-Head of CPD, EMS
Jun 8, 2021

1. Name: Akash.V.Govind
2. Age: 20
3. Timezone: GMT +05:30
4. Average online per day: 7 hours
5. Discord: V G#7313
6. Nickname: EMS | Akash Vinod | 17300
7. ID: 17300

Additional Information:

1. Why do you want to become an admin?

I would like to help the administration team to control the breaking of law in the city and thus providing a better quality of RP to the players. I also wish to help the new players of the city in ways I can after becoming an admin by clearing their doubts that they have in the city so that they wouldn't do anything wrong unknowingly. I also have been in the city for long and have experience the legal and illegal side of the city by working in gangs (Marabunta Grande and Vagos) and in EMS. I am also aware of most of the server rules since I've been trying to learn the whole thing from the rules section of Grand RP Discord Server. I wish to maintain a healthy gaming environment in the city by putting away the toxic players as well as the rule breakers by giving them a punishment. I wish that every single player who comes into the city be able to enjoy the city and ensuring that no one tries to disrupt anyone's RP experience. I think my skillset and the experience I have gained in the past 4 months can be well utilised to maintain the rules and the environment of the city.

2. What are your strengths?

I can communicate fluently in multiple languages.
I am hardworking.
I am a quick learner and a good trainer.
I can analyse a situation really well and make the best decision under the situation.
I can work calmly and get a job done even under a pressure.
I have leadership qualities (have been working at the high command post of EMS for around 1 and a half months.)
I can be online at critical times when there are only few admins online to help people.

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?

Though I have experience playing in other servers, I haven't become an admin in any of the servers so I guess that can be one of my weakness as I need a little time to adjust to the post but as I mentioned that I am a hard worker as well as a quick learner, that shouldn't be a problem.
I get the urge to solve any wrong doings that crosses my eye even if it doesn't cause me any trouble. I step up to the situation and help the victim in the situation. This may backfire so it can be considered as both my strength or a weakness.

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?

Yes, of course I am ready to leave RP life. I've achieved all I've wanted to in the city and now I am looking forward to move onto something greater by becoming an admin.

5. Will you be ready to sell your business?(It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)

Yes, I am willing to sell business if I own one.

Note: I did receive a sever ban before but was unbanned since the chief administrator found my case genuine.

I have corrected myself of all the faults I have made along the way so I hope they don't get in the way of my application.
Last edited:

Tony Romanoff

May 8, 2021
1. Your name IRL : Kartik Kolur
2. Your age: 25
3. Time zone: Indian Timezone (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day (5/6 Hours Sometimes 7/8 Hours Depends On Each Day)
5. Your Discord: StarK#5720
6. Your Nickname: Tony Romanoff
7. Your ID : 17072

Additional information
1. I Want To Become Assistant Admin As For Now To Learn How To Work And Stuff
2. Been In The City From Pretty Long Time So Kinda Know What Are The Rules And How To Handle Certain Situations + I Can Ask Higher Ups Before Taking Any Decission If Am Not Sure
3. Kind Of Short Tempered But I Can Manage My Anger Issues.
4. Yes
5. Yes (I Don't Have Any Buisness Either)

Yash Astro

Jul 28, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
2. What are your strengths?
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)

2.Your Age:- 18 Years

3.Time Zone:- GMT+5:30

4.Average Online Per Day:- I will be Online around 6 - 7 hours.

5.Your Discord:- yashparashar69#5706

6.Your Nickname:- YASH HIKARI

7.Your ID:- 22583


1. I am playing this server for a long time now and now i think i can assist new people hoping in the server.

I want to remove bad player who ruin others RP.

I want that people in the server enjoy quality RP.

2. I am a good listener.

I have a decent amount Patience.

I am goodtime management and I have dedication towards my work.

3. There can be few moments where I may loose my temper but I have the ability to control it.

4. Yes I will

5. Yes I will


Sep 9, 2021

2.Your Age:- 18 Years

3.Time Zone:- GMT+5:30

4.Average Online Per Day:- I will be Online around 6 - 7 hours.

5.Your Discord:- yashparashar69#5706

6.Your Nickname:- YASH HIKARI

7.Your ID:- 22583


1. I am playing this server for a long time now and now i think i can assist new people hoping in the server.

I want to remove bad player who ruin others RP.

I want that people in the server enjoy quality RP.

2. I am a good listener.

I have a decent amount Patience.

I am goodtime management and I have dedication towards my work.

3. There can be few moments where I may loose my temper but I have the ability to control it.

4. Yes I will

5. Yes I will
He deserves it

Luke Mayt

Luke Mayt
Jul 26, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
2. What are your strengths?
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
1. Luke Gorman
2. 18
3. GMT +1
4. 6-8 hours, depends on the day.
5. lukegorman#6361
6. Luke Luciano
7. 51060
Additional information
1. I want to become an admin to make the RP fun and enjoyable. I don't want to do this for the fun of giving out punishments towards players as I know many players can make a mistake. I'm willing to put in the time and effort to achieve this. As many of the administrators know I have recently being kicked from the administrative assistant role as I made a few mistakes which one of them I was unaware of. I'm willing to change my actions this time and I hope the administrative team can forgive and forget.

2. Being able to control my temper. For example, I wouldn't just mute or demorgan people straight away without asking for a reason when watching the situation first hand unless it's a rule break that there is no explanation for.

3. My biggest weakness is that I can come across as a "conflict" person. This is not true, I'm not a conflict person and I don't try to start arguments or fights between people or myself and someone.

4. Yes I will be ready to leave RP to become an admin.

5. Yes as I don't currently own one.

I'm ready to not make any more mistakes this time.

Meet Saint

May 30, 2021
1. Your name IRL : Meet Pandya
2. Your age: 24
3. Time zone: IST
4. Average online per day: 5-8 hours minimum
5. Your Discord: Meet Pandya #1307
6. Your Nickname: Meet Saint
7. Your ID: 17199

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
  • In last week I observed that there were lack of admins, as I had to wait for more than 30 mins for admin's reply. However that's the secondary thing, but as I know all the server and forum rules, I will be helpful to the players and can respond them quickly with the precise answer. I will make sure that no person will struggle with any kind of issue as long as I am there. and I will put my 100% for the players to make them feel they are doing RP.
2. What are your strengths?
  • As I have worked as CS in IRL, I know how to reply politely to make new people stay in city for longer and forever.
  • I am calm and understanding, so if anyone is frustrated, I can make them feel special and resolve their issue as well.
  • As I know all the rules, I can assist player quickly.
  • I am fluent in English language.
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
  • Its my first time to become admin in this server, it may take some time for me to learn how to operate the commands.
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
  • Yes, it will be totally fine for me to leave RP.
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
  • Yes I will be ready to sell my business.


Entrepreneur and Streamer
Aug 25, 2021
1. Your name IRL-Mae
2. Your age-27
3. Time zone-gmt +8
4. Average online per day- 6-9hrs
5. Your Discord-Maze#8323
6. Your Nickname-Maze
7. Your ID-Maze Maege #45095

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin? I want to become admin coz I want to help other players in doing good rp and making sure they know the rules and making sure they also enjoy game and have a good experience in the game.
and I want to help the server to improve and be better.

2. What are your strengths? My strengths are I can be online longer and I'm a fast learner, a Team player, I can do multitask and I can do some encoding and I'm a leader irl and friendly to all.
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?If I don't understand on something I really ask and ask but eventually I learned from it.
5. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin? Yes
6. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
yes, its okay coz I don't have any business


Jun 16, 2021
1. Reece Smith
2. 16
3. Britain
4. 10 to 12
5. TheViralHitKid#8214
6. hasbulla
7. 37104
Additional information 1. I would like to become a admin to make the city a better place for roleplayers and punish people for breaking the rules of the city and i would like to help in the best way i can and i have been in the city for a while and i love the city.
2. i am a boxer irl so i am well disiplined and im a good listerner and do what im told by a higher up i have been admin on fivem servers for srp and that will make it easier to be a admin on grand rp and i do well under stressful sits.
3. i have none since my parents dont care what i do so none really.
4. Yes Sir/Mamm
5. Yes Sir/mamm

Nick THomas

Deputy Chief | EMS | Nick Thomas
Jul 14, 2021
Information :-
1. Gaurav Kushwaha
2. 24
3. India (GMT+5:30)
4. 8 to 9 hours
6. Johny Davids
7. 31185

Additional information :-
1. To make sure no one breaks the rule and do the proper roleplay and also help the new citizen of the city and also to punish the citizen who is breaking rules.
2. Time management, Decision making, learning good skills and self motivated.
3. Greatest weakness is I am just forward with people but happens rarely. And also need proper proofs for the things happens. Which can help me to be strict as a admin.
4. Yes, I am ready.
5. Yes, I am ready.

Matt Dechannsky

Jul 17, 2021

1. Your name IRL: Mateja
Your age: 17
Time zone: Central European (Serbia, Balkan)
Average online per day: 6 - 10 hours
Your Discord: Mateja#0208
Your Nickname: Matt Dechansky
Your ID: 39755

Additional information

1. Why do you want to become an admin?
-I expirianced everything on this server, from being gangster to being LEO and medic, i saw a lot of breaking rules and people who don't know how server works, and i want to stop people who break RP rules, and help people to expiriance this server better and have fun on it.

What are your strengths?
-I am hardworking and responsible person who loves to learn new things and help people.

What are your greatest weaknesses?
-I easily get distracted.

Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
-Yes, i will.

5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)

-Yes, i will.

Sydney Villanova

Jun 11, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
2. What are your strengths?
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
1. Your name IRL: Gabriel Ackerman
2. Your age: 14
3. Time zone: Eastern
4. Average online per day: 6 Hours
5. Your Discord: Noli#5554
6. Your Nickname: Noli
7. Your ID: 31159

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin? : I have spent many time on other servers that are based around five m. But this server seems to be my favorite! It just has everything you'd want in a server. During my time in the city, I have joined many families and 2 gangs. Throughout the past week, I have studied the city and read over all the rules over and over again! I have gained a general/good knowledge about the city and its rules. I want to become an admin because I want to have the experience of a bigger role in the community. I want to direct my focus towards the community doing what it takes to help it out the best that I can. I love helping people and I know that I would be good when It comes to taking/dealing with tickets because I have fluent English speaking skills and I am a Christian person that shows love and is caring towards everyone no matter their differences. I believe I could help to strengthen the connection between the staff team bringing the team closer together allowing everyone on the team to know each other and assist one another in a mature and caring manner. I also have a general knowledge about what it takes to work on a staff team because of other games I have played and I believe that I could apply that knowledge to the team/community to make it stronger. The main reason I'd love to join staff/become an administrator is that I have a loving and caring heart for everyone. I want to be able to help people who need assistance or are struggling in the community and need some support. I want people to know that when they need help with something someone will always be there by their side to assist them. I want people to feel comfortable coming into the city knowing people will have someone by their side and that they can come into the city knowing it is a safe place for them to spend their time and get away from all the stress of the real world. I'd love to help serve this community because It will help me to gain experience and knowledge that I can use and apply to the real world. I have spoken to my family and talked to the city's government about how the city needs new administrators and they told me that I should apply because of my knowledge and experience from other games. If I become a staff I'd love to help people that break the rules to figure out a way not to and instead find something fun for them to do instead of just punishing them right away dependent on the situation and offenses that have been put in place. I have noticed how the staff team has been working extremely hard in the city to take care of 500-1000 people all at one time and I would love the chance to be a part of it and help them out too. I want to become an admin because I feel like this server needs help with guidance and I want to help be that form of guidance and help to the server for people in need. I know that being a part of a staff team is not just about the community and helping out new people on the server but it's also about helping your fellow staff team members with questions or regards that they have about the sever. Anyways, I would love to become an administrator to help the community and staff team grow so people can have an enjoyable time in our community. I want people to know that this is their community and everyone has all the chances in the world to help it grow and watch themselves grow with it. I want people to come here and know that they can have someone hold their hand the whole way through their journey and protect them knowing that they will be safe and have nothing to worry about in the community but just enjoy themselves. I have plans to help make this server a safe environment for everyone and I have other plans/ideas to help this server grow and be the best server it set out to be. When dealing with people or staff-related issues I am patient with people and let them talk first before I speak. I make sure that I get video evidence or other forms of evidence during tickets. I want to thank the staff team for allowing me to apply for a spot on the staff team to help make this server better than it already is. And I wish everyone the best regards throughout the rest of the application process!

2. What are your strengths? : I am a caring and loving person towards everyone. I tell the truth because it will only help me. I have much knowledge about staffing and the city/server. I have read all the rules of the city many times reviewing each one carefully. I am willing to dedicate much time to this server to help it grow. I am very fluent in English speaking skills. I can translate some languages for people like Spanish or Dutch. I have good knowledge of how actual hacking like Penetration Testing or Ethical Hacking works and I know how to avoid being hacked. I am a person that does not give up but I go for things I want so If I don't get it on the first try I don't give up but I keep on trying. I am a talker I talk a ton and love talking to people. I have studied hard in school and have learned lots of useful skills I can apply to the staff team. I love helping people and I'm very patient when people are talking so that I don't interrupt them. I make sure to get any form of evidence during situations/tickets before I make the final call over a situation. I am a detailed and dedicated person so when I'm working on something I put time and effort into it making sure that I have a lot of information and detail in it. I'm good with working with people that are all ages no matter how old or young they are. I do not have a tolerance for bullying, racism, hackers or troller's ect I will shut the situation down no matter what and I will make sure there is a form of discipline or punishment involved according to the situation if not it will go to a higher up. I always use a body camera and make sure to get evidence of everything so if something happens to someone or me or I witness something I have evidence to back it up. I'm a good negotiator when needed and I will do what it takes to get something I want if necessary to a fair extension for everyone. I am a calm person and I highly respect higher-ups no matter to circumstances. I lessen and follow directions to higher-ups and do not ignore them. I have experience using administration tools and I know when and how to use them and that they are not made to be abused but there made to be used to help out and benefit the server and that they are used as tools to help you as an administrator. I am straightforward with people and everything I do is to help them and get them to progress further in our community. I am an extremely fast learner and I do what is asked of me. I am good at discussing things with people. I love to teach people how to do things and how things work. I know that there are a lot of kids that join the server and feel overwhelmed with how to get started or people bully them because they sound young and a strength that I have is that I care for them and I'd love to help them out. The last strength that I’d love to put out there is that when I want something done or someone tells me to do it or I want something I am going to go for it and won't give up till I revive what has been asked of me.

3. What are your greatest weaknesses? : I have a lot of things in my life that keep me busy and sometimes I can't be in the server/city to help out but that's not all the time. If I'm dealing with a ticket and I have to punish someone sometimes they will get mad and start cursing at me or being really rude and I don't have a tolerance for that so sometimes I don't get mad but I will usually up the punishment do to them lashing out like that. I am a person who asks questions a ton and it can annoy people but the only reason I'm doing it is to help myself to gain knowledge on things. I am 14 so when taking staff to sit adults or little kids will curse at me or be rude because there mad that they got themselves in that situation, therefore, since I'm Christian I don't retaliate back instead I come up with a different solution. It is not hard to make me upset/not very happy because if something doesn't go the way I intended it to go it can be kind of upsetting to me but I get over it extremely quickly. My biggest weakness is that I am extremely detailed on things and I'm too honest about things so if you ask me something I am going to most likely tell the truth and be supper detailed about it. I can be stubborn on things If I have my mindset during a staff situation it will take a lot of information, begging, evidence or reasoning if you want to change your mind during the situation. I put a ton of work into my application, and I feel it is a lot for the recruiters to read, but I do it because I want the recruiters to know all about me to decide if I'm a good person for the team. I make mistakes on my application's a ton and I have to edit them a lot. I am straightforward and honest with people so if there not using common sense or not applying their brain to the situation I'm most likely going to question them about it or let them know about it. It is not hard to make me upset not like mad-wise but sad per se. It's hard on me when I put work into a server or application and get nothing out of it because it puts more stress on me and makes me think crazy hard. I show too much love to people and when I'm dealing with tickets sometimes punishments aren't my first resort but more of an apology and I give them a second chance sometimes. My last weakness is that I love the RP side of the server and even though I'm ready to move on to become staff I will still miss the RP.

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin? : Yes

5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin) : Yes

Pranith Sanz

Jul 15, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Pranith Reddy
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: IST
4. Average online per day: 6 to 7 hours daily
5. Your Discord: Pranith Sᴀɴᴢ#3105
6. Your Nickname: Pranith Sanz
7. Your ID: 45880

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin? I like to help people and to make sure no one breaks or goes against the rules and to give punishment to the people who break the rules and help new citizens that come into our city.
2. What are your strengths? I like to go out my way to help others and make sure they are good.something
3. What are your greatest weaknesses? I lose my patience some time and when I see people breaking the rulz I cant see that.
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin? Yes, for sure
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin) Yes, but I did not have one

Henry Connor

Sep 20, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Siddharth Singh
2. Your age:18
3. Time zone: IST
4. Average online per day : 6-7 hours
5. Your Discord: Siddharth25k#3893
6. Your Nickname :Siddharth Singh
7. Your ID:21586

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
-> Being for a long time in city i have seen many times people are breaking rules, doing fail rp and according to my timezone in morning there are hardly few admins online. After being in the city for such a long time going to some of the legal organization like EMS/SAHP/Govt, I decided to became an Admin as i found many people are doing vdm, unnecessary killing outside gettho, people are filling many reports but sometime we get a late response and sometime its soo late like the situation is over
2. What are your strengths?
->Good English speaking
->Very Calm and don't take decisions in hurry first listen to everyone in situations
-> Being in legal organization, I understand and say that whatever action I take will be under me and will not be taking actions until I know what I am doing is right thing and if I did something wrong I will be ready to pay for it..
->Being in city for such a long time I like to make people come to our server and try to bring more of my friends to this server
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
-> I will be fair if I get some people who are too loud or troubling me or distracting me while work I call higherups or High command or if this situation happens in family I used to call the owner but this happens sometime as I am calm so I first let the people finish their point of view of if they are troubling me I let them do that and when they are finish I continue my work.
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
-> Yes, I am ready to leave RP life when I become an Admin.
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
-> Yes, but I don't have one :D


Jul 29, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Yan Kalmikov
2. Your age:16
3. Time zone: GMT +4
4. Average online per day : 5 hrs
5. Your Discord:yung_k47#4930
6. Your Nickname Dwayne King
7. Your ID: 714

1.Why do you want to become an admin?

As you know, I was an admin previously and I really enjoyed being it .I really like helping out the players with their problems and issues. I really liked the whole experience and would like to have it again.

2.What are your strengths?
Fluent English
Fluent Russian
Hard Working

3.What are your greatest weaknesses?

I would say its still time management a little bit.

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?

Already did

5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)

I'm broke anyways.
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