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Date of violation
Mar 16, 2023
Time of violation

Kevin Som

✨Who Am I?
May 7, 2021
Good Evening,

Seems like you have no regard for the hostages life by trying to take one of our people hostage while we already have one of your people hostage.

Furthermore, it is a common tactic for us to swap money carriers. The fact you called admins to basically force rp and power game the hell out of our players is in my eyes a major issue. We will be making a complaint about the administrators who participated in this behavior.

I sincerely hope you understand that the money we receive allows us to remain competitive with state organizations, and that you won't try to bleed us dry so we can't compete with you anymore.

Ferass Braxton

Jan 22, 2023
Good Evening,

Seems like you have no regard for the hostages life by trying to take one of our people hostage while we already have one of your people hostage.

Furthermore, it is a common tactic for us to swap money carriers. The fact you called admins to basically force rp and power game the hell out of our players is in my eyes a major issue. We will be making a complaint about the administrators who participated in this behavior.

I sincerely hope you understand that the money we receive allows us to remain competitive with state organizations, and that you won't try to bleed us dry so we can't compete with you anymore.
Thank u for understand the situation this is was i am trying to say from morning but they didnt understand when we was in rp they broke situation to many times by brinking a admin to get his money back and aslo revenge rp but at last my deal was finish with him idk why i give him the 200k back and he still puting forum to find any reason to get punished ( we was not fearing with life we was in rp we was not deceiving admins remember we have something named by LOGS ) .

Elite Axel

A Citizen
Oct 9, 2022
Good Evening,

Seems like you have no regard for the hostages life by trying to take one of our people hostage while we already have one of your people hostage.

Furthermore, it is a common tactic for us to swap money carriers. The fact you called admins to basically force rp and power game the hell out of our players is in my eyes a major issue. We will be making a complaint about the administrators who participated in this behavior.

I sincerely hope you understand that the money we receive allows us to remain competitive with state organizations, and that you won't try to bleed us dry so we can't compete with you anymore.
Wow so basically you are threatening admins who will take action on you XD Grow up bro once you all go inside there were the 3 people pointing at a 1 guys that’s obviously fear rp 1st Rule Fear For your Own Life First and 2nd thing you were 4 you were out numbered you should fear for your own life instead and should take free passage


May 11, 2022
Honestly you loes cared more about the Money than arresting us the whole time mixing punching and shot me while I was muted there only soo much I can do at any point you can prove how much was given to me at the end of the day you should of arested us and not blackmail us and hit me with hammer to give money back like what are you gangster or law enforcement officer honestly this a joke sort your self out mate.


May 11, 2022
Wow so basically you are threatening admins who will take action on you XD Grow up bro once you all go inside there were the 3 people pointing at a 1 guys that’s obviously fear rp 1st Rule Fear For your Own Life First and 2nd thing you were 4 you were out numbered you should fear for your own life instead and should take free passage
Nah who said should of took feee passage we had enough people but admin started punishing out guys but saw loes mixing UB demand when I guy was trying to use gas station UB spikes and didn’t punish them let let them off but with gangs punish them straight away why is it because loes are more favourite in the game ?

Kevin Som

✨Who Am I?
May 7, 2021
Wow so basically you are threatening admins who will take action on you XD Grow up bro once you all go inside there were the 3 people pointing at a 1 guys that’s obviously fear rp 1st Rule Fear For your Own Life First and 2nd thing you were 4 you were out numbered you should fear for your own life instead and should take free passage

Saying that we intend to use the proper grievance process is now threatening admins? That's new information to me 😂😂

I think I have a good enough relationship with the administration, and a good enough respect for what the administration has to do on this server for them to understand that I would never openly insult or threaten them, but I WILL use available grievance processes available to me if I think their actions were incorrect.

Furthermore, I'd love to know what part of the world you live in where policemen can point weapons at someone's head and demand that they give them any sort of money. Where I live if I did that I would be unemployed within the next hour. Also let's not neglect the fact that a hostage was still in play and the LEOs took it upon themselves to take one of our gang members hostage when he could have at the press of a button had the hostage executed.

I think any reasonable and impartial admin can see the rule violations made (not to mention the numerous mixing violations made by various LEOs outside the presence of an admin with red name stopping the RP situation) and will issue the appropriate punishment to LEO orgs.

Ferass Braxton

Jan 22, 2023
Wow so basically you are threatening admins who will take action on you XD Grow up bro once you all go inside there were the 3 people pointing at a 1 guys that’s obviously fear rp 1st Rule Fear For your Own Life First and 2nd thing you were 4 you were out numbered you should fear for your own life instead and should take free passage
Good Morning :
so basically when we have a hostage inside leos are not allowed to tell to any gang memeber to put ur hands up because we have hostage like we got like this situation and curator of State named by Raymond Bishop say Leos are not allowed to tell to any gang member puts ur hand up when the gang stay having the hostage on his hands .


May 11, 2022
this is my pov of 2 people lying to admin right in there face id 14653 and 25570 saying i OOC insulted him when i said hes a retard and a mother fucker IC

time stamp 9:40 he gave me money at any point do they know hoe much he gave.
Time stamp19:00-20:00 id 25570 lying to admin saying i told him i had the money when i was muted whole time.
time stamp 22:22 saying i said i had the money when muted the whole time again lying mixing admin watching dont punish
time stamp 25:12 get searched by ID 9689 so someone using make up there.
time stamp 25:15 hitting me with hammer when she a law enforcement officer which is crazy.
time stamp 38:00 i called him retard and mother fucker icly which is allowed and then he lied to admin saying im gonna put my dick in his face and mixing.ID 14853

Ferass Braxton

Jan 22, 2023
this is my pov show the situation at code B also when i say the name also i will post some Screen shots about the discution me and id 6671 as we was not doing MG also he was near to me and only i was taking the commands from him and say it to LSPD because this is first time i was nego with LEOS about a hostage .



May 11, 2022
this is my pov show the situation at code B also when i say the name also i will post some Screen shots about the discution me and id 6671 as we was not doing MG also he was near to me and only i was taking the commands from him and say it to LSPD because this is first time i was nego with LEOS about a hostage .

If you look at my pov it has everything you need to see I was using discord to help him negotiate as it was his first time but as you can see is lspd and fib forcing Rp to get the money in reality they got 200k that fine as the guy revived the 200k and then died so that was right but then to assume I have other 300k they can’t prove it and then they bring admin for no reason.

Ivan Reed

💥 Hasta la vista 💥
Nov 20, 2022
On Consideration

Thread locked for no further discussions.​

Ivan Reed

💥 Hasta la vista 💥
Nov 20, 2022

ID 6671 will receive a punishment for Metagaming.
ID 18343 will receive a punishment for Metagaming & Fear RP.
No cases for lying for money shall be considered valid as there is no Roleplay involved. A Roleplay using /me /do /try should have been involved in order to search the players for the money rather than pointing guns and asking for money. The LEO's gave total of 500K for hostages with a spilt of 300K and 200K respectively out of which 300K was immediately transferred by actual receiver to someone among them.
The LEO's failed to identify the new receiver hence 200K was a valid recoverable amount from the situation which was successfully recovered by LEO's on point.​
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