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IMPORTANT Applications for the leader of party

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Christian Pluxury

Apr 16, 2022
The following Party has been selected for leading of the party interview

The U.C Party by Jimin Hill (154491)
Make San Andreas Party by Richard Sole (3466)


Interview time is 12.05 | 21:00 server time. Join waiting room 15 minutes before.​

Mauki Xeng

Dec 3, 2022

LIBERTY- the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views:

UNITED- joined together politically, for a common purpose, or by common feelings:

COALITION- an alliance for combined action, especially a temporary alliance of political parties forming a government or of states:

KINDNESS- the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate:

The Liberty United Coalition for Kindness, or L.U.C.K. The party was founded April 3rd, 2023, on the values of freedom, unity, justice, community, selflessness, and kindness. It is the goal of this party to bring the community together as a whole to help everyone have a voice in shaping the city they live in, to strengthen relationships between civilians and LEO’s as well as inter-organizational relationships, and to ensure everyone is free to live the life they dream of and they deserve.



The L.U.C.K. The party is founded on the principles of community, freedom, and justice, with a goal of bringing everyone together for the betterment of Los Santos and the State of San Andreas. Through communication, strengthening bonds, and creating a healthy environment for all to thrive in, the L.U.C.K. party plans to improve the lives of all. This will be done by bringing everyone together through selfless actions, education for everyone, and creating opportunities for every person within Los Santos.

The dream of the L.U.C.K. party to create a community where all voices are heard equally, to create a community in which everyone has the freedom to exist as they are, peacefully, in a happy, safe environment.

About L.U.C.K.:

The Liberty United Coalition for Kindness, or L.U.C.K., party started off as a bunch of little ideas. Each of these little ideas had potential beyond being just a small piece of genius, because as all of these little ideas came together, it made a very clear picture showing what needs to happen in order to improve the State of San Andreas.

Mauki Mareli started his career in LSPD, and then went to work for the United States Secret Service. Showing initiative and dedication as an Agent of the USSS, Growing and grasping the understanding of the responsibilities. After 3 weeks into former Governor Ryan Slater, Mr. Mareli became a State Attorney. Mauki met his Wife, Paige Mareli, who was his Blessing, keeping his energy up since they met. After 4 great terms though, multiple Governors came to an end, and the ideas began leaning to “BE the Change” To that next step and prove himself to the World.

During government downtime, Mauki became employed by EMS 1st and 2nd to FIB. While in EMS, Mauki Brought Ideas to Their Labtech Div. Mauki entered EMS with the same energy and passion he had brought from his time at Gov, landing himself Head of LAbtech. After A whole term at EMS, Mauki was able to get back in the Suit and Tie, being back at USSS brought joy to Mauki, so he started to step up as leader, as a lawyer Mauki stayed Fair Understanding the laws the different ways they can be broken, still learning he understood that he had to enter each case and understand both parties involved. At FIB, Mauki as an Federal Attorney, stayed on Call at All times Working as DOJ Through FIB HQ, having learned some much as a lawyer. MAuki went back to Gov, and worked his way to Chief Of Staff, trying make USSS Better trying to bring ideas to the table, even joined IRS and PR Div., using PR to some creative events to the civilians of Los Santos. When people start to see that Mauki was indeed “GOV”. After a while of hearing that, Mauki Started wondering if he was ready to take that next step in his career in Gov. is to be The Governor himself.

Mauki’s time as a COS, wanting to make USSS/DOC the best it can be, he started to watch and learn more about being not just a leader, but learning how people see him as leader. Reputation and Loyalty and Respect are the beliefs That Mauki follows true. So he joined L.U.C.K. part and took his next step to his ultimate goal: “Being The Change”.

The Liberty United Coalition for Kindness holds the virtues of liberty and unity steadfast in their hearts. The common driving force in all actions made by the L.U.C.K. The party is with the intentions of maintaining freedom of existence for everyone without challenges and bringing everyone together in hopes of finding more common goals and accomplishing more to make Los Santos better for all involved parties.It is the belief of the L.U.C.K. party that by bringing civilians and LEO’s together, and all the organizations closer together, we can create a happier, safer, more wholesome home for ourselves and each other.


Goals and Promises:

Continuing forward with Letting Everyone have a voice- not just the few, not just the rich. Los Santos is a beautiful city where people are constantly relocating, and it is the belief of the L.U.C.K. party that every citizen should be able to have a voice when it comes to their home. This could be accomplished by creating a Public Relations Department Team Meant to deal with Inter-organizational Relations. There could be meetings open to the public, and meetings with the organizations individually and as a whole, and public ‘town hall’ meetings that are open to the public where everyone can voice their opinions on laws, legislature, and going ons around the city.

Here at L.U.C.K. Education Is important as we continue to learn and grow as humans. Secret Service and The Practice of Law, should be taught the correct procedures and a proper understanding of each own Job. Having Agents and Lawyers educated and trained to be the best they can be, Will bring more confidence and Energy to the Government as a whole. Agents will be constantly trained in arms and Driving in convoys, will Law Students will be run through multiple simulations of possible situations, to get each student to understand how to deal with complex cases.

United States Secret Service will continue to protect our government at the exceptional standards they’ve proven to maintain, Combined with DOC as one, they will continue to thrive and improve through recruitment throughout all time zones, divisions in which each agent kind find their talents and excel, working together with DOC Wardens to ensure the prison is well staffed and safe, along with keeping citizens and people of great importance alike throughout the city.
The secret service in addition to many ranks that depend on dedication, service, attitude, among other things, but there are also divisions that come with recognition and bonuses as well including, but not limited to, internal affairs, human resources and training, sniper division, emergency response team, Inferno squad (additional details classified,) and Beast division (additional details classified.)

We here at L.U.C.K. also wants to bring an Fair Promotional System to the government as a whole. We want to ensure those that have been working with GOV for the last few terms back to back, are able to move up the ranks. But giving some room to allow us to hire into some of the high rankings too. Implementing the “inside out” rule, we plan to make the current agents of gov the future of gov and hire around those to make an structural ranking system beneficial to all to come but fair enough for those already working in gov. Government is a very special Org, so handling ranks from the inside and hiring from out should not stump those people that are already working very hard for their position currently in Gov.

Keeping Corruption at bay is the main goal for the lawyers and judges of the state. Having lawyer training to crack down on the corrupt beings of the city. We will keep the laws that penalize organizations of the state and further laws to cap their funding should they fail our extensive inspections. It's obvious that corruption is at an all time low in the state since our improvements to legislation were implemented and we vow to continue ensuring officers follow these procedures.

The Government is well aware of the rate of inflation falling in the state and understands that business owners are struggling with their taxes. Therefore we shall impose a new Tax Law and implement changes to how much tax each business owner pays which will be based on footfall, thus allowing business owners to lower their prices and give back to the citizens of the state. We will bring forward incentives to low costs in their businesses by introducing a tax cut to those who regularly host discounted services to the citizens. We will continue our hard work with our IRS to ensure the money collected is given out as rewards to hard working employees of the state and citizens in our statewide events and competitions.

Community, all of us together are stronger than we are alone, and coming together will only lead to success. The L.U.C.K. party prioritizing inclusiveness, and ensuring everyone feels seen and heard, which is why our government will be hosting frequent events to bring the public together, to bring the organizations together, and to bring Los Santos together as a whole. Whether its fashion shows, spelling bees, talent competitions, pick up line contests, comedy nights, car shows, foot races, piggy back races, relay races, scavenger hunts, hide and seek, etc., the L.U.C.K. The party will ensure everyone has a chance, no matter the hours they keep, to be involved in their community.
With that, there will also be incredible events for LEO’s to come together throughout the term, including training, drills, and the chance to put everything learned to use. Through the training, and the bonding experiences the L.U.C.K. The party is committed to providing, the LEO’s should be able to come together as individual organizations and as a whole to defeat any challenges they encounter.


Our ranks are as follows:

30. Governor- Mauki Mareli
29. Deputy Governor- Maeve Gambino
28. Attorney General-
27. Supreme Court Justice- Richard Sole
26. Chief of Staff- Robby Mckenzie, Umut Papillion, Kingo Lee
25. USSS Director- Gus Gus, Kye Woutersom
24. District Court Judge-
23. Director of Public Relations- Paige Mareli
22. Warden- Omar Satin, Lucifer Lee
21. USSS Deputy Director- Oguz Karahanli
20. Head of IRS- Randy Don
19. Deputy Warden- Vqpapi Mareli, Jackob Escobar, Lazar stanojevic
18. USSS Commander-Thomas Gambino, Dashking Miler, Michael Ross
17. Lead State Attorney- Frenchy Bos
16. Public Relations Liaison-
15. Mission Specialist- Harvey West, Tim Burns, Ryan Diaz
14. USSS Captain- Bob Muller,
13. Senior State Attorney-
12. USSS Lieutenant- Xzaver Harden,
11. Senior Secretary- Kash Moore-
10. USSS Senior Agent-
9. State Attorney-
8. USSS Special Agent-
7. Junior State Attorney-
5. USSS Agent-
4. USSS Junior Agent-
3. Law Student-
2. Trainee-
1. Suspended

Additional Supporters:

Phill Trump from SHAP
Richard Sole from GOV.


Criteria to join party:
1. No criminal background (BGCs will be done prior to employment.)
2. Any age can be heard, 1 year old is the minimum for employment upon hiring.
3. A passion for the values of L.U.C.K.
4. Ability to communicate effectively and kindly.
5. Basic respect for other persons.

Proof of signatures:
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Arian Smith

Jul 28, 2022

The Democratic Republican Party traces its roots back to a group of dedicated individuals who bring with them a wealth of experience from diverse government departments. Their remarkable work ethic and unwavering moral principles have been instrumental in shaping the party's foundation. United by a shared vision, they are determined to usher in a transformative era for Los Santos, where every person, regardless of their background, race, gender, or financial status, can seize boundless opportunities to pursue their dreams.

Our government officials embody the highest levels of professionalism, with a deep sense of compassion and empathy for the citizens they serve. They understand the importance of upholding the elevated standards set by their predecessors while striving to surpass them. These individuals can be relied upon to go above and beyond their duties, fueled by a genuine commitment to creating a society that thrives on equality, inclusivity, and justice.

The Democratic Republican Party stands as a beacon of hope, led by accomplished individuals who possess a unique blend of expertise and unwavering dedication to public service. Together, they aim to drive positive change and uplift the lives of all residents in Los Santos, fostering an environment where aspirations can be realized and barriers overcome.



The Democratic Republican Party's unwavering dedication to promoting publicly funded, universal education is ingrained in its own Core. We firmly believe that education is the key to unlocking opportunities and giving our people the resources they require to reach their greatest potential. Our point of view is built on the idea of equality of rights and opportunity, and we are dedicated to upholding these ideals for all societal members.

Making sure that everyone is safe and secure is our top responsibility. We understand how essential a safe environment is to a lively neighborhood. By leveraging our resources and skills, we will make a significant effort to create a society where everyone feels safe and can live their lives without fear.

In order to restore the public's trust in the government and strengthen our democratic system, we lay a significant focus on the requirement of accountability, transparency, and open communication. We believe ourselves to be spokesman for those who work for the government. We commit to listening carefully to their concerns, thoughts, and objectives and to giving them our whole attention. By actively engaging with and respecting our constituents, we hope to build a government that really reflects the needs and aspirations of the people it serves.

In summary, the Democratic Republican Party supports equitable rights for everyone, free and open access to education, the protection and security of our citizens, and an open and transparent administration. We want to establish a society that lives on diversity, opportunity, and trust by upholding these fundamental values.



Our first priority is to defend and put the human rights of our cherished citizens first in every government decision. The preservation of individual liberty, in our opinion, is the cornerstone of a strong community.

To combat the lack of awareness about city laws, we pledge to launch comprehensive campaigns in collaboration with the Department of State (DOS). These initiatives will empower citizens with knowledge, ultimately leading to a decrease in crime rates and arrests. By educating our residents, we aim to foster a safer and more informed society.

We shall create a special department with the sole purpose of educating and assisting future experts since we understand how important fair and just legal procedures are. We ensure that all people are treated fairly throughout judicial proceedings by boosting the legal profession. We are dedicated to maintaining the values of justice and fairness in our judicial system.

We are aware that a lively city depends on the active involvement and engagement of its residents. In order to revive the sense of community, we promise to hold a range of activities, including job fairs. These programs will benefit our inhabitants by giving them opportunities and improving the community as a whole.

To legal organizations, we make the following promises:

  • Fighting Corruption: To combat corruption and eliminate those who endanger the stability of legal organizations' services, we will frequently inspect all of organizations. We are dedicated to respecting the principles of transparency and honesty since they are the foundation of a just judicial system.

  • Strengthening Training Programs: We will oversee and improve new employee training programs, paying special attention to institutions charged with protecting citizens including the LSPD, SAHP, and FIB. By providing the appropriate training to our staff, we hope to optimize safety and guarantee the greatest level of care to our residents.

  • Increasing Security: In recognition of the essential function that Department of Corrections (DOC) officers perform, we will raise their pay in order to draw in more devoted workers. We endeavor to increase security in our community by expanding the labor force and enhancing working conditions.

  • Collaboration will be improved thanks to the establishment of a special division (DOS) whose goal is to improve relations between legal organizations. We can build a more effective system that serves both the public and the legal profession by utilizing their combined talents and knowledge.

  • Strengthening the Gun Licensing Process: I will push for extensive changes to the gun licensing procedure that will make it stricter and ensure that those with criminal records cannot get a gun license. We can keep criminals from getting access to weapons by performing rigorous background checks and adopting stronger eligibility requirements.

  • Reduced Gun License Fees: I am aware of the high cost of acquiring a gun license. As a result, I'll work to make gun permits more cheap for law-abiding people who want to responsibly use their Second Amendment rights. We may promote responsible gun ownership while preserving the required protections by lowering costs.

By making these commitments, we hope to build a city that follows the rule of law, respects human rights, offers equitable opportunities, and actively involves its residents. We can create a better future for our neighborhood by working together.

Governor: Arian Smith
Deputy Governor: Anastasia Mareli
Deputy Governor: Savannah Eriksdottir

Chief of Staff: Ayush Hill
Chief of Staff: Bryce Williams
Speaker of the House: Larisa Valoroso

United States Department of Justice:
Attorney General: Andrew Mannning
Supreme Court Justice: -
District Court Judge: Bobs Builder
District Court Judge: Carldonnieson Mage
Lead State Attorney: Jin Calipso

United States Secret Service:
USSS Director: Emily kingz
USSS Dep. Director: Lukasz Kingz
USSS Dep. Director: Trazie Mykels
USSS Supervisor: Jerry Barba
USSS Captain: Pathan Shakespeare

United States Department of Corrections:
DOC Warden: Tyler Hart
DOC Dep.Warden: Jack Brooken
DOC Dep.Warden: Damon Perd

Department of State:
DOS Secretary: Haitham Gharbi
DOS Deputy Secretary : Josh Hoblos
DOS Deputy Secretary : Zyan Eagle
Party Supporters:
Steve Dash - NG General
Deku Calipso - Ex USSS HC
Rocky Waters - Former SAHP Leader
Lucifer Watson - EMS Deputy Chief


  1. Governor
  2. Deputy Governor
  3. Attorney General
  4. Chief of Staff
  5. Supreme Court Justice
  6. Speaker of the house
  7. USSS Director
  8. District Court Judge
  9. Warden
  10. DOS Secretary
  11. USSS Deputy Director
  12. Deputy Warden
  13. DOS Deputy Secretary
  14. USSS Supervisor
  15. DOC Supervisor
  16. Lead State Attorney
  17. DOS Assistant Secretary
  18. USSS Captain
  19. Senior State Attorney
  20. DOC Senior Agent
  21. USSS Senior Agent
  22. State Attorney
  23. DOS Head Officer
  24. USSS Field Agent
  25. Junior State Attorney
  26. DOC Officer
  27. DOS Field Analyst
  28. Law Student
  29. USSS Agent
  30. Trainee - Marine Training

We have developed the following criteria for joining our company:

Clean Background: Before hiring, we run background checks (BGCs) to make sure that potential employees have no criminal records. Our top priorities are upholding the law and ensuring a secure workplace.

Age Inclusion Policy: We encourage applications from people of various ages because we think it's important to give everyone a voice. Candidates who are younger than the required age of 5 will not be given consideration for employment

Effective and kind communication is essential for the success of our team. Candidates must be able to respectfully and properly express their viewpoints in order to be considered. Within our business, effective communication promotes comprehension and encourages teamwork.

Respect for Others: It is essential to have respect for every person. Candidates must possess a basic regard for others, value individual diversity, and treat everyone with decency and kindness.

You will have the chance to join our organization and support our common objective if you can fulfill these prerequisites. We reward those who uphold our values and contribute to the welcoming environment we work hard to foster.
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Jordan Huxley

Aug 5, 2022
Hi Everyone,
Thankyou to the following 2 parties applying so far. Myself in conjunction with Senior Administration have done the relevant required checks including discussions and have come to the following status on the above parties:

1. Mauki Mareli - L.U.C.K Party --- Requirements and Checks completed. APPROVED to continue running in the election as a potential candidate.
2. Arian Smith - D.R.P Party --- Requirements and Checks completed. Unfortunately on this occasion following input from Senior Administration I am sorry to say on this occasion I have to DENY your application and therefore are Rejected to run as a party candidate and your Party application is hereby withdrawn. No further information can be given as this is an Administration Matter.

There is still some time left for any further applications to be submitted. Should we reach the time were we are no longer are accepting candidate applications we will notify the current APPROVED parties of a time and date for relevant preliminary interviews. Thankyou.


Professional debater, shot twice in the ghetto
Sep 17, 2021
The Good Act Party
Together for a brighter future, less corruption, and more opportunities.
Your voice is not an echo

About the "The Good Act" party.

reated on the 22th of November 2021, by Ex-Supreme Court of Justice, Tommaso Spagnoli, Lawyers, and Ex-Head Of Departments.

The Good Act party believes in equal rights and privileges, believes that every citizen deserves an equal chance regardless of their race, color, ethnicity, or sexual preference.


Focusing on providing a healthy work environment, better

opportunities that everyone deserves, freedom of speech to make sure that your voice is heard, each of us should have the opportunity to live a good life, to dream big, to break the limits of pursuing whatever they want to and fulfill their dreams.


The vision of “The Good Act” party relies on providing opportunities based on equality, providing freedom of speech, freedom of heart with no strings attached, improvising solidarity by uniting people with shared goals in order to achieve the greatest standards in terms of mutual thoughts.


- Healthier work environments, by providing a safe, mentally supportive working environment, The Good Act party believes it’s a necessity to maintain the mental health of the citizens by applying strict anti-bullying rules in official workplaces, maintaining the ethics code and making sure people are enjoying their work, in addition to applying additional chances to earn extra salary by implementing the over-time system that doesn’t exceed the mentally safe working hours, on top of that, extra bonuses and rewards to the hard workers, when you’re down, we got your back.

- Focusing on Oil and Gas industries of the city of Los Santos, as they’ve always and will always be an important part of the financial economy of the city, The Good Act party will always make sure to keep up with the financial exports of the city, maintaining the the heart of the economy, applying a strict over watch on the financial part of the city by all means.

- Making sure that hospitals always have a spot to every citizen equally, The Good Act will work hard to provide extra beds for every hospital in the city as well as adding an extra layer of security for hospitals to make sure everyone is safe, while applying reward systems to encourage faster help for the injured ones in an emergency situation, The Good Act believes that every second counts, and it also believes that all lives matter.

- Clarifying and briefing the responsibilities of the Legal Organizations in order to achieve solidity in-between them to provide a more secure city to ensure the maximum safety for all the citizens

-Controlling and applying extra cautions regarding the dangerous areas of the city, adding more active Emergency Services patrols as well as police.


- Strict anti-corruption regulations.
- Strict anti-fraud regulations.
- Encouraging women rights
- Improving the environment of work.
- Cheaper health insurance
- Re-calculated salaries to meet the standards of the modern day.
- No discrimination between any of the people.
- Strict Anti-bullying laws.
- Balancing the laws.
- Re-calculation of taxes for business owners to ease and increase the amount of investments in the city.
- Applying self-defense laws.
- Regulations of illegal firearms.
- Improving the financial situation of the city.
- Transparency.
- Glamorize public solidarity and equality
- Accomodating homeless citizens


- Los Santos Police Department

- Emergency Medical Services

- National Guard

- Federal Investigation Bureau

Party members

Tommaso Spagnoli

Deputy Governor:
Ink Flawless
Droppa Flawless

Chief of Staff: Baku Flawless

Minister of Justice: Butcher Angels

Minister of Homeland security: Daniel White

Minister of Defense: Benny Flawless

Minister of Security: Kasper Flawless

Minister of Finance: JTrapz Flawless

Minister of Social Development: Simon Flawless

State Legal Aid: Joel Belmont

Mia Karma

Jynx Flawless

Jefe DeJefes

Committee members:
Bilal Flawless

Anto DeBonanza

Webby Spanking

Zara Flawless

Eternal Flawless

Our ranks are as follows:

30. Governor
29. Deputy Governor
28. Attorney General
27. Supreme Court Justice
26. Chief of Staff
25. USSS Director
24. District Court Judge
23. Director of Public Relations
22. Warden
21. USSS Deputy Director
20. Head of IRS
19. Deputy Warden
18. USSS Commander
17. Lead State Attorney
16. Public Relations Liaison
15. Mission Specialist
14. USSS Captain
13. Senior State Attorney
12. USSS Lieutenant
11. Senior Secretary
10. USSS Senior Agent
9. State Attorney
8. USSS Special Agent
7. Junior State Attorney
5. USSS Agent
4. USSS Junior Agent
3. Law Student
2. Trainee
1. Suspended
Requirements to join “The Good Act” party

- Clean
Criminal record
- Atleast 10 years of city experience
- Superior knowledge of city laws, rules.
- Dedication to the party promises

Party was created on 22 November 2021.​
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Jordan Huxley

Aug 5, 2022
Hi Tommaso,
Thankyou for Applying for party candidacy under the The Good Act Party.

There are some issues which need to be dealt with in relation to your application otherwise it shall be withdrawn.

1. I cannot find a link to your Party Signature/Screenshot proof of each party member ICly agreeing to join your party. Without this your application is void and cannot be considered as a Valid Application.
2. There is not a valid list per other applications in relation to your party members. You do not have the relevant list outlined detailing who will exactly be in what position E.g. Attorney General, SCJ/DCJ, Directors, Department head etc. as you can see the other candidates have done per the requirements which then need to match the IC signatures per my first point.
3. The position of "Chief Whip" Is not a valid position within Government and therefore would need to be removed for your application to be taken with any seriousness moving forward.

I will allow ample time for these issues to be addressed and corrected whilst I also pass this information onto Senior Administrators for relevant checks, Should you not address these requirements I shall withdraw your application and potential candidacy as this currently does not meet the relevant requirements to apply for Government leadership.

Jordan Huxley

Aug 5, 2022
Hi Everyone,

Thankyou for your candidacy applications for the next leader of Government.
The following decisions have been made:

1. Arian Smith - D.R.P Party application has been rejected and withdrawn following Senior Administration Checks and therefor will not continue to preliminary leadership interviews.

2. Tommaso Spagnoli - The Good Act Party application has been rejected and withdrawn due to not having nor have met the necessary requirements for Government Party Leadership Applications even though ample time has been given per my previous comment on this thread.

3. Mauki Mareli - LUCK Party, Per my previous comments on this Thread your application following checks was approved and put forward for Preliminary Interview. Therefore Your interview for Government Leadership will take place Today (16.07.2023) at 18.00 Server Time. Please be ready and in the Interview waiting room 15 minutes prior.

Thankyou and Good Luck.

Jimin Hill

Jul 5, 2022
The Unified Coalition Party
The U.C Party.




The Unified Coalition Party is a political party committed to presenting the diverse interests of its members and advocating for policies that promote unity, progress, and prosperity for all.


Founded on the principles of collaboration and inclusivity, the party seeks to bring together people from different backgrounds, ideologies, and perspectives to work towards a common goal of building a better future for the state.

The Unified Coalition Party recognizes the challenges and opportunities facing the state in the current political, economic, and social climate. As such, it aims to offer a fresh, innovative approach to governance, one that prioritizes the needs and aspirations of the people, and fosters a culture of transparency, accountability, and good governance.

With a team of experienced and dedicated leaders, the Unified Coalition Party is committed to developing evidence-based policies that reflect the diverse needs and perspectives of the citizens. The party’s mission is to create a more prosperous, equitable, and sustainable society, where every individual has the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential.


A government that is unified for a better tomorrow:

Transparency and Accountability:
We promise to continue on keeping the public updated on our plans, actions, and progress toward our objectives, all by listening to the complaints and suggestions of the citizens.

Develop Strong Relationship: The public relations staff will continue to prioritize developing strong ties with Life Invader in order to assist promote the party's events. The team will also try to establish links with other organizations and community groups in order to foster collaboration and support for the party's aims by providing additional security and help.

Outreach and Engagement: We commit to engaging with many communities, groups, and organizations to better understand their needs and objectives. We will foster involvement and cooperation while working to establish a more inclusive and varied society.

Brand and Image: We will maintain a strong and consistent brand image and to successfully express our beliefs and message. We will reach out to the public through unique and innovative methods to leave a lasting and pleasant impact.

Justice for all, fairness for everyone:

Fighting Corruption:
We will continue to combat corruption and uphold the rule of law. We are committed to ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their social or economic status, are held responsible for their actions. Our efforts will be aimed at pursuing corrupt authorities, legislators, and corporate leaders with the utmost determination within the boundaries of the law.

Upholding the Rule of Law: One of the Department of Justice's key goals is to protect the rule of law by ensuring that all citizens are treated fairly and equitably under the law. The agency may emphasize pursuing crimes such as corruption, fraud, and other white-collar crimes, as well as defending underprivileged populations' civil rights.

Strengthening Law Enforcement: We pledge to support law enforcement agencies and give them the tools and training they need to battle crime and keep the public safe. We will also try to strengthen relationships and trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve.

Continuing Faith in the Justice System : We will continue to make sure the citizens keep the faith in the justice system by ensuring that it is fair, impartial, and just. We will continue to work to reform the criminal justice system to address systemic issues such as racial disparities and overcrowding in prisons.

All in all to say that Richard Sole’s Department of Justice has done a remarkable job, and we will continue to keep the same professionalism and dedication as has been in previous terms. We will also make sure the numbers of lawyers stay high like last term. Having two and more lawyers at all times. Even after closing hours and before opening hours.


Rehabilitation, not just incarceration.

Prison and Custody:
The Department of Corrections (DOC) takes care of people who have been given a sentence to spend time in correctional facilities. This means making sure they are safe, providing their essential needs, and handling their daily routines while they are in the facility.

Ensuring Safe and Humane Conditions: The Department of Correction may emphasize establishing safe and compassionate circumstances for convicts by enforcing strict health and safety. This will involve frequent facility inspections, providing convicts with medical treatment, and ensuring that staff members are appropriately prepared to manage crises and prevent violent occurrences.

Effective Staff Training and Retention: Providing employees with the proper training and retention will be a priority for the Department of Correction to ensure they are prepared to cope with the challenges they face. We also will ensure that they are well-equipped to handle difficult situations, such as mental health crises and violences, and that they have the resources they need to do their jobs safely and effectively.

Transparency and Accountability: We continuously promise to maintain transparency and accountability in all our activities, including the treatment of inmates. We will be responsive to public concerns and work to address any issues or complaints that arise.


Protection with precision, security with strategy.

Protecting the Governor and Deputy Governor:
We promise to prioritize the safety and security of the Governor and Deputy Governor, as well as their families and other designated protectees. We will use whatever is needed to identify and neutralize threats, and we will work closely with other law enforcement agencies to ensure comprehensive protection.

Strengthening Partnerships: The United States Secret Service will prioritize strengthening partnerships with other law enforcement agencies, such as SAHP, NG, LSPD, EMS and NG. We will share intelligence and coordinate efforts to ensure seamless security for high-profile events and protectees.

Maintaining the Highest Standards: We promise to maintain the highest standards of integrity, professionalism, and excellence in all our activities. We will conduct ourselves with honour and respect, and we will upload the Constitution and the rule of law.

Together, we will build a stronger, more prosperous, and equitable state for all of our residents.

Enhance Public Safety:
As a governor, my goal will remain to enhance public safety in the state by implementing strategies that keep crime rates as low as possible and enhance emergency response times. This may involve providing law enforcement officers with clear goals and objectives, which will help them secure the full funding they require to fulfil their needs. As well as supporting crime prevention initiatives, and promoting community policing efforts, all aimed at achieving this objective.

Lower Taxes: During Richard Sole’s term, the taxes were at its lowest and I intend to keep those taxes at the same prices to encourage the citizens and the business owners to continue paying those taxes.

HILL 2023



Governor: Jimin Hill
Deputy Governor: Jin Calipso
Deputy Governor: Kingo Lee
Governors Advisor: Karma Hatake

Attorney General: Mika Hatake
Supreme Court Justice: Richard Sole
District Court Judge: Antoni Vinacci
Lead State Attorney: Bobs Builder

Chief of Staff: Simpy Hill
Chief of Staff: Steven Hill

Director of USSS: Lucifer Lee
Deputy Director of USSS: Josh Sully
Chief of Operations: Captain Mark

Warden of DOC: Lazer Stanojevic
Deputy Warden of DOC: Trooy Lee

Director of PR: Phill Trump
Public Relation Liaison: Tyler Morty
Public Relation Liaison: Lora Calipso

Supporters :
Hawk Hill (Current Director and Former Deputy Director of FIB).
Omer Hill (Current Deputy Leader of FIB and Former Director of FIB).
Jayden Hill (Former SAHP and LSPD Leader and Former FIB Deputy Director).
Donna Hill (Former Deputy Leader of NG and Deputy Governor).
Sagi Hill (Former Deputy Governor).

Criteria to join the party:
  1. At least 5 years in the city.
  2. No criminal record.
  3. Good communication skills.
  4. Knowledge of the city regulations and laws.
  5. A willingness to learn.
  6. Respect and appreciation for the city and its members.
  7. Not chasing after ranks, but rather the willingness to be a part of a good community.
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Jordan Huxley

Aug 5, 2022
Hey Jimin Hill,

Thank you for your party candidacy as the U.C Party.

Following necessary checks and requirements I am happy to inform you that you have been Accepted for you preliminary leadership interview.

Your interview will take place today 24/07/2023 at 17.00 City Time. Please be in the waiting room channel 15 minutes Prior and we shall have you join us as soon as we are ready. Good Luck.

Jordan Huxley

Aug 5, 2022
Jimin Hill - U.C Party has been ACCEPTED as the new leader of Government and will take their position as of 18.00 City time tomorrow ( 25.07.2023). Congratulations to Jimin Hill and the U.C Party.​

Maze Redz

Sep 6, 2022


The Unified Coalition Party is a political party committed to presenting the diverse interests of its members and advocating for policies that promote unity, progress, and prosperity for all.


Founded on the principles of collaboration and inclusivity, the party seeks to bring together people from different backgrounds, ideologies, and perspectives to work towards a common goal of building a better future for the state.

The Unified Coalition Party recognizes the challenges and opportunities facing the state in the current political, economic, and social climate. As such, it aims to offer a fresh, innovative approach to governance, one that prioritizes the needs and aspirations of the people, and fosters a culture of transparency, accountability, and good governance.

With a team of experienced and dedicated leaders, the Unified Coalition Party is committed to developing evidence-based policies that reflect the diverse needs and perspectives of the citizens. The party’s mission is to create a more prosperous, equitable, and sustainable society, where every individual has the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential.


A government that is unified for a better tomorrow.

Transparency and Accountability:
We pledge to maintain transparency by consistently informing the public about our plans, initiatives, and advancements towards our goals. This commitment extends to attentively hearing and considering the concerns and recommendations of the community.

Develop Strong Relationship: The public relations staff will continue to prioritize developing strong ties with Life Invader in order to assist promote the party's events. The team will also establish communications between all state Organizations and Government and act as a liaison for the public.

Outreach and Engagement: We are dedicated to actively participating in a multitude of communities, groups, and organizations to gain a deeper comprehension of their requirements and goals. Our aim is to encourage participation and collaboration, all the while striving to create a more diverse and all-encompassing society.

Brand and Image: We are committed to upholding a robust and uniform brand identity that effectively conveys our values and core message. Employing distinctive and creative approaches, we will engage with the public, aiming to create a memorable and positive impression that endures over time.

Justice for all, fairness for everyone.

Fighting Corruption:
We remain steadfast in our determination to fight against corruption and uphold the principles of justice. Our commitment is unwavering in holding every individual, irrespective of their social or economic standing, accountable for their conduct. We will diligently pursue corrupt officials, and corporate executives, always within the confines of legal processes.

Upholding the Rule of Law: A primary objective of the Department of Justice is safeguarding the rule of law, assuring impartial and just treatment for every citizen within legal frameworks. The agency's focus might incline towards investigating offenses like corruption, fraud, and similar white-collar crimes, while also championing the civil rights of marginalized communities.

Strengthening Law Enforcement: Our commitment involves providing backing to law enforcement agencies, equipping them with necessary resources and training to effectively combat crime and ensure public safety. Concurrently, we will strive to enhance the bonds and confidence between law enforcement and the communities they protect.

Continuing Faith in the Justice System: Our ongoing effort remains focused on upholding public trust in the justice system, guaranteeing its fairness, impartiality, and equity. Additionally, we persist in our endeavors to revamp the criminal justice system, effectively tackling systemic concerns like racial inequalities and prison overcrowding.

In summary, under Richard Sole's leadership, the Department of Justice has achieved commendable results. We are committed to maintaining the same level of professionalism and dedication seen in previous terms. Ensuring a substantial number of lawyers, as witnessed in the last term, remains a priority. This includes having two or more lawyers available at all times, even beyond regular business hours.

Rehabilitation, not just incarceration.

Prison and Custody:
The Department of Corrections (DOC) is responsible for overseeing individuals who have received sentences to serve time in correctional facilities. This entails ensuring their safety, meeting their basic requirements, and managing their daily schedules throughout their stay in the facility.

Ensuring Safe and Humane Conditions: The Department of Correction may prioritize creating secure and empathetic conditions for inmates through rigorous enforcement of health and safety measures. This will encompass regular facility assessments, delivering medical care to inmates, and ensuring that staff members are adequately trained to handle emergencies and deter instances of violence.

Effective Staff Training and Retention: Ensuring employees receive appropriate training and support will stand as a key focus for the Department of Correction, enabling them to effectively navigate the obstacles they encounter. We are committed to equipping them to manage demanding scenarios, including mental health emergencies and instances of violence, and to provide them with the necessary tools for carrying out their responsibilities in a secure and proficient manner.

Transparency and Accountability: We consistently commit to upholding transparency and accountability in all our endeavors, including the treatment of inmates. We will remain attentive to public apprehensions and take active steps to resolve any matters or grievances that may emerge.


Maze Redz
Deputy Governor: Jimin Hill
Deputy Governor: Rebel Don

Attorney General: Richard Sole
Supreme Court Justice: Mika Hatake
District Court Judge: Morgan Smart
Lead State Attorney: Heinrich Hoffman
Senior State Attorney: Rick Tickler

Chief of Staff: Savannah Onakami
Chief of Staff: Pedro Calipso

Director of USSS: Ken Luciano
Deputy Director of USSS: Vqpapi Calipso
Deputy Director of USSS: Mike Turner
USSS Senior Agent: Jameet Pluxury

Chief of Operations: Laurel Hill
Chief of Operations: Oguz Karahanli

Warden of DOC: Lazer Stanojevic
Deputy Warden of DOC: Karma Hatake
Deputy Warden of DOC: Kevin Sims

Director of PR: Barbie Swordthain
Public Relation Liaison: Laura Calipso

Director of HRT: Lola Swordthain
Deputy Director of HRT: Frenchy Swordthain

Supporters :
Willow Blossom - Sheriff of SAHP
Lucifer Lee - Former Deputy Warden
Calipso Family
Swordthain Family


Criteria to join the party:
  1. At least 5 years in the city.
  2. No criminal record.
  3. Good communication skills.
  4. Knowledge of the city regulations and laws.
  5. A willingness to learn.
  6. Respect and appreciation for the city and its members.
  7. Not chasing after ranks, but rather the willingness to be a part of a good community.
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Jordan Huxley

Aug 5, 2022
Hi Maze,
Upon Checking your Party Application for UCP, The following signatures need to be fixed before I can start reviewing party members and their eligibility.

1. Willow Blosson - SAHP Leader - Cannot see the full handling of the agreement and it being signed and returned via RP commands in the left eye.
2. Hawk Hill - Previous Leader of FIB - Same as above. (This may need to be changed as he is no longer FIB Leader)
3. Sophia Hill - Same As Above.
4. Kevin Sims - Full RP of the handing over, signing, and handing back is not visible.
5. Lazer Stanojevic - Same as point 4.

Please fix the above and replace anyone required before the application for party leadership can even be considered. Thank you​

Maze Redz

Sep 6, 2022
Hi Maze,
Upon Checking your Party Application for UCP, The following signatures need to be fixed before I can start reviewing party members and their eligibility.

1. Willow Blosson - SAHP Leader - Cannot see the full handling of the agreement and it being signed and returned via RP commands in the left eye.
2. Hawk Hill - Previous Leader of FIB - Same as above. (This may need to be changed as he is no longer FIB Leader)
3. Sophia Hill - Same As Above.
4. Kevin Sims - Full RP of the handing over, signing, and handing back is not visible.
5. Lazer Stanojevic - Same as point 4.

Please fix the above and replace anyone required before the application for party leadership can even be considered. Thank you​
  1. Willow Blossom - Fixed, Resigned documents
  2. Hawk Hill - Removed from list
  3. Sophia HIll - Removed from list, Replaced by Loa Swordthain
  4. Kevin Sims - Fixed, Resigned documents, moved from Chief of operations to Deputy Warden
  5. Lazer Stanojevic - Fixed, Resigned Documents
Lucifer Lee - Former Deputy Warden as support of the UCP.
Oguz Karahanli - Chief of operations
Frenchy Swordthain - Deputy of HRT

Jordan Huxley

Aug 5, 2022
  1. Willow Blossom - Fixed, Resigned documents
  2. Hawk Hill - Removed from list
  3. Sophia HIll - Removed from list, Replaced by Loa Swordthain
  4. Kevin Sims - Fixed, Resigned documents, moved from Chief of operations to Deputy Warden
  5. Lazer Stanojevic - Fixed, Resigned Documents
Lucifer Lee - Former Deputy Warden as support of the UCP.
Oguz Karahanli - Chief of operations
Frenchy Swordthain - Deputy of HRT
No problems. Will get this all checked this week :)

Jordan Huxley

Aug 5, 2022
Upon reviewing your Application for UCP and following your interview. Maze Redz of the UCP Party has been selected to take over as new Governor from officially from 24/09/2023 (will start on 25/09/2023). Congratulations and We will look forward to your term.​
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