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IMPORTANT Applications for the leader of party

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Snow Legend

Aug 8, 2021

Slogan: “Come join T.H.E. Party!”

The Human Equality Party A.K.A. T.H.E. Party

T.H.E. Party was created by a group of influential citizens who have been in the city since almost its beginning. Watching the rise and fall of many eras and governments, we’ve always noticed an underlying sensation that the average citizen is overlooked and not taken into consideration.

Our mission is to empower the people, to enhance health, end violence and overcome hardships.

With the endorsement of these influential people, we have gathered a team of influential citizens from all areas of expertise, who have experienced many terms, both as a part of the government and from outside watching in. We believe this group will be able to help inspire those around so that even the most vulnerable people can lift themselves up and achieve great things.

T.H.E. Party is focused on granting equality to all citizens, and granting protection to the people in a way that makes sure they feel like humans.


Previous Government's Objectives:
One way of protecting our citizens is by shielding them from harassment of sexually charged acts. People should be treated as people, and not as objects to be harassed and disrespected without fear of punishment. Progress Achieved

We want our citizens to be punished accordingly per crime, and not be treated as state terrorists for petty crimes. This means decriminalizing use of small quantities of drugs. No more serious time for non-violent crimes such as these when there are worse crimes to focus on. Achieved

Review, and rewrite the near totalitarian laws enforced by the previous governor Nibijeebies. We will rewrite the severe punishment for traffic violations such as being imprisoned for going 45 kmph over the speed limit, and instead making this 91 kmph over, and parking violations. Achieved

Push for a larger DSD department in order to ensure more events and scenarios are introduced to the city. We want to invest the citizens' money back into the community itself in order to help grow the community and create a fun environment. Achieved

We go beyond conventional ideas and approaches so new possibilities and innovation can flourish to ensure real and lasting positive change. Double Achieved

During the prior term, THE Party gave away more than 38 million dollars to state organisations through the new POGGERS act and more than 14 million dollars was given away through events.

New Term Objectives:
Create a robust Congress system, a new government institution that will bring citizens from every Organisation from both sides of the street, top families, and private citizens together to discuss issues of the day and craft new legislation as a partnership.

Restore the IRS to a fully functioning agency to relieve business owners of the oppressive taxation scheme they are currently bearing. This pool of money will be used charitably, through bonuses, giveaways, prizes.

Give prisoners more to do in DOC. It is meant to be a prison, but that doesn't mean that we can't make it a creative and interesting environment rather than a time out from RP. We can do better, and this is something our DOC is working on now and will continue to work on if re-elected.

Government will use its secretaries in delegations throughout the city to perform public services, offer free medical care with supplies purchased from EMS, answer questions, and be a resource for citizens generally especially with a hotel liason where new arrivals can get information, and guidance on where to begin their life here.

The government will create a comprehensive cannabis scheme, there is a lot of opportunity to create new RP situations and roles in the city and we will explore the limits of this.

Improving inter-organisational relations, encourage cooperation.

Sponsored by Globe Oil, the oil you trust in your car or truck. Oil for the people.

Pre-Election Promises:

  • Create congress so that people have more of a say in the laws which govern them.
  • Revive IRS to reduce the tax burden on business owners and create wealth which can be given back to the people in the form of bonuses, stimulus, and events.
  • Creating a more humane and less disengaging DOC/Prison environment
  • In collaboration with EMS set up Government-sponsored disease prevention program
  • Better education and care for new city arrivals with a Hotel liason
  • Create a regulated cannabis scheme
Criteria to become member:

  • Must have 5 years in the city
  • Clean record
  • Fluent English Skills
  • Human decency

Party Candidates:
Governor Charlie Pickins
Dep Governor Joel Specter
Dep Governor Maratha Vorobiov
Attorney General Bianca Pellegrini
Supreme Court Justice Juhny Huxley
Speaker of the House Lucy Pickins
SSA Professor Phani
SSA Emad Zahran
PR & Sec Director Gabby Quattro
Chief of Staff Vick Vinegar
Chief of Staff Frank Columbo
Warden Shaquile Trincao
SS Member Ryan Nino
SS Member Itay Neuman
SS Member Sergio Pagani
DOC Senior Officer Ski Chekoros
DOC Officer Charlotte StPatrick
DOC Supervisor Chuck Miller
DOC Officer Dylan Gomez
SS Member Kaneki Kami
Secretary Raynard Jepson
SSA Nixie Lancer
FPPD Strela Pol

Globe Oil Corporation
Vom Feuer Gun Manufacturing Co.
Redwood Cigarettes

The date of the creation:
December 1st, 2021

Baracus Pellegrini has given his permission to continue THE party into the next term.

Proof of party membership


Feb 14, 2022
Change San Andreas
"Time for Change"
Founded 12th February 2022


San Andreas has gone on for long enough under the current government. It is Time for Change!
Change San Andreas promises to bring the state together under one banner of success. We strive to be the party of the people. We want to bring change to San Andreas to ensure that every person living in this state feels respected by their government, their law enforcement and the people. We want to change the views the people have about the government and ensure that we are approachable, friendly and appreciative of every individual in the state.
It is our aim and our priority to bring the people of San Andreas closer together.
Richard Sole is perfect for the position of Governor as he has previously held the following positions:
High Command of the National Guard throughout Papa Valeri’s Term.
Deputy/Colonel of the National Guard throughout Evangelia Papakosta’s Term.
During his time at the National Guard, he reformed the training, recruiting, dress codes, procedures and ranking structure. All of which are still in use today or have been extended upon and are in use.
High-command then Deputy Chief of LSPD throughout Gabi Tosca’s Terms, again improving upon the procedures, dress code, roster, admin and the daily running of the organization. Still in use today.
Deputy Chief under Tyrell Johnson at LSPD.
Senior Agent (Cannot confirm official title due to secrecy of the job) under Monty West at FIB.

Richard has spent enough time in Legal Organizations to understand the inner workings of the State and how things function legally. This experience in his own opinion is why he is selected as the best candidate for the Change SA party.
He is giving up a top spot in FIB to attempt to fix what he thinks is a broken Government and a broken system.

We believe that it is the right of every citizen to protect what is theirs and strive to be successful. This is why we think now is the Time for Change!

Our purpose will be to serve the people and make their quality of life better than it has ever been before. Our campaign promises will all be fulfilled within days. We want to make San Andreas greater than it already is. The only thing stopping that is the current government and their hypocrisy and lies. It is Time for Change!​

Our Promises​

  • Impose impartial immunity to FIB again. Extend it to on duty LSPD, SAHP and NG employees. This will cover them for traffic offenses and over carrying weapons and ammunition and I will sign it into law to say that it can never be removed unless the majority of leaders of the affected organizations agree on it.
  • Increase the limits on weapons and ammunition stored inside of vehicles
  • Make changes to the trespassing laws of the state, enabling defense of property without Law Enforcement after warnings are given.
  • Impose self defense laws that are easier to understand and clear.
  • Rewrite the penal codes to make them easier to understand and ensure there are no contradictions
  • Rewrite the traffic codes to better protect public spaces and make clearer where citizens can and cannot park their vehicles.
  • Press conferences twice a week in collaboration with LifeInvader to address situations and the state.
  • Visit people at work and talk to the citizens from Taxi Drivers, to Lumberjacks and from Soldiers of the National Guard to the Director of FIB. We will be a government for the people.
  • We will make special visits to the family homes of San Andreas. We want to hear what every family has to say about their great state regardless of size, wealth or location in the state.
  • We will bring in a Jury during trials to mitigate favouritsim and biased opinions. Something this current government does not practise.
  • We will bring in an open senate where any citizen can apply to become a senator to sit in the senate and have a say in laws and discuss problems within the state.
  • Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Secret Service.
  • Fund the legal organizations weekly with a reward scheme promoted within each organization backed with government funding and ceremonies to celebrate the hard work the employees put in to protect our great state.
  • Take over on the payment for civilian hostages to show the people that we care for each and every one of our Citizens. This will also enable the legal organizations to spend that money elsewhere within their organization and never worry about money again.
  • Improve the justice system and make becoming a private lawyer a better known process so we have more lawyers within the state and also improve upon the examination process so we end up with better quality of lawyers.
  • Organize events more regularly with the people of San Andreas so that we show the people that we care and totally fund these events and staff them with respected individuals. Whether that’s collaborating with organizations and families or hosting them ourselves, our new Minister of Public affairs will create a public affairs committee where they will arrange fun activities throughout the state.
  • Promise that people who are already wanted by the state for crimes not witnessed by an officer of the law will be legally processed and brought before a judge for a hearing.

Party Members
For a full list of the members of the Change San Andreas Party, see the link provided below.

Tyrell Johnson - Chief of Police
Monty West - Director of FIB
Avi Batra - Chief of EMS
Eklavya Thakur - Deputy Chief of LSPD
Amara Somatra - CEO of Lifeinvader
++++++++++VOUCH! Brilliant ideas! Great guy!
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Matthew Blackheart

Aug 30, 2021

With balance and stability we will succeed.

About Us
The Federal Equilibrium Coalition, abbreviated to FEC, has two main goals and they are to bring balance and stability to the people and state. FEC was founded by individuals that have seen flaws in the past governments of San Andreas and we wish to improve and fix those flaws with a hands-on approach. Because with balance and stability we will succeed.

The Federal Equilibrium Coalition has seen how past governments have operated, all with their strengths and weaknesses. Whether it be preventing corruption, department functionality, or state wide matters. We want to make sure all sectors that make San Andreas function are stable and at satisfactory performance. We understand that not everything can be perfect and we can always improve on something and that is what we want to do. We currently see some opportunities within government for improvements such as operations in SS, DOC, and secretaries and we want to work with all stakeholders to make those opportunities work and be balanced.

We believe in making a stable government thriving with consistency. We believe in bringing balance to the state and its people.

We believe in bringing balance to all sides of the state and making sure the government as a pillar in state politics is stable and consistent. Our purpose is to uphold those two words for the state and its people and keep things running as smoothly as possible. Because with no balance or stability you get chaos.

Our thoughts on our oppositions Pre-election Promises
Of course people will want to know what we think of our opposition and their promises and we are more than happy to give our opinions and what we think about them as well as what we would do differently.

“Create congress so that people have more of a say in the laws which govern them.”
We believe in balance and we wish to let people have their say whether they be a criminal, state org employee or civilian. Meetings about laws will be something we will look at but it is not a priority as we believe the current laws and penal codes are in an ok state. Not perfect but not bad. We aim to focus on meetings involving functionality in the state within the government, across all state organizations and all classes of citizens. In a nutshell we wish to prioritize functionality over law changes.

“Revive IRS to reduce the tax burden on business owners and create wealth which can be given back to the people in the form of bonuses, stimulus, and events.”
We believe in making taxes fair for all classes of citizens whether they run a small or large business. Our party does not have much to say about this but if all our main goals are achieved we can look at this as a side objective.

“Creating a more humane and less disengaging DOC/Prison environment”
The DOC is one of our main areas for making changes to the system in terms of functionality. We see that DOC officers do an amazing job at managing prisoners but we have noticed some flaws that we wish to fix such as maintaining employee happiness and keeping the DOC employee numbers stable. How do we aim to do that? Well DOC officers don’t have a lot to do in quieter times of the day and correctional officers are very restricted in what they can and can’t do. We aim to lift those restrictions a bit and offer more opportunities to DOC officers that will benefit the prison system. Currently DOC is very open to attacks whether it be from the highway, by air vehicles, or people trespassing. Our party wants to change that and we want to work with the warden to secure the prison further by having more armed guards around the prison to disperse threats and respond to situations in a moment's notice. The DOC towers, vehicles, and catwalks should be utilized commonly to improve the security infrastructure of the prison and we will ensure that happens. Further security in the prison can lead to more flexibility for inmates such as more yard time and safer visitations.

“In collaboration with EMS set up Government-sponsored disease prevention program”
Not exactly something we will be working on but other bonus schemes relating to all state organizations.

“Better education and care for new city arrivals with a Hotel liaison”
We believe that caring for our new arrivals in the city is something that is very welcoming and friendly but our vision for the use of secretaries is very different and we wish to make secretaries connect more with state organizations and especially all members of government.

“Create a regulated cannabis scheme”
We have no such plans for regulated cannabis.

“Increase the limits on weapons and ammunition stored inside of vehicles”
We believe that the limits on weapons and ammunition stored inside of a vehicle are in a good position. 150 rounds of ammunition with 3 weapons is sufficient for self defence purposes. If we were to change anything about the gun law it would be to increase the amount of ammunition stored in the backpack but keep the firearm limit for the backpack at 1.

“Impose impartial immunity to FIB again. Extend it to on duty LSPD, SAHP and NG employees.”
We can agree with this to an extent. Some traffic laws may need to be broken to get to a scene quicker or some extra guns/ammo may need to be taken. It's a fragile topic which can be discussed in great detail but our party stands with keeping traffic laws for all LEO’s unless they are attending a situation. In terms of over carrying as a LEO it would be fine to do it on duty however any LEO off duty should respect the gun laws and carry the sufficient amount of ammo and weapons for self defence.

“Visit people at work and talk to the citizens from Taxi Drivers, to Lumberjacks and from Soldiers of the National Guard to the Director of FIB. We will be a government for the people.”
Our party is all about the hands-on approach to things and showing our presence. We would love to hear from all of the citizens in the city no matter if they have a criminal background, hold a state badge, or are just a normal law abiding citizen. Bringing balance is what we want to do.

  1. Keep retention rates high across government positions. Reworking the infrastructure and increasing duties for secretaries, correctional officers and Secret Service Agents to offer more to their roles and keep them on their feet.
  2. Keeping on top of all leadership within government via weekly meetings and conducting weekly check ins on state organizations to hear what they have to say. These meetings will involve feedback for both sides and check on progress for any developments within the departments.
  3. Cracking down on corruption. In past times corruption has been a big thing that has hindered the efforts of many state organizations such as the national guard during ammo runs. We wish to crackdown on corruption by giving state organizations the power and skills to prevent it and conduct further investigations/background checks on employees.
  4. Increase government presence around the state to be more approachable to the public. Motorcades and events will be increased along with the further use of secretaries.
  5. Introduce a morale scheme into the state organizations. The scheme will encourage state organizations to run internal events that will be fun and give a boost in morale. Prize pool money will be provided by the government. These internal events will last for about 1 week until a new internal event is set in place.
  6. Clean up the penal codes and move any traffic violations from the penal code to the traffic code along with updating the traffic code.
  7. Revise operations and legislation that keep the prison system running and make adjustments where necessary to benefit a better and more secure DOC. The DOC will still maintain its high standard for handling inmates, managing cells, and providing free time to inmates.

Pre-Election Promises
  • Offer more duties/opportunities to secretaries, Secret Service, and correctional officers.
  • Keep up with leaders of all state orgs and government departments via scheduled meetings.
  • Crackdown on corruption by working with leaders to a great extent.
  • Increase the government presence around the whole state.
  • Introduce a moral scheme into state organizations to bring LEO’s together and offer cash rewards for fun internal events.
  • Organize penal codes and clean up legislation to be less confusing and quicker to find things.
  • Revise the DOC system and legislation to improve security and efficiency.

Member Criteria
  • 5 Years in the city
  • Fluent in English

Our Sponsors
Vanilla Unicorn
Rimm Paint
Bahama Mamas

Party Members
Date Of Creation: 15/02/2022
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Scarlet Haze

Jul 4, 2021
The Following Players are selected for the The Leader of the Party Interview:

1. Charlie Pickins - 75074
2. Matthew Blackheart - 22487
3. Richard Sole - 3466

The interview is at 19:30 Server Time on Thursday (17/02/2022).
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Dec 20, 2021
You have too give him government he make this city go up and up😁😁🙏🏻

Larry Hulk

Jul 23, 2021

Slogan: "True Equality for all"

Equality For All Party.

The Equality for all party was created with the mission of giving all people within the state of San Andreas the chance at the best possible life. With not only the chances to get to that coveted dream but also the tools needed to get there.

This party also has the vision of better policing throughout the entire state and to have a closer relationship with all org leaders than what may have been in the past to bring these orgs what they need higher funding being one of those major things.

And above all else to protect its people at all costs and by any means from the illegal activities that has plagued our city for far to long
a strong leader is needed and this party will provide it

Our party believes in equality for all its beloved people, freedom and safety by and means necessary including a less intrusive Government and Leos. But also fierce protection from gangs and all other illegal activities which could cause harm or damages to our people or there belongings.


First term objectives:

One of the big things that we will focus on is more funding toward the legal organizations with the idea of providing them with more resources to get equipment necessary to take down higher value criminals post haste and without issue, and also to provide said organizations with more money so they may grant bonuses to their employees.

We will review all current laws set fourth from previous administrations so that we may have a fair and just judicial system
without the worry of being over charged for something that doesn't deserve a high prison sentence and all to maintain the idea of proper sentencing.

To provide the people of San Andreas with more possibilities to make some extra money so that they may take care of there families
and be able to afford that extra little splurge that we all enjoy because who doesn't want that new car or new motorcycle.

We will also maintain a clean government and hold the other legal organizations to the same standard so that we may all feel safe from corruption within the organizations in which are suppose to protect us.

Pre-Election Promises:
  • We will create townhall meetings so that the people of San Andreas voices may be heard and Those of the city may speak there mind.
  • We will instate the ability to open carry firearms such as pistols and semi automatic weapons.
  • We will immediately take a proactive approach to lower the current criminal activity happening within our great state.
  • We will quickly and swiftly assess the needs of all legal organizations and give them a higher weekly funding rate so they may be better equipped to face the current issues happening within the state.
  • We will take a active approach in helping those that are flying into the city for the first time including giving them the funds necessary to get a quick jump start on new clothing a first vehicle and even creating job placement so they may have a steady paycheck
  • Criteria to become member:
  • Must have 5 years in the city
  • Clean record
  • Fluent in English
  • self and people love

Party Candidates:
Larry Mcgavin
Dep Governor: Sean Walker
Dep Governor: Fredrick Hulk
Attorney General: Tony hulk
Supreme Court Justice: Shifty Powers
Speaker of the House: Rebekah mclong
Director of homeland security: Lucielle Corbeau
Director of Capitol Security: Hunter West
Warden of Department Of Corrections: jmeal jamal
Director of IRS:
Marie Hulk
Director of Public relations: Vixie valentine
Director of Secret Service: zohan murphy
Chief of Staff: Daniel white

other party members with undisclosed positions:
Dave hulk
joji reid
Ashlyn dempsey
Maya muffin
Adham abdelaziz
Gwen muffin
Mia Versace

SAHP - Burger shot
Cluckin bell
aids research of Los Santos
women of Los Santos foundation
(these are subject to increase)

The date of the creation:

Creator of the Party: Larry Mcgavin 42643
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Vick Vinegar

Nov 14, 2021

Slogan: “Come join the new and improved T.H.E Party! Where equality, Love and Integrity are abundant!”

The Human Equality Party A.K.A. T.H.E. Party

T.H.E. Party was created by a group of influential citizens who have been in the city since almost its beginning. Watching the rise and fall of many eras and governments, we’ve always noticed an underlying sensation that the average citizen is overlooked and not taken into consideration. This party has been since continued by amazing people and will continue to grow and improve every term.

Our mission is to empower the people, to enhance health, end violence and overcome hardships. We also plan to spread as much joy as we can!

With the endorsement of these influential people, we have gathered a team of influential citizens from all areas of expertise, who have experienced many terms, both as a part of the government and from outside watching in. We believe this group will be able to help inspire those around so that even the most vulnerable people can lift themselves up and achieve great things.



T.H.E. Party is focused on granting equality to all citizens, and granting protection to the people in a way that makes sure they feel like humans. Our goal is to increase interaction with civilians and other orgs whether it be Leo or Gang. Not only will this induce more interaction with the public and private sector but will also add more RP scenarios and situations for the public to interact with.

Objectives: To build neighborhoods and develop centers of gathering and community.


Previous Government's Objectives:

-Create a robust Congress system, a new government institution that will bring citizens from every Organization from both sides of the street, top families, and private citizens together to discuss issues of the day and craft new legislation as a partnership.


-Restore the IRS to a fully functioning agency to relieve business owners of the oppressive taxation scheme they are currently bearing. This pool of money will be used charitably, through bonuses, giveaways, prizes.


-Give prisoners more to do in DOC. It is meant to be a prison, but that doesn't mean that we can't make it a creative and interesting environment rather than a time out from RP. We can do better, and this is something our DOC is working on now and will continue to work on if re-elected.

-Government will use its secretaries in delegations throughout the city to perform public services, offer free medical care with supplies purchased from EMS, answer questions, and be a resource for citizens generally especially with a hotel liaison where new arrivals can get information, and guidance on where to begin their life here.

Secretaries were re-imagined into a new capitol security division.

-The government will create a comprehensive cannabis scheme, there is a lot of opportunity to create new RP situations and roles in the city and we will explore the limits of this.



New Term Objectives:

-To continue our amazing Congress system, a new government institution that will bring citizens from every Organisation from both sides of the street, top families, and private citizens together to discuss issues of the day and craft new legislation as a partnership.

-Create a new department that will ensure the safety of our outstanding citizens of Los Santos. This new department will consist of highly trained veterans tasked with making sure we assess threats to the state and deal with them appropriately. Both classified and unclassified agents and will work diligently with other Leo Organizations to relay information through the grapevine.

-Crack down and rid the city of corruption, Too many times we have seen orgs go corrupt and in our eyes that is far from acceptable. We vow to sort out and eliminate all corruption

-Create an amazing environment and more activities for people of Los Santos to participate in, whether it be parties, events, auctions, raffles...the list is endless! We strive for creating as much as possible within our power for YOU!

-One thing we noticed is the lack of police presence in the city. Yeah they are writing tickets and towing vehicles but what are they doing with the public? I plan on creating a new program called H.I.P. The Human Interaction Plan is designed so that the local pd can go out on foot patrols, whether it be around key spots in the city or just a stroll through neighborhoods and interact with the public there's no reason we can't mingle and interact with the public more.

-DEFCON Levels-With the rise of gangs and criminal families in the city at an all time high we plan on introducing a new level of security procedures that will be a inter-org system and will help out the city immensly when it comes to terrorists and the likes. With 5 levels we can address the city as a whole and will do so with great response.

-During the prior term, THE Party gave away more than 250 million dollars, more than any government in the history of the city. We will keep that energy.

Sponsored by Globe Oil, the oil you trust in your car or truck. Oil for the people.

Fearless Juice shop, Why be scared when you can be fearless!


Pre-Election Promises:

To have weekly congress meetings, inviting the heads of all orgs and families. Further discussing upcoming law changes and possible new laws and programs.

Raise IRS awareness to reduce the tax burden on business owners and create wealth which can be given back to the people in the form of bonuses, stimulus, and events.

To try and create a more involved DOC program where inmates can possibly have more interactions and create bonds with one another.

In collaboration with EMS set up Government-sponsored disease prevention program

To create a more engaging and hands on program to help out newcomers into the city to show them the ropes.

To sort out any and all corruption with the resources we have to make sure this fine city runs smoothly by re-implementing regular weekly org inspections.


To join T.H.E Party and its effort to better the city there are certain requirements and criteria you must meet first.

-Due to the environment of the organization we require that you be at least 5 years old.

-We require you to have a clean record.

-Due to the cities regulations we require that you speak fluent english to ensure proper communication between yourself and the rest of the GOV staff as well as the citizens of this fine city!

-At T.H.E Party we ask that you have a high level of maturity and engage in equality amongst our co-workers and the citizens of Los Santos.

ORG Endorsements



Party Candidates:

Governor - Vick Vinegar

Dep Governor - Joel Specter

Dep Governor - Demi Gawd

Attorney General - Juhnny Huxley

Supreme Court Justice - Marvin Shelby

Supreme Court Justice - Maddie Wake

Speaker of the House - Jason Cassidy

SSA - Ahmed Black

SS Senior Agent - Markqzz Fedrov

PR Director - Bunni Don

PR Deputy - David Terry

Chief of Staff - Luna Usagi

Warden - Marcus Scott

Deputy Warden - Nexus green

Director of IRS - Lane Stevens

Director of SS - Luna Bacardi

Deputy Director of SS - Dogukan Lothbroke

Deputy Director of SS - James Stratt

Deputy Director of SS - Ranveer Malhotra

DOC Senior Officer - Aiden Roach

DOC Supervisor - Sebastian Darknight

DOC Supervisor - Walid Auditore

DOC Officer - Jef Foxx

District Court Judge - Seymour Wiener

District Court Judge - Bianca Pellegrinni

Director of secretaries - Penelope Lime

Law Student - Hilda Schulz

Other Party Members:

Amy Pickins

Elijah Gomez


Globe Oil Corporation

Vom Feuer Gun Manufacturing Co.

Redwood Cigarettes


The date of the creation:

December 1st, 2021

Charlie Pellegrini has given his permission to continue THE party into the next term.

Proof of party membership

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Kareem Zuma

Oct 19, 2021
The Following Players are selected for the The Leader of the Party Interview:

1. Vick Vinegar - 71568- Vick Vinegar
2. Larry Mcgavin - 42643 - Larry Mcgavin

The interview is at 16:00 Server Time on Sunday (01/05/2022).
make sure to join the waiting room 15 minutes prior to the interview

Ved Das

Sep 2, 2021

Slogan: “Good Days are coming!”

Bharatiya Janata Party A.K.A. BJP

The BJP's origin lies in the Bharatiya Jana Sangh, formed in 1951 by Shyama Prasad Mukherjee. After the State of Emergency in 1977, the Jana Sangh merged with several other parties to form the Janata Party; it defeated the incumbent Congress party in the 1977 general election.

The official ideology of the BJP is integral humanism, first formulated by Deendayal Upadhyaya in 1965. The party expresses a commitment to Hindutva, and its policy has historically reflected Hindu nationalist positions. The BJP advocates social conservatism and a foreign policy centred on nationalist principles.


  • To build a strong and modern India by drawing inspiration from Los Santos's ancient culture and values
  • Complete territorial and political control by legal Orgs.
  • A uniform civil code for all people living in the country irrespective of religion, and ban on religious conversions.
New Term Objectives:
  • Defense and promotion of citizen's rights and peace.
  • Increased and proper training of law enforcement officers to ensure public safety.
  • Constant evolution of legislation to keep up with the wants and needs of the public.
  • Combating inequality and discrimination based on gender, race, religion or other beliefs.
  • Timely, meaningful and reliable disclosures about the Government's financial plans and actions.

    To join B.J.P and to contribute to the city there are requirements and criteria you must meet first.

    -You should atleast be 15 years old in the city.

    -Criminal Record doesnt matter.

    -Support Bajrang Dal!

    -At BJP we ask you to have better and postitive thinking.
ORG Endorsements
Feeling proud National Army!!!

Party Candidates:

Governor - Ved Carter

Dep Governor - Kelvin Storm

Dep Governor - Finley Pagani

Attorney General - Phantom Thakur

Supreme Court Justice - Bheemla Nayak

Speaker of the House - Tyrell Jonhson

SSA - Zenith Maktavish

Chief of Staff - Sova MakTavish

Chief of Staff - Devarsh Thakur

Warden - Dutch Vander

Director of IRS - Ranveer Malhotra

Director of SS - Ashura Evans

Chief Minister - Finey Thakur

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Tyrell Johnson

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
May 14, 2021


The current government has brought a lot of change to the city of Los Santos. Sadly enough the wrong kind of changes were made. Los Santos currently is a city where it pays off to be a criminal. A city where the risk of being taken hostage is a daily struggle to law-abiding citizens.

It is time for change!

We are going to bring the required changes.

We will provide options for Law Enforcement Organizations to run a crackdown against the criminals in the state. We are here to make sure all citizens can feel and are actually safe.

We will open up the government with a special Department of Services. This department will be available for the people to express their opinions, requests for change or whatever else someone wants to bring to the government's attention. The government serves the people.

You will vote for change!
You will vote for stronger Law Enforcement Agencies!
You will vote for Tyrell Johnson!

Tyrell Johnson has all this state needs! Tyrell has the experience required to bring change.
Tyrell used to be employed in the following positions:

Chief of the Los Santos Police Department;
Deputy of the Los Santos Police Department;
District Attorney of the Los Santos Police Department;
Deputy of the National Guard under Richard Sole;
A classified position in the Federal Investigations Bureau;
Senior Attorney in the Government

We believe all citizens should feel safe in and around the city. We feel safety brings what is required to strive! Together we strive!

The government is there to serve the citizens of Los Santos. We are here to make your life better than it ever was. Your new government will approve laws that make your life better, not laws that are there for the benefit of the government itself. We will make Law Enforcement Agencies stronger to keep you safe from all the harm we suffer from under this government. We can only do this together! Together we strive!

  • Grant immunities to the Federal Investigations Bureau, the Los Santos Police Department and the San Andreas Highway Patrol for Traffic Law violations, a selection of Penal Codes and, when required, a selection of articles from the Civil Code of Procedures.
  • Increase the amount of ammo a licensed citizen is allowed to carry to 75. All citizens should have the right to be able to defend themselves against the criminals of the state.
  • Set laws to protect whistleblowers. We want people saying no to corruption within organizations, therefore the identity of the whistleblower is to remain classified.
  • Impose an Anti-Terrorist-Act to impose sanctions against terrorists and terrorist organization. They will no longer get away with major criminal activities on a daily basis.
  • Creation of a Department of Services just there to serve you, the citizens of Los Santos. They will be available to help you with anything you require from the government.
  • Rewriting the Penal Code, the Civil Code of Procedures, the Firearms Law and the Tax Law. The current laws are unreadable, unclear and do not cover all that is required. Therefore they will all be rewritten.
  • Reforming trials to contain a jury. The previous court cases were biased and involved favoritism. The Forward Movement will change this. Jurors will be appointed by a random selection of citizens of the state of Los Santos.
  • We will schedule meetings with state organizations, families and the random citizens. We are here to serve the people, we want to hear opinions and thoughts.
  • We will create a new Department of Home Office. This department will be responsible for gathering intelligence on gangs in the city to be able to declare them a terrorist organization. They will gather information specific individual criminals to be able to grant them the status of terrorist. They will also stay in touch on a regular basis with all Law Enforcement Agencies to make sure the government is there to fulfill their needs.
  • The government will take responsibility for their citizens. In the rare case of a payment for hostages, as we will run a crackdown on criminals taking hostages, the government will pay for their safe release. This is not a responsibility of the Law Enforcement Agencies, this is a responsibility of the Government. We will take care of your safety and well being!
  • We will revoke all lawyers licenses and only have skilled people gain their license. This will make sure they are more than capable to defend you in any court case or when you are being accused of committing a crime.
  • Lawyers will be defending their clients, but Law Enforcement Agencies decide whether they process the citizen into the Department of Corrections or not. If Law Enforcement decides to process, the citizen will be able to start a court case and have a state lawyer free of cost to represent them. The judge (and jury) will then decide if the arrest was legitimate or not.
  • This government will do regular events for their citizens and provide good rewards for the winners! We will do whatever we can to keep you entertained.
  • Providing EMS the option to give free healthcare to people at chosen moments, by buying the medical kits, pills etc. required to heal the patients.
The Forward Movement Memberslist

This list will be updated on-the-fly. At the moment of writing this we were able to enlist 9 former organization leaders.

The Forward Movement Memberslist

Do you want to become part of the change? Do you want to support The Forward Movement?

Join us now!
You can be enlisted if you speak understandable English and you have been in the city for 10 years or more.

Hank Volkov - Director of the Federal Investigations Bureau
Syndra Lovinhood - Chief of the Los Santos Police Department
Saif Khan - General of the National Guard
Richard Sole - Two times Retired General of the National Guard
Rebekah McLong - Retired Sheriff of San Andreas Highway Patrol
Tyrone Haze - Chief of Staff of the Federal Investigations Bureau
Last edited:

Kareem Zuma

Oct 19, 2021
Only write your applications, no off topic comments please (no "+", "vouching", or any toxic or hate comments)
any off topic/toxicity may lead to forum account punishment

everyone who did comment something mentioned in my message, will get a forum account punishment and comment will be deleted

Greedygiraffe mcgee

Apr 26, 2022
“Come join the new and improved T.H.E Party! Where equality, Love and Integrity are abundant!”

The Human Equality Party A.K.A. T.H.E. Party.


T.H.E. Party was created by a group of influential citizens who have been in the city since almost its beginning. Watching the rise and fall of many eras and governments, we’ve always noticed an underlying sensation that the average citizen is overlooked and not taken into consideration. This party has been passed down to amaze balls people. As time goes on, T.H.E. Party will continue to grow and improve upon itself with each term.

Our mission is to empower the people, to enhance healthcare, put an end to violence, and overcome hardships. We also plan to spread as much joy as we can!

With the endorsement of these influential people, we have gathered a team of citizens from all areas of expertise. All of whom have experienced many terms, both as a part of the government and from the outside watching in. We believe this group will be able to help inspire those around so that even the most vulnerable people can lift themselves up and achieve great things.


T.H.E. Party’s main focus is to grant equality to all citizens from their various walks of life. We strive to protect the people and ensure that they are seen as the individuals they are. Our goal is to increase the interactions between civilians and various organizations in the city (LEO’s and Gangs). We wish to act as a catalyst producing more interactions between the public and private sectors, thus, producing more RP scenarios and situations for the public to partake in.

Objectives: To build neighborhoods and develop centers of gathering and community.


Previous Government's Objectives:

During Charlie Pellegrini’s Term :

✅ Create a robust Congress system, a new government institution that will bring citizens from every Organization from both sides of the street, top families, and private citizens together to discuss issues of the day and craft new legislation as a partnership.

✅ Restore the IRS as a fully functioning agency to relieve business owners of the oppressive taxation scheme they are currently bearing. This pool of money will be used charitably, through bonuses, giveaways, prizes.

✅ Give prisoners more to do in DOC. It is meant to be a prison, but that doesn't mean that we can't make it a creative and interesting environment rather than a time-out from RP. We can do better, and this is something our DOC is working on now and will continue to work on if re-elected.

✅ Government will use its secretaries in delegations throughout the city to perform public services, offer free medical care with supplies purchased from EMS, answer questions, and be a resource for citizens generally, especially with a hotel liaison where new arrivals can get information, and guidance on where to begin their life here.

✅ Secretaries were re-imagined into a new capitol security division.

✅ The government will create a comprehensive cannabis scheme, there is a lot of opportunity to create new RP situations and roles in the city, and we will explore the limits of this.

During Vick Vinegar’s Term :

✅ Create an amazing environment and more activities for people of Los Santos to participate in, whether it be parties, events, auctions, raffles. The list is endless! We strive for creating as much as possible within our power for YOU!

✅ During the prior term, THE Party gave away millions of dollars, more than any government in the history of the city. We will keep that energy.

✅ Raise IRS awareness to reduce the tax burden on business owners and create wealth which can be given back to the people in the form of bonuses, stimulus, and events.

✅ To try to create a more involved DOC program where inmates can possibly have more interactions and create bonds with one another.

✅ In collaboration with EMS, set up a Government-sponsored disease prevention program

✅ To create a more engaging and hands on program to help out newcomers into the city to show them the ropes.

✅ To sort out any and all corruption with the resources we have to make sure this fine city runs smoothly by re-implementing regular weekly org inspections.


New Term Objectives:

⭐️ We want a more transparent Government, a Government that gains the trust of the citizens back. Together with our Government Public Relations Department, we will give out a weekly overview of the work of the Government.

⭐️ We are looking to improve the Department of Justice, rewriting and improving the Laws according to the new city standards. We are planning on opening a small claims court where every civilian has the right to speak in front of a judge and present their case.

⭐️ One thing we noticed is the lack of police presence in the city. Yes, they are writing tickets and towing vehicles, but what are they doing with the public? We plan on creating a new program called H.I.P. The Human Interaction Plan is designed so that the local PD can go out on foot patrols, whether it is around key spots in the city or just a stroll through neighborhoods, and interact with the public. There is no reason we can't mingle and interact with the public more.

⭐️ A more improved United States Secret Service, a well-trained special unit that is trained on high risk situations. A Secret Service division who is not just able to defend their governor but also every citizen that comes to the events.

Sponsored by Globe Oil, the oil you trust in your car or truck. Oil for the people.

Fearless Juice shop, Why be scared when you can be fearless!


Pre-Election Promises:

⭐️ Better social training for all Legal Organizations for officials of our LEO’s to foster healthier interactions with both citizens and those of fellow Organizations.

⭐️ We plan on providing the citizens of Los Santos with more events in the community, so they have the opportunity to interact with one another and have fulfilling and entertaining lives in the city. Our goal is to help the city by all means possible, which includes providing citizens with more things to do.

⭐️ We plan on providing 2 weekly events. One of them being weekly tours of the capital so that the citizens have an opportunity to explore the capital and learn more about how we run our daily operations. The second weekly event would be Saturday courses meant for newcomers in the city so that we can help them learn more about how to make a living in Los Santos as well as better inform them about the language utilized here.

⭐️ We would like to ensure that we are staffed at all governmental peak hours, so we will be working towards having crews that will work either day or night shifts for every legal organization.

⭐️ To also ensure the quality of our employees, we will provide better assessments for all new hires. This means that no one with inappropriate tattoos (hand or face) will be hired. This also means that new hires who display inappropriate behavior or who show various forms of misconduct will be dismissed from their positions.

⭐️ We plan on hosting weekly drives at the capital for car insurances and health insurances

⭐️ The health of the citizens in our city is rather important, but health goes beyond just that of a physical state. We plan on bringing more awareness towards mental health and will provide psychological evaluations for both criminals and citizens. In addition to this, we will also work towards helping rehabilitate those in need.

⭐️ We plan to institute a welcome committee for all new citizens. This committee will work with these newcomers and help teach them the ropes from how to obtain their driver's licenses to all other daily essential tasks. We’d love to really help build up the community here in Los Santos, but it all starts with day 1.

⭐️ We plan on improving the Department of Justice’s work by further increasing the time of work they’ll provide with the outer community of Los Santos by establishing a small claims court.

⭐️ Every citizen has in our eyes the same worth, therefore we will revamp our rehabilitation program in the Department of Correction, so everyone has an equal chance to achieve better opportunities in the city.

⭐️ We are revamping the United States Secret Service division to be an intellectual and standardized Law Enforcement Organization in Los Santos.

Party Members and Sponsors. (Proof Of Memberships).

The date of the creation :

December 1st, 2021

Vick Vinegar has given his permission to continue THE party into the next term.

To join T.H.E. Party and its effort to better the city, there are certain requirements and criteria you must meet first :

- Due to the environment of the organization, we require that you be at least 7 years old in the city.

- We require you to have a clean record.

- Due to the city's regulations, we require that you speak fluent English to ensure proper communication between yourself and the rest of the GOV staff as well as the citizens of this fine city!

- At T.H.E Party we ask that you have a high level of maturity and engage in equality amongst our co-workers and the citizens of Los Santos.​

1) The full information about the party and the candidates.
2) The program of the party (Ideology, Purpose, Objectives / Pre-election promises) Note * at least 4 campaign promises;
3) List of party members. Note: it is possible to add any ideas from yourself. (For example: Sponsors)
4) Party slogan and picture
5) The date of the creation
6) Criteria to become the member of the party.
Last edited:

Hov Cartier

May 7, 2021

The National Congress of Los Santos
"Fight for a Transparent Future, and Collective Decisions."

Are you tired of empty promises? Disappointment? Clumsy management and execution of previous Governments?
The National Congress of Los Santos has come to end your frustration and resentment.


The National Congress of Los Santos (NCLS) was created on the 4th of July, 2022. The members of our party are some of the most prominent and influential citizens of Los Santos, strong pillars of this community and mentors for thousands of citizens. While many could argue about their impact and success in this city, facts and numbers speak louder than words and empty promises. All of our members have proven themselves and gained the respect and appreciation of the citizens of this city, by being model citizens and role models for decades. The prompt organization and creation of this collective was affected by the current state of Los Santos, and the continuous failure and mistreatment of the community by past administrations.

Our interest is the prosperity and enriched potential of our citizens, which has been neglected for far too long for us to put a blind eye to the current state of the state.

Ideology & Purpose

We believe in full transparency and continuous feedback towards our citizens. The state itself is solely an empty structure without complete knowledge and understanding of the citizen's needs and the unlimited potential which the community holds within itself. We strive to create opportunities for our citizens, in order for them to show their worth and commitment in building this city into a safe haven of progress and happiness, and most importantly, by doing it together. We believe that every single member of our community has something to offer, and in no circumstance are we planning to neglect anyone, due to our belief of collective improvement.

Promises of our Party

● It is no coincidence that the word Congress, is an embedded part and symbol in our party's identity. We will create a Congress system unlike no other which was present in the city. At least once a week, regular citizens of the state, members of prominent and less famous families, along with employees in both the private and public sector, will get the opportunity to participate in a National Congress held by the state, where not only can they voice their opinions on current issues and suggest solutions, but can also give their input on potential new legislation which our administration is considering to pass.

This will be done through the help of our Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Public Relations, and all other prominent sectors of our Government. As we have already stated, we work for the people, and by the people, therefore the opinions of our citizens are of high value to us and will not go unnoticed.

● To guarantee our citizens safety, our government will be working closely with Law Enforcement Agencies, by increasing the funding to LSPD, SAHP and FIB, with the one condition, that we see successful and beneficial operations in the state to crack down criminal activities and to extinguish the ghetto.

● Our government will also increase funding to the EMS, to provide all citizens of Los Santos with appropriate healthcare, while minimizing the costs on the citizens, and paving a way for Free Universal Healthcare in our state. Although other administrations have promised this without a proper structure and plan, we do not hide from the citizens that this road can be long, but not impossible, and with a transparent government, citizens will be part of this road into a better and more deserving life in our state. The first step in this journey, would be to create opportunities for cheaper health insurance.

● In order to ensure that our citizens feel secure, we will increase the carry limit of ammunition in our state. This will once again, be decided with a collaboration of our government and our community, we will first hear your opinions, and then decide the appropriate carry limit for ammunition in the state.

● We aim to cease control over traffic and speed limit violations in the city. By collaborating with LSPD and SAHP, we will increase patrols throughout the city and highways, in order to minimize danger to innocent civilians walking about in our city.

● The funds of our state, will be given back to the community through daily events to celebrate our community and to thank our citizens for their commitment in improving our city.

● Our government will restructure the Secret Service division, to create a dominant force of intelligence and monitoring of criminal activity throughout the city, this will be done through the passing of new legislation by giving the Secret Service immunities in certain circumstances, in order to crack down criminality and disobedience of law and order in the state.

● We will re evaluate the taxation system in the state. Instead of calculating appropriate taxes for business owners in the state ourselves, we will hold a meeting for any and all business owners in the state, to come sit together, and decide and appropriate tax for their property.

● We aim to increase qualified lawyers in the state. To do this, we will hold weekly seminars, which will be monitored by the Ministry of Justice, where citizens who have signed up to limited spots each week, will undergo a training. Through this, we will develop skilled and confident lawyers, to protect the rights of our citizens, while being educated about our legislation and protocol in the state. By doing this, we also aim to decrease the prices for a lawyer's license, and hence providing an opportunity for citizens of Los Santos to chase their interests and goals without limitations.

Members of The National Congress of Los Santos

In order to join the The National Congress of Los Santos, we expect you to speak English, and to have lived in the city for at least 10 years (however, this does not apply to all cases, if you have undergone our training and we believe you are fit to be part of our government, you will be more than welcome).


It is time to let this city prosper, and to show your long neglected worth to the community!


Kira DeCali

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 7, 2021
The Following Players have been selected for The Leader of the Party Interview:

1. Tyrell Johnson - 10411- Tyrell Johnson
2. Greedy Killmonger - 60935 - Greedygiraffe mcgee
3. Hov Cartier - 8798 - Hov Cartier

The interview is at 18:00 Server Time on Thursday (07/07/2022).
make sure to join the waiting room 15 minutes prior to the interview

Avi Pluxury

Jun 11, 2021
“Come join the new and improved T.H.E Party! Where equality, Love and Integrity are abundant!”

The Human Equality Party A.K.A. T.H.E. Party.


T.H.E. Party was created by a group of influential citizens who have been in the city since almost its beginning. Watching the rise and fall of many eras and governments, we’ve always noticed an underlying sensation that the average citizen is overlooked and not taken into consideration. This party has been passed down to amaze balls people. As time goes on, T.H.E. Party will continue to grow and improve upon itself with each term.

Our mission is to empower the people, to enhance healthcare, put an end to violence, and overcome hardships. We also plan to spread as much joy as we can!

With the endorsement of these influential people, we have gathered a team of citizens from all areas of expertise. All of whom have experienced many terms, both as a part of the government and from the outside watching in. We believe this group will be able to help inspire those around so that even the most vulnerable people can lift themselves up and achieve great things.


T.H.E. Party’s main focus is to grant equality to all citizens from their various walks of life. We strive to protect the people and ensure that they are seen as the individuals they are. Our goal is to increase the interactions between civilians and various organizations in the city (LEO’s and Gangs). We wish to act as a catalyst producing more interactions between the public and private sectors, thus, producing more RP scenarios and situations for the public to partake in.

Objectives: To build neighborhoods and develop centers of gathering and community.


Previous Government's Objectives:

During Charlie Pellegrini’s Term :

✅ Create a robust Congress system, a new government institution that will bring citizens from every Organization from both sides of the street, top families, and private citizens together to discuss issues of the day and craft new legislation as a partnership.

✅ Restore the IRS as a fully functioning agency to relieve business owners of the oppressive taxation scheme they are currently bearing. This pool of money will be used charitably, through bonuses, giveaways, prizes.

✅ Give prisoners more to do in DOC. It is meant to be a prison, but that doesn't mean that we can't make it a creative and interesting environment rather than a time-out from RP. We can do better, and this is something our DOC is working on now and will continue to work on if re-elected.

✅ Government will use its secretaries in delegations throughout the city to perform public services, offer free medical care with supplies purchased from EMS, answer questions, and be a resource for citizens generally, especially with a hotel liaison where new arrivals can get information, and guidance on where to begin their life here.

✅ Secretaries were re-imagined into a new capitol security division.

✅ The government will create a comprehensive cannabis scheme, there is a lot of opportunity to create new RP situations and roles in the city, and we will explore the limits of this.

During Vick Vinegar’s Term :

✅ Create an amazing environment and more activities for people of Los Santos to participate in, whether it be parties, events, auctions, raffles. The list is endless! We strive for creating as much as possible within our power for YOU!

✅ During the prior term, THE Party gave away millions of dollars, more than any government in the history of the city. We will keep that energy.

✅ Raise IRS awareness to reduce the tax burden on business owners and create wealth which can be given back to the people in the form of bonuses, stimulus, and events.

✅ To try to create a more involved DOC program where inmates can possibly have more interactions and create bonds with one another.

✅ In collaboration with EMS, set up a Government-sponsored disease prevention program

✅ To create a more engaging and hands on program to help out newcomers into the city to show them the ropes.

✅ To sort out any and all corruption with the resources we have to make sure this fine city runs smoothly by re-implementing regular weekly org inspections.


New Term Objectives:

⭐️ We want a more transparent Government, a Government that gains the trust of the citizens back. Together with our Government Public Relations Department, we will give out a weekly overview of the work of the Government.

⭐️ We are looking to improve the Department of Justice, rewriting and improving the Laws according to the new city standards. We are planning on opening a small claims court where every civilian has the right to speak in front of a judge and present their case.

⭐️ One thing we noticed is the lack of police presence in the city. Yes, they are writing tickets and towing vehicles, but what are they doing with the public? We plan on creating a new program called H.I.P. The Human Interaction Plan is designed so that the local PD can go out on foot patrols, whether it is around key spots in the city or just a stroll through neighborhoods, and interact with the public. There is no reason we can't mingle and interact with the public more.

⭐️ A more improved United States Secret Service, a well-trained special unit that is trained on high risk situations. A Secret Service division who is not just able to defend their governor but also every citizen that comes to the events.

Sponsored by Globe Oil, the oil you trust in your car or truck. Oil for the people.

Fearless Juice shop, Why be scared when you can be fearless!


Pre-Election Promises:

⭐️ Better social training for all Legal Organizations for officials of our LEO’s to foster healthier interactions with both citizens and those of fellow Organizations.

⭐️ We plan on providing the citizens of Los Santos with more events in the community, so they have the opportunity to interact with one another and have fulfilling and entertaining lives in the city. Our goal is to help the city by all means possible, which includes providing citizens with more things to do.

⭐️ We plan on providing 2 weekly events. One of them being weekly tours of the capital so that the citizens have an opportunity to explore the capital and learn more about how we run our daily operations. The second weekly event would be Saturday courses meant for newcomers in the city so that we can help them learn more about how to make a living in Los Santos as well as better inform them about the language utilized here.

⭐️ We would like to ensure that we are staffed at all governmental peak hours, so we will be working towards having crews that will work either day or night shifts for every legal organization.

⭐️ To also ensure the quality of our employees, we will provide better assessments for all new hires. This means that no one with inappropriate tattoos (hand or face) will be hired. This also means that new hires who display inappropriate behavior or who show various forms of misconduct will be dismissed from their positions.

⭐️ We plan on hosting weekly drives at the capital for car insurances and health insurances

⭐️ The health of the citizens in our city is rather important, but health goes beyond just that of a physical state. We plan on bringing more awareness towards mental health and will provide psychological evaluations for both criminals and citizens. In addition to this, we will also work towards helping rehabilitate those in need.

⭐️ We plan to institute a welcome committee for all new citizens. This committee will work with these newcomers and help teach them the ropes from how to obtain their driver's licenses to all other daily essential tasks. We’d love to really help build up the community here in Los Santos, but it all starts with day 1.

⭐️ We plan on improving the Department of Justice’s work by further increasing the time of work they’ll provide with the outer community of Los Santos by establishing a small claims court.

⭐️ Every citizen has in our eyes the same worth, therefore we will revamp our rehabilitation program in the Department of Correction, so everyone has an equal chance to achieve better opportunities in the city.

⭐️ We are revamping the United States Secret Service division to be an intellectual and standardized Law Enforcement Organization in Los Santos.

Party Members and Sponsors. (Proof Of Memberships).

To join T.H.E. Party and its effort to better the city, there are certain requirements and criteria you must meet first :

- Due to the environment of the organization, we require that you be at least 7 years old in the city.

- We require you to have a clean record.

- Due to the city's regulations, we require that you speak fluent English to ensure proper communication between yourself and the rest of the GOV staff as well as the citizens of this fine city!

- At T.H.E Party we ask that you have a high level of maturity and engage in equality amongst our co-workers and the citizens of Los Santos.​
DM me on discord asap Avi#3450


Governor Candidate
Mar 19, 2022
1) The full information about the party and the candidates.
2) The program of the party (Ideology, Purpose, Objectives / Pre-election promises) Note * at least 4 campaign promises;
3) List of party members. Note: it is possible to add any ideas from yourself. (For example: Sponsors)
4) Party slogan and picture
5) The date of the creation
6) Criteria to become the member of the party.

San Andreas Constitution Party
Date of Creation: August 10th, 2022
We need to bring change to the Government once and for all! We need to reform our Government so that the people of San Andreas can experience freedom! The Constitution Party’s mission is to work for the people of San Andreas and to protect your rights and freedom as a citizen of this wonderful State of San Andreas.
We believe in reform and change, as well as the rights and will of the people! Liberty, Justice, and Equality for ALL!

Our promises to the people
  1. To prevent corruption within all organizations within San Andreas
  2. To lower taxes and costs of living
  3. To make people safer through the creation of 5 new Law Enforcement Agencies within the Government
  4. To protect the rights and will of the people of San Andreas
  5. To bring more jobs to the people through the “Equal Opportunities Act” which will require legal organizations not to discriminate against those who are not experienced during the hiring process and will set minimum quotas on recruitment to at least 20 recruits a week
  6. To create transparency within our Government and increase outreach to the Community
  7. To bring the reform to Government and to the Legal System that has not been seen in 4 terms of Governors
  8. Decriminalize the use of Cannabis
  9. Legalize the right to open carry any firearm through the “Right To Bear Arms Act”
  10. Bring liberty and justice for every San Andreas citizen regardless of race age or gender

Our concerns
  1. Corruption: Corruption has plagued the Government of San Andreas for what has felt like ages. People should not be discriminated against for not being best friends with a high command, we will end this and allow everyone to truly seek to their best potential. We will open up the door of opportunity for all those who seek it.
  2. Crime: Crime has affected everyone in the city, and has grown rampant without law and order. We will add many new agencies to the Government that will tackle this.
  3. Civil Rights: Far too often, an invasive over-intrusive government has preyed on those who are weakest in our society. We have had prejudice and injustice in our legal system for far too long. We will bring a sweeping reform to our justice system so that no one should experience unfairness in the justice system. The system is supposed to work for the people, not the other way around.
  4. Community Outreach: The previous administrations have not done enough to address the public and engage with the people of San Andreas. Under the Green Administration, Community Outreach will be a key part of our policymaking so that we can better address the needs of the people.
  5. Employment: Far too many in the San Andreas are unemployed and cannot get a decent paying job due to discrimination against those who are new to the city. We will bring jobs to ALL those who seek them regardless of how long you have been in the city. Everyone deserves opportunity in the land of opportunity, and we can only achieve this by allowing those with less experience in the city to have the same opportunities to strive and find success in the city.

Party Candidates:
Governor - Benny Green
Dep Governor - Aiden Pluxury
Chief of Staff - Phantom Solle
Attorney General - Elson Spade
Supreme Court Justice - James Straat
District Court Judge - Seth Wolf
Speaker of the House - Steve Haines
Director of Public Relations - Kelvin Cruise
Secretary of Homeland Security - Martial Harvey
Director of SS - Afrinderin Tuna
Director of IRS - Aryan Vuitton
Director of NSA - Toqueer West
Director of DEA - Bryce Williams
Warden - Karl Opps

7 Years of residency in the city.
Clean record.
Speak fluent English.
High level of maturity and engage in equality amongst our co-workers and the citizens of Los Santos.
here is the spreadsheet showing signatures
Last edited:

Louis Rune

Ex. Lt. General Of National Gaurds
May 8, 2022

San Andreas Constitution Party
Date of Creation: August 10th, 2022
We need to bring change to the Government once and for all! We need to reform our Government so that the people of San Andreas can experience freedom! The Constitution Party’s mission is to work for the people of San Andreas and to protect your rights and freedom as a citizen of this wonderful State of San Andreas.
We believe in reform and change, as well as the rights and will of the people! Liberty, Justice, and Equality for ALL!

Our promises to the people
  1. To prevent corruption within all organizations within San Andreas
  2. To lower taxes and costs of living
  3. To make people safer through the creation of 5 new Law Enforcement Agencies within the Government
  4. To protect the rights and will of the people of San Andreas
  5. To bring more jobs to the people through the “Equal Opportunities Act” which will require legal organizations not to discriminate against those who are not experienced during the hiring process and will set minimum quotas on recruitment to at least 20 recruits a week
  6. To create transparency within our Government and increase outreach to the Community
  7. To bring the reform to Government and to the Legal System that has not been seen in 4 terms of Governors
  8. Decriminalize the use of Cannabis
  9. Legalize the right to open carry any firearm through the “Right To Bear Arms Act”
  10. Bring liberty and justice for every San Andreas citizen regardless of race age or gender

Our concerns
  1. Corruption: Corruption has plagued the Government of San Andreas for what has felt like ages. People should not be discriminated against for not being best friends with a high command, we will end this and allow everyone to truly seek to their best potential. We will open up the door of opportunity for all those who seek it.
  2. Crime: Crime has affected everyone in the city, and has grown rampant without law and order. We will add many new agencies to the Government that will tackle this.
  3. Civil Rights: Far too often, an invasive over-intrusive government has preyed on those who are weakest in our society. We have had prejudice and injustice in our legal system for far too long. We will bring a sweeping reform to our justice system so that no one should experience unfairness in the justice system. The system is supposed to work for the people, not the other way around.
  4. Community Outreach: The previous administrations have not done enough to address the public and engage with the people of San Andreas. Under the Green Administration, Community Outreach will be a key part of our policymaking so that we can better address the needs of the people.
  5. Employment: Far too many in the San Andreas are unemployed and cannot get a decent paying job due to discrimination against those who are new to the city. We will bring jobs to ALL those who seek them regardless of how long you have been in the city. Everyone deserves opportunity in the land of opportunity, and we can only achieve this by allowing those with less experience in the city to have the same opportunities to strive and find success in the city.

Party Candidates:
Governor - Benny Green
Dep Governor - Aiden Pluxury
Chief of Staff - Gold Rokstar
Attorney General - Elson Spade
Supreme Court Justice - James Straat
District Court Judge - Phantom Thakur
Speaker of the House - Greedy Killmonger
Director of Public Relations - Kelvin Cruise
Secretary of Homeland Security - Martial Harvey
Director of SS - Steve Haines
Director of IRS - Aryan Vuitton
Director of NSA - Minku Daa
Director of DEA - Bryce Williams
Warden - Tomer Homer

7 Years of residency in the city.
Clean record.
Speak fluent English.
High level of maturity and engage in equality amongst our co-workers and the citizens of Los Santos.
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Sophia Queen

May 24, 2022

“Where there is unity, there is always victory”

The United Party was founded by former Government employees who have been in the Government for different terms under three different types of Governors. We have seen ups and downs and each of those Governors had good and bad ideas, but we never have seen a real strong bond between all the citizens of the city. This is what we endeavor to change. We want a better understanding from all sides for a better life together. We aspire to bring real change that will be seen and be talked about for a long time moving forward.

With inspirational help from our prestigious people, we intend to bring experienced individuals from each and every organization around the city to empower the residents of Los Santos. To combine forces and ease up on the hardship that could possibly unravel. Give them a chance to laugh and enjoy the city.

Ideology :

United Party focuses and energizes more on Law Enforcement to combine their strength with the habitat of Los Santos to further improve their communication skills and end the lack of trust that they have within one another. To unite is to win, and to trust is to live. Law Enforcement and/or the citizens aren’t enemies. LEO dedicate their lives to protect the individuals, and in return, these individuals put their all/trust in these LEO to provide them justice.

Objectives and Pre election promises :

  • Transparency: It is important for the citizens of this city to know what the Government is doing. Therefore, we will have weekly meetings with the public where we will answer all questions and listen to concerns.
  • Helping Hand: As Government we see it as our duty to help the citizens, therefore we’re planning a weekly service meeting at the Capitol. Every citizen can come there and get their health insurance from EMS or their car insurance from SAHP. Furthermore, we're planning to implement job fairs, where citizens can gather information about the different jobs in the city and get a demonstration of their professionalism.
  • Relaxation: We know how essential it is to keep up the morale in the city and how distressing every job can be. Furthermore, we strive to arrange more events throughout the city. May it be a talent show with a prize pool or just a casual party to dance and meet new people to simply have fun.
  • Department of Justice: Together with our team of qualified lawyers, we aim to achieve a more present Department of Justice. We offer to train qualified lawyers who can defend a person at the Department of Correction who has been unlawfully detained. But we also go to the limits to train qualified judges who can bring justice to every citizen in the city. Additionally, we will implement small claim court cases.
  • Department of Correction: We’re looking to implement more activities to do in the Department of Correction. We believe in second chances for every citizen, therefore our special trained officers at the DOC will provide rehabilitation classes for every citizen.
  • Continue the fight against Corruption: Our promise is to fight all corruption inside our legal organizations. It shouldn’t be possible to be treated differently only because you have powerful or important friends.
  • Equal rights for everyone: we fight against favoritism and make sure that no one with that mindset enters or stays in our Organization, out of respect for our citizens and our members who dedicate their time and effort in achieving and bettering the Government.
  • Opening hours : We ensure to keep units/services on the gates and out and about on peak working hours and night shifts to further improve the interactions between the citizens and the agents at Capitol for any questions/requests.
  • Professionalism: We certify the quality shown within our agents. Professionalism, respectful comments as well as grateful behaviors to welcome the citizens with a *smile* on their face. Any sort of misconduct or ill-mannered comportment will not be tolerated in the Capitol.


Governor: Sophia Monroe
Deputy Governor: Jimin Monroe
Deputy Governor: Richard Sole
Speaker of the House : Demi Gawd

Chief of Staff: Christian Falcon
Chief of Staff: Denniri Smiley

Attorney General: Jordan Huxley
Supreme Court Justice: Juhny Huxley
District Court Judge: Taylor Armani
District Court Judge: Jack Rowe
Sr. Attorney: Hawk Power

USSS Director: Five Smiley
USSS Director: Sagi Monroe
USSS Dep. Director: Axel Pearls
USSS Dep. Director: Tyler Armani
USSS Dep. Director: Vanilla Mareli
USSS Captain: Jimothy Halpert
USSS Captain: Tiny Wong

DOC Warden: Aven Ameen
DOC Warden: Clara Raven
Dep. Warden: Jefran Pagani
Dep. Warden: Thomas Fister

Director of Service: Kat Monroe
Dep. Director of Service: Heather Armani

Charles McKnight - Former Sheriff of SAHP



Criteria to join the party:
At least five years in the city
No Criminal Record
Good Communication Skills
Knowledge of the City Regulations and Laws
A Willingness to Learn and to Serve the City.
Respectfulness and appreciation for the City and its members
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