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Shabah Verlice
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Date of violation
Oct 31, 2023
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Nuke Royall

Oct 24, 2022
OMG, listen a human get told 1 time and he understand but seems you dont understand anything what i said.
Look at what i said "JAI SREE RAM" is generally a positive expression with no issues,"

I know this gonna happen i will have to give you guys a hole Free islam lesson on forums, bismillah al rahman al rahim you can start it with everything before eating, before starting a project, before starting work, before lifting something.
I am human and you dont have to do a OOC insult here.

If Jai Sri Ram has no issue why did you mention its provoking you?

And also a lot of people who worship Lord Rama uses the phrase "Jai Sri Ram" before doing any work just like you use bismillah al rahman al rahim. Learn to respect other religions too.

Shabah Verlice.

Forum King
Sep 4, 2022
Shaba I am talking about all of the following comment you made about Hinduism and India
Proof 3 - [Link to Forum Post](https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/516609/#post-1886592)
In this forum post, a member responded with "JAI SREE RAM," which translates to "Victory to Lord Ram" or "Glory to Lord Ram." Let me share what I learned after researching their religion the previous night, spending 3-6 hours on it. They do not use this phrase in their prayers, similar to how Muslims say "Takbir; Allah Akbar" or "Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim."

In India, there are approximately 1.4 billion people, with around 204 million being Muslims and 1.1 billion being Hindus. Pooja likely speaks Telugu, which leads me to believe he is from Hyderabad. There have been conflicts between Muslims and Hindus in the region, but it's essential to note that not everyone is involved in these disputes. As we know, external conflicts can affect us, and we may inadvertently become part of the problem.

I also searched for news articles that support my argument, and I found this article from the BBC: [Link to BBC Article](The Hindu chant that became a murder cry - BBC News). The BBC reports on religious issues in India, but it's important to remember that not everyone is involved in these conflicts. I have been to India before and observed people of different faiths living together harmoniously. "JAI SREE RAM" is generally a positive expression with no issues, but when I write "Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim" and receive a reply of "JAI SREE RAM," it can be considered provocative. There are real-life instances of such provocation as well. I want to clarify that my concern is with the minority of individuals who engage in such behavior, not all Hindus.

Now, let's address the significant point. After Bobby suggested I create this forum, I received direct messages from others: [Link to DM Screenshots](

I agree one person insulted your religion and I 100% support your point regarding this. Why did you mention all these religious information, News reports and places. Why are you trying to make Hindus and Indians look bad? Why are you involving information about India.
OMG, Its eduaction matter, thats why i wrote it and i never insulted hindu nither am I trying to make them look bad matter fact who am i to make you guys look bad, i just brough articles nothing more then that.

i have no issue's with ur religion nither ur community, understand what im saying.

Shabah Verlice.

Forum King
Sep 4, 2022
I am human and you dont have to do a OOC insult here.

If Jai Sri Ram has no issue why did you mention its provoking you?
We asked 2 people from india in vc and they replyed like this,
i told them if you say Jai Sri Ram and i reply bismillah al rahman al rahim, do you think its provoking, they said yes.
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