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IMPORTANT Applications for LSPD


May 6, 2024
- Information

1. Your name IRL - Apoorv Shukla
2. Your IRL age - 17 years
3. Time zone - GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day - 5 hours a day
5. Your Discord - apoorv307
6. Your Nickname - Villain pluxury
7. Your ID - 144620

- Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- After serving as Head of Department in the LSPD and as a Brigadier General in NG, I feel confident in my expertise to lead a legal organization.

- I want to be the leader of LSPD because i have a personal attachment to it and i am serving this org since last 2 terms with full dedication.

- I think that i can make massive imrovements in the org. if i got the leadership. As the leader of the LSPD, I've got cool ideas to get more people to join us. I want everyone to have a great time here, so we become the best organisation. And I'll make sure everyone gets treated fairly, getting what they deserve based on their skills.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- I'll organize training sessions where we act out real-life situations, helping our officers improve their skills and make better decisions.

- I will make the bonus system (weekly) fully transparent by giving the officers their all dues for their hardwork.

- I will organize feedback meeting every week in this meeting we will talk to all the employees that how they felt while working either they have a problem or suggestions to make the things better.(This will take the roleplay to the next level)

- I will make the promotions fully transparent - First of all i will organize weekly promotion ceremonies strictly (no delay) in which all the employees will get promotions fully based on their hard work and dedication towards the org.(No favoratism towards the employees) I will stricly demote the officers who are not doing anything and just being in the org. with their ranks.

- I will make the strike system best possible by creating three levels of strike and no tolerance for toxicity in the org. By this all the employees will work as brothers and sisters. As a result of it LSPD will become peaceful and clean.
- (We all will work hard in silence letting the success be our noise)

The ranking system will be as follows :

30. Chief of Police
29. Deputy Chief of Police
28. Assistant Chief of Police
27. Chief of staff
26. District Attorney
25. Head of department
24. Deputy head of Department
23. Major
22. Supervisor
21. Senior Lieutenant
20. Senior S.W.A.T Agent
19. Human Resources
18. Lieutenant
17. S.W.A.T Agent
16. Lead Detective
15. Detective
14. Master sergeant
13. Senior Sergeant
12. Sergeant
11. Master Corporal
10. Senior Corporal
9. Corporal
8. Commanding patrol officer
7. Senior patrol officer
6. Patrol officer
5. Rookie 2
4. Rookie 1
3. Trainee
2. Cadet
1. Suspended


Ex - HOD of LSPD

Ishan Federal

LEOs Always on TOP!!! <3
Jun 30, 2021

1. Your name IRL

Ans: Jyotirmoy Dhani
2. Your age
Ans: 18.
3. Time zone
Ans: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day
Ans: 6-8 HRs
5. Your Discord
Ans: ishan_izz_live
6. Your Nickname
Ans: Ishan Federal
7. Your ID
Ans: 2993

Additional information

- 1. Leader of...

Ans: Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)

- 2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
i) I had worked in LSPD for a very long time and throughout that time I had met several executives and gained insight into how they run their organizations.

ii) The city's center can be said to be LSPD. When any new civilian needs any help, LSPD is the first thing on their mind. And for those who choose to join a state organization, LSPD is the first place they look. People in the city call the LSPD when they need assistance. I aim to make interacting with LSPD a very positive experience. Selected members will greet guests in a very professional manner, and training guarantees that every officer assisting a civilian will act honorably and make an effort to resolve their issues. in order for the public-service relationship to be given top priority and for no visitor to the LSPD reception to be left disappointed.

iii) Within the LSPD, new members who move to the city are interested in gaining a positive legal organization experience. When considering serving the state, my organization, LSPD, is the first that comes to mind for everyone. There will be respect for each and every citizen and police. In addition, I will guarantee that the issues of all the recently admitted citizens will be promptly resolved and that they will never be disregarded.

iv) Since the Los Santos Police Department is one of the founding organizations and is therefore essential to the city, I believe the chief of the department has a lot of responsibility when it comes to guiding, battling, and triumphing.

v) 3. Two crucial departments are FTO and IA:...
FTO: I'm always up for new ideas, and one that was presented to me was to give the newcomers a test and assign a fitting rank based on their performance, such as patrol officer 1, 2, or 3 - (20 to 40), corporal. Expert novices will find this helpful as it allows them to rank higher right away rather than having to work their way up through the typical initial levels.
For each student they teach, FTO Officers will get a handsome bonus—perfectly! However, the officer who trained him or her can receive a strike if I see that they are not well-trained.
IA: I want the Internal Affair department to concentrate mostly on corruption, ensuring that all police officers maintain accurate logs at all times, and verifying the licenses of officers.

- 3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
i> I want to make sure that all new recruits to the LSPD go through an intense training course where they learn how to properly RP situations out. For instance, we'll instruct less experienced players on how to engage with other players and make the game engaging for all users.

ii> I will enforce Human Resources department to follow the appropriate training method and make regular announcements about various state and internal regulations that are frequently ignored. This way, when an officer is taught, they will be familiar with these rules by memory.

iii> Rather of scheduling weekly meetings with all department heads, I would personally call the meetings and we would hold them without the use of VCs in the mail, which would be detrimental to RP. Furthermore, I will make sure that no one communicates in the city via VCs, which will improve the RP's quality as well.

iv> Additionally, I want to collaborate closely with other organizations like NG (Combined Training Sessions), SAHP (Special Highway Patrols), and FIB (Joint Operations). By doing this and upholding positive relationships with all organizations, the LSPD (as well as other organizations) will be able to win events and elevate their overall level of policing.

v> If an officer, even after being informed about the role-play, does not follow correct protocol, they will receive the fastest strike.

vi> Since I think the curators have the most expertise and understanding and are most suited to help the term succeed, I will also make sure to heed all of their directions and suggestions.

Martina Kingsman

Dec 25, 2022
Applications for LSPD Leaders are now CLOSED
The following players have been selected for LSPD Leader interviews at 15:00 Server Time on (Thursday , 16th May)

Arvind Singh (122341) - rawat0717

Micheal Mayors(141929) - micheal2959
Marky Tzariar (113465) - shohag01

Thank You to All For Applying and Best Wishes.

Chetan GSuralkar

May 12, 2024
3. India 5:30+
6 . chetan xooxo
7. 151641
Leader of LSPD
2. Because I want to gain experience of leadership in grand rp it will be helpful to me
3.there is no any advice because grand rp is perfect

Sanku Notorius

May 5, 2023
1. Your name IRL

Ans: Sankalp

2. Your age

Ans: 17

3. Time zone

Ans: GMT +5:30

4. Average online per day

Ans: 6-8 hrs

5. Your Discord

Ans: ss0606

6. Your Nickname

Ans: Sanku Notorious

7. Your ID

Ans: 49627

Additional information

- 1. Leader of...

Ans: Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)

- 2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

i) Leading an organization requires individuals to develop a decision making as quick as possible and problem solving and i have that capactiy and i want to give it to the Organization.

ii) I was in LSPD for 5-6 terms i have knowledge about how LSPD works, I was Ex-Sherrif also so i am capble of being Cheif of Police.

iii) I will always there for our units if they needed anything. I will try to make my organization the best orgnization and I will create a calm, peaceful and enjoyable environment within the LSPD and make the officers do good work.

- 3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

i)There will be promotion ceremoney on Sunday as i see lot of orgs doesnt do any kind of promotion ceremoney.

ii) I suggest we should need to change the HQ as it is to close to Ghetto and some of the new peoples alwyas come at go inside hq as they dont know much about rules.

iii) I will give bonuses day after promotion so many people will attend the situations and we will be the best orgnization.

James Volkov

Jul 7, 2024
1. Your name IRL

Ans. Sk Arsh
2. Your IRL age
3. Time zone
Gulf Standard Time (GMT+4)
4. Average online per day
5 to 6 hours daily
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
James DeSantis
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Leader of...
Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

  • I want to build the organization to grow even better than it currently is.
    Arvind’s term was a great term with 2 good successes for LSPD. E.g. they grew up with many units in the organization at some time. However, I think there is still space for improvement. I have seen amazing things in LSPD but also noticed there are things missing. When I get leadership of LSPD I will make sure to recruit non-stop for skilled police officers. Of course, I won’t be able to do this on my own, therefore I will select people with good communication and training skills as my High Command. I will provide them with selection criteria and with a training that is made to learn on the job, as the job within LSPD is all about practical thinking and thinking in solutions rather than problems. I will select based on the qualities someone has.

  • I Wish to be specifically the next leader of LSPD as I have seen the great lengths that LSPD has evolved the past few terms and I wish to improve the progress that has been made. While I don’t completely agree with everything that has been done, I would like to build off the progress and transform LSPD into a respected and valued organization

  • Re-Education. I believe that the whole of LSPD needs a new training about common misconceptions of server rules and etiquette. I wish to talk with all the employees about how to properly act in the city and about what the rules allow and what they don’t. I also do not want my officers to fear rudimentary things like leaving the city or not helping in a gun fight in fear of failure. I accept that these do have some risk, but it is necessary to show the citizens of Los Santos that the LSPD is here to protect and serve them. I would also like to talk to my employees about correct procedure and stop people being so trigger happy
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
  • I will fire rule breakers from the organization, to improve the RP level in organization rule breakers need to get fired.
  • I will make every officer use the radio professionally - when they are going to use it they will say their badge number and to the person they want to talk, they will say their badge number to for example "james what's your 10-20" I will make officers to make radio calls when they are chasing someone and keep updating of the suspects location, when they pulled over someone, when they finished processing someone, when they are going somewhere etc. I will do everything that is needed to make the organization look good.

    Thank you for your time for reading my application

    James DeSantis​

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