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IMPORTANT Applications for LSPD

Assassin Salmon

Jun 14, 2024
Your Name IRL : Karan Robidas
2. Your IRL age : 21
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day : 5hours
5. Your Discord: assasinsalmon
6. Your Nickname: Salmon Mafiya
7. Your ID:140132
Additional information
1. Leader of: LSPD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

Ans• I want to lead the LSPD in Grand RP because I'm passionate about creating a realistic and engaging law enforcement experience. I want to help officers develop their characters and stories, and make the LSPD a fun and inclusive community. I believe that with creative storytelling, collaboration, and a commitment to excellence, we can make the LSPD a leader in Grand RP and a place where everyone can thrive.

Reason 1.
As a leader, I would have the opportunity to shape the organization's storyline and create a compelling narrative that draws members in and keeps them engaged. This includes developing rich characters, intricate plots, and unexpected twists that challenge and inspire our roleplayers. By crafting a captivating story, I believe we can create a truly immersive experience that leaves a lasting impact on our members.

Reason 2: Empower and Develop Members
Leadership allows me to empower and develop our members, helping them to grow and thrive within the organization. I would focus on identifying and nurturing each member's unique strengths and talents, providing guidance and mentorship to help them achieve their full potential. By investing in our members' growth and success, I believe we can build a strong, cohesive team that is capable of achieving greatness.

Reason 3: Set a New Standard for Realism and Excellence
As a leader, I would strive to set a new standard for realism and excellence within the Grand RP community. This includes pushing the boundaries of what is possible in roleplay, innovating new techniques and strategies, and relentlessly pursuing excellence in every aspect of our operations. By raising the bar and consistently delivering high-quality experiences, I believe we can earn the respect and admiration of our peers and establish ourselves as a premier LSPD organization in Grand RP.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Ans•To improve RolePlay (RP) level in an organization, it's essential to stay in character and maintain your character's persona, even in mundane situations. Developing your character's backstory, personality, and motivations will also help you create a more realistic and engaging experience. Immerse yourself in the environment, interact with other players, and collaborate with others to create compelling scenarios and stories. Effective communication is also crucial, so be sure to use clear and concise language and listen actively.
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Del Federal

🎃 Hello Am I Audible !!
Senior Administrator
Dec 19, 2022
Applications for LSPD Leaders are now CLOSED
The following players have been selected for LSPD Leader interviews at 17:00 Server Time on (Friday, 19th July)

Sam Willaims (25538) - samarth007_official

Jester Walker (139678) - prabir#2479
Maarsh Walker (135347) - marshwalker1

Thank You to All For Applying and Best Wishes.

Arvind Western

Server Administrator
Jan 26, 2024
Applications are Re-opened

Any Off-Topic comments/vouches will result in punishment!

Show your support to the applicants by reacting


Thomas Blaze

I am the beginning, I am the end.
Jun 30, 2024
1. Your Name IRL: Vikram Aditya
2. Your Age: 18
3. Time Zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 7-8 hours
5. Your Discord: thomas.blaze
6. Your Nickname: Thomas Blaze
7. Your ID: 161132

Additional Information:

1. Leader of………… Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be the leader of this specific organisation? (List 3 reasons with explanations)

Reason 1: Lspd was the first state org which I joined when I first stepped foot in the city of en2. I was overwhelmed by the companionship and work culture of lspd more than any other state org as it played an important part in maintaining law enforcement in the city and safeguarding people in the main city. With me being the leader of lspd I have many ideas in my head which I will implement once I get the term. With my extensive knowledge about rules and regulations I would be able to guide my co-officers and lead a successful 30 days term with no hitches.

Reason 2: I am the deputy of the Top family of the server (TOP G) and also have alliances with many experiences families which have experienced individuals themselves. I will bring all of those people in my term which will be my USP and it would also ensure that LSPD has the max numbers on all events. Usually, night activity is ignored in state orgs due to low number of night shift employees. I know many such people who would be there in my term to handle the night shift. Other than all these factors, I would have experienced deputies who would know how to deal with any and all sorts of problems in the absence of me. They would make sure that LSPD has a sweet and smooth workflow throughout the term with no complaints. With these factors I would be able to make sure I lead a successful term.

Reason 3: I focus heavily on rp oriented stuff and same goes for my associates. I will make sure only top notch rp is done throughout which will enhance the role playing experience of everyone as a player and make sure they have a good time in the term with no complaints. Rp quality would never ever be compromised with and it would be made sure all officers get proper training not only how to do script things like fining, towing but also they gain extensive knowledge about dealing with certain common situations which an officers faces.

3. Your Advices for improving the roleplay level in the organisation.

-> As mentioned above in Reason 1, There are many ideas I have planned in my head which I will execute once I get the term but some of them I will list below, which include:

1. Only important info is shared via radio

2. No unprofessionalism tolerated on the radio.

3. Work ethics are taught to officers while the time of joining and breaking any internal rule resulting in monetary fines or suspension from duty.

4. Having Realistic Ranks and Realistic Departments serving realistic purposes.

5. Having faithful and knowledgeable high commands.

Departments I would have under my term:

1. Human Resources
2. Internal Affairs
3. Parking Enforcement
4. S.W.A.T
5. Los Santos Narcotics Department

Rest Assured, it is sure if I get the term, it would be the most active term in the history of en2 ;)
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Sharma Daddy

Mar 27, 2024

1. Your name IRL- Akshaj Sharma
2. Your IRL age- 17 ( IC: 22)
3. Time zone- GMT+5:30 (IST)
4. Average online per day- 3-5 Hours
5. Your Discord- itsopzolo
6. Your Nickname- Sharma Nobody
7. Your ID- 87949

Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department.

2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
• I worked for the legal organization for more than four terms, and I also worked for the LSPD for two terms. In addition to being the 28th Assistant Chief of the LSPD, I was the Chief of Staff at SAHP. In addition to being in NG, Gov, Ems, and Gangs, I was also the 24th Head of the FIB's Undercover Department. I have gathered understanding of all aspects of the sector and the workings of its many organizations' systems through my experience working with legal organizations. Additionally, I've discovered a few mistakes and am trying to fix them.

• I have worked with a variety of people with varying skill sets since joining legal organizations, and now that I have many good people to work alongside me to make the term successful—they are former high command members and administrators. I want to lead the LSPD because I have a lot of experience from my previous term as an Assistant Chief (28) rank, and I had always wanted to be in charge because I was greatly inspired by 101 Marsh Walker, the recent Chief of Police, and 101 Rihan Pluxury, the Sheriff of the SAHP.

• Throughout my tenure in the LSPD, I focused on maximizing my effectiveness and accumulating the experience required for leadership. I saw a range of perspectives and approaches to managing the organization while working under different leaders, from very strict to pretty courteous, which helped me realize how I would be able to manage the group effectively with the right mindset. The LSPD patrols the city and reduces crime rates in addition to being an organization that attends events.

3.Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.
• Conduct simulated drills, such as NG Arena Aim Practices, Hostage Negotiation Training, and Ghetto Patrol Convoy Training, to teach our officers how to handle a variety of situations.

• Issue Strict penalties for serious rule violators; in the absence of such punishments, they will be held responsible for their deeds and blunders.

• Get the best FTOs out there to help new officers to get the best training possible so that they can have a wonderful experience in RP. • Distribute incentives in a systematic way to ensure that departmental officers receive them on time and that everyone is thanked at the end of the week for their difficult work for our organization.a.

• Since the night shift is the toughest to sustain, I will try to persuade HR to hire as many new hires as possible, collect lots of units for it, and give them the maximum incentive in order to encourage them to work more.

Chain of Commands
30 Chief of Police
29 Deputy Chief of Police
28 Assistant Chief
27 Chief of Staff
26 District Attorney
25 Head of Department
24 Deputy Head of Department
23 Supervisor
22 Inspector
I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I
21 Commander
20 Lieutenant
19 Captain
18 Major
17 Human Resources
16 Internal Affairs
15 S.W.A.T
14 Detective
13 Master Sergeant
12 Senior Sergeant
11 Sergeant
10 Master Corporal
9 Senior Corporal
8 Corporal
7 Master Patrol Officer
6 Senior Patrol Officer
5 Patrol Officer
4 Rookie
3 Trainee
2 Leave of Absence (LOA)
1 Suspended

Ex- Assistant Chief of Police x1
Ex- Colonel (NG)
Ex- DHOD of UC (FIB)

Regards ,
Sharma Nobody

samar khurana

Mar 16, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Samar Khurana
2. Your age :19
3. Time zone : IST
4. Average online per day: 7-8 hrs
5. Your Discord : Lucifer Shakespeare
6. Your Nickname : samar badmash
7. Your ID : 143779

Additional information

1. Leader of LSPD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
a) To start off the first reason i would like to join LSPD is because i possess something that many others do not, experience, work, and on-duty hours as law enforcement officers. Starting around May, i was a police officer for about one month, which provided me with a lot of experience going through the ranks of trainee all the way to a senior officer. After this, for about 80 days I worked in the SAHP Police department, which gave me a fortunate opportunity to cover the spectrum of both Police Organizations. After seeing my hard work, I was reached out to for a job offer to become the Lieutenant of FTO, within the LSPD. I have since come to rise through the ranks, to my current position as Deputy Chief of Police. I've come to realize the types of people you meet, and with countless successful interviews and applications I've reviewed, its given me amazing peoples skills. I have the ability to adapt to the situations and i possess leadership qualities, as seen i was running a vital part of the department. This gives me an edge over my rivals, and enhances my ability to perform my duties as an LSPD Officer.

b) Secondly, to continue, I want to become leader of the LSPD because I have a strong and confident plan to roll out through the department when i become chief. These plans include managing call signs, adding in a strict strike system, as well as placing people in positions such as sergeant to effectively and confidently run and pursue a strong career path for new recruits, as well as trained veterans. In addition to this, I can expectantly run the department to the highest standard and will be able to optimize and speedily run all important aspects of LSPD including the divisions like Detectives, Swat, Fto and Patrol Division. With these plans, I can be rest assured the department will run according to plan, while maintaining high RP, and fun.

c) Thirdly I want to be the leader of the LSPD because of my strong work ethic. As goes along with my statements, you can easily ask anyone who's personally worked with me, that I am an amazing and hard worker when it comes down to the task, and a person who pushes to get things done, the minute they are requested to be done. With this strong and confident work style and mindset, things will never be left on the back burner, and I will step up the task with all my effort, 100% of the time. When the department will be in my hands, you can be eased that everything will be taken care of, and any issue that presents will be solved instantly at gallant speeds.
3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
My advices to improve role-play would include strategies to make common server rules, known abroad across the officers in and out. I would start immediately by testing and evaluating people who hold high command and supervising ranks about their knowledge about the server rules, to make sure the people at the top know what they are doing, and to be rest assured they can make good and accurate decisions in recruitment, and other activities that affect the department. After this is done, I would confirm and approve an effective system to hire and recruit new people. Such a system would include a basic knowledge test that everyone must undergo during an interview, as well as a second Rp test in order to move on from Cadet to trainee, that tests more in-depth rules, that would be learned and applied during the cadet phase. To pass the Cadet phase, I myself organized a different and unique plan for academy training sessions, that would not only make it easier for cadets, but easier for the Ftos in charge of the academy.
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