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IMPORTANT Applications for LSPD

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Charlie Weasley

Aug 13, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Petar
2. Your IRL age: 33
3. Time zone: GMT+1
4. Average online per day: 8-12 hours
5. Your Discord: ethanhunt2.0
6. Your Nickname: Ethan Hunt
7. Your ID: 165330
Additional information

1. Leader of...
Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

  • In my time with the LSPD, I've noticed many mistakes being made by officers and a lack of understanding of important server rules and IC laws. As a leader, I will work to create a police academy that holds weekly meetings for the team to discuss what has happened during the week, based on what management and high command observe. The academy will handle the training of new officers and support the experienced ones as well. I will make sure that all LSPD officers perform at their best in every area of service.

  • I'm confident that under my leadership, the LSPD will become one of the most respected groups in the city. I know the server rules and IC laws well, as most of my time here has been spent in law enforcement. I also have strong leadership and tactical skills that will help in different situations. My goal is to teach these skills to everyone in the LSPD so they can grow and eventually become leaders themselves.

  • I will bring the best roleplay (RP) experience to the organization and teach others how to get the most enjoyment from RP scenarios, both planned and natural, in the city. Basic RP, like using /me and /do commands, is just the start. I plan to improve this by helping officers understand what they can and should do in different situations to make the RP more engaging.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

  • Improving RolePlay in the LSPD should be easy since there are many tools and scenarios that aren't used regularly. For example, when a suspect is arrested and requests a lawyer, they can be taken to the LSPD headquarters' holding cells. When the lawyer arrives, the suspect can be moved to a visitation room to talk privately and discuss their case. Depending on the lawyer’s decision, the suspect may be released or processed. If processed, the suspect can be taken to an interrogation room for more details and have their mugshot taken, which can help identify repeat offenders later.

  • I will be reintroducing promotion ceremonies at one of the amphitheaters, where police officers will be promoted once a week based on their work in the organization. Human Resources and the Police Academy will review officers' logs and create a list of suggested promotions, which will then be reviewed by one of the top three in the chain of command. Cadets will also be taken to the amphitheater after their training for their graduation, where they will receive their promotions and badges.

  • I will be holding press conferences in collaboration with Lifeinvader after any major events in the state, releasing press reports to keep the citizens of San Andreas informed about important events related to public safety.
We will be implementing a police parade at least once per term showing off different vehicles in the LSPD fleet as well as the different arsenals of weaponry and uniforms for each department.

Pulkit Jatt

Legal God
Sep 16, 2024

Your name IRL: Pulkit Chopra
Your IRL age: 18
Time zone: GMT+5:30
Average online per day: 5-6hours (more during weekends)
Your Discord: havocblade24
Your Nickname: Pulkit Havocbladee
Your ID: 165038

Additional Information

B. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. I have been in Project for last 3 years+ , The First Org after coming I joined was LSPD then SAHP , FIB , and Government , In short I have been part of the legal orgs from starting of my journey and Also I was in LSPD and other legal orgs as a Highest Command in Server EN1, I have come a long way and gained a Lot of Experience and I know how to manage a organization.

2. I have a special bond with LSPD , As I mentioned it was my first org in the Project, I have a lot of things in my to-do list , Which I would like to implement if I get and opportunity to Serve as Chief Of Police, So that The perspective about LSPD being bound to some specific jurisdiction Changes and LSPD Ranks No 1 among rest organizations in city.

3. I have been in LSPD from the past terms, So i have found some mistakes and loopholes, That's why i want to become the leader of LSPD. So that i can make an attempt to correct those mistakes and fix those loopholes.

C. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. Improving activity in the City and Reducing the Crime Rate

2. Hosting Daily events for citizens , as well as Inter-organisational events.

3. Arranging Weekly Promotion ceremonies , Rewarding Hard-working employees with some prize money from my pocket.

4. Doing Collaborations with other organizations for Reducing Crime rate in City as well as County.

Department which i am planning to implement in my term are as follows:

Human Resources (HR)

- This Department will Hire and Give Training to the new officers those who are joining LSPD.
Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT)
- This Department will Respond to the Global ASAP and Will lead the Spec ops.
Internal Affairs (IA)
- This Department will check logs and keep an eye on officer.
Traffic Enforcement Units (TEU)
- This Department will do Patrolling in city and make sure that city is safer from illegal activities.
Detective Bureau
- This Department will have members having detective skills, who can work secretly to gather evidence of a criminal act without revealing their identity.

Chain Of Command

30. Chief of Police
29. Deputy Chief of Police
28. Assistant Chief of Police
27. Chief of Staff
26.Head of Department
25. Deputy Head of Department
24. District Attorney
23.Supervisory of Department
22. Inspector
-------High Command--------
21. Commander
20. Captain
19. Master Lieutenant
18. Lieutenant
17. Human Resource
16. Internal Affairs
15. SWAT
14. Detective
13. Master Sergeant
12. Senior Sergeant
11. Sergeant
10. Master Corporal
9. Senior Corporal
8. Corporal
7. Master Patrol officer
6. Senior Patrol officer
5. Patrol officer
4. Rookie
3. Trainee
2. L.O.A.
1. Suspended

Last edited:


Aug 2, 2024

1. Your name IRL: Ashu Dhillon
2. Your IRL age: 20
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 4-6 hours
5. Your Discord: alan_degrey
6. Your Nickname: Alan Degrayy
7. Your ID: 175769

Additional Information
1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

-》Over 2.5 years dedicated to this server, I began my journey in Law Enforcement as a trooper in SAHP and rose to the position of Undersheriff. My experience as a former assistant chief in LSPD, former Assistant Director in FIB, Undersheriff from past continuous 3 terms, former Minister of State and an ex-lawyer has given me the best leadership skills, which enables me to work well with all leaders and significantly contribute to the smooth running of the organization.

-》Having played an active role on this server for a good length of time, I am aware of all that is needed to run an organization efficiently and professionally. I promise to bring my skills to the best of their abilities to have a successful and effective term. There are a multitude of ways we can make our roleplaying both within the organization and to citizens better. Having experienced different things and learned from them, I will work hard to bring about changes that make for a lively and smooth term.

-》By bringing an array of new subdivisions and job posts as part of LSPD's quest to learn and grow continuously, while having ambitions to innovate and lead LSPD into a brighter future where LEOs shine again.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

-》 I'll focus that there will no nepotism/favoritism in my term. Everyone gets treated equally and fairly.

-》I'll create a good and depth training program which helps the new players to understand the things little faster.

-》I have seen the department of HR being inactive. HR is an important department in an organization, I've seen a lot of time that HR is not active. I will for sure do something to make it active.

-》Good bonuses will be given to the officers, which will motivate them to work hard for the organization.

-》We will perform Foot Patrols in city will reduce the crime rate in thr city.

-》We will enhance the qualities of RP withing the other organization, players and members of the org.

Thanks for giving your precious time to reviewing my application.

Warm Regards,
Alan Degrayy

Villain Pluxury

Apr 2, 2024
1. Your name IRL - Apoorv Shukla
2. Your IRL age - 17 years
3. Time zone - (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day - 5-6 Hours
5. Your Discord - villainpluxury
6. Your Nickname - Villain Pluxury
7. Your ID - 144620

Additional information
1. Leader of... Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

First of all, I have been serving in this organization since I started playing RP. I joined as a Senior Patrol Officer here and was dedicated towards my work from the very beginning. After a long time, with my hard work and dedication I got high command with the rank of Assistant Chief of Police in this organization. In this long long journey, I've experienced a lot about this org. and I had a goal for some time ago to serve in this org. as a leader. It would be a great opportunity for me if I got the leadership as I have a lot things to improve in this org. like trust building among the employees, better and smart response to the emergency calls, getting units ready for any situation, co-ordinating with the other orgs in the best possible way etc. All this would be better possible if I became the leader. I have been serving in other state orgs as a high command as well like in FIB I serverd as a Chief of Staff so I've got the taste of leadership and understood how to make everyone satisfied under me by treating them in the best way, being supportive towards them, giving them new oppotunities which keeps them intersted and fresh towards the organization. Being a leader is not just a position where you have all the powers to rule over others instead its a resonsiblity for us to shape that specific area with new ideas and taking everyone with us as well.

ii) If I want to improve the perfomance of the organization then first of all I will focus on making sure that are there proper human resources officers who are ready to hire the best ones and train them in the best way. This would clear the doubt of someone being left behind. If the HR team is training a new officer by explaining every aspect of the org., clearing their each and every doubts, testing their skills practicallly, ready to resopnd even after giving training and for doing this they have to be dedicated towards their work not from their mind but from their heart. Getting a perfect HR team in this org. will solve 60-70% problems and difficulties like the new officers have lack of knowledge, they are lazy towrads their duty, don't know how to deal with the citizens and High commannds as well. HR team can build a strong core of this org. by doing their work with full dedication and ensuring that everyone whom they hired are getting new tastes and experiences. By this noone will feel bored and will be active for every time when required which will lead to great respect, value and better understanding towrads the overall organization by everyone.

iii) For making my leadership succesful, I would make sure that everyone has got the position or rank that they deserve. For getting this point done I will make sure that everyone is getting treated fairly and will get the ranks according to the skills they aquired not by showing their past proofs of experiences in this org. or any other state org. Everone will be tested, trained and treated im the best possible way. Some strictness is also required for making sure that everyone is giving their best in the org. If someone is not getting the required tasks done then he would be definately facing the suitable consequences of his imperfections which will lead to his better perfomance next time. If someone is being inactive even if a High command or not working in the way that he should be then he have to give a proper reason about his situation oherwise he will not be kept with the same rank and will be demoted or treated accordingly.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

For improving the Roleplay level in the org. I would make sure that everyone is motivated and dedicated towards their work by giving them the rewards, ranks etc. that they deserve. Getting a better bonus system will also help to support this point. Everyone will get chance to keep their point about the improvement or the difficulties they are facing in the org in the regular meetings. I will heartly accept everyone's POV to make sure that the organization is running in a smooth way.

ii) As a leader I would prefer to keep working and researching on new ideas given by either by juniors or by sebiors it doesn't matters. I will respect their suggestions and would also implement if required which will lead to better Ropleplay in the org.

iii) I will make sure that the basic responsibilities by everyone are getting done like locking all doors every time, keeping a record of taken and used ammunitions from the armory, feeling of helping everyone, giving respect to each other, responding to situations fastest possible etc. This all will result in a great Roleplay in the organization.

iv) Being disciplined in the org. is most important thing for getting the things done like foolowing rules and resulations properly, being self contolled and working hard to achieve the goals. The employees which are well disciplined will be awarded with the gifts, bonuses etc. This will result to a perfect and required Roleplay level in the org.

v) My last advice about improving the Roleplay level in the organiztion would be to give everything to everyone which they deserve. Making sure that every officer has required knowledge in the org., getting the HR team team always ready to train the officers with new skills and keeping their minds fresh and concentrated. Everyone will be held with a chance to improve and succeed. Promotions and demotions will be done according to one's performance. If we have to improve something then we have to start working about it by ourselves not seeking for others. As a leader I will be always ready to resolve the conflicts, accept new ideas, motivating everyone to work better and live better which will lead to a clean and fresh environment in the organzation and also better Roleplay level.

Thanks so much for reading my application. It means a lot to me!

Best and warm regards,
Villain Pluxury

Professor Codex

Sep 28, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Sartaj
2. Your IRL age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord: Professor.daddy
6. Your Nickname: Professor Codex
7. Your ID: 166356
Additional information

1. Leader of...
Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. Implementation of the experience I got towards the other Organizations including my efforts from LSPD as well.
2. Plans for my leadership will implement a good impact for other Organization and helping citizens.
3. Efforts and acknowledgment of hard-working employees and most wanted crimes to make city safe for citizens.
4. Providing knowledge and my plans to my colleagues to help them and the organization to perform more.

5. My leadership may create a good experience for the citizens to have the city more safe and more secure faculty to provide them the perfect help related to the crimes and problem occurs in certain way and situation to handle.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. I would love to give everyone the chance to share their ideas and take the lead on events or storylines. It keeps things exciting and makes Roleplay feel more personal and fun for everyone involved.

2. Providing tasks to higherups on daily basis to maintain and proper activity within the organization.

3. Roleplay works best when we’re all on the same page. I’d focus on making communication simple and clear, whether it’s within the organization or when we’re working with other organizations, so everything runs smoothly.

4. It’s important to recognize those who put in extra effort. I’d set up a way to acknowledge great roleplay and teamwork, so everyone feels valued for what they bring to the Organization.

5. Meetings with NG/FIB/SAHP would conclude certain operations like spec ops and tactical trainings for units to improve understanding and skills towards the city.

6. I know I don’t have all the answers, so I’d make it a point to listen to everyone’s ideas and concerns. Together, we can keep improving and making the experience better for everyone.

7. Helping out lower commands with the work of organization with help of certain departments like HR/IA.

8. Including promotions to hardworking and deserving employees for organization and providing them well good bonuses for maintaining good work and hard-working atmosphere among the organization.

Chain of Commands

30 - Chief Of Police
29 - Deputy Chief Of Police
28- Assistant chief of police
27- Chief of staff
26- District Attorney
25-Chief of division
24-Deputy chief of Division
23-Supervisor of Division
22-Inspector of Division
I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I
21 -Senior Inspector
20 -Inspector
17-Human Resources
16-Internal Affairs
13-Master Sergeant
12-Senior Sergeant
10-Master Corporal
9-Senior Corporal
7-Master Patrol Officer
6-Senior Patrol Officer
5-Patrol Officer
2-Leave of Absence
1- Suspended

Department which I am planning to implement in my term are as following

Human Resources and Training : This department will focus on hiring and training purposes of the organization.

SWAT : This department will consist of specially trained police officer for the field work and will lead other members of the organization in any situation.

Detective Bureau : This department will have members having detective skills, who can work secretly to gather evidences of a criminal act without revealing their identity

Internal Affairs : This department will handle all the internal matters of the organization that includes all members license checkup, disciplinary actions, regular background checks, and members can also share if they are having any problem in the org with this department.

Traffic Enforcement Unit: This department focus will be to ensure the traffic safety of the citizens, they will issue fines incase of traffic rule breaks and toe the vehicles from illegal parking areas, this all can help the normal citizens to feel safe while driving and ensure no one can harm them due to reckless driving.

My Past Experiences:


3x SAHP Chief Commander (28)
2x FIB Chief of Staff (27)
2x NG Assistant General (28)
LSPD Assistant Chief of Police (28)
GOV USSS Operation Lead (20)


Ballas Deputy (15)
2x Families Under Deputy (14)
Bloods Under Deputy (14)
Vagos Under Deputy (14)

Currently - Marabunta Deputy (15)

Thank you For Reading My Application

Falcon Riza

Jan 3, 2025
1. Your name IRL: Sartaj
2. Your IRL age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord: Professor.daddy
6. Your Nickname: Professor Codex
7. Your ID: 166356
Additional information

1. Leader of...
Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. Implementation of the experience I got towards the other Organizations including my efforts from LSPD as well.
2. Plans for my leadership will implement a good impact for other Organization and helping citizens.
3. Efforts and acknowledgment of hard-working employees and most wanted crimes to make city safe for citizens.
4. Providing knowledge and my plans to my colleagues to help them and the organization to perform more.

5. My leadership may create a good experience for the citizens to have the city more safe and more secure faculty to provide them the perfect help related to the crimes and problem occurs in certain way and situation to handle.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. I would love to give everyone the chance to share their ideas and take the lead on events or storylines. It keeps things exciting and makes Roleplay feel more personal and fun for everyone involved.

2. Providing tasks to higherups on daily basis to maintain and proper activity within the organization.

3. Roleplay works best when we’re all on the same page. I’d focus on making communication simple and clear, whether it’s within the organization or when we’re working with other organizations, so everything runs smoothly.

4. It’s important to recognize those who put in extra effort. I’d set up a way to acknowledge great roleplay and teamwork, so everyone feels valued for what they bring to the Organization.

5. Meetings with NG/FIB/SAHP would conclude certain operations like spec ops and tactical trainings for units to improve understanding and skills towards the city.

6. I know I don’t have all the answers, so I’d make it a point to listen to everyone’s ideas and concerns. Together, we can keep improving and making the experience better for everyone.

7. Helping out lower commands with the work of organization with help of certain departments like HR/IA.

8. Including promotions to hardworking and deserving employees for organization and providing them well good bonuses for maintaining good work and hard-working atmosphere among the organization.

Chain of Commands

30 - Chief Of Police
29 - Deputy Chief Of Police
28- Assistant chief of police
27- Chief of staff
26- District Attorney
25-Chief of division
24-Deputy chief of Division
23-Supervisor of Division
22-Inspector of Division
I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I
21 -Senior Inspector
20 -Inspector
17-Human Resources
16-Internal Affairs
13-Master Sergeant
12-Senior Sergeant
10-Master Corporal
9-Senior Corporal
7-Master Patrol Officer
6-Senior Patrol Officer
5-Patrol Officer
2-Leave of Absence
1- Suspended

Department which I am planning to implement in my term are as following

Human Resources and Training : This department will focus on hiring and training purposes of the organization.

SWAT : This department will consist of specially trained police officer for the field work and will lead other members of the organization in any situation.

Detective Bureau : This department will have members having detective skills, who can work secretly to gather evidences of a criminal act without revealing their identity

Internal Affairs : This department will handle all the internal matters of the organization that includes all members license checkup, disciplinary actions, regular background checks, and members can also share if they are having any problem in the org with this department.

Traffic Enforcement Unit: This department focus will be to ensure the traffic safety of the citizens, they will issue fines incase of traffic rule breaks and toe the vehicles from illegal parking areas, this all can help the normal citizens to feel safe while driving and ensure no one can harm them due to reckless driving.

My Past Experiences:


3x SAHP Chief Commander (28)
2x FIB Chief of Staff (27)
2x NG Assistant General (28)
LSPD Assistant Chief of Police (28)
GOV USSS Operation Lead (20)


Ballas Deputy (15)
2x Families Under Deputy (14)
Bloods Under Deputy (14)
Vagos Under Deputy (14)

Currently - Marabunta Deputy (15)

Thank you For Reading My Applicat

1. Your name IRL: Sartaj
2. Your IRL age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord: Professor.daddy
6. Your Nickname: Professor Codex
7. Your ID: 166356
Additional information

1. Leader of...
Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. Implementation of the experience I got towards the other Organizations including my efforts from LSPD as well.
2. Plans for my leadership will implement a good impact for other Organization and helping citizens.
3. Efforts and acknowledgment of hard-working employees and most wanted crimes to make city safe for citizens.
4. Providing knowledge and my plans to my colleagues to help them and the organization to perform more.

5. My leadership may create a good experience for the citizens to have the city more safe and more secure faculty to provide them the perfect help related to the crimes and problem occurs in certain way and situation to handle.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. I would love to give everyone the chance to share their ideas and take the lead on events or storylines. It keeps things exciting and makes Roleplay feel more personal and fun for everyone involved.

2. Providing tasks to higherups on daily basis to maintain and proper activity within the organization.

3. Roleplay works best when we’re all on the same page. I’d focus on making communication simple and clear, whether it’s within the organization or when we’re working with other organizations, so everything runs smoothly.

4. It’s important to recognize those who put in extra effort. I’d set up a way to acknowledge great roleplay and teamwork, so everyone feels valued for what they bring to the Organization.

5. Meetings with NG/FIB/SAHP would conclude certain operations like spec ops and tactical trainings for units to improve understanding and skills towards the city.

6. I know I don’t have all the answers, so I’d make it a point to listen to everyone’s ideas and concerns. Together, we can keep improving and making the experience better for everyone.

7. Helping out lower commands with the work of organization with help of certain departments like HR/IA.

8. Including promotions to hardworking and deserving employees for organization and providing them well good bonuses for maintaining good work and hard-working atmosphere among the organization.

Chain of Commands

30 - Chief Of Police
29 - Deputy Chief Of Police
28- Assistant chief of police
27- Chief of staff
26- District Attorney
25-Chief of division
24-Deputy chief of Division
23-Supervisor of Division
22-Inspector of Division
I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I
21 -Senior Inspector
20 -Inspector
17-Human Resources
16-Internal Affairs
13-Master Sergeant
12-Senior Sergeant
10-Master Corporal
9-Senior Corporal
7-Master Patrol Officer
6-Senior Patrol Officer
5-Patrol Officer
2-Leave of Absence
1- Suspended

Department which I am planning to implement in my term are as following

Human Resources and Training : This department will focus on hiring and training purposes of the organization.

SWAT : This department will consist of specially trained police officer for the field work and will lead other members of the organization in any situation.

Detective Bureau : This department will have members having detective skills, who can work secretly to gather evidences of a criminal act without revealing their identity

Internal Affairs : This department will handle all the internal matters of the organization that includes all members license checkup, disciplinary actions, regular background checks, and members can also share if they are having any problem in the org with this department.

Traffic Enforcement Unit: This department focus will be to ensure the traffic safety of the citizens, they will issue fines incase of traffic rule breaks and toe the vehicles from illegal parking areas, this all can help the normal citizens to feel safe while driving and ensure no one can harm them due to reckless driving.

My Past Experiences:


3x SAHP Chief Commander (28)
2x FIB Chief of Staff (27)
2x NG Assistant General (28)
LSPD Assistant Chief of Police (28)
GOV USSS Operation Lead (20)


Ballas Deputy (15)
2x Families Under Deputy (14)
Bloods Under Deputy (14)
Vagos Under Deputy (14)

Currently - Marabunta Deputy (15)

Thank you For Reading My Application
Yes he
1. Your name IRL: Sartaj
2. Your IRL age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord: Professor.daddy
6. Your Nickname: Professor Codex
7. Your ID: 166356
Additional information

1. Leader of...
Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. Implementation of the experience I got towards the other Organizations including my efforts from LSPD as well.
2. Plans for my leadership will implement a good impact for other Organization and helping citizens.
3. Efforts and acknowledgment of hard-working employees and most wanted crimes to make city safe for citizens.
4. Providing knowledge and my plans to my colleagues to help them and the organization to perform more.

5. My leadership may create a good experience for the citizens to have the city more safe and more secure faculty to provide them the perfect help related to the crimes and problem occurs in certain way and situation to handle.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. I would love to give everyone the chance to share their ideas and take the lead on events or storylines. It keeps things exciting and makes Roleplay feel more personal and fun for everyone involved.

2. Providing tasks to higherups on daily basis to maintain and proper activity within the organization.

3. Roleplay works best when we’re all on the same page. I’d focus on making communication simple and clear, whether it’s within the organization or when we’re working with other organizations, so everything runs smoothly.

4. It’s important to recognize those who put in extra effort. I’d set up a way to acknowledge great roleplay and teamwork, so everyone feels valued for what they bring to the Organization.

5. Meetings with NG/FIB/SAHP would conclude certain operations like spec ops and tactical trainings for units to improve understanding and skills towards the city.

6. I know I don’t have all the answers, so I’d make it a point to listen to everyone’s ideas and concerns. Together, we can keep improving and making the experience better for everyone.

7. Helping out lower commands with the work of organization with help of certain departments like HR/IA.

8. Including promotions to hardworking and deserving employees for organization and providing them well good bonuses for maintaining good work and hard-working atmosphere among the organization.

Chain of Commands

30 - Chief Of Police
29 - Deputy Chief Of Police
28- Assistant chief of police
27- Chief of staff
26- District Attorney
25-Chief of division
24-Deputy chief of Division
23-Supervisor of Division
22-Inspector of Division
I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I
21 -Senior Inspector
20 -Inspector
17-Human Resources
16-Internal Affairs
13-Master Sergeant
12-Senior Sergeant
10-Master Corporal
9-Senior Corporal
7-Master Patrol Officer
6-Senior Patrol Officer
5-Patrol Officer
2-Leave of Absence
1- Suspended

Department which I am planning to implement in my term are as following

Human Resources and Training : This department will focus on hiring and training purposes of the organization.

SWAT : This department will consist of specially trained police officer for the field work and will lead other members of the organization in any situation.

Detective Bureau : This department will have members having detective skills, who can work secretly to gather evidences of a criminal act without revealing their identity

Internal Affairs : This department will handle all the internal matters of the organization that includes all members license checkup, disciplinary actions, regular background checks, and members can also share if they are having any problem in the org with this department.

Traffic Enforcement Unit: This department focus will be to ensure the traffic safety of the citizens, they will issue fines incase of traffic rule breaks and toe the vehicles from illegal parking areas, this all can help the normal citizens to feel safe while driving and ensure no one can harm them due to reckless driving.

My Past Experiences:


3x SAHP Chief Commander (28)
2x FIB Chief of Staff (27)
2x NG Assistant General (28)
LSPD Assistant Chief of Police (28)
GOV USSS Operation Lead (20)


Ballas Deputy (15)
2x Families Under Deputy (14)
Bloods Under Deputy (14)
Vagos Under Deputy (14)

Currently - Marabunta Deputy (15)

Thank you For Reading My Application
Best of luck 😌😌

Falcon Riza

Jan 3, 2025
He is suitable for this 😌
1. Your name IRL: Sartaj
2. Your IRL age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord: Professor.daddy
6. Your Nickname: Professor Codex
7. Your ID: 166356
Additional information

1. Leader of...
Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. Implementation of the experience I got towards the other Organizations including my efforts from LSPD as well.
2. Plans for my leadership will implement a good impact for other Organization and helping citizens.
3. Efforts and acknowledgment of hard-working employees and most wanted crimes to make city safe for citizens.
4. Providing knowledge and my plans to my colleagues to help them and the organization to perform more.

5. My leadership may create a good experience for the citizens to have the city more safe and more secure faculty to provide them the perfect help related to the crimes and problem occurs in certain way and situation to handle.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. I would love to give everyone the chance to share their ideas and take the lead on events or storylines. It keeps things exciting and makes Roleplay feel more personal and fun for everyone involved.

2. Providing tasks to higherups on daily basis to maintain and proper activity within the organization.

3. Roleplay works best when we’re all on the same page. I’d focus on making communication simple and clear, whether it’s within the organization or when we’re working with other organizations, so everything runs smoothly.

4. It’s important to recognize those who put in extra effort. I’d set up a way to acknowledge great roleplay and teamwork, so everyone feels valued for what they bring to the Organization.

5. Meetings with NG/FIB/SAHP would conclude certain operations like spec ops and tactical trainings for units to improve understanding and skills towards the city.

6. I know I don’t have all the answers, so I’d make it a point to listen to everyone’s ideas and concerns. Together, we can keep improving and making the experience better for everyone.

7. Helping out lower commands with the work of organization with help of certain departments like HR/IA.

8. Including promotions to hardworking and deserving employees for organization and providing them well good bonuses for maintaining good work and hard-working atmosphere among the organization.

Chain of Commands

30 - Chief Of Police
29 - Deputy Chief Of Police
28- Assistant chief of police
27- Chief of staff
26- District Attorney
25-Chief of division
24-Deputy chief of Division
23-Supervisor of Division
22-Inspector of Division
I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I
21 -Senior Inspector
20 -Inspector
17-Human Resources
16-Internal Affairs
13-Master Sergeant
12-Senior Sergeant
10-Master Corporal
9-Senior Corporal
7-Master Patrol Officer
6-Senior Patrol Officer
5-Patrol Officer
2-Leave of Absence
1- Suspended

Department which I am planning to implement in my term are as following

Human Resources and Training : This department will focus on hiring and training purposes of the organization.

SWAT : This department will consist of specially trained police officer for the field work and will lead other members of the organization in any situation.

Detective Bureau : This department will have members having detective skills, who can work secretly to gather evidences of a criminal act without revealing their identity

Internal Affairs : This department will handle all the internal matters of the organization that includes all members license checkup, disciplinary actions, regular background checks, and members can also share if they are having any problem in the org with this department.

Traffic Enforcement Unit: This department focus will be to ensure the traffic safety of the citizens, they will issue fines incase of traffic rule breaks and toe the vehicles from illegal parking areas, this all can help the normal citizens to feel safe while driving and ensure no one can harm them due to reckless driving.

My Past Experiences:


3x SAHP Chief Commander (28)
2x FIB Chief of Staff (27)
2x NG Assistant General (28)
LSPD Assistant Chief of Police (28)
GOV USSS Operation Lead (20)


Ballas Deputy (15)
2x Families Under Deputy (14)
Bloods Under Deputy (14)
Vagos Under Deputy (14)

Currently - Marabunta Deputy (15)

Thank you For Reading My Application
He is suitable for this 😌


Oct 24, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Sartaj
2. Your IRL age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord: Professor.daddy
6. Your Nickname: Professor Codex
7. Your ID: 166356
Additional information

1. Leader of...
Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. Implementation of the experience I got towards the other Organizations including my efforts from LSPD as well.
2. Plans for my leadership will implement a good impact for other Organization and helping citizens.
3. Efforts and acknowledgment of hard-working employees and most wanted crimes to make city safe for citizens.
4. Providing knowledge and my plans to my colleagues to help them and the organization to perform more.

5. My leadership may create a good experience for the citizens to have the city more safe and more secure faculty to provide them the perfect help related to the crimes and problem occurs in certain way and situation to handle.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. I would love to give everyone the chance to share their ideas and take the lead on events or storylines. It keeps things exciting and makes Roleplay feel more personal and fun for everyone involved.

2. Providing tasks to higherups on daily basis to maintain and proper activity within the organization.

3. Roleplay works best when we’re all on the same page. I’d focus on making communication simple and clear, whether it’s within the organization or when we’re working with other organizations, so everything runs smoothly.

4. It’s important to recognize those who put in extra effort. I’d set up a way to acknowledge great roleplay and teamwork, so everyone feels valued for what they bring to the Organization.

5. Meetings with NG/FIB/SAHP would conclude certain operations like spec ops and tactical trainings for units to improve understanding and skills towards the city.

6. I know I don’t have all the answers, so I’d make it a point to listen to everyone’s ideas and concerns. Together, we can keep improving and making the experience better for everyone.

7. Helping out lower commands with the work of organization with help of certain departments like HR/IA.

8. Including promotions to hardworking and deserving employees for organization and providing them well good bonuses for maintaining good work and hard-working atmosphere among the organization.

Chain of Commands

30 - Chief Of Police
29 - Deputy Chief Of Police
28- Assistant chief of police
27- Chief of staff
26- District Attorney
25-Chief of division
24-Deputy chief of Division
23-Supervisor of Division
22-Inspector of Division
I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I
21 -Senior Inspector
20 -Inspector
17-Human Resources
16-Internal Affairs
13-Master Sergeant
12-Senior Sergeant
10-Master Corporal
9-Senior Corporal
7-Master Patrol Officer
6-Senior Patrol Officer
5-Patrol Officer
2-Leave of Absence
1- Suspended

Department which I am planning to implement in my term are as following

Human Resources and Training : This department will focus on hiring and training purposes of the organization.

SWAT : This department will consist of specially trained police officer for the field work and will lead other members of the organization in any situation.

Detective Bureau : This department will have members having detective skills, who can work secretly to gather evidences of a criminal act without revealing their identity

Internal Affairs : This department will handle all the internal matters of the organization that includes all members license checkup, disciplinary actions, regular background checks, and members can also share if they are having any problem in the org with this department.

Traffic Enforcement Unit: This department focus will be to ensure the traffic safety of the citizens, they will issue fines incase of traffic rule breaks and toe the vehicles from illegal parking areas, this all can help the normal citizens to feel safe while driving and ensure no one can harm them due to reckless driving.

My Past Experiences:


3x SAHP Chief Commander (28)
2x FIB Chief of Staff (27)
2x NG Assistant General (28)
LSPD Assistant Chief of Police (28)
GOV USSS Operation Lead (20)


Ballas Deputy (15)
2x Families Under Deputy (14)
Bloods Under Deputy (14)
Vagos Under Deputy (14)

Currently - Marabunta Deputy (15)

Thank you For Reading My Application
He is suitable


Oct 24, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Sartaj
2. Your IRL age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord: Professor.daddy
6. Your Nickname: Professor Codex
7. Your ID: 166356
Additional information

1. Leader of...
Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. Implementation of the experience I got towards the other Organizations including my efforts from LSPD as well.
2. Plans for my leadership will implement a good impact for other Organization and helping citizens.
3. Efforts and acknowledgment of hard-working employees and most wanted crimes to make city safe for citizens.
4. Providing knowledge and my plans to my colleagues to help them and the organization to perform more.

5. My leadership may create a good experience for the citizens to have the city more safe and more secure faculty to provide them the perfect help related to the crimes and problem occurs in certain way and situation to handle.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. I would love to give everyone the chance to share their ideas and take the lead on events or storylines. It keeps things exciting and makes Roleplay feel more personal and fun for everyone involved.

2. Providing tasks to higherups on daily basis to maintain and proper activity within the organization.

3. Roleplay works best when we’re all on the same page. I’d focus on making communication simple and clear, whether it’s within the organization or when we’re working with other organizations, so everything runs smoothly.

4. It’s important to recognize those who put in extra effort. I’d set up a way to acknowledge great roleplay and teamwork, so everyone feels valued for what they bring to the Organization.

5. Meetings with NG/FIB/SAHP would conclude certain operations like spec ops and tactical trainings for units to improve understanding and skills towards the city.

6. I know I don’t have all the answers, so I’d make it a point to listen to everyone’s ideas and concerns. Together, we can keep improving and making the experience better for everyone.

7. Helping out lower commands with the work of organization with help of certain departments like HR/IA.

8. Including promotions to hardworking and deserving employees for organization and providing them well good bonuses for maintaining good work and hard-working atmosphere among the organization.

Chain of Commands

30 - Chief Of Police
29 - Deputy Chief Of Police
28- Assistant chief of police
27- Chief of staff
26- District Attorney
25-Chief of division
24-Deputy chief of Division
23-Supervisor of Division
22-Inspector of Division
I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I
21 -Senior Inspector
20 -Inspector
17-Human Resources
16-Internal Affairs
13-Master Sergeant
12-Senior Sergeant
10-Master Corporal
9-Senior Corporal
7-Master Patrol Officer
6-Senior Patrol Officer
5-Patrol Officer
2-Leave of Absence
1- Suspended

Department which I am planning to implement in my term are as following

Human Resources and Training : This department will focus on hiring and training purposes of the organization.

SWAT : This department will consist of specially trained police officer for the field work and will lead other members of the organization in any situation.

Detective Bureau : This department will have members having detective skills, who can work secretly to gather evidences of a criminal act without revealing their identity

Internal Affairs : This department will handle all the internal matters of the organization that includes all members license checkup, disciplinary actions, regular background checks, and members can also share if they are having any problem in the org with this department.

Traffic Enforcement Unit: This department focus will be to ensure the traffic safety of the citizens, they will issue fines incase of traffic rule breaks and toe the vehicles from illegal parking areas, this all can help the normal citizens to feel safe while driving and ensure no one can harm them due to reckless driving.

My Past Experiences:


3x SAHP Chief Commander (28)
2x FIB Chief of Staff (27)
2x NG Assistant General (28)
LSPD Assistant Chief of Police (28)
GOV USSS Operation Lead (20)


Ballas Deputy (15)
2x Families Under Deputy (14)
Bloods Under Deputy (14)
Vagos Under Deputy (14)

Currently - Marabunta Deputy (15)

Thank you For Reading My Application
He is capable

Pikka Pluxurry

Pikka On Top
Aug 19, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Sartaj
2. Your IRL age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord: Professor.daddy
6. Your Nickname: Professor Codex
7. Your ID: 166356
Additional information

1. Leader of...
Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. Implementation of the experience I got towards the other Organizations including my efforts from LSPD as well.
2. Plans for my leadership will implement a good impact for other Organization and helping citizens.
3. Efforts and acknowledgment of hard-working employees and most wanted crimes to make city safe for citizens.
4. Providing knowledge and my plans to my colleagues to help them and the organization to perform more.

5. My leadership may create a good experience for the citizens to have the city more safe and more secure faculty to provide them the perfect help related to the crimes and problem occurs in certain way and situation to handle.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. I would love to give everyone the chance to share their ideas and take the lead on events or storylines. It keeps things exciting and makes Roleplay feel more personal and fun for everyone involved.

2. Providing tasks to higherups on daily basis to maintain and proper activity within the organization.

3. Roleplay works best when we’re all on the same page. I’d focus on making communication simple and clear, whether it’s within the organization or when we’re working with other organizations, so everything runs smoothly.

4. It’s important to recognize those who put in extra effort. I’d set up a way to acknowledge great roleplay and teamwork, so everyone feels valued for what they bring to the Organization.

5. Meetings with NG/FIB/SAHP would conclude certain operations like spec ops and tactical trainings for units to improve understanding and skills towards the city.

6. I know I don’t have all the answers, so I’d make it a point to listen to everyone’s ideas and concerns. Together, we can keep improving and making the experience better for everyone.

7. Helping out lower commands with the work of organization with help of certain departments like HR/IA.

8. Including promotions to hardworking and deserving employees for organization and providing them well good bonuses for maintaining good work and hard-working atmosphere among the organization.

Chain of Commands

30 - Chief Of Police
29 - Deputy Chief Of Police
28- Assistant chief of police
27- Chief of staff
26- District Attorney
25-Chief of division
24-Deputy chief of Division
23-Supervisor of Division
22-Inspector of Division
I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I
21 -Senior Inspector
20 -Inspector
17-Human Resources
16-Internal Affairs
13-Master Sergeant
12-Senior Sergeant
10-Master Corporal
9-Senior Corporal
7-Master Patrol Officer
6-Senior Patrol Officer
5-Patrol Officer
2-Leave of Absence
1- Suspended

Department which I am planning to implement in my term are as following

Human Resources and Training : This department will focus on hiring and training purposes of the organization.

SWAT : This department will consist of specially trained police officer for the field work and will lead other members of the organization in any situation.

Detective Bureau : This department will have members having detective skills, who can work secretly to gather evidences of a criminal act without revealing their identity

Internal Affairs : This department will handle all the internal matters of the organization that includes all members license checkup, disciplinary actions, regular background checks, and members can also share if they are having any problem in the org with this department.

Traffic Enforcement Unit: This department focus will be to ensure the traffic safety of the citizens, they will issue fines incase of traffic rule breaks and toe the vehicles from illegal parking areas, this all can help the normal citizens to feel safe while driving and ensure no one can harm them due to reckless driving.

My Past Experiences:


3x SAHP Chief Commander (28)
2x FIB Chief of Staff (27)
2x NG Assistant General (28)
LSPD Assistant Chief of Police (28)
GOV USSS Operation Lead (20)


Ballas Deputy (15)
2x Families Under Deputy (14)
Bloods Under Deputy (14)
Vagos Under Deputy (14)

Currently - Marabunta Deputy (15)

Thank you For Reading My Application
Best Chief Commander. ☺


Oct 24, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Sartaj
2. Your IRL age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord: Professor.daddy
6. Your Nickname: Professor Codex
7. Your ID: 166356
Additional information

1. Leader of...
Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. Implementation of the experience I got towards the other Organizations including my efforts from LSPD as well.
2. Plans for my leadership will implement a good impact for other Organization and helping citizens.
3. Efforts and acknowledgment of hard-working employees and most wanted crimes to make city safe for citizens.
4. Providing knowledge and my plans to my colleagues to help them and the organization to perform more.

5. My leadership may create a good experience for the citizens to have the city more safe and more secure faculty to provide them the perfect help related to the crimes and problem occurs in certain way and situation to handle.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. I would love to give everyone the chance to share their ideas and take the lead on events or storylines. It keeps things exciting and makes Roleplay feel more personal and fun for everyone involved.

2. Providing tasks to higherups on daily basis to maintain and proper activity within the organization.

3. Roleplay works best when we’re all on the same page. I’d focus on making communication simple and clear, whether it’s within the organization or when we’re working with other organizations, so everything runs smoothly.

4. It’s important to recognize those who put in extra effort. I’d set up a way to acknowledge great roleplay and teamwork, so everyone feels valued for what they bring to the Organization.

5. Meetings with NG/FIB/SAHP would conclude certain operations like spec ops and tactical trainings for units to improve understanding and skills towards the city.

6. I know I don’t have all the answers, so I’d make it a point to listen to everyone’s ideas and concerns. Together, we can keep improving and making the experience better for everyone.

7. Helping out lower commands with the work of organization with help of certain departments like HR/IA.

8. Including promotions to hardworking and deserving employees for organization and providing them well good bonuses for maintaining good work and hard-working atmosphere among the organization.

Chain of Commands

30 - Chief Of Police
29 - Deputy Chief Of Police
28- Assistant chief of police
27- Chief of staff
26- District Attorney
25-Chief of division
24-Deputy chief of Division
23-Supervisor of Division
22-Inspector of Division
I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I
21 -Senior Inspector
20 -Inspector
17-Human Resources
16-Internal Affairs
13-Master Sergeant
12-Senior Sergeant
10-Master Corporal
9-Senior Corporal
7-Master Patrol Officer
6-Senior Patrol Officer
5-Patrol Officer
2-Leave of Absence
1- Suspended

Department which I am planning to implement in my term are as following

Human Resources and Training : This department will focus on hiring and training purposes of the organization.

SWAT : This department will consist of specially trained police officer for the field work and will lead other members of the organization in any situation.

Detective Bureau : This department will have members having detective skills, who can work secretly to gather evidences of a criminal act without revealing their identity

Internal Affairs : This department will handle all the internal matters of the organization that includes all members license checkup, disciplinary actions, regular background checks, and members can also share if they are having any problem in the org with this department.

Traffic Enforcement Unit: This department focus will be to ensure the traffic safety of the citizens, they will issue fines incase of traffic rule breaks and toe the vehicles from illegal parking areas, this all can help the normal citizens to feel safe while driving and ensure no one can harm them due to reckless driving.

My Past Experiences:


3x SAHP Chief Commander (28)
2x FIB Chief of Staff (27)
2x NG Assistant General (28)
LSPD Assistant Chief of Police (28)
GOV USSS Operation Lead (20)


Ballas Deputy (15)
2x Families Under Deputy (14)
Bloods Under Deputy (14)
Vagos Under Deputy (14)

Currently - Marabunta Deputy (15)

Thank you For Reading My Application
We want him request to admins please gave him a chance

Gourab Biswas

Jun 20, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Sartaj
2. Your IRL age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord: Professor.daddy
6. Your Nickname: Professor Codex
7. Your ID: 166356
Additional information

1. Leader of...
Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. Implementation of the experience I got towards the other Organizations including my efforts from LSPD as well.
2. Plans for my leadership will implement a good impact for other Organization and helping citizens.
3. Efforts and acknowledgment of hard-working employees and most wanted crimes to make city safe for citizens.
4. Providing knowledge and my plans to my colleagues to help them and the organization to perform more.

5. My leadership may create a good experience for the citizens to have the city more safe and more secure faculty to provide them the perfect help related to the crimes and problem occurs in certain way and situation to handle.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. I would love to give everyone the chance to share their ideas and take the lead on events or storylines. It keeps things exciting and makes Roleplay feel more personal and fun for everyone involved.

2. Providing tasks to higherups on daily basis to maintain and proper activity within the organization.

3. Roleplay works best when we’re all on the same page. I’d focus on making communication simple and clear, whether it’s within the organization or when we’re working with other organizations, so everything runs smoothly.

4. It’s important to recognize those who put in extra effort. I’d set up a way to acknowledge great roleplay and teamwork, so everyone feels valued for what they bring to the Organization.

5. Meetings with NG/FIB/SAHP would conclude certain operations like spec ops and tactical trainings for units to improve understanding and skills towards the city.

6. I know I don’t have all the answers, so I’d make it a point to listen to everyone’s ideas and concerns. Together, we can keep improving and making the experience better for everyone.

7. Helping out lower commands with the work of organization with help of certain departments like HR/IA.

8. Including promotions to hardworking and deserving employees for organization and providing them well good bonuses for maintaining good work and hard-working atmosphere among the organization.

Chain of Commands

30 - Chief Of Police
29 - Deputy Chief Of Police
28- Assistant chief of police
27- Chief of staff
26- District Attorney
25-Chief of division
24-Deputy chief of Division
23-Supervisor of Division
22-Inspector of Division
I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I
21 -Senior Inspector
20 -Inspector
17-Human Resources
16-Internal Affairs
13-Master Sergeant
12-Senior Sergeant
10-Master Corporal
9-Senior Corporal
7-Master Patrol Officer
6-Senior Patrol Officer
5-Patrol Officer
2-Leave of Absence
1- Suspended

Department which I am planning to implement in my term are as following

Human Resources and Training : This department will focus on hiring and training purposes of the organization.

SWAT : This department will consist of specially trained police officer for the field work and will lead other members of the organization in any situation.

Detective Bureau : This department will have members having detective skills, who can work secretly to gather evidences of a criminal act without revealing their identity

Internal Affairs : This department will handle all the internal matters of the organization that includes all members license checkup, disciplinary actions, regular background checks, and members can also share if they are having any problem in the org with this department.

Traffic Enforcement Unit: This department focus will be to ensure the traffic safety of the citizens, they will issue fines incase of traffic rule breaks and toe the vehicles from illegal parking areas, this all can help the normal citizens to feel safe while driving and ensure no one can harm them due to reckless driving.

My Past Experiences:


3x SAHP Chief Commander (28)
2x FIB Chief of Staff (27)
2x NG Assistant General (28)
LSPD Assistant Chief of Police (28)
GOV USSS Operation Lead (20)


Ballas Deputy (15)
2x Families Under Deputy (14)
Bloods Under Deputy (14)
Vagos Under Deputy (14)

Currently - Marabunta Deputy (15)

Thank you For Reading My Application

Very deserving person. 🥰

kingz ankush

Sep 9, 2024
1. Your name IRL : ankush
2. Your IRL age : 27
3. Time zone : GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day : 8 to 12 hours
5. Your Discord : ankush2338
6. Your Nickname : kingz ankush
7. Your ID : 171064
Additional information
1. Leader of...
-Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

-The reason i want to be a leader is i have a good experience in legal orgs. As i worked in many legal orgs as SAHP FIB LSPD and NG so i want to make city the city safest and feel free to enjoy thier life.

-Another reason to be a leader is of this org is that i feel i have a good leadership skills because i have spent my good time in legal or as a high command . I also love to work as leader of LSPD i have made so many plans to how can me and my team will give protection to the city.

-The last reason i would tell that i am available 8 to 12 hours in city so i would be able to know the problems of citizen so i can help them and i will try my best to make our city clean and safe from criminals I want to teach officers of the org to be respectful, helpful, and to be a hardworker to do their job, which is to protect citizens. I want the citizens of Los Santos to feel secure in their surroundings.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- First thing i will do is to make sure the officers who are working with me has a knowledge of Role PLay so the dont break the Role Play.

- Providing tasks to higherups on daily basis to maintain and proper activity within the organization.

- I will try to make a good relationship with all the legal orgs so we can help each other.

- Including promotions to hardworking and deserving employees for organization and providing them well good bonuses for maintaining good work and hard-working atmosphere among the organization.

- i will talk personally with my org members for thier ideas to make org more better.
Chain of Commands

30 - Chief Of Police
29 - Deputy Chief Of Police
28- Assistant chief of police
27- Chief of staff
26- District Attorney
25-Chief of division
24-Deputy chief of Division
23-Supervisor of Division
22-Inspector of Division
I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I
21 -Senior Inspector
20 -Inspector
17-Human Resources
16-Internal Affairs
13-Master Sergeant
12-Senior Sergeant
10-Master Corporal
9-Senior Corporal
7-Master Patrol Officer
6-Senior Patrol Officer
5-Patrol Officer
2-Leave of Absence
1- Suspended

unik sanju

Nov 8, 2024
1. Your name IRL : ankush
2. Your IRL age : 27
3. Time zone : GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day : 8 to 12 hours
5. Your Discord : ankush2338
6. Your Nickname : kingz ankush
7. Your ID : 171064
Additional information
1. Leader of...
-Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

-The reason i want to be a leader is i have a good experience in legal orgs. As i worked in many legal orgs as SAHP FIB LSPD and NG so i want to make city the city safest and feel free to enjoy thier life.

-Another reason to be a leader is of this org is that i feel i have a good leadership skills because i have spent my good time in legal or as a high command . I also love to work as leader of LSPD i have made so many plans to how can me and my team will give protection to the city.

-The last reason i would tell that i am available 8 to 12 hours in city so i would be able to know the problems of citizen so i can help them and i will try my best to make our city clean and safe from criminals I want to teach officers of the org to be respectful, helpful, and to be a hardworker to do their job, which is to protect citizens. I want the citizens of Los Santos to feel secure in their surroundings.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- First thing i will do is to make sure the officers who are working with me has a knowledge of Role PLay so the dont break the Role Play.

- Providing tasks to higherups on daily basis to maintain and proper activity within the organization.

- I will try to make a good relationship with all the legal orgs so we can help each other.

- Including promotions to hardworking and deserving employees for organization and providing them well good bonuses for maintaining good work and hard-working atmosphere among the organization.

- i will talk personally with my org members for thier ideas to make org more better.
Chain of Commands

30 - Chief Of Police
29 - Deputy Chief Of Police
28- Assistant chief of police
27- Chief of staff
26- District Attorney
25-Chief of division
24-Deputy chief of Division
23-Supervisor of Division
22-Inspector of Division
I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I
21 -Senior Inspector
20 -Inspector
17-Human Resources
16-Internal Affairs
13-Master Sergeant
12-Senior Sergeant
10-Master Corporal
9-Senior Corporal
7-Master Patrol Officer
6-Senior Patrol Officer
5-Patrol Officer
2-Leave of Absence
1- Suspended
You Deserve it my Brother U have great Leadership skills All the Very Best

Nani badmash

Apr 4, 2024
1. Your name IRL : ankush
2. Your IRL age : 27
3. Time zone : GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day : 8 to 12 hours
5. Your Discord : ankush2338
6. Your Nickname : kingz ankush
7. Your ID : 171064
Additional information
1. Leader of...
-Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

-The reason i want to be a leader is i have a good experience in legal orgs. As i worked in many legal orgs as SAHP FIB LSPD and NG so i want to make city the city safest and feel free to enjoy thier life.

-Another reason to be a leader is of this org is that i feel i have a good leadership skills because i have spent my good time in legal or as a high command . I also love to work as leader of LSPD i have made so many plans to how can me and my team will give protection to the city.

-The last reason i would tell that i am available 8 to 12 hours in city so i would be able to know the problems of citizen so i can help them and i will try my best to make our city clean and safe from criminals I want to teach officers of the org to be respectful, helpful, and to be a hardworker to do their job, which is to protect citizens. I want the citizens of Los Santos to feel secure in their surroundings.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- First thing i will do is to make sure the officers who are working with me has a knowledge of Role PLay so the dont break the Role Play.

- Providing tasks to higherups on daily basis to maintain and proper activity within the organization.

- I will try to make a good relationship with all the legal orgs so we can help each other.

- Including promotions to hardworking and deserving employees for organization and providing them well good bonuses for maintaining good work and hard-working atmosphere among the organization.

- i will talk personally with my org members for thier ideas to make org more better.
Chain of Commands

30 - Chief Of Police
29 - Deputy Chief Of Police
28- Assistant chief of police
27- Chief of staff
26- District Attorney
25-Chief of division
24-Deputy chief of Division
23-Supervisor of Division
22-Inspector of Division
I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I
21 -Senior Inspector
20 -Inspector
17-Human Resources
16-Internal Affairs
13-Master Sergeant
12-Senior Sergeant
10-Master Corporal
9-Senior Corporal
7-Master Patrol Officer
6-Senior Patrol Officer
5-Patrol Officer
2-Leave of Absence
1- Suspended
all the best

Rex Sea

Dec 28, 2024
1. Your name IRL : ankush
2. Your IRL age : 27
3. Time zone : GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day : 8 to 12 hours
5. Your Discord : ankush2338
6. Your Nickname : kingz ankush
7. Your ID : 171064
Additional information
1. Leader of...
-Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

-The reason i want to be a leader is i have a good experience in legal orgs. As i worked in many legal orgs as SAHP FIB LSPD and NG so i want to make city the city safest and feel free to enjoy thier life.

-Another reason to be a leader is of this org is that i feel i have a good leadership skills because i have spent my good time in legal or as a high command . I also love to work as leader of LSPD i have made so many plans to how can me and my team will give protection to the city.

-The last reason i would tell that i am available 8 to 12 hours in city so i would be able to know the problems of citizen so i can help them and i will try my best to make our city clean and safe from criminals I want to teach officers of the org to be respectful, helpful, and to be a hardworker to do their job, which is to protect citizens. I want the citizens of Los Santos to feel secure in their surroundings.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- First thing i will do is to make sure the officers who are working with me has a knowledge of Role PLay so the dont break the Role Play.

- Providing tasks to higherups on daily basis to maintain and proper activity within the organization.

- I will try to make a good relationship with all the legal orgs so we can help each other.

- Including promotions to hardworking and deserving employees for organization and providing them well good bonuses for maintaining good work and hard-working atmosphere among the organization.

- i will talk personally with my org members for thier ideas to make org more better.
Chain of Commands

30 - Chief Of Police
29 - Deputy Chief Of Police
28- Assistant chief of police
27- Chief of staff
26- District Attorney
25-Chief of division
24-Deputy chief of Division
23-Supervisor of Division
22-Inspector of Division
I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I
21 -Senior Inspector
20 -Inspector
17-Human Resources
16-Internal Affairs
13-Master Sergeant
12-Senior Sergeant
10-Master Corporal
9-Senior Corporal
7-Master Patrol Officer
6-Senior Patrol Officer
5-Patrol Officer
2-Leave of Absence
1- Suspended
Ankush bro you have a superb leadership skills and Everyone wants to do duty under your leadership.😎🤘🏻

Shadman Israf

Jul 16, 2024

1. Your name IRL : Shadman Israf

2. Your IRL age : 16
3. Time zone : GMT+6
4. Average online per day : 4 to 7 hours
5. Your Discord : shadmanisraf
6. Your Nickname : Shadman Pluxury

7. Your ID : 149805

Additional information

1. Leader of... Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

My first legal organization experience started from LSPD then moving to other organizations like FIB,SAHP,NG, and serving as a high command in many organizations and also serving as a Assistant Chief of police gives me a great and strong knowledge how to lead an legal organization like LSPD.

ii) I will be focused on equality, in my term every one will be treated equally there should be no word "unfair" not at all. I will be also engage in all events and situations to see the performance of my organization. As an leader I will be close with all my employees so no one will feel uncomfortable to be a part of LSPD, we all will stay like a family and work like a great team.

iii) I will make sure that under my term LSPD will be the most active org in the city and I will do whatever it takes me to do for making my org the most active. I will make sure that LSPD will be regularly showing activity in all the events and situations. I will also make sure that in night time LSPD's activity will be top notch there should be no chance that people's calling LSPD inactive "No chance at all". As an leader I will give my best.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I will make sure that every employees gets a proper training and well known about the rules and regulations so there won't be any rules break from LSPD.

ii) I will make sure that everyone will go through a proper interview process and get their rank accordingly. (No favoritism)

iii) I will make sure that my HR and IA team will be most active in their works so their won't be any misconduct going internally into the Organization.

iv) I will plan a good bonus system in my term so everyone will be motivated by getting good bonuses.

v) I will conduct weekly Promotion ceremony for all my hardworking employees so they will be more motivated and produce goods towards the organization.

vi) I will conduct meetings with all my High commands and my fellow employees to discuss about the internal strategies, and take their valuable feedback.

vii) With the help of NG Base we will organize a Mock drive for Hostage situations and other situations based drills for all my employees to gain more experience.

My Experiences are:

4x- FIB | Assistant Director (28)
1x- LSPD | Assistant Chief of police (28)
1x- SAHP | Chief of staff (27)
1x- NG | Brigadier General (25)

Thanks for considering my application,
If I get the chance I will give my best.
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