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  1. D

    Rejected Wrong decision | Fstoq Dearcy

    how did i give a UB demand when i didnt even give a demand?? in the bodycam u can clearly hear and see that i didnt give a demand. i said "you have 5 sec to" and then stopped because i remembered that i cant give demand. also i know the guy that got killed so how is it UB, please reconsider or...
  2. D

    Approved GR 6.15 | 44683

    i was chilling in fam house and i get killed
  3. D

    Rejected Warn for UB demand | Fstoq Dearcy

    hello, i never gave any demand how did i get warning? in the bodycam u can see that the person didnt hear me and i never did a countdown and i never told him to LEAVE, all i said is "you have 5 sec to" . i never gave any demand u can clearly hear in the bodycam. even if i did give demand, it was...
  4. D

    Approved GR 6.15 | 15726

    I was in my car and heard shooting and then the guy was dead. i went to go see whats going on and i get killed without demands, i extended pov so u can see full pov when i first saw them
  5. D

    Rejected GR 6.15 | 15726

    I was in my car and heard shooting and then the guy was dead. i went to go see whats going on and i get killed without demands
  6. D

    Approved Random punching | 43087

    I'm posting this on behalf of Dave Skip to 2:00
  7. D

    Approved CR | 36749 , 26001

    keeps following me and crashing me
  8. D

    Approved GR 6.15 | 32856

    if it gets accepted lmk if he gets the punishment once or twice, thank you
  9. D

    Approved GR 6.15 | 32856

    he rdm me twice, pov speaks for it self
  10. D

    Approved GZ 6.23 | 13044

  11. D

    Rejected GZ 6.23 | 37720

  12. D

    Rejected GZ 6.23 | 37720

    I was driving around and I saw there was a solar panel in the pathway so I decided to check it out and saw there was only 10m left, so I waited so I could take the battery but some guy spawned in? How? Please check if it's admin abuse or its just a hacker. Also i was there for 10m and i didnt...
  13. D

    Approved GZ 6.23 | 13044

    I had just got out of demorgan and I saw a escaped prisoner. I was telling him not to kill him but he refused to listen and did it anyways. I think this is bug abuse because it ruins the RP, if a prisoner escaped how can he teleport back to the prison. Guy killed him by purpose so he goes back...
  14. D

    Rejected GR 1.8 | Fstoq_DeArcy

    If there is any other solution, I'm willing to accept. I do not want to say goodbye to grand rp yet, I really enjoy it
  15. D

    Rejected GR 1.8 | Fstoq_DeArcy

    i got banned perm for something i was not aware off, i really enjoy playing in this RP server and i dont want to say goodbye to it. I only play GrandRP for fun and thats why i dont know much rules but if you please forgive me i will never do again. i think 60 days is too much for such a foolish...
  16. D

    Rejected GEN 6.2 | Arthur Miguel

    I'll serve my demorgan but pls remove warning
  17. D

    Rejected GEN 6.2 | Arthur Miguel

    hello, im sorry for combat logging it wasnt by purpose i live in a area where wifi isnt too good and my wifi disconnected. i didnt have bodycam on but if you can trust me please. this is my second warning (first warning was about to reset but now it reset to 7 days again) and with one more i...
  18. D

    Rejected Application for Leader of Party | The Republican Party

    +++++ worked with him for a very long time and he has never disappointed, great leader 👏
  19. D

    Reviewed Ban for Gen 6.17 | Emad Pluxury

    To begin, I'm not perfect and will never be, but I'm trying to get to know all the rules and be better. I did not realize I was not recording all overlays, and I never knew that was a rule. I use Geforce Nvidia shadowplay to record but i dont think its configured to record all overlays which i...
  20. D

    Rejected Ban Appeal | Deqz Dior

    Close this one, I'll make a new one
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