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  1. D

    Rejected Ban Appeal | Deqz Dior

    i also use Nvidia shadowplay for bodycam footage and i will fix so it records all overlays
  2. D

    Rejected Ban Appeal | Deqz Dior

    Ban for Gen 6.17 | Emad Pluxury Sorry wrong format
  3. D

    Rejected Ban Appeal | Deqz Dior

    To begin, I'm not perfect and will never be, but I'm trying to get to know all the rules and be better. I did not realize I was not recording all overlays, and I never knew that was a rule. I cannot say for certain that I wasn't recording all the overlays, as I do not remember that exact moment...
  4. D

    Reviewed Rule break | FIB

    the bodycam speaks for itself. we had a hostage and we were moving locations and they engine blocked us which is not allowed i believe.
  5. D

    Approved GZ 1.1 + General Rule 6.15 | 27940 , 18333

    the CR was not intentional, we were together
  6. D

    Rejected VDM | 28338

    id 28338 kept vdm me for the whole situation, he kept coming and crashing me. He also killed me whilst i was getting arrested (you can request bodycam for that from id 6370
  7. D

    Approved CL | 34782

    no problem, can you reply to my forum for getting vdm multiple times by yellow bugatti, ID 28338
  8. D

    Approved CL | 34782

    i got a connection lost, i did not mean to combat log my internet disconected. i have already served my punishment
  9. D

    Rejected Jail For MetaGaming | Yumy Sole

    I alr served jail time.
  10. D

    Rejected Jail For MetaGaming | Yumy Sole

    hello I believe the decision that Yummy made was a mistake. In the video you can hear me say "I like you butti" , I did not say that to the guy getting robbed!! It was a misunderstanding, my friend (ID 25396) his name is also butti and I was calling him it. I never did metagaming with the butti...
  11. D

    Rejected Jail For MetaGaming | Yumy Sole

    hello I believe the decision that Yummy made was a mistake. In the video you can hear me say "I like you butti" , I did not say that to the guy getting robbed!! It was a misunderstanding, my friend (ID 25396) his name is also butti and I was calling him it. I never did metagaming with the butti...
  12. D

    Rejected Warn for metagaming | 34782

    hello I believe the decision that Yummy made was a mistake. In the video you can hear me say "I like you butti" , I did not say that to the guy getting robbed!! It was a misunderstanding, my friend (ID 25396) his name is also butti and I was calling him it. I never did metagaming with the butti...
  13. D

    Rejected RDM | 10904

    you can ask Elon_Moose
  14. D

    Rejected RDM | 10904

    oghi this fam wasnt raiding us, Kebab raided us and this fam that killed me i believe it was Mandem. i was not in a raid at the time i got killed
  15. D

    Rejected RDM | 10904

    please punish them, i did not do anything and they came to my houes and shot me for no reason
  16. D

    Approved VDM | 32914

    I wasn't in highway, we were in the side
  17. D

    Rejected GZ 1.1 BY ARTHUR MIGUEL

    I truly want one final chance because I love playing on this RP server and I can guarantee that nothing similar won't ever happen again. I've invested a lot of time in this role-playing server, so losing it would be a pity.
  18. D

    Rejected GZ 1.1 BY ARTHUR MIGUEL

    Hello, admins I'm terribly sorry for what I did today; I didn't know how unprofessional that was. We were merely joking, and neither side took offense. Of course, I am aware that from an admin's perspective, it appears as though I am abusing; nonetheless, it was a genuine error, and I will never...
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