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  1. D

    Approved Leader of LSPD | Jamie Dior

  2. D

    Rejected attempted murder for no reason

    please ban him or do something so something like this doesnt happen again
  3. D

    Reviewed STATE RULE 1.16 + PG | ACE GALANTE

    hello i got a warning for something that was not my fault. i went to doc and this guy asked me for a DOC tour and i told him that i cannot give because ive never given a tour before (Im a new LSPD Cop and today its my 2nd day on duty) thats why i preferred if i didnt give. The guy called an...
  4. D

    Rejected 3.1 + 6.19 | Alex_May

    hello, im sorry i didnt mean to be toxic to anyone but i was very stressed thats why. please unblock me i will never do this again, if i do you can ban me but i can assure u that i wont do again. I have served nearly all the time too, only 3 days left out of 10.
  5. D

    Rejected 3.1 + 6.19 | Alex_May

    hello, I'm deeply sorry for my actions. I have already served most of my time and if it's possible if I can get unblocked as I really wanna play tomorrow as its one of the only times I can play. I didn't know that I was breaking the rules but now I have revised some rules so this do not happen...
  6. D

    Rejected Banned for bad language | Alex_May

    gr 3.1 + 6.19
  7. D

    Rejected Banned for bad language | Alex_May

    Message: Dear Admins of Grand RP, I am writing this letter to express my sincere apologies for my recent actions that led to my suspension from the server. I deeply regret my behavior and I am truly sorry for using inappropriate language. I want to emphasize that I was unaware that my language...
  8. D

    Rejected ban for inappropriate language | Alex_May

    Dear Admins of Grand RP, I am writing this letter to express my sincere apologies for my recent actions that led to my suspension from the server. I deeply regret my behavior and I am truly sorry for using inappropriate language. I want to emphasize that I was unaware that my language was a...
  9. D

    Rejected Got blocked for 5 days 3.1 + 6.19 by Alex_May

    Dear Admins of Grand RP, I am writing this letter to express my sincere apologies for my recent actions that led to my suspension from the server. I deeply regret my behavior and I am truly sorry for using inappropriate language. I want to emphasize that I was unaware that my language was a...
  10. D

    Rejected 3.1 + 6.19

    Dear Admins of Grand RP, I am writing this letter to express my sincere apologies for my recent actions that led to my suspension from the server. I deeply regret my behavior and I am truly sorry for using inappropriate language. I want to emphasize that I was unaware that my language was a...
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