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Search results

  1. Ecksdee

    Rejected Admin Application | Marcus Scott - 120424

    Information 1. Lewis Miller. 2. 20. 3. GMT. 4. Depending on what my work shifts are, either 3PM - 10PM, 10PM - 3AM or 9AM - 10PM (when i'm off). 5. 6 hours or more, depending if I have something to do. 6. Flam_0#3387 7. Marcus Scott 8. 120424 9. State section is preferred as i have had...
  2. Ecksdee

    Approved RDM | 143893

    why would we talk to admins when this lovely report is here? let them see it
  3. Ecksdee

    Approved RDM | 143893

    Why would you share a video of you posting an ad about a party that isn't your house? that's trolling and provoking a response from them, which goes against the Roleplay Terms on the discord. You also start talking to people who's names you cant see and who are wearing masks, you cant identify...
  4. Ecksdee

    Approved RDM | 143893

    Imagine getting mad when you get killed and provide no context of the situation when you try complain about it, they killed you outside their own house after you provoked them, XD.
  5. Ecksdee

    Approved RDM | 143893

    video provided is 32 seconds long and provides no context or game chat prior to you provoking them. Did you get given a warning to leave? we don't know because the video provided doesn't include anything but your provoking and subsequent death because of it. Not to mention you seem to be...
  6. Ecksdee

    Approved Leader Of LSPD | Ibrahim Sheikh

    +++++ Big man is a good fit for the job
  7. Ecksdee

    Approved Metagaming | ID 157188 | ID 174233

    how was he to know if the person was being arrested if you didn't even attempt to give a command? people aren't mind readers. not everyone thinks to hand someone over when having their car get shot at, some people want to run from the apparent danger.
  8. Ecksdee

    Approved Metagaming | ID 157188 | ID 174233

    why are you reporting the guy who was driving a car? how could they have possible opened the gate? Im curious also if you have bodycam of you removing the suspects radio devices when you arrested them, if you don't remove their stuff then how do you know that they didn't use their radio to call...
  9. Ecksdee

    Rejected Ban appeal 6.3 James Pluxury

    you got perma'd after scamming people. not only that but you robbed out of my family storage and told me to kms, all of which was logged and reported at the time, i dont think you deserve an unban tbh
  10. Ecksdee

    Reviewed Family Theft from car trunks - 87682

    John_Lark* lol
  11. Ecksdee

    Reviewed Family Theft from car trunks - 87682

    Caught the guy on logs stealing clothing, confronted him at beach market (i assume he was trying to sell them) and asked him about it, claimed he had POV of him taking it so it wasn't theft according to him? When we blacklisted him he started swearing out threats and insults, started mixing and...
  12. Ecksdee

    Approved Attempted scam | 197474

    and the name on the passport is different from the house owners name
  13. Ecksdee

    Approved Attempted scam | 197474

    this was also an attempted tax evasion scam
  14. Ecksdee

    Rejected favoritism, obvious discrimination via thread "continued harassment via forums DM | 76816"

    No instigation or lingering can be found in that comment, they sent you one message calling you out on an action they obviously feel was uncalled for, no harassment or other hateful content in the message. It was a simple observation that they made to you, and rather then publicise it or...
  15. Ecksdee

    Rejected favoritism, obvious discrimination via thread "continued harassment via forums DM | 76816"

    Show me in the message that was sent to you where they are complaining or otherwise mentioning their punishments please.
  16. Ecksdee

    Rejected favoritism, obvious discrimination via thread "continued harassment via forums DM | 76816"

    But there has been no proof provided of that incident(s) on your part in the report you made, please cope harder, maybe that way this incident may turn in your favour.
  17. Ecksdee

    Rejected favoritism, obvious discrimination via thread "continued harassment via forums DM | 76816"

    Everyone has the right to freedom of speech, nothing he said in the DM broke server or forum rules, the report you made about the comment lacked context for the admin to follow, and it also provided no evidence of homophobia or harassment, as someone sending you *ONE* message is not harassment...
  18. Ecksdee

    Rejected favoritism, obvious discrimination via thread "continued harassment via forums DM | 76816"

    You are an easily provoked person, clearly you can throw hits but cant take them, try not running up to people in-game shouting slurs at them and you wont get reported *and* punished for it. You are also being a hypocrite, how can being a homosexual prevent you from being homophobic yourself...
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