Hi i got banned for taking some shit from the warehouse i didnt know that we cannot take, i thought that we can but we cannot sell them im really sorry form my action you can take my shit that i took and put it back to the warehouse i dont care , thanks
Are they an unofficial org. ? cause thats why i didnt raised my hands up i told them your not wearing gang colors and they kept saying hands up and i ran away cause he was pickpoketing me + one of those guys non-rp searched.
First of all im sorry for the clip ( i was listening to music at that time lol). The guy VDM me as you can see and the other guy shot me when i was in their hq cause i got VDMD unfortunately i didnt got his id but you can check logs for that guy if you want , thanks.
I was in a situation with Ballas then after 5mins i died then i went back to ghetto in a different situation in mega mall (with marabunta). I got NLR rule cause of this and im pretty sure that you can go back but not in the same situation or with the same people ive asked other admins and they...
discord has nothing to do with server , so first you cry to me to tell the admins to remove your warning then you report me on forums lol for ooc toxicity and cause i didnt accepted now you want me banned lol like you guys are so funny idc anymore.
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