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Search results

  1. A

    Approved ASSASSIN | Unofficial Organization

    Family Name: ASSASSIN Family Leader: Lazy Assassin Family Leader ID: 38489 Family House Number: 484 Leader Discord: lazyassassinyt Family Leader Forum: Akatsuki Gaitonde Akatsuki Gaitonde Family Logo: Family Clothes: Family History: Lazy Assassin came to the city of Los Santos with one...
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    Approved Assassin | Unofficial Organization

    Leader: Assassin Lazy | 1419 Leader Discord: lazyassassinyt Family Name: Assassin Family House: 430 Family Leader forum: Akatsuki Gaitonde Family logo link: family logo Family dress code: dress code Story: I grew up poor, hustling on the tough streets. Money and power got me into a small gang...
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    Approved RDM | 61180, 58095

    all in pov
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    Approved RDM | 42182

    All in pov
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    Rejected RDM | 54713

    all in pov
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    Rejected Assassin | Unofficial Organization

    Leader: Assassin Lazy | 1419 Leader Discord: LazyAssassin#1299 Family Name: Assassin Family House: 38 Family Leader forum: Akatsuki Gaitonde Family logo link: family logo family dress code dress code Story: I grew up poor, hustling on the tough streets. Money and power got me into a small...
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    Rejected ASSASSINS | Unofficial Organisation

    Family Name: ASSASSINS Family Owner: Assassin Gaitonde | 1419 Family Owners Discord: Lazy Assassin#1299 Fam house number: 1141 Fam Owner Forum Profile: Akatsuki Gaitonde HISTORY OF THE FAMILY 3 friends named Happy Anton and Gaitonde were very poor, so they decided to join a family. Their...
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    Approved RDM | ID 66541

    I was sitting in my car, and this guy came and shoot me without giving any warning or command.
  9. A

    Approved Leader of LSPD | Max Bolo

    I would definitely like him to see as a leader. He is very helpful and supportive.
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