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  1. I

    Rejected BAN FOR GR 1.1 | Floki Vilgeroarson

    Dear admins, I got banned in grand rp since 20 days but ban for what? I didn't do anything wronge and i don't play regularly like every day and wdym by twink my twink is already banned in the past for transferring twink to main then I speak then my account got unbanned that time but this time...
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    Rejected Ban for GR 1.1 | Floki Vilgeroarson

    Hello Dear Higher Administrator, This is my main account (not twink), My twink was ban at start of server.Also i dont know what i did. I am making this appeal for my account which got block for GR 1.1 (twink) I didnt broke any rule, I dont play regularly so i dont know what i have done So i am...
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    Rejected Ban for GR 1.1 (twink) | Floki Vilgeroarson

    I havent played from long so it is disappointing hoping to get a chance. Thanks
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    Rejected Ban for GR 1.1 (twink) | Floki Vilgeroarson

    Hello Dear Higher Administrator, I am making this appeal for my account which got block for GR 1.1 (twink) I didnt broke any rule, I dont play regularly so i dont know what i have done So i am making this forum to appeal my ban.
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    Rejected Warn for Cl | Emad Pluxury | Sylas Volt

    Hello admin i got cl on gun fight when i got killed then my electricity went then i didnt open my game after that and i am to active in the city and i don't breaks any kind of rules try to understand. And i got warn by Emad Pluxury and forum check by Sylas volt.
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    Rejected Cl | Emad Pluxury | Sylas Volt

    Hello admin i got cl on gun fight when i got killed then my electricity went then i didnt open my game after that and i am to active in the city and i don't breaks any kind of rules try to understand. And i got warn by emad Pluxury and forum check by sylas volt.
  7. I

    Rejected i want to change social club #Bobby Pluxury

    Dont use obs its not allowed
  8. I

    Rejected Getto Rule 1.4 | 20160

    I was walking arround and this guy was shooting that time i dont have pov then they killed me and dance on my body but i don't have pov that time then i start making pov and he shooting in hq
  9. I

    Rejected Leader Of EMS | Nezeel sonani

    Your age 18? Lol
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    Rejected Leader of Lifeinvader | Yassine Wanted

    Good Luck 🙃
  11. I

    Rejected Pov Request | 0000

    what wdym by cry i was asking your pov so i can see how i die and i think u cheat but good aim
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    Rejected Pov Request | 0000

    I want to see how i die possible cheats
  13. I

    Approved Ban For GR 6.17 | Ace Galante

    If you dont have graphic card how you record your pov of events? Your game not lag?
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    Rejected Leader of Vagos I Shabah Verlice

    +1 will be the best leader
  15. I

    Reviewed Pov Request | 0000

    6hour past nothing happeneds
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