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IMPORTANT Applications for Los Santos Vagos

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Dean Salvatore

Mar 25, 2023
Information :

1. Your name IRL: Mert
2. Your age: 25
3. Time zone: GMT + 3
4. Average online per day: 8-12 hours
5. Your Discord: winchester8
6. Your Nickname: Dean Salvatore
7. Your ID: 44321

Additional Information :

1.Leader of Vagos

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation).

Knowing that this gang has a rich history and a clear purpose fuels my desire to lead. My passion for bringing gang members together and achieving common goals reinforces my belief in the gang's success.

As a gang leader, I want to contribute to the character development of my team members and increase their skills. I want to adopt a leadership approach within the gang that helps each member discover their strengths and use those strengths for the success of the gang.

I want to create a strategic vision for the gang's long-term success and unite gang members around that vision. This vision will allow the gang to be more actively involved in in-game interactions and stories.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Determine your gang's background and purpose. Create an internal story about how each member's character contributes to the gang as a whole. This will enrich the roleplay experience and deepen intra-gang interactions.

Organize regular roleplay events within the gang. Bring gang members together in a variety of scenarios, challenging them to encounter unexpected situations. This will increase the level of roleplay and strengthen intra-team interactions.

Design the internal dynamics of the gang as realistically as possible. Create roleplay scenarios that include elements such as internal conflicts, collaboration and strategic planning. This will allow players to explore their characters more deeply.

Ranking System
15 ) Leader
14 ) Deputy
13 ) Under Deputy
12 ) Event leader
11 ) Turfer
10 ) Hunter
==High Command==
9 ) Villain
8 ) Graffiti Leader
7 ) Enforcer
6 ) Gangster
5 ) Hitman
4 ) Shooter
3 ) Clapper
2 ) Fresh
1 ) Freeze

Thanks for reviewing.
Best Regards
Dean Salvatore

George Brown

Oct 17, 2022

1. Your name IRL: Ahmed Rahat
2. Your age: 28
3. Time zone: GMT+6
4. Average online per day: 8 + Hours
5. Your Discord: brown2408
6. Your Nickname: George Brown
7. Your ID: 47184

Additional information
Leader of... Vagos Gang

2. Why do you want to be leader of this specific organization?
I aspire to take on a leadership role within the Vagos organization, drawing upon my extensive experience in managing various entities, both legal and illegal, such as the Bloods, Ballas, Government, FIB, and my leadership role in EMS on the EN2 English server. With a solid understanding of organizational dynamics and a track record of effective leadership, I aim to create an inclusive environment where deserving individuals can rise through the ranks based on merit.

One of my primary goals is to foster a positive and non-toxic atmosphere within the organization. I am fluent in two languages—English, and Bangla—allowing me to communicate effectively with diverse members. Ensuring that all members feel a sense of safety and brotherhood is crucial to me, and I will not tolerate harassment, racism, or threats within the gang.

Having long harbored the desire to lead an organization, I believe the time is now ripe for me to bring my unique approach to the role. I am committed to taking responsibility for organizing events and showcasing our skills, including clandestine events, to enhance the gang's reputation further. My leadership style emphasizes fairness, providing opportunities for all members to showcase their talents and rise through the ranks with our support.

In terms of improving roleplay within the organization, I suggest that staff members place a stronger emphasis on enforcing roleplay standards. This not only enhances the in-game experience by creating a more realistic environment but also has the potential to attract a broader audience. While I advocate for accepting individuals who understand the rules, I am willing to guide and assist those with lower roleplay standards to improve, fostering stronger and more immersive roleplay interactions with everyone in the city.

  • To enhance the roleplay experience within the organization, I propose an increased focus on in-character (IC) player-created events, fostering collaborations with other gangs, civilians, and legal factions. The objective is to move away from constant fighting and events, promoting a more dynamic and immersive environment

  • In our interactions with other groups, I advocate for maintaining a harmonious atmosphere on the forums, discouraging toxicity unless necessary, and fostering a sense of goodwill towards every entity in the city at an out-of-character (OOC) level.

  • Acknowledging that everyone is a person behind their screen, I aim to establish a community-oriented approach for a positive gaming experience.
  • Internally, I plan to create engaging scenarios for our organization, offering IC rewards and benefits to incentivize participation. The emphasis is on cultivating a gang known for its positive vibes and quality gameplay. While shooters are essential, I am committed to including individuals who may not be as experienced with guns or roleplay, ensuring a diverse and inclusive environment.

  • During recruitment, a thorough review of the rules will be conducted to ensure that every member is well-versed in the organization's guidelines. This comprehensive understanding of rules and restrictions will not only improve roleplay quality within our organization but also contribute to positive interactions with others on the server.

In conclusion, I appreciate your consideration of my proposal. Gg grand on top, Vagos on top. Thank you for taking the time to read my thread, and I hope to be allowed to lead Los Vagos to new heights.


Jan 15, 2024
Dustin “Enso” Barrett
Pacific standard time
5-10 hrs
Ensolito Ciento
Leader of the Vagos

Enso of Mexican/American descent, embodies the essence of a Vagos gang leader through a profound connection to heritage and a compelling commitment to community empowerment. Raised within a family steeped in respect and influence, the Sharks, ranked 21 in the city, Enso carries a legacy of strength and capability. His cultural roots fuel a fervent desire to resurrect the Vagos gang, recognizing the potential for a robust and united force within the city.

Enso's commitment goes beyond familial ties; it's a duty to uplift and fortify the Mexican community, fostering camaraderie and resilience. His leadership would not only revive the Vagos but transform it into a formidable entity that symbolizes pride, loyalty, and progress. With a strategic mindset inherited from the Sharks, Enso envisions the gang not merely as a criminal organization but as a pillar for positive change.

In the realm of Grand RP, Enso's leadership promises an authentic and immersive narrative, showcasing the rich tapestry of Mexican culture while navigating the challenges of gang dynamics. His vision, paired with familial influence, positions Enso as the catalyst for a resurgent and influential Vagos gang, leaving an indelible mark on the city's virtual landscape.
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Jayy Rose

Jul 22, 2022


1. Your name IRL Jayy
2. Your age 22
3. Time zone EST
4. Average online per day 5 to 10 hours
5. Your Discord.jayy69
6. Your Nickname Ronny Yankova

7. Your ID 8712

Additional information

1. Leader of... Los Santos Vagos

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
the reason I want to be leader of Los Santos Vagos is because i have been leader before in EN02 of families and Marabunta grande I have also learned a lot from my previous time on EN02 as I moved to EN03 for a while I have been leader 7 times of both crime and legal organization the organization I was leader of on EN03 was bloods Ballas Marabunta grande LSPD (x2) and NG. I was also former admin on EN03 and curator of LSPD and Ballas Street Gang if given the opportunity as leader I would bring the best RP for EN02 and I feel like I could bring a lot of respect and numbers to EN02 I also know my punishment history is very bad but I promise if you just give me an opportunity I swear you won’t regret I would aim for 120+ online in 1 week tops I would also aim for 100% turfs.
I would also host a lot of events making the ghetto very active at all times I would do many store robbery’s each day at least 1 gun store and many 24/7 store robbery’s I would also attended every event with max numbers I would also aim for tourists organization. Last reason I want to be leader of Los santos vagos is to bring EN02 back to where it use to be with great RP and great numbers in ghetto and at events and making sure all members are following server rules at all times. I hope you consider me I know my punishment are bad but please give me just an interview and I’ll change your mind! Yours Truly Ronny Yankova!

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

My advice for improving Role Play is to do more events with good numbers and make sure that people follow all rules. Another way to improve RolePlay is to do more store robbery and hostage situations in different locations each time so it will be better RP for everyone!!!

Firat Komodor

Mar 6, 2023

1.Your name IRL: Firat
2.Your age:17
3.Time zone: GMT +3.00
4.Average online per day:6-8 hours
5.Your Discord:golden_boy07
6.Your Nickname:Firatt Komodor

Additional Information: Leader Of Vagos

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization (List Three reasons with explanation)

First Reason:Because i have lot of experience in gangs and i believe im a good Leader Of Vagos Also i wanna make Vagos Gang to Best Organization In City beacuse i love this gang give me a chance.

Second Reason:I ve spent most of my time in gangs and i feel safer in gangs and i`ve always liked gangs more than legal orgs.

Third Reason:I`ve always been either in the top rank or under deputy in gangs , so i know how to run a gang my goal as becoming a gang leader.I have the leadership capacity and thats why I will manage illegal organizations well cuz i was leader other games.

3.Your advices for improving roleplay within the organization

.Me and my members will do Graffiti all the time and make people earn money
2.We will constantly make ghetto clappa and rob people whenever we can
3.We will make our turf 100% and we will rule the whole city
4.We will participate 100% in events such as Clan,Battle ship
5.We gonna Succesfully Complete weekly goals

Rank System
13-Under Deputy
8-Capo`s Trusted Advisor
7-Neighborhood Guardian
5-Street Enforcer
3-Junior Enforcer

Deputy Of Families/Under Deputy Of Ballas/Under Deputy Of Bloods/Under Deputy Of Vagos/Under Deputy Of Marabunta Grande/

Thanks For Reading My Application Good Works <3

Hugs From Firatt Komodor

Thanks for Reviewing my Application.
Best Regards,
Firatt Komodor

Aman Devil

Mar 6, 2022
1. Name :- Aman Singh
2. IRL age :- 18
3. Time zone :- IST/GMT+5.30
4. Daily online time :- 7-8 Hours
5. Discord Id:- Devil Prime#6201
6. IC Name :- Devil Aman
7. IC ID :- 17747
Leader of Vagos

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

Since I have been playing grand for 2 years, most of my time has been spent being criminal. If I tried to describe my experiences in this org and other criminal org here, I would probably have to fill the whole page. I served as Deputy for Vagos and we dominated the city. The most fun I had in criminal organizations was during this period. I did the good work that I did in other terms during this period.

I know more than one person applied for this. However, among the applicants there may be those who were Deputies before, but unlike them, I did this 16 times, including the City 2, and took on the leadership role on this city. Unfortunately, some unfortunate events occurred during my time and the "turf" hurt us.Still, it is a very good experience for me because one cannot improve oneself without making mistakes. By taking lessons from this, I will be more careful about the turfs because it is very risky for us and on the other hand it is important.

The majority in the city sees me as a good leader and a person who never gives up. Not everyone can achieve this, because not giving up is not for everyone. The majority of legal and illegal organizations in the city continue to respect our old positions and the majority support me . This means that the organization will be very crowded on the first day I take leadership.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization
I know my power and position in the role I play and play. The biggest and most valuable responsibility I will take is to develop RP and command it as a leader. The first item for this is "Chain of Command". If the chain of command is not good in an organization, that organization does not mean anything. On the first day I become a leader, I will establish the chain of command in a way that everyone deserves, without favoritism, and people will receive ranks and show responsibility in return for their efforts. Based on my previous experiences. Many people got good ranks under me, but they were useless. By learning from this, everyone, regardless of the person, my close circle or my friends, will receive a rank in return for their efforts. People who have previously appeared in gang affairs will settle in the higher commands and help the leader and the leader's wishes.

Everyone in the gang has a high value to me. Of course, people want to be rewarded for their efforts and contributions. This is very normal and should happen. For this reason, I have established a bonus system and the person will be able to benefit from this bonus system according to the event they participate in and their performance in the event.

My last promise is that everyone will make friends among themselves and we will end our term in friendship. Even if something goes wrong or the term ends badly, I think it is very important for me personally and very important for everyone to create good memories and friendships in people's minds for Vagos. Because if you manage a gang, the people in the gang you manage must get along well among themselves, because every activity requires team work. Even if they are my own friends, I will ensure that they are active. Even if I am not there, the most authorized person after me, "Deputy", will help with any problem, and if his rank does not allow solving the problem, he will come to me and I will solve the situation from the root. Speaking of friendship, I would also like to mention that all the leaders of illegal and legal organizations in the city are my friends, each other. Our recognition will make RP better because it will prevent problems as "OOC" in the city. From the moment I become the leader, I will ensure cooperation with other illegal and legal organizations.
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Eva Capella

Jan 30, 2023
1. Your name IRL:atlas
2. Your age:16
3. Time zone:gmt+3
4. Average online per day:6/7
5. Your Discord atmann_
6. Your Nickname eva Capella
7. Your ID 124079
Additional information
1. Leader of... Los Santos Vagos
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
First of all vagos is special to me my first illegal org my first UD in a org I love vagos and I wanna help vagos to become the best gang in the city all a side vagos has the best hq best cars bet color vagos is the best gang
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization
my advice is to make gangs a litle mor objective and under control and make them obey chain of command make them obey the RP rules
help gangs to improve

Baris Godson

Nov 27, 2022

1. Your name IRL Baris

2. Your age 22 İC age (17 OOC age)

3. Time zone: GMT +3

4. Average online per day: 4-8 hours

5. Your Discord lilbaro

6. Your Nickname: Bariss Godson

7. Your ID: 83907

Additional information

1. Leader of Vagos (Yellow Gang)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

- Since I started this server, I always wanted to be the leader of an organization. I've been playing on the server for 1 year and spent 8 months as LEO and often saw the mistakes of Gangs. I believe that I will correct these mistakes and become a good Gang leader.

B) - Strategically, Vagos's location is very good on the map, away from other gangs and near ATM, Beach market and Parking. This will benefit us a lot because it will be easier to get hostages and it will be easier to rob people because we will be in the ghetto of the beach market, away from other gangs.

C) As long as I was in the gangs, I saw that people made a lot of mistakes, and I will do my best to prevent these mistakes from being made. Most of the people who are new to the server want to come to the gangs and join them. I will teach them the rules and make vagos a good gang.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I will make sure people get the rank they deserve, and if they are given a rank they don't deserve, I will raise or demote them.

B) I will make sure my gang members attend to events and turfs regularly so we dominance everywhere.

C) I will make sure that the people I invite to the gang know the rules of the server.

D) The gang leader will be in regular contact with gang members. We will discuss how things are going and who we should promote.

E) Bonuses will be given regularly to motivate gang members. Bonuses will be given at least 3 times a week in order not to decrease the motivation of gang members.

F) I will invite my friends who use good weapons and know everything about Gangs to gang and Vagos will be the best.

Ranking system:

15) Boss (Leader)

14) Underboss (Deputy)

13) Godfather (Under Deputy)

12) Event Leader (Event Leader)

11) Turfer

10) Destroyer

---High Commands---

9) Graffiti Team

8) Warlord

7) Enforcer

6) Villain

5) Clapper

4) Gangster

3) Shooter

2) Newbie

1) Freeze

Best regards Bariss Godson
4xLSPD Chief of Staff
1xUnder Deputy of The Families
1xDeputy of Marabunta
1xUnder Deputy Ballas
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Koren Miller

Jan 18, 2024
1. Your name IRL : John
2. Your age :
3. Time zone : GMT 5:30+
4. Average online per day : 8 hours
5. Your Discord : zuma.15
6. Your Nickname : Zuma
7. Your ID :
Additional information
1. Leader of... :
Los Santos Vagos
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
-I want to be leader of vagos because I have been in gangs for a long time and would love to should people how to really enjoy gangs in en2.
- I been seeming gangs be really inactive recently in the sever and I want to start making gangs fun again. For one I going to recruit people and also pay turfers to get all 100 percent turfers.
-Vagos is very special to me. and I want to put a diff on the server. and I want to make Vagos the strongest. And I know all the gang and general rules. That's why I'm coming to be permanent
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
- in my opinion. We need to hire someone who knows the game and we need to take a test before we get into the gang. if we do it this way, there will be no rulesbreak and rp will always be at the highest level. Vagos will always be the strongest. I really just want to be the most active gang in EN2 and show people what vagos is all about.
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Raihan Rin

Ex VAGOS Leader | 100% turf
Mar 21, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Raihanul Islam
2. Your age : 19
3. Time zone : GMT+6
4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord: _rin_tohsaka__
6. Your Nickname : Raihan Rin
7. Your ID : 98222
Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Vagos.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

> I believe that i have the capability to handle the organization with an exclusive and smooth term . I have experience as High Command in both illegal and legal orgs in city. Such as: LSPD,FIB,GOV,EMS,SAHP and Vagos. Thus i will not only think like a gang but also a leo and it will help me to keep my people safe from any problem in any situation.

> I am friendly and helpful to everyone so it will create a good effect to everyone that they must not be toxic if they want to join. I can communicate with people in more than one language like BANGLA, ENGLISH and HINDI so i will be able to hire more people in my org by communicating with them ( without breaking GR 3.3)

> I want to make Vagos more active and do more RP situations that everyone can enjoy the RP and create a good relationship with all gang members and fight like a family.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

> Most of the time it is seen that gang members are breaking rules and being punished by the administrator in situations or in forums. So i will make sure to bring a hardcore RP in any situation without breaking any rule.

> i will organize events for making them cheerful to their work and gear up for the next upcoming Plan easily.

> I will try to do more situations as much as i can because " practice makes a man perfect". So the members can gain knowledge and experience from every single situation.

> I will provided awarding bonuses to people who will be doing their work properly and motivate them to keep it up.

> Toxicity among the gang member will be prohibited so everyone can find themselves helpful and amicable.

jaden russso

Sep 16, 2023
2. MY AGE- 16
4. AVERAGE TIME ONLINE DAILY- 4 to 5 hours in week 13 to 17 hours on the weekend
5. MY DISCORD- Kingjaden
6. MY NICKNAME - Jaden
7. MY ID 94823

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)?

I've been a deputy in a bunch o top-tier gangs, basically setting the standard for gang on en1and en2. Over the last two years, I've put in a ton of time with gang activities. . My history shows I'm good at leading gangs. I've run gangs for two terms as deputy of Vagos in en2 and en3

2. Innovative RP Contribution:

As a leader, I wanna bring some new types of RP and spice things up in en3. With all the stuff I've been through, I've got a pretty good grasp of what works and what doesn't. I've got a bunch of good people on my team, not just my family, who are all on board with making RP beter. we will come together and come up with new ways of RPing with in the servers rules and outlined boundary's , shaking up how our gang holds its self and making things more exciting for everyone involved.

3. Unparalleled Event Knowledge:

My comprehensive knowledge of gang events and effective strategies sets me apart. I've devised successful tactics for every type of gang-related event, ensuring a fun experience for all participants while adhering to the server's rules and guidelines.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

1. Deprioritizing Turf Control:

While turfs can be enjoyable, they won't be the primary focus of my leadership. Instead, my gang's main objectives will be fostering strong OOC relationships and ensuring positive IC interactions for everyone.

2. Diversifying Criminal Activities:

My approach will not solely revolve around terrorist activities. Overemphasizing terrorism can limit RP opportunities and exclude engaging activities that create enjoyable experiences for LEO's

3 Prioritizing Fun and Enjoyment:

Every gang member should have fun with their time within the gang. We'll prioritize making gang events and meetings enjoyable for all members having events and going to enchasments and those small events and I will always try to get my people out of jail no matter who

4. Balanced Inter-Gang Relations:

To prevent one gang from dominating the ghetto, I'll encourage friendly "wars" and friendly competition among gangs. This approach fosters engaging gunfights and non-toxic conflicts, ensuring that gangs continuously have exciting challenges and competitors at various levels.

I will include this just to make sure no one is confused about it

14. Deputy
12.Event Leader
10. OG
9. Graffiti Leader
8. Graffitist
7. General
6 Clapper.
5. Gangster
4. Hitman
3. Shooter
2. Brudda

My Experiences
En 2 Experience
Ex Vagos deputy x2
Ex Minister of State
Ex Lawyer
Ex under deputy in every gang and org except ems and sahp
En3 experience
Ex NG LT General
EX Deputy Governor
With those experiences in am able to know how to navigate and easily clap the state organizations


Dec 18, 2023
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1- Yahya
2- 12
3- GMT +1
4- 4hours -8hours
6- Snow

Additional information

1- Leader of The Vagos Gang
2- Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
i have experience and i was og's in vagos and i will to be the best leader for this gang + i know the rules and i can speak many of language to lead this gang
3- Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
every memeber i'll ask him some questions to see what he can do and the new members i'll explain them all the rules for dont do a mistake and if know the rules and do alot of mistakes i'll kick him or rank down and i'll let the under deputy and og's do some things so the vagos gang will be the best gang in the city

Nova Winters

Apr 2, 2023
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
BST { GMT +6}
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
Pikachu Zero
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Vagos.
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
=># I want to be the leader of the Vagos because I enjoy going to the ghetto with my friends and fighting pvp, I like the gang events, my favorites are subs and Fort Zancudo, and I feel that I could bring good leadership to this gang and make it enjoyable and profitable for all the members.
# I'd like to be the Leader of the Vagos gang since I have a lot of experience as a Unofficial Org Hc and Under Deputy in Legal Orgs. I know the rules fairly well along with the punishments for these rules.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
=> My advice for improving RolePlay level-

(I) Making the members skilled when they join. Hosting special training sessions.

(ii) Making plans before attending every events and discuss with high command.

(iii) Keep the gang alive and do gang activities in ghetto.

(iv) Attend every events, raid in FZ , and also do 24/7 shop robberies.

(v) Need to give bonuses to everyone to be more active.

Ranking System:

16) Leader

15 ) Deputy

14 ) OG Vagos

13 ) Under Deputy

12 ) Event Manager

11 ) Turfer

10 ) Recruiter

--High Command--

9 ) Mafia

8 ) Graffiti Expert

7 ) Enforcer

6 ) Gangster

5 ) Hitman

4 ) Shooter

3 ) Clapper

2 ) Newbie

1 ) Suspended
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Deva Ratha

Mar 5, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Hari
2. Your age: 21
3. Time zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 3 to 5 hours
5. Your Discord: deva.don
6. Your Nickname: Deva Ratha
7. Your ID: 430

Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Vagos

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. I have seen organizations now a days leaders are getting to many warns and i feel that i could bring best quality to the Los Santos Vagos. I will only invite who know the rules and who don't mind doing clands, and I will make them perfect in organizations. and I've always been in the top.

2. I have been in every organisation but mostly not in Los Santos Vagos Soo if I get a chance to become leader I will make a best organisation in city

3. Your advices for improving Role Play level in organization.

1. 100% active
2. 100% active in Ghetto
3. No Toxic in organisation
4. wining events and good bonuses
5. Increasing Crime in city

Ranking System

1. Freeze
2. New Vagos
3. Real Man
4. Graffitist
5. Clapper
6. Shooter
7. Real Vagos
8. TopG
9. Gang Star
10. Event Leader
11. Turfer
12. Big Man
13. Under Deputy
14. Deputy
15. The Leader

Thanks for Giving good opportunity….!


en2-Kuzey Verstappen
Jan 18, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Kuzey
2. Your age : 15
3. Time zone : +3 gmt
4. Average online per day : 7-8
5. Your Discord : .greax.
6. Your Nickname : Kuzey Schogetten
7. Your ID : 109139
Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Vagos

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1- Because I have been in many gangs, including vagos, but I think vagos is a completely different gang. The times I spent here were completely different and I want to revive these memories as a leader again.

2- I want to make this gang the best and most active gang and show the power of Vagos to leos.

3- To make 100% Turf. I want to bring a confident turf team and show our power to other gangs with them.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Winning most events with Vagos will be our first goal. With these events all ghetto and leos will realize the greatness of vagos.

2-Bonus System
If we win, I will give bonuses after each event. But I will give the most bonuses in places like fz raid, gang raid, battleship. Because these events are important for us.

3- RolePlay
I want to do more rp situtations with Los Santos Vagos. Like a hostage sits and Highway robs.

----My goals for vagos term:----
-%100 turf
-%100 graffiti

-Win all events
-Minimum 20 in org before unfreeze

Thanks For Reading My Application!
Kuzey Schogetten

Sergio Pluxury

Dec 10, 2023
1. Your name IRL:Nithish
2. Your age19
3. Time zoneist (India)
4. Average online per day:8 to 10 hours
5. Your Discord:sergiomarquina07
6. Your Nickname:Nairobi Fedorov
7. Your ID: 135071

Additional Information
1. Leader of Vagos
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
When I first came into the city my first org was Vagos and from then till now I am in love with this org and this is not only about the org, I am also in love with gangs, criminal activities and gangs events. If I get the term I am planning to do is to do 2-3minimum OOC events a day, which will give a great impression on our gang members and also a fear into the heart of citizens and leos that Marabunta is not dead but controls the city. If I get the term then my goal is to make the org strict, not in that way but like not giving Under-Deputy's to every single guy who appears because this will devalue the ranks and org can get multiple warns because of this. My third goal is to achieve 100% turf in a single term like Shabah did in his Ballas term, I can achieve this by putting a lot of effort in making the turf team with the highest skilled players. Becoming a Leader is not about controlling a org but to maintain, manage and help gang members which I understand and now I want to Lead a org.
The next thing that I will put into the org when I will apply is the bonus system, I have created one as to implement as soon as I get the term and will upgrade this further,

Battle Ship-10k
Store Robbery-20k
For doing all graffiti in the ghetto-10k
BM raid-10k.

I also have created a ranking system which I will implement as soon as my term will start,

15. Mafia

14.OG Vagos
13.Under Deputy
12.Lead Turfer
11.Event Commander

7.Graffiti Head

4.Event Attender


3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
1. The gang should be doing ghetto clapping once a day because it will help players get the real RolePlay experience of gang.
2. The ranking system of a gang should be fair and healthy which means that not demoting someone on some personal issues and giving ranks to those who know what they are doing.
3. Leader should have a good interaction with its gang members because its the leader which they follow if they break any rules a Leader should guide them.

I know its very earlier i have more experince in en 3 all gang deputy give me here 1 chance then see my term
hope consider my application for interview thanks for reading my application

Best And Lovable regards,

Nioo Bros

Jan 12, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Prince
2. Your age: 15
3. Time zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 10 to 13 hours
5. Your Discord: push_223
6. Your Nickname: Nioo Bros
7. Your ID: 131275

Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Vagos

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

i. I am in vagos gang recently and see many gang members but there are many that not know rules and also they not come in any event just take texting for rank up not join any event when i be leader i only invite who know rules and have knowledge that how to procced in events i only invite people who have lvl 5 or upper i want to make the gang badass i do gang RP perfectly so that Police guys get

ii. I see many time there is no gun and ammo in warehouse when i be leader i open warehouse only when event happen and also going to check every log that who take gun and ammo and where they use if they sell or put in there own car will be punished by following server rules

3. Your advices for improving Role Play level in organization.
1. Proceeding event perfectly
2. Good Bonus when win events
3. When inviting inform HC's
4. Attend every event give Big bonus
5. More Active give more advantage
6. Be a Badass Gang

Ranking System

1. Newbie
2. New Vagos
3. Bad Man
4. Graffiti Man
5. Shooter
6. Graffiti Expert
7. Old Vagos
8. Gangster
9. Bad Gangster
10. Turfer
11. Top Turfer
12. OGs Guy
13. Under Deputy
14. Deputy
15. The Leader

davidson grand

Feb 20, 2024
1. tygo.
2. 15.
3. netherlands (middle european standaard GMT+1).
4. 3-4 hours can increase if needed.
5. tygogamerdegamer.
6. davidson grand.
7. 361202.
Additional information
1. the vagos gang.
2. bc i want ppl to enjoy the gang, not to camp at hq, every day and helping them.
3. do the things u normally like in reallife and ur probably fine and know the rule.
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