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IMPORTANT Applications for the Ballas

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Nahum Zahavi

ᴱˣ ᴸᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ ᴼᶠ ⱽᵃᵍᵒˢ
Aug 13, 2022

1. Your name IRL Nahum
2. Your age 16 Soon 17
3. Time zone GMT+2
4. Average online per day 4-6 hours per day
5. Your Discord Bi9_p4pA_#7406
6. Your Nickname Nahum Zahavi
7. Your ID 28113

Additional information

1. Leader of... The Ballas.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation

(1) i would like to become Ballas leader Because i have experience as a gangster i am now in Families (HC) as well. and i think i was in illegal activity enough time (2 months) to become a leader and share my knowlege and help to another citizens that want to join to Ballas.

(2) now when i am hc in Families , i saw and seeing alot of gang members that was braking the server rules, and not respects other members. if i will be the leader of ballas i will take care that every ballas member will not brake the ghetto rules, and will respect anyone.

(3) i have legal Experience as well in the server, so i know how gangs events is going on from the legal side, and i will take care that the ballas events will happend in the right way from both sides (The legal side and The illegal side.)

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

i will be careful with who i will invite to be a ballas member, i will not invite any citizen that wants to be in ballas, Because now in the crime side i I see alot of gang members / criminals braking the ghetto rules. And it had an effect on the RP quality as well, so i can promiss that if i will be the leader of Families the RP quality will be improved. thanks for reading hope u will have a nice day.

EMS Divison Cheif of FTO, Colonel In NG (X2), FIB Special Agent 1 (X2) , SWAT Agent In LSPD (X2), Rank 9 in

Marabunta, Rank 6 in Los santos Vagos, Rank 8 In Bloods (X2), HC of Los Santos Vagos (Rank 10 Under Deputy), HC of The Families (Rank 10 under deputy).

Thanks for reading! i hope you will see my potential, have a nice day! :ninja:

Rank System :sneaky:

(12) Top G
(11) Under G
(10) Boss
(9) Turfer
(8) Ghetto Clapper
(7) Street Fighter
(6) Villain
(5) Ballas G
(4) LIL G
(3) Ballas Boy
(2) Starter Ballas

(1) Freeze
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Houssam Walker

Jun 16, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Houssam
2. Your age : 19
3. Time zone : UTC +1
4. Average online per day : 5 to 10h
5. Your Discord : HoussamWalker#7270
6. Your Nickname: Houssam Walker
7. Your ID : 30142

Additional information

1. Leader of... Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I want to become leader of the Ballas for three reasons. First of all, i want every memebr for ballas to learn all general and gangs rules to make it a good rp and respect the rp situations. Second, i want ballas be the most dangerous gang in the city and the most active one in all events. Finally, i will try my best to make my friends and all memebers active as they can and also i have a lot of friends that they can join me in ballas.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Make sure to all members respect the rp rules
Have contact with everyone to avoid toxicity between them
Reward people who are very active and hard workers
The most dangerous gang that cops will be afraid to face it
Maintain activity in the ghetto and events
Suggestions to curators for better Rp and better experience

Thank you for reading my application

USSS – Elite Agent | LSPD – Supervisor | MARABUNTA – under deputy | NG – LT General / Deputy leader | FIB – Supervisor | SAHP - Corporal | Family - Deputy leader | Bloods – High command

Sharath Rich

Jun 6, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization
1.Sharath Chandra
4.10 hours
5.KGF Sharath YT#0818
6.Sharath Bhai

Additional information

Leader of Ballas Gang

Q2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?(List three reasons with explanation)
1. I need to be a leader this specific organization because when I have joined the city I'm worked in every legal orgs after leaving legal orgs I'm joined ballas it is very best experience after learned about turfs,NG Raids and grafftis I got high command but I'm not happy
But I need to do something new that's why I need to be a leader
2. I want be a leader because I know all server rules, ghetto rules, event rules i will strictly follow them and if someone break the rules i will take action against him
3. I can manage any legal or illegal org because well experience and I know how to do every event rules and times

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization
> I will recruit the citizens who knows rules properly
> I will host more events for the gang member

> Meeting with our gang members before and after event
> We will do turfs 100%

> 24/7 graffti
> I will not do any favourism if he my friend also
like that
> We will recruit good shooters

Ex NG Captain ex marbunta underdeputy ex vagos High command ex minister of doc

Thank for reading my application

-Sharath Bhai
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Jul 23, 2021
1. Tom
2. 24
3. EST
4. 4-10 hrs a day
5. gtommo#0386
6. Tommo Bolo
7. 1620
Additional information
1. Leader of Ballas
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
2a) I want to be leader of Ballas because the one thing I enjoy most in GRP is gang events and activites. Ive tried being in legal orgs and nothing really does it for me like gangs do.
2b) I want to be leader of this gang because I believe i can use my connections and experience to have the best and strongest gang in the city. In the past I have led gangs and alot of people enjoyed their time under my leadership. I want to bring that back again.
2c) One more reason I want to lead Ballas is because Ballas was the first gang I joined when this server first opened up, and want to relive all the good times we had there.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization - I have experienced every rank in gangs from rank 1 all the way to Leader and I think to improve everyone’s RP experience we have to hold people accountable for their actions, and promote teamwork rather than the typical toxicness we usually see in gangs. If i get the leadership I will strive to make my gang open to everyone and make sure everyone gets along with eachother so we can focus on the RP more.

Thanks for reading my application

Ronny Rich

Aug 21, 2021
1. Your name IRL Jayy
2. Your age 21
3. Time zone EST
4. Average online per day 5 to 10 hours
5. Your Discord Jayy420#7284
6. Your Nickname Ronny Lee
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of... Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1st reason I want to be leader of ballas is because I have been high command of many different orgs I’m ex marabunta leader I know I’ve made mistakes in my time in grand but I have learned from them mistakes and I would truly appreciate another term to prove myself. Second reason I want to be leader is because I have so much experience with legal/illegal I’ve done it all from deputy leader of ballas, deputy leader of bloods, deputy leader of vagos, chief of fto, chief of detective, major of swat, captain of swat, major of fto on the legal. 3rd and final reason I want to be leader is because if granted I would bring strong leadership more fz more battleships more store robbery’s more hostage situations etc. all I ask is for a chance thanks for your time for reading my application and hope you consider me for ballas leadership.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
My advice for improving role play is we need more stronger leader for ballas someone who will bring good numbers but not just any number trustable numbers people that will be active during store robbery’s, fz, battleships, and in the ghetto also another good piece of advice is to make sure that everyone knows the rules and follow them.
Ex marabunta leader, ex bloods deputy leader, ex vagos deputy leader, ex sahp high command, ex lspd high command.

Kay Pluxury

Jan 31, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Kayd
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: (UTC+12:00 NZST)
4. Average online per day: 7-12 Hours
5. Your Discord: 🅺🅰🆈#1331
6. Your Nickname: Kay Pluxury

7. Your ID: 13313

Additional information
-----Leader of East Side Ballas-----

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

1. After being High Command in many organizations I feel its time to lead one to 100% success, All my knowledge I have gathered from Legal and illegal will help me sort out and assign documents to identify each step the pigs may have against us including files, Quizzes and much more inconvenient structures!

2. I am very strict and I am quick to make sure consequences are headed there way.
3. I know all event timings and formats so Im ready to start winning
4. Im am not bias and I think everyone deserves a chance in taking lead even though they may be low rank.
I always have good quality POV'S and its always available. Rarely my POV corrupts!
Over my time in the city I have gathered many of friends including Admins and well respected people!

Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization?

1. Making sure everyone is aware of the rules/events before joining my organization.

2. I am a very tidy person so this will help when it comes to organizing certain events/meetings, making sure people are prepared 10-25 minutes before the event starts.

3. Currently as a deputy of Marabunta I have learned how to fill logs/formats correctly.

4. Checking that everyone is doing the correct actions/negotiations.
5. Daily events such as Globals, Fz Raids and Battleships are recorded and attends onto the task.

6. Owning ghetto "King of Ghetto" including active meeting points, graffiti`s and overall RP situations without rule breaks. Be known as terrorist.
7. I plan on going for 100% Turfs (I have a turf team)
8. Another way I would like to improve rp is building an alliance with other gang as Deputy of Marabunta we are Building/Collabing with Families/Bloods/Vagos
(Currently working on the BIGGEST GANG EVENT EVER with the work of the listed gangs!)
Rank System!
(12) Big Smoke
(11) The inFamous
(10) Street Junky
(9) Turfer
(8) Street Wise
(7) Balla Dealer
(6) Gang Banga
(5) Mob Killa
(4) Local G's
(3) Balla Partner
(2) Softie Balla
(1) Freeze
Don't mess with the Ballas, baby! We go out in a blaze!” - Ballas Member''

Curator: Arthur Mack / Dylan Gomez

Leader: Kay Pluxury
Deputy Leader (1): Dan inFamous
Deputy Leader (2): Laka Kirigaya
Deputy Leader (3): Damon Salvatoree
And more to decide!..

My overall goal is to help new players get a fun experience maybe to be a leader or something more important within the city one day!

I hope for the best and Thanks for reading my application :)

and I understand my past history including punishments is bad and wish for it to be forgiven as I really want to lead a org to its full potential. As you can see i haven't been punished in a while and look forward to keep it that way!

East Side Ballas On Top Baby!
--Current Deputy Leader Of Marabunta--
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Giorgi Avalianiii

Aug 26, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. Your name IRL - Giorgi
2. Your age - 17
3. Time zone - GMT +04:00
4. Average online per day - 6-10 hours
5. Your Discord - GiØ#4657
6. Your Nickname - Gio Avaliani
7. Your ID - 40851

Additional information

1. Leader of Ballas Gang

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

I want to Become Ballas because i have a many experience i other illegal organizations like : bloods,vagos,ballas and The Families i has been this all organizations i had a big ranks i was a turfer many times and i know all the ghetto rules just i will try if i will be a good leader of this ballas gang and i will try to be a more active and this org will be more active and best organization in illegal organizations.when i joined in the city firs i joined in the gang (ballas) i learned evrything from this gang how to rob the people and all the ghetto rules.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

My advice for improving roleplay consists of being an active staple for the Ballas gang, having my 4 deputies alongside recruiting and promoting healthy roleplay within the gang.i will make a store robberys,hostage situations,NG Raid, i will be taking 100% turf,i will invite people who knows all the rules gen rules,ghetto rules and others because in the organization 1 person if breaking the rules so its mean this organization is breaking this rule and we will get a punishment from a gods (admins) juts as i said the org will be very active and best organization ever.

Thanks for reading my application

Ex-ballas gang member,ex-bloods gang member,ex-vagos turfer and ex-the families deputy ENG1,Ex-LT . General(NG), DHOD of IA (FIB)
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Aug 31, 2022
Your Name IRL: Shubham Singh
Your Age: 17

Your TimeZone: UTC +5:30
Average Online Per Day: 3-7Hours
Your Discord: Pandu Bolo#2175
Your Nickname: Pandu Bolo
Your ID: 16060

Additional Information
1.Leader Of Ballas


2.Why Do I Want To Be Leader Of Specific Organization.

I Would Like To Be Leader Of Ballas Because I Was A High Command As A State Employee From The Starting So I Have Experience From Legal Orgs Also Which I Think Can Help Gang Know Legal Orgs Next Step Which Will Be An Advantage For Us.

Also I Have Been A Deputy/Leader Of A Gang In Past Which Maked Me More Knowledgeable At The Same Time I Made Some Contacts Over There With Some High Level Clappers And I Think If I Get A Opportunity To Be The Leader I Can Easily Make Them Come Over Ballas Which Will Make Ballas Top Most Active Gang Ever Made.

I Have A Leadership Sprite In Me Also I Have Been Major Of SWAT So I Know How The Tactics Stuff Work And I Have Done Negotiations Of Store Robbery's And Hostage Situation From Both The Side Legal And Gang So I Can Believe My This Knowledge Will Also Help The Most .

I Have Been Recently Leader Of A Gang From Which I Have Learned My Mistakes And Made Much Better Contact With Experienced People. This Time I Can Make Sure That The Past Mistakes Won't Happen Again. As I Have Been Already A Leader I Know What Problems Can Come Which I Have Being Solving Between Members.

As A Past Leader And Deputs Of Gang I Have Seen How Turf Works And I Have Top Turf Team Of This City In My Contact Who Have Done 100% TURF In Past And Will Do It Again Will Be The Most Active Gang People Had Ever Seen

3. My Advice Improving Roleplay Level .

1. I Will Give Newcomers A Chance And Keep Them In Contact Because Newcomers Thing Gangs Are Boring Because No One Looks At Them Or Talk To Them And They Leave The Gang But I Would Look Into It So It Don't Happens I Will Try To Give Cool Bounese So They Enjoy The RP

2. I Would Try To Keep This Ic As Much As Possible. Do A Proper RP

3. Last And Most Important I Would Make Sure Whoever Is In The Organization Must Be Aware Of Rules. What I Have Mostly Seen In All Gangs Is People Are Invited In Gangs Without Even A Interview I Will Make It Compulsory That Whoever Is In The Gang Atleast Must Be Aware Of Basic Server And Ghetto Rules

4. I Have Seen In Most Of The Gang People Are In The Gang But They Are Not Familiar Of The Basic Rules I Would Make Sure That They Atleast Know The Basic Rules Of A RP So We Can Do A Proper RP

5.I Have Always Seen That In Past Ballas Was Very Less Active In Ghetto But I Would And Will Implement That I Will Take Over The Ghetto, Increase Criminal Activity Infact Try My Best To Make Ballas Most Active Gang.

(Thanks For Reading My Application)
Really deserves it. when I was in families this was the person who helped me sad he got Disbanded because of some people
wish you luck buddy

Nylon Pluxury

Jul 24, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Elad
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT+3
4. Average online per day: 7-12 Hours
5. Your Discord: Nylon ミ★#7397
6. Your Nickname: Joey Pluxury
7. Your ID: 46817
--------Additional information--------

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

First of all, I want to be the leader of the Ballas because when my and my friend first got GTA and decided to play roleplay we found grand rp and when we first logged into the game we were very confused until one of our family members taught us about the game more and told us to join a gang and we did and in the gang we were taught everything we know about this game from how to buy and sell guns to how to rob stores and the people were very nice and welcoming to me so that is why I want to become leader of this gang to also make new players feel welcome and be nice to them .

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

My first advice for improving roleplay in this org is that you shouldnt just let every new player join. You have to make sure they know the rules and if they dont teach them and then recruit them. Also I would train every new recruit by myself and if they are new to the game I would teach them basic game mechanics. I would also advise on choosing the high command carefully and I would review them myself and would only choose the best of the best so my organization can run smoothly.

Moe Blixky

Da General Blixky
Apr 22, 2022
1. Mo
2. 19
3. EST
4. 6-8 hours
5. Mo$#2294
6. Moe Blixky
7. 24332

1. Leader of Ballas
2. I want to be leader of Ballas because I have previously been leader of Ballas and finished my 30 day term successfully. I have all the knowledge required to be a great leader. I have multiple strong families that will supply me with members. My Blixky family is very well known throughout the city. I have several tactics in mind that will keep the ghetto active 24/7. I will also host events for all orgs and make sure that my members attend every event. I will also teach my members how to rp properly in the ghetto so that everyone has fun proper rp experience. I will also add a squad system in my gang that will help all the new recruits learn the rules.

The squad system.

The squad system is a system where you have lets say 4 recruiters that are trained by the leader they have learned all the rules they know how to properly rp go to events and have rp interactions all throughout the city not just the ghetto.
The 4 recruiters will recruit new members into the org and teach them how to maneuver and make money around the city and properly rp and learn all the rules of the server not just the ghetto. The recruiters will be following around the members for a full 2 weeks depending on the members learning speed. once the member is ready they will be ranked up to a runner and go enjoy the city.
The benefits of this system is that it is very very new player friendly and it helps the new players fully understand and grasp the rules which limits them from getting warnings and the gang from receiving strikes. ANOTHER important benefit of this system is that these squads will go around the ghetto together making the ghetto super active.

Trade of illegal goods (custom event)

This is an event that I came up with which is based off an event the admins once did in EN1. Two gangs and their leaders meet in a disclosed location to sort out a deal between their gangs for drugs or control over sprays or just a cease fire. The state orgs such as LSPD and FIB are given a tip by a rat amongst the gangs they now know the location of the meet up and go in to bust it.
The winners of the huge battle if its the gangs get to take the state officials hostage for ransom from the government and they sort out a deal with the other gang to split cash and make peace in the ghetto. if its the legal orgs they can take both org leaders captive making a strong presence within the city and while the gang org leaders are behind bars they can attack the gang HQs and do a clean wipe of their warehouse and put more members behind bars.
Overall this event would be super fun and full of rp and end in a amazing battle.

3. To be honest it all starts with the org leaders in my opinion. If the orgs have strong active org leaders that engage and teach the members how to level up in the city make connections properly rp and grind the city more rp interactions occur between players that make it fun. For example when I use to be a higher up in EN1 I use to train all my members in my squad one of those members was Ari Yaki the leader of the Yakuza she went on to become the leader of a top 10 family after her time training under me she also became a higher up within families.

Over all my experience in grand Rp is boundless I have been on the server for more then a year now and I have always been in gangs and lead gangs and created great rp within the server and helped many many other players get a better grasp within the server and enjoy it. I say my experience is boundless because I am a 9K ID in server 1 I have been a deputy in many gang orgs and I have helped leaders finish their 30 day term and get 100% turfs. Also like I stated before I helped many of the new leaders now get to where they are currently.


May 6, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Nika
2. Your age : 17
3. Time zone: (GMT+4)
4. Average online : per day 4-5
5. Your Discord : Gergito#2663
6. Your Nickname : Nick Blixky
7. Your ID : 23793
Additional information
1. Leader of Ballas
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1) gangs are dead leader aint makin it active 0 people go to event clans which is best event for gangs to get loot leaders dont car i want ballas.
2) color purple is beautiful i love it and i have best outfit for it
3) also i was deputy 2 times i can make purple people in city all day bloods will be dead trust
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
i will teach new player how to play game (<this is scripted i jsut stole this from random donny)

Pandu Venetia

Aug 31, 2022
Your Name IRL: Shubham Singh
Your Age: 17

Your TimeZone: UTC +5:30
Average Online Per Day: 3-7Hours
Your Discord: Pandu Bolo#2175
Your Nickname: Pandu Bolo
Your ID: 16060

Additional Information
1.Leader Of Ballas


2.Why Do I Want To Be Leader Of Specific Organization.

I Would Like To Be Leader Of Ballas Because I Was A High Command As A State Employee From The Starting So I Have Experience From Legal Orgs Also Which I Think Can Help Gang Know Legal Orgs Next Step Which Will Be An Advantage For Us.

Also I Have Been A Deputy/Leader Of A Gang In Past Which Maked Me More Knowledgeable At The Same Time I Made Some Contacts Over There With Some High Level Clappers And I Think If I Get A Opportunity To Be The Leader I Can Easily Make Them Come Over Ballas Which Will Make Ballas Top Most Active Gang Ever Made.

I Have A Leadership Sprite In Me Also I Have Been Major Of SWAT So I Know How The Tactics Stuff Work And I Have Done Negotiations Of Store Robbery's And Hostage Situation From Both The Side Legal And Gang So I Can Believe My This Knowledge Will Also Help The Most .

I Have Been Recently Leader Of A Gang From Which I Have Learned My Mistakes And Made Much Better Contact With Experienced People. This Time I Can Make Sure That The Past Mistakes Won't Happen Again. As I Have Been Already A Leader I Know What Problems Can Come Which I Have Being Solving Between Members.

As A Past Leader And Deputs Of Gang I Have Seen How Turf Works And I Have Top Turf Team Of This City In My Contact Who Have Done 100% TURF In Past And Will Do It Again Will Be The Most Active Gang People Had Ever Seen

3. My Advice Improving Roleplay Level .

1. I Will Give Newcomers A Chance And Keep Them In Contact Because Newcomers Thing Gangs Are Boring Because No One Looks At Them Or Talk To Them And They Leave The Gang But I Would Look Into It So It Don't Happens I Will Try To Give Cool Bounese So They Enjoy The RP

2. I Would Try To Keep This Ic As Much As Possible. Do A Proper RP

3. Last And Most Important I Would Make Sure Whoever Is In The Organization Must Be Aware Of Rules. What I Have Mostly Seen In All Gangs Is People Are Invited In Gangs Without Even A Interview I Will Make It Compulsory That Whoever Is In The Gang Atleast Must Be Aware Of Basic Server And Ghetto Rules

4. I Have Seen In Most Of The Gang People Are In The Gang But They Are Not Familiar Of The Basic Rules I Would Make Sure That They Atleast Know The Basic Rules Of A RP So We Can Do A Proper RP

5.I Have Always Seen That In Past Ballas Was Very Less Active In Ghetto But I Would And Will Implement That I Will Take Over The Ghetto, Increase Criminal Activity Infact Try My Best To Make Ballas Most Active Gang.

(Thanks For Reading My Application)
Wish You Luck Buddy Hope We Will Be Back Again ✌️

Eva Mirza

Feb 7, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.


1. Your name IRL : Dhrumil Patel
2. Your age : 20
3. Time zone : +05:30
4. Average online per day:7 to 8 hour
5. Your Discord : dhrumil22822#8240
6. Your Nickname : Eva Disciples

7. Your ID : 22822

Additional information

1. Leader of...

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

[1] I want to become a leader Bcoz i have a good leadership quality and i always had been part of gang and i have good relation with many player in city so i can bring high number in my gang and i also like BALLAS HQ bcoz it have very huge space and i also like Purple colour.

[2] i had higher rank in many gang and i observed many mistakes by leaders so its teach me how operate gang very well.

[3] i have experience of all invents in ghetto so i will attend all events with my gang and make BALLAS on TOP.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- who enters in my gang should know the rules. and also know what to do and what to not do in the Ghetto. every gang member must know ghetto and general rules. if you don't know these things then you should not be the part of any org. I will bring out the real feel during hostage situations, gun store robberies and 24\7 shops.


Sep 2, 2022
1. My IRL name is Ezgi.
2. I'm 23.
3. GMT+03:00
4. 10-12 hours per day.
5. Ezgi#8915
6. Lucy Mazekeen
7. 42553

Additional information
1. Leader of the Ballas Gang.

2. Reason 1: I think that there should be a women leader in the gangs, and i have the responsibility that i can handle it.
Reason 2: I want that ghetto is controled by the Ballas Gang. For instance, Turfs should belong to the Ballas Gang completely.
Reason 3
: I want to become a leader because i believe that i can give a new perspective to my fellows, also I will see all the Ballas members as my own family and communicate properly and nicely with them. Moreover, the first and only gang is the Ballas Gang.

3. First of all, all of my members should know the rules of the city also the rules of the ghetto. That is why I will train them on this, and keep them updated on how the process is going. Moreover, I will lead the way in actively participating in the events so that my gang members can gain experience in both city and ghetto. Finally, my friends, who have served as a deputy in other gangs in the past, will also assist me in the rise of the Ballas Gang.

Behroz shah

Jun 30, 2022
1. Behroz shah
2. 17
3. Pakistan (GMT+5)
4. 4 hours to 6 hours
5. Behroz shah#0416
6. Behroz shah
7. 31037

Additional information

1.Leader of Ballas

2.:i want to improve my rp experience by leading a criminal organization.
:i play very much hehehhe
:when i arrived in the server 2 months ago i thought i shall go in gov. org but i met my freind rohan xoxo and we joined bloods ( that time i didn't knew the rules and got so much demorgans XD) after that i joined some more orgs but for breaking rules i got more punishments then i finally decide to read the rules. after reading all the rules i haven't broke them yet.
so know i feel confident that i can become the leader of this org. (if selected for interview xd )
i really enjoyed being in the criminal orgs and like clapping in ghetto , store rob. ,amunation store rob. , Clandestine etc events (i also participated in global
:i know the leader rules etc
: i have very much experience in gangs

all of my gang members would enter by passing the interview.
my org will participate in every event. Deserving players would be on good posts .

point 1: remaining the difference about ooc ic.
point 2: giving a chance to new players ( who know rules )
point 3: giving high posts to deserving players
point 4: giving a kick to players who break rules ( because it would be dangerous for a criminal org. to have that players )
point 5: giving chance to everyone
point 6: Checking logs regularly ( not leting anyone steal guns armour ) ( Cheats )


Bloods I rank 8
Families I rank 10 turfer
Marabunta grande I 7 rank
Los santos Vagos I rank 6

Current deputy of the family Black Mafia

Rank system:
13 I Head
12 I General
11 I Martial
10 I Turfer
9 I Recruiter
8 I Experienced Balla
7 I Street Clappa
6 I Veteran
5 I Killer
4 I Growing Balla
3 I Devil
2 I Mute
1 I Suspended

Axpecting the best!!
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Nuri Pluxury

The Orginal Deputy for all gangs
Sep 5, 2022
1. Your name IRL-NuriAlemdar
2. Your age-17
3. Time zone-GMT plus 3
4. Average online per day- 8-12hr
5. Your Discord- NuriJr#6363
6. Your Nickname-Almedar
7. Your ID-1562
Additional information
1. Leader of Ballas
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1.I want to Be a Leader Of Marabunta because i want to prove myself that i can do 100% turf
2.i have my turf team and i can guarantee that we will have cleanest turfs
3. i want to to prove my employees as much as myself that we will have most terroristic org

1. I will be completing term with 100% turf
2. i will be doing terroristic events every day as much as i can (store robberies,hostage situations and FZ raids etc)
3.my gang will be taking over the ghetto
4. we will be recruiting as much as people we can, of course if they know rules
NuriJr-Thank you and best regards .
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Mubassim Fareed

Raptor Mubassim
Jul 17, 2022

1. Your name IRL = Mubassim Fareed
2. Your age = 17
3. Time zone = GMT+5
4. Average online per day = 8 hours
5. Your Discord = Raptor Mubassim#0695
6. Your Nickname = Raptor Mubassim
7. Your ID = 14556

Additional information

Leader of The Ballas Gang

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

1. I want to be the Leader of The Ballas Gang Because I have experience from almost all the Legal Orgs and Illegal ones.

2. I also want to be the Leader of The Ballas Gang to get 100% turf Capture And I know All of the rules and laws of the City

3. I am an old citizen of Los Santos and I am in city for 30 years ic and 1 year OOC and want to make Ballas Rise and Shine

Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. I will try to make the Ballas the best gang by Improving the Members in the term of Shooting, Capturing and learning laws

2. I will try to make The Ballas Gang most active gang in the city by doing Most Captures, FZ Raids, Store Robberies and much more

3. I will Also improve the Organization by giving alot of Bonuses and Helping people out in term of Money and Experience

4. We will also make the Ballas the best by following all the rules.

Thanks for Reading my application,

-Raptor Mubassim
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Lexo Vercetti

Respect Everyone
Jul 17, 2022

1. Your name IRL - Iman Banerjee
2. Your age - 17
3. Time zone - IST( GMT +5:30)
4. Average online per day - 8 hours
5. Your Discord - Iman#0069
6. Your Nickname - Lakaa Pluxury
7. Your ID - 42070

Additional Information

1. Leader of The Ballas Gang

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

  • I want to be Leader of Ballas Gang because i have been worked as High command and Deputy Leader and Leader In Every Illegal Organization.
  • I have experience so i know how actually a gang works, how to make a gang on top and how to be a good and memorable Leader. i have been Leader of Marabunta and Deputy Leader of Bloods.
  • I want to be Leader of this Org cause i have support of many good En2 Turfers and Experienced leaders so i know i can give edge to edge competition to other gangs
  • I made many friends in the city so if i be leader they will join and the gang will be active and we will be leading Ghetto!

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

  • No Favoritism
  • More Events
  • 100% Turf
  • 24/7 Graffiti
  • Proper Rank Management
  • Proper Interview
  • Guide New Comers
  • Engage with Gang Members
  • Bonuses
  • Proper Logs Management
  • Follow Proper Rules of the City
  • Bonus/Promotion to members who does well and punishment to members who breaks rules
  • Respect Everyone.

Thanks For Reading My Application
Have A Great Day
Lakaa Pluxury
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Jun 13, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL: Alex

2. Your age: 16

3. Time zone: GMT +2

4. Average online per day: 8h

5. Your Discord: Aux#7402

6. Your Nickname: Aux Shade

7. Your ID: 151546
Additional information

1. Leader of Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

I want to be the leader of thhe Ballas because, I have always loved being a leader or high command of orgs. I feel like i can make funny rp situations with my gang and make sure both sides are having good times. I have experience of being a high command on the legal and illegal side of things. I have deputys and a squad lined up to make this gang have the best RP experience and fun possible. I would make sure my gang attends events such as BS, FZ and a lot more. When i started the server i was took into the goverment i saw a lot of corruption and we would always die to gangs and i admired how they conducted them self. I joined my first gang marabunta and they took me in with loving arms and teached me everything i needed to know about gangs and the gang life.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization
I would ensure every gang member of mine knows the rules and i would make sure they know what there doing. I would not be accepting under level 10 and if any gang member is caught braking a rule they will be blacklisted immediately.

I love the rp in hostage situations store robberys ect I would make sure the gang stays on top of all off that and make it a daily thing I would also insure that a high command is there before starting it.

I would make sure the Ballas Know every important rule and make sure they are mature and know what there doing I would make sure we make good rp for cops and civs and for the gang.

My goal is to make Ballas big and strong again and give other gangs competition i would make sure we do this by attending a lot of events.
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