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IMPORTANT Applications for the Ballas

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Harry Bolo

May 29, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Harrison
2. 17
3. UK (GMT+1)
4. 6-10
5. Harry inFamous#8329
6. Harry inFamous
7. 33032
Additional information
1. Leader of
The Ballas Gang
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
-i want to be a leader because i have been a high command of all gangs and i have alot of experience in gangs
-i feel like i could really help bring gangs back alive - my gang will attend as many events as possible and always be active in ghetto
- i want to expand my horizon in rp life and i feel like becoming a leader is the best way to do so as it is a brand new experience for me
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
when recruiting people into my gang i will make sure that they all know the rules fully . if they do not know the rules i will make sure that they read them and understand them before they get invited.


Senior Elite Operative FIB Agent
Sep 17, 2022
. Your name IRL - Ashutosh
2. Your age - 20
3. Time zone - GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day - 2-8 hours
5. Your Discord - ashutosh#8140
6. Your Nickname - Akatsuki Negi
7. Your ID - 4111
Additional information

1. Leader of The Ballas Gang

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I want to be the leader of this specific org because I have been a year in GRP en1 now and I have been under deputy in all the 5 gangs so now I want to assist the people of en2 with my leadership and help them to reach the peak ,.
I have experienced all the orgs in en1 with a HC position and in en2 in lspd as a Captain in John Marshal term and in gangs now.
I have been in legal orgs so I know there tactics and I can insure the safety of my members .
I will make sure that there is no spread of toxicity in our org and communications are very good among everyone and everyone live with friendly relations. I will complete my term without any warns and strikes .

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I will make different divisions for example drivers division for professional drivers who helps us in escaping hostage situation without any loss of live of our member.
I will do 100% turf.
I will make ballas as a terrorist org.
I will make my gang active attendance in all the events .
I will increase the crime in the city to its peak.
I will do assassination the high officials and take them as hostages.
I will maintain high level RP.
At the end I will take ballas at its peak under my leadership.

1. Your name IRL - Ashutosh
2. Your age - 20
3. Time zone - GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day - 2-8 hours
5. Your Discord - ashutosh#8140
6. Your Nickname - Akatsuki Negi
7. Your ID - 4111
Additional information

1. Leader of The Ballas Gang

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I want to be the leader of this specific org because I have been a year in GRP en1 now and I have been under deputy in all the 5 gangs so now I want to assist the people of en2 with my leadership and help them to reach the peak ,.
I have experienced all the orgs in en1 with a HC position and in en2 in lspd as a Captain in John Marshal term and in gangs now.
I have been in legal orgs so I know there tactics and I can insure the safety of my members .

I will make sure that there is no spread of toxicity in our org and communications are very good among everyone and everyone live with friendly relations. I will complete my term without any warns and strikes .

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I will make different divisions for example drivers division for professional drivers who helps us in escaping hostage situation without any loss of live of our member.
I will do 100% turf.
I will make ballas as a terrorist org.
I will make my gang active attendance in all the events .
I will increase the crime in the city to its peak.
I will do assassination the high officials and take them as hostages.
I will maintain high level RP.
At the end I will take ballas at its peak under my leadership.

Bilal Flawless

Aug 30, 2021
1. Your Name irl: Bilal
2. Your Age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+1
4. Average online per day: 8 hours
5. Your Discord: Bilal Bolo#6174
6. Your Nickname: Bilal Bolo
7. Your ID: 361
Additional information -

1.Leader of The Ballas Gang

2. Since my time on this project which has been over a year i have experienced the different forms of RP in different organizations. I have been in every organization from both the legal side and also illegal side. From both sides i have favored the illegal side of RP because i think there's more freedom to RP and also you are in control of the situation most of the time. Climbing my way up the hierarchy in different gangs i have learnt what its like for people at the bottom and also for people who hold responsibilities at the top. I have gained deputy status in many different gangs due to my leadership and organizational skills. With this responsibility i have made sure that everyone's voice is heard in that gang and that the newer people are made aware of the rules and responsibilities that come with each rank. I have also made adjustments in most gangs by speaking with the leaders and explaining to them that everyone in the gang matters and that the leaders attention shouldn't just go to the people with the highest rank. I have emphasized the need to make newer people feel included because they are players that are looking to have fun and RP in gang life. If i became leader of this gang i wish to focus on getting 100% turfs as well as becoming the number 1 gang in this city.

3. Since my time on this project i have noticed a lot of gangs have been active for 1-2 weeks and they then get disbanded because of inactivity or rule breaks. I wish to prevent this from my organization by making sure every player joining the gang goes through an intense interview which would include questions regarding RP rules as well as some scenarios. I have also noticed that lower members of the gang are often the most hard working but not rewarded with rank ups/bonuses, i wish to change this by making individual logs in the Ballas discord where the player can post their activity in events as well as any achievements, any of these will result in a calculated bonus as well as rank ups if they are consistent and this will hopefully create a positive attitude towards the gang events and also loyalty from gang members. In addition to this i would like to introduce a limit on the amount of people that would be able to join my organization and i will encourage them to join another gang with fewer numbers, although it may seem fun having the most people in your gang this is often not the case because it means other gangs are demotivated to come to events or the ghetto and it becomes stale in the ghetto as well as in events because other gangs don't bother showing up and for the gang with numbers there is nobody to fight. Finally, i have noticed a lot of power tripping from a lot of people who have authority in a gang, i will not allow this in my gang and i will make sure that everyone is treated fairly and nobody is removed or rejected from joining without a valid reason.

Nuri Pluxury

The Orginal Deputy for all gangs
Sep 5, 2022

1. Your name IRL

2. Your age

3. Time zone

4. Average online per day

5. Your Discord

6. Your Nickname

7. Your ID

Additional information

1. Leader of...

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- Name : Nuri Blixky

- Age : 17

- Time Zone : GMT+3

- ᴀᴠᴇʀᴀɢᴇ Online / per Day : 6-8+ Hrs

- Your Discord : NuriJr#6363

- Your NickName : Blixky

- Your ID : 1562

( || )Additional information

Leader Of The Ballas Gang !

(Why Do u want to be a leader of this specific Organization ? ( List at least of three reason with explanation )

- First of all, since I arrived to the city, the crime was part of me. I've joined to Families gang , Bloods gang , Ballas Gang and much gangs and it was part of my life and I have joined Legal Orgs also like LSPD , , SAHP , So I have all the experience of these legal and illegal orgs and I know how to be not catched and protect my gang members from Police . I used to be high rank in the gang as well as in legal orgs and did everything I can to the gang by investing all of my time to the gang as a member in the gang .

- I want to make sure that if i get the orginization that it will not spread any toxicity to anyone inside the organization or anyone outside of the organization because i personaly dont like when there is toxicity in the orginizations or in general so i will make sure that it will not happen.

-Since my first day in city I have been involved with gangs. I have lived and died in ghetto, my utter dedication towards illegal organisation has taught me illegal RP and I have also understood the terms and rules of the city in a proper way. I, in the most generous way believe that I am perfectly fit for the leadership role of ballas Gang.

( ||| ) Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization

I want to improve it by being an active gang by doing store robberies on a regular interval such like Clands , Battleship , NG Raid , Gun Store Robbery and much more events. I want to give new players equal opportunities to progress with the gang and give them a chance to do what they want . If I see that a member is doing googd and being active then I will award him with a lil bonus and a rank up.

I would create events that have never been done before , here I'm talking about Global events. I want to create something new , creative which would be fun for both legal and illegal sides. We have some events but it seems to be one sided in some situation so to remove it I will implement several events for Legal/ Illegal/Civilians . Such like assassination of Governor , attack on gov rally , assassination of Chief of Police these were some names of events I would do If I succeed in getting leadership.

I have personally noticed that Gangs has eventually become all about Turfs and less about Clands/Ghetto Fights/and robberies.

I would advice all the organizations to indulge more into RP, I have personally noticed how no gang ever tries to hit NGs Ammo run or encashment as well. I would want to mantain good terms with the other organization leaders and do such events where LEOs stands as a strong pillar. To make things short, I simply want to improve the relation Illegal Org leaders have among each other. I want to promote collaboration among the gangs to instigate more dominance in the city..

( IV ) My goals as Ballas Leader?

-Create & Organize the organization

-Make the organization as terrorist organization

-Create fun RP situation

-Create massive global events for the players

-Successfully doing first term without any warns

I hope my application reaches the curator in good health. Looking forward to hear from you guys.


Ballas ON TOP
Nuri Blixky

Ex Vagos Deputy Ex Marbunta Deputy Ex Families Ex LSPD Ex SAHP Ex Ballas Hc Ex Bloods Hc Vagos Leader
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Burak Frost

Feb 16, 2022
1. Your Name IRL: Burak
2. Your Age: 22
4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord: Burak.#3435
6. Your Nickname: Burak Incinmeden
7. Your ID: 10434
Additional Information
1. Leader of which organization ?
+ Leader of The Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

+ First reason as you know guys I am leader of Incinmeden family and we are already in ghetto everytime and we want to make it more professional and interesting. Second reason i believe that ill make the Ballas the best gang that EN-2 city ever saw and make everyone see the power of Ballas gang with new strategies and plans that will blow up everyone. Third reason I want to get the Ballas because I fighted so much time in this gang with multiple leaders. And ofc hq in the Grove Street, this gang has the best hq in this city.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Soo yeah i have some few new rules to improve the RolePlay in this city : First of all , i want to make a minimum age to join the gang (i dont care if hes been in others cities because i want to respect the RP and give equality to everyone , second thing for the interview to the members ill try to make it full of questions and put them in some situations to make that they know all the rules , and for the last one ( i think it will be good) i want to add logs at the e-mail to make sure no one breaking rules , and promotion will be based on the events that they attended by putting a screen or bodycam about the situation.

Heartrobbe Baba

Jul 18, 2022
1. Your name IRL - Anishk Manik McGee
2. Your age - 18
3. Time zone - GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day - 9-14 Hrs
5. Your Discord - HEARTROBBE#9119
6. Your Nickname - Heartrobbe Baba
7. Your ID - 28047

Additional information :
Ex deputy of Vagos , And I was high command in a lot of gang in the city im an old player and I would like to be a leader coz I believe I have been in this gang for a long time and acquired enough experience necessary And belive I can properly play my role And help and guide others as a leader And make this game more enjoyable

1. Leader of...

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
First of all, I want to be a leader because as soon as I entered the city for the first time, I was very confused and had a hard time, but as soon as I entered the gang for the first time, I entered Ballas and the people there were nice to me and explained everything to me, so I want to be in this specific gang In addition I want to give people the best feeling they can get. I choose to be a leader in Ballas because I want to show how a gang should really be.
II. Second, everything in my org will be in order, for example at 18:00, everyone is already waiting in HQ ready for BS, so I am interested in being a leader and also why do you have to give me the option to choose.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization .
My first advice that i will make sure that before everyone enters my org I will test them well and see that they do know the rules.

In addition:-
I will be very dedicated and before each event will explain to all the people about the event and what they cannot do in this event for example (clands cannot be with a vest).
In addition:-

I will do a lot of hostage sit and a lot of store rob so that my gang will not have a single boring moment and enjoy what Rp I will get some people who know several languages so that they can recruit people and thus give all people a chance to enter my org.

Mubassim Fareed

Raptor Mubassim
Jul 17, 2022

1. Your name IRL = Mubassim Fareed
2. Your age = 17
3. Time zone = GMT+5
4. Average online per day = 8 hours
5. Your Discord = Raptor Mubassim#0695
6. Your Nickname = Raptor Mubassim
7. Your ID = 14556

Additional information

Leader of The Ballas Gang

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

1. I want to be the Leader of The Ballas Gang Because I have experience from almost all the Legal Orgs and Illegal ones.

2. I also want to be the Leader of The Ballas Gang to get 100% turf Capture And I know All of the rules and laws of the City

3. I am an old citizen of Los Santos and I am in city for 30 years ic and 1 year OOC and want to make Ballas Rise and Shine

Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. I will try to make the Ballas the best gang by Improving the Members in the term of Shooting, Capturing and learning laws

2. I will try to make The Ballas Gang most active gang in the city by doing Most Captures, FZ Raids, Store Robberies and much more

3. I will Also improve the Organization by giving alot of Bonuses and Helping people out in term of Money and Experience

4. We will also make the Ballas the best by following all the rules.

Thanks for Reading my application,

Ballas on Top
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jin Blixky

May 2, 2022
1. kabir
2. 18
3. IST
4. 6-8 hours
5. jatt5501#8115
6. jin blixkyy
7. 22186
Additional information
1. Leader of ballas
2. If I get chosen to lead ballas I can make the ghetto very active and not only that I can also help all the new players that are coming in to the city learn the rules and enjoy the city. I have several tactics in mind that will keep the ghetto active 24/7. I will also host events for all orgs and make sure that my members attend every event. I will also teach my members how to rp properly in the ghetto so that everyone has fun proper rp experience. I will also add a personally made recruitment script nd make the recruiters responsible for the recruits

The system.
The squad system is a system where you have lets say 4 recruiters that are trained by the leader they have learned all the rules they know how to properly rp go to events and have rp interactions all throughout the city not just the ghetto.
The 4 recruiters will recruit new members into the org and teach them how to maneuver and make money around the city and properly rp and learn all the rules of the server not just the ghetto. The recruiters will be following around the members for a full 2 weeks depending on the members learning speed. once the member is ready they will be ranked up to a runner and go enjoy the city.
The benefits of this system is that it is very very new player friendly and it helps the new players fully understand and grasp the rules which limits them from getting warnings and the gang from receiving strikes. ANOTHER important benefit of this system is that these squads will go around the ghetto together making the ghetto super active.
this will make sure that all the new nd old members get on the same page

i ve noticed that in many gangs they stop attending events after one week coz they get all the stuff its not gonna be like that here in my term everyone will go to the events to enjoy em nd do proper rp not just get the stuff but so that everyone have fun nd the gang remains active i m gonna be active myself to make sure gang doesnt stay dead for even one day unless we need a day to relax nd have a break

3 well it all starts with the leader coz if the leader is serious about rp people get it in them as well i dont want an all serious gang we are gonna have fun as well but it ll all be full rp let it be ghetto clapping or let it be a store robbery even if its a newbie who joined i ll make sure he knows about not CL nd the NLR as well nd that they never spoil anyone elses rp experience in the city

over all i ve been in the gangs on en1 nd en2 and always i ve been one of the most active members i ve been HC as well many times ik how to lead all the events ik all about the deputies nd how it feels having to be the leader of a gang so if i get the chance i might not get 100% turfs but everyones gonna see us everywhere nd we are gonna be one of the best gang

I have been vagos leader 2 times ballas deputy familliea deputy bunta deputy nd ik all the formats cant mess them up know how to lead a group of people know how to do all events can do regular events nd have a strong turf team ready

Assasin Rich

Ex FIB Deputy Director | Ex SAHP UnderSheriff
Sep 16, 2022
1. Your name IRL - Shubh Kumar
2. Your age - 18
3. Time zone - GMT+1
4. Average online per day - 5-8 hours
5. Your Discord - assasin 2nd#4515
6. Your Nickname - Assasin Pluxury
7. Your ID - 55442
Additional information -

1. Leader of The Ballas Gang

2. I believe I would be a great fit for the role of leading the Ballas Gang for several reasons; some more major than others. First of all, when I am given a responsibility or starting a new project, operation etc, I tend to work insanely hard to bring what I’m operating with to the maximum level it can reach. And if I’m given the leadership of Ballas, I can ensure that this statement of mine is going to be shown in the work and effort I will be giving up to the organization. I look to myself as a very hard working person, and that trait is going to be a major factor in my potential upbringing of Ballas. I can also inform everyone that if I’m given the leadership of Ballas, I will work my hardest possible to make sure there will be new rp events or new rp situations that we haven’t seen before, in which will make the members of Ballas and hopefully other organizations satisfied of not only the fun of the shootings and hostage situations, but enjoy the bare rp of it, that I mean the previous criminal organizations hasn’t quite succeeded with. The last month or two, the criminal rp in the city has been very weak to non existent as people have just sticked with the same old shootings and nothing more which I hugely disagree with. Therefore I will also attempt to not only boost the rp of the gang, but I will try in someway to add rp into the shootings so the members and newcomers won’t be annoyed of the “same old, same old” and rather be satisfied as something new and interesting always will take place upon my leadership.

3. I have a lot of experience of the ghetto and gangs. I would say I know and can memorize most rules which applies to the ghetto. I know what it’s like to be a newcomer and a normal member, and therefore I also know how to satisfy that crowd, so they decide to stay in the gang. In saying this, unfortunately I haven’t been in leadership of any gangs before. The highest rank I’ve been, was a gangster in Fluffys leadership of Marabunta which I believe was about rank 5 or 6 but can’t recall as their seems to be new rank names now. But In my eyes, I think that can also be a good thing. I have a lot of experience being the people I’m now trying to satisfy. (The newcomers/normal members (not HCs). Therefore I know how to take them to their best possible level, and I also know how to have them stay in the organization.
Something else I also believe is good is that I have been in a lot of orgs, both legal and illegal in which Ive gained information on how to have most fun by rp from both sides of orgs, some examples of orgs I’ve been in is: Ballas, Bloods, Families, Marabunta, FIB, LSPD, SAHP, Gov. And by being in those orgs I’ve learnt how legal orgs can enjoy most rp as well as how illegal orgs can.
I will also have a type of rule test, upon joining the gang, so I make sure the new members will not screw up in order of the rules that applies to ghetto. I will also be an open leader, I will take notice and suggestions of all members from rank 1 to max. I will also have an open eye and watch over, members that have done well and deserve a bonus or a rank up. I will implement new systems where all members will have control of what they have done for the gang, in which I would check momentarily every week to see if someone deserves a rank up or bonus. I have also been in many organizations which I have much useful information from, in which I would be able to forward upon leadership of Ballas.

4. I know many systematical and intelligent people who could be by my side, and guide me during my potential leadership. I will start to have weekly training, and will try to have weekly training to make sure the members are up to standard during the times where it matters the most, such as events and rp situations where I need my members to be as smart and well trained as they can. Some previous Ballas had gotten accused of hacking and aimbotting, which is something I will have no tolerance for at all and would be an insta kick if seen. I believe in getting the rp standards of the city to the max level they can, and this is something that completely ruins what I’m now stating. Something I also will do is giving “not HC” members opportunities to show their leadership capabilities, which will help them get the courage to try to do the thing I’m trying to now. Another problem gangs are dealing with and the members are complaining about is losing money of the gang, and having to buy guns for events. I will make sure we get a steady and controllable flow of getting in and giving out guns from the armory, which I think is a good solution for this problem.
I will also make sure to always keep in touch with administration and curators, to attempt to implement new events, and new enjoyable things the members can joy they’re selves with.
Vouch for me and I will promise a Ballas like never seen before, more innovative than ever.

Afnan Santos

Sep 12, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL:Afnan Hossain
2. Your age:18
3. Time zone:GMT+6
4. Average online per day:8-10 HOURS
5. Your Discord:Captain Afnan #4544
6. Your Nickname:Captain Afnan
7. Your ID:56580
Additional information
1. Leader of Ballas
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation . (1) i want to be leader because i was deputy 3 times in ballas. (2) i know all leader staff i can lead ballas on top again. (3)i dont make mistake like having a warning .i will be carefull when i give rank .if i become a leader they will se what is gang and what is rp. i will help my gang members to know all rule .
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
org is a thing where we learn every thing . if people do the org stuff they will get to know what is real rp .if anyone didnt join any org there rp is hell.

1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Yous Macher

Mar 19, 2022
1. Your name IRL: yousuf
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: UTC+01:00
4. Average online per day : schooldays: 6hrs non school days 8h+
5. Your Discord: yousuf#6799
6. Your Nickname : yousuf malki
7. Your ID : 21216
Additional information
1. Leader of... ballas
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2a: i want to be leader because i want to help the new people in the city how to enjoy gang and how to rp in the city and i want to do a lot of events with my gang ( daily store robbery , fz , hostage situation , bs , clands and more) i will only let acctive people in gang and not that i have 80+ people online and only 10 or 20 at a event at the end of the week i wil pay evryone money for each event that they went to ( 10k for store robbery, clads,fz 5k for bs and all the other events )

2b i will make a active spray team that will do sprays evrey hour and i will also make a team that will check who is comming to events and who is not comming sow that i have only people in my gang that will attend to events and know rules i will also do somtimes events in arena ( the person with the most kills will get 100k or we will race)

2c. i have a lot of experience in gangs and being deputy in gangs i was deputy in marabunta bloods ballas and i was hc in almost evry gang that i join even if i start with a low rank i will get a hc rank in 2weeks and i also have a strong turf team ready to turf for me

2f at the end of my term i will end my term with 0 warnnings and i will have the acctivest gang in the whole city and evryone in my gang will know all the city rules and how it feels to be in a gang

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

do more event where the leos need to comme sow the leos also have fun in the city
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Afnan Santos

Sep 12, 2022
1. Your name IRL:Afnan Hossain
2. Your age:18
3. Time zone:GMT+6
4. Average online per day:8-10 hour
5. Your Discord:Captain Afnan #4544
6. Your Nickname:Captain Afnan
7. Your ID:56580
Additional information
1. Leader of Ballas
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation). (1) i want to be a leader because i was deputy of ballas 3 times.i was hc at Vagos,Blood. (2) If i become a leader i will do the all gang stuff carefully. i will assure that nobody break rules at events.(3) i will make ballas top again .i have exp of leader on EN 1
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

if anybody didnt join any org they will never understand what true rp is .if anyone join offc and unoff they will enjoy the rp .everyone should know rules .everyone should follow the rules

Noah Acahche

Aug 30, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Noah Achache
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: EST
4. Average online per day: 5-7 hours weekdays 7-10 hours weekends
5. Your Discord: noliky#6662
6. Your Nickname: Noah Achache
7. Your ID: 918
Leader of: Ballas Street Gang

Why I want to be the next potential leader of balls

My Personality is One of the Reasons I Wanted to Be This Gang's Potential Leader.
I'm open to almost anything, and I treat strangers with kindness and make them feel welcome. I'm strict when it comes to mistakes, but I'm also very generous when it comes to second chances. I'm able to create environments in which everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts or opinions or suggestions. This characteristic will undoubtedly prepare the gang for success.

My skills
I'm good at time management and communicating with others, so I can ensure great gang attendance. I can assess an individual's shooting, management, leadership, and communication skills. These abilities will ensure that the gang achieves the best possible outcome with minimal interference.

How i can improve RP for The Ballas Street Gang
3. Suggestions for raising the RolePlay level of the organisation.
-Me and my high command should give bonuses to our gang members 2-3 times per week to thank them for their hard work and efforts for their Gang and to motivate them for their hard work during the week.
- Take part in some enjoyable activities.
-Have some fun with all legal organizations, and have some fun and interesting RP's.
-Introduce more RP for my members and strangers.

KertenKeleKazim Hurmaci

Feb 3, 2022
1. Berke Bulut
2. 18
3. GMT+03:00
4. 10
5. Muhtesemberke#2369
6. KertenKeleKazim Bulutt
7. 15351
Additional information
1. Leader of Ballas
2. )1. I have been in the city for a long time and I have experience of almost all legal or illegal organizations (leaving out a few) but illegals have always been my strength and priority I am surrounded by some of the best leaders this city has ever seen and I have learnt a lot from them. I have seen people struggling to run a gang and I have seen gangs getting disbanded because the leader was not performing well but I will try to give my best to run this gang. I think I have many great leadership skills and I can implement them as a leader.

2. I want to take the RP experience of a gang to the next level. I am planning to do all gang events like Battleship, Fort Zancudo, clandestine and ill make sure that we participate in all these types of gang events. Clandestine is one of my favourite events but sadly almost every gang camp for the parachute in that event and is kinda boring but ill make sure we are showing up to every event and also takes part in other events to promote RP. My main motive is to make a better experience for everybody and store robberies is one of the events where I can help with that, gangs are already very low RP and with legal orgs trying to win every store robbery there is, it isn't fun at all but I will try my best to make all events fun and with serious RP.

3. Also I have seen every level of RP in the organization and I have been in unofficial families and I have seen many great leaders do all gang events. I know all the strategies in all gang events also I want basically to be a little strict with members because I want them to try for their best because no one is perfect and the improvement can't explain they can be only shown and if I will be the leader u will be able to see the improvement. I feel like if any of the gang members want to ask any question they should not hesitate and open up to any gang member about their query and trust me as a leader I will not let anyone down.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I would only have people join who are willing to show signs of RP and just play to have fun, nothing is always about being "on top" but it for sure is fun when it comes to competition, robbery won't be like they were done by the previous members, respecting enemies and your own is way more fun than running around being toxic. like ive said i will have my family where we also have a big streamer with many members that are in this server to RP and have them included in all of this. With that being said, I would try to ensure the group is under good supervision and ran properly, but also maintaining good RP standard for the server.

Sharath Rich

Jun 6, 2022

1 . Sharath chandra

3.GMT (5:30)
5.KGF Sharath YT#0001
6.Sharath Rich

Additional Information

Leader of


Q2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?(List three reasons with explanation)
1. I need to be a leader this specific organization because when I have joined the city I'm worked in every legal orgs after leaving legal orgs I'm joined Ballas it is very best experience after learned about turfs,NG Raids and grafftis I got high command but I'm not happy But I need to do something new that's why I need to be a leader

2. I want be a leader because I know all server rules, ghetto rules, event rules i will strictly follow them and if someone break the rules i will take action against him
3. When I became a leader I will be help the new citizens but they know city rules and ghetto rules this is the chance for new citizens who knows rules properly

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization
> I will recruit the citizens who knows rules properly

> I will host more events for the gang member
> Meeting with our gang members before and after event

> We will do turfs 100%
> 24/7 graffti
> I will not do any favourism if he my friend also
> We will recruit good shooters for turfs
>I will improve and develop the Ballas gang more than previous term
>I will change the ranking system
>I will do Ballas on top in city

Ex NG Captain ex marbunta underdeputy ex vagos High command ex minister of doc ex 8th rank recruiter in FamiliesEx ballas 11legend

Thanks for reading my application
Ballas on top!!
Sharath Rich!

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Droppa Flawless

6x 100% EN1
Jul 10, 2021

1. Yusuf

2. 17

3. UK (GMT)

4. 6-8 hours +

5. Droppa#8888

6. Droppa Bolo

7. 962

Leader of ‘Ballas'

Why I want to be leader of this specific org?
I want to be the leader of the "Ballas" because I think I have exceptional leadership skills and I want to show them off to others.
Because I can guarantee that it will be run to the highest standards and that it will be a bastion for crooks looking to establish their reputations and show that they are the best, I can attest to this as the organization's leader.
Since the illegal side has its own set of rules, I must admit that having worked for a variety of organisations, I find it to be much more entertaining.
It's a terrific venue to show off, and many people will get new opportunities because to my role as leader.

I want to run this organization since I have a thorough awareness of illegal matters.
I've been a part of many criminal organisations, and I think leading the "Ballas” will allow me to demonstrate to others how accountable and diligent I am.
I've also held top positions in a number of different organisations, which has given me insight into the duties of leadership.
(HC in the majority of the gangs I've been a part of and previously a deputy of all the gangs in the city) demonstrates my command of illegal organisations and my ability to lead them.
Former Gang leader (completed a successful term on EN1)

Aside from that, electing me as the "Ballas" leader will enable the organisation to act as a model for how a prohibited organisation should function and seem. To do this, I'll make sure that no one is sitting around the HQ doing nothing; instead, they'll be fighting on the streets, going to all the events, helping out other gang members who are in need, etc. Additionally, there will be a warning system in place if things get out of hand, with those who violate the rules receiving a verbal warning, a demotion, or a kick.

My Goals
1. As I already have a highly skilled turf squad in place, my main objectives are to establish 100% gang territory and to have the most active and well-respected gang in the city.
2. Ensure that all graffiti's are done to prove that my gang is strong and capable of defeating others.
3. To become a org that the whole city fears.

My Advice to improve RP
Stay as IC as you can to improve roleplay, in my opinion. Only invoke the Gods when someone is obviously breaking the law. Before turning to a God, you must to attempt to resolve the issue on your own.
Also RP can be improved by interacting with other gangs and making deals with legal and illegal organizations to ensure that both sides are having a fair and enjoyable time.

Rohan Xoxo

Jul 11, 2022
1 NAME IRL - Rohan North
2 AGE - 23
5 DISCORD - Rohan Xoxo#4923
6 NICKNAME -Rohan North
7 ID - 38557


1 LEADER OF The Ballas

2 REASON NO {1} I was in Ballas before and i know how they manage things attend all the events and activities like battleship , global events, fort zancudo etc so i want to make this gang active again

REASON NO {2} I also know all the rules as i was a part of the gang before

REASON NO {3} I want to be leader of this gang and make this gang again powerfull as it was before


---> By adding some training to the new people and make them learn all the GZ and GETTO rules
---> By telling them not to speak any other language in HQ of Ballas and in green zones
---> To teach all the members to be respectful to EMS and not to harm them
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