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IMPORTANT Applications for the Families

Liza Hayashi

EX General
Jul 14, 2022

1. Your name IRL: Smit Shinde
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 4-6 hours for weekdays 6-8 hours for weekends
5. Your discord: Smit_Shinde#1060
6. Your nickname: Sara Bricks
7. Your ID: 31600

Additional Information

1. Leader of The Families

2. Why do you want to be leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

- I have been stayed away from gangs since from many months and worked at state organizations. I think Families is good opportunity for coming back to running gang and criminal side of the city. Now i am with full energy and with our friends i will handle the leadership.

- About the gang activity i think its not that much at other gangs at least for the clandestine. Low numbers have effect on the activity but i am going to lead every events when iam in city. Our purpose is becoming most active gang in city and have a success at all events.

- Activity, activity and activity i will make Families most active gang in city. I will provide that with high numbers at gang events especially at battleship and fz raids.
I am back with full energy and motivated so i trust myself.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization:

- High rate at turfs.

- Trying to break weekly event record in city.

- Rank systems and favourism is such a popular in gangs while the active people not getting rank up its not fair. Its wont happen in my term.

- No tolerate to toxicity.

- Ensure bonuses to people who active in ghetto and at events.

- Showing up at most of the events with high numbers.

- At least more than 20 people at gunstore/store robberies.

- Creative ideas for global events.

- Help gang members at everything about gang.

- End term with lowest mistake as a possible.

Thank you for reading my application.

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Sep 16, 2022
1. Your name IRL = Chirag Sharma
2. Your age = 20
3. Time zone = GMT+5:30 Indian Time
4. Average online per day = 8-10 Hours
5. Your Discord = Guruji#1495
6. Your Nickname = Badmash Guruji
7. Your ID = 62743

Additional information

1. Leader of The Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

= I have been in the city for a long time and I have experience of almost all legal or illegal organizations (leaving out a few) but illegals have always been my strength and priority I am surrounded by some of the best leaders this city has ever seen and I have learnt a lot from them. I have seen people struggling to run a gang and I have seen gangs getting disbanded because the leader was not performing well but I will try to give my best to run this gang. I think I have many great leadership skills and I can implement them as a leader.

=. I am now in high command of Vagos gang and I managed to gather experience i saw the both side legal and illegal I was also in the SAHP a few days agoand i know how to run events and turfs so from my opinion, I think I have enough experience to lead a gang.

=I'm good at time management and communicating with others, so I can ensure great gang attendance. I can assess an individual's shooting, management, leadership, and communication skills. These abilities will ensure that the gang achieves the best possible outcome with minimal interference.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

= In my past experience every gang members asking for ranks after joining gang.I will open a log in email group of gang for every gang member who is interested to be promoted and wants play an active role in gang so every gang member can upload his logs from events in email group so i can see who is coming to events who not and give fair ranks to people they deserves.

=People thing being in a gang is just kill people and rob people i will show people its not about kill people we will go as gang to events like BS/CLAND/STORE ROBBERY/SUBS even the forgotten event like encashment. As thanks that my gang being active i will give them bonuses to motivate them to do more events.

=Its very important to stay neutral as leader and i saw many leaders they give his friends more things and not to people they all the time active in gang and deserves it

Mafia Akib

Oct 18, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Arman Raza
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day : 4 To 6 Hours
5. Your Discord: Akib Sheikh#2434
6. Your Nickname : Akib Sheikh
7. Your ID : 21707



1. 1.That's why I want to be a leader Because I know how to run a gang organization Because I have a lot of experience What work is to be done in it how to run it how to talk to everyone I know how to handle situations In the Hostage Situation Store Robbery And FZ raid When the gang members are most active in the city I will definitely store robbery hostess situation or FZ raid

2. i want to become a leader because I have a lot of experience and I don't want to have people in my gang who don't know the rule and I want to have people in my gang who know the rules just that I don't are if their level is One or two

3. i love working in a gang and my favourite gang Familes,Bloods,ballas And Marabunta

4. I will try my best to take over this leadership for 30 days and there is no strike on it

3> Your advice for improving Role play level in organization ?

1:Warn System in my Organization
If someone breaks the rule, I will give him a warning If he already has a warning, he will get two warnings. If he breaks the rule again, his warning will be three and he will be removed from the organization I'll just keep three warnings

2: Promotion System
If my gang members are attending the event and If he is attending well and is not making any mistake, then he will definitely be promoted.

3: Demote System
If my gang members is making a mistake I will demote the rank and he has to warn him

4: blacklist system
If my teammate gets three warnings I will Kick on him from the organization but will not blacklist him reason When he gets the knowledge he can join my gang again

5: Rejoin Gang System
It will definitely happen that he will get these future knowledge because I also started from starting

6: Weekly Promotions System
I will be promoting in a week because staying in one rank can be difficult for him So I will promote everyone in a week.

7: High Command
Any question you ask them, they will definitely answer you.

1, My goal in this Organization
2, No Warning
3, Best Leader in the history of Families
4, Good high command
5, Best Under Leader
6, Best Leader
7, Talking to the best
Ranking System
13: Leader
12: Deputy Leader
11: Under Deputy
10: Event Attender

9: Captain
7: Villain
6: Gangster
5: Graffitist
4: Clapper
3: Enforcer
2: Newby



Oct 29, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. Your name IRL: Malik Azan
2. Your age: 19
3. Time zone: gmt+5
4. Average online per day: 7 8 hours minimum 9 10 maximum
5. Your Discord: malikazan#9010
6. Your Nickname: Malik/ruby jackson
7. Your ID:46038

Additional information:
1. Leader of the
families gang.
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

All the time in the Grand RP city I remember myself in a gang. I play in Grand RP over six months and over the time I acquired very high RP skills and good knowledge.
in rules, events & etc. I have experience how to lead a gang, I was many times HC in other city (en1) and for now I'm
red bloods HC as well.
I thought to myself it's my time for me to become a leader with my experience and I'm ready for this challenge.
From my experience a lot of times there is no competition between gangs because some of the leaders are lazy and do the minimum they must do, and I want to change it.
I'm sure and believe that with my experience the gang will succeed and go far, and for a successful gang need a leader with high
motivation and I believe I have it and I am best suited to lead the families.

I want to take the RP experience of a gang to the next level. I am planning to do all gang events like Battleship, Fort Zancudo, clandestine and I'll make sure that we participate in all these types of gang events. Clandestine is one of my favorite events but sadly almost every gang camp for the parachute in that event and is kind of boring but I'll make sure we are showing up to every event and also takes part in other events to promote RP. My main motive is to make a better experience for everybody, and store robberies is one of the events where I can help with that, gangs are already very low RP and with legal orgs trying to win every store robbery there is, it isn't fun at all, but I will try my best to make all events fun and with serious RP.

Also, I have seen every level of RP in the organization, and I have been in unofficial families, and I have seen many great leaders do all gang events. I know all the strategies in all gang events also I want basically to be a little strict with members because I want them to try for their best because no one is perfect, and the improvement can't explain they can be only shown and if I will be the leader u will be able to see the improvement. I feel like if any of the gang members want to ask any question they should not hesitate and open up to any gang member about their query and trust me as a leader I will not let anyone down.

My Goals:
I have several goals that I want to achieve:
Rule Brakes - I will choose the right people to be HC and they will make sure that anyone who want to join to families knows the rules.
*I will make sure everyone joining to families discord and I will create logs for anyone who joined to see the activity.
* Events - I strive for maximum activity:
* I really hope we will achieve 100% gang turfs; I have a good team of shooters who will do their best.
*24/7 Graffiti MAX profit.
* Gun store/store robbery at least one a day
* FZ raids
* Ghetto Fights when there are no events
* Gangs rivalry - I will make sure that will be balance between my gang to another gangs in terms of the number of people inside the org
* Bonuses - I will give bonuses to my high commands team, and bonuses for every rank up of families member. I will give bonuses also if our gang manage to win
gun store/store/vehicle theft.
* Rank system - I will create 14 ranks in my gang to see the hard work everyone does, for each rank there will be requirements to reach a certain number of events.

3. Your
advice for improving Roleplay level in organization:
* I will make sure I have members and HC from different time zones, so the gang will work 24/7 and the families will be on top.
* Keeping the state rules, I will make sure everyone in the gang knows the rules that there will be a rivalry between the gangs without any fear of breaking any rules.
* I will give bonuses to those who deserve them to increase the motivation and morale to come to the events and continue to be active.
* I will focus on gang members training to improve themselves also they will get more fun.

* I will make sure there is respect between the gang members, no toxicity, only friendship and teamwork.
* My advice is that Staff members enforce Roleplay more because it will give the game a much more IRL feeling, and it may even attract more people.
* Most people who knew the rules would be accepted, but if their roleplay standard was low, I would assist them in improving it because * I want to have strong rp with everyone in the city

* More IC player-created events with other gangs, civilians, or legal factions to improve a sense of roleplay rather than constant fighting and events.
* A forum harmony, my organization should not have any toxicity against any other group, reports will be made only when it is necessary.
* A sense of good standing with every other group in the city on the OOC level, everyone at the end of the day is a person behind their screen, a sense of community would be a large positive.
* I would make some scenarios for my organization to participate in and possibly makes some IC rewards/benefits involved.
* Overall, create a positive and enjoyable gang that someone could join if they're around for the vibes and quality gameplay.
* Having shooters, yes but including other people who may not be as experienced in the city with a gun or roleplay in general.
* In-depth review of the rules upon recruitment, I would make sure everyone knows the exact rules and restrictions we have at all times, * this would overall improve roleplay quality around my organization and carry on throughout interactions with others in the server.

1. Deputy leader of families.
2. Marabunta OG bunta.
3. National Guard Major.
4. National Guard Colonel.
5. government Senior Staff.
6. EMS Professor.
7.Government Junior Staff.
8. Ballas Graffiti leader.

1. Black Mafia ex deputy.
2. The Shapter ex deputy.
3. Daku family ex pinking.

4.NJM family ex under deputy.
ranking system:
13- Villain
12- Deputy
11- Under-Deputy
10- Turfer
9- Recruiter
8- King Pin
7- Spray Team Leader
6- Spray Team
5- Gangster
4- Shooter
3- Thug
2- Young Families
1- Freeze

Thanks for reviewing my application and your precious time.
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Blu Blu

Sep 23, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Kim
2. Your age: 45
3. Time zone: GMT +2
4. Average online per day: 8+ hours
5. Your Discord: Babyblumama#8285
6. Your Nickname: Blu BluMoneyMurder
7. Your ID: 93
Additional information
1. Leader of... Families
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. Families is the forgotten gang and we want to make it known with force.
2. Seeing the opportunities as been gang leader I want to grab it with both hands and let it grow. Especially with the two Deputies I will have as they both well experienced within the city and are go getters.
3. The Ghetto is over run by goons and we need to take the ghetto back.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Hostage situations more interaction with the hostage offering basic needs for example a drink or food without any toxicity towards them.

We have newborns joining the city so a rank that they can come in and learn the rules of the city and also assist them with self growth.

We will also look at creating a spray team and also a robbing team. We also open to our member suggestions.

Austin Hallow

Jan 3, 2023
1.Your Name IRL - Austin
2.Your age - 19
3.Time Zone - PST
4.Average online per a day: 7-8
5.Your Discord -SleepyEnemy#7784
6.Your Nickname - Mendez Valor
7.Your ID - 9858

Additional information

1.Leader of Families

2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1 - Well first things first i have experience with gang and legal orgs and i know how both operate I have the high command experience so i think I'm more than ready to lead this organization.

2.2 - One of my goals is to make an organization where there are slim to no warning verbal or IC my organization will be built on the idea of Respect and treating others the same no matter of rank, experience, age, ect everyone should be treated the same.

2.3 - I have the skills in my opinion that are required to lead an org i know how to set up event i know how to choose my members to the highest extent of possible RP

3.Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.
3.1 - One thing i plan on implementing is a stricter punishment system then what ive previously seen people get away with so much because there no discipline i plan to change that.

3.2 - Another important aspect is like i said previously Respect i think that everything should be based on respecting one another it's not worth being rude to other members for no reason because people retaliate and ive seen it personally ive seen people retaliate because of crappy leaders that don't know how to pick high command are biased or in general don't know how to treat their members.

3.3 - I also plan on implementing a better training system to better help some of the newer people that don't have gang experience because just reading the rules doesn't help certain people so i plan on setting certain people to train new members that need help.

My goals for Families:
Having the strongest members that can display the highest level of Rp Possible
Another goal is to have the best Capture/Turf team possible i plan on getting some of the best team players and sharpshooters
Another goal is to have the best Spray team that can bring a lot of profit in
And another goal is to have the best members in general from the best a following rules to the best at being able to bring profit in from everything.
My last goal is to have extremely active members to high activity in city to high activity during every event.

Punishment System
1. Verbal warning
2. Demotion
3. Dismissed from the org

Ranking System
High Command
Head Enforcer
Junior High Command
junior soldier
Ex LSPD 4th Command, Ex SAHP Chief of SWAT, Ex LSPD HOD of SWAT, Ex LSPD DHOD of SWAT, 4th Command Bloods
Thank you for taking the time to read my application
Families on Top

Vinnu Warren

Music Eddict 🎶
Jul 20, 2022
The following players have been selected for Families interviews at 16:00 server time on 4th January 2023
Vladimir Yega - ProjectMayhem#4862 - 42396
Robin Badmash - Robin XaiN#1737 - 57804

The application for The Families Leader are now Closed.​

Manas Badmash


1. Your name IRL: Manas Satya

2. Your age: 17

3. Time zone: IST

4. Average online per day: 8 hour

5. Your Discord: Manas#0343

6. Your Nickname: Manas Badmash

7. Your ID: 3318


1. Leader of Families

2. Why do u want to be leader?

i. I want to be leader as i think that I can easily manage the gang events and end the term without having any warning. I will regularly do FZ raid, 24/7 Store robbery and gun store robbery.

ii. I have a good experience in both legal and illegal organization and know how to manage the things and in illegal activities how to help to escape everyone and make higher profits every hour

iii. I will be hiring recruiters, turfers and defenders for different purposes the recruiters will be recruiting more and more turfers and defenders so that gang never get dead and will do more and more Graffiti with help of defenders and Turfer


i. I will be diving Gang system with different ranks for Graffiti, robberies and raids So, that we can manage to run the gang easily and on a very large and active base with members.

ii. We will be keeping paint balloon, Guns and ammunation in Armory and warehouse So, that no one is without weapon in any type of Robbery or Raid
we can easily manage to allot weapons and increase the warehouse.

iii. Will be Keeping active deputy that are previous leaders or have a great experience in gangs and know well how to manage the gangs

iv. After every event the bonus will be alloted to keep the gang active and raise everyone with gang

v. To keep the graffiti and territory capture active and as well as the bonus collection i will be alloting seperate bonus for it every hour so that all members get active and everyone get a good profit and remains in gang for a long



11-Under Boss





6-Graffiti leader



3-OG families

2-New Families


I can Manage the gang easily due to my previous experiences

Austin Hallow

Jan 3, 2023
1.Your Name IRL - Austin
2.Your age - 19
3.Time Zone - PST
4.Average online per a day: 7-8
5.Your Discord -SleepyEnemy#7784
6.Your Nickname - Mendez Valor
7.Your ID - 9858

Additional information

1.Leader of Families

2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1 - Well first things first i have experience with gang and legal orgs and i know how both operate I have the high command experience so i think I'm more than ready to lead this organization.

2.2 - One of my goals is to make an organization where there are slim to no warning verbal or IC my organization will be built on the idea of Respect and treating others the same no matter of rank, experience, age, ect everyone should be treated the same.

2.3 - I have the skills in my opinion that are required to lead an org i know how to set up event i know how to choose my members to the highest extent of possible RP

3.Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.
3.1 - One thing i plan on implementing is a stricter punishment system then what ive previously seen people get away with so much because there no discipline i plan to change that.

3.2 - Another important aspect is like i said previously Respect i think that everything should be based on respecting one another it's not worth being rude to other members for no reason because people retaliate and ive seen it personally ive seen people retaliate because of crappy leaders that don't know how to pick high command are biased or in general don't know how to treat their members.

3.3 - I also plan on implementing a better training system to better help some of the newer people that don't have gang experience because just reading the rules doesn't help certain people so i plan on setting certain people to train new members that need help.

My goals for Families:
Having the strongest members that can display the highest level of Rp Possible
Another goal is to have the best Capture/Turf team possible i plan on getting some of the best team players and sharpshooters
Another goal is to have the best Spray team that can bring a lot of profit in
And another goal is to have the best members in general from the best a following rules to the best at being able to bring profit in from everything.
My last goal is to have extremely active members to high activity in city to high activity during every event.

Punishment System
1. Verbal warning
2. Demotion
3. Dismissed from the org

Ranking System
High Command
Head Enforcer
Junior High Command
junior soldier
Ex LSPD 4th Command, Ex SAHP Chief of SWAT, Ex LSPD HOD of SWAT, Ex LSPD DHOD of SWAT, 4th Command Bloods
Thank you for taking the time to read my application
Families on Top


Mafia Akib

Oct 18, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Arman Raza
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day : 4 To 6 Hours
5. Your Discord: Akib Sheikh#2434
6. Your Nickname : Akib Sheikh
7. Your ID : 21707



1. 1.That's why I want to be a leader Because I know how to run a gang organization Because I have a lot of experience What work is to be done in it how to run it how to talk to everyone I know how to handle situations In the Hostage Situation Store Robbery And FZ raid When the gang members are most active in the city I will definitely store robbery hostess situation or FZ raid

2. i want to become a leader because I have a lot of experience and I don't want to have people in my gang who don't know the rule and I want to have people in my gang who know the rules just that I don't are if their level is One or two

3. i love working in a gang and my favourite gang Familes,Bloods,ballas And Marabunta

4. I will try my best to take over this leadership for 30 days and there is no strike on it

3> Your advice for improving Role play level in organization ?

1:Warn System in my Organization

If someone breaks the rule, I will give him a warning If he already has a warning, he will get two warnings. If he breaks the rule again, his warning will be three and he will be removed from the organization I'll just keep three warnings

2: Promotion System
If my gang members are attending the event and If he is attending well and is not making any mistake, then he will definitely be promoted.

3: Demote System
If my gang members is making a mistake I will demote the rank and he has to warn him

4: blacklist system
If my teammate gets three warnings I will Kick on him from the organization but will not blacklist him reason When he gets the knowledge he can join my gang again

5: Rejoin Gang System
It will definitely happen that he will get these future knowledge because I also started from starting

6: Weekly Promotions System
I will be promoting in a week because staying in one rank can be difficult for him So I will promote everyone in a week.

7: High Command
Any question you ask them, they will definitely answer you.

1, My goal in this Organization
2, No Warning
3, Best Leader in the history of Families
4, Good high command
5, Best Under Leader

6, Best Leader
7, Talking to the best
Ranking System
13: Leader
12: Deputy Leader
11: Under Deputy
10: Event Attender
9: Captain
7: Villain
6: Gangster
5: Graffitist
4: Clapper
3: Enforcer
2: Newby
1: Suspended


Robin Badmash

F**k Em All
Jan 3, 2023
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Rupesh Kumar jhangdalia
2. 22
3. IST
4. 6 Hours
5. zeezee#4482
6. Rolex Carter
7. 50040
Additional information

1. Leader of... Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

I want to be the leader of this specific organization because of few reasons:

- First of all, since I arrived to the city, the crime was part of me. I've joined to Families gang and it was part of my life. I used to be high rank in the gang and did everything I can to the gang by investing all of my time to the gang as a member in the gang, so when I will be the leader, I would do everything I couldn't do while I was "only" turfer.

- Second, I would like to help every gang member as a leader and lead them to the right direction as the leader of them. I would train them everyday- Maybe not me specific, I would make an order in the ranks so one of the high ranks will be in charge of the trainings. I would lead them to be the best gang in the city so everyone will be afraid of just looking on them.

- Third, I will make an order and I will make sure that no one in the Families will be racist, no one in the Families will break the rules (or else he will get kicked immediately). I will be apart of the gang. The fact that I will be the leader won't matter that I will be involved in everything that will happen in the gang, even my trainee's stuff. I would know everything and help everyone in anything so we will be the best gang in the city.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization. I would advice for improving to RolePlay level in my organization, that I would make a role in my gang that will be in charge on every newbie that recruit to my gang, this specific role, one of his roles will be to make sure that the new recruiters will understand all of the rules that the must be obeyed and they'll train them also in the Arena to make sure that they'll be better shooter and won't be afraid to be apart of RolePlay situations. I would make rank system that in order to get promoted you must do some good stuff for the gang and for your own, like, specific trainings, be involved in robberies or another gang's roleplay events and etc.

Ron Abdullah

Dec 29, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Daksh thakkar
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: IST
4. Average online per day: 7-8 hours per day
5. Your Discord: 40516 Ron knight#5920
6. Your Nickname: Ron
7. Your ID:40516
Additional information:
1. Leader of the families gang.
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
All the time in the Grand RP city I remember myself in a gang. I play in Grand RP over six months and over the time I acquired very high RP skills and good knowledge.
in rules, events & etc. I have experience how to lead a gang, I was many times HC in other city (en1) and for now I'm red bloods HC as well.
I thought to myself it's my time for me to become a leader with my experience and I'm ready for this challenge.
From my experience a lot of times there is no competition between gangs because some of the leaders are lazy and do the minimum they must do, and I want to change it.
I'm sure and believe that with my experience the gang will succeed and go far, and for a successful gang need a leader with high
motivation and I believe I have it and I am best suited to lead the families.

I want to take the RP experience of a gang to the next level. I am planning to do all gang events like Battleship, Fort Zancudo, clandestine and I'll make sure that we participate in all these types of gang events. Clandestine is one of my favorite events but sadly almost every gang camp for the parachute in that event and is kind of boring but I'll make sure we are showing up to every event and also takes part in other events to promote RP. My main motive is to make a better experience for everybody, and store robberies is one of the events where I can help with that, gangs are already very low RP and with legal orgs trying to win every store robbery there is, it isn't fun at all, but I will try my best to make all events fun and with serious RP.

Also, I have seen every level of RP in the organization, and I have been in unofficial families, and I have seen many great leaders do all gang events. I know all the strategies in all gang events also I want basically to be a little strict with members because I want them to try for their best because no one is perfect, and the improvement can't explain they can be only shown and if I will be the leader u will be able to see the improvement. I feel like if any of the gang members want to ask any question they should not hesitate and open up to any gang member about their query and trust me as a leader I will not let anyone down.
My Goals:
I have several goals that I want to achieve:
* Rule Brakes - I will choose the right people to be HC and they will make sure that anyone who want to join to families knows the rules.
*I will make sure everyone joining to families discord and I will create logs for anyone who joined to see the activity.
* Events - I strive for maximum activity:
* I really hope we will achieve 100% gang turfs; I have a good team of shooters who will do their best.
*24/7 Graffiti MAX profit.
* Gun store/store robbery at least one a day
* FZ raids
* Ghetto Fights when there are no events
* Gangs rivalry - I will make sure that will be balance between my gang to another gangs in terms of the number of people inside the org
* Bonuses - I will give bonuses to my high commands team, and bonuses for every rank up of families member. I will give bonuses also if our gang manage to win
gun store/store/vehicle theft.
* Rank system - I will create 14 ranks in my gang to see the hard work everyone does, for each rank there will be requirements to reach a certain number of events.
3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization:
* I will make sure I have members and HC from different time zones, so the gang will work 24/7 and the families will be on top.
* Keeping the state rules, I will make sure everyone in the gang knows the rules that there will be a rivalry between the gangs without any fear of breaking any rules.
* I will give bonuses to those who deserve them to increase the motivation and morale to come to the events and continue to be active.
* I will focus on gang members training to improve themselves also they will get more fun.
* I will make sure there is respect between the gang members, no toxicity, only friendship and teamwork.
* My advice is that Staff members enforce Roleplay more because it will give the game a much more IRL feeling, and it may even attract more people.
* Most people who knew the rules would be accepted, but if their roleplay standard was low, I would assist them in improving it because * I want to have strong rp with everyone in the city
* More IC player-created events with other gangs, civilians, or legal factions to improve a sense of roleplay rather than constant fighting and events.
* A forum harmony, my organization should not have any toxicity against any other group, reports will be made only when it is necessary.
* A sense of good standing with every other group in the city on the OOC level, everyone at the end of the day is a person behind their screen, a sense of community would be a large positive.
* I would make some scenarios for my organization to participate in and possibly makes some IC rewards/benefits involved.
* Overall, create a positive and enjoyable gang that someone could join if they're around for the vibes and quality gameplay.
* Having shooters, yes but including other people who may not be as experienced in the city with a gun or roleplay in general.
* In-depth review of the rules upon recruitment, I would make sure everyone knows the exact rules and restrictions we have at all times, * this would overall improve roleplay quality around my organization and carry on throughout interactions with others in the server.
1. Deputy leader of families.
2. Marabunta OG bunta.
3. National Guard Major.
4. National Guard Colonel.
5. government Senior Staff.
6. EMS Professor.
7.Government Junior Staff.
8. Ballas Graffiti leader.
1. Black Mafia ex deputy.
2. The Shapter ex deputy.
3. Daku family ex pinking.
4.NJM family ex under deputy.
ranking system:
13- Villain
12- Deputy
11- Under-Deputy
10- Turfer
9- Recruiter
8- King Pin
7- Spray Team Leader
6- Spray Team
5- Gangster
4- Shooter
3- Thug
2- Young Families
1- Freeze
Thanks for reviewing my application and your precious time.

Vinnu Warren

Music Eddict 🎶
Jul 20, 2022
The following players have been selected for Families interviews at 16:00 server time on 6th January 2023
Vladimir Yega - ProjectMayhem#4862 - 42396
Robin Badmash - Robin XaiN#1737 - 50040

The application for The Families Leader are now Closed.​

Hyper North

Aug 31, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1.Your name IRL: Somesh Tewatia
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone: UTC +5:30
4. Average online per day: 6 - 8 hours normal on vacation more than 10+ hours
5. Your Discord: HyperOP#7629
6. Your Nickname: Hyper Northx
7. Your ID: 55436

Additional information
1. Leader of Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

1. I want the leadership because I came to the city a long time ago and worked a lot in gangs & Leos and gained a lot of experience. couple of weeks ago I joined Families started gaining more experience through the leader and deputies and try to lead the gang by my own leading skill like try to lead the gang in clands, battleship, store robbery, Fort Zancudo raids etc. I got so much quick rank ups in gang for my hard work and dedication though I left
disband the organization I have got a very good experience.

2. Also I want the leadership cause from the starting I was in legal org (lspd, sahp) for a long time there for I know how legal orgs works, how they deal with situation so through this experience I can dominate legal orgs, I can understand what their next step will be it will be so easy to the gang then.

3. Also I want to become leader so I can interact with so many players and for that I can help newcomers who just came to the city because they are undertaken but their capabilities are very high. I can fully train them about gangs and other stuffs like every rule which we have to follow, and which thing is good as per situation to make the RP better to everyone.

3. My Advice Improving Roleplay Level
1. The first important thing to improve Roleplay level in organization is inviting people who really knows the rules. Before inviting someone to the gang, the leader or deputies should take an interview of him/her. In the interview they should ask him / her about every gang rule possible and how they work. If he/she doesn't know any of the rules, the leader and deputies should let him/her know about each and every rule about the gang to make the RP experience best for everyone.

2. Before going to an event, the leader has to meet his/her gang members in the Headquarter before 20 min of the event to make it easier for the leader to gear up the members and pull up to the event at perfect time.

3.We should give Bonus at least 2 times and rank up every week to appreciate Gang members for their works and efforts they did towards their Gang to boost them and to increase their morale.

Hyper North

Select for moderation
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Manas Badmash


1. Your name IRL: Manas Satya

2. Your age: 17

3. Time zone: IST

4. Average online per day: 8 hour

5. Your Discord: Manas#6969

6. Your Nickname: Manas Badmash

7. Your ID: 3318


1. Leader of Families

2. Why do u want to be leader?

i. I want to be leader as i think that I can easily manage the gang events and end the term without having any warning. I will regularly do FZ raid, 24/7 Store robbery and gun store robbery.

ii. I have a good experience in both legal and illegal organization and know how to manage the things and in illegal activities how to help to escape everyone and make higher profits every hour

iii. I will be hiring recruiters, turfers and defenders for different purposes the recruiters will be recruiting more and more turfers and defenders so that gang never get dead and will do more and more Graffiti with help of defenders and Turfer


i. I will be diving Gang system with different ranks for Graffiti, robberies and raids So, that we can manage to run the gang easily and on a very large and active base with members.

ii. We will be keeping paint balloon, Guns and ammunation in Armory and warehouse So, that no one is without weapon in any type of Robbery or Raid
we can easily manage to allot weapons and increase the warehouse.

iii. Will be Keeping active deputy that are previous leaders or have a great experience in gangs and know well how to manage the gangs

iv. After every event the bonus will be alloted to keep the gang active and raise everyone with gang

v. To keep the graffiti and territory capture active and as well as the bonus collection i will be alloting seperate bonus for it every hour so that all members get active and everyone get a good profit and remains in gang for a long

My Goals :-
i. 100% Spray
ii. 100% Turf
iii. 40+ FZ
iv. 25+ Store Robberies



13-God Father


11-Event Leader








3-Young G

2-New Families


I can Manage the gang easily due to my previous experiences
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Daisy Pluxury

EX Curator Of NG
Jan 6, 2023
1. Your name IRL Jaxon
2. Your age 25
3. Time zone BST
4. Average online per day 5 -6 Hours
5. Your Discord jaxon Harlow#1101
6. Your Nickname Jaxon Harlow
7. Your ID 60153

1. Leader of... Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
I want to be a leader of Families because it always had a special place in my heart

It was the first gang I joined and I always loved how gangs worked. I’ve been under deputy of Families and now I want to take it 2 steps higher and become the leader of Families

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

I believe that if you be strict and also have fun with your people the RP level will be insane. I want to add new levels to gangs which might even be new way to train in combat. I also want to focus on my turfs a lot.

Ranking System:



13-God Father


11-Event Leader








3-Young G

2-New Families

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James Shikari

Oct 23, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Aditya Singh Gaur
2. Your age: My IRL Age is 17 Years
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 4 to 5 hours
5. Your Discord: GoD Playz#0001
6. Your Nickname: Anderson Shikari
7. Your ID: 57451

Additional information
1. Leader of...
Ans.1) I want to be the leader of Families.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

Ans.2)1) I have a lot of experience as a gang member. I was Deputy of Ballas in a successfull term i know how the gang works and what events are important for the gang. And about Families Gang People Think that it is a very under-rated gang and always think the negative.

2. I will make families term successfull and bring the gang on top. I will try that the only name in all gang events is families and make sure that the ghetto is full of families gang domination and our graffiti would be all over the map.

3. My main goal as a leader will be that newbies learn things in the gang and i will try to do 100% turf if possible. I will watch every member and how much they are active in events. As a leader i will see that my members are not breaking any rule and if they are they get punished accordingly.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Ans.3) My advices for improving roleplay are -:

1. I will make highcommand to people who are deserving
2. I will only have limited position as HCs
3. I will make sure everyone has pov of the event and personally ask them for it.
4. I will try to not include admin in Ic Events and Situations.
5. I will not invite people who dont have experience as a gang or our new to city to maintain high quality of roleplay.
6. I will not show favouritism to my friends
7. I will have a professional Punishment history
8. I will have a Professional rank System
9. I will try to complete all the daily needs as a gang member.

My Professional Rank System

13. Ak47
12. Punisher
11. Villain
10. O.G
9. Turfer
8. Graffiti Lead
6. Graffiti Member
5. Drugler
4. Mafia
3. Shooter
2. GunSlinger
1. Freeze

My Professional Strike System
1. 1/3 Verbal Warning
2. 2/3 Demotion
3. 3/3 Fire/Blacklist


Oct 27, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Anmol
2. Your age:18
3. Time zone: GMt+5:30
4. Average online per day:7to8hrs
5. Your Discord:Lucifer MorningStar#1419
6. Your Nickname:Lucifer
7. Your ID:55758
Additional information

1. Leader of

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
  • . i have a great knowledge of Rules of Criminal org.
  • . I enjoy doing Rp as a gang leader as now gangs are very much inactive so i would make my gang active and it wouldnt be easy for State orgs to catch us. i will try to keep FAMILIES ON TOP
  • I also want to share some of my experience with my gang members i have experience in both LEAGAL AND ILLEGAL ORGS
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
  • I will try to recruit those people at high rank which have experience and some knowledge of rules and will provide training to newbies to get some good rank , During my term Families will be at top Due to Activity
  • I will give high command to those only who are capable of it.
  • I will try to not include admin in Ic Events and Situations.
  • i will kep eye on small mistakes done by muy team and try to fix them by giving them punishment
  • i will give bonusses to everyone participating in a succesfull evevnt


13-God Father


11-Under Boss








3-Young G


Last edited:


Nov 18, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Anmol
2. Your age:18
3. Time zone: GMt+5:30
4. Average online per day:7to8hrs
5. Your Discord:Lucifer MorningStar#1419
6. Your Nickname:Lucifer
7. Your ID:55758
Additional information

1. Leader of

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
  • . i have a great knowledge of Rules of Criminal org.
  • . I enjoy doing Rp as a gang leader as now gangs are very much inactive so i would make my gang active and it wouldnt be easy for State orgs to catch us. i will try to keep FAMILIES ON TOP
  • I also want to share some of my experience with my gang members i have experience in both LEAGAL AND ILLEGAL ORGS
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
  • I will try to recruit those people at high rank which have experience and some knowledge of rules and will provide training to newbies to get some good rank , During my term Families will be at top Due to Activity
  • I will give high command to those only who are capable of it.
  • I will try to not include admin in Ic Events and Situations.
  • i will kep eye on small mistakes done by muy team and try to fix them by giving them punishment
  • i will give bonusses to everyone participating in a succesfull evevnt


13-God Father


11-Under Boss








3-Young G


He is really Good leader
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