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IMPORTANT Applications for the Families

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Leader - Daku Family ❤️
Oct 10, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL:- Rishi
2. Your age:- 19
3. Time zone:- GMT +5:30.
4. Average online per day:- 8-10 Hours
5. Your Discord:- SardarDaku#4445
6. Your Nickname:- Sardar Daku
7. Your ID:- 72384

Additional information
1. Leader of The Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation).

I Want to make the the org active & perfect with the most experience i have gained from the past 35 Years in the city with the backbone of the Unofficial Organization.

• I am committed to the growth and success of the
The Families I believe that the gang can achieve even greater things under my leadership.

• I am a visionary leader with a clear plan for the future. I am also a hands-on leader who is not afraid to get involved in the day-to-day operations of the gang.

• I am confident that I have the skills and experience necessary to be a successful gang leader. I am dedicated to the The Families and I am committed to making the gang even stronger.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

• I would make sure my gang members can be themselves and express their creativity. This will help to keep the roleplay fresh and engaging.

Members should know the rules of the server. This will help them to ensure that everyone is maintaining the roleplay, for the new comers i would suggest them to spend some time in the city and learn the rules properly & i would also guide them if they want.

I Will take part in every events Like:- Fort Zancudo ,Store Robbery, Hostage Situations, Clandestine & try to do the possible roleplay in the situtations with other organizations.

4. My Goals For Leadership Of The Families
To Make Gang Active and Powerful With The Most Experienced Deputies & Members.
To Make 100% Turf Without Any Rule Break & With The Good Turfers.
To Complete Every Weekly Goal Of The The The Families
• To Complete All Events Successfully Like:- Fort Zancudo ,Store Robbery, Hostage Situations, Clandestine , Subs.
• To Give New Comers The Best Roleplay Experience.

--Rank System--
15) Boss
14) Under Boss
13) OG
12) Turfer
11) Kingping
10) Captain
9) Gangster
8) Destroyer
7) Punisher
6) Graffiti Leader
5) Graffitist
4) Shooter
3) Villain
2) Clapper
1) Freeze

By following these ideas, The Families can improve their roleplay level and become a more successful and respected gang.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sardar Daku

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Cole Blackstone

Leader of Blackstone family
Mar 3, 2023
1. Your name IRL : Sondre Livgard
2. Your age : 19
3. Time zone : UTC+2
4. Average online per day : 5-9 hours
5. Your Discord : Cole Blackstone
6. Your Nickname Colee Blackstone
7. Your ID : 46559

Additional information
1. Leader of... Families gang

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- I am realy taking rp to the next level, i love roleplaying and make it feel like real life. As i am a huge fan of gangs, and love roleplaying a gangmember, so if i will be the leader i will bring more realism in to the city, as i also focus on my members, making sure eveything is okei.

- as leader i will bring a strict and fun comunity to everyone, making sure everyone knows what to do and when to do it. Making sure no one is breaking any rules. Will choose active hc and debuts, making sure it never is a problem find one.

- In my term we will be active at store / weapon robbery’s, and hold the armory full of weapons in any need. Will controll the ghetto show them that families is on top! Attending every event.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- As said i will make sure everyone is following the rules, and that everyone is following their commands. At same time i will bring more realism in to the city, as i have learned from my last experience as hc in Bloods, families and vagos, that its always need for active hc.

- i will improve the roleplay in any kind of hostage situasion or store robbery. With making sure we have a good hc crew. That can the rules in and out.


Robin Badmash

F**k Em All
Jan 3, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Robin
2. Your age: 23
3. Time zone: IST
4. Average online per day: 6-7 hours
5. Your Discord: robindior
6. Your Nickname: Robin Dior
7. Your ID: 57804

Additional information

1. Leader of...


2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I want to become the leader of this gang because I have some feelings with this gang and also was deputy once, I tried very hard that to make gang most active in ghetto but failed to make it possible. But now I want to become the leader of this gang to rule over ghetto in which I failed last time.

As a gang member I have saw most of the new people join the gang but don't know the rules properly and just doing rulebreak all over the city and in RP situations also, which causes punishment to them as well as to the gang, but in my term I wont let that happen. In my term only experienced person will get rank and also lead the new ones who have recently joined the gang.

Being a successful leader is accomplished by bringing everyone together. Making sure everyone is following along with all the standards of this city and making sure that everyone is following the rules but still having fun at the same time. A team is only as strong as their weakest link and when it comes to leading an Organization it is no different.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Providing all players with the correct information in the server
Creating a fun and event packed gang
I will fire/demote/warning/strike anyone who is to break a rule and the extremity while depending on what they have done.
Will hit Ammo runs and encashment too which every organization ignores.


Jul 6, 2023
1. Your name IRL:- Ritesh
2. Your age:- 19
3. Time zone:- GMT +5:30.
4. Average online per day:- 6-7 Hours
5. Your Discord:- PROBLEM#9794
6. Your Nickname:- Ritesh Raj
7. Your ID:- 62286

Additional information
1. Leader of The Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation).

> I have gained a lot of experience in gangs and on the streets and I want to pass this experience on to my friends. Organizations must make everyone feel welcome and close, so they can work better. A leader must be someone who is committed to helping his members and pushing them to be the best they can be. The neighborhood people know me. The most loyal member of the Plus Gang would follow me, because my two children and I had bungled almost every event of the gang.

- After being in the gang for so long as a deputy, I thought it was my turn. I've been in this city for about a year now and have always been a part of the gangs. Served as 2-term Plus Vice President, 1-term Blood Vice President, 2-term Family Vice President, and 1-term Marabunta Vice President

- I would like to become the leader of the Famillies as I believe U can successfully lead this gang to the top. I want to make the Ballas one of the most respected gangs of all

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Your advice to improve the level of role-playing in the organization Asa's deputy and supreme commander, you have led a large number of events in gangs. I will keep the Famillies alive and take part in all the events as best I can. I will not allow anyone to break the rules and enjoy the RP process. I will provide it by recruiting experienced people with appropriate interviews. The gang will be active and the members will follow the RP rules. Thus, I will help role-play Los Santos

My advice is to improve the role in the organization I will make the requirements to join the gang varied for each rank so that players can evolve into older and more mature members to be part of a gang as well. Once they reach the age limit and if they are proven worthy of promotion, they are promoted to higher ranks

4. My goals
1. The number of healthy members online.
2. A strong team in the ghetto wars
3. Build a great drip and spray team.
4. Keeping the event win rate close to 99%.

This will be my ranking system
Ranking System
15 ) BOSS
14 ) Under Boss
13 ) Under deputy
12 ) Event Leader
11 ) Turfer
10 ) Recruiter
9 ) Villian
8 ) Graffiti Leader
7 ) Enforcer
6 ) Gangster
5 ) Hitman
4 ) Striker
3 ) Clapper
2 ) Fresher
1) Suspended (Freeze)

Thank you for your time and consideration.
Ritesh Raj
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Hashir Knight

Aug 27, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Hashir Jalal
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: gmt+5
4. Average online per day: 10 hours
5. Your Discord: stranger.420
6. Your Nickname: Duchy Knight
7. Your ID: 46020

Additional information:
1. Leader of the Families.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
All the time in the Grand RP city I remember myself in a gang. I play in Grand RP over six months and over the time I acquired very high RP skills and good knowledge.
in rules, events & etc. I have experience how to lead a gang, I was many times HC in gangs mentioned below.
I thought to myself it's my time for me to become a leader with my experience and I'm ready for this challenge.
From my experience a lot of times there is no competition between gangs because some of the leaders are lazy and do the minimum they must do, and I want to change it.
I'm sure and believe that with my experience the gang will succeed and go far, and for a successful gang need a leader with high
motivation and I believe I have it and I am best suited to lead the Familes.

I want to take the RP experience of a gang to the next level. I am planning to do all gang events like Battleship, Fort Zancudo, clandestine and I'll make sure that we participate in all these types of gang events. Clandestine is one of my favorite events but sadly almost every gang camp for the parachute in that event and is kind of boring but I'll make sure we are showing up to every event and also takes part in other events to promote RP. My main motive is to make a better experience for everybody, and store robberies is one of the events where I can help with that, gangs are already very low RP and with legal orgs trying to win every store robbery there is, it isn't fun at all, but I will try my best to make all events fun and with serious RP.

Also, I have seen every level of RP in the organization, and I have been in unofficial families, and I have seen many great leaders do all gang events. I know all the strategies in all gang events also I want basically to be a little strict with members because I want them to try for their best because no one is perfect, and the improvement can't explain they can be only shown and if I will be the leader u will be able to see the improvement. I feel like if any of the gang members want to ask any question they should not hesitate and open up to any gang member about their query and trust me as a leader I will not let anyone down.

My Goals:

I have several goals that I want to achieve:
* Rule Brakes - I will choose the right people to be HC and they will make sure that anyone who want to join to Families knows the rules.
*I will make sure everyone joining to Families discord and I will create logs for anyone who joined to see the activity.
* Events - I strive for maximum activity:
* I really hope we will achieve 100% gang turfs; I have a good team of shooters who will do their best.
*24/7 Graffiti MAX profit.
* Gun store/store robbery at least one a day
* FZ raids
* Ghetto Fights when there are no events
* Gangs rivalry - I will make sure that will be balance between my gang to another gangs in terms of the number of people inside the org
* Bonuses - I will give bonuses to my high commands team, and bonuses for every rank up of Families member. I will give bonuses also if our gang manage to win
gun store/store/vehicle theft.
* Rank system - I will create 14 ranks in my gang to see the hard work everyone does, for each rank there will be requirements to reach a certain number of events.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization:
* I will make sure I have members and HC from different time zones, so the gang will work 24/7 and the Families will be on top.
* Keeping the state rules, I will make sure everyone in the gang knows the rules that there will be a rivalry between the gangs without any fear of breaking any rules.
* I will give bonuses to those who deserve them to increase the motivation and morale to come to the events and continue to be active.
* I will focus on gang members training to improve themselves also they will get more fun.
* I will make sure there is respect between the gang members, no toxicity, only friendship and teamwork.
* My advice is that Staff members enforce Roleplay more because it will give the game a much more IRL feeling, and it may even attract more people.
* Most people who knew the rules would be accepted, but if their roleplay standard was low, I would assist them in improving it because * I want to have strong rp with everyone in the city
* More IC player-created events with other gangs, civilians, or legal factions to improve a sense of roleplay rather than constant fighting and events.
* A forum harmony, my organization should not have any toxicity against any other group, reports will be made only when it is necessary.
* A sense of good standing with every other group in the city on the OOC level, everyone at the end of the day is a person behind their screen, a sense of community would be a large positive.
* I would make some scenarios for my organization to participate in and possibly makes some IC rewards/benefits involved.
* Overall, create a positive and enjoyable gang that someone could join if they're around for the vibes and quality gameplay.
* Having shooters, yes but including other people who may not be as experienced in the city with a gun or roleplay in general.
* In-depth review of the rules upon recruitment, I would make sure everyone knows the exact rules and restrictions we have at all times, * this would overall improve roleplay quality around my organization and carry on throughout interactions with others in the server.

1. Deputy leader of families.
2. All-Gangs Under Deputy.
3. National Guard Major.
4. LSPD Major
5. SAHP lieutenant.

1. Ex Leader of Knights.
2. Ex Mafias/Yakuza Deputy.

Ranking System:
13- Villain
12- Deputy
11- Under-Deputy
10- Turfer
9- Recruiter
8- King Pin
7- Clapper
6- Spray Team
5- Gangster
4- Shooter
3- Thug
2- Rookie
1- Freeze

Thanks for reviewing my application and your precious time.

Preet Thugs

Apr 26, 2023
1. Your name IRL-Preet
2. Your age-19
3. Time zone:GMT+05:30
4. Average online per day-8 Hours daily
5. Your Discord-preet#0007
6. Your Nickname-Preet Thugs
7. Your ID-99081
Additional information
1. Leader of...Families Gang 💚
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

-Make an impact:
Being a leader can feel impactful as you can influence other people in an organization. Rather than working independently, a team can accomplish more goals, which can create change for a company. As a leader, you learn about the unique skills individuals have and you might assign projects that align with this. Working with team members towards shared goals in areas that each member can feel confident can make an impact.

-Develop unique skills:
There are several skills that leaders can develop more than individual contributors. For example, a sales representative might employ critical thinking about how they might sell more products to individual customers. A leader can strategize how different salespeople in an organization might work differently to leverage unique skill sets, try new techniques and collaborate on solutions. Leadership skills involve complex interpersonal skills, communicating effectively with individuals and groups and inspiring other employees to excel in their positions.

-Bring people together
Leaders can bring people from different teams and levels together to work towards common goals. They often see past strict job roles and identify how each person can contribute in their unique way. This can encourage employees and management teams to communicate more openly with each other and provide a more honest and trusting work environment.

3. Your advices for improving Role-Play level in organization.

1-Do advance planning: Write out the roles and think about all the potential bumps that can occur.
2-Location: Whenever possible, use the actual location or environment in which the situation will take place.
3-To improve roleplay within the gang I would have a specific group of people who I am certain has a lot of helpful knowledge and can help new players in the gang when they need help and this will also be my team who will go out in the city on certain dates and times to try and recruit members and i will have a set procedure and manual they have to follow when recruiting each new member.

Ranking System:

15) Leader
14) Deputy
13) Under Deputy
12) Turfer
11) Kingping
10) Real OG
9) Recruiter
8) Destroyer
7) Punisher
6) Thug
5) Graffitist
4) Shooter
3) Villain
2) Clapper
1) Freeze

Preet Thugs

Nairit XoXo

Hello there 🤔👋
May 13, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Hashir Jalal
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: gmt+5
4. Average online per day: 10 hours
5. Your Discord: stranger.420
6. Your Nickname: Duchy Knight
7. Your ID: 46020

Additional information:
1. Leader of the Families.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
All the time in the Grand RP city I remember myself in a gang. I play in Grand RP over six months and over the time I acquired very high RP skills and good knowledge.
in rules, events & etc. I have experience how to lead a gang, I was many times HC in gangs mentioned below.
I thought to myself it's my time for me to become a leader with my experience and I'm ready for this challenge.
From my experience a lot of times there is no competition between gangs because some of the leaders are lazy and do the minimum they must do, and I want to change it.
I'm sure and believe that with my experience the gang will succeed and go far, and for a successful gang need a leader with high
motivation and I believe I have it and I am best suited to lead the Familes.

I want to take the RP experience of a gang to the next level. I am planning to do all gang events like Battleship, Fort Zancudo, clandestine and I'll make sure that we participate in all these types of gang events. Clandestine is one of my favorite events but sadly almost every gang camp for the parachute in that event and is kind of boring but I'll make sure we are showing up to every event and also takes part in other events to promote RP. My main motive is to make a better experience for everybody, and store robberies is one of the events where I can help with that, gangs are already very low RP and with legal orgs trying to win every store robbery there is, it isn't fun at all, but I will try my best to make all events fun and with serious RP.

Also, I have seen every level of RP in the organization, and I have been in unofficial families, and I have seen many great leaders do all gang events. I know all the strategies in all gang events also I want basically to be a little strict with members because I want them to try for their best because no one is perfect, and the improvement can't explain they can be only shown and if I will be the leader u will be able to see the improvement. I feel like if any of the gang members want to ask any question they should not hesitate and open up to any gang member about their query and trust me as a leader I will not let anyone down.

My Goals:
I have several goals that I want to achieve:
* Rule Brakes - I will choose the right people to be HC and they will make sure that anyone who want to join to Families knows the rules.
*I will make sure everyone joining to Families discord and I will create logs for anyone who joined to see the activity.
* Events - I strive for maximum activity:
* I really hope we will achieve 100% gang turfs; I have a good team of shooters who will do their best.
*24/7 Graffiti MAX profit.
* Gun store/store robbery at least one a day
* FZ raids
* Ghetto Fights when there are no events
* Gangs rivalry - I will make sure that will be balance between my gang to another gangs in terms of the number of people inside the org
* Bonuses - I will give bonuses to my high commands team, and bonuses for every rank up of Families member. I will give bonuses also if our gang manage to win
gun store/store/vehicle theft.
* Rank system - I will create 14 ranks in my gang to see the hard work everyone does, for each rank there will be requirements to reach a certain number of events.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization:
* I will make sure I have members and HC from different time zones, so the gang will work 24/7 and the Families will be on top.
* Keeping the state rules, I will make sure everyone in the gang knows the rules that there will be a rivalry between the gangs without any fear of breaking any rules.
* I will give bonuses to those who deserve them to increase the motivation and morale to come to the events and continue to be active.
* I will focus on gang members training to improve themselves also they will get more fun.
* I will make sure there is respect between the gang members, no toxicity, only friendship and teamwork.
* My advice is that Staff members enforce Roleplay more because it will give the game a much more IRL feeling, and it may even attract more people.
* Most people who knew the rules would be accepted, but if their roleplay standard was low, I would assist them in improving it because * I want to have strong rp with everyone in the city
* More IC player-created events with other gangs, civilians, or legal factions to improve a sense of roleplay rather than constant fighting and events.
* A forum harmony, my organization should not have any toxicity against any other group, reports will be made only when it is necessary.
* A sense of good standing with every other group in the city on the OOC level, everyone at the end of the day is a person behind their screen, a sense of community would be a large positive.
* I would make some scenarios for my organization to participate in and possibly makes some IC rewards/benefits involved.
* Overall, create a positive and enjoyable gang that someone could join if they're around for the vibes and quality gameplay.
* Having shooters, yes but including other people who may not be as experienced in the city with a gun or roleplay in general.
* In-depth review of the rules upon recruitment, I would make sure everyone knows the exact rules and restrictions we have at all times, * this would overall improve roleplay quality around my organization and carry on throughout interactions with others in the server.

1. Deputy leader of families.
2. All-Gangs Under Deputy.
3. National Guard Major.
4. LSPD Major
5. SAHP lieutenant.

1. Ex Leader of Knights.
2. Ex Mafias/Yakuza Deputy.

Ranking System:
13- Villain
12- Deputy
11- Under-Deputy
10- Turfer
9- Recruiter
8- King Pin
7- Clapper
6- Spray Team
5- Gangster
4- Shooter
3- Thug
2- Rookie
1- Freeze

Thanks for reviewing my application and your precious time.
Yoo chill out how much zoom
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Peter Harlow

Jul 11, 2021
1. Your name IRL:-Rudra
2. Your age:- 19
3. Time zone:- GMT +5:30.
4. Average online per day:- 4-5 hours
5. Your Discord:- hyperind
6. Your Nickname:- Peter Harlow
7. Your ID:- 3038

Additional information
1. Leader of The Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation).

•Influence:To make the organization look more professional and guide the organization because they strongly align with its core parts and make the organization perfect with my hard work and dedication and i would focus on my guys so that they won't make mistakes and work professionally and i also have alot of Memories.

•Organization Growth:To make sure everyone will follow every city rules and focus on good RP, which will make the city more amazing and punishment free.i will let new people join my gang as they also deserve chance to do good RP and also will teach new people about RP and about the city.

•Experience:I have alot of experience,I have been in city for more that 10 years and also a member of grandrp for more that 2 years(IRL), i have been in EN1 for 28 years in city and due to which i know how a perfect city and Roleplay works.I will always try my best to work hard and make my Organization the term of Families

•Vision:I want to improve the RP quality and want to make it fair for everyone by doing in gang stuff due to my creativity experience as I am an enthusiastic person and I want to lead Families Gang to 100% Turfs and to become the most successful gang in the city , I will give very tough competition to other Gangs.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

•Bonus for spray team so people focus on spray as well.

•I will give bonus 3 days in week so people get motivated.

•People who doesn't show on meeting points and events will be asked questions.

•Doing Robberys and Hostage situations

•Will try to give chance new people in city to increase RP

4. My Goals For Leadership Of The Families

--Rank System--
15) Boss
14) Under Boss
13) OG
12) Turfer
11) Kingping
10) Captain
9) Gangster
8) Destroyer
7) Punisher
6) Graffiti Leader
5) Graffitist
4) Shooter
3) Villain
2) Clapper
1) Freeze

Thanks for giving your time to my Application

Giving Chance is all about starting something new!!

Peter Harlow

Balkan Choo

Mar 24, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Dannell Nadarevic
2. Your age: 19
3. Time zone: ( CET +01:00 )
4. Average online per day: 8 hours
5. Your Discord: nadarevic
6. Your Nickname: Balkan Vercetti
7. Your ID: 96931

Additional information

1. Leader of The Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

A) As a former Deputy in various gangs including Vagos, Marabunta, and Ballas, my extensive experience with gang dynamics and the criminal underworld equips me with a profound understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the city. My aspiration is to bring about a transformative shift in the Families gang by addressing prevalent issues such as favoritism. My strategy to tackle this concern is straightforward yet effective: I will implement a fair promotion system, ensuring that each member earns their rank through merit. Under my leadership, everyone will be treated equaliy!

B) My motivation to assume leadership of the Families stems from a desire to elevate our reputation to new heights. By harnessing my exceptional communication skills, I am confident in my ability to redefine the gang's image. I am committed to fostering a culture of respect and unity within the gang, where every member feels valued as part of our collective family. To counteract the issue of low commitment often observed in other gangs, I intend to revolutionize our approach. No longer will members idly linger at headquarters; instead, engagement and proactive participation will be the norm. I expect every member to contribute actively, whether through street activities or productive endeavors. Inactivity will not be tolerated; those who fail to contribute will be held accountable, irrespective of their status.

C) My ascension to leadership will swiftly usher in a wave of transformative changes. I am determined to secure victories in numerous events, complemented by daily incentives to reward members' dedication. My vision extends to executing well-orchestrated store and gun shop robberies, infusing dynamism into the gang's activities while keeping law enforcement engaged. A notable departure from the past will be my commitment to dismantling dictatorial practices that often plague gangs. Open and regular meetings will be the cornerstone of our decision-making process, where every available member can contribute to shaping our collective path. I will prioritize members' preferences for events, placing their aspirations at the forefront of our endeavors.

In summary, my leadership aspirations for the Families gang are founded upon a comprehensive strategy to foster equity, respect, and engagement. By implementing fair promotions, transforming our image, and invigorating our activities, I am resolute in my mission to steer the Families towards an era of unprecedented success and unity.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

To enhance roleplay within our organization, I propose implementing specialized teams to enrich our activities and ensure that each member understands and fulfills their designated role. For instance, creating dedicated Clapping and Graffiti teams will foster continuous engagement and proficiency within these vital aspects of our operations. This approach ensures that every member comprehends the expectations of their rank, leading to more cohesive and effective teamwork.

To incentivize outstanding performance and dedication, I advocate for a system of rewards and bonuses. For instance, offering a monetary incentive of 2,500 dollars per kill in rival territories not only encourages proactive participation but also underscores the value we place on strategic actions. Moreover, I envision a weekly recognition program where a noteworthy gangster, who has demonstrated excellence or innovation, will be awarded a substantial prize of 500,000 dollars. This initiative will fuel healthy competition and inspire members to continually strive for excellence.

Additionally, I aim to launch an inclusive "training program" tailored for newcomers seeking to immerse themselves in the criminal landscape of our server. By assigning a skilled high-ranking member as a mentor, we can provide personalized guidance to newcomers, introducing them to the intricacies of our operations, the city's dynamics, and the essential server regulations. This approach not only facilitates a smoother transition for new recruits but also ensures they are well-versed in ethical boundaries, such as distinguishing between scenarios where lethal force is acceptable and instances requiring demands.

In conclusion, my strategy to elevate roleplay within our gang revolves around the formation of specialized teams, the implementation of enticing rewards for exceptional contributions, and the introduction of a comprehensive training program for new recruits. By embracing these initiatives, we will cultivate a more immersive and dynamic roleplaying experience that sets us apart as a preeminent force in the city's criminal landscape.

Thank you for reading my application,
best regards Balkan!

Firat Komodor

Mar 6, 2023
1. Your name IRL : Fırat
2. Your age:17
3. Time zone : GMT + 8:30
4. Average online per day :8-10 Hours
5. Your Discord: firatkomodor
6. Your Nickname : Firat Kqmqdqr
7. Your ID: 99631

Additional information
1. Leader of The Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1.Because i have a lot of experience in gangs and i believe i will be a good Leader for The Families

2.I've spent most of my time in gangs, and I feel safer in gangs, and I've always liked gangs more than legal Orgs

3.And I've always been either in the top rank or under deputy in gangs, so I know how to run a gang my goal as becoming a gang leader. I have the leadership capacity and that's why I will manage illegal organizations well cuz i was leader other games.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization

1.Me and my members will do Graffiti all the time and make people earn money

2.We will constantly make ghetto clappa and rob people whenever we can

3.We will constantly carry out store robberies and Military base robbery, Gun store robberies

4.We will Make our Turf 100% and we will Rule the whole city

5.We will participate 100% in events such as Cland, Battle ship

15. Leader
14. Deputy
13. Under Deputy
12. Right Arm
11. Event Leader
10. Turfer
9. High Command
--- High Command---
8. Graffiti Leader
7. Controller
6. Graffiti Team
5. Gangster
4. Shooter
3. Clapper
2. Newbie
1. Freeze
Last edited:

Efe Ali

Dec 3, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Efe
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT+5
4. Average online per day: 5-8 hours
5. Your Discord: efeali
6. Your Nickname: EfeAlii
7. Your ID:83562
Additional information
1. Leader of... THE FAMILIES
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
-I want to be a leader of The Families because I've always wanted to lead an organisation on my own. For me The Families have a special place in my heart because it was the first gang I joined and became under deputy. I totally love the color and the headquarter of this gang. I want to make The Families the best gang again.
- I want everyone to have fun together in The Families. I will try to do FZ raid or Store every 3-4 hours.
- I want the new players to understand the feeling being a gangster, robbing people, fighting, etc.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
- Talking more professionaly with Leos- I've seen a lot of people talking to the Leos like they are friends. I want to change that because it's a serius situation because there is a hostage.
- I will have high commands from different time zones so the gang can be active 7/24!
- Give my gang members bonusses after every FZ raid/ Store Robbery/ Hostage Situation. As I was a gang member and Leo the paycheck or the graffiti bonus wasn't enough so I will make sure my members receive good bonusses.
- I will have Deputys/ Under Deputys with good knowledge of the state rules.

Strike 1 : Warning
Strike 2 : Demotion
Strike 3 : Fire from the organization.


15. Leader
14. Deputy
13. Under Deputy
12. Right Arm
11. Event Leader
10. Turfer
9. High Command
--- High Command---
8. Graffiti Leader
7. Controller
6. Graffiti Team
5. Gangster
4. Shooter
3. Clapper
2. Newbie
1. Freeze

Preet Thugs

Apr 26, 2023
1. Your name IRL-Preet
2. Your age-19
3. Time zone:GMT+05:30
4. Average online per day-8 Hours daily
5. Your Discord-preet#0007
6. Your Nickname-Preet Thugs
7. Your ID-99081
Additional information
1. Leader of...Families Gang 💚
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

-Make an impact:
Being a leader can feel impactful as you can influence other people in an organization. Rather than working independently, a team can accomplish more goals, which can create change for a company. As a leader, you learn about the unique skills individuals have and you might assign projects that align with this. Working with team members towards shared goals in areas that each member can feel confident can make an impact.

-Develop unique skills:
There are several skills that leaders can develop more than individual contributors. For example, a sales representative might employ critical thinking about how they might sell more products to individual customers. A leader can strategize how different salespeople in an organization might work differently to leverage unique skill sets, try new techniques and collaborate on solutions. Leadership skills involve complex interpersonal skills, communicating effectively with individuals and groups and inspiring other employees to excel in their positions.

-Bring people together
Leaders can bring people from different teams and levels together to work towards common goals. They often see past strict job roles and identify how each person can contribute in their unique way. This can encourage employees and management teams to communicate more openly with each other and provide a more honest and trusting work environment.

3. Your advices for improving Role-Play level in organization.

1-Do advance planning: Write out the roles and think about all the potential bumps that can occur.
2-Location: Whenever possible, use the actual location or environment in which the situation will take place.
3-To improve roleplay within the gang I would have a specific group of people who I am certain has a lot of helpful knowledge and can help new players in the gang when they need help and this will also be my team who will go out in the city on certain dates and times to try and recruit members and i will have a set procedure and manual they have to follow when recruiting each new member.

Ranking System:

15) Leader
14) Deputy
13) Under Deputy
12) Turfer
11) Kingping
10) Real OG
9) Recruiter
8) Destroyer
7) Punisher
6) Thug
5) Graffitist
4) Shooter
3) Villain
2) Clapper
1) Freeze

Preet Thugs

Hetvi Pluxury

Kill Joy
Nov 12, 2022
Families Applications are Open here are some Points to Remember

1. Copy Paste is strictly prohibited not even own application
2. Any Kind of Off-Topic Here is Punishable

Good Luck to All Applicants

Hashir Knight

Aug 27, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Hashir Jalal
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: gmt+5
4. Average online per day: 10 hours
5. Your Discord: stranger.420
6. Your Nickname: Duchy Knight
7. Your ID: 46020
Additional information:
1. Leader of the Families.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
All the time in the Grand RP city I remember myself in a gang. I play in Grand RP over six months and over the time I acquired very high RP skills and good knowledge.
in rules, events & etc. I have experience how to lead a gang, I was many times HC in gangs mentioned below.
I thought to myself it's my time for me to become a leader with my experience and I'm ready for this challenge.
From my experience a lot of times there is no competition between gangs because some of the leaders are lazy and do the minimum they must do, and I want to change it.
I'm sure and believe that with my experience the gang will succeed and go far, and for a successful gang need a leader with high
motivation and I believe I have it and I am best suited to lead the Familes.

I want to take the RP experience of a gang to the next level. I am planning to do all gang events like Battleship, Fort Zancudo, clandestine and I'll make sure that we participate in all these types of gang events. Clandestine is one of my favorite events but sadly almost every gang camp for the parachute in that event and is kind of boring but I'll make sure we are showing up to every event and also takes part in other events to promote RP. My main motive is to make a better experience for everybody, and store robberies is one of the events where I can help with that, gangs are already very low RP and with legal orgs trying to win every store robbery there is, it isn't fun at all, but I will try my best to make all events fun and with serious RP.

Also, I have seen every level of RP in the organization, and I have been in unofficial families, and I have seen many great leaders do all gang events. I know all the strategies in all gang events also I want basically to be a little strict with members because I want them to try for their best because no one is perfect, and the improvement can't explain they can be only shown and if I will be the leader u will be able to see the improvement. I feel like if any of the gang members want to ask any question they should not hesitate and open up to any gang member about their query and trust me as a leader I will not let anyone down.
My Goals:
I have several goals that I want to achieve:
* Rule Brakes - I will choose the right people to be HC and they will make sure that anyone who want to join to Families knows the rules.
*I will make sure everyone joining to Families discord and I will create logs for anyone who joined to see the activity.
* Events - I strive for maximum activity:
* I really hope we will achieve 100% gang turfs; I have a good team of shooters who will do their best.
*24/7 Graffiti MAX profit.
* Gun store/store robbery at least one a day
* FZ raids
* Ghetto Fights when there are no events
* Gangs rivalry - I will make sure that will be balance between my gang to another gangs in terms of the number of people inside the org
* Bonuses - I will give bonuses to my high commands team, and bonuses for every rank up of Families member. I will give bonuses also if our gang manage to win
gun store/store/vehicle theft.
* Rank system - I will create 14 ranks in my gang to see the hard work everyone does, for each rank there will be requirements to reach a certain number of events.
Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization:
* I will make sure I have members and HC from different time zones, so the gang will work 24/7 and the Families will be on top.
* Keeping the state rules, I will make sure everyone in the gang knows the rules that there will be a rivalry between the gangs without any fear of breaking any rules.
* I will give bonuses to those who deserve them to increase the motivation and morale to come to the events and continue to be active.
* I will focus on gang members training to improve themselves also they will get more fun.
* I will make sure there is respect between the gang members, no toxicity, only friendship and teamwork.
* My advice is that Staff members enforce Roleplay more because it will give the game a much more IRL feeling, and it may even attract more people.
* Most people who knew the rules would be accepted, but if their roleplay standard was low, I would assist them in improving it because * I want to have strong rp with everyone in the city
* More IC player-created events with other gangs, civilians, or legal factions to improve a sense of roleplay rather than constant fighting and events.
* A forum harmony, my organization should not have any toxicity against any other group, reports will be made only when it is necessary.
* A sense of good standing with every other group in the city on the OOC level, everyone at the end of the day is a person behind their screen, a sense of community would be a large positive.
* I would make some scenarios for my organization to participate in and possibly makes some IC rewards/benefits involved.
* Overall, create a positive and enjoyable gang that someone could join if they're around for the vibes and quality gameplay.
* Having shooters, yes but including other people who may not be as experienced in the city with a gun or roleplay in general.
* In-depth review of the rules upon recruitment, I would make sure everyone knows the exact rules and restrictions we have at all times, * this would overall improve roleplay quality around my organization and carry on throughout interactions with others in the server.
1. Deputy leader of families.
2. All-Gangs Under Deputy.
3. National Guard Major.
4. LSPD Major
5. SAHP lieutenant.
1. Ex Leader of Knights.
2. Ex Mafias/Yakuza Deputy.
Ranking System:
13- Villain
12- Deputy
11- Under-Deputy
10- Turfer
9- Recruiter
8- King Pin
7- Clapper
6- Spray Team
5- Gangster
4- Shooter
3- Thug
2- Rookie
1- Freeze
Thanks for reviewing my application and your precious time.

Alan Zelensky

Feb 9, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Avi
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 4-6 Hours
5. Your Discord: INTRO GAMER#9785
6. Your Nickname: Alan Zelensky
7. Your ID: 93571
Additional information
1. Leader of...
Ans - Families
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
Ans - 1. I have been experiencing things as a LEO as well as Gang member and I have been in vagos at the start of my rp life. I know how to manage people and things to make an organization work efficiently whether it's legal or illegal. I've got enough experiences being HC in both spheres of influence. I have been gaining this all experience from 4 months and developed leadership skills also in the meantime.
2. During my 3 terms in LSPD as HC, I saw many legal things and the way they work and illegal things too. Then, I became families underdeputy under Manas' Term and bloods underdeputy under Naf Enzo's term. After that currently, I am holding the position of Brigadier General in NG. So, I think that my these 2 experiences will help me a lot to become the leader of families.
3. Personally I want to increase the crime rate of los santos as much as I can and want to make sure that the Families always complete their tasks which they committed. I want to implement my skills developed so far in the leadership of Families. I want to make this gang more active as it is the prominent gang among others and it needs a leader who can show that.

My experiences:

Bunta Underdeputy

Ballas Underdeputy

Major General of NG

Bloods Underdeputy

Families Underdeputy

GOV Senator Candidate of DOR (Current HLS)


Vagos Clapper

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Ans - (i) I will focus on graffiti as well as global because turf is natural in most of the gangs and like everyone I will focus also. I will be doing every gang activity possible at every time by getting hour HCs and gang members from different time zones to make the gang active 24x7 and ready to face any situation.
(ii) I will try to capture territories as much as I can to expand the Families as being a leader and I will recruit the best experienced people as turfer. I will make sure that our HCs are doing illegal things while following our email's rules and regulations.
(iii) I will implement my ranking system and strike system in a very efficient manner such that everyone who commits something wrong will get a lesson and with my ranking system, everyone can understand the actual importance of specific ranks (e.g. HCs ranks).

Ranking system:-
15) Boss (Leader)
14) Underboss (Deputy)
13) Turfer (Under Deputy)
12) OG (Event Leader)
11) Godfather
---High Commands---
10) Destroyer
9) Punisher
8) Warlord
7) Graffiti Leader
6) Villain
5) Clapper
4) Graffiti Members
3) Shooter
2) Newbie
1) Freeze

Strike system:-
Strike1 - Verbal
Strike 2 - Demotion
Strike 3 - Blacklist/Fire

I'll be highly obliged if my application gets selected for interview.

Thanking You All
Yours Faithfully
Alan Zelensky

Cam Hill

Apr 30, 2023
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
8-9 hours
Cam Walker

1. Leader of familes street gang

2. I want to be leader of familes because I have very good experience in gangs. I’ve been in every single gang as either deputy or under deputy so I think I know the rules pretty well. I’ve also had experience in other organisations as Hc. I want to be leader of a gang bc it has always been my dream to be leader of a organisation but since I’ve been in the city I have learnt the rules and I think I’ve got what it takes to be a admin.

3. I will improve roleplay by helping new people if they want to join the gang I will help learn the rules and what to do at events and etc. I will do daily store robbery/gun store robbery and everyone who attends will get a bonus from me. If I seen people turning up to events they will earn a promotion. In every gang I’ve been I’ve seen people going to events and they still don’t get a promotion.

Strike system
1. Warning
2. Depromted
3. Fired/blacklisted

Ranking system
14. Boss
13. Deputy
12.Under deputy
11. Event leader
10. Turfer
9. Punisher
8. Warlord
7. Big smoke
6. Graffist
5. Clapper
4. Enforcer
3. Gangster
2. Rookie
1. Freeze


Apr 16, 2022


1. Your name IRL = Shivansh Singla
2. Your age = OOC = (17)
3. Time zone = MDT (UTC-7)
4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (Make sure to use AM , PM to make it clear) = 17:00-4:00
5.Average online per day = 7-8 hours
6. Your Discord = Gta Gamers #8928
7. Your Nickname = Shivansh Singla (Planning to Change it soon to Robert Fedorov)
8. Your ID = 21495


1. Leader of =


2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

Being Deputy/Under Deputy and HC in Marabunta/Bloods/Ballas/Vagos/Families/FIB/LSPD/SAHP in all EN servers has taught me a lot about leading an Organization in the server and has greatly boosted my confidence to accomplish any goals. As the head of Families, I am aware that many people would like to travel with me and support me along the way.

2) I want to be the leader because I want to teach the new residents of the city how to enjoy gang life and to role-play in the city. I also want to participate in many events with my gang (daily store robberies, FZ Raids, hostage situations(2 or 3 times in a week), bs, Clandestine Shop, and others).

3) In order to make LEOs always fear from us and ensure that we succeed in capturing Families at number one/#1, I'll strive to have a maximum amount of people at Store robberies (almost 35), hostage situations, and FZ raids.

4) Additionally, I desire the leadership position because I have experience in the legal organization (FIB,SAHP,LSPD,NG) and am familiar with how they operate and handle situations. With this knowledge, I can control the legal organization and predict what their next move would be, which will make things much simpler for the gang. Additionally, I served as the HC of every major ORG, which gives me a minor advantage.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

At the end of the week, I will give bonuses to everyone based on how active they were in the gang (10k for 24/7 or Gun Store Robbery, Battle Ship, FZ raid, Hostage Situation, and 5k for all other events) And 30k bonus if we get 3 or more victories in a day!, and I will only allow active people to join in gangs so I don't get 80-100+ people online and only 10 or 20 or less attending an event.

2) Global Events
must be held at least twice a week, and every two weeks will offer a large Global Event bonus. Each Global Event must has bonuses to increase interest in participating in the Global Event.

3) Enlist my gang to do as much RP as possible, such as stealing people and forming alliances with other gangs

Observing around city, I have noticed that some people tend to "mix things up" in RP situations, while others break the rules. To avoid such acts, I teach all gang members how to handle such situations differently and make a bodycam. In particular, we recommend that you continue to work on RP situations and document rule violations with bodycam when possible. Once everything is clear, you can report the incident and present the evidence you have gathered.


(12) Boss:-
(11) Under Boss:- Deputy
(10) Event Leader:- Turf captian and Event leader
(9) Right Arm:- Under Deputy
(8) Turfer:- Member of turf team
(7) Big Smoke:- Master of the ghetto
(6) Graffitist:- Main team who is looking to do griffiti.
(5) Defender:- Who has a nice aim so he can help the gang in Events and Ghetto clapping.
(4) Gangster:- Who has good knowledge how do gangs work and a decent ghetto clapper.
(3) Young Smoke:- Who has attended some events and has a decent knowledge that how do gangs work.
(2) Intern:- Who has just been invited to gang and has less option.
(1) Newbie:- Who has no options also used for while we are in freeze.


Having 100% Turf
Having 100% Spray
Winning most of the events
Having most active number



Thank you, For giving your precious time to my application and reviewing it.

Best Regards,
Shivansh Singla

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