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IMPORTANT Applications for Blood Street Gang

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May 15, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Ege
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT+3
4. Average online per day: 6 hrs - 10hrs
5. Your Discord: ege#5040
6. Your Nickname: Cemre Federal
7. Your ID: 91938
Additional information
1. Leader of... Blood Street Gang
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
A. I want to be leader of this organization because i have so many free time to make fz raids, hostage situations, store robberies go to the clands and attack turfs to make the Curators proud for selecting me,

B. I have enough experince on this server and i know every rule of the gang, about events, about turfs and about leadership as many of my friends were a leader in the past

C. I always wanted to take leadership of The Blood Street Gang and try my best to make %100 turfs with my turf team.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

A. I will try to use more RP commands like /me - /do - /try ,

B. I will make many hostage situations and try to teach my gang members about RP,

C. I won't tolarate to the guys who destroys the RP level to improve RolePlay level in Blood Street Gang.

Ranking System:

14- GodFather

13- Under G

12- OG Bloods

11- Warlord

10- Turfer

9- Legend

8- Staff

7- Grafiti Team

6- Punisher

5- Mafia

4- Gangsta

3- Rookie

2- Scout

1- Freeze

Thanks for reading my aplication. Best Regards.

Luna Fellas

Jan 16, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Onurcan Yaygıngöl
2. Your age : 23
3. Time zone : GMT+03:00
4. Average online per day : 10+ Hours
5. Your Discord : Curliynn#4683
6. Your Nickname : Luna Marcellus
7. Your ID : 11405

Additional information
1. Leader of Bloods.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1- I have a lot of expiriance not only in gangs also in state orgs I learned a lot of different thing by being in state orgs and also in gangs from state orgs I learned a lot of different rules arresting rules and most important for being criminal I learned how to very good negotiate and on other side from gangs I learned how to shoot very accuratly a lot of event rules and all other rules I am also very good in taking hostiges while I was in bloods I maded one very good system how I got a lot of state hcs like my hostiges so I have very good knowledge to help bloods be on top again like they were earlier

2-I think having best gang in city depends more of having a good hcs and deputys then having a good leader I mean leader choose a hcs and deputys so it is tied but however rn I have on mind oen of best RPers in city to be my deputys and hcs I was hc of all gangs ecsept families so ik how good leader looks and how bad leader looks so I learned from their falls and I think I learned enough good how to lead gang on some different events whitout getting people braking rules how to make 100% free passage on store robberies and ammo store robberies

3-I also want to make it have at least 50% of territories at all points and 50% of grafities at all points but how?? I would do t by giving leader of turfs and grafities to deputyes so I have 4 deputies one will have leader of grafities one leader turfs one leader of events (cland, store robberies, fz raids…) and one leader of recruitingso on thet way every deputy have its own function in which is best and in wich is interested on teht way we can make very strong rp in org and I am sure it will make org 100 times stronger and better

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1.I would make my personal list of questions theat would be used to invite someone in theat list of questions I would add ghetoo rules event rules some basic rules(pg vdm rdm mg frp nlr…) and I would ask for every f thaet rule at least 2 examples theat are on list (exp. Pg : You cannot search someone whit gun In your hands)

2.also I would make a wh logs so I can control who steals from gang theat will be whit format theat will need date and time of taking reason and screenshot of reason (example if I took ar whit reason for cland I would send screenshot of cland)

3.I will give bonuses because we all know bonus is thing theat most motivate our members bonuses do not need to be just money I would give guns ammo vests and promotions

4.i will also make sure only leader of gang and deputys can promote so there is not simpatising and promoting members of family…

5.i will make specific interview questions to become a hc so lets say rank 8 is hc if someone want to become a hc I would make a list of questions to become a rank 8 theat will have a lot of harder rules similar like you ask on leader interview

6.i will make a warning system warnings will be issued by hcs only and given for not complying whit orders, disrespect of hc…and be punished on this way 1 warning demotion 2nd rank 1 for 2 days and 3rd kick from org also every warning will expire in 7 days

7. also I would make sure every day at least one ammo store robbery and 1 fz raid and at least 3 successfully done clands

Thank you for reading my application and have a good day !!!

Liam Undefeated

"I hate Cheaters"
Apr 24, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Péter

2. Your age: 17

3. Time zone: GMT+2

4. Average online per day: 4-6 hours

5. Your Discord: LiamLV#9964

6. Your Nickname: Liam Vercetti

7. Your ID: 42498

Additional information
1. Leader of The Bloods Street gang

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

After Spending a good 2 months inside of gangs and giving leaders the best help I could have as a deputy I think it is time for me to step up and try for leadership and lead a gang sucesfully, Not to mention the fact that I have missed being a leader after I have been one for so long.

Secondly, I would like to say how I have been seing gangs focus on only 2 things: That is getting the weekly tasks done and getting 100%. and I do not agree with this mentality, I want a gang that strives to have the best Gang Vs Gang and LEO Vs Gang RP in the server as I really think it would be very different only if we shift focuses on other things.

Thirdly, I would like to make a gang that unites all of my friends together and becomes an icon of Strong leadership and Brother Hood not to mention the fact that after being a bloods deputy I see that it is one of the gangs that has the most RP potential and that It would be perfect for the gang I invisioned.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I belive that The Crime RP of the server is very poorly executed right now and are lead by people who barely speak english, Comprehand roleplay or have the appropriate age to RP out such things.

First of all I think there should be more of the "Attack on Capitol" type of rp, Prehabs we should have new ways of doing FZ raids with hostages or Holding hostage situations inside in special places of the ghetto or countryside that have not been done before (Like on a high hill or inside an open interior house of ghetto).

Thirdly I think we should lift focus from weekly tasks to good RP as right now it takes away from a lot of potentials the gangs posses. I belive that by decreasing our focus on Weekly tasks We could have more time to come up with new and unique gang scenarios or to expand on the Diplomacy idea in gang vs gang RP.

Thanks for Reading my application.

Lio Juzzo

1. Your name IRL : Subhadip Dutta
2. Your age : 25
3. Time zone : GMT+5:30 Indian Time
4. Average online per day : 12 hours +
5. Your Discord : LIO#4342
6. Your Nickname : Lio Bolo
7. Your ID : 88807

Additional information

1. Leader of Bloods Street Gang
Gang Experience:
When I come in city I joined Marabunta as my first gang because I like gang rp from the begining, I started in the gang as a low rank gang members and then after gaining some experience from various gang now currently I am the deputy at Ballas. As a deputy now I have enough experience how to run a gang.

Leadership Skills

Communication skills:
As I told earlier that I started gang as a rookie member, In between my journey from rookie to deputy I met lots of people in this past few months, So I know how to intract with people or how to make friends easily.
All in one I just wanna say that I have pretty much good communication skill.

Vision for the Gang: I wanna make this gang best rather than anyother gang. I gonna do activity as much as possible to make my gang active also I make active my gang in ghetto.
Also I will do
100% turf
100% sprays

Availability and Commitment: I try to available most of the gang events time so I can guide or lead my team in the events

I am eager to contribute
to the immersive roleplay experience within the city and take Bloods to new heights. Thank you for considering my application, and I am available for an interview or any further discussions at your convenience.

Lio Bolo

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I join forces with other gangs in order to get stronger.
I declare that while I'm in charge, my gang will be most active.
When I'm unavailable in the city, my deputy leaders will run any further activities.

I might focus on all of my gang members, be the same to everyone, and show no favouritism. I might not let my gang members think that I am giving them commands or anything like that.

If my gang member make a mistake, I'll give them one strike, and I'll talk to them about it and advise them how to do better at that time. A second strike may result in a demotion, while a third strike will result in termination.

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Fission 𝕱𝖑𝖝

Dec 30, 2022
1. Your name IRL -Smit Shinde
2. Your age - 17
3. Time zone - +5:30
4. Average online per day - 5 -7. Sometimes 7-9
5. Your Discord - Smit#5761
6. Your Nickname - Lizaa Bolo
7. Your ID - 31600
Additional information
1. Leader of: Bloods
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation):

All the time in the Grand RP city I remember myself in a gang. I play in Grand RP over 1 year and over the time I acquired very high RP skills and good knowledge
in rules, events & etc. I have experience how to lead a gang, I was many times HC.
I thought to myself its my time for me to become a leader with my experience and I'm ready for this challenge.
From my experience a lot of times there is no competition between gangs because some of the leaders are lazy and do the minimum they must do and i want to change it.
I'm sure and believe that with my experience the gang will succeed and go far, and for a successful gang need a leader with high motivation and i believe i have it and I am best suited to lead the Bloods.

My Goals:
I have several goals that I want to achieve:
* Rule Brakes - i will choose the right people to be HC and they will make sure that anyone who want to join to Bloods knows the rules.
I will make sure everyone joining to Bloods discord and I will create logs for anyone who joined to see the activity.
* Events - I strive for maximum activity:
- I really hope we will achieve 100% gang turfs, I have a good team of shooters who will do their best.
- 24/7 Graffiti MAX profit.
- Gunstore/store robbery at least one a day
- FZ raids
- Ghetto Fights when there are no events
* Gangs rivalry - i will make sure that will be balance between my gang to another gangs in terms of the number of people inside the org
* Bonuses - I will give bonuses to my high commands team, and bonuses for every rank up of Bloods member. I will give bonuses also if our gang manage to win
gun store/store/vehicle theft.
* Rank system - I will create 14 ranks in my gang to see the hard work everyone does, for each rank there will be requirements to reach a certain number of events.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization:
- I will make sure i have members and HC from different timezones, so the gang will work 24/7 and the Bloods will be on top.
- Keeping the state rules, i will make sure everyone in the gang know the rules that there will be a rivalry between the gangs without any fear of breaking any rules.
- I will give bonuses to those who deserve them to increase the motivation and morale to come to the events and continue to be active.
- I will make sure there is respect between the gang members, no toxicity, only friendship and teamwork

Anil Rhee

Oct 29, 2022
1. Your name IRL :
2. Your age : 22
3. Time zone : UTC +03
4. Average online per day : 10-12 hours
5. Your Discord : AnilDixon # 7123
6. Your Nickname : Anil Dixon
7. Your ID : 71052
Additional information
1. Leader of... :
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

-I want to be a leader because I think I will do well in Bloods, and I think we will become very strong in Bloods. so we will be good to each other.and i have no good dorum history but i think everyone can get 1 chance. i think i can do it very well
-I am one of the member of Katman Crew Family, and my family is very strong and we will strengthen the Bloods together. so I think we will do very well with my family.
-Bloods is very special to me. and I want to put a diff on the server. and I want to make Bloods the strongest. And I know all the gang and general rules.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
- in my opinion. We need to hire someone who knows the game and we need to take a test before we get into the gang. if we do it this way, there will be no rulesbreak and rp will always be at the highest level. Bloods will always be the strongest.


12- Deputy

11-Under Deputy







4-Graffiti team


2-Young Blood


Vansh Exact

Families Leader 💚
Feb 24, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Vansh Singhal
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone : GMT+5:30 (IST)
4. Average online per day : 7-8 hours and more on weekends
5. Your Discord : Vansh#8605
6. Your Nickname : Vansh Exactt
7. Your ID :

Additional information


EXPERIENCE : I flew into the city few years ago and the i have joined Bloods only as my first gang infact as my first organization. I have great experience in Legal as well as ILLEGAL Orgs and as High commands as well. I have been bloods high command as well , 12th rank in Families and in the way of legal orgs i have been in SAHP from 2 consecutive terms with a rank of CHIEF and some time i have given to GOV as well. Because of this reason i think i can manage the gang as i have experience of both the sides and i think i can handle the situation in a good way. i was Chief of CID as well so i know how to prevent LEOs from taking evidences and doing raids at our HQs

Skills And Patience : I will never rush on my gang members if they do something wrong rp if they are new , in place of that i will apologize to the person they have done something wrong to and i will teacher my gang member to do that thing in right way as everyone is new in this server or in gang at a time and they don't know 100% of the things to perform good rp . I will teach my members to do perfect RP in bloods if they do something wrong. I will be patient towards my members and teach them the right way.
Bloods was the best and most active GANG in the city at some time , but due to some reasons bloods had lost its image in the city and there was a fear in person's eye when they saw some bloods member coming towards them . I want to give Bloods its image back and make Bloods again the best gang in the city.

Visions : As i already told i want to make Bloods the most active gang back and i think i have the skills to do that. My goals will be to do as much as Store robberies , Hostage situations , FZ raids so that there will a fear in eye of LEOs and normal citizens when they hear bloods. I will try to get as much as bloods members in the hostage situations and not only by 5 6 members so that it looks little bit professional. My vision is to do 100% turfs if not 100% atleast 90-95% , doing ghetto claps actively and highway robberies so that we become the best illegal organization in this whole big city.

My Advices to improve roleplay level in BLOODS STREET GANG:

- First of all the rank thing , i think it is the most important thing , i will give high command to only deserving people and not to my friends if they dont know anything about gangs. Only the people who deserve to be HC s will become HCs.

- There will be regular bonus system in the gang after events so that people will be encouraged to do better RP.

- I believe in teaching more than punishments. If any of the bloods member will do some mistake first time i will teach them how to do that thing right bcs as i alrdy said one don't know everything . If they do the same thing again even after when i have told them to how to do that , then they will receive punishments in the form of strikes or demotion.

- I will choose my deputy from a different time zone because when i will be out of city , he will be there to look after the gang perfectly and hence we will not have any rule breaks . My deputy will be the person who really deserves that place and not someone who is just my friend.

- There will be respect and friendship between both high commands and low rank members so that they dont feel that someone is crushing them by having high rank. If my HCs will do that , they will also be demoted to lower ranks.

Give me a chance once , i assure you that you will not be disappointed..

Thank You,
That's all from my side ,
Looking for your positive response to my application.....
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Uchash On Top
Feb 4, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Péter

2. Your age: 17

3. Time zone: GMT+2

4. Average online per day: 4-6 hours

5. Your Discord: LiamLV#9964

6. Your Nickname: Liam Vercetti

7. Your ID: 42498

Additional information
1. Leader of The Bloods Street gang

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

After Spending a good 2 months inside of gangs and giving leaders the best help I could have as a deputy I think it is time for me to step up and try for leadership and lead a gang sucesfully, Not to mention the fact that I have missed being a leader after I have been one for so long.

Secondly, I would like to say how I have been seing gangs focus on only 2 things: That is getting the weekly tasks done and getting 100%. and I do not agree with this mentality, I want a gang that strives to have the best Gang Vs Gang and LEO Vs Gang RP in the server as I really think it would be very different only if we shift focuses on other things.

Thirdly, I would like to make a gang that unites all of my friends together and becomes an icon of Strong leadership and Brother Hood not to mention the fact that after being a bloods deputy I see that it is one of the gangs that has the most RP potential and that It would be perfect for the gang I invisioned.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I belive that The Crime RP of the server is very poorly executed right now and are lead by people who barely speak english, Comprehand roleplay or have the appropriate age to RP out such things.

First of all I think there should be more of the "Attack on Capitol" type of rp, Prehabs we should have new ways of doing FZ raids with hostages or Holding hostage situations inside in special places of the ghetto or countryside that have not been done before (Like on a high hill or inside an open interior house of ghetto).

Thirdly I think we should lift focus from weekly tasks to good RP as right now it takes away from a lot of potentials the gangs posses. I belive that by decreasing our focus on Weekly tasks We could have more time to come up with new and unique gang scenarios or to expand on the Diplomacy idea in gang vs gang RP.

Thanks for Reading my application.
On top

Tomi Meller

Senior Crime Curator ✨ EN2 PC Checker 🤩
Senior Administrator
Jun 16, 2022
The following players have been selected for Bloods interviews at 11:00 server time on 19th may
LIO#4342-Lio Bolo -88807
Manas#6969- Manas Badmash - 3318
Smit#5761-Lizaa Bolo- 31600
Vansh#8605 - Vansh Exactt - 15737

The application for The Bloods Leader are now Closed

Loki Verlice

Apr 30, 2023
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
8-9 hours more on weekends
Cam Choo|92216#2396
Cam Choo
1. Leader of bloods street gang

2. Why do you want to be leader of this specific organization

I want to be leader of Familes street gang because I've always wanted to lead a organization for quiet a while now and i want provide my leadership skills, passion to the gang. I've been in gangs quiet a few times and i feel like I'm ready to go for the next time which is to be leader of a gang. I feel like i know almost everything and ready to use all of my experience to make the gang the best.

Secondly I was in familes as rank 7 but i worked hard and jumped the ranks by going to meeting points, Clands, Battleship and even when they wasn't a enough turfers I also went to turfs so that just proves i am willing to work hard to make familes the best gang if i get leader. I put a lot of time into familes and want to spend more time at familes if i get leader and gain more experience.

Thirdly I want to make a friendly gang so everyone respects one a another because at the end of the day we are all a team and need to work together to make familes the best gang. I will give people bonuses for coming events like Store robbery, Gun store Robbery. And make sure everyone has a great time.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I will improve roleplay by not doing all the same stuff other gangs going into ghetto and clap people if i got leader we will focus on turfs, store robberys, FZ raids. I will give everyone a fair opportunities and not them being left out. Everyone who puts in efforts that are seen will lead to a promotions and so much more. I will make sure Everyone has good knowlodge on the General rules, Event rules, ghetto rules, etc and clear on their fluent english.

Ex LSPD COS, Ex NG Captain, Ex SAHP Lieutient, Ex FIb field agent, Ex ballas under deputy, Ex Marabunta HC,Ex Bloods HC
Thank you for reading my application
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Raiz Smacks

EN1 4x Ex Deputies | | | | EN2 7x Ex Deputies
May 4, 2023
IRL Name: Ken
Online per day 7-8 Hours
Discord: Raiz#4633
IGN: Raiz Syn

First of all, before i get into my application i am Raiz Smacks i applied for a gang leadership, i have many experienced in being deputies of vagos and highcomand in marabunta too i have great experience in gangs(different servers)

Additional information
1. Leader of Bloods

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1-Being in the city for a long time i have decided that gangs is the most fun thing for me to do and especially leading people into doing events and having an active gang and having a fun time

2-Being in gangs for most of my time i Know how to lead a gang into being active and successful and having numbers whom understand rules and whom can produce productive rp which can make both sides (leos and gangs) have fun

3-Being a leader I would provide a system for the whole gang to move with and for everybody to have a fair chance to get the rank they deserve depending on the attitude and their rp skills which would determine their gang rank and not only them being active and pulling to events which would make members satisfied with the system they are involved in and which would keep them going to events to prove themselves

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.
I would be improving roleplay by doing more hostage situations which both sides would have fun in
secondly i would prevent meta gaming from my gang because no one has to deal with it as it destroys the fun for everyone
i would also make events for members which they could gain money out of so that they can prove themselves and win money

I genuinely hope you consider this and give me a chance to prove i have changed.
i hope all of you have a great day

Ranking System
1|Red Berries
4|Street Gang

Vansh Exact

Families Leader 💚
Feb 24, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Vansh Singhal
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone : GMT+5:30 (IST)
4. Average online per day : 7-8 hours and more on weekends
5. Your Discord : Vansh#8605
6. Your Nickname : Vansh Exact
7. Your ID : 15737

Additional information



EXPERIENCE : I flew into the city few years ago and the i have joined Bloods only as my first gang infact as my first organization. I have great experience in Legal as well as ILLEGAL Orgs and as High commands as well. I have been bloods high command as well , 12th rank in Families and in the way of legal orgs i have been in SAHP from 2 consecutive terms with a rank of CHIEF and some time i have given to GOV as well. Because of this reason i think i can manage the gang as i have experience of both the sides and i think i can handle the situation in a good way. i was Chief of CID as well so i know how to prevent LEOs from taking evidences and doing raids at our HQs . currently also i am in Vagos gang at under deputy (14th) rank

Skills And Patience : I will never rush on my gang members if they do something wrong rp if they are new , in place of that i will apologize to the person they have done something wrong to and i will teacher my gang member to do that thing in right way as everyone is new in this server or in gang at a time and they don't know 100% of the things to perform good rp . I will teach my members to do perfect RP in bloods if they do something wrong. I will be patient towards my members and teach them the right way.
Bloods was the best and most active GANG in the city at some time , but due to some reasons bloods had lost its image in the city and there was a fear in person's eye when they saw some bloods member coming towards them . I want to give Bloods its image back and make Bloods again the best gang in the city.

Visions : As i already told i want to make Bloods the most active gang back and i think i have the skills to do that. My goals will be to do as much as Store robberies , Hostage situations , FZ raids so that there will a fear in eye of LEOs and normal citizens when they hear bloods. I will try to get as much as bloods members in the hostage situations and not only by 5 6 members so that it looks little bit professional. My vision is to do 100% turfs if not 100% atleast 90-95% , doing ghetto claps actively and highway robberies so that we become the best illegal organization in this whole big city.

My Advices to improve roleplay level in BLOODS STREET GANG:

- First of all the rank thing , i think it is the most important thing , i will give high command to only deserving people and not to my friends if they dont know anything about gangs. Only the people who deserve to be HC s will become HCs.

- There will be regular bonus system in the gang after events so that people will be encouraged to do better RP.

- I believe in teaching more than punishments. If any of the bloods member will do some mistake first time i will teach them how to do that thing right bcs as i alrdy said one don't know everything . If they do the same thing again even after when i have told them to how to do that , then they will receive punishments in the form of strikes or demotion.

- I will choose my deputy from a different time zone because when i will be out of city , he will be there to look after the gang perfectly and hence we will not have any rule breaks . My deputy will be the person who really deserves that place and not someone who is just my friend.

- There will be respect and friendship between both high commands and low rank members so that they dont feel that someone is crushing them by having high rank. If my HCs will do that , they will also be demoted to lower ranks.

Give me a chance once , i assure you that you will not be disappointed..

I made some mistakes in interview last time , but now due to that i have came to know the right answers of that questions so i am ready to pass the interview this time

Thank You,
That's all from my side ,
Looking for your positive response to my application.....


From Rawalpindi , Pakistan
Sep 12, 2022
1. Raja Umer
2. 18
3. Pakistan Standard Time zone (PST)
4. 6 to 8 hours
5. Raja King#0001
6. Devil Raja
7. 63522
Additional information
1. Leader of Bloods street gang

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. I previously have experience in gangs when I came to city I joined gangs before any other orgs I have experience in every gang (except famallies) i was high rank in in all of them I can handle rp situations calmly without getting personnel and not getting angry what other person is saying to me .
2. In gangs i know how things work because i have seen many people making mistakes and facing issues because of small things but iam sure i will train my members more accurately and give importance to every member of my orgs because i have met people who complain about their leaders that they do not listen to them and kick them without listening their issue .
3. i have spent more time doing illegal things rather then legal so being gang leader is a good decision so i want to experience being leader for gang but i will try to give my best for my gang i have seen many leaders making mistakes that lead to waring and even disband of organizations i will not repeat these things and try to change things to maintain good rp and teach new members how to do good rp .

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
My advise for improving is whenever I got robbed in ghetto or joined a gang there are many rules that they don't know if I will become leader I will tell my deputies and other persons who are able to invite people in organization that ask other rp rules not just ask basic questions like (PG, MG,FR) add some other things and rules that are also important many of people don't know what is ( RDM , VDM , CR) I have seen gang members asking their high commands what are these because they don't know what it means I will make these rules mandatory for joining also so they don't do any mistakes and i have seen leaders also making some mistakes but I will not repeat them I will also teach them how to do proper rp with commands and teach them how to use each command during rp situation and try best to teach them good role play .
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Chris Federal

Mar 26, 2023
1. Your name IRL - Krish
2. Your age - 17
3. Time zone - GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day - 12-14 hours
5. Your Discord - Hashira Krish#2326
6. Your Nickname - Hashira Krish
7. Your ID - 99091

Additional information
1. Leader of... - The Bloods Street Gang
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation) - 1.Experience - I have alot of experience in all the gangs, I have been under deputy/event leader in all the gangs! just because of that i got alot of experience in gangs! but i haven't been an leader of any gang/organization, after 2-4 months of experience in gangs, I think that I am enough capable to become an leader of an gang, you can see the list of my experience in all the organizations at the end! 2.Goals - because, I have been in gang for along time, I know almost everything about gangs, as I told I have alot of experience in gangs, I can manage everything an gang needs, I saw bloods is inactive for an while, I want to make it active again and my main focus is going to be ghetto activity and criminal activities, as an ex-underdeputy of bloods, I know all the things, from which I can make the gang active again! if I will become the leader, I think I can make the gang the best again! 3.Vision - my vision towards the gang is not just to do criminal activities, it's also to make the state organizations afraid from the gang and making the gang more famous in the city, if I become the leader this term, I will make the gang that much active that whoever will be the leader in the next term, they will find the gang active already! as the gang will be famous all over the city, and everyone will be interested to join bloods gang only!
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization. - 1. Ranking System -

15. Godfather - Leader
14. Boss - Deputy
13. Event Leader - Event Management
12. Under Deputy - Under Deputy
----- High Command -----
11. Punisher - Under HC
10. Turfer - Turfing Skills
9. Negotiator - Negotiating Expert
8. Graffitist - Graffiti Team
7. Warlord - Good at Shooting
6. Mafia - Ghetto Clapper Expert
5. Clapper - Ghetto Clapper
4. Villain - Newbies, with shooting skills
3. Shooter - Newbies
2. Young - Newbies, without shooting skills
1. Freeze - Freeze

2. Strike System -

1st Strike - Verbal Warning
2nd Strike - Freeze for 3 days / Demotion
3rd Strike - Blacklist/Removal from the organization!

Strike Expiry Time: 7 days
(Exception - 3rd Strike)

3. Activities -

Our focus will be mainly on ghetto clapping and hostage situations, etc! we will try to be active as much as we can, anyone who is not active for straight 3 days / not responding to situations being in the city, will be demotes to Freeze, until he talks with an hc!

Ex Under Deputy - Bloods Gang
Ex Event Leader - Families Gang

Ex Under Deputy - Vagos Gang
Ex Under Deputy - Ballas Gang
Ex Under Deputy - Marabunta Gang
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Punar Badmash

Ex-Marabunta Leader
Oct 26, 2022
Your name IRL : Punar Badmash
2. Your age: 15
3. Time zone:GMT+5:30 Indian Time
4. Average online per day: 6 to 7 hours
5. Your Discord: Punar0p#2132
6. Your Nickname: Punarveer
7. Your ID: 46029
Additional information


2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1.i want to be the leader of Bloods Street Gang i am in the city for like 1 or more year i have worked in both legal and ilegal orgs i have been hc in shap and FiB and about ilegal i am current under deputy of families and ex Ballas Deputy and once in bloods also i have seen this gang doing very good in city one but in city 2 it is not powerful as city 1 like i dont seen that bloods complete his term in city 2 it got disbanded in 15 to 20 days maximum and iand i have thought that if i could get a opprtunity to be the leader of bloods i can handle this gang properly and i will try bloods will complete his term this time

2. i will tell people that gang do not do only robing store and all there are also many more events like FZ raid and give them regular bonus for doing events i have seen in many gang leaders didnt give bonus who is doing hardwork for the gang and my main focus will be 100% turf

3.and i will help each and every people who is new in city dont get fired for any stupid reason i will tell them all the rules i will give them more chances that the other higher rank

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. i will make sure all get there deserving rank. I will give high command only to trusted people
2. i will stay on my words and ,ake sure nobody get kicked for no reason or any stupid reason
3. and i will make strike system like

—>1 strike - 1 warning

—>2 strikes - Demotion

—>3 strikes - Fired/blacklisted

4. the main problem in the gangs is that people are very toxic they start abusing anyone without any reason or for any strict reason and i will make a special section in bloods email for toxic people if anyone post there any proof about that a strict action will be take against him/her

5.this will be my ranking system


4.baby blood
5 real blood
6. Big Blood
8. Recruiter
10.blood street fighter
11.OG Blood Fighter

12.OG Bloods General

Lamar King

Jan 30, 2022
1. Your name IRL - Kristopher
2. Your age - 16
3. Time zone - GMT+2
4. Average online per day - around 5-6 hours
5. Your Discord - itapyou
6. Your Nickname - Lamar King
7. Your ID - 9896
Additional information
1. Leader of... Bloods

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

The events
- I like being apart of the events like robbing stores etc

My experience - I have been apart of many orgs and I have high command experience

Learning - I can teach and learn to be apart of a gang really fast in my personal opinion

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

People need to learn the basics of roleplay and not go around randomly shooting people and not getting anything for it
. Have high level of rp when in events or even day to day bases

Kevin Wesker

Oct 16, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Darsh
2. Your age 17
3. Time zone GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord L0RD F1RE#7777
6. Your Nickname Kevin Wesker

7. Your ID 65823

Additional information

1. Leader of... Bloods Street Gang

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I want to be a leader for bloods because I know how to run an organization in the best way where everyone who deserves can be involved and people who can earn their rank who can show them. I know how all the vines work and have been in the industry for a long time where I took care of everything well.

What I will do is ensure that no more toxicity in the radio or in the chat because it is not something we will tolerate because it is important that all our members in the organization feel safe

Being a leader of an organization, I have wanted to be for a long time because I think the time is right and lead my own organization in the way that no one else because I like to take responsibility. For example, that we go on Turfs, Cland, aircraft caryare, sparys, and be in the ghetto. And I will be doing funny events with other organization. want to keep a good RP level,
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

My advice is that Staff members enforce RolePlay more because it will give the game a much more IRL feeling and it may even attract more people. Most people who knew the rules would be accepted, but if their rp standard was low, I would assist them in improving it because I want to have strong rp with everyone in the city.

Loki Verlice

Apr 30, 2023
8-9 hours more on weekends
Cam Choo|92216#2396
Cam Choo
1. Leader of familes street gang

2. Why do you want to be leader of this specific organization

I want to be leader of Familes street gang because I've always wanted to lead a organization for quiet a while now and i want provide my leadership skills, passion to the gang. I've been in gangs quiet a few times and i feel like I'm ready to go for the next time which is to be leader of a gang. I feel like i know almost everything and ready to use all of my experience to make the gang the best.

Secondly I was in familes as rank 7 but i worked hard and jumped the ranks by going to meeting points, Clands, Battleship and even when they wasn't a enough turfers I also went to turfs so that just proves i am willing to work hard to make familes the best gang if i get leader. I put a lot of time into familes and want to spend more time at familes if i get leader and gain more experience.

Thirdly I want to make a friendly gang so everyone respects one a another because at the end of the day we are all a team and need to work together to make familes the best gang. I will give people bonuses for coming events like Store robbery, Gun store Robbery. And make sure everyone has a great time.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I will improve roleplay by not doing all the same stuff other gangs going into ghetto and clap people if i got leader we will focus on turfs, store robberys, FZ raids. I will give everyone a fair opportunities and not them being left out. Everyone who puts in efforts that are seen will lead to a promotions and so much more. I will make sure Everyone has good knowlodge on the General rules, Event rules, ghetto rules, etc and clear on their fluent english. If you can just please give me a chance since my favourite colour has always been I won’t let u down I promise

Ex LSPD COS, Ex NG Captain, Ex SAHP Lieutient, Ex FIb field agent, Ex ballas under deputy, Ex Marabunta HC,Ex Bloods HC
Thank you for reading my application

Jack Meller

Ex Marabunta Curator
Jan 14, 2023
1 : Dylan Jack
2 : 17
3 : GMT
4 : 12 - 14 Hours
5 : dyl.a9
6 : Jack Choo
7 : 85414

1 : Leaader of Blood Street gang
2 : Why do you want to be leader of this specific organziation.
1. I want to be a gang leader considering my expirence in gangs is very good as ive been 3x under deputy of marabunta grande and 2x Vagos underdeputy and 1x Bloods underdeputy.

2. I am applying for leader of families due to the fact i have so much expirence with the gang related side of the server i feel like i could put it use. As Ex Crime Curator on the en2 administration team i feel like i should get a chance to take the interview as i know all the rules off by heart. I am willing to do whatever it takes to make this famlies term the best.

3. I will make sure that all my members of my gang have knowledge of all rules within the server. If they cant explain any simple rules then i simply will not let them be apart of my gang. I will make sure that all high commands will have good knowledge of what they are doing , if someone wishes to be a high command in my organization i will give them and interview personally to see if they have what it
After evrey sucessful event I will bonus my gang members.
takes. all in all i know what im doing. i know i can do it. i know i can complete a sucsesfull term.

3 : My advices for improving RolePlay in my organization.

First of all i will make sure all my deputys will have high gang knowledge in order to take care of the gang whilst i am not present.
I will make sure that all high commands will do there job at there respective ranks.
I will make sure that evreyone knows basic server rules or else I wont let them in my gang!
All my deputys will know how to take part in negotiations in order to keep all Store robberys/hostage situations at a high level of RP.
Considering I have alot of expirence myself as previously mentioned i know that my gang will be the best RolePlayers in the city.

Side note.
I know i will do good , cos i have all the confidence i need. so if you could please select me for interview it would be a pleasure.
Also it will be my number 1 goal to do 100% Turfs!

Our punishment system will work alot like this.

if someone does any server rule break it will result in a strike. (0/3)
After 3 strikes the respective person will be fired from the organization.

Ranking system will be the following.
(1) Delinquent
(2) Recruit
(3) New Bloods
(4) Gangster
(5) Graffitist
(6) Capo
(7) Clapper
(8) G unit
(9) Warlord
(10) Recruiter
(11) Turfer
(12) Shot Caller
(13) UnderBoss
(14) Boss
(15) Top Shotta

Thank you for reading my application.
Yours sincerly :
Jack Choo
Ex Marabunta Curator
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