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IMPORTANT Applications for Blood Street Gang

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Behroz shah

Jun 30, 2022
1. Behroz shah
2. 14 soon 15
3. Pakistan (GMT+5) (Pakistan Standard Time)
4. 4 hours to 8 hours
5. Behroz shah#0416
6. Behroz shah
7. 31037

Additional information:
Leader of Blood street gang

2.: i want to improve my RP experience by leading a criminal organization.
:i play very much hehehhe
: when i arrived in the server 2 months ago i thought i shall go in gov. org but i met my freind rohan xoxo and we joined bloods (that time i didn't knew the rules and got so much demorgan XD) after that i joined some more orgs but for breaking rules i got more punishments then i finally decide to read the rules. after reading all the rules i haven't broke them yet.
so, now i feel confident that i can become the leader of this org. (if selected for interview xd )
i really enjoyed being in the criminal orgs and like clapping in ghetto, store rob. ,amunation store rob., Clandestine etc. events (i also participated in global)
:i know the leader rules etc.
: i have very much experience in gangs like turf , global, store rob , hostage situation etc.

all of my gang members would enter by passing the interview.
my org will participate in every event. Deserving players would be on good posts.

point 1: remaining the difference about ooc ic.
point 2: giving a chance to new players (who know rules)
point 3: giving high posts to deserving players
point 4: giving a kick to players who break rules (because it would be dangerous for a criminal org. to have that players)
point 5: giving chance to everyone
point 6: Checking logs regularly (not letting anyone steal guns Amour) (Cheats)
point 7: making sure everyone has active body cam so it can help admins to get cheaters.

Achievments :

The families/10 Turfer
Marabunta grande/7

Current deputy of the family Black Mafia

Rank system:

13 I Bloody

12 I Top G

11 I OG Blood

10 I Turfer

9 I Recruiter

8 I King pin

7 I Street Clappar

6 I Veteran

5 I Homie

4 I Fresh Blood

3 I Cool

2 I Mute

1 I Suspended

Some days ago i got rejected from vagos interview just cause of my age otherwise i am capable
we shall always keep trying ........
Please accept my application if you can keep me in this age cause vagos interviewer arthur mack wasted my 3 hours like giving interview and preparing for interview.... so please select me if you find spirit in me and can give me a chance to a 14y/o boy

Heartrobbe Baba

Jul 18, 2022
Blood Street Gang


1. Your name IRL - Anishk Manik McGee
2. Your age - 18
3. Time zone - GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day - 8 - 12 Hrs
5. Your Discord - HEARTROBBE#9119
6. Your Nickname - Heartrobbe Chan
7. Your ID - 28047

Additional information :
Current deputy of Vagos , And I was high command in a lot of gang in the city im an old player and I would like to be a leader coz I believe I have been in this gang for a long time and acquired enough experience necessary And belive I can properly play my role And help and guide others as a leader And make this game more enjoyable

1. Leader of...
Blood Street Gang

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I. First of all, I want to be a leader because as soon as I entered the city for the first time, I was very confused and had a hard time, but as soon as I entered the gang for the first time, I entered Blood Street Gang and the people there were nice to me and explained everything to me, so I want to be in this specific gang In addition I want to give people the best feeling they can get. I choose to be a leader in Blood Street Gang because I want to show how a gang should really be.

II. Second, I want the role play to be much better, which means I won't lend a hand to everyone. All kinds of breaking rules, that is, if someone shoots someone with a gun in their hand (PG)

III. Thirdly, everything in my org will be in order, for example at 18:00, everyone is already waiting in HQ ready for BS, so I am interested in being a leader and also why do you have to give me the option to choose

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization .

My first advice that i will make sure that before everyone enters my org I will test them well and see that they do know the rules.

In addition:-
I will be very dedicated and before each event will explain to all the people about the event and what they cannot do in this event for example (clands cannot be with a vest).

In addition:-

I will do a lot of hostage sit and a lot of store rob so that my gang will not have a single boring moment and enjoy what Rp I will get some people who know several languages so that they can recruit people and thus give all people a chance to enter my org.

Paki bastard

Apr 7, 2022
1. Your name IRL,
Lindi gaxha

2. Your age,

3. Time zone,

4. Average online per day,
5 - 8 hours

5. Your Discord,

6. Your Nickname,
George saidden

7. Your ID,

Additional information

1. Leader of Bloods.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

The reason why I would Like to be leader off this ORG is because in the past couple off terms haven't been great so I would like to make that change, I would like to make Bloods be know again for how great they were, such as always at events, never rule breaking, and always active. So I am here to make a change in the history off the blood leaders, I will stand by my word and make bloods the greatest gang ORG that there would ever be,

Also I have noticed that people are not very hard working for there high command ranks so I promise to choose only the right people for high command ranks that are sensible and suitable for the high command ranks otherwise non hard working high commands will end up in a DEMONTION,

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization

I would be very strict about rule breaking in bloods,
I would make sure bloods are always attending events in gang clothes and following event and gang rules,
I would always make sure that no shooting in HQ would be Allowed resorting in a KICK or DEMONTION,
I would make sure bloods would never break any rules and be the best that there ever was.

1] Freeze
2] Recruit
3] Blood
4] Runner
5] Known Blood
6] Enforcer
7] Graffitist
8] Kingpin
9] Recruiter
10] Turfer
11] Underboss
12] Godfather
13] Villain

Liam Undefeated

"I hate Cheaters"
Apr 24, 2022
1. Your name IRL:

2. Your age:


3. Time zone:

GMT+2 (hungarian time)
4. Average online per day:

6 hours

5. Your Discord:


6. Your Nickname:

Liam Vercetti

7. Your ID:


Additional information
1. Leader of The Bloods Street gang

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I would like to become a leader of a gang since its something im quite fond of on other servers I have been a deputy multiple times and been the leader of ballas Approved - Leader of The Ballas Street Gang | Liam Vercetti . I would like to change how gangs work and want to make a positive enviorment with no toxicty. Despite this I want to achive 100% turf 100% sprays and to be the number 1 gang. I would also like to become a gang leader to make good friendships and lead the bloods to its fullest potential whilst having fun of course. I have the best ideas for both turf leaders and deputies. I want to become the leader since I have the skills knowledge and people to lead a gang in the nicest way possible im the best fit for the bloods.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

First of all I will not hire anyone under the in game level of 10 since they need to gather more experience before joining a gang, I will make sure everyone who joins knows all ghetto rules and that they know how to RP. I will make the RP Fun yet realistic for both LEO factions and criminal factions. I will make sure rules are enforced and that RP and Non RP radio is searious and is taken seariously I wont allow anyone that rulebreak in the least way possible. I want to improve the RP by doing events like encashment which has great RP potention but is not done commonly. I will even teach people how to RP

Behroz shah

Jun 30, 2022
1. Behroz shah
2. 14 soon 15
3. Pakistan (GMT+5) (Pakistan Standard Time)
4. 4 hours to 8 hours
5. Behroz shah#0416
6. Behroz shah
7. 31037

Additional information:
1.Leader of Blood street gang
Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à https://mancos.es/uploads/monthly_2021_07/bloodslogo.png.4c1307a3e330bdbf6ad77a9950a7d0de.png

2.: i want to improve my RP experience by leading a criminal organization.
:i play very much hehehhe
: when i arrived in the server 2 months ago i thought i shall go in gov. org but i met my freind rohan xoxo and we joined bloods (that time i didn't knew the rules and got so much demorgan XD) after that i joined some more orgs but for breaking rules i got more punishments then i finally decide to read the rules. after reading all the rules i haven't broke them yet.
so, now i feel confident that i can become the leader of this org. (if selected for interview xd )
i really enjoyed being in the criminal orgs and like clapping in ghetto, store rob. ,amunation store rob., Clandestine etc. events (i also participated in global)
:i know the leader rules etc.
: i have very much experience in gangs like turf , global, store rob , hostage situation,fz etc.

all of my gang members would enter by passing the interview.
my org will participate in every event. Deserving players would be on good posts.

point 1: remaining the difference about ooc ic.
point 2: giving a chance to new players (who know rules)
point 3: giving high posts to deserving players
point 4: giving a kick to players who break rules (because it would be dangerous for a criminal org. to have that players)
point 5: giving chance to everyone
point 6: Checking logs regularly (not letting anyone steal guns Amour) (Cheats)
point 7: making sure everyone has active body cam so it can help admins to get cheaters.

Achievments :

Bloods / 8
The families /10 turf

Current deputy of the family Black Mafia

Rank system:

13 I Bloody

12 I Top G

11 I OG Blood

10 I Turfer

9 I Recruiter

8 I King pin

7 I Street Clappar

6 I Veteran

5 I Homie

4 I Fresh Blood

3 I Cool

2 I Mute

1 I Suspended

Yestarday i got rejected from vagos interview just cause of my age otherwise i am capable
we shall always keep trying ........
Please accept my application if you fond spirit in me and can keep me in this age cause vagos interviewer arthur mack wasted my 3 hours like giving interview and preparing for interview.... so please select me if you find spirit in me and can give me a chance to a 14y/o boy

Kushal Wibowo

Aug 21, 2022
1 NAME IRL - kushal shukla
2 AGE - 18
5 DISCORD - kushal shukla#2920
6 NICKNAME - kushal shukla
7 ID - 50196



2 REASON NO {1} I was in bloods before and i know how they manage things attend all the events and activities like battleship , global events, fort zancudo etc so i want to make this gang active again

REASON NO {2} I also know all the rules as i was a part of the gang before

REASON NO {3} I want to be leader of this gang and make this gang again powerfull as it was before


---> By adding some training to the new people and make them learn all the GZ and GETTO rules
---> By telling them not to speak any other language in HQ of bloods and in green zones
---> To teach all the members to be respectful to EMS and not to harm them

Furious Bolo

Ex NG General , Ex Marabunta Leader [100%], 9x100%
Oct 13, 2021
1. Your name IRL : Rajendra Pandey
2. Your age : 18
3. Time zone : IST
4. Average online per day : 5-6hrs
5. Your Discord : Furious#8011
6. Your Nickname : Furious Bolo
7. Your ID : 2805

1. Leader of : Bloods Street Gang

A. I want to be leader of this Gang because i believe i can bring the RP balance among the players of the server and want to try more RP as learned from my past term as a gang leader.

B. I would like to Train the new population the ways of the server and give them a good RP experience as well as teach them about the rules as to strengthen the new player base within the city.

C. I know the inactivity within criminal orgs is a issue and i would like to ensure to keep up with all the events and keep the ghetto active and fun with a vision to decrease the toxicity going around.

3. I will make sure i give my best to increase RP by keeping criminal situations active and fun for legal orgs as well and keep the server active by stating our presence within the city as well and give a good competition to other Orgs as well.

Sharath Rich

Jun 6, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1 . Sharath chandra
3.GMT (5:30)
5.KGF Sharath YT#0818
6.Sharath Rich

Additional Information

Leader of Blood street Gang

Q2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?(List three reasons with explanation)
1. I need to be a leader this specific organization because when I have joined the city I'm worked in every legal orgs after leaving legal orgs I'm joined Blood street Gang it is very best experience after learned about turfs,NG Raids and grafftis I got high command but I'm not happy But I need to do something new that's why I need to be a leader

2. I want be a leader because I know all server rules, ghetto rules, event rules i will strictly follow them and if someone break the rules i will take action against him
3. When I became a leader I will be help the new citizens but they know city rules and ghetto rules this is the chance for new citizens who knows rules properly

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization
> I will recruit the citizens who knows rules properly

> I will host more events for the gang member
> Meeting with our gang members before and after event
> We will do turfs 100%
> 24/7 graffti
> I will not do any favourism if he my friend also
like that
> We will recruit good shooters for turfs
>I will improve and develop the Blood street gang more than previous term
>I will change the ranking system
>I will do Blood street Gang on top in city

Ex NG Captain ex marbunta underdeputy ex vagos High command ex minister of doc ex 8th rank recruiter in Families

Thanks for reading my application

Blood street Gang on Top!
Sharath Rich
Last edited:


Jul 23, 2021
1. Tom
2. 24
3. EST
4. 4-10 hrs a day
5. gtommo#0386
6. Tommo Bolo
7. 1620
Additional information
1. Leader of Bloods Street Gang

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
2a) I want to be leader of Bloods because the one thing I enjoy most in GRP is gang events and activites. Ive tried being in legal orgs and nothing really does it for me like gangs do.
2b) I want to be leader of this gang because I believe i can use my connections and experience to have the best and strongest gang in the city. In the past I have led gangs and alot of people enjoyed their time under my leadership. I want to bring that back again.
2c) One more reason I want to lead Bloods is because I have been leader of bloods before and want another chance to make Bloods great both in Turfs and in events/ghetto and all other RP situations.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization - I have experienced every rank in gangs from rank 1 all the way to Leader and I think to improve everyone’s RP experience we have to hold people accountable for their actions, and promote teamwork rather than the typical toxicness we usually see in gangs. If i get the leadership I will strive to make my gang open to everyone and make sure everyone gets along with eachother so we can focus on the RP more.

Thanks for reading my application

Dylan Gomez

Jul 26, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Dylan Gomez
2. Your age: 20
3. Time zone: EST (GMT-4)
4. Average online per day: 7-8
5. Your Discord: Dfalt#8812
6. Your Nickname: Dylan Gomez
7. Your ID: 16267
Additional information
1. Leader of... Bloods
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I would love to be bloods leader because I have a lot of experience with gangs and turfs and gangs just have always been my way to go crime and killings, hostages, and robberies which I've always like doing. I have a lot of reputation in the city with gangs and families meaning a strong and well abided organization. And because i have a very strong turf team that has multiple 100% turfers in previous terms. Another reason I would like to be bloods leader is because i have done so many accomplishments in the city and one i have always wanted to fulfil is being a gang leader and to lead the gang to success!

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

-Turf Team | The team that will be winning every turf defend and offense
-Spray Team | A team that will manage the sprays
-Corrupt Team | A team that will find and locate corrupt cops, officials, and any law enforcement to give a advantage in Crimes
-Negotiation Team | A team that will have the most qualified negotiators in the city that will be used in Hostage situations, Store robberies and anything crime related
Ghetto Team | This team will focus on all the shooting and looking out for the gang and will mostly be used in crime situations like robberies
All teams Will have a leader that will pick and choose the most qualified people

We want to make joining the bloods a lot more advanced then the other gangs out there since they only really focus on shooting and killing there is no RP in that we want to make the shooting and killing only in events and maintain a good quality of RP and a very good quality of numbers of people that stay in the city one way will do this. Is to have good leaders and deputies that know what they are doing know who there recruiting and most importantly know the rules

We take the rules very seriously meaning any rules broken there will always be a punishment and the punishment will not be a light punishment and will be given only 1 warning depending on the severity of the rule broken. We want everyone to be friendly and not toxic and respect must be shown to both Administrator's and High Command!

I will try my hardest to keep the quality of Roleplay and organizing very fun events such as Robberies, Hostage situations, Trainings for new recruits and many others. That will help the Blood Street Gang

Yous Macher

Mar 19, 2022
1. Your name IRL: yousuf
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: UTC +1
4. Average online per day: 5-8
5. Your Discord:yousuf#6799
6. Your Nickname: achmed malki
7. Your ID: 21216
Additional information
1. Leader of: bloods
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2a: i want to become leader because i really like the rp in this server and I want to help beginners in this game and give them more memories in this city and i want that they can enjoy the rp in this server and become better in the game i am self a very active player and i want to do as many events as possible and i want to learn everyone in my gang the gang rules if they dont know the rules that good so we can all enjoy the rp without warns

2b: i want to go for 100% turfs and im gonna create a great turf team and a great graffiti team i will make the graffiti team very strong so we never will be on 0 graffitis and i will make sure that the active players will make more than 50k in a day from robberies , bonuses , graffiti profit, clands bonuses at the end off the week , arena fights and more ways to make money and have fun in this server

2c: at the end off my term i hope that all my gang members had a great time and enjoyed the rp and that they all know how it is to be in the criminal side from the server and how fun the criminal side is and that they know the rules better

3.Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization

i always see the leaders off a small gang standing in the hq and never helping the gang and it will i will always help my gang if they need me you bcs if you want to grow up your gang you need to be active and if everyone helps each other in the gang you can become a very strong gang and everyone will enjoy the rp

Ronny Rich

Aug 21, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. Your name IRL Jayy
2. Your age 21
3. Time zone EST
4. Average online per day 5 to 10 hours
5. Your Discord Jayy420#7284
6. Your Nickname Ronny Xoxo
7. Your ID 8712
Additional information
1. Leader of... Blood Street Gang
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation) I have lucrative experience of being a gang-leader, ranging from leading organization events + territory captures. I've had many trial and error situations during my first encounter of being a leader, I know it will take a team-effort to create an awesome term experience for my members. And for one out 3 reasons I've decided on applying for this leadership is so that I can prove to myself that I'm able to achieve better results than my last leaderships.

I have been deputy Leader of many gangs such as Vagos, Bloods, Ballas, Marabunta. I was also ex leader of marabunta I know I've made mistakes, but I'velearned from them if given a chance to prove it would mean so much. I'm also aware of what I've done and said but I feel like Icould be that strong leader if you could consider me would be so much apricated.

- Using "Notepad" I'd create a summarized folio containing all necessary information regarding general/events/gangs/HQ/legal orgs

- Training members individually to a certain level too where they are promoted as "High-Command"
- Training members too handle negotiations/organize robbery events, this helps the gangs insurance of everyone coming alive 120%
- Training members too be potential capture leaders, this task will be most exhausting, but will indeed be a long-term outcome
- Training members brain and shooting knowledge & experience, so that we attain high standard battles and chain-of-commands.
- and to make sure to get the right people over the wrong people. I would also get trustworthy deputy leaders that know about the rules and how to post fz and turfs and I also could get a very good turf team to really get 100% turfs.
With my prior experienceas deputy leader of many different gangs ive learned how to recruit and train new players with a buddy system where somebody with experience in gangs takes new players to events and into the ghetto and show them the ropes before recommending
rank up.

Rank 1 Freeze
Rank 2 Thug
Rank 3 Gangster
Rank 4 Hustler
Rank 5 Graffiti
Rank 6 Blaze
Rank 7 Clappa
Rank 8 KingPin
Rank 9 Turfer
Rank 10 Underboss
Rank 11 Boss
Last edited:

Mathew Jane

Aug 12, 2021
The following players have been selected for bloods interviews at 16:00 server time on 16 September

@HEARTROBBE#9119 - Heartrobbe Chan - 28047
@kushal shukla#2920 - kushal shukla - 50196
@KGF Sharath YT#0818 - Sharath Rich - 29920
@Dfalt#8812 - Dylan Gomez - 16267

The application for The Bloods Leader are now closed

Bilal Flawless

Aug 30, 2021
1. Your Name irl: Bilal
2. Your Age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+1
4. Average online per day: 8 hours
5. Your Discord: Bilal Bolo#6174
6. Your Nickname: Bilal Bolo
7. Your ID: 361
Additional information -

1.Leader of Bloods Street Gang

2. Since my time on this project which has been over a year i have experienced the different forms of RP in different organizations. I have been in every organization from both the legal side and also illegal side. From both sides i have favored the illegal side of RP because i think there's more freedom to RP and also you are in control of the situation most of the time. Climbing my way up the hierarchy in different gangs i have learnt what its like for people at the bottom and also for people who hold responsibilities at the top. I have gained deputy status in many different gangs due to my leadership and organizational skills. With this responsibility i have made sure that everyone's voice is heard in that gang and that the newer people are made aware of the rules and responsibilities that come with each rank. I have also made adjustments in most gangs by speaking with the leaders and explaining to them that everyone in the gang matters and that the leaders attention shouldn't just go to the people with the highest rank. I have emphasized the need to make newer people feel included because they are players that are looking to have fun and RP in gang life. If i became leader of this gang i wish to focus on getting 100% turfs as well as becoming the number 1 gang in this city.

3. Since my time on this project i have noticed a lot of gangs have been active for 1-2 weeks and they then get disbanded because of inactivity or rule breaks. I wish to prevent this from my organization by making sure every player joining the gang goes through an intense interview which would include questions regarding RP rules as well as some scenarios. I have also noticed that lower members of the gang are often the most hard working but not rewarded with rank ups/bonuses, i wish to change this by making individual logs in the Bloods discord where the player can post their activity in events as well as any achievements, any of these will result in a calculated bonus as well as rank ups if they are consistent and this will hopefully create a positive attitude towards the gang events and also loyalty from gang members. In addition to this i would like to introduce a limit on the amount of people that would be able to join my organization and i will encourage them to join another gang with fewer numbers, although it may seem fun having the most people in your gang this is often not the case because it means other gangs are demotivated to come to events or the ghetto and it becomes stale in the ghetto as well as in events because other gangs don't bother showing up and for the gang with numbers there is nobody to fight. Finally, i have noticed a lot of power tripping from a lot of people who have authority in a gang, i will not allow this in my gang and i will make sure that everyone is treated fairly and nobody is removed or rejected from joining without a valid reason.

jin Blixky

May 2, 2022
1. kabir
2. 18
3. IST
4. 6-8 hours
5. jatt5501#8115
6. jin blixkyy
7. 22186
Additional information
1. Leader of bloods
2. If I get chosen to lead bloods I can make the ghetto very active and not only that I can also help all the new players that are coming in to the city learn the rules and enjoy the city. I have several tactics in mind that will keep the ghetto active 24/7. I will also host events for all orgs and make sure that my members attend every event. I will also teach my members how to rp properly in the ghetto so that everyone has fun proper rp experience. I will also add a personally made recruitment script nd make the recruiters responsible for the recruits

The system.
The squad system is a system where you have lets say 4 recruiters that are trained by the leader they have learned all the rules they know how to properly rp go to events and have rp interactions all throughout the city not just the ghetto.
The 4 recruiters will recruit new members into the org and teach them how to maneuver and make money around the city and properly rp and learn all the rules of the server not just the ghetto. The recruiters will be following around the members for a full 2 weeks depending on the members learning speed. once the member is ready they will be ranked up to a runner and go enjoy the city.
The benefits of this system is that it is very very new player friendly and it helps the new players fully understand and grasp the rules which limits them from getting warnings and the gang from receiving strikes. ANOTHER important benefit of this system is that these squads will go around the ghetto together making the ghetto super active.
this will make sure that all the new nd old members get on the same page

i ve noticed that in many gangs they stop attending events after one week coz they get all the stuff its not gonna be like that here in my term everyone will go to the events to enjoy em nd do proper rp not just get the stuff but so that everyone have fun nd the gang remains active i m gonna be active myself to make sure gang doesnt stay dead for even one day unless we need a day to relax nd have a break

3 well it all starts with the leader coz if the leader is serious about rp people get it in them as well i dont want an all serious gang we are gonna have fun as well but it ll all be full rp let it be ghetto clapping or let it be a store robbery even if its a newbie who joined i ll make sure he knows about not CL nd the NLR as well nd that they never spoil anyone elses rp experience in the city

over all i ve been in the gangs on en1 nd en2 and always i ve been one of the most active members i ve been HC as well many times ik how to lead all the events ik all about the deputies nd how it feels having to be the leader of a gang so if i get the chance i might not get 100% turfs but everyones gonna see us everywhere nd we are gonna be one of the best gang

I have been vagos leader 2 times ballas deputy familliea deputy bunta deputy nd ik all the formats cant mess them up know how to lead a group of people know how to do all events can do regular events nd have a strong turf team ready

Yous Macher

Mar 19, 2022
1. Your name IRL: yousuf
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: UTC+01:00
4. Average online per day : schooldays: 6hrs non school days 8h+
5. Your Discord: yousuf#6799
6. Your Nickname : yousuf malki
7. Your ID : 21216
Additional information
1. Leader of... bloods
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2a: i want to be leader because i want to help the new people in the city how to enjoy gang and how to rp in the city and i want to do a lot of events with my gang ( daily store robbery , fz , hostage situation , bs , clands and more) i will only let acctive people in gang and not that i have 80+ people online and only 10 or 20 at a event at the end of the week i wil pay evryone money for each event that they went to ( 10k for store robbery, clads,fz 5k for bs and all the other events )

2b i will make a active spray team that will do sprays evrey hour and i will also make a team that will check who is comming to events and who is not comming sow that i have only people in my gang that will attend to events and know rules i will also do somtimes events in arena ( the person with the most kills will get 100k or we will race)

2c. i have a lot of experience in gangs and being deputy in gangs i was deputy in marabunta bloods ballas and i was hc in almost evry gang that i join even if i start with a low rank i will get a hc rank in 2weeks and i also have a strong turf team ready to turf for me

2f at the end of my term i will end my term with 0 warnnings and i will have the acctivest gang in the whole city and evryone in my gang will know all the city rules and how it feels to be in a gang

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

do more event where the leos need to comme sow the leos also have fun in the city

Zaid Yama

Dec 23, 2021
1. Your name IRL : zaid
2. Your age : 17
3. Time zone : GMT +01:00
4. Average online per day : 8-10
5. Your Discord : 𓆩ℤ𝔸𝕀𝔻𓆪#7017
6. Your Nickname : Zaid Yama
7. Your ID : 2394

Additional information

1. leader of bloods

2. i was in gangs since i came to the city i love the criminal activities and will do everything to make my gang to the top , i am responsible person who keep not breaking rules and also will teach my organization members not to and keep for fun and enjoyable life in the city , as i said im here to lead my gang to the top by targets we will put to us and will achieve them !
i will make strict strike system for inactivity \ any inappropriate behavior will be punished by strikes till he be kicked.

Bloods this gang has been at the top most of the time and proven their strength in the city and im here to keep it that way !
Bloods bloods always has been dominant gang in the city and im here to keep it that way and the ghetto will be painted in red !

3. my advice to improve the RP level in the organization is to involve our activities as much as we can with the other orgs which means make the state orgs to move , to work , to look for our activities and try to stop us (ofc they wont 😉 ) , every member in the org will know how to do proper RP and will be tested about it at the recruitment , and also receive a rank by he's knowledge , if some of them will do mistakes or break rules they will be punished in the org too and also will be teach what they have done wrong and what to do to avoid from those mistakes.

Nuri Pluxury

The Orginal Deputy for all gangs
Sep 5, 2022

1. Your name IRL

2. Your age

3. Time zone

4. Average online per day

5. Your Discord

6. Your Nickname

7. Your ID

Additional information

1. Leader of...

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- Name : Nuri Blixky

- Age : 17

- Time Zone : GMT+3

- ᴀᴠᴇʀᴀɢᴇ Online / per Day : 6-8+ Hrs

- Your Discord : NuriJr#6363

- Your NickName : Blixky

- Your ID : 1562

( || )Additional information

Leader Of Bloods Streat Gang !

(Why Do u want to be a leader of this specific Organization ? ( List at least of three reason with explanation )

- First of all, since I arrived to the city, the crime was part of me. I've joined to Families gang , Bloods gang , Ballas Gang and much gangs and it was part of my life and I have joined Legal Orgs also like LSPD , , SAHP , So I have all the experience of these legal and illegal orgs and I know how to be not catched and protect my gang members from Police . I used to be high rank in the gang as well as in legal orgs and did everything I can to the gang by investing all of my time to the gang as a member in the gang .

- I want to make sure that if i get the orginization that it will not spread any toxicity to anyone inside the organization or anyone outside of the organization because i personaly dont like when there is toxicity in the orginizations or in general so i will make sure that it will not happen.

-Since my first day in city I have been involved with gangs. I have lived and died in ghetto, my utter dedication towards illegal organisation has taught me illegal RP and I have also understood the terms and rules of the city in a proper way. I, in the most generous way believe that I am perfectly fit for the leadership role of Bloods.

( ||| ) Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization

I want to improve it by being an active gang by doing store robberies on a regular interval such like Clands , Battleship , NG Raid , Gun Store Robbery and much more events. I want to give new players equal opportunities to progress with the gang and give them a chance to do what they want . If I see that a member is doing googd and being active then I will award him with a lil bonus and a rank up.

I would create events that have never been done before , here I'm talking about Global events. I want to create something new , creative which would be fun for both legal and illegal sides. We have some events but it seems to be one sided in some situation so to remove it I will implement several events for Legal/ Illegal/Civilians . Such like assassination of Governor , attack on gov rally , assassination of Chief of Police these were some names of events I would do If I succeed in getting leadership.

I have personally noticed that Gangs has eventually become all about Turfs and less about Clands/Ghetto Fights/and robberies.

I would advice all the organizations to indulge more into RP, I have personally noticed how no gang ever tries to hit NGs Ammo run or encashment as well. I would want to mantain good terms with the other organization leaders and do such events where LEOs stands as a strong pillar. To make things short, I simply want to improve the relation Illegal Org leaders have among each other. I want to promote collaboration among the gangs to instigate more dominance in the city..

( IV ) My goals as a Bloods Leader?

-Create & Organize the organization

-Make the organization as terrorist organization

-Create fun RP situation

-Create massive global events for the players

-Successfully doing first term without any warns

I hope my application reaches the curator in good health. Looking forward to hear from you guys.


Bloods ON TOP
Nuri Blixky

Ex Vagos Deputy Ex Marbunta Deputy Ex Families Ex LSPD Ex SAHP Ex Ballas Hc Ex Bloods Hc Vagos Leader Ex Bloods Hc

Jamil Yama

Jan 3, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Jamil
2. Your age: 19
3. Time zone: UTC+01:00
4. Average online per day: 8 hour
5. Your Discord: Jamil#8069
6. Your Nickname: Jamil Yama
7. Your ID: 680

Additional information
Leader of bloods

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. The first reason I have experience in gangs I can take care of all the gang members and I want to get 100% turf capture

2. The second reason is that I am an old player and I know the laws of turf and gangs and I want improve the Role-Play expiranse

3. i will do what ever I can to help people learn the laws and also if i got it my friends and family members gonna join bloods I will to focus on gang events and i will take control of it like Clandestine, Battleship, Submarine, Vehicle theft, Gang turfs and Store Robbery.

Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. My advice to improve the RP level in the organization is to involve our activities as much as we can with the other orgs.

2. I will try to give prizes and bonus who active in the gang and do good for the gang and I will give bonus 2 days in week so people get motivated.

3. I want to make sure the people Im inviting to the gang know the rules.

4. The leader of the gang must meet every period with the members of his gang and talk about the conditions of the gang and raise the ranks who active and do good for gang


Amon Gus

Sep 7, 2022
Bloods Street Gang

1 - Your Name: Ameer hamza
2 - Your Age: 21
3 - Timezone: (GMT+5)
4 - Average Online per day: 9-10 Hours
5 - Discord Name : Luce valentino#1770
6 - Your Nickname: luce valentino
7 - ID: 58383
1. Leader of... Blood Street Gang

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2. I want to be the Leader of bloods for a few reasons, mainly for the fact that I have a history with the bloods, bloods were my first gang in both EN1 and EN2 and I want to go back and make the bloods the best gang in the city. Since then I have been in every other gang in the city in both EN1 and 2 and have even been HC in Vagos in EN1 as well. I think setting up fun events for players to join (maybe something along the lines of a last man standing event and some other ideas as well.) I also believe that I now have the skillset to be a leader of a gang, I have become the leader of a family and that has taught me a lot about how leading an organization in this city would go. People joining and leaving and stealing from warehouses is something that all leaders have to put up with and now I know how to deal with those situations accordingly. I have only done illegal orgs since I have joined the city so I know very well all of the rules and regulations of the ghetto and will ensure that I don't look over any rules. I also will have a buddy system in place as a recruiting process, Players that don't know the ghetto rules may not be prohibited from joining the gang, but they will be put on freeze rank until they have done many activities with recruiters and have been taught about the extensive list of ghetto rules. Each new member who does have to use the buddy system will not be allowed to participate in any gang activities without a higher ranking member being present. This allows us to reduce the number of warnings coming from players who don't understand the rules and allows us to still encourage new members to join gang life. If I get chosen to lead bloods, I have my own set of deputies from my family that I would bring with me to bloods and would be more than happy to provide interviews for any of them as well!

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

3. I believe that there are many ways that I can improve RP within bloods, Canberk did an amazing job in his term of creating lots of RP around the city dealing with store robberies, hostage situations among other things, I would like to continue that into my term and create more RP for the ghetto. Recently with Marabunta and Vagos being as big as they have gotten it will open up a new space for Bloods to come in and control part of the ghetto. Store robberies, Attacking ammo runs, Battle ship, subs, attacking the informer, and even prison breaks will all be priorities for bloods within my term. I also want to promote an environment of friendly people and not allow any room for toxicity within the gang, and promote good RP with LEOs. Something I have seen many times is people not complying with law enforcement and breaking rules that way which is something I want to change. Lastly I want to be a leader that creates RP for more than just the ghetto but the city in general and I want to create fun and interesting global events that are fun for even members of no organization that will again promote a fun and kind welcome to the city.

more -
Former 2x Marabunta Leader
Former Families Leader
Former Bloods/ Marabunta Deputy
Former Bloods/ Marabunta/ Vagos / Ballas High Command (en1)
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