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IMPORTANT Applications for SAHP

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Obito Black

Oct 3, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Harsh
2. Your age:17
3. Time zone: IST
4. Average online per day: 4-6 hours
5. Your Discord: harry sharma#0962
6. Your Nickname: harry sharma
7. Your ID: 41036
Additional information
1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Police(SAHP)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2a. I have good experience in legal organization like SAHP,LSPD,FIB and also been an hc in them.i am in the city for a long time now so I got enough knowledge that how legal works and what's the leader of an organization do for there city. I want to be the leader of this specific organization because I have gone through all the situation that SAHP have and also have good knowledge how illegal works and what's there mindset. as an ex SAHP officer SAHP is the main target of the gangs because it is easy to make them hostage then an LSPD or FIB officer so its my duty to take care of them and I am really good in that

2b. I see myself as an great leader who can manage an organization. I am also goanna give my 100% to do that and be perfect in it. i have seen some great leader in past who handle SAHP in a great way i am surely goanna follow there path and try to be good as them.

2c. I have seen a lot of SAHP guys which are not well trained so i will try my best to hire the best HR also as I motioned that i was in the other Leo organizations as their point of view SAHP is just an inactive organization and they only sell insurance. i know that SAHP is the organization which sells car insurance and license plate so as a leader my vision is to be the best at every point where we can and also its not only the HR division. there are a lot where we can do great like swat, detective to be honest I have never seen someone to care about these division in SAHP sometimes they are not active or not like to take the actions they can thats why i am surely goanna hire a chief who has a good knowledge, great experience and knows how to handle a specific division in any situation

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

3a. I have seen a lot of SAHP officers who got black shirted for breaking rules if I can be the leader of SAHP i will never goanna train them like this also teach them that they can't be a corrupt by their own and explain them that how it works because i have seen a lot of officers specially of SAHP officers breaking the rule for bad cop. also in store robberies, hostage situation, gun store robbery etc. in these events i prefer there should be a proper rp. in city 2 I am seeing that the rp is not been done in a proper manner police officer are not arresting someone in a proper manner some guys don't even know how to do a department call or what we can do in rp and also to use /me/try/do commands properly because they are also comes in rp and I think we can take a good advantage with that also to do a proper rp which is entertaining like criminal putting duct tape on someone's mouth or do torture and also for the police if they have an evidence that the guy is from a gang or using the specific gang vehicle they can take him and torture him too. for knowing the next plans of the gang and do a great rp
WORST guy dont make him leader he does not deserve

Daddy Adi

Nov 11, 2022
1. Your name IRL: aditya jhunjhunwala
2. Your age: 20
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 10-12 hours
5. Your Discord: AVJ154#6424
6. Your Nickname:Aditya Pluxury
7. Your ID: 67761

Additional information
Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol (SAHP)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

  • Since i have joined grand rp server and started roleplay , I have spent majority of my time in SAHP ,in this period i got to learn a lot from the previous sheriffs along with the good things they executed in their term to small mistakes that took place in the term ,I want to use this experience and glorify SAHP and make sure that the highways are safer than ever .
  • SAHP stands for SAN ANDREAS HIGHWAY PATROL but people tend to think of sahp as a place to get license plate and insure their vehicles but i would like to change the point of view of all citizens by making a few changes that was ignored by the previous sheriffs and the changes are mentioned under the advices for improving the roleplay in organization
  • After working in SAHP ,LSPD and FIB as high command ,I learned something very important and that is treating the organization as a family .Thus i want to become a sheriff who doesnt form an organization but a family, a team that not only cares about safety of all citizens but also safety of their fellow mates .
  • Last but not the least I believe that i can lead the organization because i believe in discipline because its the key to avoid rule breaks ,warnings etc which lead to a healthy and succesful completion of a term .
3. Your advices for improving Role Play level in organization.
-On becoming the leader , I would like to make the roleplay of each and every dept in the organization because I have noticed that everyone wanted to join only swat dept . I will be doing this by giving each dept tasks and bonuses depending on the performance , like trainer of the week for someone who gives max number of training , for swat dept bonus for the guy who attends max number of events like cannabies hunt and subs etc .This will motivate each department .
-As i mentioned previously regarding the few changes that should be made to make safer highways was slow responose and no plan to keep our cops safe due to which max number of hostage were coming from SAHP which was affecting our reputation amongst the other orgs
We know that highways are a hub for gang activites thus i would like to introduce air dept names airforce ,whenever there is any emergency call the airforce will reach the situation before the ground team which will be waiting 1 min away from crime scene .
Depending on situation airforce will ask ground team to move in or ask the quick response of team of swat to move in along with ground team to provide help and airforce will be a team that lands a bit far and gives sniper support in every situation
- To make roleplay interesting i will make sure all depts are active like hwp will constantly give patrols on highway on an hourly basis ,swat conducts special ops more often and is always ready to give backup to any emergency ,airforce always flies on topof highways and small areas under our jurisdiction to make sure highways are safe for every citizen and hrt trains ppl in hq as well as provide on field training leading to no rule breaks and IA will make sure all activites take place properly and report to my deputies or me




Fission 𝕱𝖑𝖝

Dec 30, 2022

1. Your name IRL: Smit
2. Your age; 17
3. Time zone: +5:30
4. Average online per day :5-6hours
5. Your Discord: Optide#5761
6. Your Nickname : Lucy Athena
7. Your ID : 31643

Additional information

1. Leader of...SAHP
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

* Leader of SAHP I have working in SAHP for more than 1 term's and I gained my experience step by step and got COS(Chief of staff)-SAHP as I was working in SAHP I came to know many thing's from SAHP. SAHP is a beautiful ORG but I

* As I was in SAHP people use to sit and eat they get paid every hour without work Legal ORG's where providing many felicities to people but they won't utilize that chance if I become a leader of SAHP I can manage this thing's very well as I was having leader experience and I like legal ORG's and Highway's

* SAHP has a great power that it can control all Highway's and patrol all sector's which belong to highway sector and also I was having some issue's with some department's as we know LEO's were very less after tsunami I can bring special officer's to work in morning shift and SAHP is very near FZ if someone raid's we are the first ORG can react soon and we can help NG in that also SAHP officer's having High risk their life cuz we patrol Highway's and many people ROB and take hostage our officer's we keep our life in risk and patrol highway every minute

* If I become a Leader I was having some plans and special work to every department
(IA) - Internal affair's
they only usually take place in report's and case's and use to control ORG and this department should be very active as people getting Higher's ranks easily from now if someone want's to promote firstly IA must approve that so HRT can proceed

HRT - must actively conduct open recruitments' and taking training's and special task's

Swat-Must actively participate in Ghetto Patrol's and Actively taking lead in ammo run's

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Actively participating in event's

Special team for negotiation's

Actively conducting Ghetto Patrol's

PR conducting event's from SAHP to public

Conducting training sessions with NG for raid and combat training

Special task's If complete special bonus

Lucy Athena

Soumil Carter

Ex-Leader of Families
Aug 18, 2022
1. Name: Soumil Garg
2. IRL age: 17
3..Time Zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average Time: 4-8 hours
5. Discord: Soumil Habibi#4398
6. Nickname: Soumil Badmash
7. ID: 39732

1.Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I have joined SAHP about 5-6 months ago in Mathew's term and since then I have worked in every division I have worked through every rank of SAHP, I have guided people and now they have also become High commands and I had become the Deputy Chief of S.W.A.T in Dedha's term and gained much more experience and have added more efforts in diffrent divisions of the org. I have experience in HC for quite a long time now and that is why I feel I would be a good leader to take place.

My purpose to be the leader of this organization is that I want to change some things that were not seen or taken into consideration for example letting people work through each and every rank and encouraging them to join a division of Recruitment Specialist and help in training other people and getting rewarded for that. Another purpose is that I have heard from many and even experienced favoritism in SAHP and I would like to change that in the aspect of giving promotions fairly and letting people enjoy every rank and uniform that they change.
What can I achieve:
I will achieve more people in the organization and more ways to improve roleplay and I want more people to be in more divisions to learn and experience something new. I will make new people reach their potential and use their skills in this organization to make them better people.
Most of the time i saw that officers in SAHP don't wanna leave the HQ because they think that they can earn more money by giving insurance
I think that i have experience of leadership which will help me to take SAHP to next level as i was leader of a gang i have knowledge of both sides of grand RP
3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

I would improve roleplay in many ways for example using the /try /me and the /do commands that are very handy and actually improve roleplay. I would like to make a whole document of these commands so people don't have to type them in. Not only this but creating RP situations into good roleplay is also a big factor for example if you are in a hostage situation and you can't do a thing that can be done scriptly you can roleplay a bit.
I usually saw in SAHP that officers don't wanna leave the HQ because they think that they can earn more money by selling insurance but its not. i will issue them bonus of arrests and fines so that they can feel motivated and highways will be safe from criminal activities this somehow increase the RP.
I have done RP in many ways from speaking to even using the commands. Personally, I would like people to use /try when searching for someone to remove lockpicks and radios, etc. Now that the dogs in the Org have started working properly I would like to bring them for ghetto patrols and make them search for illegal items.

I would like to end this by,
If I become the leader of this organization I would like to make SAHP more active in terms of participating in events and be more active on the highway where people are scared to go. I would train this org for daily shootout sessions and ghetto patrols to keep people active and alert.

Mafia Akib

Oct 18, 2022

1. Your name IRL - Arman Raza
2. Your age - 18
3. Time zone - ( GMT +5:30 )
4. Average online per day - 4-6 Hours Minimum
5. Your Discord - Akib Sheikh#2434
6. Your Nickname - Akib Sheikh
7. Your ID - 21707

Additional information

1. Leader of SAHP ( San Andreas Highway Petrol )

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

• I want ot become leader of SAHP because i have been in sahp for long time and i know how the organization works and how all the divisions work and with my past experience i learnt many mistakes from previous leader for which the organization was not active at all and SAHP need 24/7 Units online does not matter what happens cause the citizen of Los Santos need Insurance for their trasports and also needs security while travelling through the Grand Senora Highway and maintain the speed rules and i lernt from their mistakes and will not do such mistakes and make SAN ANDREAS safe place for citizens.

• I want to be leader of SAHP because i have been in the another city for long time and i am in this city from the starting and in this time period i have been in all organizations even worked in SAHP as high commands and now its time to lead the organization and make it better than ever and i think choosing me wont be bad cuz i have experience in this org and in other orgs so i know how does the organization work and i think i can make this organization work perfectly.

• I want to be leader of SAHP because as i mentioned above i have been in the city for long time and i know about all the city rules and project rules and with this knowledge and experience i think i can lead this organization perfectly cause i have been admin also and curated state orgs also.

• I want to be leader of SAHP because as i mentioned in the first point that SAHP needs to be active 24/7 does not matter what happens, and for that we need members and currently i am leader of an active family SALVATORES who will help me to make the organization active and i have many friends in other servers and this server who knows the rules and help me making this organization run smoothly

• And at last i want to say that i would be proud and very happy to be leader of this organization cause this organization is one of the most important organization in the server thats also a reason for which i want to be leader of SAHP.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization.

Okay so here comes the main thing, so i pointed out some things i would like to improve in the organization RP which will make the org better that before

• Training :- Training is the main thing for the organization and we should focus on this otherwise we will have officers who does not know how to work and it would never be good for organization as well as leader's reputation so i would like to make separate division with proper logs and some officers with high knowledge and high social & teaching skills because , these days everyone knows the rules but everyone cant teach someone who does not know the rules properly. and i would like to make proper video and text document for the trainers as well as trainees which will help them both as i know.

and i will make a test where all the question will be practical which will mark the trainee's decision making skill and if he passes he will be good to work

Quality > Quantity

• Department Chat :- If any high command is in City and he is on duty And he is not responding on the department then he will be given strike And If he has completed three strikes and that is a thing, then his rank will be reduced and if he is a high command, then his rank will also be reduced
1 Strike
2 Waring I will talk to him
3 New Cheif

• Meeting :-There will be a day meeting with all the high command and teammates in a week And if any teammate has any question and he wants to ask my high command he will definitely answer it or if he has a question with me I will definitely answer him Because I have kept the meeting because they should know. What is happening in our organization Has there been any strike on the organization or not and how is the organization doing?

• Routine Petrol :-
as state orgs we have to do 3 ghetto petrols/ week minimum( State rules 1.25) but why only ghetto as highway comes under SAHP jurisdiction , we will conduct Routine highway petrol daily with all available officers, and make the highway secure for the citizens but dont worry there will be minimu 2 officers at HQ to serve the citizens also

• State Waves :-
i would like to do several state waves weekly to make the org active

• Events/Globals/Locals:-If someone is global, then my team will definitely support him and will not ask the department. What is the situation And like store robbery hostage situation my team will respond in all


SAHP Deputy chief SWAT AND FTO
FIB Black ops agent
NG Colonel
LSPD Master Sergeant


Daddy Adi

Nov 11, 2022
1. Your name IRL: aditya jhunjhunwala
2. Your age: 20
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 10-12 hours
5. Your Discord: AVJ154#6424
6. Your Nickname:Aditya Pluxury
7. Your ID: 67761

Additional information
Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol (SAHP)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

  • Since i have joined grand rp server and started roleplay , I have spent majority of my time in SAHP ,in this period i got to learn a lot from the previous sheriffs along with the good things they executed in their term to small mistakes that took place in the term ,I want to use this experience and glorify SAHP and make sure that the highways are safer than ever .
  • SAHP stands for SAN ANDREAS HIGHWAY PATROL but people tend to think of sahp as a place to get license plate and insure their vehicles but i would like to change the point of view of all citizens by making a few changes that was ignored by the previous sheriffs and the changes are mentioned under the advices for improving the roleplay in organization
  • After working in SAHP ,LSPD and FIB as high command ,I learned something very important and that is treating the organization as a family .Thus i want to become a sheriff who doesnt form an organization but a family, a team that not only cares about safety of all citizens but also safety of their fellow mates .
  • Last but not the least I believe that i can lead the organization because i believe in discipline because its the key to avoid rule breaks ,warnings etc which lead to a healthy and succesful completion of a term .
3. Your advices for improving Role Play level in organization.
-On becoming the leader , I would like to make the roleplay of each and every dept in the organization because I have noticed that everyone wanted to join only swat dept . I will be doing this by giving each dept tasks and bonuses depending on the performance , like trainer of the week for someone who gives max number of training , for swat dept bonus for the guy who attends max number of events like cannabies hunt and subs etc .This will motivate each department .
-As i mentioned previously regarding the few changes that should be made to make safer highways was slow responose and no plan to keep our cops safe due to which max number of hostage were coming from SAHP which was affecting our reputation amongst the other orgs
We know that highways are a hub for gang activites thus i would like to introduce air dept names airforce ,whenever there is any emergency call the airforce will reach the situation before the ground team which will be waiting 1 min away from crime scene .
Depending on situation airforce will ask ground team to move in or ask the quick response of team of swat to move in along with ground team to provide help and airforce will be a team that lands a bit far and gives sniper support in every situation
- To make roleplay interesting i will make sure all depts are active like hwp will constantly give patrols on highway on an hourly basis ,swat conducts special ops more often and is always ready to give backup to any emergency ,airforce always flies on topof highways and small areas under our jurisdiction to make sure highways are safe for every citizen and hrt trains ppl in hq as well as provide on field training leading to no rule breaks and IA will make sure all activites take place properly and report to my deputies or me



my Current ic name has been changed to Adityaa Pluxury

Lexo Vercetti

Respect Everyone
Jul 17, 2022
A.) Information
1. Your name IRL: Smit Shinde
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 4-8 hours
5. Your Discord: Smit_Shinde#1060
6. Your Nickname: Elon Walker
7. Your ID: 31600

Additional information
A.) Leader of SAHP

B.) Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List 3 reasons)

1.) I want to give the citizens of Paleto Bay an authority they can rely on. This can only come from a competent team. I have been in the FIB and SAHP orgs for 8 months now, and I’ve spent time in every available department. Additionally, I have been in LEO orgs in other cities for many years before this. I’ve never been arrested, demorganed, or reported on the forums. In my time here, I have gathered much experience. However, success cannot be achieved by a single person. My team has similar backgrounds to mine. All have extensive experience as LEOs, especially when it comes to SAHP. Our team has always been the secret to success, wherever we go. For myself and my team, SAHP is home. For the past 4 months, we have fine-tuned the protocols necessary for running the org and I believe that with that expertise and our love for SAHP, we can keep the department moving forward.

2.) I want to realign the department's priorities toward helping the new recruits. Too often, the new hires are left behind while the seasoned officers go out for patrols and special operations. Our HRT department is second to none. While they can expertly prepare each trainee for the situations they will encounter, they cannot give them the most crucial tool for a skilled officer: experience. Sending trainees out with other skilled officers to watch them in action will create more competent and confident troopers that all have the potential to become future leaders.

3.) I want to bring back pieces of SAHP's past. SAHP has had several brilliant, successful leaders, each bringing their own special flair to the department. But over time, some of the wonderful things those leaders created became lost. From training programs to unique divisions, there were many great ideas that improved the experience of civilians and officers alike. So I would like to combine the best parts of SAHP's brightest minds and honor my predecessors.

C.) What is your advice for improving roleplay in the organization?

1.) The biggest thing that will improve roleplay is handling situations ICly instead of taking everything to the forums. The moment someone mentions an OOC rule break, the RP has been broken. For example, UB driving is a common issue we deal with when in a pursuit. If someone drives a sports car off of a cliff, oftentimes you will hear the officer say, “UB driving, see you on the forums,” and the chase ends. Instead, the best solution would be to continue looking for the car and, if you find it, to give them medical attention (since they flew off a cliff) and to charge them with the appropriate offense. The forums should only be a last resort when we cannot handle things ourselves.

2.) Another way to improve RP in the org is by strengthening the Highway Patrol division. Essentially, every officer is part of Highway Patrol. After all, that's what SAHP is all about. But little-to-no RP is done on traffic stops or at crime scenes. So the Highway Patrol division can focus on creating RP at these scenes and teaching the other officers how to do it as well. Some examples of this are using the “show direction” animation at traffic stops to keep traffic moving or using the police tape (barricade) to secure the scenes of ATM robberies. Even little details such as these can help create a more immersive experience in Paleto Bay and will create a memorable image of SAHP.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
Big minus, worst leader ever


Dec 8, 2022
1. Your name IRL :Altay Teng
2. Your age:30
3. Time zone:Daily min:10H
4. Average online per day:Minimum 10H
5. Your Discord:GÖKTÜRK #0899
6. Your Nickname:Altay Kai
7. Your ID:89372
Additional information

1. Leader of SAHP ( San Andreas Highway Petrol )

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
In this sacred mission, me and my teammates will never hesitate to serve and die for the people of this city to the last drop of blood.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I think everything is alright

Dark Pluxury

Dec 20, 2021
Your IRL Name
- Shashvat Jain
Your age - 19
Time Zone - IST +5:30
Average online per day - 5-6 hours
Your Discord - Dark Pluxury | 7098#0001
Your Nick Name - Dark
Your ID - 7098

Additional Information
1) Leader of
- San Andreas Highway Patrol ( SAHP )

2) Why do you want to be leader of this specific organization? ( List three reason with explanation )

I am having very good experience SAHP and all the organisation .
I have seen many people who are thinking that SAHP can only able to do the works in the Highway but this is not correct i have to tell them that SAHP can do all types of job like Ghetto patrol and store robbery etc in the city and when the new citizen who join the city now i want thought them all the things about org and make the RP very good and they will get the good experience and remove there thought from there minds.

-> I want to make SAHP more active and effective org i saw the organisation people are less active in the night time and i also saw some peoples are sleeping in the gym and other rooms also i want to make active then all terms.
Sometimes people are coming for doubt clearing like i got a two fines in a day or in a same hour i want to clear there doubts as well as organization new commers coming to the org they are doing i want to clear that also.
=I want to make new system of giving strikes and warning which i gona tell here
Troopers to Master trooper - 2Verbal -2warning - strike
Corporal to Sergeants - 1 verbal -2 warning - strikes
Lieutenant to Undersheriff
No Verbal - 1Warning and 2 strikes
Because the HC come from the phase where they learn all the things.

-> I will make promotion more easy as well as the domotion also i know that all the people are doing mistakes even me and all they have to get the demotion but not the verbal abuse or verbal blacklist which is not good then can get the demotion then they can learn from there mistakes and make the organization good .


3) Your Advice for improving Roleplay level in organization

I want to make sure that each and every single people doing there work good and if they are having any single doubts then i will clear it without any delay on that .

-> I make the new ranking system for SAHP

30) Sheriff
28) Under Sheriff
27 ) Chief Commander
26 ) Chief of Staff
25 ) Chief Of Department
24 ) Deputy Head Of Department
23 ) Colonels
22) Captains
21) District Attorney
20) Lieutenant
19) Supervisor
18) Rangers
17) Swat
16) FTO
15 ) Master Sergeants
14 ) Senior Sergeants
13) Sergeants
12 ) Master Corporals
11) Senior Corporals
10) Corporals
9) Master Trooper
8) Senior Trooper
7) Tropper
6) Agent III
5 ) Agent II
4) Agent
3) Rookies
2) Cadet
1) Suspended
- Marabunta = Warlord
- LOS Santos Vagos = Graffiti
- Bloods = Graffiti
- Ballas = Graffiti
====== THANK YOU=======

Thank you so much wizards for reading my opinion and decision
- Dark pluxury
For all
- Never give up from failure
- Try to learn from failure
-If someone is laughing one you then take it as your success
Last edited:

Alex Roland

Jan 6, 2023
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL
->Raunak Seal
2.Your name IRL
3. Time zone
-> GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
-> Alex Roland|81675#3682
6. Your Nickname
->Alex Roland
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
-> unfortunately not any organization
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
->I was an SAHP member for two terms, want to serve the organization as a leader, and show the way to every organization members and to make organization on top.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
-> fair roleplay to everyone, dont want partiality to any perticular person

Thomas Pluxury

Thomas Parker
Sep 17, 2022

1. Your name IRL: Debarjun Paul

2. Your age: 18

3. Time zone: GMT+5:30

4. Average online per day: 10-12 hrs

5. Your Discord: Substitute Gaming#6769

6. Your Nickname: Thomas Parker

7. Your ID: 16306

Additional Information

1. Leader of: San Andreas Highway Petrol(SAHP)

2. Why do you want to be the leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

i. Changing the Recruitment System of SAHP:
I was in SAHP for two terms. In each term I have seen that there are very less officers present at night as a result the crimes which are happening at night and the criminals responsible for these crime didn't get arrested and the other officers at night didn't get the backup there. So I want to recruit officers for both day and night simultaneously.

ii. Recruit more FTO's for both the shifts:
In my last two terms I have seen that there was a shortage of FTO's in both the shifts, as a result the trainees are not getting their training and they stays in their rank for 1 months. And specially at night no FTO are present to train the trainees those who are from night shift. As a result there was a shortage of trooper at night. So I want to recruit more FTO for both the shifts.

iii. Making more phases of exam:
In past terms, I have seen that some of the officers those who are senior senior patrol and above. They didn't got the training for driving cars and shooting. As a result they cannot drive any car properly and the officers became late to reach the crime seen and also they were unable to shoot the criminals. So I want to make 2 more additional training of driving and shooting.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization:

i. There should be more strict rule of leaving the RP situations. Some of the officers leave the RP when they got caught by gang members. So this things should be stopped by making more strict rules.

ii. When there is a global and the other departments are calling for help, in SAHP even if they have enough units to respond some of the officers refuse to respond it. So it should be stopped and if they didn't respond, they have to give valid reason for not responding and if they fail to give they will get a warning.

iii. The third most important, I have seen that some high commands willingly or unwillingly hired family members, friends, people with interests, or helped or hindered those with insufficient experience or even lack of education in reaching high ranks. So this will be stopped by me in SAHP I will not allow anyone to hire any inexperienced people.

Signed By:
Thomas Parker

Jacob Brown

Oct 7, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL - Liam Bishop
2. Your age - 17
3. Time zone - UK Greenwich
4. Average online per day - 2-5 Hours
5. Your Discord - Jacob Brown#8264
6. Your Nickname - Jacob_Bishop
7. Your ID - 23646
Additional information
1. Leader of SAHP

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I want to continue on from the previous sheriffs two amazing terms and complete a fantastic term.
I have been in SAHP many times under 2 different sheriffs and i believe i have the knowledge needed to become leader of the organization.
I have been in this server for a very long time and know the rules very well. I would have no problem teaching those who have not been in this city as long as me and making sure they learn what they need to succeed. This way i can benefit the whole of SAHP and new recruits who have just flown into the city(5+ years).

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- To improve roleplay, I would make sure everyone is properly trained and fit the criteria to be a SAHP officer. I would create a training program that would cover all types of scenarios such as hostage situations and store robberies to help prepare them for when they run into these scenarios.
- Not be biased for friends, whatever work you do is what you get credit for. If you hardly do any work you will receive little to no credit and will most likely be faced with a strike or warning.
- I have plans to work with FIB and LSPD to make each organization the best it can possibly be if i am selected for interview i could share some of these ideas with you.

Minty BlueHayes

Oct 8, 2022
1. Your name IRL:
2. Your age: 14
3. Time zone:
4. Average online per day:
5. Your Discord:
6. Your Nickname:
7. Your ID: 52396
Additional information
1. Leader of: SAHP
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization:

1. Your name IRL: William Smith
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: Eastern Slandered
4. Average online per day: Weekdays 4 hours Weekends 7-8 hours
5. Your Discord: Minty-wkeys3527
6. Your Nickname: Minty mmg
7. Your ID: 52396

Your ID Additional information
1. Leader of: SAHP
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation):
I want to be leader of SAHP because it really its own place to be because it's in Sanandres and Palato Bay, so it makes it unique. SAHP is 1 of the best ORG's I've ever seen and been in by far because of the dress codes the cars, the experience of your own big territory I had a good leader and I want to do the same thing. I've known a lot of very powerful people from SAHP and i want people to get to know each other in SAPH and to have fun, do their work, and to keep improving every day.
3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization:
Every roleplay starts out will training so we will have the best head of FTO work for us and we will make sure he will be training very good and will be held at a high standard just like all people that will be in SAHP. We will make sure everyone is doing their job correctly and precisely for good RP situations. When we hire someone, we will RP it out, when we fire someone, we will also RP it out. SAHP is going to have the best leader for every department and there will be great workers working under them. I want everyone to get to know everyone because that's how I got to meet a lot of new and old people for better RP situations.
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Daisy Pluxury

EX Curator Of NG
Jan 6, 2023

1. Your name IRL Jaxon Harlow

2. Your age 26

3. Time zone BST

4. Average online per day 7-8 hours weekdays 6-10 hours weekends

5. Your Discord jaxon Harlow#1101

6. Your Nickname Jaxon Harlow

7. Your ID 60153

Additional information

1. Leader of SAHP

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1 Leadership: There's been some amazing leadership for the first term to this last one but i think i can go above and beyond and be the best leader SAHP has ever seen i know who i want for certain positions already i have everything mapped out.

2.2 Family: this last term i was in made me love SAHP so much I think of everyone from that last term as family and i want to continue that tradition of an SAHP family.

2.3 Discipline: I plan on implementing a lot of discipline but I also want people to be able to have fun while be smart about it i don't want people breaking rules and getting kicked out of the org for stupid reasons.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.

3.1 Structure: I'm going to implement enough structure and discipline to where people know how to have fun while not breaking the rules.

3.2 Ranks: I'm going to give people ranks/roles based on experience if they deserve it and if they can show me there fit for that role/rank.

3.3 Corruption: I've seen plenty of corruption in SAHP last term I had a bad experience with corruption so i plan of trying to limit is a much as possible.

3.4 I want this next term to have the best roleplay experience while still having structure.

I wish SAHP the best for whoever becomes Sheriff

Regards EX LSPD Major Of Patrol 2x Terms EX NG LT Colonel 1x Term EX FIB HOD Spec Ops 1x Term EX EMS Dean Of AS
FIB Chief Of Staff 1x Term

Discipline Structure
1. Verbal Warning
2. Demotion
3. Honorary Discharge from the ORG

------------Rank Structure-----------
------------Overseer of ORG-----------
30.Sheriff [ Leader of ORG]
29.Under Sheriff [Deputy]
28.Chief Commander [ Under Deputy]
------------High Command Overseer ---------
27.Chief Of Staff [Overseer of All Departments]
26.Chief Of IA [ Overseer of Lower Departments]
25.Chief Of HR/FTO [Overseer of Training]
-----------------High Command of Departments---------------------
24.Chief Of HWP [HOD]
23.Chief Of Swat [HOD]
22.Chief Of Detective [HOD]
21.Deputy Chief Of IA [Deputy Overseer of Lower Departments]
20.Deputy Chief Of HR/FTO [Deputy Overseer of Training]
19.Deputy Chief Of HWP [DHOD]
18.Deputy Chief Of Swat [DHOD]
17.Deputy Chief Of Detective [DHOD]
15.Lieutenant Colonel
----------Non High-Command------------------
11.Master Sergeant
10.Senior Sergeant
8.Master Corporal
7.Senior Corporal
4.Senior Trooper

Thank you for your time reading my application
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