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IMPORTANT Applications for SAHP

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Mar 3, 2023
1. Your name IRL - Soumil
2. Your age - 18
3. Time zone - GMT +05:30
4. Average online per day -> 5-8 Hours
5. Your Discord -> soumilhabibi
6. Your Nickname -> Soumil Badmesh
7. Your ID -> 39732

Additional information

1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- I first joined SAHP 1 year ago in Mathew Jane's term and since then I have worked in every division I have worked through every rank of SAHP, in my journey of Super trooper i had many ups and downs but i never gave up and quited my job. I think now i am free from OOC work and its the best time for me to handle the org with my leadership skills if i got a chance.

- I wanna be leader because i have a special attachment for the org as it was my first and favourite org of all time. I have so many memories from it. I beleive that a leader can be a good leader if he have a special attachment towards his/her org.

- Since 2022 i have been noticing that SAHP have not gone through major changes, which motivates me to be a leader and introduce new changes.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- I would improve roleplay in many ways for example using the /try /me and the /do commands that are very handy and actually improve roleplay.

- I usually saw in SAHP that officers don't wanna leave the HQ because they think that they can earn more money by selling insurance but its not. i will issue them bonus of arrests and fines so that they can feel motivated and highways will be safe from criminal activities this somehow increase the RP.

- Creativity- I am a really creative person and i feel that i can change SAHP in many ways. With a new leader there comes new policies which maintain the employee intrest and motivates them to work and enhance Role Play. I will wisely choose my deputies who are creative and can help the org to be more exciting.

- I will introduce new systems of Department by which members can participate in org activites more


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Alex Roland

Jan 6, 2023
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL
-> Raunak Seal
2. Your age
3. Time zone
-. GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day
-> 8hrs
5. Your Discord
-> Alex Roland#3682
6. Your Nickname
->Alex Roland
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
->I never been a leader of any organization but deputy leader of LSPD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
->a. I had served as chief of FTO in Habib Anderson's time. I believe that I can serve as leader as I have previous experience I have.
b. Sometimes SAHP is the only one org who use to get take care of highways and countryside of San Andreas. So, I want to serve in SAHP to make things controlled out of city.
c. Many of the foot robbery happens in the highways. I want to make sure that highways are safe for citizens and want to make 0 crime in San Andreas.
3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.
1. We will have active swat members for drug confiscations.
2. We will have more HRT and FTO team to train people and hire in SAHP a good bonus will be for that.
3. A hard-working officer will receive a bonus for serving in org also a promotion will be done for his dedication.


Mar 15, 2022

1. Your name IRL:
2. Your age: 18 Years Old
3. Time zone: IST (GMT +5:30)
4. Average online per day: 8 to 10 Hours
5. Your Discord: HATIM . YT#7652
6. Your Nickname: hatim primo
7. Your ID: 12837

Additional information

1. Leader of:- San Andreas Highway Patrol

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- As of late I’ve seen many issues with organizations including low activity during night time when there are still plenty of people in the city which RP situations can be created, I want to bring back a high activity rate during all times of the day with set numbers and using those to achieve higher goals.

ii. Recruiting more experienced SWAT members for both the shift:
In my last three terms I have seen that there was a shortage of SWAT members for both the shift, as a result the other officers didn't get any back up from the SWAT during any emergency situation. So I want to recruit more experienced and active SWAT members who will be experienced in that field.

-Because I want to take this organisation onto whole new other level as this organisation is never been given much chance in events and is mostly being sided by everyone . And I have learned a lot from the past mistakes made by most of the sheriff's.
- I have seen most of the citizens think that SAHP is only ment to sell license plate and insurance , I want to change that point of view and want to tell them that we are also here for there safety, who travel across the city for there job through highway , and want to tell them what SAHP can do.

My experiences:
Ex - superviser of department (FIB)
Ex - usss field agent (GOV)
Ex - Vagos Clapper

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

-Work better with other Leo’s better communication is key more leader meetings is a must and so is joint training this will help all orgs better there rp as there will be more rp interactions which can help the city.

iii. The third most important, I have seen that some high commands willingly or unwillingly hired family members, friends, people with interests, or helped or hindered those with insufficient experience or even lack of education in reaching high ranks. So this will be stopped by me in SAHP I will not allow anyone to hire any inexperienced people.

ii. When there is a global and the other departments are calling for help, in SAHP even if they have enough units to respond some of the officers refuse to respond it. So it should be stopped and if they didn't respond, they have to give valid reason for not responding and if they fail to give they will get a warning.
- I will make sure there is no bias / Favouritism in the org and that everyone works the for there respect.

Thanks For reading my application
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Dark Pluxury

Dec 20, 2021
1) Your Name -> Shashwat
2)Your Age ->19
3) Your Timezone -> IST (GMT +5:30)
4) Average Time per day -> 2-4 hours
5)Your Discord ->dark_pluxury
6)Your Nickname -> Darky
7)Your ID-> 7098
Additional information
1.Leader of -->San Andreas Highway Patrol ( SAHP)
2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? ( List three reasons with explanation)
--> The starting or first thing I want to say is I love SAHP so much because I find very kind peoples how help me learn each and every thing and I am not that much old player like our senior who lead the SAHP in very best conditions without any doubt and my some experience is not that much but I will try my hundred percent without any doubt because I learn everything from SAHP people even from Juniors to the seniors which I have seen in my working days.
-->> My working experience in organization are 1.SAHP for 6.5 terms with so mistakes and from that mistakes I have learn so many things like making an formation for save the store , NG base from Gangs and negotiations skills .2 is NG 1.5 term here I have learn how to make a formation to save the base and get the best shooting practice in the best NG Arena 3rd is LSPD here I join and learn about the city which is very important to guard the citizens and my experience or terms I have gave here is 1.5 . In the Leo department I have so many up and downs but I never give and now If I deserve then I want to make SAHP very active with my seniors, juniors and also with new citizens also.
-->>> I have so many thing in mind which will help to achieve goals for SAHP and for achieving the goals we need the departments to work in such a way which helps people of SAHP and citizen very good.
I have in my mind that I got the training in pratical way no videos and other things I got to study in LSPD so I have some necessary way to teach the new commer for SAHP and in IA have learn so many things and I have very good experience in it and I try to make SAHP to do less mistakes and make them energetic and active here I am having more thing in my small mind to make the SAHP very nice.
3. Your advice to improving roleplay level in organization.
--> Effective Communication skills is very important because if you not able to understand the situation you will say something which is not necessary so the communication is very important in batter language no f words are good while communication and no such bad words which are coming in your mind make the roleplay bad for yourself and as well as for other kind peoples.
-->> Encourage new member to give there hundred percent and motivate them to learn fast about each and every single situation which is necessary to be a good leo and in the organization make emotional connection with everyone because some time peoples are not understanding the motives what the things is happen and they try to say or do something which make the person depressed and they not enjoying to do the work.
-->>> It very important point because as a leader I have to check each and everything for our goodwill and make our organization very best in the city and I have to check each and every departments of my org to work properly I will ask some best paper regarding the work which is done in a week and check there logs how they work in SAHP and also make the new commers happy to work and help city for the peaceful living for all .
Thank you so much for read my application and also if you think I am wrong then please teach me because I need knowledge for grown up.
Thank you
- Dark Pluxury/ Shashwat

Alan Zelensky

Feb 9, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Avi
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 4-6 Hours
5. Your Discord: alanzelensky
6. Your Nickname: Alan Zelenski
7. Your ID: 93571
Additional information
1. Leader of...
Ans - San Andreas Highway Patrol
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
Ans - 1. I have been experiencing things as a LEO from the start of my RP life and I know how to manage a Police org specially SAHP because I have a bond with them as I joined it in Negan's term. I have been in gang also, so I got the ability to deal with gang members and LEOs which will help me to do better interaction with them. I will be a good fit for this organisation.

2. I know how to manage people and things to make an organization work efficiently. During my 7 terms in state orgs as HC I saw many legal things and the way they work and illegal things too. Basically I am aware of all the circumstances and the methods to deal with these Legal and Illegal things. So, I think that my these 2 experiences will help me a lot to become the leader of SAHP. I got to know that it can lead better than other orgs if it has a great leader like our previous sheriffs.

3. I want to decrease the crime rate of san andreas and make it a place of happiness as much as I can and want to make sure that the SAHP always complete their tasks which they committed. I want to implement my skills developed so far in the leadership of SAHP. If I become leader, I will try to make HC only previously experienced person or I will take interview of him/her on my own to see his capabilities and the way he/she sees the management of SAHP. This will help me a lot to recruit best of the best people as HC in SAHP. I want to become a leader to make SAHP go in a better path than before and I want to maintain the status of SAHP achieved by our previous sheriffs.
My experiences:
Current - Assistant Chief (LSPD)
Ex - Major General (NG)
Ex - Bloods Underdeputy
Ex - Families Underdeputy
Ex - HOD of IA (LSPD)
Ex - Senator candidate of DOR (GOV)
Ex - Vagos Clapper
Current - Families UnderDeputy (Boss)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Ans - (i) I won't promote any favoritism in the org like the other sheriffs have. It really helps SAHP to maintain loyalty in between and a feeling of togetherness.

(ii) I will divide my SAHP officers into many departments to make it work efficiently and the curators of it would be Assistant Sheriffs such that Chiefs of various Department can't perform some harmful actions (like recruiting anyone - favoritism) on their own towards the department and Assistant Sherrifs also can't perform some harmful actions on their own towards the department. I will make IA first of all to get the reports of every employee that whether they are doing all works or not and whether they are just being online on emails or just coming in game. In my opinion, every officer must be present in both platforms whether it's in game or in emails. It helps in interaction.

(iii) If I become the leader, I will be hosting exciting events at the paleto bay and sandy shores area to make the people of both area enjoy and live peacefully and happily. License plate and Insurance will be provided with some rp commands to make it more realistic and daily checks will be there of highway crimes.

(iv) I will be having meetings with leaders of all legal orgs to know them better and make SAHP a better and comfortable place for everyone. Instant backup will be provided by SAHP because if I become the leader, I will be making S.W.A.T. department more active than before. They will be having all required weapons all time and for this we will host AMMO RUN after we feel that armory's going less. We will be checking our officers regularly and our detective branch will be collecting evidences from crime scenes specially from NG Raid.

(v) I will implement my strike system in a very efficient manner such that everyone who commits something wrong will get a lesson and will try not to repeat that mistake because a mistake is good because most of the people gets a lesson in that only but repeating that same thing isn't good in my way of thinking.

Strike system:-
1st Strike - Verbal Warning
2nd Strike - Demotion
3rd Strike - Fire/Blacklist depending upon the situation.

I'll be highly obliged if my application gets selected for interview.

Thanking You All
Yours Faithfully
Alan Zelenski

Draken Tempest

Jun 20, 2023
Your name IRL: Armaan Saini
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 5-6Hrs
5. Your Discord: armaansaini
6. Your Nickname: Draken Tempestt
7. Your ID: 101380
**Additional information**
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. I have been in SAHP from more than 7-8 terms and it is my first Legal organization in the city. I believed that I have enough experience to lead SAHP as I was HOD and DHOD of almost every department in SAHP. I started from Cadet To Chief commander, As well as i was having good bond with my last 3 sheriff's whom i worked with and took lot of experience from them about how to handle a situation and take decisions ASAP.

2. One of my primary goals as the leader of the San Andreas Highway Patrol would be to implement innovative training programs. By providing comprehensive training sessions, I aim to enhance the skills of our officers, ensuring they are well-prepared for any situation they may encounter. This focus on continuous improvement will not only elevate the performance of the SAHP but also contribute to the overall realism.

3. In previous terms in SAHP, I saw that they were not able to get enough units in Night events and they were facing activity issues most of the time. I will make sure that the org is active all the time,To solve this problem i will look for different time zone people so that this problem will be fixed.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. I will provide bonuses to all the hardworking officer who are giving their best to improve role play in**SAHP**
2. I will host a promotion ceremony on every Sunday.
3. I noticed that SWAT and Detective was not utilized to their full potential. I want them to be the first on the scene, surveying and devising the best form of action when entering a situation.
4. I will take a suprise test of every HC so we can get to know who is eligible for the hc rank.
. Strike system:-
Strike 1 - Verbal
Strike 2 - Demotion
Strike 3 - Blacklist/Fire


1 Hr ( Human resource)
This Hr department is going to be the most important department of sahp because they will be the one who will be recruiting and Teaching Newbies.

2 IA ( Internal Affairs )
This is going to be a big and hardworking team who will check each and every log and make sure everything is going alright in Sahp

3. SWAT ( Special Weapons And Tactics )
This department is going to be the strongest and active department who will respond to all the emergency call and backup situations.

4 Detactive
This Department is going to be the most professional Department. They will Gather evidences against Gangs and unofficial families and provide the files to FIB ASAP!

5 Park Rangers
This department work will be to hunt down all the criminals who are hiding in the forests and Mountains. As well as they will prevent all the Contraband with the help of SWAT Department.

6 Highway PATROL
This department is going to patrol in the jurisdiction of Sahp and will make sure everything is going perfectly.

Draken Tempestt

Ex- SAHP(Cheif Commander)
Ex- LSPD( Chief Of staff of DU)
EX- NG( Brigadier General)
EX- EMS ( Lead Paramedic)
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Alex Blackstone

May 7, 2023
1. Your name IRL magnus
2. Your age 17
3. Time zone utc +1
4. Average online per day 4-9
5. Your Discord myggen24
6. Your Nickname alex blackstone
7. Your ID 95099
1. Leader of... San Andreas Highway Patrol
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

first:I'm driven by my solid experience, having worked as an LSPD deputy and five times as an under deputy in NG and FIB. I've also held a high command position in SAHP, giving me a good grasp of their workings.
secondly: I've got a bunch of awesome ideas to share with the organization. These aren't just about improving things but also making them more fun. I think these ideas can really make a positive difference and add some excitement to what we do. Can't wait to bring these changes to the organization and contribute to making things even better

Thirdly: i have a lot of friends that are willing to join shop and help me make a good term they have experience and are active


first: I plan to have a weekly Promotion Ceremony and highlight an Employee of the Week to ensure that those who do great work get the recognition they deserve.

secondly: I'll be working on HR because I think having a strong HR team is crucial. A good HR team sets the foundation for a successful workplace, making everything else work smoothly.

thirdly:i am going to make the role play better by having a good relationship with the other orgs

Shaker Reaper

Aug 19, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Abhijit Gudi
2. Your age : 20
3. Time zone : GMT+5:30 (IST)
4. Average online per day : weekdays 5-8 and weekends 5-10 or more
5. Your Discord : abhijitgudi
6. Your Nickname : Shaker Reaperss
7. Your ID : 66927
Additional information
1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
a. I have been in SAHP 5-6 terms and i have started my career in SAHP officer as a cadet to under sheriff in my journey i have learn't many things and gained knowledge and experience and I have faced many difficulties in the start and I have learn't from my mistakes from all experience I believe I am ready to take up the leadership of SAHP.

b. In order to support their team's and their own professional growth, a leader plays a vital role in crafting a person's growth
their professional journey and ensure everybody has a enjoyable experience. The leader should be motivated so that he can motivate all members in positive manner to keep calm and peaceful environment around everybody.

c. To create a calm, peaceful and enjoyable environment within the SAHP and make the officers do good work and perform activities to keep the officer's a fun place to work and spend their time and gain some new experience's.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I have noticed a thing since I joined SAHP that not all the department's do not function properly due to inactivity of the department because the units in that department tend to get bored in some span of time because then don't get the desired bonus for thier hardwork they showed towards the department . In my term of leadership I will make sure that all the department members get their desired bonus and make sure that their department members does their work with fun and joy. I will hold every Sunday a promotion ceremony to the officers who showed their dedication and hard work towards organization to make them more motivated to work hard in future. the main department I will focus on is FTO as they are officer's who train new people that how to be disciplined and they are the FTO division members are the one's who help the new people get the taste of legal organization's

Shaker Reapers
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Nov 2, 2022
1. Your name IRL--> Mike Derang
2. Your age 27
3. Time zone--> ET (GMT-5)
4. Average online per day 4-6
5. Your Discord--> lougodson
6. Your Nickname Louu Godson
7. Your ID 68708
1. Leader of... San Andreas Highway Patrol
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
Leader of SAHP

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1-Experienced Leadership: With a rich history of 7-8 terms in SAHP, progressing from Cadet to Under Sheriff, I bring a wealth of experience to the leadership role. Having held positions such as HOD and DHOD in multiple departments, I've gained valuable insights into effective organizational management and decision-making.

2-Innovative Training Programs: As a leader, my primary focus is on implementing cutting-edge training programs to elevate the skills of SAHP officers. By providing comprehensive training sessions, I aim to ensure that our members are well-prepared for diverse and challenging situations, contributing to the overall realism and efficiency of the organization.

3-Addressing Activity Issues: Recognizing the challenge of low unit participation during night events, I plan to actively recruit individuals from different time zones to ensure 24/7 activity within SAHP. This strategic approach aims to enhance the organization's responsiveness and effectiveness during all hours, fostering a more dynamic and engaging roleplay experience for members.

3.Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1-Training Programs:

Implement comprehensive training programs for new members to familiarize them with the organization's rules, procedures, and RP standards.
Conduct ongoing training sessions to keep members updated on any changes, new features, or improvements.

2-Clear Guidelines and Rules:

Establish clear guidelines and rules for RP within the organization. This includes traffic stops, pursuits, communication protocols, and more.
Clearly communicate consequences for breaking RP rules to ensure members understand the importance of adhering to the established standards.

Shiven Federal

Aug 23, 2023
1. Your name IRL - Shiven Batra
2. Your age - 16
3. Time zone - GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day - 4-5 on weekdays and 6-7 on weekends
5. Your Discord - liveshiven
6. Your Nickname - Shiven Federal
7. Your ID - 41125

Additional information
1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
(1) I've been in the server for a pretty long time and now I feel like I know enough rules to lead this organization. By training other people I've learnt a lot too so I now know the rules of what a LEO and a leader has to follow.

(2) I have the experience has a hc in LSPD, FIB and SAHP which helped to understand a lot about the organization. I have the experience of HOD of HR (FIB), Colonel(SAHP), Assistant Chief(LSPD). I really want this organization to be managed in a proper manner so that every new Officer and even old Officer are treated equally with respect.

(3) In some of the previous terms of SAHP I've been to I saw that they were not managed and couldn't manage a lot of things in a proper manner. I want to change this and make sure everything is managed by ensuring that every department of SAHP has a good chief and the department is active.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
A lot of times people who join are not trained properly which leads them getting confused in many situations which is a bad sign. By improving the HR Department I want to make sure that officers are trained in a proper manner. To make sure every Officer has got a proper training the head of hr can take the exam of any Officer whenever they want, by this it can be made sure that Officer don't break any rule of the city. Another thing i would like to improve is the communication by SAHP officers to citizens. I've seen a lot of officers unable to communicate properly because they don't know rules or they are not Fluent in English. As a leader I want to ensure that every Officer irrespective of their rank gets the right to speak and not get disrespected by any other Officer.
I would like to improve the strike system which in my opinion should be like
Strike 1: Suspended for 8 hours
Strike 2: Demotion + Suspension of 24 hours
Strike 3: Removal from the organization.
By being strict officers will be alert to not do any mistakes.
Promotions will be given every Sunday on Promotion ceremony and it will be based on every officer's work they have done in that week.

Regards - Shiven Federal


Nov 17, 2023
Your name IRL:Munaf Khatri
2. Your age: 19
3. Time zone: GMT+5
4. Average online per day: 5-8 hours
5. Your Discord: MunafKhatri #9716
6. Your Nickname: Munaf Scorpio
7. Your ID 94481
Additional information
1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation):
1). **Commitment to Public Safety:** Aspiring to lead the San Andreas Highway Patrol stems from a genuine dedication to ensuring the safety and well-being of the virtual community within the game. By taking on a leadership role, I aim to spearhead initiatives that prioritize the enforcement of traffic laws, reducing accidents, and fostering an environment where players can traverse the game world with a heightened sense of security.
2). **Strategic Vision for Innovation:** The desire to lead this specific organization is fueled by a strategic vision for innovation within the game. I am eager to introduce cutting-edge technologies, tactical approaches, and streamlined operational processes that enhance the efficacy of the San Andreas Highway Patrol. This commitment to innovation is not only about staying ahead of virtual criminals but also creating a dynamic and engaging experience for players involved in law enforcement role-play.
3)**Community Engagement and Collaboration:** Leadership in the San Andreas Highway Patrol offers a unique opportunity to engage with the virtual community and collaborate with other in-game law enforcement agencies. By fostering positive relationships with players, implementing community outreach programs, and collaborating on cross-agency initiatives, I aim to create a cohesive and immersive gaming experience. This approach not only enhances the overall enjoyment of players but also contributes to a sense of collective responsibility for maintaining order in the game world.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
To elevate the roleplaying experience within our organization, I am committed to transforming the mindset of our officers. Currently, there seems to be a prevailing focus on hierarchical ranks as the primary source of respect. I propose a paradigm shift, emphasizing that every member, regardless of their rank, deserves equal respect.
In this new perspective, a cadet should garner the same level of admiration and consideration as a Chief of Staff (COS). The key philosophy behind this shift is the acknowledgment that each individual within our organization is willingly putting their life on the line for the greater good of the state. By valuing and respecting the dedication and sacrifice inherent in every role, we foster a culture of camaraderie and mutual appreciation.
I believe that by instilling this mindset, we not only enhance the cohesion within our ranks but also create an environment where every officer feels valued and motivated. It is not merely about the rank one holds, but the commitment and contributions made to the collective mission. This approach will not only elevate the roleplaying experience but also reinforce a sense of unity and shared purpose among our officers.

Manas Verlice

Mar 28, 2023
SAHP | Manas Bolo

1. Your name IRL
: Harry Sandhu
2. Your age: 20IRL/22IC
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 5-6 hrs
5. Your Discord: harry.fr
6. Your Nickname
: Manas Bolo
7. Your ID: 54513

Additional information
1. Leader of SAHP

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
I want to become a leader because I want to put all my experience and skills into this ORG. As an Former Chief of Staff in LSPD and a previous HC in GOV, NG,SAHP and FIB I was able to gain a lot of experience that I would like to bring to bear and I want to prove myself

I would like to join the SAHP's list of Great Sheriffs. I would like to show that SAHP can do more than just sell insurance. I want to make SAHP one of the first points of contact for new citizens in this city and I want my troopers to have fun at work and enjoy being in SAHP

want to make sure that everyone is trained properly so that no mistakes happen because working at SAHP is all about practical thinking and thinking in solutions rather than problems.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

I also want to make sure that we have enough officers to prevent 24/7 events such as Store Robs or Hostage situations. To make it work, I will revise the bonus system, for example to implement a bonus system for the "night shifts .

A well maintained relationship with all the other LEO organizations; GOV, LSPD, FIB and NG All LEOS working together as one Team is necessary to succeed in keeping the state of San Andreas crime free for the citizen

I will ensure we have Trooper patrolling around Paleto Bay, Sandy Shores and Grape Seed 24/7 and walking towen so we can better keep the "hotspots" clean.

My Departments:

Department of Internal Investigations Internal Affairs

The IA Team will be a small team responsible for conducting Internal investigations on each unit in the SAHP, making sure they are following Code of Procedures, making sure SAHP is running Professionally, they are responsible for giving strikes and punishments inside of the org.

Department of Undercover Intelligence Division UID

The UID will be a team of trained units for gathering evidence at Store Robberies, FZ Raids, and having Communication with the FIB Undercover department to transfer Evidence over.

Department of Rapid Response and Intervention Team or Special Response Team

RRIT is the special operations team of SAHP, Responsible for fast response to store robberies, conducting ghetto patrols, and fast response to any global situation, they are also responsible of conducting negotiations and hosting Negotiations Trainings

Department of Recruitment Specialist RS
Human Resource department has primarily focuses on taking interviews and providing proper training of agent to make them ready for their work.

Manas Bolo

John Ace

Aug 27, 2023
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Hanumant
2. 19
3. GMT+5:30
4. 7 To 9 Hours
5. queenlyvibess
6. Jujutsu Kaisen
7. 115147


Leader Of SAHP


Experience - I am Just Playing This Game For 6 Months And I Gained Lots Of Experience In Organisations. I Am Hr in LSPD. DOC OFFICER IN GOVERMENT.

Positive Attitude - I am Very Friendly Person I never Had Attitude About My Rank I really appreciate To Help People's Tell them To What Is Profitable For him.

I am Not Famous - Yes,I know That Only Famous people Like person on who is Chief Of Staff in present will Become Chief Of that organisation which I really hate This System. I think Everyone shoul Get Equal opportunity, Nobody Know me But I Can Proof That I Can Become Good Chief.

Skills - I Have Many Different Skills Some Skills Are I Mentioned Below:
- Having skill of Stay Calm in Any Hiped Situation.
- Having Great Shooting Skills.
- Having Good Communication. Skills.
- Having Great Knowledge Of. Rules.

(ii) Under My Leadership I Spread Positivity Everyone In my.
Organisation Because I think That If We work With Positive Attitude
Which Will Connect Each Other Which i Really Good For Organisation. I Had Seen That Sahp Is Ignored By Other organisation During Event Because Of Location of SAHP I WILL Change That Thing I try To Send Our My Units To Every Global Events And Be Active At Highways not Only in Giving Insurance and all.

(iii) I WILL Make Sure That Everyone Get Equal opportunity Nobody Could Joi. Directly, I will make sure That Everyone Should no rules Having some Good Skills For Helping The organisation
He/she Must trained Perfectly, I will become really strict About FTO AND HR.

3. Listed Below:

- Take Interview Properly.

- Officer must Trained Properly.

- Best Try is No Rules break By anyone.

- Only Make Highcommand Who Have Knowledge Not Them Who have Experience.



Scout Federal

Mar 2, 2023
SAHP | Manas Bolo

1. Your name IRL
: Harry Sandhu
2. Your age: 20IRL/22IC
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 5-6 hrs
5. Your Discord: harry.fr
6. Your Nickname
: Manas Bolo
7. Your ID: 54513

Additional information
1. Leader of SAHP

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
I want to become a leader because I want to put all my experience and skills into this ORG. As an Former Chief of Staff in LSPD and a previous HC in GOV, NG,SAHP and FIB I was able to gain a lot of experience that I would like to bring to bear and I want to prove myself

I would like to join the SAHP's list of Great Sheriffs. I would like to show that SAHP can do more than just sell insurance. I want to make SAHP one of the first points of contact for new citizens in this city and I want my troopers to have fun at work and enjoy being in SAHP

want to make sure that everyone is trained properly so that no mistakes happen because working at SAHP is all about practical thinking and thinking in solutions rather than problems.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

I also want to make sure that we have enough officers to prevent 24/7 events such as Store Robs or Hostage situations. To make it work, I will revise the bonus system, for example to implement a bonus system for the "night shifts .

A well maintained relationship with all the other LEO organizations; GOV, LSPD, FIB and NG All LEOS working together as one Team is necessary to succeed in keeping the state of San Andreas crime free for the citizen

I will ensure we have Trooper patrolling around Paleto Bay, Sandy Shores and Grape Seed 24/7 and walking towen so we can better keep the "hotspots" clean.

My Departments:

Department of Internal Investigations Internal Affairs

The IA Team will be a small team responsible for conducting Internal investigations on each unit in the SAHP, making sure they are following Code of Procedures, making sure SAHP is running Professionally, they are responsible for giving strikes and punishments inside of the org.

Department of Undercover Intelligence Division UID

The UID will be a team of trained units for gathering evidence at Store Robberies, FZ Raids, and having Communication with the FIB Undercover department to transfer Evidence over.

Department of Rapid Response and Intervention Team or Special Response Team

RRIT is the special operations team of SAHP, Responsible for fast response to store robberies, conducting ghetto patrols, and fast response to any global situation, they are also responsible of conducting negotiations and hosting Negotiations Trainings

Department of Recruitment Specialist RS
Human Resource department has primarily focuses on taking interviews and providing proper training of agent to make them ready for their work.

Manas Bolo
1. Hanumant
2. 19
3. GMT+5:30
4. 7 To 9 Hours
5. queenlyvibess
6. Jujutsu Kaisen
7. 115147


Leader Of SAHP


Experience - I am Just Playing This Game For 6 Months And I Gained Lots Of Experience In Organisations. I Am Hr in LSPD. DOC OFFICER IN GOVERMENT.

Positive Attitude - I am Very Friendly Person I never Had Attitude About My Rank I really appreciate To Help People's Tell them To What Is Profitable For him.

I am Not Famous - Yes,I know That Only Famous people Like person on who is Chief Of Staff in present will Become Chief Of that organisation which I really hate This System. I think Everyone shoul Get Equal opportunity, Nobody Know me But I Can Proof That I Can Become Good Chief.

Skills - I Have Many Different Skills Some Skills Are I Mentioned Below:
- Having skill of Stay Calm in Any Hiped Situation.
- Having Great Shooting Skills.
- Having Good Communication. Skills.
- Having Great Knowledge Of. Rules.

(ii) Under My Leadership I Spread Positivity Everyone In my.
Organisation Because I think That If We work With Positive Attitude
Which Will Connect Each Other Which i Really Good For Organisation. I Had Seen That Sahp Is Ignored By Other organisation During Event Because Of Location of SAHP I WILL Change That Thing I try To Send Our My Units To Every Global Events And Be Active At Highways not Only in Giving Insurance and all.

(iii) I WILL Make Sure That Everyone Get Equal opportunity Nobody Could Joi. Directly, I will make sure That Everyone Should no rules Having some Good Skills For Helping The organisation
He/she Must trained Perfectly, I will become really strict About FTO AND HR.

3. Listed Below:

- Take Interview Properly.

- Officer must Trained Properly.

- Best Try is No Rules break By anyone.

- Only Make Highcommand Who Have Knowledge Not Them Who have Experience.


best leader for SAHP

Warrior Richboy 69

Oct 10, 2023

1. 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙄𝙍𝙇: 𝙈𝙧. Mahadee

2. 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙖𝙜𝙚:28

3. 𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙯𝙤𝙣𝙚:(𝙂𝙈𝙏+6)

4. 𝘼𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙜𝙚 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙥𝙚𝙧 𝙙𝙖𝙮: 8 𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨

5. 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝘿𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙: rich_mafia

6. 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙉𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙚: Warrior Richboy

7. 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙄𝘿: 37475

Additional information
1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. Till now I have been in different organisations like LSPD, NG, FIB, SAHP and USSS. I am confident enough with my experiences that serves the purpose to be a leader of the organisation. I have worked under some good leaders like `Elite Dash and Andrew Hulk` from which I gather knowledges and ideas to run the organisation smoothly along with effective rp development. I have also some plans with the the members of the organisation to make them feel a better with the roleplay.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

2. As I have mentioned that I am having plans to work on for this organisation if I am selected for the leaders. For your convenience, let me deliver a brief below:
i. First of all , I want some changes in the selection and hiring procedures along with the trainings in such a way that will give the employee with a better experience about the ins and outs of the organisation.
ii. I have plans regarding the internal division. I am planning to work on two new divisions that will grow up the interest of the employee to be active as much as they can. I also have plans to reform the existing division with some new regulations and working scheme.

3.Diverse Roleplay Scenarios: Create a range of scenarios that cover diverse situations officers might encounter, including routine traffic stops, intense criminal situations, community engagement scenarios, and more. This variety ensures officers are well-rounded in their roleplaying abilities.
4. My Proposed Departments in SAHP:
1. HR - Human Resources
2. IA - Internal Affairs
3. HWP - Highway Patroling
4. SRT - Special Task Force
5. U.S Marshals - Undercover Department

5. Proposed Ranking System:
Ranking systems play a crucial role in maintaining order and recognizing dedication. I propose the following ranking system for SAHP:
```30 - Sheriff
29 ~ Undersheriff
28 ~ Assistant Sheriff
====== Sheriff Section ======
27 ~ Chief of Staff
26 ~ Chief of Division
25 ~ Us marshal
24 ~ Deputy Chief of Division
23 ~ Watch Commander
22 ~ Supervisor of Division
21 ~ District Attorney
====== High Commands ======
20 ~ Gang Unit
19 ~ Commander
18 ~ Major
17 ~ Captain
16 ~ Lieutenant
15 ~ Executive Investigator
14 ~ Senior Investigator
13 ~ Investigator
12 ~ Master Sergeant
===== Senior Unit Section =====
11 ~ Senior Sergeant
10 ~ Sergeant
9 ~ Master Corporal
8 ~ Senior Corporal
7 ~ Corporal
6 ~ Lance Corporal
5 ~ Master Trooper
4 ~ Senior Trooper
3 ~ Trooper
===== Junior Unit Section =====
2 ~ Cadet
1~ Suspended```

Best Regards,
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