- Your name IRL: Alex Mihai
- Your age: 18
- Time zone: GMT +3
- Average online per day: 7-9 hours
- Your Discord: xy.bs
- Your Nickname: Ales Liquid
- Your ID: 100365
Additional information
- Leader of: LifeInvader
- Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
• I have been a part of LI for well over a year or two now. Although I may not have previous leadership experience, I have held other different HC positions within LifeInvaders. I believe I am ready to take the step into a leadership role.
• I want to ensure that LifeInvaders maximizes its potential by giving everyone a chance to voice their opinions, participate in activities, and earn bonuses and promotions along the way.
• I'll make sure that everyone feels comfortable enough to voice their thoughts and share their ideas. Whether it's suggestions for improving their department, position, or the organization, or addressing any complaints they might have, I want everyone to feel heard.
3rd: Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
• First, I would love for the creatives team and the journalist team to collaborate more closely during various events. By working together, they can create perfect posters, compelling stories about the events, and conduct interviews. This collaboration will also allow them to engage with more people outside of LifeInvaders, giving a voice to opinions about what's happening in the city beyond our organization.
• I will provide thorough feedback to employees to enhance both their communication skills and comfort in interacting with others. I will also sit down with individuals who need it to explain the reasons behind our decisions, whether it's why we can't do certain things or why certain actions are necessary.
• I will strive to make the talent show enjoyable for everyone, as it's a topic that still needs more discussion in my opinion. I'll work on finding ways for us all to come together and enjoy it, whether through different advertising strategies or providing alternative ways for people to watch it. I'll explore various ideas to enhance the overall experience.
Thank you all for taking the time to read my application.
Ales Liquid.