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IMPORTANT Applications for FIB

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Vinod Sharmaa

FIB- OO Handler
Oct 16, 2022
1. Your name IRL- Pranjal Gupta
2. Your age- 19
3. Time zone- (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day- 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord- Vinod Sharmaa#8561
6. Your Nickname- Vinod Sharmaa
7. Your ID- 27332
Additional information
1. Leader of

=) Federal Investigation of Bureau (FIB)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

=) (i) Firstly, I was in FIB from a very long time and I have a lot of experience in all the departments of FIB as I was Ex DHOD of UC, HOD of DEA, OO Handler so I can manage the leadership of FIB.

(ii) Secondly, I also have experiences of other legal organizations like LSPD, SAHP, and currently NG Lt. Colonel. So, I know all the rules about legal organizations so I can make FIB the best organization in the city. As we all know FIB is known for hiring best and experienced agents so that we can clear all the crime from city.

(iii) Thirdly, As I have spent maximum time in FIB so I saw so much favoritism and all so I just want to remove all these things from FIB because it is known to be the highest organization after GOV and these types of things are making FIB down in front of other legal orgs. I’m very strict and active in this and I will not leave anyone with giving strikes or if it is very high then I will fire them so that they cannot take the respect of FIB.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

=) (i) Firstly if I will get the director of FIB, I will make my roster ASAP so that after freeze I can hire agents which can go and protect city from crimes.

(ii) Then, after this I will make sure that my HR department is ready asap so that we can hire more and more agents in fib to make fib fully working.

(iii) After this I will make sure that my OO department and Spec op department will get ready so that we can collect evidences for gang raid.

(iv) I will make sure my UC agents will go in ghetto and beach side to do busts and arrest the criminals.

(v) I will make sure my DEA department will start working soon so that we can stop the cannabis plantation all around the city.



Nov 19, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Vee
2. Your age: 25
3. Time zone: PST
4. Average online per day: 5 - 12 Hours
5. Your Discord: vAnimated #9015
6. Your Nickname : Vee Venetia
7. Your ID: 3177

Additional Information

1. Leader of Federal Investigation Bureau

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

I have my fair share of experience in several organizations including Government, LSPD, and especially FIB. For several terms I have been HOD of Undercover, HOD of OO Agent, and Chief of Staff as well and great general knowledge of the rules and regulations for Leaders and for regular members and believe I can guide this organization as it's leader. Not a leader who rules with an iron fist, but a leader who ensures the satisfaction of all its members and that the requirements and standards for FIB are being met.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization.

I believe that there is a lot of people who desire genuine roleplay within the server as an LEO. I would like to recruit experienced people who have thorough knowledge of FIB as well as the rules that come with being in FIB that way they can aid in guiding others down the right path and invite more people who may not know as much to FIB to learn and enjoy the roleplay experience from an FIB perspective thus, giving more players opportunity to learn the strictness and the joy FIB can bring to their RP experience and the server itself. As FIB Leader I will return genuine roleplay to the server that way whether you are an LEO or in a gang, you can experience better roleplay from FIB as a whole. Taking more agents out on undercover busts, hunting wanted criminals, creating warrants for criminals who need to be arrested, and encouraging members of FIB to rise through the ranks with their hard work to earn bigger rewards and more during my leadership of FIB.


- Director
29 - Deputy Director
28 - Chief of Staff
27 - HOD of 00
26 - HOD
25 - DHOD
24 - OO Agent
23 - Internal Affairs
22 - Human Resources
21 - Supervisor
20 - Specialist of Department
19 - Senior Black Ops
18 - Black Ops
17 - Senior Elite Special Operative
16 - Elite Special Operative
15 - Elite Agent 2
14 - Elite Agent
13 - Assistant Elite agent
12 - Special Agent Special Agent 3
11 - Special Agent 2
10 - Assistant Special Agent
9 - Senior Field Agent 2
8 - Senior Field Agent
7 - Field Agent
6 - Junior Field agent
5 - Junior Agent 2
4 - Junior Agent 1
3 - Agent in Training
2 - LOA
1 - Suspended

Thanks For Reading My Application !!!

Prabhat deejay

Aug 17, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Aman
2. Your age: 22
3. Time zone: IST
4. Average online per day: 5 - 8 Hours
5. Your Discord: Lasya Leoo#5928
6. Your Nickname : Lasya leoo
7. Your ID: 41372
1. Leader of The Federal Investigation Bureau (FIB)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

First reason why would I want to be a leader of FIB is because I've been in the city basically ever since it was created and I have experience everything that interests me except FIB. . I always wanted to join FIB and see the legal side of the city and I did, I joined around 2 weeks ago and during those two weeks I have gained a lot of experienced even tho I haven't been there for a long time I feel like I've seen most of what this organisation is capable of and it really makes me passionate about leading such a big and professional organisation like FIB. Since I joined I raised up in ranks from just a Junior Agent to a Deputy Head of Department of Spec Ops and I gained a lot of trust from people who used to not think that I was built for a legal organisation.
I'm truly passionate about being an FIB Director as it opened up a lot of ways I could lead an organisation compared to illegal organisations. A lot more RP is involved, a lot more professional members where most of the time I won't be able to be worried who am I recruiting and if someone is going to break server rules as there's many protocols and trainings members of FIB have to go trough, compared to gang members.
Also one of the main reasons why I want to be a leader of FIB, is to make FIB more feared than it is. Currently, if a gang member spots an FIB Agent or any legal organisation employee in ghetto or outside of city, he looks at it as a free hostage, but looking at this from a real life perspective, I think the roles should be switched. I think FIB should be feared when they patrol ghetto or any area that's infested with gang activities.
Since the biggest difference is actually the structure of FIB and how complex it is compared to other organisations, I have already thought about how I would run it and who would I assign in different departments. I've already spoken to a lot of people who have been previously in FIB (ex. Chief of Staff, HR HOD, etc.) and they're all eager to join back and keep the ranks they had helping me lead the organisation to it's best. Even tho I was only there for two weeks I think I've gained a lot of experience over this time and the missing parts that I have as a leader are only the things on paper which I can easily learn as I go, since I have a lot of people who would be assigned to different departments to help me lead FIB. I would really love to be given a chance to run FIB as a Leader

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

During my two weeks, and obviously during my 5 months that I've spent in the illegal side, I've noticed a lot of flaws every FIB organisation had. To start off, I've noticed the way the negotiations are done is really stale and boring, every single robbery goes down as expected almost every time, negotiations are the same, demands are the same, so I see a lot of ways where I can improve hostage situations from running different tactical operations based on how many hostages are there for a tactical escort of the hostage and to make sure the hostage is safe to different kinds of tactics to gain our own advantages (taking a gang member hostage, etc.).

Ghetto Patrol, and patrols in general - It's a a known fact that this part of FIB has been lacking and I think focusing one department that would be also mixed with Undercover would do the job. Gang members were always hungry for a legal member to be in ghetto and I think FIB has the tools to give them just that, but also make sure all ghetto patrols are followed with certain protocol and certain rules (when and where are you allowed to patrol). Assigning a department that would be a mix of undercover & spec ops would do best. This way there's a lot more RP and a lot more interaction between FIB and gangs as currently all the interactions are based on events (submarine, informant, vehichle theft) which I think is the biggest error and should be fixed to make more sides more healthy.

Evidence - Another thing that I think is even considered "abusable" is car plates. Almost all evidence relies on car plates and an easy way to make a raid happen towards a certain gang. As I still think car plates should be used as evidence, they shouldn't be the reason of a gang's raid. I think evidence should be taken from different types of events based on how those events were unique or damaging to FIB (FIB high command gets killed, etc.). I think UC should do a lot more than gather car plates which I'd make sure to change and as I stated above, make more healthy RP between FIB and everyone else interacting with FIB.


- Director
29 - Deputy Director
28 - Chief of Staff
27 - HOD of 00
26 - HOD
25 - DHOD
24 - OO Agent
23 - Internal Affairs
22 - Human Resources
21 - Supervisor
20 - Specialist of Department
19 - Senior Black Ops
18 - Black Ops
17 - Senior Elite Special Operative
16 - Elite Special Operative
15 - Elite Agent 2
14 - Elite Agent
13 - Assistant Elite agent
12 - Special Agent Special Agent 3
11 - Special Agent 2
10 - Assistant Special Agent
9 - Senior Field Agent 2
8 - Senior Field Agent
7 - Field Agent
6 - Junior Field agent
5 - Junior Agent 2
4 - Junior Agent 1
3 - Agent in Training
2 - LOA
1 - Suspended

Thanks for reviewing this application and I hope I will be given a chance to become an FIB Director

Vladimir Yega

Jul 1, 2022

1.Your name IRL

İlkcan Girgin

2.Your age: 23

3.Time zone : GMT+3

4.Average online per day: 10+

5.Your Discord : ProjectMayhem #4862

6.Your Nickname: Vladimir Yega

7.Your ID: 42396

Additional information

1.Leader of FIB

2.a. Because I have experience with all the law enforcement in the city and I know what they are missing and what they need.When I was a Supreme Cour Judge, I memorized the laws, I will teach these laws to everyone without ignoring what should be.
FIB will work together with all the legal organizations to ensure the magnificence and security in the city, and will regain its glory by adhering to the laws and rules.

b. I want to turn FIB into the most enjoyable role organization in the city Some Leaders have ruined the FIB by messing up their responsibilities, I will fulfill all the responsibilities assigned to me and I will bring Good People to the FIB to ll GET Good Trainers to make the FIB a perfect legal ORG.

c. I am aware that people are losing control because of the FIB's wide powers, I will change that and teach people how to use this power.Being aware of how it should be used I will teach everyone how to reduce the crime rate in the city and ghetto with its power .If i get a chance to get leadership of FIB i can bring in good numbers of people in the early days itself, and make sure that all of them are truly aware of the city rules. Also i've planned out to renew the training system which obviously plays a very huge role in working of the whole organisation, ill make sure that FIB maintains the professionalism required for it. There will be a new chain of command to be followed and all the previous documents are gonna be replaced by new ones according to the changes in city.

3- I am aware of the relationships of legal and illegal organizations and based on this awareness, in the past term i could notice that FIB wasnt involving in events such as Submarine Informant , i will make sure thta FIB actively participates in all the events happening in the city, apart from that i will make sure that the mistakes that the things that have been going wrong in FIB, ill make them right. As many poeple have been using PDA the wrong way, it will be made sure that poeple know how to make use of the PDA correctly without metagaming,
- Will make sure that people use the /me , /do commands properly, as required in the situation
- Agents will need to pass testes inorder to get to certain ranks and positions
- Recruitments will be done, frequently or as required according to the number of people in the org (day and night time both)

I will provide a better role experience.As an experienced police officerand fib agents before, I know of the crime rates in the city,

I think I will entertain citiziens and FIB Agents a lot

I think that those who have achieved outstanding success by working hard all week should be given the necessary medals and certificates of appreciation m this is the best source of motivation i will do something about it
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Hyper North

Aug 31, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL- Somesh Tewatia
2. Your age- 18
3. Time zone- IST
4. Average online per day- 5-6 hrs. on weekdays and 8-10 hrs. on weekends
5. Your Discord- HyperOP#7629
6. Your Nickname- Hyper Northx
7. Your ID- 55436

Additional information
Leader of Federal Investigation bureau

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
1. I want to become leader of this organization because of my past experience in city 2 and also in city 3. I have been high command in organizations, and I will be the best leader ever due to my experience and knowledge about the functioning of legal and interaction with leaders of the orgs which have helped me in understanding the functioning and handling of organization and the responsibilities a leader has on his shoulders.

2. I will make this organization the most active ever org by doing personal checks, seeing every officer record and always staying in touch with everyone so that there is no problem internally. Additionally, I will be firing the officers or giving them strikes and warnings which are never or next to negligible active involvement in the organization work this will help in reaching my goal of maintaining this organization the most active FIB ever. I will also be helping all my officers in every situation they are in, and this is one of the reasons I want to become the Director of FIB.

3. f I become the Director of FIB I will be making a public response department so that FIB can handle the public problems they are having with my organization officers or there is something done wrong to them this will help in building a good relation between public and FIB. Also, this department will be maintaining a good relation between the FIB and other department of the city.

Your advice for improving Role Play level in the organization.

1.My advice for improving the RP level in the organization is keeping an eye on every department in the organization helping everyone to grow and helping in solving issues they are facing which help the new ones to generate a love towards the organization.

2.My second advice would be hiring the people who know all the rules so that they do not lead any breakage of rule and additionally giving them the best training possible so that they understand what they are doing and if they do some to what it can lead this will help the newbies to improve the RP level.

3.My last advice would be always appreciating the hardworking officers by giving them bonus and promotions on regular basis so that they are more dedicated towards their organization.

What all Departments I will be making in the organization

Human Resources- This
is the most important department in every organization as this handles the hiring and training of officers, I will be assigning the best officers of my organization in this department so that it can work to its best.

Internal Affairs- This department looks after the logs of the officers which like backbone of the organization and I will assigning the most active officers on email in this department which help in better utilization of their capabilities.

Special Ops- this team members will involve in every special operation, and they will lead it for example: hostage situations, Store robberies, Ghetto Patrol and other operations.

Under Cover- this team will take evidence of the gangs and crime organizations, and they will help me to make a casefile and if we take much evidence, we will raid this gang and it will be a good for the city, because it will help in reducing the number of criminals.

I will be taking everyday report from the department heads and will be giving them weekly goals, which will help in improving the stats of organization and reducing the crimes in the city. We will work as a team and get city crime rate down.

hassan knight

Dec 20, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Landan
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: PST
4. Average online per day: 4-5 Hours
5. Your Discord: Voidz#7875
6. Your Nickname: Lily Blixky
7. Your ID: 27071
Additional information
1. Leader of FIB

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

a) I have been in LEO for over 6 months now, 3 months as LSPD HOD, and 2 Months as SAHP HC, 2 Month as FIB (ALL HC Positions)

b) I want to be able to create fun environments within the org itself with all divisions in my department such as planning divisional events

c) I want to make FIB even more enjoyable for everyone and I feel with my experience I can do so, as I lead one of the most active legal organizations EVER

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. I would like to integrate a brand new training element with training on how to roleplay, how not to make mistakes during stressful situations and how to stay calm under any pressure

2. I would integrate a form for whenever you do a arrest or an operation/event you would fill it out for upcoming promotions ect.

3. I would add a new training system for the 00's and for the Black Ops so they are at the best of the best

4. I would have weekly meeting with all my head of departments

5. I would have meetings every week as well with leaders of each organization

6. I would make sure to keep relationships with all leaders

Thank you for reading my application,

Last edited: Oct 22, 2022
Ex En03 Bloods HC Ex En02 Bloods Deputy Ex En02 Vagos Deputy Ex En02 Marabunta HC
Ex En03 FIB HOD EX En02 LSPD Chief of staff

hassan knight

Dec 20, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Landan
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: PST
4. Average online per day: 4-5 Hours
5. Your Discord: Voidz#7875
6. Your Nickname: Lily Blixky
7. Your ID: 27071
Additional information
1. Leader of FIB

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

a) I have been in LEO for over 6 months now, 3 months as LSPD HOD, and 2 Months as SAHP HC, 2 Month as FIB (ALL HC Positions)

b) I want to be able to create fun environments within the org itself with all divisions in my department such as planning divisional events

c) I want to make FIB even more enjoyable for everyone and I feel with my experience I can do so, as I lead one of the most active legal organizations EVER

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. I would like to integrate a brand new training element with training on how to roleplay, how not to make mistakes during stressful situations and how to stay calm under any pressure

2. I would integrate a form for whenever you do a arrest or an operation/event you would fill it out for upcoming promotions ect.

3. I would add a new training system for the 00's and for the Black Ops so they are at the best of the best

4. I would have weekly meeting with all my head of departments

5. I would have meetings every week as well with leaders of each organization

6. I would make sure to keep relationships with all leaders

Thank you for reading my application,

Last edited: Oct 22, 2022
Ex En03 Bloods HC Ex En02 Bloods Deputy Ex En02 Vagos Deputy Ex En02 Marabunta HC
Ex En03 FIB HOD EX En02 LSPD Chief of staff

hassan knight

Dec 20, 2022
1. Your name IRL: hassan
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: 5+
4. Average online per day: 4-5 Hours
5. Your Discord: Hassan Knight#5006
6. Your Nickname: Hassan Thugs
7. Your ID: 89866
Additional information
1. Leader of FIB

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

a) I have been in LEO for over 6 months now, 3 months as LSPD HOD, and 2 Months as SAHP HC, 2 Month as FIB (ALL HC Positions)

b) I want to be able to create fun environments within the org itself with all divisions in my department such as planning divisional events

c) I want to make FIB even more enjoyable for everyone and I feel with my experience I can do so, as I lead one of the most active legal organizations EVER

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. I would like to integrate a brand new training element with training on how to roleplay, how not to make mistakes during stressful situations and how to stay calm under any pressure

2. I would integrate a form for whenever you do a arrest or an operation/event you would fill it out for upcoming promotions ect.

3. I would add a new training system for the 00's and for the Black Ops so they are at the best of the best

4. I would have weekly meeting with all my head of departments

5. I would have meetings every week as well with leaders of each organization

6. I would make sure to keep relationships with all leaders

Thank you for reading my application,

Ex En03 Bloods HC Ex En02 Bloods Deputy Ex En02 Vagos Deputy Ex En02 Marabunta HC
Ex En03 FIB HOD EX En02 LSPD Chief of staff

King Ilya

Nov 14, 2021
1. Your IRL name: AbdulMalik
2. Your age: 19
3. Time zone: GMT + 3
4. Average online per day: 5 - 6 play hours a day
5. Your Discord: the king#4046
6. Your Nickname: king Ilya
7. Your ID: 2359

Additional information
1. Leader of...FIB

> Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

1/ first of all fib is the Second organization I joined on 04.03.2022 in this city I worked with 6 directors (jack wolf/nick rune/Neo Pluxury/Abdel Pluxury/muz trappy/Luka Mamardashvili)

they teach me how to lead the org and how to be HC and how to lead my team and take care of any situation

2/ I will use The knowledge I get from these four terms to lead all organizations and take care of them in all ways

3/ me working in fib after all this time I think I can do more than HC in the organization I can use the knowledge to be the leader of this organization and Hire the right people to take care of the know members who will join the organization

> Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

1/ hire ppl with experience + RolePlay experience

2/ hire new people to the org and give them the training To build a better generation for fib

3/ give bonuses to ppl to let them work hard

4/ give promotions to ppl who work hard to let them keep up the hard work

5/ Employees patrolling around the city to keep it safe without breaking any RolePlay Rules


thanks in advance all love and respect to everyone ❤️
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Minty BlueHayes

Oct 8, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL: William Smith
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: UTC (-05:00)
4. Average online per day: 5-6 hours
5. Your Discord: Minty_wkeys#3527
6. Your Nickname: Minty Mmg
7. Your ID: 52396 Additional information

1. Leader of: FIB (Director of FIB)
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
A)I am heavily experienced in other organizations and was HOD Spec of ops and hr (FIB) Head of SWAT (LSPD), Provost marshal (NG), USSS Deputy Director (GOV) Colonel (SAHP) and i know all the server rules and the legislation
B) FIB was always a very popular organization known for always hosting GPs and Gang raids i would like to continue this pattern and only improve from here
C) FIB is a key part of our city and I want to see it thrive and have the best term it could possibly have, making it enjoyable for officers and citizens. With the addition of teamwork and hard earned places in FIB we could make it well disciplined, well coordinated and in general just a nicer place to work in.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization:
A) People will only get HC if they have previous experience in LEGAL orgs
B) All officers will be trained and disciplined ready to assist and fight crime in our city
C) Using my knowledge of the law i will enforce strong laws and create a very good charter for the org
D) All Transfers, Hirings, firings, promotions and demotions will be handled IC.
E) Work together constantly with other ORGs to make sure we can achieve the most amount of RP possible
F)I would have many meetings with the head of departments weekly for suggestions to improve FIB or their departments
G) I will improve the one thing FIB lacks, teamwork and communication. My experience when in FIB Has led me to believe that FIB was an ORG that was very independent, but when it comes to missions and special operations, we should all be there as one big team not just an ORG split into many divisions

Vishal Pal

Deejaywale Babu
Feb 5, 2022
1. Vishal Paul
2. 30
3. GMT+5:30
4. 20hrs +
5. Deejaywale Babu#0006
6. Deejaywale Babu
7. 14133

Additional information
1. Director of...
◄ Federal Investigation Bureau (FIB) 🚨

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
◄ I do extreme level of Roleplay & everyone in the city knows about it and I have a lot of experience in this city and I had been here since more than an year and had always been in State Organizations most of the time. So I know the every possible rules and activities done in the State Organizations due to my Deputy and High Commands Roles. Some of my best terms were in National Guards as Lt. General, Government as USSS Director, Senior FTO in LSPD and SAHP. And I love to train people to make the Roleplay look like Real and make it really interesting.
◄ Last Term I was in FIB, as Deputy Head of the Department and had been helping the Ex Director to achieve his daily Special Operations goals. And had spent most of the time with HODs and Deputy Directors and clarified each & every activity done by the Director. I can help the city to lower down the crime rates and criminal activities done by any Gang or Families throughout the Los Santos. I am one of the best negotiators in State Organisation, who does the best RP during any hostage situation or any store robbery and provides everyone with an awesome experience of Role Play as Cop.
◄ I am the one who can hire mass recruitment in any organization, due to my popularity in the city, which will help the organization to build stronger and grow faster. In Previous term I had been hiring most eligible and perfect agents in FIB, by providing them A to Z training and enhancing their skills and motivated them to be a part of the organization. Also removed some toxic people from the organization as they were trying to damage the organisation and even they tried to make the Ex Director fall in trouble. We anyhow tried to save the organization from getting disbanded by removing those mischievous and toxic corrupt members (who don't have proper corrupt bio) from our organization. And most important thing I would like to say here is that, there will be no nepotism in my term if I am selected as Director, as I want each of my agents to be perfect and will train the weak agents to be perfect in their work as well.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
◄ If anyone is a part of my team, I will work over them and train them perfectly and professionally, so that they can follow my lead whenever necessary. I dont want to change the ranking systems as It is perfectly arranged already since previous term. And I believe that there is nothing to improve, if my agents are properly trained and guided by the Director (Me) and Deputy Directors. And also there is nothing to lose if I remove the toxic member from organization to make it a Best Role Play during my Term as Director of FIB.

An Official Quote by Me -
"I had always been a part of the State Organizations and I promise I will always be in the Good Side and make my Los Santos a Crime Free State."

Thanking You All with Best Regards,
Deejaywale Babu

Yip Man

Yip Man
Aug 14, 2021
1. Your name IRL = Caldwin
2. Your age = 42
3. Time zone = GST +8
4. Average online per day = 5-10hrs
5. Your Discord = Caldwin#5521
6. Your Nickname = Yip Man
7. Your ID = 635

1. Leader of FIB
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I was the former Sheriff for SAHP that lasted 2 terms. During my time in SAHP, i have extensively developed and master my leadership skill, decision making, managing units, interaction skill and conflict prevention. I'd like to utilise this skill set and make it to good use if I am chosen to lead FIB. I am still very influential in within the state org be it LSPD, SAHP or FIB, therefore gaining support and good collaboration from them will not be an issue. I also have sufficient support from family and friends who had been in LEO that can help me run this organization effectively.

3.Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I feel i am ready to take up the new challenge to be the new FIB director and would love to apply the skillset i possessed throughout my career and leadership from SAHP
If i am chosen,
- During my leadership in SAHP, our detectives department was one of the most active division. We had helped and assist FIB into creating casefile. With this in mind, i will collaborate with LSPD and SAHP , implement a system or method so we can assist and provide training support if require for their respective division in detectives to create casefile.
- New agents will be trained and should develops based to his or her personality. They will be tested, trained and promoted based to their strength and ability.
- I will make proper RP guidelines covering how to react to every situation to ensure everyone to maintain the good RP experience
- I will host regular meetings for daily update and will actively encourage and motivate each and every member
- Implement bonus system, to honor agent of the week, and crime investigator who had successfully created a good casefile.
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Vik Hurmaci

Sep 4, 2022
1. Leader of FIB
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I was the former Sheriff for SAHP that lasted 2 terms. During my time in SAHP, i have extensively developed and master my leadership skill, decision making, managing units, interaction skill and conflict prevention. I'd like to utilise this skill set and make it to good use if I am chosen to lead FIB. I am still very influential in within the state org be it LSPD, SAHP or FIB, therefore gaining support and good collaboration from them will not be an issue. I also have sufficient support from family and friends who had been in LEO that can help me run this organization effectively.

3.Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I feel i am ready to take up the new challenge to be the new FIB director and would love to apply the skillset i possessed throughout my career and leadership from SAHP
If i am chosen,
- During my leadership in SAHP, our detectives department was one of the most active division. We had helped and assist FIB into creating casefile. With this in mind, i will collaborate with LSPD and SAHP , implement a system or method so we can assist and provide training support if require for their respective division in detectives to create casefile.
- New agents will be trained and should develops based to his or her personality. They will be tested, trained and promoted based to their strength and ability.
- I will make proper RP guidelines covering how to react to every situation to ensure everyone to maintain the good RP experience
- I will host regular meetings for daily update and will actively encourage and motivate each and every member
- Implement bonus system, to honor agent of the week, and crime investigator who had successfully created a good casefile.
Best Leader for FIB

hassan knight

Dec 20, 2022
1. Your name IRL: hassan
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: 5+
4. Average online per day: 4-5 Hours
5. Your Discord: Hassan Knight#5006
6. Your Nickname: Hassan Thugs
7. Your ID: 89866
Additional information
1. Leader of FIB

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

a) I have been in LEO for over 6 months now, 3 months as LSPD HOD, and 2 Months as SAHP HC, 2 Month as FIB (ALL HC Positions)

b) I want to be able to create fun environments within the org itself with all divisions in my department such as planning divisional events

c) I want to make FIB even more enjoyable for everyone and I feel with my experience I can do so, as I lead one of the most active legal organizations EVER

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. I would like to integrate a brand new training element with training on how to roleplay, how not to make mistakes during stressful situations and how to stay calm under any pressure

2. I would integrate a form for whenever you do a arrest or an operation/event you would fill it out for upcoming promotions ect.

3. I would add a new training system for the 00's and for the Black Ops so they are at the best of the best

4. I would have weekly meeting with all my head of departments

5. I would have meetings every week as well with leaders of each organization

6. I would make sure to keep relationships with all leaders

Thank you for reading my application,

Ex En03 Bloods HC Ex En02 Bloods Deputy Ex En02 Vagos Deputy Ex En02 Marabunta HC
Ex En03 FIB HOD EX En02 LSPD Chief of staff

Jacob Brown

Oct 7, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. My name is Liam Bishop
2. I am 17 Years Old
3. British London Greenwich time zone

4. 3-5 hours in the city every day
5. Jacob Shelby#8264 on Discord
6. Username - Jacob_Bishop
8. My ID is 23646.

Extra details
1. The Leader Of The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FIB)

2. What makes you desire to head this particular group? (Explain the first three reasons on the list.)

. I want to make sure that everyone receives a fair sentence and that the city's crime rate stays as low as possible.
. I really enjoyed my time in FIB and i would like to re-join the organization as its leader.
. I have had much experience in all legal orgs and i have also been taught and trained under FIB directors before such as Luka and Muz Trappy therefore i believe i could lead a very successful FIB term with the knowledge i have.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I already have a very good plan to work very closely with all legal orgs in order to maximise the efficiency of the FIB.
I have a very strong and unique work ethic which leads me to believe i would be perfect for this organization i would work harder than anybody else.
I will ensure all my agents are held to the highest of standards if there is any mistakes which effects the org in a severe manor the agent will be punished using this punishment system.

1st Warning - Verbal Warning
2nd Warning - Demotion
3rd Warning - Removal From The Organization
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