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IMPORTANT Applications for Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

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Rishav Raj

Server Administrator
Server Administrator
Nov 11, 2022
Dear players, copying applications on forum is strictly prohibited any instances of those will result in immediate rejection of application without administrators (curators) checking them.

Pixel Pluxury

in your dreams
Jan 12, 2023
1. Your name IRL - Krishu garg
2. Your age - 19
3. Time zone- GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day- 9-10 hrs
5. Your Discord- MICKEYYY#6009
6. Your Nickname- Pixel pluxury
7. Your ID- 87215
Additional information
1. Leader of EMS (Emergency Medical Services)
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. I want to be the leader of ems as the ems is the org that is all different from the other orgs and have been helping all other orgs at the time they need us and ems can not be disbanded at any time they always need a leader to handle there deputy's , high commands, employees all time and had to look for the requirements ems needs as a leader we suppose to handle the org as a head and i have the experience of being the Ex-Chief of EMS for 1 term ,my term had so far given a good interface to others and more motivation for people of EMS i completed my term with no warns and verbals and i wanna contribute this for my next term for EMS as well i would love to become EMS chief again
2. EMS is the org that can go through many difficult faces in time as well the city needs the EMS most, building up a good society and a positive thinking can make the org clean and nice, having a friendly relationship to the peoples and employees can make a positive change to the org, and also helping the other orgs in all there situation like checking of an hostage or hosting some events
3. As many people we have in EMS its the best org recruiting more people to EMS would be a hard job as all people have there own intentions and freedom to join whatever org they want to join , but making EMS fun and more attractive for people to join in and have fun with the work they do in EMS will be my first priority as being in EMS since 1 year 2 months also becoming a curator for it have learnt all the merits and flaws for the Org and would fix any inconvenience that have happened in EMS lastly a bit of changes will help the org being more interesting to other people
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
- my advices would be to the peoples to not to be more toxic when they are in ems, healing everyone who needs it at anytime, having a mask and seatbelt when they use any transport, respecting all ranks they are hired ,work as a team they'll rank up together, the lobbies to be filled everytime so that the citizens can always get heal when they need it as we need more night shifts also we will hire more people for night shifts as we don't want EMS lobby to be empty any time and day too as well ,will be having some peoples on labs always as the medstocks for EMS have become low in number and there are more new people joining the city we need number of medkits for them , will be having a person on calls with a vest so that they don't get hurt in an active gunfire, having a check of all the EMS to be healthy to do work not to have any illegal stuff or background on them that they get in trouble, will have events ones in 2 weeks as soo hosted by EMS as global, will have best conversation skills with everyone in ems and out as to respect the Org and every citizen in the city maintaining a good level of roleplay for everyone and bring EMS ON TOP!!

ex bloods Deputy ex GOV Operation lead ex FIB ex EMS chief
ex Emscurator ex LI ex NG/SAHP FTO/DOC /LSPD senior

NOTE : had learned from all my previous mistakes and i am ready to get the opportunity

Immortal Smurf

Trust me if I say I am Immortal, I am Immortal.
Feb 14, 2024
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Shashwat Parsania
2. 18
3. GMT+5:30
4. 6-7 hours per day
5. sherkhan0226
6. Immortal Shashwat
7. In game ID: 138086
Additional Information
1. Leader of EMS
It seems like I am expressing a strong desire to lead the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) organization, and you have outlined some key reasons for your interest. Additionally, you've asked for advice on improving the level of roleplay within the organization. Here are some insights based on your points:

Reasons for Wanting to Lead EMS:

1. Passion and Experience: I have previous experience in EMS and a deep passion for the field. This firsthand experience gives me valuable insight into the organization's strengths and weaknesses. My desire to make EMS better stems from a genuine understanding of its operations and a commitment to improving them.

2. Vision for Improvement: I recognize the potential for improvement within EMS. I envision a more proactive and welcoming approach, with staff members always ready to assist and engage in roleplay. This indicates your strategic thinking and leadership skills, as you aim to elevate the organization's standards and service quality.

3. Track Record of Leadership and Improvement: My experience in various positions within EMS in other cities highlights your leadership capabilities. I've identified areas for enhancement and are keen to implement positive changes. My track record suggests that I'm capable of driving organizational progress and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Advice for Improving Roleplay Level:

1. I would increase the number of doctors in our hospital lobbies so that players will not have to wait long to get their treatment.
2. I will make sure that our employees are not mistreated in any manner and keep discipline in this organization.
3. I would upgrade the vehicles of EMS so that we can quickly respond to the emergency calls and treat our patients properly.
4. Keeping a cheerful environment with all the employees will also be my important task but if anyone breaks the rules he would surely face the consequences. Maintaining discipline would be key factor for the employees to enjoy their job.

I hope my plans to lead EMS would develop a trust in me and my duty will be to maintain the trust and lead EMS properly.
Thank You

Jane Foster | 111215

Sep 9, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Abhinaba Talukdar
2. Your age: 25
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 4-8 hours
5. Your Discord: avidazzhunt
6. Your Nickname: Jane Foster
7. Your ID: 111215

Additional information
1. Leader of Emergency Medical Services
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
2.1: In my past 3 terms i work with best leaders Like in the city of Los Santos from Lab Tech to Ex DCHR. Now as an employee EMS my current rank is DOL. In my term in 24hrs tired to full fill the Lobby's, calls and also maintain the Med stocks in Central Hospital and In Lab.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.
3.1: A Good Leadership can make an organization better with he/his employees.

3.2: Teams or Units for An Organization for example In EMS we need units in Labs and For Medruns that we cannot worries about Lobbies empty

3.3: My other advice for improving Roleplay in Organization is manners, behaviors, good citizen can make as an Leader or As Citizen

in any organization

Thank you for spending your precious time reading my application.

Jane Foster,

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Alan Federal

π’πžπ§π’π¨π« π€ππ¦π’π§π’π¬π­π«πšπ­π¨π«
Aug 17, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Punit Prajapati
2. Your age: 19
3. Time zone: (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day: 8-10hrs
5. Your Discord: punitprajapati654
6. Your Nickname: Alan Federal
7. Your ID: 104989
Additional information
1. Leader of EMS.

It sounds like you're keen on taking the helm of the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) organization, and you've laid out several compelling reasons for your aspiration. Furthermore, you've inquired about strategies for enhancing the level of engagement and roleplay within the organization. Here are some thoughts based on your point.
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation).

1.I am fervently driven to lead the EMS due to my unwavering passion for emergency medical services and my extensive experience in emergency response. My dedication to the EMS leadership role stems from a lifelong commitment to serving and helping others. I aim to leverage my passion and expertise to enhance the roleplay experience for all members, while also fostering a supportive and collaborative environment where everyone can thrive and contribute to our collective success.

2.I have clear vision for enhancing the quality and depth of our emergency medical services. Recognizing the immense potential for improvement and innovation within our City, I am committed to implementing strategic initiatives that elevate the realism, effectiveness, and overall experience of our EMS. Through comprehensive training programs, scenario simulations, and continuous feedback mechanisms, I aim to empower our EMS team with the skills and knowledge necessary to handle a wide range of emergency situations with confidence and precision.

I am dedicated for pushing the boundaries of our effort and ensuring that our citizen derive maximum enjoyment and fulfillment from their participation.

I am compelled to pursue leadership within the EMS due to my proven track record of driving positive change and improvement within EMS. I will fulfill the stuck of medicines in Labs and speedup the medical supply to PH & SH. I will comply the demand of citizen by ensuring the demand of night shift workers in EMS. My passion for EMS and dedication to excellence make me uniquely positioned to lead our EMS team to new heights of success.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Shortage of Staff:
1. Increase Recruitment Efforts: Launch targeted recruitment drives to attract new members to join the EMS team. Utilize in-game advertisements, forums, and social media platforms to reach potential recruits.
2. Offer Incentives: Consider offering incentives such as rewards, recognition, or leadership opportunities to motivate existing members to recruit new players.
3. Streamline Onboarding Process: Simplify and expedite the onboarding process for new recruits to ensure a smooth transition into the EMS team.

Shortage of Staff in Lobbies and Calls:
Implement Shift Scheduling: Establish a comprehensive shift scheduling system to ensure adequate coverage in lobbies and for incoming calls. Assign designated shifts to EMS team members and rotate schedules to distribute workload evenly.
2. Cross-Training: Train EMS team members to handle multiple roles within the organization, including lobby management and call response. This allows for greater flexibility in staffing assignments and ensures that all areas are adequately covered.
3. Utilize Volunteer Systems: Encourage experienced members to volunteer for additional shifts during peak hours or periods of high demand. Offer incentives or rewards for volunteering time to support the EMS team.

Cooperation with Citizens of the State:

Feedback Mechanisms: Implement feedback mechanisms to gather input from citizens regarding their experiences with the EMS services. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and tailor services to better meet the needs of the community.

Roleplay Workshops: Organize roleplay workshops or training sessions specifically focused on interactions between EMS members and citizens. Provide guidance on effective communication, problem-solving, and conflict resolution techniques to enhance cooperation and mutual understanding.

Moreover, I will always work for the prosperity of the EMS and stregnthen myself to provide better quality of health in coming future.

Yours Faithfully
Alan Federal,
Former Deputy chief


Mehtab Nawab

Deputy Chief of EMS
Feb 27, 2024
1. Your name IRL :
Mehtab Ansari

2. Your age : 20

3. Time zone : GMT+05:30

4. Average online per day : 6 to 8 hrs

5. Your Discord : nawabiking89157

6. Your Nickname : Iking Nawab

7. Your ID : 98376

Additional information

1. Leader of EMS
(Emergency Medical Service)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

Emergency Medical Services is the easy and very profitable org. so most of the beginner joined for first time like me, my journey is began from gangs but after sometime my friend and other advice me to join the best org in state i worked hard and get a high command rank and i see everything what i can improve and my jorney starts from a Trainee to High command specialy MD department i see thats the best part of the org. As High commands in 2 terms i participate in lot of State Inspection and i like the rolepaly of EMS (Emergency Medical Services) and thats why i would like to be leader of this organization

2.2. As I Am Working From Last few Terms In The EMS. I Have A Lot Of My Friends In The EMS. I Have Worked Very Hard With My Friends And Have Experienced A lot Of things In EMS.

2.3. I have gained a Lot Of Experience in EMS By Working In Last few Terms. From The Time I Became High Command All The Situations Have Arrived I Have Tried To Solve Them With A very calm Mind weather it was employees situation or it is State Situation.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

3.1 My First Step To Make The Roleplay Better Is That i will Recruit Persons on The Basis of Particular Departement And Make Sure That They Work According To Their Departement. Because I Have Seen That Ambulance Service is not Responding Properly .

3.2 My Second Step Will Be Towards The Lobbies Specially The Sandy Shores(SH) Lobby. Everyone Wanna Take The Pillbox Hill(PH) Lobby. So I will Make Sure That SH is Also Covered By All The Times Even in The Night Times.

My Third Step Will Be Towards The State Calls And The Interaction Of The EMS With The Other Organisations And Make Sure That Each And Every One Of the State Employee is Well And Healthy. To Accomplish This I will Try To Do The Health Inspections Two Times In A Week.

3.4 The Other Main Problem I faced While Being The HC In The Last Term Was Of Low Med stocks. I will Make Sure That There Are Labs Units Available For Medruns and medicines everytime.

3.5 I will increase the number of employees on calls. Because i heard lots of complain from citizen thats there are no one at when they die I will make sure solve that problem in my term

3.6 As we have seen from last few terms citizen has lots of complain night shift like most of the time in night shift lobbys are empty so when i become the chief i will recruit persons for night shift so lobbys are not gonna be empty in my term

3.7 I will make sure quality full FTO and i personly check all the progress to make a perfect enviroment. Because in previous terms i see there are lots of FTO who don't speak good english so its hard for trainee to understand him.

3.8 In My Term i will make sure each an every employee Compliance with the rules of the city rules or not and i am not accept any provocative and conflict situations between the members of Organization. And each an every employees should be consistance for maintain their beloved rank.

3.9 Promotion: Only the exprienced and hard working employee will get promotion in my term.

Thank you for Giving time and reading my application have nice day dear Administrators

Iking Nawab


Mehtab Nawab

Deputy Chief of EMS
Feb 27, 2024
1. Your name IRL :
Mehtab Ansari

2. Your age : 20

3. Time zone : GMT+05:30

4. Average online per day : 6 to 8 hrs

5. Your Discord : nawabiking89157

6. Your Nickname : Iking Nawab

7. Your ID : 98376

Additional information

1. Leader of EMS
(Emergency Medical Service)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

Emergency Medical Services is the easy and very profitable org. so most of the beginner joined for first time like me, my journey is began from gangs but after sometime my friend and other advice me to join the best org in state i worked hard and get a high command rank and i see everything what i can improve and my jorney starts from a Trainee to High command specialy MD department i see thats the best part of the org. As High commands in 2 terms i participate in lot of State Inspection and i like the rolepaly of EMS (Emergency Medical Services) and thats why i would like to be leader of this organization

2.2. As I Am Working From Last few Terms In The EMS. I Have A Lot Of My Friends In The EMS. I Have Worked Very Hard With My Friends And Have Experienced A lot Of things In EMS.

2.3. I have gained a Lot Of Experience in EMS By Working In Last few Terms. From The Time I Became High Command All The Situations Have Arrived I Have Tried To Solve Them With A very calm Mind weather it was employees situation or it is State Situation.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

3.1 My First Step To Make The Roleplay Better Is That i will Recruit Persons on The Basis of Particular Departement And Make Sure That They Work According To Their Departement. Because I Have Seen That Ambulance Service is not Responding Properly .

3.2 My Second Step Will Be Towards The Lobbies Specially The Sandy Shores(SH) Lobby. Everyone Wanna Take The Pillbox Hill(PH) Lobby. So I will Make Sure That SH is Also Covered By All The Times Even in The Night Times.

3.3 My Third Step Will Be Towards The State Calls And The Interaction Of The EMS With The Other Organisations And Make Sure That Each And Every One Of the State Employee is Well And Healthy. To Accomplish This I will Try To Do The Health Inspections Two Times In A Week.

3.4 The Other Main Problem I faced While Being The HC In The Last Term Was Of Low Med stocks. I will Make Sure That There Are Labs Units Available For Medruns and medicines everytime.

3.5 I will increase the number of employees on calls. Because i heard lots of complain from citizen thats there are no one at when they die I will make sure solve that problem in my term

3.6 As we have seen from last few terms citizen has lots of complain night shift like most of the time in night shift lobbys are empty so when i become the chief i will recruit persons for night shift so lobbys are not gonna be empty in my term

3.7 I will make sure quality full FTO and i personly check all the progress to make a perfect enviroment. Because in previous terms i see there are lots of FTO who don't speak good english so its hard for trainee to understand him.

3.8 In My Term i will make sure each an every employee Compliance with the rules of the city rules or not and i am not accept any provocative and conflict situations between the members of Organization. And each an every employees should be consistance for maintain their beloved rank.

3.9 Promotion: Only the exprienced and hard working employee will get promotion in my term.

Thank you for Giving time and reading my application have nice day dear Administrators

Iking Nawab


Albert Pluxury

Dec 27, 2023
1. Your name IRL:
Ali Albert Keane
2. Your age: 20
3. Time zone: GMT+1
4. Average online per day: 12-14 hours
5. Your Discord: albertkeane
6. Your Nickname: Albert Pluxury
7. Your ID: 123456

Additional information

1. Leader of…
Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1. I was in EMS org for 3 terms till now, I’m currently most active employee in the org, I got Employee of the week each week from the Last 7 times, I cover almost whole nightshift. Now in EMS my current Rank is Deputy chief of HR my priorities was to cover lobbies especially Nightshift

2.2. I gained a lot of experience in EMS in those Last 2 Terms I also became High Command in my first Term due to HardWorking and I’m a friend of everyone in EMS when ever someone have problems he just contact me and try to help and solve

2.3. As High commands in 2 terms i participate in lot of State Inspection and i like the rolepaly of EMS (Emergency Medical Services) and thats why i would like to be leader of this organization

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

in EMS All employees should be as a family and friends that will help to improve the connection between employees and also to patients

3.2. in the Last Term the Main problem was in Labs (Med stocks) then I will increase membres who will be responsible Of Labs (Med stocks) also make sure that HCs of Lab department do their Duty correctly

3.3. from Last 3 terms we had a lot of complains about Calls units, where are the paramedics etc. I will try to increase units on calls also increase the Bonus System for Calls Units

3.4. the most important thing is the connection between employees. I will try to make a good environment. And try to punish any toxicity and in case of problem we will listen to both sides and try to find a solutions for them

Thank you for your time and thank you for Reading my Application . Wish you All a great Day

Albert Pluxury
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Feb 1, 2024
  1. Your name IRL: aymen kaaouech
  2. Your age: 19
  3. Time zone: GMT+1
  4. Average online per day: 12-14 hours
  5. Your Discord: hatchoa
  6. Your Nickname: daruis pluxury
  7. Your ID: 135218

  8. Additional information
    1. Leader of…Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

    2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
      2.1 i was in ems for 2 and half terms for now i was working hard and harder for ems from the first day i got in and i remember mew and albert was the most active units there i got the employee of the week for 5 times and top 1 4 times i always cover all day long especially night shifts i worked hard for being the current Devison cheif of HR and i always assure that night shifts are covered
      2.2 i got a lot of friends from ems i and gave and received a lot of respect and love from them i became the DOMD in my first 3 weeks duo to my hard working and lovelly spirit i always try to be there for others and same as them and if anyone got a problem they just contact me and i will be there in a blink of an eye
      2.3 in these 2 and half terms in ems i gained all the experience that i should have as a leader of EMS (Emergency Medical Services) and thats why i wanna give from my time to surve this org that give me what i was sershing for in this city
    3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
      3.1 for me i will try to make all the employees motivated for work and i will assure the happiness and the competitivity between them
      3.2. i will assure that ph is always covered at night and the med stocks are always no less than 7000 med kits
      3.3 in my term i will try another punishment for high commands after getting 2 strikes in less than 48 hours i will correct them and give like 40 medruns or 150 captchas to do in maximum 5 days and with this i will assure the med stocks and labs stocks
      3.4 supervising regular training programs to improve skills and efficiency within EMS and make sure it is correct.
      3.5 Organize EMS events to engage with the public and promote its awareness.
      3.6 improve the system for members to provide feedback and suggestions for continuous improvement within EMS.

      appreciated for your time and thank you for taking my Application in consideration . Wish you All a great Day

      daruis pluxury
      EMS ON TOP :)
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Feb 1, 2024
sorry for the last reply it was by mistake
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Shloke Cartel

Apr 2, 2024
Your name IRL: Shloke Landge
Your age: 19
Time zone: GMT+5:30
Average online per day: 07-10 hours
Your Discord: shlokcartel
Your Nickname: Shloke Cartel
Your ID: 132095

Additional information
Leader of…Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1 I am in the Ems from last one term and I am very hard working and being nice to our employees , I started working the since i joined the EMS , and got promoted very rapidly as compared to others , I have a record of 21 hours if the lobby in a week and also can do more , I make sure that the night lobbies will be covered by me and by my fellow employees no one will get burden of the work and will be happy to work in EMS . I have worked so hard and got my current position Head OF Training (HOT)

2.2 I Think so I am capable for this leadership because I have been working hard and polite with the employees and in this time period i have gained so much respect and made new friends and I have got this HOT rank in 3 weeks .

2.3 The reason Iam rapidly promoted is inseparable from the dedication and especially time I put into server for Roleplay. I always play for long hours continuously for EMS

2.4 I also got Employee of the week for highest training and exams taken. I believe I Know everything about EMS from top to bottom especially all the rules since I am the one who gives training a lot.

2.5 I Believe I am a good decision maker and also a quick one at that too. I can resolve any
situation in EMS.

2.6 Since I promoted from low level I understand the job and difficulties of every rank I believe I can make those difficulties less.

3.Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

3.1 Most of the times the lobbies are empty at nights , I will make sure that EMS will be available 24/7

3.2 I will make sure that all the employees get the same equality and also no discrimination

3.3 I will make sure that high command is perfectly qualified I will take interview and exam of them personally especially high command

3.4 I will make sure to interact with other organizations for improving Roleplay more whether it is in Emergency situations or gunfights

3.5 To motivate my employees , I will make sure to give bonus quickly in just 2 days many time it will be delayed due to various reasons of unavailability I will make sure that does not happen
Thank you for Reading my Application !!! I truly appreciate your time

Shloke Cartel

Alan Federal

π’πžπ§π’π¨π« π€ππ¦π’π§π’π¬π­π«πšπ­π¨π«
Aug 17, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Punit Prajapati
2. Your age: 19
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 8-10h
5. Your Discord: punitprajapati654
6. Your Nickname: Alan Federal
7. Your ID: 104989

Additional information

1. Leader of Emergency Medical services

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

- I have been in EMS for quite times in other server develops leadership skills and pretty much sure I can lead the origination.

- I have been thinking to apply For EMS Leader because there has been lot of issues and they were not addressed, if I be the leader of EMS, I can ensure each thing is going smoothly specially in Ambulance calls.

- My major interest in EMS is it a friendly organization that never declines to serve people and I would be honored to represent it

- EMS in my opinion is the best organization in the city and I would be honored to represent it.


- I want to take special care in ARD officer where i want to implement some bonus to get more ARD officer on Duty.

- I would implement some special training for ARD officers which help them ARD officers.

- With bonus implementation I will let more ARD officer who can treat people outside the city.

- I will take ARD as the High priority who are doing good to save the people outside the city.


- I will recruit good FTO who can give good training to all the Employes.

- Special structure will be given to all the FTO's so that they can take good training.

- I will take care while i am taking any FTO into my Organization where i can take special Training before recruiting FTO's

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.

- I will hire more people for night shift, as lobbies get pretty much empty during the night hours. Specially no people address the calls during nights

- Improvising the training structure where employee gets to know basic and general rules about EMS charter before signing it

- I would be requesting for special ARD training as there is no proper training structure for ARD and creating some ARD training structure and training

- I ensure that IC issues of employees like harassment and dispensing of employee to be handled properly.

- No favouritism towards employees

- Previously I can see no one was doing state inspections properly, and I would like to do State inspections at least once a week which will help the organization employees to maintain good health conditions.

- My last promise is if be the Leader of EMS I will ensure every role will provide services they are designated to.

tariq monster

Mar 19, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Moza Moaaz
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone: UTC+3:00
4. Average online per day: 7-12
5. Your Discord: Rico. moaazz123
6. Your Nickname: Moa Moaaz
7. Your ID 131281
Additional information
1. Leader of EMS | Moza Moaaz
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

First of all, I want to be the leader of EMS because it requires dedication and hard work, and many people choose to pursue this field because they have a calling to help others. For some, it is about an innate sense of compassion or the need to give back to society. For others, it can be their yearning to go deeper into medical research.

Secondly, I want to ensure that enough people are on to participate in rescuing people for help. A lot of the time people are not on to actually perform a rescue mission and then that person goes missing for a while and it can be very discomforting for a lot of people. Honestly, at the end of the day, I want to contribute to the city in a positive way and make sure everyone has a good time while doing so.

Last But not least, One of the most rewarding aspects of a career in EMS is the ability to connect with our patients on such an intimate level. While we often meet under very difficult circumstances, being present as people who face serious health challenges or injuries, being able to help treat diseases, we get to know our patients very quickly and have the opportunity to play an important role in their lives.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

I want to hire and run the organization to help others succeed and progress further in the server, as well as teach people how to do the medical practices the correct way. I want to ensure that there is high-quality roleplay involved and that the rules are strictly followed to the highest degree. If people decide not to follow the rules for whatever reason, they will be punished severely.

Mehtab Nawab

Deputy Chief of EMS
Feb 27, 2024

1. Your name IRL:
Mehtab Ansari

2. Your age: 20

3. Time zone: GMT+05:30

4. Average online per day: 6 to 8 hrs.

5. Your Discord: nawabiking89157

6. Your Nickname: Iking Nawab

7. Your ID: 98376

Additional information

1. Leader of EMS (Emergency Medical Service)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I have been with EMS for 3 terms , starting as a trainee and moving up to the position of deputy. This experience has given me valuable knowledge and skills in EMS operations, allowing me to make meaningful contributions to its success. I want to become the chief so I will make this organization better in my term.

I've been in EMS for a while, learning a lot and figuring out how to make our organization work better. Becoming the Chief of EMS is my dream, and I want to achieve this and do the high level of roleplay with employees and in state situation. I'll make sure everyone helps each other get better, encouraging growth through friendly competition.

2.3. I will ensure that in my term there is no toxicity and power-abuse towards employees and I will make sure there is good and friendly communication between employees to improve the overall environment of the organization.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.

My first step to hire the employees on the base on time zones so lobbies will be covered all times.

3.2 My second step will be hosting an event for employees so they will enjoy working in organization.

3.3 My third step will be towards the state calls and the interaction with the state organization so everyone learns and do the high level of roleplay.

3.4 From past few terms I heard lots of complain regarding less units on calls so I will hire unit only for call.

I will hire employees base on department so it will be easy for high command to manage their department.

3.6 In previous terms I see there are lots of high commands who don't know how to do the surgery so I will teach them how to do the surgery so they will improve them self.

3.7 Promotion: Only the experienced and hard-working employee will get promotion in my term.

Thank you for Giving time and reading my application have nice day dear Administrators.

Iking Nawab

Deputy Chief


Jane Foster | 111215

Sep 9, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Abhinaba Talukdar
2. Your age: 25
3. Time zone:
4. Average online per day:
4-12 hours
5. Your Discord:
6. Your Nickname:
Jane Foster
7. Your ID:

Additional information
1. Leader of Emergency Medical Services

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

2.1: I
n my past 3 terms I work with best leaders Like in the city of Los Santos from Lab Tech to Ex DCHR. Now as an employee EMS my current rank is EX DOL. In my term in 24hrs tried to full fill the Lobby's, calls and also maintain the Med stocks in Central Hospital and In Lab.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.

A Good Leadership can make an organization better with he/his employees.

Teams or Units for An Organization for example In EMS we need units in Labs and For Medruns that we cannot worries about Lobbies empty

3.3: My other advice for improving Roleplay in Organization is manners, behaviors, good citizen can make as an Leader or As Citizen
in any organization

Thank you for spending your precious time reading my application.

Jane Foster,


Aug 9, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Mohit Singh
2. Your IRL age: 19
3. Time zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 9-11 hours
5. Your Discord: Kakashi.04
6. Your Nickname: Kakashi Singh
7. Your ID: 67110

Additional information
1. Leader of... EMS [ Emergency Medical Services ]

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
- In the initial days of my time in the city I joined SAHP but later I shifted to EMS as I found the job very intriguing and thus I spent a lot of time in the organization and I achieved the rank of a HC, I served at that position for several terms. It is very clear for me that EMS holds a special position for me and I want to serve EMS at the best position possible.

- I feel EMS plays the most crucial part in the city for maintaining the health system of the state. I believe that I have good experience in the organization and thus have the idea of how I can increase the performance of the organization.

- It has always been my dream to become the chief of the EMS and I want to serve EMS at the top most position possible and thus I will like to get this opportunity and become the chief of EMS. I would like to work for the organization and make it the most successful as possible.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
-I will work for making the organization more active by frequently conducting events and also firing the employees which are not participating in the organization works.

-I will work towards hiring employees from all timezones in order to make sure that there is an unit available anytime in the lobbies.

-I will look towards how the members of the organization specially the new comers interact with the citizens and make sure that they perform high level of RP till the possible extents.

-I will work towards reducing the mistakes from the employees side and make sure that we help everyone who comes to us without much trouble to them.

-I will make sure that at least 1 HC is available at all times to deal with any issue needing the assistance from a HC

Jane Foster | 111215

Sep 9, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Abhinaba Talukdar
2. Your age: 25
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 4-12 hours
5. Your Discord: avidazzhunt
6. Your Nickname: Jane Foster
7. Your ID: 111215

Additional information
1. Leader of Emergency Medical Services

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

2.1: I
n my past 4 terms I work with best leaders Like in the city of Los Santos from Lab Tech to Ex DCOL. Now as an employee EMS my current rank is DOL. In my term in 24hrs tried to full fill the Lobby's, calls and also maintain the Med stocks in Central Hospital and In Labs.

2.2: In my terms I fulfill the bonus pending of employes. I will like to get this opportunity and become the chief of EMS.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.

A Good Leadership can make an organization better with he/his employees.

Teams or Units for An Organization for example In EMS we need units in Labs and For Medruns that we cannot worries about Lobbies empty

3.3: My other advice for improving Roleplay in Organization is manners, behaviors, good citizen can make as an Leader or As Citizen
in any organization

Thank you for spending your precious time reading my application.

Jane Foster,
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