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IMPORTANT Applications for Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

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Sachin Pai

Jul 16, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Ganesh S Pai
2. Your age: 27
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 10-14 hours
5. Your Discord: Meruem#7481
6. Your Nickname: Sachin Pai
7. Your ID: 107922

1. Leader of Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

From the beginning of my journey in EMS, I have just loved the way EMS has served the city and functioned without being frozen even for a day.
Continuous and selfless service to city has been no short of just amazing. I have served EMS for two terms under two chiefs and everything from saving lives, working lobbies and calls to working on department calls
has been breathtaking. Making sure everyone who joins EMS has the same experience tops the list.

EMS has always been on top but we, as an organization, will not succeed if we are not continuously looking for growth.
I believe that growth comes through corrections and improvement in wherever we are falling short.
I would like to address these few concerns and make sure EMS stays on top!

The last reason being, I enjoy the camaraderie in EMS as it seems to build strong friendships among people here in the organization.
People join the organization to serve the city and save lives but end up staying for an additional reason, the friendships and general experience.
I believe I can bring a good balance to the organization in terms of systematic operation while also enhancing the experience to create an eager environment in the city
for people to join EMS.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization

a) We have 2 shifts right now, but what I observe is people still work mostly between 14:00 to 20:00 hours.
I would rather split EMS into 3 shifts of Morning, Evening and Night. This way, the lobbies are covered at all times.
The only way to make sure all 3 shifts are also covered and enforced is by getting HC's for each of the 3 shifts to run the day to day operations.

b) There needs to be a proper SOP (standard operating procedure) and defined set of responsibilities for each HC and their actions.
What I observe is that most of the employees become HC and then learn their responsibilities in real time rather than being trained before hand or
be explained the proper SOP for any of the actions that they can undertake with the power that comes along with their ranks.
With great power, comes great responsibility!

c) Hiring more people is definitely a great way to increase availability of units to cover lobbies. But only lobbies being covered is not enough.
I would rather make 1 hour lobby duty mandatory for all non-HC units under MD department and 1 hour calls mandatory for all non-HC units under AS department.
Similarly, 1 hour labs mandatory for all Labtech units to make sure the lab stocks are up. Just having enough stock for the day is not enough.

d) The training manual is outdated and needs to be updated as per the rules, codes followed today. There are few discrepancies which have led to confusions in usage of code
and has led to issues among employees. Updating the manual and making it easily available to all will solve many problems.

e) Giving surprise RP situational training to all employees will definitely improve the role play experience and make all EMS units better in RP.

f) Need for an active DCHR and DCS at all times so that the DCHR can not just check on employees' duties, give activity checks and hire but also make sure the high commands are well coordinated whereas
the DCS can at all times be vigilant and do routine checks on employees every week (mandatorily) for illegal items or corruption.

g) There needs to be proper training given to all HCs on how and when to give strikes. I believe that every mistake must be strictly categorized into intentional and unintentional mistakes.
For intentional ones, strikes can be given instantly. But for unintentional ones, the unit who has made the mistake can be explained why it is a mistake so they may correct it.
Verbal and strikes to be given on subsequent mistakes committed. Hardworking employees of EMS must not be punished and become discouraged with strikes solely because they made 1 unintentional mistake.

h) Need for at least 6-8 full time FTOs as there are always situations where we need units for lobby but those who are available are still in suspended rank.
Similarly, we need units for Labs but available units are still trainee 1. This can be solved if we make sure all hired units are made trainee 2 within 48 hours of being hired.

Thank you for bearing me till here :)

Kind Regards,
Sachin Pai
EMS on Top!

Captain Luffy

Sep 18, 2023
1. Your name IRL:- Rahul singh
2. Your age is 18
3. Time zone:-GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day:5-6
5. Your Discord: rahul1232579
6. Your Nickname:- Luffy singh
7. Your ID:- 41540

Additional information

1. Leader of Emergency Medical Services

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization

1.I am Luffy singh I was in ems working as a deputy chief of HR . I have an experience of about 6 months. I want to be the leader of this organization as I feel that I have perfect experience and knowledge of what I should do to make this organization more interactive and more fun for every employee.

2. I will also work to fix some issues that I feel my colleagues and those who want to join the organization are facing.

3. I also want to change certain systems in organization such as bonus and training method as I feel they need to be update since in the previous term there were issues with new trainee which also damaged the roleplay level and reputation of the organization

4.I feel like the reputation of the organisation I love most has been tarnished, and I wish to see it bestowed to its former glory. EMS is easily the most important organisation in this city. It has given me the insight and the chance to come up with great ideas to see EMS really be on top.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

1. Easily the biggest issue right now in EMS is the staffing shortage, especially throughout the hours of 18:00-7:00. The first thing I would do as leader is find a way to fix this issue as right now we are having to rely on a small group of people to do the job of many, which does not make the job enjoyable. many people apply and want to join EMS but currently it is taking up to 48 hours for applications to be reviewed, i make it down to max of 24 hours.
2. I will try to increase the good and healthy relationship between EMS and other organisations as in the previous term relationship between other organisations became a little problematic.

3. I would like to make the change in the way HC use their power as in the previous term I have noticed that few HC behave very rudely with other organisations, which is damaging the roleplay.

4. I would like to make changes in the training as in the previous term FTO were irresponsive towards the call for training, which lead to problems and only few FTO's were forced to do overwork which is not good for them as well as the trainee since they won't be able to fully concentrate and this new trainee won't be able to do the roleplay properly.- Also on staffing, I want to change the way in which training/trainee exam/FTOs go about. I think that a lot of people strive to be FTO, but then they don't end up training many people, so if we set a minimum requirement per week that an FTO needs to train. Also, I want to bring in a shift system for training/trainee exam, I also think we would benefit from doing a similar thing with the trainee exam as well, an allotted time that they can meet with an FTO staff to do their exam.

I am grateful to you for reading my application. Happy day to you!
luffy singh

Neon Kirigaya

May 24, 2022
Full Name: Yash Khobragade
Age: 23
Time Zone: GMT +5:30
Average Daily Online Time: 6-8 hours+
Discord: NeonxD#2691
Nickname: Sukuna Uzumaki
ID: 45667
1. Leader of Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

2. Reasons for Seeking Leadership:

A. I have dedicated nearly three months to the EMS organization, during which I've achieved the rank of Doctor. This tenure has provided me with an in-depth understanding of EMS operations and the skills needed to lead effectively. My familiarity with EMS processes extends to managing localities surrounding it.

B. My commitment to EMS is evident through my daily involvement of 6-8 hours, encompassing tasks ranging from lobby management to essential backend responsibilities such as interviewing, training, and certification. I've been actively engaged in the training department, contributing to the growth of our members.

C. The reputation of EMS, an organization I hold dear, has faced challenges, and I am eager to lead it back to its former glory. EMS holds a pivotal role in our city, and I believe it deserves the chance to shine. My experience has granted me valuable insights and innovative ideas to propel EMS to the pinnacle of success.

3. Recommendations for Enhancing Roleplay within the Organization:

Addressing the current staffing shortage, particularly during the critical hours from 18:00 to 7:00, is paramount. As a leader, I would prioritize finding solutions to this issue. Overburdening a small group of individuals is detrimental to morale and service quality. I propose streamlining the application review process, aiming to reduce turnaround time from 48 hours to a maximum of 24 hours.

To optimize staffing and training, I propose implementing a minimum weekly training requirement for Field Training Officers (FTOs). This ensures that those who aspire to become FTOs actively engage in training new members. Additionally, introducing a shift system for training and trainee exams can enhance efficiency and availability.

A timezone-based shift system for managing calls and lobbies will be instituted to ensure optimal coverage. Implementing a bonus structure based on shifts worked (e.g., 4 hours per shift) can boost EMS members' activity and dedication. My primary focus is to see EMS flourish, and I am prepared to share further innovative ideas during interviews.

Thank you for considering my application. I am committed to seeing EMS regain its prominence within our city. Your time is greatly appreciated.


Warm regards,

Neon Pierce (Yash Khobragade)

Negi Ilya

Aug 7, 2021
The following players are selected for the EMS Leader Interviews at 15:30 Server Time (23/09/2023)‼️

⭐ninjax_official - Mister Ninjax - 58294 👨‍⚕️
⭐Eren Pluxury#1313-Eren Envy-92050 👨‍⚕️
⭐-Abir Blu- abir_6t9-97893👨‍⚕️

⭐MaTxizx Hell-matxiizx-49600👨‍⚕️

👨‍⚕️Applications for EMS Leader are now CLOSED👩‍⚕️

George Brown

Active Member
Leader of unofficial org
Oct 17, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Ahmed Rahat
2. Your age: 28
3. Time zone: GMT+6
4. Average online per day: 5-8 hours
5. Your Discord: Brown#4878
6. Your nickname: George Brown
7. Your ID: 47184

Additional information

1. Leader of Emergency Medical Services
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

1.It had been more than 3 months since I worked in EMS. I have had wonderful experiences since then. As I basically worked under 3 leaders and also worked for a single term as a leader. Experienced leadership regarding the organization, I worked as a Minister of State at Government, I have gained a complete idea of how to run organizations.

2. I have seen a lot of people who deserve a high rank working all day and night. The problem is that they are not treated as such. I will change the whole promotion system by promoting the most deserving rank to HC.

3. EMS is one of the best organizations in every way. I will be honored to represent EMS.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

1. By providing complete training to every trainee before becoming an EMS employee. In addition, by reworking with current trainees, I will ensure EMS employees do not just stand in the lobby and spam Z without following the proper RP.

2. I'd like to make a few changes and introduce a modified training structure. This will help FTO to train people and people will learn how to do proper RP while standing in lobbies and while doing calls.

3. In my time working in EMS, we've always had a lack of employees not only in Sandy hospital but sometimes in the city hospital as well. Therefore, I will make sure that with every recruitment we get the maximum benefit.

4. More ARD team members will be added to revive patients outside of the city or in areas where the ambulance cannot reach.

5. As I have seen that FTOs are not properly training people, I will take an FTO test before making someone an FTO. Furthermore, I will appoint FTOs who have the most experience in EMS. This will enable us to train newbies properly and they can understand how to use radio codes and maintain a high level of RP.

6. I want to improve communication between employees and the High Command. Many employees are afraid to approach the High Command. Therefore, I want to ensure that every High Command can reach out to employees when needed and help them out.

7. We will do open recruitment by targeting time zones. This will enable us to find people who will work exclusively at night.

8. Having some fun events once a week will be extremely helpful. This is because I strongly believe that there is a need for more fun in EMS.

Thank you for spending your precious time reading my application.

Ex-EMS Chief
George Brown



Naruto Stark

May 18, 2023
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL :- Harsh Nandgaonkar
2. Your age :- 18
3. Time zone :- GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day :- 4-8 hours per day
5. Your Discord :- harsh_2186
6. Your Nickname :- Naruto Stark
7. Your ID :- 102240
Additional information
1. Leader of :- EMS ( Emergency Medical Service )

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1:- I have been working in EMS from 5 terms and now i am confident, that i can lead EMS, as i joined ems i learned alot from leaders, deputys and from my higher ranks and by help of everyone. I am capable to lead ems and aslo my rank is Division cheif right now and i have good leadership qualities.

2.2:- I want to lead EMS becasue i like to make my employees happy and when my employees are happy i am happy. I want to grow EMS on that level where every citizen would like to join ems and for that i'll putt my 100%

2.3:- When i joined EMS i got reason to play grand rp i got my dream that i want to lead EMS and after that i took experience and learn everything about ems, My memories and my journy of EMS is very beautifull and i want to make it more beautifull for me too and for citizens also.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

3.1:- As i saw the shortage of employee from 23:00 to 06:00. I'll open the hiring applications for night shifts 2 times in a week because
The more employees we get for the night shift, the better the lobbies will be covered.

3.2:- I will make change in promotions and make employees work in SH also as some employees onlys loves to do dutys in PH, so by making some littebit changes in promotion requirements and in bonuses. employees will like to do dutys in SH aslo

3.3:- I'll make new system of HC training because i saw many hc's did'nt know thair works so whoever will become the HC they will get basic training of their works

Thank you for reading my application, have a good day respective administrators
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Sachin Pai

Jul 16, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Ganesh S Pai
2. Your age: 27
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 10-14 hours
5. Your Discord: Meruem#7481
6. Your Nickname: Sachin Pai
7. Your ID: 107922

1. Leader of Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I have worked in EMS for 4 terms, 3 as high command - 2 of which as Deputy.
I joined EMS about a week after I came to this city and NEVER left. :)
There is a saying, "To be a teacher, first become a student". I have followed this all my life and my time here at EMS and intent to lead by example. I worked as a student in EMS, learnt and reached the top. Now i believe I am ready to be a teacher and run the organization back to its glory days!

Everyone who has worked with me from the beginning knows I have literally poured blood, sweat and tears for EMS.
From basic functions like covering lobbies, maintaining stocks, having higher units on calls to handling department calls, state inspections, globals, open hiring to internal functions like promotion lists, bonus lists, promotion ceremonies, internal events, and many more, I have handled them all.

I believe I am definitely leadership material in the terms of making my team coordinate well, resolve conflicts within team easily and also tackle all challenges head on. Challenges like miscommunication within team, or legal cases on EMS, situations where EMS units were harassed, etc., all have been handled extremely efficiently. Every situation has been handled professionally leading to no conflicts between units, extreme level of camaraderie, no shortage of stock in PH/SH, high availability of units to cover lobbies from previous terms and a drive for units to work hard and grind for the organization. We have been absolutely motivational! and intend to continue all this so EMS can be better for today and tomorrow.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization
a) Proper roleplay training is needed in lobby, which should be included in training. Despite training FTOs, they fail to convey to trainees about the roleplay necessary when in the lobby. I believe this can only be eliminated by making sure its a teaching point in the training document and that lobby function is not just for healing, selling medkits, pills and insurance. We need more FTOs who can first learn and then teach so that no unit remains in suspended or trainee 1 rank for long while getting quality training.

b) We need to hire employees for not 2 shifts but 3. This way, all EMS functions are covered not just during the day/evening but in the early morning as well as night. I believe proper motivations will be to increase compensation for such shift units (Increase in night shift / early morning shift bonus), provision of HCs for each of these shifts who can manage them and provide good ranks to such units. Making 4 hours of SH duty and 2 hours of calls duty mandatory out of the minimum 8 hours a unit is supposed to give EMS will also boost the performance of EMS. I also plan to continue conducting the weekly events we started conducting in this term for supporting greater activity in the org.

c) There is a need for changes in documentations like:
- Training manual has missed a lot of information (I have a huge list of items) which need to be updated in it. I have made a note of these things through out my time here and want all this updated. It also needs a complete rework where rather than just teaching bare minimum dos and donts and then radio codes and then lobby functions, we should teach day 1 training also like day 2 training where radio codes are taught in the exact way the situation would take place and the logs along with it. Units need to understand the WHY of using radio codes and logs. A training video is needed to make sure a proper standard of training is set.
- HC training manual: This is a highly required document which is currently not present in EMS. HCs are taught on the fly on how to handle a situation when it happens. This way, new HCs will not feel helpless when they encounter a situation and no senior HC is available to guide them. This should include RP situations as well as Department training. I feel a recorded video will go a long way here too.
- Need for SOPs channel: There is a need for an SOP cheat sheet where any HC can refer and use as a checklist. Currently, all procedures are followed by HC by learning from word of mouth from higher HC. For example, when rehiring an ex employee, the steps to be followed should be listed in this SOP channel in simple 5 to 6 points like:
i) Check passport, ID proof, and Blacklist
ii) Interview for city rules as well as EMS knowledge and update exam results log
iii) Do background check and update background check logs (check for tattoos as well)
iv) Invite to org if bgc clear, give roles and update EMS returned OR first timers log (if they have changed their name)
v) Make them sign the charter and update signature signed log as well as charter sign proof
vi) Update Management logs about hiring the ex employee, update EMS roster
if such an SOP is available, it makes running the org smooth and hiccup free. (SOP = Standard Operating Procedure)

d) Need for an extremely active DCHR and DCS so the DCHR can keep a check on the activity on the employees and the DCS to make sure employees do not break the laws by staying vigilant, teaching said laws to employees and also representing employees if needed.
Strict activity checks on a regular basis will provide us an actual image of how many units are truly active in the org so that appropriate decision can be taken quickly. We also need to make sure at least one active HC is available in the organization round the clock.
Higher the activity of HC, greater the activity of employees.

e) Need for coordination and higher department interaction between EMS and other organizations. I see that other organizations generally do not include EMS during any 10-60 situation. I would like to address this issue from day 1 and make sure EMS not only participates but responds quickly to make sure there is no delay in concluding the situation for the LEOs. We also need to execute inspections of other orgs to make sure they are maintaining the health standard set forth in their respective charters.

I intend to revolutionize EMS by making above basic changes and improvements which will not just help my term but all terms to come.
Thank you for bearing with me till here.

Your humble Deputy Chief,
Sachin Pai
EMS on top!!!
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Captain Luffy

Sep 18, 2023
1.Your name IRL: Rahul Singh
2.Your age: 18
3.Time zone: GMT+5:30
4.Average online per day: 7-8 hours
5.Your Discord: rahul1232579
6.Your Nickname: Luffy Singh
7.Your ID: 41540
Additional information

1. Leader of Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
Reasons I want to be the leader of this specific organization:

1. EMS is very close to my heart. I have worked in EMS for a major portion of the time I have spent in the organization and I really loved it. I want to improve this organization and make it even more better and provide even more fun and have great time in the organization. I think becoming a leader provide me with the best position to do so.

2. I feel that EMS is the key for maintaining the server because it's the hub of the city were every other people come to get help from doctors for various purposes such as medical treatment, medicines, health insurance etc. Because of this reason I think it will be in best interest that someone like me who has worked for EMS for a long period of time will be able to make the working of the organization even better and simple so that all of these task can be performed more fluently.

3. In the end I would like to say that in my opinion EMS has the most fun to do and most important job. I want to be the part of it. I would be happy to be the part of it as the chief of EMS and try to make it the best as much as possible.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization
1. I would like to fix the issue of less employees for night shift. I will look into the this issue with my almost importance and work to fix as it causes a lot of trouble for the people in the city and for the HC. It also damages the reputation of the organization.

2.I will also look to see if all the employees working in the organization are respectful to everyone in the city and maintain proper RP with them.

3. I will see that every member of the organization are active and does their job properly. As I have seen it being a key problem because of which HC's have to do the jobs for the employees and it delays the paperwork or it makes it hard for them to finish their job on time.

4. I will keep hiring process on for various shifts like Night shift or day shift so that everyone could get the opportunity to join us and experience it.

5.In the end I will like to request you to give me the opportunity to be the chief of EMS and I promise I won't disappoint and will constantly work towards achieving the goal of making the organization the best in the city.

EMS on top!!!

With regards
Former DCHR
Ex Admin Assistant
Luffy Singh

Afnan Choo

Sep 8, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Afnan
2. Your age: 23
3. Time zone: +5:30
4. Average online per day: 6 Hours On WeekEnds 8 Hours
5. Your Discord: afnan261
6. Your Nickname: Afnan Ilya
7. Your ID: 110471
Additional information
1. Leader of... Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. Cause I found EMS So Fun and Soo Easy They Serve the City 24/7.
2. I just want to Help Them By Being a Good Leader Of That Org.
3. In my eyes they are 1 of the Most Imp Org In The City and if they are inactive the city is gone Like No meds no Pills City Will Die If EMS Is Inactive and I want to make EMS As much active as Possible
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
- Easily the biggest issue right now in EMS is the staffing shortage, especially throughout the hours of 18:00-7:00. The first thing I would do as leader is find a way to fix this issue as right now we are having to rely on a small group of people to do the job of many, which does not make the job enjoyable. many people apply and want to join EMS but currently it is taking up to 48 hours for applications to be reviewed, i make it down to max of 24 hours.

- Also on staffing, I want to change the way in which training/trainee exam/FTOs go about. I think that a lot of people strive to be FTO, but then they don't end up training many people, so if we set a minimum requirement per week that an FTO needs to train. Also, I want to bring in a shift system for training/trainee exam, I also think we would benefit from doing a similar thing with the trainee exam as well, an allotted time that they can meet with an FTO staff to do their exam.

- I will create a timezone shift system to arrange perfect way in lobbies, and calls. I feel that i can manage the calls and lobbies as per the shifting process. The best way to be more active of ems is give bonus per day. as per they work on 4 hours on each shift. I really hope you consider my application as my number one priority in this city is to see EMS succeed. If I get interviewed I have many great other ideas that I hope you will take the time to listen to.

Asta Staria

Jul 25, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Sahil Rana
2. Your age : 20
3. Time zone (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day : 4 to 6 hour
5. Your Discord : astastaria69
6. Your Nickname : Asta Staria
7. Your ID : 28943
Additional information
1. Leader of... Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1. i have been in the city for quite a long time around i have experience of an police officer and an army man and Dr also i have work in all org and i want to become and leader so i can gain more experience

2.2. i want to help my citizen 24/7 to do that i am going to hire lots of Dr so PH and SH will never be empty and my citize will not face any king of hard time and get well treated by our org members

2.3. i want to become the leader of ems because i want to help my nice citizen with my good RP and my skills of talking and showing love to them i tried do help my citizen when i was and police officer but that was too dangerous to deal with it lots of gang members and Mafia so i found that the ems is the safest job for me.

3.Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

i think that we should not only give training our new org members about how to sell medicine and how to treat peoples infect we should also teach them to how to play proper roleplay and how to talk nicely to citizen and how to act like an real doctor because we all one in our life have go to doctor we should learn how doctor treeat us and do the same in the RP

Asta Staria

Jul 25, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Sahil Rana
2. Your age : 20
3. Time zone (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day : 4 to 6 hour
5. Your Discord : astastaria69
6. Your Nickname : Asta Staria
7. Your ID : 28943
Additional information
1. Leader of... Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1. i have been in the city for quite a long time around i have experience of an police officer and an army man and Dr also i have work in all org and i want to become and leader so i can gain more experience

2.2. i want to help my citizen 24/7 to do that i am going to hire lots of Dr so PH and SH will never be empty and my citize will not face any king of hard time and get well treated by our org members

2.3. i want to become the leader of ems because i want to help my nice citizen with my good RP and my skills of talking and showing love to them i tried do help my citizen when i was and police officer but that was too dangerous to deal with it lots of gang members and Mafia so i found that the ems is the safest job for me.

3.Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

i think that we should not only give training our new org members about how to sell medicine and how to treat peoples infect we should also teach them to how to play proper roleplay and how to talk nicely to citizen and how to act like an real doctor because we all one in our life have go to doctor we should learn how doctor treeat us and do the same in the RP


Mar 23, 2023

Your name IRL: Ramesh Prajapati
Your age: 24
Time zone: GMT + 5:30
Average online per day: 7-8 Hours
Your Discord: #amylee0801
Your Nickname: Lily Hellfire
Your ID: 106070

Additional information

1. Leader of..

EMS (Emergency Medical Services)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I am eager to take on the leadership role in this organization for several reasons:

1. In-Depth Experience and Knowledge:

• Having served three terms within EMS, I've had the privilege of working closely with Chief Abuzar Pluxury, Chief Pixel Pluxury, and Chief Matrix Hell in various capacities, including roles as Nurse and Dean of AS. This extensive experience has provided me with a deep understanding of the organization's dynamics, challenges, and opportunities. I believe this insider perspective equips me with invaluable insights on how to enhance and streamline our operations for optimal efficiency.

2. Proven Leadership and Operational Skills:

• Throughout my career in EMS, I've honed a robust skill set that I am confident will translate into effective leadership. My experience has equipped me with the ability to manage teams, coordinate complex operations, and communicate seamlessly with both staff and patients. I am committed to fostering a collaborative and efficient working environment, ensuring that our teams can deliver high-quality healthcare services to the residents of Los Santos.

3. Dedication to Improving Healthcare Services:

• My overarching goal is to contribute significantly to the betterment of Los Santos. I want to play a pivotal role in elevating the standard of healthcare services and ensuring a steady supply of quality medical resources. By serving as an EMS leader, I aim to contribute to the development of a healthier city, reducing illness and infection rates. I am particularly focused on maintaining well-stocked medicine supplies in hospitals, allowing us to provide the best possible care to our patients.

In summary, my passion for EMS, coupled with my experience, leadership skills, and dedication to community well-being, positions me as a strong candidate to lead this organization toward greater success in serving the healthcare needs of Los Santos.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.

To enhance the RolePlay level in EMS and ensure comprehensive medical services for the citizens of our city, I propose the following strategies:

1. 24/7 Online Medical Services:

• My first initiative will be to ensure that there is always at least one Medic available in every lobby, providing 24/7 online medical services. This approach aims to address the common complaint of citizens about the lack of on-ground support during emergencies. By making medical services readily accessible, we can significantly improve response times and ensure that no individual is left without the necessary medical attention.

2. Dedicated Team for North San Andreas:

• Recognizing the need for increased medical support in specific areas, I plan to create a separate team specifically focused on providing medical services to the residents of North San Andreas. This dedicated team will ensure that individuals in this region receive seamless and timely medical assistance, addressing the unique healthcare needs of that part of the city.

3. Support for Law Enforcement Organizations (LEOs):

• To strengthen collaboration with our Law Enforcement Organizations (LEOs), who are the real heroes of the city, I propose providing seamless support. This includes regular health camps, inspections, and power shots during special operations. By prioritizing the health and well-being of our LEOs, we contribute to the overall safety and security of the city.

4. Citywide Disease Prevention and Healthcare:

• As part of a long-term vision, I aspire to make our city free from diseases. Acknowledging the impact of changing weather on health, I will focus on providing proper care and attention to citizens visiting the hospital. This includes proactive measures such as health camps, awareness programs, and efficient disease diagnosis and treatment. By prioritizing preventive healthcare, we aim to create a healthier and disease-free environment for the residents of our city.

These strategies are designed not only to address immediate concerns but also to create a sustainable and comprehensive healthcare system that actively contributes to the well-being of our citizens and the success of our EMS roleplay.


Evelyn Pluxury

Respect Rules or Get Punished !
Jun 26, 2022

👨‍⚕️Applications for EMS Leader are now CLOSED👩‍⚕️
The following players are selected for the EMS Leader Interviews at 13:30 Server Time (20/11/2023) ‼️

⭐ Naruto Stark - 102240 - harsh_2186 👩‍⚕️
⭐ Sachin Pai - 107922 - Meruem#7481 👩‍⚕️
⭐ Asta Staria - 28943 - astastaria69 👩‍⚕️

👨‍⚕️Applications for EMS Leader are now CLOSED👩‍⚕️

Naruto Stark

May 18, 2023
1. Your name IRL :- Harsh Nandgaonkar
2. Your age :- 18
3. Time zone :- GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day :- 4-8 hours per day
5. Your Discord :- harsh_2186
6. Your Nickname :- Naruto Stark
7. Your ID :- 102240

Additional information
1. Leader of...
Emergency Medical Service ( EMS )

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1 I have been working in EMS from 6 terms and I learned many things From My leader’s, Deputies And hc’s and They noticed my dedication and loyalty for ems That’s why I became HC within 5 weeks. And Now I have completed my 6th term as a deputy chief And now i want fullfill my dream of Becoming leader of EMS.

2.2 When i started playing Grand rp i always wanted to join ems, but i was only 2 years old i cannot be able to join. But i Grind and then joined EMS and i enjoyed alot in this Org The Leader’s, Hc’s were very polite and communicative. I don't feel like go in any other organization. Because i love EMS i really like to serve my lovely citizen. And When I Become Intern after completing all my trainings. From, that day I got more dedication towards EMS and i got my dream of becoming leader of EMS

2.3 I want to lead ems because i like to serve my city, To make my employee’s happy And EMS is always on top but i want to take ems on more TOP, My memories and my journy of EMS is very beautifull and i want to make it more beautifull. I’ll give my 100% to grow EMS on that level where every citizen would like to Join in ems.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

3.1 HC training system. Because i saw many Hc’s who did’nt know how to fill log and handle state call's after becoming hc aslo, So whoever going to became a HC. he’ll go through basic training of their work’s, It'll help HC’s to Do better RP

3.2 Shortage of employee’s for covering lobbies At IC time ( 18:00 to 04:00 ), So i’ve maded some requirements to cover lobbies between ( 18:00 to 04:00 ) If someone does not complete their requirement. Then they got 20% less amount from their total weakly bonus.
On that fear and great amout of bonus for night shifts. Employee's will Happily cover the lobbies at Night time too.

3.3 Shortage of Meds stocks, We did’nt face this situation Ever. Beacuse I am going to make that compulsory to do atleast 500 Medrun's At PH In a day. And Also I give bonus for doing medruns. So every employee will happily do 500 Medruns in a day.

Thank you for reading my application,
have a Lovely day respective administrators

Your Humble deputy chief
Naruto Stark
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Yaga Marlega

Jun 24, 2023
1. Your name IRL: - Ayush
2. Your age: - 19
3. Time zone: -GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: - 8-10
5. Your Discord: - .yagamarlega
6. Your Nickname: - Yaga Marlega
7. Your ID: - 103090
Additional information
1. Leader of Emergency Medical services
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

1. I have been in EMS for almost 6 terms in I developed leadership skills, and I am pretty much sure I can lead the origination.
2.I started my journey in EMS as trainee and been as a Division Chief . where I have completed my 6 terms in EN03 and 1 term in EN02 .
3. I have been thinking to apply For EMS Leader because there has been lot of issues and they were not addressed properly, if I be the leader of EMS, I can ensure each thing is going smoothly specially about Ambulance calls and toxicity among employees and HC.
4.My major interest in EMS is it a friendly organization that never declines to serve people.
5.EMS in my opinion is the best organization in the city and I would be honored to represent it.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.
1.Recruitment dates and Interview dates and timings will be announced first before the recruitment drive starts which avoids people asking for recruitment in lobbies.
2.I will hire more people for night shift, as lobbies get pretty much empty during the night hours. Specially no employee at SH.
3.Improvising the training structure where employee gets to know basic and general rules about EMS charter before signing it
4.I would be requesting for special ARD training as there is no proper training structure for ARD and creating some ARD training structure and training and FTO's will provide training trough videos which reduces the training period and stress among the FTO's
5.I ensure that IC issues of employees like harassment and disrespecting of employee to be handled properly.
6.No favoritism towards employees
7.I would like to do State inspections at least once a week which will help the organization employees to maintain good health conditions.
8.As a employees specially me went through a lot of harassment in Lobbies, I will be requesting HC and myself reporting the situation and making sure that the employee is fine. I will implement a code for employees to put in radio if this is happening which will notify HC and where HC will connect to LSPD/ FIB to give him a punishment through IC and calling and reporting to a God for further support.
8.My last promise is if be the Leader of EMS I will ensure every role will provide services they are designated to.

I have been ARO and HC of ARD department in 3 terms so I can improve it some things are :-
1.I want to take special care in ARD officer where i want to implement some bonus to get more ARD officer on Duty.
2.I would implement some special training for ARD officers which help them ARD officers.
3.With bonus implementation i will let more ARD officer who can revive people outside the city.
4. I will take ARD as the High command who are doing good to save the people outside the city.

1.I will recruit good FTO who can give good training to all the Employees.
2.Special structure will be given to all the FTO's so that they can take good training.
3.I will take care while i am taking any FTO into my Organization where i can take special Training before recruiting FTO's

1.I will ensure that their will no toxic HC.
2.I will ensure that all the HC are certified with FTO and ARD.
3.The HC will be from most experience and well driven from rules.

I will introduce EMS Medical Chater where all the employees must sign the Chater while training and before they start being an EMS employee. I will like to increase few rules to increase the roleplay and simplify the Chater, so all the employees can understand the

Yaga Marlega

EMS on TOP!!
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Scorpion Gangster

Mar 29, 2023
1. Your name IRL: - Ayush
2. Your age: - 19
3. Time zone: -GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: - 8-10
5. Your Discord: - .yagamarlega
6. Your Nickname: - Yaga Marlega
7. Your ID: - 103090
Additional information
1. Leader of Emergency Medical services
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

1. I have been in EMS for almost 6 terms in I developed leadership skills, and I am pretty much sure I can lead the origination.
2.I started my journey in EMS as trainee and been as a Division Chief . where I have completed my 6 terms in EN03 and 1 term in EN02 .
3. I have been thinking to apply For EMS Leader because there has been lot of issues and they were not addressed properly, if I be the leader of EMS, I can ensure each thing is going smoothly specially about Ambulance calls and toxicity among employees and HC.
4.My major interest in EMS is it a friendly organization that never declines to serve people.
5.EMS in my opinion is the best organization in the city and I would be honored to represent it.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.
1.Recruitment dates and Interview dates and timings will be announced first before the recruitment drive starts which avoids people asking for recruitment in lobbies.
2.I will hire more people for night shift, as lobbies get pretty much empty during the night hours. Specially no employee at SH.
3.Improvising the training structure where employee gets to know basic and general rules about EMS charter before signing it
4.I would be requesting for special ARD training as there is no proper training structure for ARD and creating some ARD training structure and training and FTO's will provide training trough videos which reduces the training period and stress among the FTO's
5.I ensure that IC issues of employees like harassment and disrespecting of employee to be handled properly.
6.No favoritism towards employees
7.I would like to do State inspections at least once a week which will help the organization employees to maintain good health conditions.
8.As a employees specially me went through a lot of harassment in Lobbies, I will be requesting HC and myself reporting the situation and making sure that the employee is fine. I will implement a code for employees to put in radio if this is happening which will notify HC and where HC will connect to LSPD/ FIB to give him a punishment through IC and calling and reporting to a God for further support.
8.My last promise is if be the Leader of EMS I will ensure every role will provide services they are designated to.

I have been ARO and HC of ARD department in 3 terms so I can improve it some things are :-
1.I want to take special care in ARD officer where i want to implement some bonus to get more ARD officer on Duty.
2.I would implement some special training for ARD officers which help them ARD officers.
3.With bonus implementation i will let more ARD officer who can revive people outside the city.
4. I will take ARD as the High command who are doing good to save the people outside the city.

1.I will recruit good FTO who can give good training to all the Employees.
2.Special structure will be given to all the FTO's so that they can take good training.
3.I will take care while i am taking any FTO into my Organization where i can take special Training before recruiting FTO's

1.I will ensure that their will no toxic HC.
2.I will ensure that all the HC are certified with FTO and ARD.
3.The HC will be from most experience and well driven from rules.

I will introduce EMS Medical Chater where all the employees must sign the Chater while training and before they start being an EMS employee. I will like to increase few rules to increase the roleplay and simplify the Chater, so all the employees can understand the

Yaga Marlega

EMS on TOP!!
Nice Bro


Mar 23, 2023

Your name IRL: Ramesh Prajapati
Your age: 24
Time zone: GMT + 5:30
Average online per day: 7-8 Hours
Your Discord: #rolex5477
Your Nickname: Lawerence hellfire
Your ID: 94586

Additional information

1. Leader of..
.EMS (Emergency Medical Services)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1 Life-Saving Impact: Leading this Emergency Medical Service organization allows me to directly contribute to saving lives. The sense of purpose and fulfillment in ensuring rapid and effective emergency response aligns with my core values, driving my commitment to making a tangible and immediate positive impact on individuals in critical situations.

2.2 Operational Optimization: My experience in organizational management equips me to enhance operational efficiency within the Emergency Medical Service. Through strategic planning and resource optimization, I aim to streamline processes, reduce response times, and maximize the organization's overall effectiveness in delivering crucial medical assistance.

2.3 Team Empowerment: I am dedicated to empowering the EMS team. By fostering a culture of continuous training, support, and clear communication, I strive to create a cohesive and resilient team. Empowered and well-prepared personnel are crucial for maintaining composure during emergencies, ensuring smooth operations, and ultimately saving more lives.

3. Your advices for improving Role-play level in organization.

3.1 Realistic Scenarios: Simulate diverse, realistic emergency scenarios during training to enhance decision-making under pressure.

3.2 Interdisciplinary Training: Foster collaboration with other emergency response teams to simulate integrated responses, improving coordination and communication skills.

3.3 Cross-Training Exercises: Integrate collaborative exercises with other emergency teams, facilitating seamless coordination and communication in complex situations.

Your sincerely

Ex Deputy chief
Lawerence hellfire
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