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IMPORTANT Applications for Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

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Dikshant Thugs

"Nobody is a villain in their own story"
May 27, 2024
Your name IRL: Dikshant Negi
Your age: 17
Time zone: GMT+5:30
Average online per day: 8-9 Hours
Your Discord: dikshant_playss
Your Nickname: Dikshant Thugs
Your ID: 154021

Position Applying For : Leader of Emergency Medical Services

2.Why do you wish to become the leader of this particular organization?

2.1. I have a great experience in EMS and I was in last 4 terms of EMS. I have been a dedicated employee in my whole journey of EMS from trainee To head of training and I will show the same amount of Dedication. When I'll become the Chief Of EMS.

2.2. I believe that from being a good employee to a good Leader . this bond will take the term on top, I believe having a great relation with the employees will make EMS future bright.

2.3. I will make sure that no one should get pressurised for work while being in my Term , Will make sure that no one creates tension between the employees and the leader.

3. Your recommendation about enhancing Role-play level in the organization:

3.1: I will make sure that whenever a citizen calls an ambulance , So the medical team should be there on time and gives the treatment , I will make focus on the AS Department for it.

3.2: I will make FTO,DOT,HOT,DCOT to whom who will be capable for it, To give the best training to the employees so that the employee should not do any mistakes in Roleplay situation, Also to get the best knowledge for the EMS.

3.3: I believe that i will also hire employees for the night shift , And i will make a separate team for night lobbies, So that lobbies will be covered and citizens do not face any problem during the night.

3.4: For The Promotion - Only those will get the promotion who will deserve it or who will be actually doing hard work for the organisation.

3.5: No power abuse or favoritism will be done in my Term.

3.6: I will ensure that all the logs should be filled correctly so that high level of Roleplay is maintained.

Thank you for reading my application.

Dikshant Thugs

Ex - Head Of Training


Mehtab Nawab

Deputy Chief of EMS
Feb 27, 2024

1. Your name IRL:
Mehtab Ansari

2. Your age: 20

3. Time zone: GMT+05:30

4. Average online per day: 6 to 8 hrs.

5. Your Discord: vikingnawab

6. Your Nickname: Viking Nawab

7. Your ID: 98376

Additional information

1. Leader of EMS (Emergency Medical Service)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I have been with EMS for 8 terms, starting as a trainee and moving up to the position of deputy. This experience has given me valuable knowledge and skills in EMS operations, allowing me to make meaningful contributions to its success. I want to become the chief so I will make this organization better in my term.

2.2. I've been in EMS for a while, learning a lot and figuring out how to make our organization work better. Becoming the Chief of EMS is my dream, and I want to achieve this and do the high level of roleplay with employees and in state situation. I'll make sure everyone helps each other get better, encouraging growth through friendly competition.

2.3. I will ensure that in my term there is no toxicity and power-abuse towards employees, and I will make sure there is good and friendly communication between employees to improve the overall environment of the organization.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.

My first step to hire the employees on the base on time zones so lobbies will be covered all times.

3.2 My second step will be hosting an event for employees so they will enjoy working in organization.

3.3 My third step will be towards the state calls and the interaction with the state organization so everyone learns and do the high level of roleplay.

3.4 From past few terms I heard lots of complain regarding less units on calls so I will hire unit only for call.

3.5 I will hire employees base on department so it will be easy for high command to manage their department.

3.6 In previous terms I see there are lots of high commands who don't know how to do the surgery so I will teach them how to do the surgery so they will improve them self.

3.7 Promotion: Only the experienced and hard-working employee will get promotion in my term.

Thank you for Giving time and reading my application have nice day dear Administrators.

Viking Nawab

Deputy Chief


ani walker

Apr 19, 2024
Your name IRL: Dikshant Negi
Your age: 17
Time zone: GMT+5:30
Average online per day: 8-9 Hours
Your Discord: dikshant_playss
Your Nickname: Dikshant Thugs
Your ID: 154021

Position Applying For : Leader of Emergency Medical Services

2.Why do you wish to become the leader of this particular organization?

2.1. I have a great experience in EMS and I was in last 4 terms of EMS. I have been a dedicated employee in my whole journey of EMS from trainee To head of training and I will show the same amount of Dedication. When I'll become the Chief Of EMS.

2.2. I believe that from being a good employee to a good Leader . this bond will take the term on top, I believe having a great relation with the employees will make EMS future bright.

2.3. I will make sure that no one should get pressurised for work while being in my Term , Will make sure that no one creates tension between the employees and the leader.

3. Your recommendation about enhancing Role-play level in the organization:

3.1: I will make sure that whenever a citizen calls an ambulance , So the medical team should be there on time and gives the treatment , I will make focus on the AS Department for it.

3.2: I will make FTO,DOT,HOT,DCOT to whom who will be capable for it, To give the best training to the employees so that the employee should not do any mistakes in Roleplay situation, Also to get the best knowledge for the EMS.

3.3: I believe that i will also hire employees for the night shift , And i will make a separate team for night lobbies, So that lobbies will be covered and citizens do not face any problem during the night.

3.4: For The Promotion - Only those will get the promotion who will deserve it or who will be actually doing hard work for the organisation.

3.5: No power abuse or favoritism will be done in my Term.

3.6: I will ensure that all the logs should be filled correctly so that high level of Roleplay is maintained.

Thank you for reading my application.

Dikshant Thugs

Ex - Head Of Training

My guy is cooked

Ahmed Raza

Jun 24, 2024
Your name IRL: Dikshant Negi
Your age: 17
Time zone: GMT+5:30
Average online per day: 8-9 Hours
Your Discord: dikshant_playss
Your Nickname: Dikshant Thugs
Your ID: 154021

Position Applying For : Leader of Emergency Medical Services

2.Why do you wish to become the leader of this particular organization?

2.1. I have a great experience in EMS and I was in last 4 terms of EMS. I have been a dedicated employee in my whole journey of EMS from trainee To head of training and I will show the same amount of Dedication. When I'll become the Chief Of EMS.

2.2. I believe that from being a good employee to a good Leader . this bond will take the term on top, I believe having a great relation with the employees will make EMS future bright.

2.3. I will make sure that no one should get pressurised for work while being in my Term , Will make sure that no one creates tension between the employees and the leader.

3. Your recommendation about enhancing Role-play level in the organization:

3.1: I will make sure that whenever a citizen calls an ambulance , So the medical team should be there on time and gives the treatment , I will make focus on the AS Department for it.

3.2: I will make FTO,DOT,HOT,DCOT to whom who will be capable for it, To give the best training to the employees so that the employee should not do any mistakes in Roleplay situation, Also to get the best knowledge for the EMS.

3.3: I believe that i will also hire employees for the night shift , And i will make a separate team for night lobbies, So that lobbies will be covered and citizens do not face any problem during the night.

3.4: For The Promotion - Only those will get the promotion who will deserve it or who will be actually doing hard work for the organisation.

3.5: No power abuse or favoritism will be done in my Term.

3.6: I will ensure that all the logs should be filled correctly so that high level of Roleplay is maintained.

Thank you for reading my application.

Dikshant Thugs

Ex - Head Of Training

He really deserve this post

Alexa Blooms

Jul 11, 2024
Your name IRL: Md Kamran Ashraf
Your age: 18
Time zone: GMT+5:30
Average online per day: 9-10 hours
Your Discord: insane0000000
Your Nickname: Alexa Blooms
Your ID: 144555

Additional information
1 Leader of Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

2 Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

(List three reasons with explanation)

2.1 I am in the EMS from last 5 terms which clearly states my love and passion for this respectable organization. I have worked with some remarkable former leaders like Viking Shloke and Prince Guptaa at various HC ranks for instance DOMD, HOMD, DCMD, and currently I am working as DCHR of EMS. I feel that I am ready to advance for leadership.
2.2 As a leader I will set a foremost professional code of conduct which is substantial for streamlined operations of EMS. We need to be more disciplined in words and in our actions.
2.3 I will make sure to provide swift redressal of all day-to -day issues by assembling a team of diligent High Commands.
2.4 By being in the previous term, I have clear idea of where do I need to put additional units and which department needs special attention.
2.5 I will also focus on the state calls and the interaction with the state organizations so everyone gets to do the high level of roleplay.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization?

I will personally host Weekly Employee Orientation to improve self-confidence in all the member of staff.
3.2 I will come up with exciting reward system and to make EMS the most engaging, regular events will be hosted for employees.
3.3 No favouritism will be tolerated. Promotions will be issued as per the work and dedication of the employees.
3.4 To improve Calls Service, I will hire extra set of units dedicated for this purpose only.
3.5 We need to hire more staff in EMS, as currently night Shift lobbies need more attention and while doing that my focus will be on their time zone so that both the lobbies remain covered.

Thank you for reviewing my application.
Best Regards,
Alexa Blooms
EMS | EN 2
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Swaraj Dangat

May 5, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Swaraj Dangat

2. Your age: 22

3. Time zone: GMT+5:30

4. Average online per day: 8-10 hours

5. Your Discord: swaraj0440

6. Your Nickname: Swaraj Bhaii

7. Your ID: 46359

Additional information
Leader of Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

In my past 6 terms i work with best leaders Like Viking Shloke, Albert Keane, Hagimaru. In the city of Los Santos from Lab Tech to DCOL . In My RP Life of EMS I am Working IN EMS from long time and i know EMS Better and i would love to make EMS more active and Efficient .

2.2 : For the state calls I will make sure that everyone knows how to handle state calls and how to interact with other state organizations.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.

A Good Leadership can make an organization better with he/his employees.

3.2: My second step will be hosting an event for employees so they will enjoy working in organization.

3.3: My Third Step will be to ensure There will always be Good Med Stocks In Labs and PH by ensuring Every Employee To do 15-20 captchas and 10 Medruns Daily.

3.4 : For the state calls I will make sure that everyone knows how to handle state calls and how to interact with other state organizations.

3.5 : I will lay more focus on Calls by recruiting an extra set of crew dedicated for this purpose only.

3.6 : I noticed that most of the time EMS night shift lobby empty And I will focus more on night shift.

3.7 : Feedback Mechanisms: Implement feedback mechanisms to gather input from citizens regarding their experiences with the EMS services. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and tailor services to better meet the needs of the community.

Thank you for spending your precious time For Review my application and have a nice day i hope You Consider My Application.

Swaraj Bhaii,


Eren Federal

Jul 13, 2023
Your name IRL: Shafaq Siddiqui

Your age: 19

Time zone: GMT+5:30

Average online per day: 5 to 6 hours

Your Discord: erenfederal

Your Nickname: Eren Federal

Your ID: 107878

Additional information

Leader of…Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

1. I had been in EMS for 7 terms and worked under many leaders and also got opportunity to work as a deputy chief for 3 terms. I have given my utmost for the EMS and understood every function of this organization. So, I think I am a perfect candidate for this post.
2. I think this is the most important org in the city in many aspects. It has to work 24*7 to serve the patients. So, I would like to be the leader of this org to maintain the smoothness of the EMS so that the patients can get the best from the org.
3. On a personal level, I have always felt a strong connection to EMS because this was the first org that I joined when I came to the city. This makes me even more motivated to lead and contribute to its success and betterment.

Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization?

1. I will make sure that the lobbies are covered by recruiting people from different time zones.
2. I will make sure that everyone in EMS follow a high level of RP and maintain professionalism.
3. I will try to fix the low stock problem in Labs by organizing various events.
4. I Will make sure to recruit more and more FTO's to make sure our trainees get trainings as soon as they join the org.
5. I will make sure that the weekly bonuses are calculated and distributed correctly.

Thank you for reviewing my application dear administrators.

Eren Federal
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Anu Singh

Sep 6, 2024
Your name IRL: Anu Singh
Your age: 30
Time zone: GMT+5:30
Average online per day: 08-10 hours
Your Discord: anusingh7393
Your Nickname: Anu Singh
Your ID: 148774

Additional information

1 Leader of Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

2 Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

(List three reasons with explanation)

2.1 I am in the EMS from last 3 terms and i have the required knowledge of almost everything. Rules can be taught and learned but what I have that makes me different from others is, discipline and passion to work for EMS.

2.2 I believe in the power of team work and to efficiently manage the operations of EMS, we need an inspired and focused group of individuals. I have been working on this from the last term itself and as a result of it, we have employees like Niloy, Jack, Adam who does 35+ hours of weekly lobby duty, we have Royal Kelvin and Legend Kingz who does 400+ captchas in a week.

2.3 While doing paper work at DCHR rank, I could read the minds of our staff. I know exactly who to put where and how. Employees should enjoy their work, this is more important then only they will give their 100%. I am already in good terms with my colleagues in EMS and this will help me to implement all the policies quickly.

2.4. I have a strong desire to address the concerns and need of our member of staff, promote collaboration and create solutions that benefit all members. My goal is to foster a sense of unity, ensure that their skills are used effectively, and work towards the common goal of our organization.

2.5 I will also focus on the state calls and the interaction with the state organizations so everyone gets to do the high level of roleplay.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization?

With the increasing crime rate in the city, demands for doctors on Calls Service is increasing. My aim will be to strengthen the Calls Service, expand its reach and implement programs that align with its vision.

3.2 Night Shift lobbies need special attention and for that we will hire employees based on various time zones, so that EMS runs 24/7.

3.3 My centre of attention will be on giving my staff an atmosphere where everyone can have fun and for that I will be hosting regular events.

3.4 I will take strict actions if anyone is found executing favouritism. Promotions will be issued as per the work done by employees.

3.5 To me discipline is the most important thing. I will train my staff to be disciplined and humble. No bad behaviour or power abuse will be tolerated.

Thank you for reviewing my application to all the respected administrators.

Best Regards,
Anu Singh
Deputy Chief
EMS | EN 2
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Jan 28, 2023
Name: Adam Bebar

Age (IRL): 20

Time Zone: GMT+3

Average Online Time per Day: 2-8 Hours

Discord: .adamdark

Nickname: Adam Chaser

ID: 30246

Additional Information​

1. Leader of EMS (Emergency Medical Services)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of EMS?

Reason 1: Extensive Leadership and High-Command Experience

I have served in EMS for over 7 terms, including 4 terms as High Command (EN1). My experience includes holding multiple key leadership roles such as Chief of Staff (twice), Chief of Operations (twice), Dean Head, and Deputy Chief multiple times. This background provides me with the knowledge and leadership skills to manage EMS effectively and enhance its operations.

Reason 2: Strong Understanding of EMS Rules and Events
With a deep understanding of EMS rules and a track record of participating in numerous EMS events, I can ensure that the organization follows all protocols and standards. My familiarity with these rules helps me maintain structure and order, leading to more efficient emergency responses and smoother operations.

Reason 3: Commitment to Lobby and Member Activity
One of my primary goals has always been to ensure that EMS lobbies are never empty. I take pride in making sure there is always a high level of activity, which guarantees faster response times and better patient care. As a leader, I will continue to encourage this level of participation, keeping EMS fully operational at all times.

3. My Advice for Improving RolePlay Level in EMS:

- Advanced RolePlay Training:

With my leadership background, I would implement advanced RP training for EMS members, ensuring they are equipped to handle various emergency scenarios with professionalism and creativity. This will help boost overall roleplay standards in the organization.

- Promote Team Engagement:
I’ve always focused on fostering an environment where high command actively engages with all members. Encouraging constant communication and feedback between the leadership and the team will help elevate roleplay quality, making the experience more dynamic and cohesive.

- Continuous High-Command Support:
I have provided high-command service throughout my entire time in EMS, ensuring that leadership is always accessible to members. This commitment to being present and supportive creates a structured and motivated team environment, which is essential for high-quality roleplay.

Arvind Western

Jan 26, 2024
Hello Everyone
The Application for EMS leadership still open
Copying or using AI to generate your application is strictly prohibited any instances of these will result in immediate rejection of application without administrators (curators) checking them.

Also, It is mandatory to make EMS application according to the format.

The Curator has the right to reject your application if
-The application does not follow the format
-The application is copy-pasted
-The applicant has a low level / experience

he applicant doesn't fit the specifications the administration is looking for
-The applicant has a long and recurring punishment history with multiple bans.
-The application is low effort.

Please adhere to the proper guidelines for making application for EMS

Thank you

Badmassh Adinath

Jun 22, 2024
1. Your name irl : Adinath
2. Your IRL age : 22 years
3. Time zone : GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day : 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord : adinath1969
6. Your Nickname : Badmashh Adinath
7. Your ID : 153650

1. Leader of EMS​

As a leader of EMS in Grand RP, I aim to enhance emergency medical services, ensuring efficiency and professionalism while fostering a supportive environment for all team members.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?​

a. Commitment to Community Health: I am passionate about improving community health outcomes. Leading EMS allows me to implement initiatives that enhance emergency response times and patient care, ultimately saving lives.

b. Team Development: I believe in empowering team members through training and mentorship. As a leader, I can create a culture of continuous learning and professional growth, ensuring our staff are well-prepared to handle emergencies.

c. Innovation in Emergency Care: I want to drive innovation within the organization, integrating new technologies and best practices that enhance our operational efficiency and patient outcomes. This forward-thinking approach will help us adapt to the evolving healthcare landscape.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization.​

a. Regular Training Scenarios: Implement frequent role-playing exercises that simulate various emergency situations. This will improve team cohesion, decision-making skills, and ensure that all members are familiar with protocols.

b. Feedback and Reflection: After each role-play session, facilitate a debrief to discuss what went well and areas for improvement. Encouraging open dialogue fosters a culture of continuous improvement.

c. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Encourage role-playing scenarios that involve collaboration with other emergency services. This not only enhances teamwork but also prepares staff for real-life multi-agency responses, improving overall effectiveness.



Aug 24, 2024
1. Your name IRL
2. Your IRL age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
IRL name : Muhammd Umair
IRL age : 21
Time zone : GMT+5
Average online per day : 5 hours
Discord : anonymous42947
Nickname : anonymous42947
ID : 167172

Jane Foster | 111215

Sep 9, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Abhinaba Talukdar

2. Your age: 25

3. Time zone: GMT+5:30

4. Average online per day: 6-12hours

5. Your Discord: avidazzhunt

6. Your Nickname: Jane Foster

7. Your ID: 111215

Additional information
Leader of Emergency Medical Services

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

In my past 6 terms i work with best leaders Like Viking Shloke. In the city of Los Santos from Lab Tech to Ex DCHR. Now as an employee EMS my current rank is DCHR. In my term in 24hrs tried to full fill the Lobby's, calls and also maintain the Med stocks in Central Hospital and In Lab.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.

A Good Leadership can make an organization better with he/his employees.

3.2: Teams or Units for An Organization for example In EMS we need units in Lobbies and for Calls that we cannot worries about empty.

3.3: My other advice for improving Roleplay in Organization is manners, behaviors, good citizen can make as a Leader or As Citizen
in any organization.

Thank you for spending your precious time reading my application.

Jane Foster,

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Aug 2, 2024

1. Your name IRL: kazi maaz
2. Your age IRL: 18
3. Time Zone: GMT +5.30
4. Average online per day: 8 to 10 hrs
5. Your Discord: maazkazi.
6. Your Nickname: maaz kazii

7. Your ID: 166347

1. Leader of Leader of Emergency Medical Service [EMS]

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

Answer:-To be honest the city has the best organization that is Emergency Medical Service [EMS], and being the part of it I have gained many experience about Emergency Medical Service [EMS]… Now I will let you know why I want the leadership of the best organization in the city.

Point Number 1:- I have joined Emergency Medical Service [EMS] around 3 months ago and then I gained the experience to become the Chief of Human resource, In that process I have seen that the simple employee has to work to hard to get the position, so my ability was that I made it way easy to become a high command by adding some Email information and some personal management skills.

Point Number 2:- From chief of Human Resource to Deputy Chief I had a large experience about time management, how to solve the incoming internal affairs problems as well as to check the member that are eligible for the post, By this skill I can make Emergency Medical Service [EMS] a better place to work, and with huge amount of bonuses.

Point Number 3:- I have a skill to solve a problem with many way, For Example, If the employee is not checking into the duty daily I will put events with adding my personal money even making each day interesting for the employees.

3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization.

Answer:- My advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization is as follows:-
As a Deputy I have noticed many thing about the Emergency Medical Service [EMS]

1:- In my term I will start doing RP situation with other organization such as health check up of the leader 1 time a week and many more.

2:- Talking about the RP I will also increase the professionalism and pure serious RP in surgeries with provided Bodycam.

3:- I will also increase the number of member in the organization by hosting state waves as well as mouth marketing skills.

4:- About the Bonus system, I have also seen that we have seen there are messed up. I will sort it as well as Increase the bonus a lot, means a lot.

5:- Changes about the Rank, I have made the Ranks which are as bellow
6:- i have more ideas I would like to share and discuss in the interview. Thank you so much for taking the time

EMS Departments

Hospital Services (HS) - HS Department will focus on engaging with people and make sure to cover all the hospital 24/7.
Ground Service (GS) - Ground Service will be specialized for Ground Service Calls.
Labtech (LT) - Labtech Department will be focused on making medicines in the Medical Laboratory.
Air Rescue Department (ARO) - ARO will be specialized for Air Rescue Calls. They would be providing aid for long distance.
Training Department (FTO) - They will be focused on giving trainings to the employees and improving the roleplay.
Psychiatrist Department (PSY) - They would be specialized in providing help mentally for the patient.

30-Chief of EMS
29-Deputy Chief
28-Chief of PR
27- Chief of HR
26-Division Chief
25-Head of Division (HS, GS, AS, Labtech, Training)
24-Dean of Division (HS, GS, AS, Labtech, Training)
23- Human resource

↑↑↑ HC Rankings ↑↑↑

22- FTO
21-ARO (AS) taking calls outside the city, Above 3000 Meters.
20- Lead Surgeon (HS)
19-Lead Paramedic (GS)
18- Lead Pharmacist (Labtech)
17-Surgeon (HS)
16-Paramedic (GS)
15- Senior Pharmacist (Labtech)
14-Asst. Surgeon (HS)
13- EMT (GS)
12-Pharmacist (Labtech)
11-Doctor (HS)
10-Junior EMT (GS)
9-Asst. Pharmacist (Labtech)
8-Nurse (HS)
7-First Responder (GS)
6-Junior Pharmacist (Labtech)
5-Intern (HS)
4-Lab Technician (Labtech)
3-Trainee 2
1- Fresher


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Badmassh Adinath

Jun 22, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Adinath
2. Your age IRL: 22
3. Time Zone: GMT +5.30
4. Average online per day: 6-7 hours
5. Your Discord: adinath1969
6. Your Nickname: Badmashh Adinath
7. Your ID: 153650

1. Leader of Leader of Emergency Medical Service [EMS]

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

a. Improving Patient Care:

I want to ensure that our EMS provides top-tier patient care. Leadership allows me to implement best practices and protocols that enhance our response to emergencies, ultimately saving lives.

b. Building a Cohesive Team:
Strong leadership is essential for fostering teamwork. I aim to create an environment where all members feel valued and supported, leading to better communication and collaboration during critical situations.

c. Professional Development Opportunities:
I am committed to investing in the growth of our team. As a leader, I can facilitate training and development opportunities, ensuring that our staff is well-equipped to handle the challenges they face.

3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization.

• Encourage Creativity
: Foster an environment where members feel free to Thier Work with an motivation and feel valued in Ems for their work. This can enhance engagement and depth in roleplay.

Feedback Mechanisms: Implement a system for providing constructive feedback on roleplay experiences. Encourage open discussions to share what works and what can be improved.

Night shift: In night shift it is bring common issue of being lobby empty which is a big issue in ems to fix this I will hire more employees for only night shift to avoid the empty lobbies problem and to run ems by 24/7 smooth

HC And FTO: Fto are responsible for giving Training to new employes so they are important part of ems so for Fto and hc should get more bonus to Encourage their motive towards EMS and to do their work in peaceful way.

Make a Good and peaceful Environment: I will must try to make a peaceful Environment in which a all employes feels they are valued and giving Thier best in ems I will also give my best towards them to lead it successful and completed my term successfully.

In this way I finish my application.
Thank you for reviewing..

Dikshant Thugs

"Nobody is a villain in their own story"
May 27, 2024
Your name IRL: Dikshant Negi
Your age: 17
Time zone: GMT+5:30
Average online per day: 8-9 Hours
Your Discord: dikshant_playss
Your Nickname: Dikshant Thugs
Your ID: 154021

Position Applying For :
Leader of Emergency Medical Services

2.Why do you wish to become the leader of this particular organization?

2.1. I believe I am qualified to lead this organization to prosperity. I have been in charge of managing the daily activities of a team of more than 100 workers in my capacity as an EX-Head Of training of EMS.

With my wealth of knowledge and demonstrated leadership abilities, I am sure I can contribute to the Organisation to my fullest and will make sure the citizen will not face any kind of problem in the lobbies as well as on calls.

. I have spent the last four terms working with the Emergency Medical Services Team. My encounter has gone rather well. I developed my leadership abilities as I gained experience, Also Got to know so many things in those terms this things makes me to be a good leader for EMS.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization?

3.1. The better the training structure, the more engaging the RP will be. The only things covered in the EMS training structure were radio codes, rota, and logs. Therefore, I would love to introduce a new trainee structure that helps employees learn about rules and regulations in addition to radio codes, as well as by examining the EMS charter guidelines.

I would really like to see improvements made and problems with lobbying reduced. Basically, lobby personal deal with a lot of harassment, I will try to reduce it as much as possible.

. We have had a lot of calls since the problems with the ambulance service during the previous term, therefore I will be taking care of this and giving the ambulance service priority So That The citizens will not face any problem whenever they will be calling for an ambulance.

. I will hire as many employees as i can so that the lobbies will not be empty and the citizen would get the medical attention on time, Especially i will focus on the night lobbies because as i saw that the lobbies for the night remains empty most of the time so i will hire employees for the night shift also.

3.5. Will Make sure that the fto's And all the High commands for the training Will be Doing There best so that the employee should not be remained suspended and could get the best knowledge for EMS Also do the best In a Roleplay Situation.

3.6. Will Make A cap For Working in the Lobbies so that everyone will get the chance for working in the lobbies and grab the experience.

Thank you for reading my application Dear Admin.

Dikshant Thugs

EX - Head Of Training



Sep 18, 2024
1. Your name IRL: kazi maaz
2. Your age IRL: 18
3. Time Zone: GMT +5.30
4. Average online per day: 8 to 10 hrs
5. Your Discord: maazkazi.
6. Your Nickname: Kaziiii maaz
7. Your ID: N/A

1. Leader of Leader of Emergency Medical Service [EMS]

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
Answer:-To be honest the city has the best organization that is Emergency Medical Service [EMS], and being the part of it I have gained many experience about Emergency Medical Service [EMS]… Now I will let you know why I want the leadership of the best organization in the city.

Point Number 1:- I have joined Emergency Medical Service [EMS] around 3 months ago and then I gained the experience to become the Chief of Human resource, In that process I have seen that the simple employee has to work to hard to get the position, so my ability was that I made it way easy to become a high command by adding some Email information and some personal management skills.

Point Number 2:- From chief of Human Resource to Deputy Chief I had a large experience about time management, how to solve the incoming internal affairs problems as well as to check the member that are eligible for the post, By this skill I can make Emergency Medical Service [EMS] a better place to work, and with huge amount of bonuses.

Point Number 3:- I have a skill to solve a problem with many way, For Example, If the employee is not checking into the duty daily I will put events with adding my personal money even making each day interesting for the employees.

3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization.
Answer:- My advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization is as follows:-
As a Deputy I have noticed many thing about the Emergency Medical Service [EMS]

1:- In my term I will start doing RP situation with other organization such as health check up of the leader 1 time a week and many more.

2:- Talking about the RP I will also increase the professionalism and pure serious RP in surgeries with provided Bodycam.

3:- I will also increase the number of member in the organization by hosting state waves as well as mouth marketing skills.

4:- About the Bonus system, I have also seen that we have seen there are messed up. I will sort it as well as Increase the bonus a lot, means a lot.

5:- Changes about the Rank, I have made the Ranks which are as bellow
6:- i have more ideas I would like to share and discuss in the interview. Thank you so much for taking the time

EMS Departments

Hospital Services (HS) - HS Department will focus on engaging with people and make sure to cover all the hospital 24/7.
Ground Service (GS) - Ground Service will be specialized for Ground Service Calls.
Labtech (LT) - Labtech Department will be focused on making medicines in the Medical Laboratory.
Air Rescue Department (ARO) - ARO will be specialized for Air Rescue Calls. They would be providing aid for long distance.
Training Department (FTO) - They will be focused on giving trainings to the employees and improving the roleplay.
Psychiatrist Department (PSY) - They would be specialized in providing help mentally for the patient.

30-Chief of EMS
29-Deputy Chief
28-Chief of PR
27- Chief of HR
26-Division Chief
25-Head of Division (HS, GS, AS, Labtech, Training)
24-Dean of Division (HS, GS, AS, Labtech, Training)
23- Human resource

↑↑↑ HC Rankings ↑↑↑

22- FTO
21-ARO (AS) taking calls outside the city, Above 3000 Meters.
20- Lead Surgeon (HS)
19-Lead Paramedic (GS)
18- Lead Pharmacist (Labtech)
17-Surgeon (HS)
16-Paramedic (GS)
15- Senior Pharmacist (Labtech)
14-Asst. Surgeon (HS)
13- EMT (GS)
12-Pharmacist (Labtech)
11-Doctor (HS)
10-Junior EMT (GS)
9-Asst. Pharmacist (Labtech)
8-Nurse (HS)
7-First Responder (GS)
6-Junior Pharmacist (Labtech)
5-Intern (HS)
4-Lab Technician (Labtech)
3-Trainee 2
1- Fresher


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