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IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

Anil Rhee

Oct 29, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Anil Pasa
2. Your age : 22
3. Time zone : GMT+03:00
4. Average online per day : 8-9 Hour
5. Your Discord : ManL1ke # 1832
6. Your Nickname : Anil Pasa
7. Your ID : 71052

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
Because I love this server very much, I love the management staff and so on, they are all very good people, I want to be authorized and help

2. What are your strengths?
i can show people the same love i don't look down on anyone i'm a very strict person about rules i never like to break the rules i managed 5 times server on Fivem we managed all of them positively as a result of the struggle my management team and management team disintegrated so i closed my server and came to grand rp it's been 3 months 3 I've been a grand rp player for months I know a lot I want to be an admin and help people I know 2 languages
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
I think I have no weakness
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
Of course
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)

Punar Badmash

Ex-Marabunta Leader
Oct 26, 2022
Q1. Your name IRL
A-Irl Name: Punar
Q2. Your age
A- Irl Age: 16
Q3. Time zone
A- Time Zone: UTC+5:30
Q4. Average online per day
A-Average online per day : 4 to 6 Hours
Q5. Your Discord
A-Discord: Punar0p#2132
Q6. Your Nickname
A-Nickname: Punar Badmash
Q7. Your ID
A-ID: 46029


Q1. Why do you want to become an admin?
A- I want to become an admin because I already alot of years on RP server since i played RP on SA-MP (San andreas Multiplayer) and because i know the most of the rules and the city And i want to Take the RP community to the next level. In addition i want to help for those guys who might have some problem with anything on the city.

Q2. What are your strengths?
A- My strengths are that i know 3 different languages (English,Little bit of Hindi,french) i have alot of patient and time to learn and help others. in addition im always ready to learn more to improve my skills as much i will need.

Q3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
A- My weakness is the i can be sometimes stubborn for example (if some will ask me to reduce his punishment i will not do that if there is some evidence about what he did against the rules of serve)

Q4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
A- Yes, I spend alot of time on RP servers so im pretty sure im ready to handle this .

Q5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
A- Yes, To be honest i dont any buisness on the city.

Q6. Any IRL issue or Situation that is Preventing you From being Active at the moment?
A- No, There is no IRL issue the need to be a problem to me for do my work as admin thank IRL work.

Punar Badmash

aviraj yadav

Turf Unit
Oct 28, 2022
1. Your name IRL : aviraj yadav
2. Your age : 17
3. Time zone : GMT +5:30
5. Average online per day: 8-10 Hours weekdays - more weekends 6. Your Discord : Aviraj yadav#6283 7. Your Nickname : aviraj yadav 8. Your ID : 44537


Aug 15, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
2. What are your strengths?
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)

2 17
3 ist 5+30 GMT
4 5-6hours
5 Namah#1706
6 Namah black
7 55462

1. Why do you want to become an admin
I am in the city for 3months and in three month I have learned all rules and i joined both legal org and illegal org g and been hc also in fib and i will help those people who really need help and if they don't know some rules so i will help them and i will improve city so no one can break any rules and being an admin I can improve every person who are breaking rules

2. What are your strengths?
My strentgh is I don't lie and ia m calm and if any situation going on I will first listen both teams and then decide the answer which is right and i am a good listener and i know fliunt english and i don't do cheating

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
I don't listen lie and if I have taken any work so i will do that thing

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
Yes I am ready to leave city and improve players that don't know rules

5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
Actually I didn't buy any buisness till yet

Anil Rhee

Oct 29, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Anil Pasa
2. Your age : 22
3. Time zone : GMT+03:00
4. Average online per day : 8-9 Hour
5. Your Discord : ManL1ke # 1832
6. Your Nickname : Anil Pasa
7. Your ID : 71052

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
Because I love this server very much, I love the management staff and so on, they are all very good people, I want to be authorized and help

2. What are your strengths?
i can show people the same love i don't look down on anyone i'm a very strict person about rules i never like to break the rules i managed 5 times server on Fivem we managed all of them positively as a result of the struggle my management team and management team disintegrated so i closed my server and came to grand rp it's been 3 months 3 I've been a grand rp player for months I know a lot I want to be an admin and help people I know 2 languages
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
I think I have no weakness
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
Of course
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)

Ato Cee

Sep 23, 2022
1. Your name IRL Ato Hergun
2. Your age 17
3. Time zone UTC/GMT +3
4. Average online per day 5-6 hours
5. Your Discord Aheroro#1709
6. Your Nickname Ato Hergun
7. Your ID 66795

1. Why do you want to become an admin?
Additional Information
I want to become an admin because I feel like I have a lot that I can do for this city as an admin . I really like to guide people and help them out with everything I can and I feel like i'll be able to help even more people out as an admin. I've been in this server for quite a while and I have learnt a lot of things from it personally and I wanna make sure that every new person that joins the server falls in love with it like I have.

2. What are your strengths?
My strengths are -
a) I am calm even under pressure and like to hear both sides of the story before giving my opinion or concluding it b) I am not indecisive
c) Time Management

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
I can sometimes get excited for something and lose focus and loud at times.

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?

5. Will you be ready to sell your business?

Alpha Katz

Jul 18, 2022
1. Your name IRL - Alpha
2. Your age - 18
3. Time zone - GMT+1
4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (Make sure to use AM , PM to make it clear) -
5PM to 9 PM . On Weekends 14:00 PM to 1:00 Am
5. Average online per day - 5 Hours on normal day . 6 Hours on Weekends.
6. Your Discord - Alpha Kat#0001
7. Your Nickname - Libris Nephilim
8. Your ID - 8514
9. I want to be curator of Crime section or State section - Curator of State

1. Why do you want to become an admin?
I have been doing RP in this whole project for quite a long time as for example others cities, I was in legal orgs as High Command for example in Gangs and LEOs willing to move on to an OOC player, as a experience person like this I am willing to quit RP and assist players that need help.

2. What are your strengths?
I speak fluent English.
I enjoy socializing, and love meeting new people.
I’m very cautious I chose those who I trust.
I’m generally a nice person and calm.

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
Can't work in pressure
And takes me a while to learn everything
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
Yes , I will be ready.

5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
I don’t own a business so that wouldn't be a problem.​

Iso Marine

Aug 10, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Gabriel
2. Your Age: 18
3. Timezone: SGT (GMT+8)
4. Average online per day: 8-10 hours.
5. Your Discord: G~~#0101
6. Your Nickname: Iso Marine
7. Your ID: 50591

1. Why do you want to become an admin?
Ans: I've been playing for a couple of months now, enjoying every aspect of the server from the roleplaying to the money grind. I've been in HC in both legal organisations and gangs which allowed me to understand both sides of the state. I'd like to use that knowledge that I have to better help the evergrowing Grand community and make it cohesive, friendly and enjoyable for not just new players, but also for veteran players as well. Hence, my decision to apply for adminship.

2. What are your strengths?
I am
1. Steadfast and clear-minded.
2. Persevering and resilient.
3. Open-minded and good communication skills.
4. Quick learner and patient.

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
Ans: I tend to stumble upon my words however that shouldn't affect my judgment of the situation.

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
Ans: Yes, I am.

5. Will you be ready to sell your business?
Ans: Indeed.

Thank you for taking the time to read my application.

Legnd Ali

Dec 25, 2022

1. Your name IRL= Muhammad Ali

2. Your age= 22

3. Time zone= GMT+5

4. Average online per day= 6hours

5. Your Discord=PARADOX#5112

6. Your Nickname= Paradox Vercetti

7. Your ID= 87000


Additional information

1. Why do you want to become an admin?

I am having a lot of fun while playing rp in grand rp so i want to take a step ahead and get to know more things and help server becoming better.

2. What are your strengths?

I am playing alot and i am having interest in new things and help people in rp life.

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?

That i am indulged in rp very much like i play 8 hrs atleast

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?


5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)


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Anil Rhee

Oct 29, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Anil Pasa
2. Your age : 22
3. Time zone : GMT+03:00
4. Average online per day : 8-9 Hour
5. Your Discord : ManL1ke # 1832
6. Your Nickname : Anil Pasa
7. Your ID : 71052

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
Because I love this server very much, I love the management staff and so on, they are all very good people, I want to be authorized and help

2. What are your strengths?
i can show people the same love i don't look down on anyone i'm a very strict person about rules i never like to break the rules i managed 5 times server on Fivem we managed all of them positively as a result of the struggle my management team and management team disintegrated so i closed my server and came to grand rp it's been 3 months 3 I've been a grand rp player for months I know a lot I want to be an admin and help people I know 2 languages
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
I think I have no weakness
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
Of course
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)

Micheal Tucker

Dec 1, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
2. What are your strengths?
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
1. Your name IRL - Jack Clinkom
2. Your age - 21
3. Time zone - IST
4. Average online per day - 6 to 8 hrs
5. Your Discord - Jack Clinkom#4165
6. Your Nickname - Jacky Clinkom
7. Your ID - 81819

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
i. I want to become Admin to maintain the RP experience and make sure no one violate rules
ii. I want to issue punishments to the citizens who are violating rules
2. What are your strengths?
i. I am a good observer and have a great RP experience
ii. I know about all RP rules and fluent in English
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
i. I cannot tolerate if anyone is not doing RP in proper manner
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
i Yes for sure , To maintain the RP and let everyone enjoy
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
i Yes, as I don't have one

Morgan Pirazev

Dec 2, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
2. What are your strengths?
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
1. Yahya Becha
2. 22
3. UTC +3
4. 12 hours
5. Yahya Bc#1049
6. Morgan Pirazov
7. 87542
Additional Information
1. Because i see a lot of mistakes from players/ admins
2. Smartness (Power of arguments).
3. Touchy.
4. No Problem.
5. Don't Have.

aviraj yadav

Turf Unit
Oct 28, 2022
1. Your name IRL : aviraj yadav
2. Your age : 17
3. Time zone : GMT +5:30 5
.4. Average online per day: 6-7 Hours weekdays more weekends
5. Your Discord : Aviraj yadav#6283 7.
6. Your Nickname :aviraj yadav
7. Your ID : 44537

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
I wanna help and improve the gameplay, make a better community for all of us, and becoming an admin is the key to it. I love to help and I will do as much as I can definitely. Before I play GrandRP, I used to play normal RP servers but was never satisfied enough. When I start playing GrandRP I realize that this is the one I want to be with all the time. Since then I am with GrandRP never gets old. Always new things to do, always something to do.
2. What are your strengths?
a. My communication skills and I can speak 2 languages ( Hindi and English (intermediate) )
b. I am an honest person and my judgment skills are top-level.
c. I am always calm in stressful situations.
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
Sadly i don't have any experience so far as an Admin, but you never stop learning in your life.
5. Will you be ready to sell your business?
Yes ( I don't have any )
6. Any IRL issue or Situation that is Preventing you From being Active at the moment?

Ex Major of Lspd
Ex Under Deputy Of ballas


Aug 15, 2022
Your name IRL Namah arora

2. Your age 17

3. Time zoneIST 5+30 gmt

4. Average online perday 5-6hours

5. Your Discord Namah#1706

6. Your Nickname Namah black

7. Your ID 55462

Additional information

1. Why do you want to become an admin?

2. What are your strengths?

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?

5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)

1. Why do you want to become an admin

I am in the city for 3months and in three month I have learned all rules and i joined both legal org and illegal org g and been hc also in fib and i will help those people who really need help and if they don't know some rules so i will help them and i will improve city so no one can break any rules and being an admin I can improve every person who are breaking rules

2. What are your strengths?

My strentgh is I don't lie and ia m calm and if any situation going on I will first listen both teams and then decide the answer which is right and i am a good listener and i know fliunt english and i don't do cheating

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?

I don't listen lie and if I have taken any work so i will do that thing and idk when I speak my voice automatically changes to kid voice and it's not fixing so then everyone is thinking that I am kid

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?

Yes I am ready to leave city and improve players that don't know rules

5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)

Actually I didn't buy any buisness till yet
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jesus snow

Leader of unofficial org
Mar 14, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
2. What are your strengths?
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
1. The name is jesus snow
2. Age 22
3. Time Zone in Casablanca, Morocco GMT +1 hour
4. 8 hours - 15 hours
5. jesus snow#6787
6. jesus snow
7. ID 129

1. Why do you want to be an administrator?
> I want to be a manager because I want to help improve the city and help people who are new to the city enjoy their time in it. I also enjoy helping new players learn the rules in town, so I don't mind doing that. I made my way through things in town.

2. What are your strengths?
> My core strength includes the RP experience that I have gained since I mentioned that I play RP and I have been playing RP servers more than four and this server has read a year and gives me an advantage. Decision making, communication skills, and I'm also thorough with all the rules. I am very active on controversy.

3. What are your biggest weaknesses?
> I tend to be very strict at times. Although I look at everything deeply.

4. Would you be ready to leave RP life to become a moderator?
> I am willing to leave RP life to help and support server management to provide good RP for players.

5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (Limited having business while you're in charge)
> I don't have a job.
Ballas Marabunta Bloods Vagos Families
Legal Orgs Crime Orgs

Micheal Tucker

Dec 1, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
2. What are your strengths?
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
1. Your name IRL: Nezar
2. Your age: 21
3. Time zone: GMT
4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play: 3PM-1:30AM
5. Average online per day: 4-8 HOURS (maybe more)
6. Your Discord: Jack Clinkom#4165
7. Your Nickname: Jack Clinkom
8. Your ID: 81819

Additional information

1. Why do you want to become an admin?

I've been playing Grand RP for over a year now. As a result, I had enough of time to explore the city and gain the skills necessary to operate as a LEO and a Gangster in the roleplay. I've always considered applying for an administrative position, but I thought now is not the time because there are many other things to explore. After a year, I believe I now have a better understanding of this game and how crucial it is for citizens to have access to all employment. Throughout my RP career, I have witnessed numerous citizens performed RP failures, including new players getting shot down without a proper RP. I desired to become an administrator so that I could aid others and penalize those who violate the server's regulations.

2. What are your strengths?

-I Act or take decision accordingly, rather than leaping into conclusion.
-I have excellent self-control and am very patient.
-Pays attention to each person's issue and viewpoint.
-Attentive to job and a quick learner.

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?

-I hate when people lie in front of me.
-Sometimes I am too forgiving and believe everyone, but once I was tricked.
-Before making decisions, I often overthink.

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
Yes, I am ready to leave RP and become ADMIN.

5. Will you be ready to sell your business?
No, I don’t own any Business.

6. Any IRL issue or Situation that is Preventing you from being Active at the moment?

Jack Clinkom
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Ato Cee

Sep 23, 2022
1. Your name IRL Ato Hergun
2. Your age 17
3. Time zone UTC/GMT +3
4. Average online per day 5-6 hours
5. Your Discord Aheroro#1709
6. Your Nickname Ato Hergun
7. Your ID 66795

1. Why do you want to become an admin?
Additional Information
I want to become an admin because I feel like I have a lot that I can do for this city as an admin . I really like to guide people and help them out with everything I can and I feel like i'll be able to help even more people out as an admin. I've been in this server for quite a while and I have learnt a lot of things from it personally and I wanna make sure that every new person that joins the server falls in love with it like I have.

2. What are your strengths?
My strengths are -
a) I am calm even under pressure and like to hear both sides of the story before giving my opinion or concluding it b) I am not indecisive
c) Time Management

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
I can sometimes get excited for something and lose focus and loud at times.

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?

5. Will you be ready to sell your business?

Anil Rhee

Oct 29, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Anil Pasa
2. Your age : 22
3. Time zone : GMT+03:00
4. Average online per day : 8-9 Hour
5. Your Discord : ManL1ke # 1832
6. Your Nickname : Anil Pasa
7. Your ID : 71052

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
Because I love this server very much, I love the management staff and so on, they are all very good people, I want to be authorized and help

2. What are your strengths?
i can show people the same love i don't look down on anyone i'm a very strict person about rules i never like to break the rules i managed 5 times server on Fivem we managed all of them positively as a result of the struggle my management team and management team disintegrated so i closed my server and came to grand rp it's been 3 months 3 I've been a grand rp player for months I know a lot I want to be an admin and help people I know 2 languages
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
I think I have no weakness
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
Of course
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)

Punar Badmash

Ex-Marabunta Leader
Oct 26, 2022
Q1. Your name IRL
A-Irl Name: Punar
Q2. Your age
A- Irl Age: 16
Q3. Time zone
A- Time Zone: UTC+5:30
Q4. Average online per day
A-Average online per day : 4 to 6 Hours
Q5. Your Discord
A-Discord: Punar0p#2132
Q6. Your Nickname
A-Nickname: Punar Badmash
Q7. Your ID
A-ID: 46029


Q1. Why do you want to become an admin?
A- I want to become an admin because I already alot of years on RP server since i played RP on SA-MP (San andreas Multiplayer) and because i know the most of the rules and the city And i want to Take the RP community to the next level. In addition i want to help for those guys who might have some problem with anything on the city.

Q2. What are your strengths?
A- My strengths are that i know 3 different languages (English,Little bit of Hindi,french) i have alot of patient and time to learn and help others. in addition im always ready to learn more to improve my skills as much i will need.

Q3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
A- My weakness is the i can be sometimes stubborn for example (if some will ask me to reduce his punishment i will not do that if there is some evidence about what he did against the rules of serve)

Q4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
A- Yes, I spend alot of time on RP servers so im pretty sure im ready to handle this .

Q5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
A- Yes, To be honest i dont any buisness on the city.

Q6. Any IRL issue or Situation that is Preventing you From being Active at the moment?
A- No, There is no IRL issue the need to be a problem to me for do my work as admin thank IRL work.

Punar Badmash
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