1. Your name IRL Irakly_Tutashxia
2. Your age 15
3. Time zone
Eastern Daylight Time
4. Average online per day At least 10 Hours if there is no school which will not be all summer

(while school about 8HRS)
5. Your Discord Montero#6366
6. Your Nickname Montero
7. Your ID 33811
Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
First of all, to help people.
Second, I would like to make other people's gameplay more fun and enjoyable.
3rd, I have been Administrator in servers from my country (Georgia) and I would like to make my limits even more and be Administrator in another region and get more experience,
2. What are your strengths?
If someone asks me something for example help, I will not take that thing out of my mind until I will have it done with it.
Also, most people as I have seen on this server are from other countries besides us for example some people live in Russia, Turkey, Uzbek and a lot more so at night there are not a lot of admins online as I have seen, and I will be helpful about that 99%
I speak English(obviously.) Very Little Russian and Georgian.
I have Really good experience in Russian Grand-Roleplay 2 which has basically same game mode I think except grand coins
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
Maybe Same as Strength If someone asks me to do something for him, I can't say no if it is possible... (Of course, if I become admin, I will not go over my limits

I can't really say my weakness and strengths like this I will show all that while being Administrator because it's not easy to think about one that is connected to game.
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
I don't think I can really explain my opportunity like this in CV I promise I will do better in service
