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IMPORTANT Applications for Leaders

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Eduardinho Focacciaso

Sep 16, 2021
1. Your name IRL Edvard
2. Your age 16
3. Time zone CET
4. Average online per day 5-8 hours
5. Your Discord Eduardo1#8435
6. Your Nickname Edouar Lacroix
7. Your ID 10269
Additional information
1. Leader of... Marabunta
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation) There is many reasons for Why id want to be the Marabunta leader, and now I’m gonna list the most important of them.

RP Quality
Firstly, it’s the RP quality I could bring out to members and citizens, in being the position of leader. I’m a willing RPer and I prefer having a great RP situation rather than losing or dying, something that I know others strive to learn but doesn’t succeed in. I’m going to do anything to make sure my members are enjoying RP I’ll bring to them, as well as winning turfs and street fights. In saying this I’m gonna have a great balance on street fights and event victory focus, as well as including a lot of interactive and enjoyable RP. I’m gonna make sure at all costs that I and my members have low to no reports made about them, and not having the need of specially assigned “forum warriors” in my gang that makes sure no one gets punished. If I see another gang member does something that weakens RP and is reportable I’d rather get knowledge on why they’ve done it, and if they do not care about weakening other people in they’re surroundings RP I would definitely report them as that is something, that is very selfish to do and weakens rp of all around them. I would also firstly try to void things IC instead of reporting them before doing anything else. I think these RP policies will make all members of my potential leadership glad of the RP they get to participate in.

Creative RP
I’m most definitely gonna involve new and fun RP in the gang that isn’t seen before. I would be a major hosted in global events that me and curators have agreed about that makes members and participants from all sides amazed in the RP qualities of my leadership.
One thing that may not be possible, but I think would strengthen RP for all would be a global event for all around the city, where the gangs had made an alliance for a state coup, that would last a day or some hours where I have a great plan for how all sides can enjoy the RP as well as not ACTUALLY, take over the government. Alongside this I also have other ideas that would go through curators and also through the theme of Creative RP.

Might and members
Immediately when given leadership of Marabunta I would make sure the first members would be my Deputies, which I would have interviews for to make sure I have the best ones available that can lead the organization alongside me, and make sure the gang stays on top, in terms of winnings of capture as well as Roleplay creating and enhancing. I would make sure that I have the most qualified higher commands and shooters to make sure Marabunta stays on top in terms of turf capture. If I ever see someone doing something they’re not supposed to do, I wouldn’t kick them immediately but firstly try to give them a verbal warning and knowledge them about what went
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Upon joining
I would have a rule test upon joining to make sure my members are in good standard of knowledge of rules, and inform them on how we rule and what they can do to get promoted etc. In the Marabunta discord I would most definitely intergrate a members log where I could keep in touch of what the members have been doing for Marabunta and whether so they need a promotion. Further more they would get promoted if they have been seen loyal and good for the gang. I would also try to give the non high commands chances to prove them selves, like leading the gang for an event or suggesting a plan on how we could win the given event that was coming up. I think this a great subject on how the members could show they’re loyalty and effort as well as they’re strategies and would definitely give them a good opportunity in terms of showing leadership capabilities.
Oh and lastly… Marabunta on top!!!

Touqeer Makrani

Nov 11, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Touqeer Makrani
Indian standard time (IST GMT +5:30)
7-8 hrs

Leader of EMS
1. As I am working in ems since 1 month and gained knowledge about it, I want become leader because current leader did have value for contribution of employees.so I think that I am suffered from particular stage so I have dept knowledge how it's feel when individuals work hard and work is not appreciated by higher up

2.In my duration I have seen problem with night shifts, I have better idea to execute for smooth running of ems.i don't to share idea current due to fear of begin copied

3. Last but not least, There is very much problem in training of new members they did not know basics stuff and goes on call with blank mind. And there training also did not have time FTO are taking training when they like .

As per my perspective to improve rp to at its very level citizens should come to specific room for medkits and for healing.healing at place of accident should be eradicated . should implement healing on basis of damage

Touqeer Makrani

For better understanding of my idea come to discord I can explain better.

MR hood spongebob

Aug 12, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Leeroy Singh
Indian Standard time zone
3-5 hours depends
USSS | Jay Thrust | 2058#9200
Jay Manjiro

Leader of The Marabunta Grande

I wanna become the leader of the marabunta grande because i wanna have experience how to run thing s when you are a leader while im leader i will give my 100% to make the gang on top with my knowledge let people know how to do things as a gangsters and increase criminal activities by my knowledge also Marabunta gang is the gang inspired from IRL gang CRIPS thats why it would be my honor to lead it

Daily clandestine will be important or else strike under my leadership store robberies once a week and as we expand we will increase robberies and turfs will be improvised and i wsill teach my lower ones how to handle with guns and also will consider hostage holding as activity under my leader ship

Last time i got a chance and i failed it but this time i will make sure that i run things properly


Tom Townsends

Jun 29, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Yarin
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT + 3
4. Average online per day: 8-11
5. Your Discord: Yarin.#5504
6. Your Nickname: Tom Zoom
7. Your ID: 41387
Additional information
1. Leader of Marabunta
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation) I want to be the leader of this specific organization because of few reasons:

- First of all, since I arrived to the city, the crime was part of me. I've joined to Marabunta gang and it was part of my life. I used to be high rank in the gang and did everything I can to the gang by investing all of my time to the gang as a member in the gang, so when I will be the leader, I would do everything I couldn't do while I was "only" turfer.

- Second, I would like to help every gang member as a leader and lead them to the right direction as the leader of them. I would train them everyday- Maybe not me specific, I would make an order in the ranks so one of the high ranks will be in charge of the trainings. I would lead them to be the best gang in the city so everyone will be afriad of just looking on them.

- Third, I will make an order and I will make sure that no one in the Marabunta will be racist, no one in the Marabunta will break the rules (or else he will get kicked immediately). I will be apart of the gang. The fact that I will be the leader won't matter that I will be involved in everything that will happen in the gang, even my trainee's stuff. I would know everything and help everyone in anything so we will be the best gang in the city.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization. I would advice for improving to RolePlay level in my organization, that I would make a role in my gang that will be in charge on every newbie that recruit to my gang, this specific role, one of his roles will be to make sure that the new recruiters will understand all of the rules that the must be obeyed and they'll train them also in the Arena to make sure that they'll be better shooter and won't be afraid to be apart of RolePlay situations. I would make rank system that in order to get promoted you must do some good stuff for the gang and for your own, like, specific trainings, be involved in robberies or another gang's roleplay events and etc.
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Benny Flawless

Benny //
Sep 4, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Curtis
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT
4. Average online per day: 6-8 or 10 hours.
5. Your Discord: CFMJ#7068
6. Your Nickname: Benny Ankles
7. Your ID: 40275

1. Leader of... The Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

Firstly, I've always wanted to lead an organization and provide my great leadership skills, passion and motivation. I was in a Legal Organization for 2 months and I gave it my all and eventually became a high command by showing my effort and passion I had for the organization. I soon left the Legal organization to move on to the gang scene and I've loved it ever since. It would be great to run one myself so I can make others feel welcomed and move them on to a bigger and better things.

Secondly, I will make it my main priority to keep all my gang members in line, so if they were to do something malicious or even to break rules, I will be quick to it and take actions immediately. I will structure a great High Command within the Families so everyone in the organization is correct and not making the wrong choices.

Thirdly, I would love to make the roleplay a lot more funnier from everyone in the server itself but including my own members. I do this by letting my gang members try new things, giving people chances and so on. I enjoy being Leader and I am still learning new things every single day I play, and would love to learn way more as a Leader as a whole.

3 . Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I would make it my duties and for my underbosses or any of my High Command to make sure that EVERYONE is going to events regularly, making sure that everything is going swell and according to plan. Secondly, I will specifically make a rank called recruiter where their job is to make sure that every newbie who joins are knowing of the rules and to not make bad choices that they will regret in the late future. I and my High command will have everyone under control and in order. I will 100% make my recruiters know that everyone must have clear English skills or there is no way they will be able to conversate or roleplay within the server. I will prevent anyone from being toxic in the gang and if I was to see or get reports about sudden things likes of this, there will be consequences on person.

Additional Information: I currently run a Loyal, Organised and respectful Family.

My goals as a Leader:

1 - Increasing the current reputation of the Families
2 - Becoming a great organized organization.
3 - Being the best to roam the streets of Los Santos.
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Daryl Jones

Sep 9, 2021
1. Daryl
4.3-5 Hours
5. Suburban#3318
6. Daryl Jones
Additional information
2.So basically as you can see from my ID I am an old player from on the oldest SAHP terms. I have been in the SAHP for a long time. I met leaders taking over and leaving so I know what they did wrong and got them replaced and how they took over. Basically, I have experience for being a leader especially for the SAHP. because I used to be a high command in the SAHP back then and yeah, I was in charge of the new recruits and applicants. Taking over an organization like the SAHP is not a easy task and I am aware of it, that's why I am applying to become the next leader. I will offer hours as much as I can for it.
3. So with all due respect the previous leaders had a missing skill on their members. Controlling them. Like I saw couple of members doesn't even know who the leader is which is a shame on the leader himself. Controlling and teaching the cadets what to do will present your imagine in front of everyone in the city.


Well Known member
Nov 14, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.
1. Ishan Aditya

2. 17
3. IST (GMT+5:30)
4. 6+ hours
6. Ishan Aditya

7. 78123
Additional information

Leader of ‘LSPD'

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

1.I want to be leader of LSPD because i feel i have the ability of a leader who can make a group perfect and i want to showcase it to all my fellow officers .I can give a promise to all u guys that in my term LSPD will reach to a new heights and criminals will have a fear against the LSPD. I've worked for all legal org's except FIB and legal orgs the most enjoyable job as it have its own rules and rp and respect. When I become the leader of LSPD then I will open new chances for so much civilians who got rejected at some point of time and give the best chances of becoming sr. to the officers.

2. Another reason I wish to manage this organisation is that I have a broad understanding that how a legal org should work. I've been a part of numerous legal organisations, and I believe that heading the 'LSPD' will allow me to show how responsible and industrious I am to others.
Appointing me as the LSPD leader will allow the org to serve as an example to the whole city that how a legal org should run and what should it look like .

3.I'll accomplish this my making sure that each and every officer will be doing something like patrol ,at events or responding to locals and global and not be just roaming around HQ. Also if something goes bad then we would be having a warning system which will take place when something goes out of the hand and they can get a demotion ,warn or kick.

My Resolve for improving RP in the org :

1) I believe in leadership, not in Bossing.

2)My recommendation for enhancing roleplay is to stay as IC as possible.

3)Though we call this an organization, I say, we call us, a family where we look out for each other like brothers and sisters.

3) I will make sure to teach my officers to prove our worth with actions rather than talks

4) Every member should strictly abide by Server Rules and state rules. I will make sure of that.

5) No one should worry about ranks as the only meaning of higher-ups is more work and responsibilities for the betterment of our members and the org. It does not mean more respect, as WE ARE ALL EQUAL AND WORTHY ENOUGH TO STAND BY EACH OTHER !!!

6) I will make sure to interact and give proper guidance to every member so everyone follows proper RP and that no one feels left out and lose interest in the ORG.

7)I will conduct several events when i become the leader of LSPD for civilians and gov employees(LSPD/SAHP/FIB/EMS/GOV).

8)Mainly in my term I will keep an eye on every officer and see if they go to any illegal places or not with the detective department because i know some officers go to black market and something like that.

9)My all officers should keep Emergency calls at the first place because service before self and citizens is the first thing we should do to keep them safe from gang members

10)I would improve roleplay by making sure that the organization is better structured and more professional and add onto the RP with every situation given no matter the cost.

I want to thank anyone who has read through this, I whole heartedly welcome any leader accepted into the position!

Finally.... LSPD ON TOP!
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Vick Vinegar

Nov 14, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL - Ryan Fifer
2. Your age - 36 Years of age
3. Time zone - N/A, EST
4. Average online per day - 2-4 Hours on the weekdays depending on job schedule as well as 5-8 hours on the weekend
5. Your Discord - Paradoxed Penguin#1688
6. Your Nickname - Vick Vinegar
7. Your ID - 71568

Additional information

1. I'd like to apply for the leader position as sheriff for SAHP.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

Let's begin with why I joined in the first place, I first flew into the city a little over a month ago and was wanting something to do. So naturally the goofball inside me wanted to become a SAHP Officer. I'm glad I joined the SAHP because I'm having the time of my life here. So one of the main reasons I'm applying for the sheriff position is that I'd like to keep the position in the tight nit family that came to be at SAHP. We've become more than just an org but a family and I think that this family works very well together. So I'd like to keep everything "in the family" so to say. So for the past 6 years or so I have been running a gaming community that I started from the ground up. We're just a small time community that has turned into a family as well.

I believe that I have the comprehensive skills to do what it takes to enforce laws and manage a group of people to keep a well oiled running machine that we like to call home at SAHP HQ, For this reason I believe that I can undergo the work that ensues to become sheriff.

Working with Larry McGavin for the past month has been amazing and he has shown me what a good sheriff that has the respect of his employees and puts in the effort to maintain the org can do and we have done a lot. That being said I believe if I got the position I could do my best to follow in his footsteps to continue the awesome legacy that is SAHP (#SAHP On Top) Given the chance I would give it my all to make sure cadets are getting proper training, the promotions they deserve and all of my power to do what is right and good in Los Santos. I think that if I had the chance to become sheriff I would do my very best to make some nice changes.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

So working with Larry over the past month has taught me a lot about the city and how to properly do things. I myself agree to a t about everything he says, but I do have some ideas of my own. I'd like to start using the motorcycles just a bit more than we usually do, I mean we are highway patrol aren't we? (Cough.. CHIPS).

I'd like to also start doing more training for those out on the road as well, a bit of a driving refresher course to that I think will better the org as a whole and make us look a bit more RP realistic and professional. I'd also like to start doing more routine patrols on the highways, I have seen myself that at HQ we have a lot of lingering after events. There's no reason we cant have constant patrols checking in over radio.

Using our tools as well via the PDA and our J muscle I think we can grow our strengths as well as our prowess, Lets start using those speed traps and barricades for other things as well. As for promotions I firmly believe that everyone has the opportunity to grow, This being said I'd like to start helping out and promoting more recruits and letting our numbers grow. This will help to keep the RP sense of patrols on the highway more realistic and eventful in the case of a 10-80 or a shootout on the highway.
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Dave Casso

The Casso Syndicate
Oct 16, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
GMT 0 (Same as Server Time)
4. Average online per day
6-12 hours daily
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
Dave Ankles
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
SAHP - San Andreas Highway Patrol
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
A) I have a long history with Grand Theft Auto Roleplay, I first joined a GTA SA:MP Roleplay community where I spent several years within the varying factions and specifically law enforcement ones, this means that I have a long history with how LEO Factions have changed in terms of leadership, the addition of Voice Chats in GTA V RP, changes in Law and so on. This deep-set history with Grand Theft Auto Roleplay in general will be of tremendous benefit when it comes to leadership and how it should be conducted properly and will allow me to impart my knowledge to the other leadership members.
B)Alongside my history with GTA RP, I also have a clear leadership plan in place for very simple, yet effective changes to how applications, training, and certification can work within the Organization that will be effectively written, edited, and changed as needed. Present leadership tactics are effective and work yet a slight change here or there will be incredibly beneficial to how the Organization is perceived by the general populace.
C) I'm a very mature person IRL, I'm 26 and I work as a security guard and have done for several years which has given me a great ability at over-coming language barriers, conflict resolution, patience and time-keeping skills which are all in my eyes, crucial in both my real work, and potential work as leader of the SAHP. In my personal opinion I feel like sometimes language barriers between varying members can create conflict, misinformation and in the most extreme cases can lead to newer members potentially breaking server rules which I believe is an issue I personally can address given the chance.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I tend to lose my original point somewhat over text, but I shall go into greater detail should I be interviewed for the opportunity but I would initially review the current leadership that is in place, whom I know as I was working at the SAHP up until disbandment and take on-board any suggestions they may have. I would also review all training materials and guides and edit/update them so that they are clear, concise and to the point. I would introduce in the form of applications a section reviewing whether or not the applicant understands all present server rules and be slightly stricter on the need for good, effective English skills. I feel during my time at SAHP and extensive history with GTA RP will help me improve the overall roleplay quality level in the org by establishing and building upon the current structure and way of working and improving it.

Further to this, I would use the Grand Roleplay Forums a lot more to promote the recruitment of the organization and to hopefully include regular press releases that we could include LifeInvader in on.

Additional Information: Should I be given the opportunity to interview, I will go into greater detail and length on all of the points made above, I know that I haven't been in the city as other applicants, but I have plenty of Roleplay Experience across multiple servers, plenty of patience and time, great communication both written and in-voice and I thank you for reading!
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Habibi Torres

Oct 27, 2021
1. Your name IRL zayd maachou
2. Your age 14
3. Time zone gmt
4. Average online per day Monday -Thursday 3-5 hours , Friday to Sunday 6-10 hours
5. Your Discord NotMaach#1111
6. Your Nickname Habibi Blu
7. Your ID 65473
Additional information
1. Leader of... LSPD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this I’m already in the SPD so I know how things work I have many ideas to improve the organisation itself and the members and I think this would be a fun term.
specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization. My ideas are to improve our systems such as how we cut people how we use/me and I have many more ideas such as improved mechanics and I will listen to the suggestions that come forth to me

Romy Vug

Pick a side
Nov 10, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1.Rodney jayson

4. 6 to 14 hrs
5. droppy#2877
6. Romy jayson
7. 75680

2..It is my desire to searve the city and to know how Leading an American police system is like ...2. I will make the system way better by having trustworthy police officers and always having police officers on duty...3.I would always support the city in all ways
3.Making everyone feel comfortable and always having police officers on duty in every part of the city .

Sosa Blixky

Jul 24, 2021
1. Jay
2. 18
3. Est
6. Sosa
7. 15883

1.Leader of LSPD
2.1 I want to become leader of this organization because I want to make an change of this organization for the better. In my personal experience, LSDP is currently one of the most looked down up org of LEO. Im doing this application so I can change that and make it one of the most honorable law enforcement organization. 2. I have been apart of many LEO organizations. I have plans set forth if my acceptance to change this organization for the better, that will bring forth quality interaction with civilians and other organizations, with my control of this organization I plan on keeping an eye out for all the members of this organization to ensure 0 to no rule breaks to occur. 3. My soul purpose is it just change this organization around. Implementing new rules and restrictions to improve rp with people around the state.
3. My advices it to make some changes in the department and training of my future officers. By playing within the guidelines of the server to bring forth top quality rp with 0 rule breaks and to go through my whole term without any strikes or warning, and to also prevent my officers from receiving any strikes or warning with their time in my department.


Jun 13, 2021
The Following People are Invited to the Families Leader Interview at 17:00 Server Time on Tuesday (11/16/2021):

Edouar Lacroix - ID 10269 - Eduardo1#8435
Skies Wayne - ID 99 - Skies#0002
Benny Ankles - ID 40275 - CFMJ#7068

Applications for Leader of Families are now CLOSED
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Jul 19, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Santhosh San#0001


To Improve Our Family Sanz It is now on top 20th I will try to bring your family to top 10 along with our residents familys also

This Advices To All organization Be Honest My Dear Playes


Rooster Yaghobi

Code Name "Maverick"
Jun 2, 2021
1. Rooster Lopez
2. 22
3. PST
4. 8-10 h
5. Rooster .-.#9679
6. Rooster Lopez
7. 25394

Additional information
1. Leader of LSPD

2. I would like to be leader of LSPD because I have many years of experience with every legal and illegal org*. I want to be leader for LSPD specifically because in the time that I was in LSPD, I was a very high ranking. I also was friends with basically everyone there. I think that I can also bring good advice and make LSPD better as a whole with my suggestions. I have also been in some criminal gangs before. All of them I have been a high rank in. Therefore, I am aware of what they do, and how they do it. For my final and last reason, I can multitask and take suggestions seriously. I am able to be doing many things at once and I can also make good suggestions that people give me real suggestions. I also am extremely aware of the rules. I was a previous God.

3. I think we could improve / keep good Roleplay by really improving on how the term “roleplay” means. To me it means that you only have one life, or that you are a citizen of this awesome city. In my last section with LSPD, I noticed many people were not keeping high Rp. Such as taking a taxi from DOC on duty, or not fearing that you will die. Stuff like this will never happen if I am ever leader. I will also try to get all my guys on the streets as much as possible to keep high Rp between the citizens and LSPD.

Thank you for reading!

* List of orgs: LSPD, Life Invader, SAHP, MD, Marabunta, Vagos, Bloods. I have been in these all for long periods of time with high rankings.


May 26, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
2. 26
3. IST(GMT+5.30)
4. 6-7 HOURS
5. RaNk3R#1537
6. Ranker
7. 17514

Additional information

1. Leader of...L.S.P.D
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
. LOVE & Allegiance - First of fall i want to say without LSPD i never think or look to any other ORG. in city Because I Have been in Lspd for a long time(3 terms), more than 6 months I have seen LSPD in high time to low times, Started from the bottom as a trainee been in fields, Learned, explored, as a trainer, made structures and regulations for the Lspd as a high command, without any work and dedication I have dedicated my half of the career as a police man, and served the city with loyalty and honesty, because this is the duty which i admire and patriot most. The Uniform has something in it that when someone wears knows the responsibility and the dignity to protect and responsible
2.Maturity & Patience- I think i have the control to lead as i am In born leader who can manage to build a good team because i believe in team effort and team coordination As i am age of IRL is 26 i am well matured to handle any kind of situation with patients and with dignity even i am learning from the very first day i step in the city everyday now i think i am ready to lead the organization.
3.ELIMINATING THE FAULTS - I know where we are lacking every time every moment i will try to maintain the ethics of the department even i was doing when i was working for the lspd i try to fix the internal problems i know the roots.so if i elected as leader i can make changes eliminating the favoritism, nepotism, even i will blend to the lower stage to know actual problem my team and the citizen. We are the Police we don't want citizen to hate us i will try to teach through the academy how to communicate and making a good bond gesture to the citizen.

Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I Will try to host new events will try make good bond with other legal orgs to host events also some joint actions operation and some others ideas i have in my mind which will The rp very good and thrills i want to make ghetto patrol more fun and also want to make legal vs illegal things operation so that even two organization will get more fun and joy so that As we are lagging in every robbery and events we (all the legal org.) will give our best.
Thanks At last i want to say it is my home and work together so without pd i dont think i will not for any other org or job thats all for me Thanks


May 9, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Skrim
2. Your age: 28
3. Time zone: US Central (GMT -5)
4. Average online per day: 10-15 Hours per day average
5. Your Discord: ScrimPaul#7797
6. Your Nickname: Scrim Paul
7. Your ID: 4610

1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol (SAHP)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

When I joined the city it didn’t take me long to decide that the SAHP was the legal organisation where my skills would be the best fit. I've met a lot of great people and have had a lot of great experiences throughout my time in the Sheriff's department that I feel I would be able to replicate for others. I was highly known and determined working day in and day out to climb my way up the ranks where I served as Under Sheriff under two separate Sheriff's as well as department chief. I’ve always had the ambition to take over one day and I think that I am ready to take on the challenge.

Secondly, I want to lead the SAHP so that I can continue to make SAHP the standard of professionalism in the city. I helped to train many of the people who made the SAHP what it is, including Mr. Louie, Mr. Jason, Mr. Phil, and Mr. Larry. I have the policies ready to implement to ensure the proper regulation and order that we expect from the best Sheriff’s department in the state. I want to continue to improve the levels of organization within the SAHP, improve retention rates, improve our promotion scheme, and ensure the good order of the organization.

Thirdly, one of the most important reasons that I’m applying for leadership is at the behest of my staff. With the ending of Sheriff McGavin’s term, the membership has been calling for me to put myself up for consideration with the administration. This is obviously incredibly important to me, since it's my staff that makes SAHP what it is, and I don’t want to disappoint them. I believe that most of my fellow officers would say that I have always cared for them and wanted the best things for them. I have a reputation for being an extremely careful person who has the quick thinking ability to fix any law enforcement situation on hand with a mind for making things fair for all parties.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I have a few different plans that I intend to implement if I am appointed leader. I intend to bring to the table: a more varied approach to highway patrol, ensuring all sectors in our jurisdiction are adequately patrolled. More organic interactions with civilians and other organisations and police sponsored events, better usage of the detective bureau and SRT, developing new and fun types of patrols and operations performed in coordination with other state organisations, more training for our officers to make them more effective in combating gangs and robberies and avoiding hostage situations. More organic and interesting promotion tools like board evaluations.
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Master Jackfruit

Jul 7, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
A. Datta


GMT +5:30 (IST)

5-8 hours

Master Jackfruit#0007

Master Jackfruit


1.Leader of LSPD

2.Why do you want to be leader of this organization?

My experiences and skills

1.Ive been with pd for more than 6 months now and been as high command for so long Ive gathered a lot of experience,been closely working with cheifs for 3 months now,I know how a legal organization works,Ive been a witness of their work and descision making powers,I am a man of honesty,Loyalty with excellent decition making capabilities my work in FTO division was a prove of it,Whatever I did I did for the organization.I was the person who started from the bottom as cadet and made it to the top,Im indeed a insipiration for my fellow new officers.My actions will inspire others to dream more,learn more,do more and become more.

2.My approach towards the department

I never distinguished or discriminated between people,People should get what they deserve,

I’ll make sure to eliminate favouritism,Favouritism is one of the major reason of a failing organizations,Small men in big chairs.This shouldn’t be a thing.as an fto I am familiar with each and every corner of lspd,I know LSPD bone to bone.

A geniune leader is not a sercher for consensus but a molder of consensus.

3.Eliminating inactivity

One of the main reason of lspd failing for past few terms is inactivity,Ive seen this very closely,and here are my solutions.

1.Making a super active high command-If the people in hierarchy wouldn’t be active,how do we expect activity from petty officers?They will be guideless,clueless.We don’t want that people should be unaware of what they are doing specifically with the high commands.

2.Lack of communication between Officers ,A leader should be communicating with everyone possible.I know Sometimes it gets hard to communicate with every single one of them but at least we need to have a basic communication between people,Meetings should be 5times a week to ensure the well being of the organization.As an fto captain I was aware of this fact,and I practically notice changes after implementing this to my division.This will not only make people to enjoy pd but also helpfull for improving the rp.

3.People should get what they deserve,Like I said Ive seen many small men in big chairs,People should be judged by their work ethics not by their relationship.Many more plans but these are the key things we need to fix as early as possible.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.?

Rp is something which is needed to excel day by day,my advise for improving rp are

1. As we have seen the active work of the new government and other gov org like fib sahp and ng.,Ill make sure to work with them shoulder to shoulder.To involve other legal organizations,I think we need to do a interrogation it will be interesting and eye catching to see someone rping police interrogation.Before proceeding someone to court if we have a active suspect we need to have a interrogation session with the suspect to found it if he is guilty or not.

2.Swat formation.Formation of a particular swat team will be a eye grabbing thing for the citiziens,Like a whole new convoy of swat approching a situation with proper training.

3.Under cover detectives should be closely working with fib for a big burst that will not only increase the activity for lspd but also for other legal org.

4.Whole new easy and convenient academy system with video displaying it will a less time consuming and good informative initiatives.

5.Police protection,I think lspd should have a different rank of guards to protect higher rank officers,Police guards will not only provide security to higher officials but also for civilian if they apply for it.

Many more plans are there and I can assure that everything will be towards the betterment of the organization,We need one chance to prove ourselves that who we are? Where we came from,and what we can do!

I have worked in lspd for so long and im not only a lspd officer but a PEOPLE’s MAN too and whatever happen lspd will be my home forever no matter what.I hope best for the lspd,

Till then LSPD ON TOP!!!!!
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