1. Neil Micallef
3. GMT+2
4. 8 - 12 hours
5. Nillu023#5222
6. Neil_Gypavelli
7. 6543
1. Leader of Marabunta
2. I have been in the leadership of FiB for almost a month almost was the head of negotiations, leader of SWAT and one of the main trainers for most of the FiB. I’ve also been in the leadership of Ballas for over 2 months until I joined FiB . I am currently rank 8 in Families so I know that i have potential in a leader position. Due to my experience in Legal Organizations of high honor and respect to my experience in gangs I have learnt to be able to handle people from educated and polite side to some crazy people , This gives me the edge over other Leaders of such gangs because I can truly train and handle all players to make the role play and experience overall much more enjoyable. Most importantly I want to take this position as the Marabunta leader so that I can work on improving role play and the enjoy ability of the game play aspect as stated earlier using my experience.This can sometimes be ignored by other state/gang leaders so they can focus on winning the objective at hand, but my priority will be to follow the game rules and ensure procedures are taken to ensure role-play (which is the main aim of playing in a role play server) while at the same time trying to win the objective at hand without forcing it out of context. I think the main skills a leader for any origination should have, would be the following: Communication, Presentation, Interpretation, Leadership, Co-Ordination, Teamwork, Patience, Creativity, Reliability, Dependability, and the ability to teach and mentor others. These are all skills I possess due to my long experience in other organizations along with my real-life job which enables me to work with a lot of different people from different countries and cultures around the world due to me working in Insurance on the Island I live which works globally. The Gangs has always been in my heart since the beginning when I joined since I started from recruit and ended up as an under-boss in Ballas.
I am actually getting tired of gangs getting disbanded as when each gang gets disbanded the competition is dropped massively in events and even in turfs.
3. My advice for improving the Role-play level in organization would be: Help new members by providing them links and instructions to the game-rules and a simple introduction to the 'g' muscle. Helping any member setting up an appropriate POV so that they can report anyone that breaks role play and also have POV so that when a 'GOD' asks them for it they will be able to present it since keeping role play goes from both sides and should be punished on both sides if broken. Creating a week trial period within the gang when joining and having experienced members evaluate the new members and when they see them disrupting role play have them teach and instruct them to be better next time instead of reacting like other leaders and just kicking them out. Creating an application form or some sort of question list to ask any potential new members to indicate how competent they are with the ghetto/gang/state rules to make sure we filter out anybody that is not capable meanwhile instructing them to go read and learn the rules and come back when they are ready since will have to interact with gangs and any sort of criminals which may vary from the Ghetto to in City, As well as interact with Legal Organizations so it is ideal to have knowledge across the board so nobody is walked over and everybody knows the rules accordingly. Last but not least when seeing lack of role-play from some members I would approach them and let them know that the aim of the server/game at the end of the day is to try and be as realistic meanwhile keeping the fun going, And that If they do not sort the issue out I will have to remove them so they can take the punishment as a lesson to be better next time. Thank you for considering my application to become the new Marabunta Leader, whilst thanking you for your time I hope to hear from you soon.