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IMPORTANT Applications for Leaders

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Jun 15, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Paul Blackburn
2. Your age: 28
3. Time zone: US Central (GMT -5)
4. Average online per day: 3-7 Hours Per Day Average
5. Your Discord: xSlvlOKEx#7084
6. Your Nickname: Joshua Black
7. Your ID: 9115
Additional information
1. Leader of SAHP
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1). Firstly, SAHP was the first Organization that I joined, I've met a lot of great people and had a lot of great experiences throughout my time in Org that I feel like I would be able to replicate for others. I was highly known and worked hard to work my way up the ranks to be the Under Sheriff with dreams of taken over one day.

2). Secondly, the opportunities that I provided should allowed me to be well fit for this leadership position. I was high command within my 1st month of joining SAHP. I taught and trained alot of the people who made their way up to the position before the downfall. Im also in a highly known family that grew to amazing numbers over the months and helped developed it in its early stages. Additionally, throughout my entire time on the server, I've never been in prison or demorgan.

3). Finally, I am an extremely careful person who has the quick thinking ability to fix a situation on hand and make things fair for all parties. Most of my fellow officers can always say that I cared for them and wanted the best thing for them. We made a huge differences and its very key that we keep what we had in place. I learned everything about how to be great leader from Jason. He made such a impact on the org that we wasn't just a working crew, we was family and we stood by our people and never doubted them.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.

My advice for improving the RolePlay level is simply start with the basics. I want people to truly read and understand what it takes to make the RP fun for all. I will have people in place to do weekly test within the Org and have them submit it for review and use it as a value of promotions from within. We need start with legal and illegal orgs doing this to help each other grow.
Upvoting for this guy, inspired me from day 1 at SAHP till my Lieutenant badge


Aug 13, 2021
1. Joshua J.
2. 42
3. GMT-5
4. 40 hours minimum per week (on 5+ each day on average)
5. DOC SrO Ni Bejeebies | 58428#9311
6. Ni Bejeebies
7. 58428
Additional information

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I am 100% devoted to role play and the server. With my Public service IRL experience, I believe I will be able to bring real-world training, Policies, And Procedures into the RP experience to provide a clear and consistent stance on what is and is not acceptable from members of the org as well as the citizens in general.

A little about my IRL history, I started right out of high school as a deputy sheriff in the jail as a correctional officer. I worked my way to Lt of that department and took a transfer to a different department as a Road Sargent. I received an in the line of duty injury and moved from law enforcement over to the ambulance where I became a Paramedic and worked faithfully for 22 years. I have over 27 years of Public service and interactions IRL with Uniformed public servants and the general public at large. With the knowledge, I can bring to the table and incorporate into the RP for a more realistic approach to various situations as well as being able to pass along multiple real-world tips and tricks. I currently have retired from public service due to that prior injury requiring consistent medical care and declining IRL health. I started and am currently the owner of a small taxi fleet.

I don’t want to come into a position just to upturn the apple cart. This is something that I was not going to apply for out of respect for the recent staff I feel like I have to throw my name into the hat.

I feel if awarded the Sheriff’s Position Ni would be able to pass along professionalism, Tension De-escalation tactics, and knowledge to the members of the organization as well as improving intra-agency operations and cooperation. Ni would continue to maintain the highest standards across the board and enforce a very strict code of conduct for those under his command.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

There simply is not enough space allowed in a forum post to elaborate in full detail, but here are just some of what I would attempt to implement to improve RP:
  • Bi weekly or monthly Training Sessions open for All LEOs regardless of the department (Law Enforcement Event)
  • Weekly DUI/Wanted Check Points (event)
  • Intensive training and retraining programs
  • Complete rework and overhaul of any current or the creation of new policy procedures and codes of conduct
  • Strict Chain of command
  • Implementation of a shift report to be submitted after every shift (either via a google doc form or an imbedded form on the webpage that I am willing to pay for personally if needed)
  • Bi weekly or monthly Intra Agency Meetings between Department heads/ leaders (DOC, DOJ, LSPD, FIB, USSS, SAHP) If possible

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Jun 15, 2021
1. Milot
2. 28
3. GMT+1
4. 7 hours minimum
5. SgtMilot#0503
6. Phil Roberts
7. 32185
Additional information

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

-I want to bring a passionate, dedicated, and serious member to the SAHP leadership as I’ve been in SAHP ever since Louie led it. I learnt everything from him and worked my way up to high command as a chief of training. I am a person that loves the law enforcement aspect of roleplay. This is why I feel that the SAHP always needs improvement to stay sharp, certainly when it comes to attitude and also more in the passive angle of roleplay such as more paperwork and more highway presence. We need to make sure that we enforce traffic laws in our county at all times and be more visible to the citizens of the state. In order for us to achieve our goal and mission to govern the rural areas of Los Santos we also have to succeed in being there physically. I want more SAHP officers on the ground and responding to every call there is! This will be a zero-tolerance policy from me and I will strictly ensure that all officers under my command will respond to each and every call that we can get. We will also assist all of our law enforcement partner agencies in completing their mission along with how the Government curators see fit. We will follow orders with no hesitation.

The true desire of every SAHP faction member should first be to do their utter and most sincere efforts to serve the citizens of the community and state of San Andreas by actively investigating and suppressing crime by police presence in a professional manner, by roleplay and not by gun force only, particularly in store robberies. I want SAHP to always have a more "intelligence collect" mindset and not a "here I am with my big gun and awesome equipment listen to me" attitude then the faction would bring so much more quality roleplay experiences to not only the gangs and crime factions of the server but to the server players as well by emphasizing, listening and properly reacting. I think the whole server would benefit from a SAHP that is open-minded and WANTS to integrate with citizens and all factions of the server, not just be a big boss.

-I plan on doing this by having the personal goal and of always roleplaying to the fullest of my extent, I also want my faction members to have the same standard while playing and RPing as an Officer or Sheriff. I want every player involved in roleplaying with our faction to get that “good” feeling from the RP scenario they’ve been a part of, a feeling of a rich and positive experience with a member of the SAHP faction, I want to limit our use of firearms to only be used when a deputy/officer's life is in imminent danger such as: being actively shot at, being assaulted by two or more individuals. I again emphasize my will to get rid of the shooting mentality and bring more investigative roleplaying into the faction. But, in order for us to set this example, we need to actively engage, investigate and take down the gang violence. I plan on doing so by enforcing zero-tolerance policies on gangs that shoot on open streets, I want to move the gangs away from the communities, this is my dream and ultimate goal.

-I will bring a realistic portrayal of a Sheriff and the professional character development it brings by abiding by the organizations’ code of ethics, which will be: Courtesy, Professionalism & Respect. I believe that law enforcement factions set the standard of roleplaying in the server as new players see them as role models, this one of the reasons that motivate me to be a leader of this faction, to see the positive responses coming from investigating and shutting down organized violence in the city along with the LSPD and FIB. It is also the reason why I feel that I always want to do my best. I’m not saying that I’m the best but I at least will try my best every single time. To summarize it up I want to bring activity to the faction by being online as much as I can and I want to bring good RP experiences to the player base of the server by setting high roleplaying standards for myself and my team members.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I will do my best in making sure that every SAHP faction member that gets approved has a unique character and learns and develops his or her persona according to events taking place in-game. They will be tested so they know all the event rules and I also want to bring a closer level of co-operation between the Government-NG-FIB-LSPD, SAHP, and the SS. These six law enforcement factions are the backbone of the mission to make better law enforcement standards in the city. If we worked together in identifying, organizing, and carrying out raids, stakeouts, and investigations together when necessary then we could do a much better job in providing a unique roleplaying experience in the server. If chosen I will do my best to have a proper relationship with my colleagues in the Government, NG, PD, and SS, my will is to create a joint task force with these four elements so that we all can update each other and keep track of the hostile environment in the city with the goal of shaping them the way that the Government of San Andreas sees fit. I am not a rank-hungry person and I will always listen to my government high-ups and my fellow colleagues when it comes to tasks and how to handle my organization.

I will make proper guidelines covering how to react to every situation that we deal with if necessary. Most importantly, If selected I will bring a mature mindset to the faction which I believe is lacking today. I will host regular meetings and I will actively encourage each and every member of my faction, to give them the motivation they need from their leader to do a good job out in the field. I will also not be the type of leader that sits back, I will actively take part in engaging and finishing situations in the streets along with my officers. I will make sure to implement a lot more briefings and debriefings of each situation that take place to enforce proper law enforcement roleplay so that each member can ventilate what they've been through for two-three minutes before continuing their job. I believe that this is a crucial element to keep faction members active because they will know that the leadership also SEE'S them, which is important from an HR perspective, that my officers are emotionally and mentally ready for their job. If chosen I will make sure to swiftly bring SAHP back by updating the way we work in forms of easier communication, easier ways of handling paperwork and procedures by making our code of conduct more adapted to our server and the way this server runs. Seeing as I have built up a lot of connections in state orgs that means I would build back our command structure and personnel activity swiftly.
This man is highly qualified, and did a good job back then as a chief. really should give him a chance to become a sheriff


Attorney at Vinewood Law
May 26, 2021
1. Isaac Ting
2. 21
3. UTC+08:00
4. 7 hours
5. Zac Botega#1705
6. Zac Botega
7. 24819

Additional information

1. Leader of EMS

2. The reason behind my decision of applying to become the Leader of the EMS is not only to lead a team whose main priority is the people of the city, but to also strengthen them to the point that EMS is a organization that many people want to join to be part of this world class team. A little side story about me, I've been working in the Organization since May under the leadership of Melvin, Ina Gonzales, and UniTwoTime. Though my journey while climbing the ranks were tough, I can say with full confidence that I have been part of the Ups and Downs of the Organization and have even solved many issues during my time. Personally, I am a very understanding person and have a lot of care for the people I work with. Through three of the leaders I have worked with, especially when I became a Curator for one of the leaders, I have the confidence that I can lead this team to victory. With the knowledge I have gained and also discovered during my time of serving the organization, I am willing to teach everything I know to the current team and to the future ones who will be joining the organization. Other improvements or changes I can add is have more people active during midnight and during the day time. Lastly, I can also improve the roster of having people stationed at Sandy. Though Sandy does not receive many calls, I have ensure that EMS is able to attend to emergencies that happen in Sandy or Paleto Bay. One of the ways I can improve that is by making sure that the EMS team is all ARD Trained and is able to fly the EMS Helicopter if needed to locations far from the city. An extra improvement I can give is making sure the Employees are given promotions for their hardwork.

3. My advices for improving roleplay within the organization is to ensure that every EMS employee engages in sufficient RP to maintain the quality of roleplay and to make sure that players feel the importance of roleplay through our engagement. Not only that, I can also improve the level of communication the Employees have with patients when they enter the hospital. Another advice I can give to improve Roleplay is to allow the EMS team to engage in other legal organization situations such as a National Guard raid, or the Submarine Event. Participating in these events can really show the ability the EMS carries, and with these engagements, we can really show the level of RP the EMS actually has. My last advice of course is to ensure that the EMS team is aware of the General Rules of the City.
Zac you have my full support. You were amazing curator and colleague. Speaking as former deputy chief I could always rely on your help and assistance. I believe you would be perfect choice for leader since you've never been biased and you took responsibility for your actions. Good luck!


Aug 11, 2021
1. Larry

2. 23

3. EST

4. 10-14 hours

5. Keythebeastyo21#7779

6. Larry mcgavin

7. 42643

Additional information

1. Leader of: SAHP

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization: I would like to be the leader of this organization because I believe that in order to create a safer community it must start with the top providing good training to those below you and allow it to trickle down to even the lowest ranks I believe that if you build the empire brick by brick from the bottom down that you will have a impenetrable organization, this will allow for better experiences within the SAHP and for those that we serve and protect and those that we must deal with all the same, I believe that I can be a good leader, that I will be hands on and I’ll be out there on patrols leading the charge I won’t send my men into harms way without leading the charge a good leader will always be at the front of the first line. I love the SAHP I have been here since Louie was the sheriff since then I’ve made my way all the way up to second highest in command which is known as chief and I was chief of highway patrol I want to see us be the best but while also doing our best to work towards pure perfection, I’d love to also set up a joint task force with the other legal orgs within the city in order to rid the upper city gang activity along with the norther part of San Andreas because it has grown almost totally out of control. And has caused to many losses of life from all org we must band together to create a safer environment not only for Leo’s but for the citizens of los santos as well

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization. Step one: crack down on email calls coming into ic and playing a massive part in the roleplay situations this cant happen as its failrp and meta gaming, 2. Implant more realistic ways of doing things, techniques, chain of command, and trainings, 3. Use the radio more efficiently and use it for a lot less ooc talk and more tactical call outs which will help improve the quality of roleplay
Recently joining this city, everyone was super helpful and patient but one person that stood out was Ex Chief Of Highway Patrol. He stood out because of his commitment and passion for being an LEO. Larry in my opinion suits the Sheriff position perfect. He’s passionate, committed, knows the rules, knows the laws, most importantly he knows how to run an organization even when he was Chief.


Jul 8, 2021
1. Milot
2. 28
3. GMT+1
4. 7 hours minimum
5. SgtMilot#0503
6. Phil Roberts
7. 32185
Additional information

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

-I want to bring a passionate, dedicated, and serious member to the SAHP leadership as I’ve been in SAHP ever since Louie led it. I learnt everything from him and worked my way up to high command as a chief of training. I am a person that loves the law enforcement aspect of roleplay. This is why I feel that the SAHP always needs improvement to stay sharp, certainly when it comes to attitude and also more in the passive angle of roleplay such as more paperwork and more highway presence. We need to make sure that we enforce traffic laws in our county at all times and be more visible to the citizens of the state. In order for us to achieve our goal and mission to govern the rural areas of Los Santos we also have to succeed in being there physically. I want more SAHP officers on the ground and responding to every call there is! This will be a zero-tolerance policy from me and I will strictly ensure that all officers under my command will respond to each and every call that we can get. We will also assist all of our law enforcement partner agencies in completing their mission along with how the Government curators see fit. We will follow orders with no hesitation.

The true desire of every SAHP faction member should first be to do their utter and most sincere efforts to serve the citizens of the community and state of San Andreas by actively investigating and suppressing crime by police presence in a professional manner, by roleplay and not by gun force only, particularly in store robberies. I want SAHP to always have a more "intelligence collect" mindset and not a "here I am with my big gun and awesome equipment listen to me" attitude then the faction would bring so much more quality roleplay experiences to not only the gangs and crime factions of the server but to the server players as well by emphasizing, listening and properly reacting. I think the whole server would benefit from a SAHP that is open-minded and WANTS to integrate with citizens and all factions of the server, not just be a big boss.

-I plan on doing this by having the personal goal and of always roleplaying to the fullest of my extent, I also want my faction members to have the same standard while playing and RPing as an Officer or Sheriff. I want every player involved in roleplaying with our faction to get that “good” feeling from the RP scenario they’ve been a part of, a feeling of a rich and positive experience with a member of the SAHP faction, I want to limit our use of firearms to only be used when a deputy/officer's life is in imminent danger such as: being actively shot at, being assaulted by two or more individuals. I again emphasize my will to get rid of the shooting mentality and bring more investigative roleplaying into the faction. But, in order for us to set this example, we need to actively engage, investigate and take down the gang violence. I plan on doing so by enforcing zero-tolerance policies on gangs that shoot on open streets, I want to move the gangs away from the communities, this is my dream and ultimate goal.

-I will bring a realistic portrayal of a Sheriff and the professional character development it brings by abiding by the organizations’ code of ethics, which will be: Courtesy, Professionalism & Respect. I believe that law enforcement factions set the standard of roleplaying in the server as new players see them as role models, this one of the reasons that motivate me to be a leader of this faction, to see the positive responses coming from investigating and shutting down organized violence in the city along with the LSPD and FIB. It is also the reason why I feel that I always want to do my best. I’m not saying that I’m the best but I at least will try my best every single time. To summarize it up I want to bring activity to the faction by being online as much as I can and I want to bring good RP experiences to the player base of the server by setting high roleplaying standards for myself and my team members.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I will do my best in making sure that every SAHP faction member that gets approved has a unique character and learns and develops his or her persona according to events taking place in-game. They will be tested so they know all the event rules and I also want to bring a closer level of co-operation between the Government-NG-FIB-LSPD, SAHP, and the SS. These six law enforcement factions are the backbone of the mission to make better law enforcement standards in the city. If we worked together in identifying, organizing, and carrying out raids, stakeouts, and investigations together when necessary then we could do a much better job in providing a unique roleplaying experience in the server. If chosen I will do my best to have a proper relationship with my colleagues in the Government, NG, PD, and SS, my will is to create a joint task force with these four elements so that we all can update each other and keep track of the hostile environment in the city with the goal of shaping them the way that the Government of San Andreas sees fit. I am not a rank-hungry person and I will always listen to my government high-ups and my fellow colleagues when it comes to tasks and how to handle my organization.

I will make proper guidelines covering how to react to every situation that we deal with if necessary. Most importantly, If selected I will bring a mature mindset to the faction which I believe is lacking today. I will host regular meetings and I will actively encourage each and every member of my faction, to give them the motivation they need from their leader to do a good job out in the field. I will also not be the type of leader that sits back, I will actively take part in engaging and finishing situations in the streets along with my officers. I will make sure to implement a lot more briefings and debriefings of each situation that take place to enforce proper law enforcement roleplay so that each member can ventilate what they've been through for two-three minutes before continuing their job. I believe that this is a crucial element to keep faction members active because they will know that the leadership also SEE'S them, which is important from an HR perspective, that my officers are emotionally and mentally ready for their job. If chosen I will make sure to swiftly bring SAHP back by updating the way we work in forms of easier communication, easier ways of handling paperwork and procedures by making our code of conduct more adapted to our server and the way this server runs. Seeing as I have built up a lot of connections in state orgs that means I would build back our command structure and personnel activity swiftly.
I'm an ex-SAHP officer and I can say that Phil has a lot of experience, he spent months in SAHP and he really loves what he is doing So I highly recommend this guy for this position.

Tony Flynn

Tony Dundee
May 9, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Jordan
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT-5 (EST)
4. Average online per day: 10 hours
5. Your Discord: Dofzii#8688
6. Your Nickname: Stephanie McLovin
7. Your ID: 4752

Additional information
1. Leader of SAHP

2. I would like to be the leader of the SAHP organization for three reasons:

a. I have been in the server for quite some time and during my time I have been in both gang and state organizations (Listed in chronological order: Los Santos Vagos, Government, Marabunta Grande, EMS, SAHP, FIB). I am familiar with the operating procedures of both types of organizations, legal and illegal, and understand what types of violations can get an organizations disbanded. With my knowledge, I will be able to lead SAHP with few to no warnings.

b. I have noticed that RP has gotten to such a poor quality, from both legal and crime orgs, and if I were to get SAHP leader I would implement a lot more interactions with officers and civilians and gangsters. There would be more troopers in the city (on the highways that go through the heart of the city, not on city streets) to increase the chances of interaction with others. I was also apart of the detective bureau during my time in SAHP and would like to expand its operations as it provides great RP scenes. Lastly, highway patrol officers will be held to a much higher standard. If I were to be leader of SAHP, I would make the roleplay experience better for officers, civilians, gangsters, and other state employees.

c. During my time in SAHP, I noticed that there were many acts of unprofessionalism and the organization was very messy. With my leadership, I plan to implement strict policies and changes so that there will be proper regulation and order. Each role that has access to department line will have the SAHP tag so they can be identified. The roles will also be accordingly named in respect to their specialty (Detectives, SWAT, Traffic Enforcement, Community Relations) The warehouse will be restricted and the warehouse access will be similar to FIB's with supervisors and higher having the ability to take out items. I will also implement a stricter strike system. Infractions will lead to either 1 or 2 strikes depending on the severity of their infraction. These strikes can be removed by placing money into the organizations balance or by doing a weeks work without any slip ups. If an officer reaches 2 strikes, they will be fired and blacklisted from the organization.

3. In order to improve roleplay within the organization, I recommend more interactions with civilians and other organizations (both legal and illegal), a greater presence on the city highways, better usage of the detective bureau, and better relations with other state organizations.
I vouch for this guy. He was higher up in SAHP and was able to lead and help everyone, He is Professional, Good at RP and has leaderships skills like I have never seen before!

Jordie Glockz

Jun 6, 2021
1. Marco
2. 16
3. PST
4. 4 -8 hours
5. Marcito#0999
6. Jordie McLovin
7. 29297
Additional information
1. Leader of SAHP
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
2. I want to be the leader of SAHP because...

A. I have been in SAHP for the majority of my time in city, so I am extremely familiar with the jurisdiction and the things we actually face in the Sandy/ Paleto area. I want to prepare a training division like no other. I want to ensure that each SAHP deputy can handle every situation they are faced with whether it be an event or RP. I myself have been in the shoes of a trainee with a bad trainer and it changes the entire job. To help this I want to take a note from FIB and implement a Trainee 1,2,and 3 to ensure every single deputy knows the requirements of becoming a deputy. Every trainee should and will be taught not only the basics but the complicated aspect of being in the highway patrol. Trainee 1 will focus on learning dress code, Jurisdiction, and proper equipment use. Trainee 2 will focus on proper Radio calls, / commands, and patrolling. Trainee 3 will focus on practicing writing tickets, arrests, and going to events. I am dedicated to having a unmatchable training department and setting an example for the rest of the city. In my experience as the FTO lieutenant I realized that trainers would just promote trainees because it was there job instead of actually taking the time to see if the trainees are actually learning. As an FTO, I had trained many of the previous High Command in SAHP and even some now high ranking in FIB and LSPD. My methods have proven to be efficient, however they are still flawed and I want to do everything in my power to improve my methods to as close to as perfect as possible. I want to have multiple ranks of FTO's like our previous Sheriff, Jason Memes, although I want to build upon his idea into 4 ranks of FTO's. Starting with the FTO Corporal, this rank will train trainees from trainee 1-2. After that comes the FTO Sergeant, this rank will train Trainees from Trainee 2-3. Above both Corporal and Sergeant is the FTO Captain, this rank will administer the test to become a deputy otherwise known as the Field Training and Evaluation Program(FTEP or FTP) and decide whether or not a trainee is prepared to move on, FTO Corporal and FTO Sergeant will report to this rank. Finally the FTO Lieutenant, this rank will take interviews, train trainers, and can do anything the previous FTO's can, all FTO's Report to this rank. As you can see I have already thought out my plan for my training division and am ready to execute if I am given the opportunity. I understand this is going to prove challenging, however to me the most important branch in every department is training. I am dedicated to having a unmatchable training department. I will use the skills taught to me by my former Higher-ups and build off of their legacy.

B. I want to intake only the best for SAHP and prove we can handle our large jurisdiction. I want to make sure the people in this Department don't need to ask " what do we do " or "How do I do this?" because they will already know. If every deputy was properly trained then it makes everything flow easier and the high command has less to worry about. However there are outliers in everything and I am prepared to meet that head on with a 3 strike policy. 1st strike is a written warning, 2nd strike is demotion, and third strike you will be fired from the organization. Warnings will be erased after I or my Deputy Sheriff deems you capable or until one week from when the strike was issued. I will hold each and every deputy to the highest standard of RP from trainee to Deputy Sheriff. I will value the opinion of every one of my people and let them project their voices to the department. I have zero tolerance for any form of unprofessionalism around a civilian or other LEO. Any report on any of my deputies will result in an instant warning. As I stated in my previous reason I believe training is great training can prevent me from ever having to hand out punishment, however in the event in comes to this I want to have a fully prepared IA team that can deal with any sort of issue regarding this kind of behavior and much more.
My IA team will work on a system of reports that way if there is an internal conflict we can settle it peacefully and anonymously.

C. I want to build a team of people that I trust and know that can handle the department even in my absence. I want to have outstanding Chiefs at the head of each Branch, Training, Highway Patrol, Swat, IA, and Detective. I want to enhance our Detective Branch by working more close knit with LSPD, and FIB and allowing us to not only investigate in Sandy but in City as well. I will make my training branch as great as possible. My IA will be ruthless when it comes to those who do not follow our Code of Conduct. My Swat will be efficient Tactical and overpowering, and My highway patrol will keep the streets safe for everyone.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
3. I advise that the SAHP leader whether it be me or someone else takes notes from the other departments and utilizes our / commands. Every deputy should be knowledgeable of / me, / do, and / try commands as well as how to rp every situation out.
Last edited:

Jordie Glockz

Jun 6, 2021
1. Larry

2. 23

3. EST

4. 10-14 hours

5. Keythebeastyo21#7779

6. Larry mcgavin

7. 42643

Additional information

1. Leader of: SAHP

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization: I would like to be the leader of this organization because I believe that in order to create a safer community it must start with the top providing good training to those below you and allow it to trickle down to even the lowest ranks I believe that if you build the empire brick by brick from the bottom down that you will have a impenetrable organization, this will allow for better experiences within the SAHP and for those that we serve and protect and those that we must deal with all the same, I believe that I can be a good leader, that I will be hands on and I’ll be out there on patrols leading the charge I won’t send my men into harms way without leading the charge a good leader will always be at the front of the first line. I love the SAHP I have been here since Louie was the sheriff since then I’ve made my way all the way up to second highest in command which is known as chief and I was chief of highway patrol I want to see us be the best but while also doing our best to work towards pure perfection, I’d love to also set up a joint task force with the other legal orgs within the city in order to rid the upper city gang activity along with the norther part of San Andreas because it has grown almost totally out of control. And has caused to many losses of life from all org we must band together to create a safer environment not only for Leo’s but for the citizens of los santos as well

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization. Step one: crack down on email calls coming into ic and playing a massive part in the roleplay situations this cant happen as its failrp and meta gaming, 2. Implant more realistic ways of doing things, techniques, chain of command, and trainings, 3. Use the radio more efficiently and use it for a lot less ooc talk and more tactical call outs which will help improve the quality of roleplay
I have worked with Larry since he was a trainee and he took to the job extremely quick rising to the rank of Chief in almost no time at all I have no doubts he could run this organization to a tee.


May 7, 2021
2. I want to be the leader of SAHP because...

A. I have been in SAHP for the majority of my time in city, so I am extremely familiar with the jurisdiction and the things we actually face in the Sandy/ Paleto area. I want to prepare a training division like no other. I want to ensure that each SAHP deputy can handle every situation they are faced with whether it be an event or RP. I myself have been in the shoes of a trainee with a bad trainer and it changes the entire job. To help this I want to take a note from FIB and implement a Trainee 1,2,and 3 to ensure every single deputy knows the requirements of becoming a deputy. Every trainee should and will be taught not only the basics but the complicated aspect of being in the highway patrol. Trainee 1 will focus on learning dress code, Jurisdiction, and proper equipment use. Trainee 2 will focus on proper Radio calls, / commands, and patrolling. Trainee 3 will focus on practicing writing tickets, arrests, and going to events. I am dedicated to having a unmatchable training department and setting an example for the rest of the city. In my experience as the FTO lieutenant I realized that trainers would just promote trainees because it was there job instead of actually taking the time to see if the trainees are actually learning. As an FTO, I had trained many of the previous High Command in SAHP and even some now high ranking in FIB and LSPD. My methods have proven to be efficient, however they are still flawed and I want to do everything in my power to improve my methods to as close to as perfect as possible. I want to have multiple ranks of FTO's like our previous Sheriff, Jason Memes, although I want to build upon his idea into 4 ranks of FTO's. Starting with the FTO Corporal, this rank will train trainees from trainee 1-2. After that comes the FTO Sergeant, this rank will train Trainees from Trainee 2-3. Above both Corporal and Sergeant is the FTO Captain, this rank will administer the test to become a deputy otherwise known as the Field Training and Evaluation Program(FTEP or FTP) and decide whether or not a trainee is prepared to move on, FTO Corporal and FTO Sergeant will report to this rank. Finally the FTO Lieutenant, this rank will take interviews, train trainers, and can do anything the previous FTO's can, all FTO's Report to this rank. As you can see I have already thought out my plan for my training division and am ready to execute if I am given the opportunity. I understand this is going to prove challenging, however to me the most important branch in every department is training. I am dedicated to having a unmatchable training department. I will use the skills taught to me by my former Higher-ups and build off of their legacy.

B. I want to intake only the best for SAHP and prove we can handle our large jurisdiction. I want to make sure the people in this Department don't need to ask " what do we do " or "How do I do this?" because they will already know. If every deputy was properly trained then it makes everything flow easier and the high command has less to worry about. However there are outliers in everything and I am prepared to meet that head on with a 3 strike policy. 1st strike is a written warning, 2nd strike is demotion, and third strike you will be fired from the organization. Warnings will be erased after I or my Deputy Sheriff deems you capable or until one week from when the strike was issued. I will hold each and every deputy to the highest standard of RP from trainee to Deputy Sheriff. I will value the opinion of every one of my people and let them project their voices to the department. I have zero tolerance for any form of unprofessionalism around a civilian or other LEO. Any report on any of my deputies will result in an instant warning. As I stated in my previous reason I believe training is great training can prevent me from ever having to hand out punishment, however in the event in comes to this I want to have a fully prepared IA team that can deal with any sort of issue regarding this kind of behavior and much more.
My IA team will work on a system of reports that way if there is an internal conflict we can settle it peacefully and anonymously.

C. I want to build a team of people that I trust and know that can handle the department even in my absence. I want to have outstanding Chiefs at the head of each Branch, Training, Highway Patrol, Swat, IA, and Detective. I want to enhance our Detective Branch by working more close knit with LSPD, and FIB and allowing us to not only investigate in Sandy but in City as well. I will make my training branch as great as possible. My IA will be ruthless when it comes to those who do not follow our Code of Conduct. My Swat will be efficient Tactical and overpowering, and My highway patrol will keep the streets safe for everyone.

3. I advise that the SAHP leader whether it be or someone else takes notes from the other departments and utilizes our / commands. Every deputy should be knowledgeable of / me, / do, and / try commands as well as how to rp every situation out.
highly vouch good leader

Larry Hulk

Jul 23, 2021
this man is also 14 day ban lmao
Use to be banned for 14 days
2. I want to be the leader of SAHP because...

A. I have been in SAHP for the majority of my time in city, so I am extremely familiar with the jurisdiction and the things we actually face in the Sandy/ Paleto area. I want to prepare a training division like no other. I want to ensure that each SAHP deputy can handle every situation they are faced with whether it be an event or RP. I myself have been in the shoes of a trainee with a bad trainer and it changes the entire job. To help this I want to take a note from FIB and implement a Trainee 1,2,and 3 to ensure every single deputy knows the requirements of becoming a deputy. Every trainee should and will be taught not only the basics but the complicated aspect of being in the highway patrol. Trainee 1 will focus on learning dress code, Jurisdiction, and proper equipment use. Trainee 2 will focus on proper Radio calls, / commands, and patrolling. Trainee 3 will focus on practicing writing tickets, arrests, and going to events. I am dedicated to having a unmatchable training department and setting an example for the rest of the city. In my experience as the FTO lieutenant I realized that trainers would just promote trainees because it was there job instead of actually taking the time to see if the trainees are actually learning. As an FTO, I had trained many of the previous High Command in SAHP and even some now high ranking in FIB and LSPD. My methods have proven to be efficient, however they are still flawed and I want to do everything in my power to improve my methods to as close to as perfect as possible. I want to have multiple ranks of FTO's like our previous Sheriff, Jason Memes, although I want to build upon his idea into 4 ranks of FTO's. Starting with the FTO Corporal, this rank will train trainees from trainee 1-2. After that comes the FTO Sergeant, this rank will train Trainees from Trainee 2-3. Above both Corporal and Sergeant is the FTO Captain, this rank will administer the test to become a deputy otherwise known as the Field Training and Evaluation Program(FTEP or FTP) and decide whether or not a trainee is prepared to move on, FTO Corporal and FTO Sergeant will report to this rank. Finally the FTO Lieutenant, this rank will take interviews, train trainers, and can do anything the previous FTO's can, all FTO's Report to this rank. As you can see I have already thought out my plan for my training division and am ready to execute if I am given the opportunity. I understand this is going to prove challenging, however to me the most important branch in every department is training. I am dedicated to having a unmatchable training department. I will use the skills taught to me by my former Higher-ups and build off of their legacy.

B. I want to intake only the best for SAHP and prove we can handle our large jurisdiction. I want to make sure the people in this Department don't need to ask " what do we do " or "How do I do this?" because they will already know. If every deputy was properly trained then it makes everything flow easier and the high command has less to worry about. However there are outliers in everything and I am prepared to meet that head on with a 3 strike policy. 1st strike is a written warning, 2nd strike is demotion, and third strike you will be fired from the organization. Warnings will be erased after I or my Deputy Sheriff deems you capable or until one week from when the strike was issued. I will hold each and every deputy to the highest standard of RP from trainee to Deputy Sheriff. I will value the opinion of every one of my people and let them project their voices to the department. I have zero tolerance for any form of unprofessionalism around a civilian or other LEO. Any report on any of my deputies will result in an instant warning. As I stated in my previous reason I believe training is great training can prevent me from ever having to hand out punishment, however in the event in comes to this I want to have a fully prepared IA team that can deal with any sort of issue regarding this kind of behavior and much more.
My IA team will work on a system of reports that way if there is an internal conflict we can settle it peacefully and anonymously.

C. I want to build a team of people that I trust and know that can handle the department even in my absence. I want to have outstanding Chiefs at the head of each Branch, Training, Highway Patrol, Swat, IA, and Detective. I want to enhance our Detective Branch by working more close knit with LSPD, and FIB and allowing us to not only investigate in Sandy but in City as well. I will make my training branch as great as possible. My IA will be ruthless when it comes to those who do not follow our Code of Conduct. My Swat will be efficient Tactical and overpowering, and My highway patrol will keep the streets safe for everyone.

3. I advise that the SAHP leader whether it be me or someone else takes notes from the other departments and utilizes our / commands. Every deputy should be knowledgeable of / me, / do, and / try commands as well as how to rp every situation out.
a good fella and would be a good leadership fit as he always helped others out

Lucky Rain

Lucky Rain
Jun 21, 2021
1. Your name Yash Wadhwani
2. Your age 24
3. Time zone GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day 10-11 hours
5. Your Discord Aye Yash#8537
6. Your Nickname Jerome Machadoz
7. Your ID 27810
Additional information
1. Leader of EMS
2. a. The very first and foremost reason to be a leader of EMS is that I have been in the high command in Gilfrid's tenure. I am currently serving EMS as Head of AS(Ambulance Service). I was a trainee when Uni was the leader and from then I have dedicated all of my time to EMS. Starting from a trainee all the way up to be a head of department within a month. I have put it all of me into EMS. And to take what a good base and new system of EMS I would make sure that I am taking this ahead in such a way that I make sure we at EMS can proudly say we are on TOP as an legal unarmed org
b. With being said all the things terms and current situation of organization. I have always been a disciplined person and when it comes to EMS I have been enforcing all the rules and conducting trainings. I have had tweaked the system in such a way that the training we provide should be enough so that starting from trainee to any HC everyone is very well disciplined.
c. Racism and other rules that may hurt someone would be completely eradicated from the org. There would be no preferences everyone has to follow the same way to be able to work in EMS. EMS will not only be a disciplined org but the best org while communicating things with other orgs.
a. As EMS is the org that is never on holiday. I am trying to build a system so that we have adequate employees and they won't get bored of RP in EMS and everyone would be centric to EMS.
b. To make presence in global events, I have a few ideas to make people of EMS a little more comfortable and enjoyable
Thank You
Jerome Machadoz | Head of AS(EMS)
There are so many People want to be leader , but on basis of Maturity , Discipline ,Knowledge , Decision Making , I can see only one leader who is Jerome . I worked at EMS in past and Present I've seen so many Deputies and Heads but One of the best is Jerome.
I can Vouch for him because he is the best and you know it only if you work with him.


Jun 24, 2021
1. Your name Yash Wadhwani
2. Your age 24
3. Time zone GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day 10-11 hours
5. Your Discord Aye Yash#8537
6. Your Nickname Jerome Machadoz
7. Your ID 27810
Additional information
1. Leader of EMS
2. a. The very first and foremost reason to be a leader of EMS is that I have been in the high command in Gilfrid's tenure. I am currently serving EMS as Head of AS(Ambulance Service). I was a trainee when Uni was the leader and from then I have dedicated all of my time to EMS. Starting from a trainee all the way up to be a head of department within a month. I have put it all of me into EMS. And to take what a good base and new system of EMS I would make sure that I am taking this ahead in such a way that I make sure we at EMS can proudly say we are on TOP as an legal unarmed org
b. With being said all the things terms and current situation of organization. I have always been a disciplined person and when it comes to EMS I have been enforcing all the rules and conducting trainings. I have had tweaked the system in such a way that the training we provide should be enough so that starting from trainee to any HC everyone is very well disciplined.
c. Racism and other rules that may hurt someone would be completely eradicated from the org. There would be no preferences everyone has to follow the same way to be able to work in EMS. EMS will not only be a disciplined org but the best org while communicating things with other orgs.
a. As EMS is the org that is never on holiday. I am trying to build a system so that we have adequate employees and they won't get bored of RP in EMS and everyone would be centric to EMS.
b. To make presence in global events, I have a few ideas to make people of EMS a little more comfortable and enjoyable
Thank You
Jerome Machadoz | Head of AS(EMS)
This guy have huge experience in ems. And he always behave good with lower rank and help him to do good RP. Jerome make good structure in ems. He do proper RP. He organise madrun events for ems employee in a week. And i am sure about his leadership. He can create good RP and he is able to take charge of chief of ems.

Tyrone Dior

Jun 22, 2021
1. Larry

2. 23

3. EST

4. 10-14 hours

5. Keythebeastyo21#7779

6. Larry mcgavin

7. 42643

Additional information

1. Leader of: SAHP

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization: I would like to be the leader of this organization because I believe that in order to create a safer community it must start with the top providing good training to those below you and allow it to trickle down to even the lowest ranks I believe that if you build the empire brick by brick from the bottom up that you will have a impenetrable organization, this will allow for better experiences within the SAHP and for those that we serve and protect and those that we must deal with all the same, I believe that I can be a good leader, that I will be hands on and I’ll be out there on patrols leading the charge I won’t send my men into harms way without leading the charge a good leader will always be at the front of the first line. I love the SAHP I have been here since Louie was the sheriff since then I’ve made my way all the way up to second highest in command which is known as chief and I was chief of highway patrol I want to see us be the best but while also doing our best to work towards pure perfection, I’d love to also set up a joint task force with the other legal orgs within the city in order to rid the upper city gang activity along with the norther part of San Andreas because it has grown almost totally out of control. And has caused to many losses of life from all org we must band together to create a safer environment not only for Leo’s but for the citizens of Los Santos as well

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization. Step one: crack down on email calls coming into ic and playing a massive part in the roleplay situations this cant happen as its failrp and meta gaming, 2. Implant more realistic ways of doing things, techniques, chain of command, and trainings, 3. Use the radio more efficiently and use it for a lot less ooc talk and more tactical call outs which will help improve the quality of roleplay

inconclusion: I believe that I have what it takes to be a good leader within the SAHP. I firmly believe that the SAHP doesn't need a total rebuild but a new way of looking at things, new ways of training, and a more strict roleplay mindset. I truly believe that I can bring those things to the SAHP through the sheriff position and with the help of those I choose to make my high command and my seconds. i hope that you will give me the chance to speak with you more regarding my ideas and my ability's to run a legal organization

- Kind regards
Larry Mcgavin
I would like to vote for larry because he is an excellent SAHP officer and know all the rules and how to train the trainees. He trained m very good. The SAHP under him will work more efficiently as i know. So i would like to vote for him.


Jun 23, 2021
1. Your name : IRL Sukant
2. Your age : 23
3. Time zone : GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day : -9-10 hr
5. Your Discord : NTSamJunior#5020
6. Your Nickname : Sammy Junior
7. Your ID : 19991
Additional information
1. Leader of… EMS
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

A. I have been in this organization for roughly 3 months altogether now and been part of the lead command. I know how EMS works and I know how to manage the complex tasks required to run EMS. I also know how to manage and work alongside my fellow staff. As we are from worldwide I will make sure that all employees do their jobs.

B. I always spend more that 8hr In game and around 6hr working EMS in game and OOC work for the EMS. I have been part of the training department which is CPD in which we make sure that we teach them every rule required for the server and focus on Roleplaying and helping to make sure as an ORG. deliver quality Roleplaying.

C. I want more involvement of the EMS in global events. I want to initiate more Roleplaying with other orgs like FIB,NG etc. physically visit their headquarters and check up twice a week to keep the other ORG. staff healthy.

I have more Ideas for more interactive stuff with the other ORG. Hope if I can get interviewed I can share these idea with Gods(admins)

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.

*I have been seeing that EMS vehicle lately. Some of them don't have sirens and we get shot because in the ghetto people assume that we are from the “Blood street” gang. I want them to get sirens or vehicles should be changed.

*I will make sure to do more recruitment in the time zones in which we are lacking the adequate staff, as I do not wish to overwhelm the existing staff pressure to take calls and standing in lobbies.

Vouch !! He has been one of the best higher ups in ems with no bias towards particular families, regional bias.

Spyke Frederick

EMS Surgeon
Jul 11, 2021
1. Your name : Frances
2. Your age : 30
3. Time zone : GMT
4. Average online :10 -12 hours
5. Your Discord : FlantasyFlan#6219
6. Your Nickname: Flan Royalty
7. Your ID : 29321

1. Leader of EMS

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

I have now been in the EMS for 3 months, while employed in the EMS I have held almost all ranks and jobs. I have worked under 3 Leaders and seen many changes. I am currently the stand-in leader while the application process is happening. I have been Gilfrids right-hand woman for his term and have made and help many changes in the org since he took over.

I wish to be the leader of the EMS so I can continue building on the structures that we have built and the strong team we have employed. I believe I will be a good fit here as the leader due to my knowledge of the EMS and my history with the organisation.

I love and respect this organisation and everyone in it would love to be able to continue working with everyone as their leader

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization.

I would like to bring in more interaction with the other legal orgs not just during global events or to help them prepare for events against gangs, I would also like to look at bringing in team-building events for ems to provide a stronger bond between staff as well. giving them a bit of fun and excitement for the org
Saw this lady working a 20 hour shift one day to make sure EMS was not burning down. She was managing lobbies, taking interviews, training new joinees and going out on calls as well for the entire day. She is a synonym of dedication. Hope she gets the position because no one else deserves it better than her.


Jun 30, 2021
1. Joshua J.
2. 42
3. GMT-5
4. 40 hours minimum per week (on 5+ each day on average)
5. DOC SrO Ni Bejeebies | 58428#9311
6. Ni Bejeebies
7. 58428
Additional information

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I am 100% devoted to role play and the server. With my Public service IRL experience, I believe I will be able to bring real-world training, Policies, And Procedures into the RP experience to provide a clear and consistent stance on what is and is not acceptable from members of the org as well as the citizens in general.

A little about my IRL history, I started right out of high school as a deputy sheriff in the jail as a correctional officer. I worked my way to Lt of that department and took a transfer to a different department as a Road Sargent. I received an in the line of duty injury and moved from law enforcement over to the ambulance where I became a Paramedic and worked faithfully for 22 years. I have over 27 years of Public service and interactions IRL with Uniformed public servants and the general public at large. With the knowledge, I can bring to the table and incorporate into the RP for a more realistic approach to various situations as well as being able to pass along multiple real-world tips and tricks. I currently have retired from public service due to that prior injury requiring consistent medical care and declining IRL health. I started and am currently the owner of a small taxi fleet.

I don’t want to come into a position just to upturn the apple cart. This is something that I was not going to apply for out of respect for the recent staff I feel like I have to throw my name into the hat.

I feel if awarded the Sheriff’s Position Ni would be able to pass along professionalism, Tension De-escalation tactics, and knowledge to the members of the organization as well as improving intra-agency operations and cooperation. Ni would continue to maintain the highest standards across the board and enforce a very strict code of conduct for those under his command.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

There simply is not enough space allowed in a forum post to elaborate in full detail, but here are just some of what I would attempt to implement to improve RP:
  • Bi weekly or monthly Training Sessions open for All LEOs regardless of the department (Law Enforcement Event)
  • Weekly DUI/Wanted Check Points (event)
  • Intensive training and retraining programs
  • Complete rework and overhaul of any current or the creation of new policy procedures and codes of conduct
  • Strict Chain of command
  • Implementation of a shift report to be submitted after every shift (either via a google doc form or an imbedded form on the webpage that I am willing to pay for personally if needed)
  • Bi weekly or monthly Intra Agency Meetings between Department heads/ leaders (DOC, DOJ, LSPD, FIB, USSS, SAHP) If possible

This man has my respect for the way he takes the job. By the books man!

Jerome Machadoz

Forum Warrior
Jun 20, 2021
1. Yash Wadhwani
2. 24
3. IST
4. 5+ hours minimum
5. Aye Yash#8537
6. Jerome Machadoz
7. 27810
Additional Information
1. Leader of NG
2. Reasons to be a leader:
- I have been an retired NG Sergeant. I left NG and joined EMS currently Rank Head of AS(Department in EMS) to serve people on real grounds. I have had a month of experience in NG under the leadership of ex-NG Eva and Richard(for a couple of days). I am well versed with the ideas and events of NG. I have few more ideas to add onto the events and structure of NG to have this as the best organization. Not only intra organization but inter organization connects would be much better with the Idea's that I have in my mind. I have always been by the rules and discipline, thus in a month from a trainee all the way to lead a dept has been a great journey
- I have been a manager to a family with 150+ members. Managing all the fam events and businesses have been my role. I have added up new people who have been to the marks of Roleplay in the server. The few that have been punished, have been warned from our side as well. I have enacted a policy that have improved the quality of people that have been in the family and managing a family with this number has been challenging for me and I have been upto the mark
- IRL I lead a team for IT company, so I have been through the leadership skills that are required in a human being. The training involved to be calm during all the situations and how to not only build a network but grow it to a level everyone would love being around.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization
- I have been a early citizen in the server and that grinding had very less of RP. But joining my first org NG made things a lot clearer with trainings and methodology that was been followed changed my perspective and now I have a better view around the server not only with Family scenarios but also with organization scenarios, working in 2 orgs have majorly changed my RP in the sever
- I have been in EMS and the RP that we are been guiding through is one the most important thing I would like to add in NG. The more the roleplay we give to not only other organizations but to the citizens as well. Roleplay involvement during raids and global events, with not just being GTA Online like just moving out there and killing but a good scenario created before the whole situation and that will more fun than just killing people
- NG will be the most disciplined organization and we would act as actual army out there. Improving the quality of trainings and methods of NG to just not as a game but as a reality.
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Abraham Elkhabib

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 10, 2021
The Following Players are Invited to the SAHP Interview at 22:30 Sever Time on Monday (8/30/2021):

1. Phil Roberts Discord: SgtMilot#0503
2. Kentay Griffin Discord: King-Kryson#8309
3. Joshua Black Discord:Slvloke#7084
4.Shifty Power Discord Joker#8757

Applications for Leader of SAHP are now CLOSED
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