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IMPORTANT Applications for Leaders

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Chloe King

Professional /me'er
May 9, 2021
1. Your name IRL - Jacob
2. Your age - 19
3. Time zone - EST
4. Average online per day - 10-13 Hours
5. Your Discord - Spleckz#3562
6. Your Nickname - Capo King
7. Your ID - 2540
Additional information
1. Leader of The Vagos

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. I want to be the leader of Vagos because I want to bring more RP interactions into the gang life in the city. I feel as though the only interactions between gangs in the server are shootouts and robbing each other and I would like to see more RP scenarios rather than just shooting a gun all the time.

2. The "Cholo" Lifestyle is something that I'm very familiar with. I did Hispanic gang RP on another server and would love to bring some of that here. I feel as tho none of the gangs in the city make an attempt to portray what their gang's ethnicity is and I would like to be the first gang to do so. I would love to bring forth a lot of the RP such as Lingo, Style of clothing, Vehicles, etc.

3. I was in the highest position possible in the last gang I was in (Vice in Families.) While I was there I was in a high command position and learned so much about leading and teaching people. Recently I started My own family and we've quickly climbed up the ranks from 44th to 24th In two days and we only have 17 people in the family. I have a strong core That would be coming with me as the foundation for the organization. I feel the Vagos have had a bad rep in the city and I would love to change that and hopefully lead them to the top.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Planning more RP events such as Races, Fight clubs, etc. Enforcing the Cholo lifestyle in Vagos as it is a Hispanic gang, For example wearing clothes that are relevant to the Lifestyle. Have frequent meetings as It gives more interaction throughout the gang.

Dave Richards

May 8, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Taurin Trainor
2. 18
3. EST.
4. 6-12 hours
5. TNT#6099
6. Dave Richards
7. 7725

Additional information

1. Leader of Vagos gang

2. I would love to become leader of this organization because I am currently apart of the high command of Marabunta Grande so I know what needs to be done in a gang. I also would love this position because I truly have a strong skill of leadership. I used to work at LSPD and was a lieutenant so I have been a part of high command of both the legal and illegal sides, so I would have a great understanding of how the rp must unfold. my second reason I would like to gain this position is I love this server and I want to make the rp more fun and inclusive. I love to add as many aspects as I can to the server and id love to help grow this gang so that they are known and become a big part of the city. I helped grow MB to what it is today and I feel I can do an even better job with the Ballas because of all my new experiences. I've been leading store robberies turf teams and clandestine teams all to victory. My third reason is that I have the connections and people to grow the gang easily and quickly, so that it will not take a long amount of time for us to be known and the server will not feel like it is missing a gang. I have grown a family to over 150 members in under a month and a large number of those members would love to join and help the server as much as they can.

3. My advice to grow the rp level in organizations is to help bring more activity to turf wars and other gang confrontations. I would hope to have more alliances between gangs at everything but events for example 2 smaller gangs teaming up against a larger gang. This would bring another aspect of rp the server doesn't tend to see often. I would also love to encourage more events and more members of gangs attending events such as clandestine so that gang rp can increase. I would also suggest having teams in my gang plan out events such as store robberies, to allow other outcomes. I know store robberies are becoming stale with constantly the same outcomes and id love to change that.

Bill Dior

May 9, 2021
1. Derick
2. 23
3. EST
4. 9 hours
5. Slime#0115
6. Bill Israel
7. 8381

Additional information
Leader of Vagos

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
1. I want to change the culture of this organization and make it the prime example of what every other gang in the ghetto should be like. I have what it takes to be a Leader and a structure that will keep us in line and follow all city and ghetto rules. Also active from anywhere from 8-11 hours a day so I can be online and supervise my gang.

2.I can bring more RP to this gang due to me being connected with higher-ups in all legal organizations. I helped create an event that included LSPD, GOV, and The Families that has brought more action and thrill to all parties and I feel like with my connections with Legal organization and I can bring more events to where Vagos and Legal organization can RP more.

3. I can bring a lot of competent people over to this organization and turn into the face of the ghetto and have great rp

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
My advice is to get involved in Roleplay with legal organizations which will get some of the legal organizations that have nothing to do involved in some good RP. Like I mentioned before I can set up situations due to my connections. This will give us other ways for us to have fun, make money and fill in the times where we have nothing to do such as city events.


May 12, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Brody
2. 25
3. EST
4. 7-10
5. BrodyBalenciaga#8103
6. Brody Balenciaga
7. 4210

1. Leader of Vagos

2. One reason I would like to be a leader of Vagos is because I want to take RolePlay to a new level to enhance players' experience in and outside of the organization. I want players to have an enjoyable time while bringing high levels of competition between rival gangs. I want every member of the organization to have a fair chance of play and to help contribute to our goals. I want to give people the pride of having members achievements recognized, and ranking players levels on their dedication and willingness to work together for the greater good.

I want to help lead Vagos to the become the most dominant gang in Los Santos with a respectable reputation. I've been in this city for 3 months, and been in Bloods organization for over 2 months, giving me great insight into organization events and activities. I have a strong understanding of the rules of the server, especially in the ghetto. I want to make sure all members of the organization have a strong understanding of the rules before they join the organization. I am the leader of the "Balenciaga Cartel" family, currently ranked number 19 on leaderboards, with experience managing family members to work on businesses and events, managing inventory like weapons and ammo, and being as efficient as possible with what we have. Currently the family has 160 members. I have experience with alliances merging with another family.

I want to use my experience as a leader. I've regularly been selected as captain in team sports growing up and as a college Sports Management graduate, I enjoy bringing out the best in others, I'm an active listener and like to build consensus

3. I want to make sure everyone in the gang is attending events, while events are not ongoing, I want the gang rolling around the hood active in shootouts, robberies, taking over turfs. Hosting lots of events with LifeInvader such as car shows, races, best dressed, yacht parties, block parties and more. I want to be respectable of players of different time zones by keeping the gang active and doing activites in the later hours as well when no events are ongoing.

Ways to enhance RolePlay would be interacting with legal organizations such as the governor or LSPD and SAHP. When doing store robberies gang members would be having hostages and giving out commands to legal organizations and and working out a deal where both organizations would be happy and the hostage would be safe.Advice I would also give is people should start valuing there lives and always stay in character at all times. I would like to minimize OOC talk a bit as i think its used to often and it takes away from the serious RolePlay factor.
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May 8, 2021
1. Your name IRL - Sam
2. Your age - 22
3. Time zone - EST
4. Average online per day - 7-10
5. Your Discord - DekuDownBad#9630
6. Your Nickname - Deku King
7. Your ID - 5932
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
Vagos is a organization that has had its ups and downs, but it’s only issue has been leadership. Vagos has a strong history, that being the first reason I’d like to be the leader of Vagos. Vagos HQ is outside of the main ghetto, being a great place to group up for gang events and such, would be my second reason. The third is simply that Vagos has the best spray in my personal opinion.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Helping people understand how to give and receive demands the correct ways, understanding how Fear RP really works and when it has to be followed.


Jun 5, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
2) 1.I have always been a loyal citizen as well as a loyal member of the Ballas organization. My reliable and trustable attitude is one of the the main reason why I should become the leader of Vagos.

2.Instead of spending time in grinding city cash, I invested time in experiencing the major as well as minute aspects of the organization, city etc allowing me to point out the crucial areas which the gang lacks and needs to improve, I will not be mentioning the weak points as it might leave the gang vulnerable allowing other gangs to create counter techniques.

3.I have been in the Ballas, Life invader and I know which places I need to target to maximize the roleplay situations to such an extent that both the players of the gang as well as the others feel interesting..

3)My advice for improving the roleplay level of the organization is to create teams for teaching new recruits the important aspects of the gang events, gang fights etc and ensuring that people get to know the actual significance of the relationship between gangs and roleplaying.

Sali Gold

May 8, 2021
1. Your name IRL Sali Bahtijarevic
2. Your age 31
3. Time zone (GMT+2)
4. Average online per day 6-10 hours
5. Your Discord Sali#2391
6. Your Nickname Sali Gold
7. Your ID 10492
Additional information

1- Leader of Ballas Gang I wana make the city full with RP , not just breaking the rules and kiling with no reasons , like the most gangs do , respect the rules and falow them!
2- I am active and i have been a leader of so many gangs in another city ,i have been even leader of fbi , police etc not in this town, i wana make the gang big and powerfull , with many high rp people who know what are they doing
3-I will have bonuses for my gangs not like the other gangs who only use there gangs for them self to earn weapons and to sell them, we will do events a quality rp robbery , i have been in RP more then 5 years, in my own city with my own rules for 2 years. i know very well how to improve the quality of RP in every singl organization , i will give my best and i will make my organization to be like my own family with full love and respect!

Sali Gold

Mohak Gupta

Jun 10, 2021
Real name:- Kanav Gupta
2. Age:- 17
3. Timezone:- IST +5:30
4. Average online time:- 6-7 hours, sometimes 8-10 hours
5. Discord ID:- Mohak Gupta#1097
6. Nickname:- Mohak Gupta
7. ID:- 25937

Additional Information
1. Associate of Jokers
2. I want to be leader of this organization because
-> Providing experience to new players and make it fair for everyone
-> I really like this job and I would like to lead everyone so that our city can be better than other cities and we will grow together.
-> Prevent gang members to abuse the system and create new opportunities for RP.

3. My advice would be roleplay organization should get more recognition and should be strict in terms of RP rules. A gang should act more like a gang then just a hired mercenary.

Ousmane LeBlanc

May 25, 2021
1.Youssef osman
5. ousmane#4165
Additional information
2.The first reason why i want to be leader of SAHP is because I was in fib and ems and I realised that an org like sahp has so much potential and needs a good leader i have allot of experience with being a state also im very patient i know how to deal with all types of people and know how to deal with them with respect i know i will be a really good leader as this is what i have wanted to do for a long time and that gives me a motivational boost and makes me ensure my self that ill make sahp great again.
3. More reqruits u can never have too many officers also better pay and more vehicles and more room to patrol allot of the people dont want to be sahp because its in paleto we should increase the area they are allowed to go.

Ethan Murphy

🎵ישראל היא הבית שלי🎵
May 10, 2021
1. Ethan Rovansky
2. 16
3. Eastern Standard Time
4. 5-10 hours per day
5. Feef#0918
6. Eytan Murphy
7. 203
Additional information
1. Leader of:

Vagos Street Gang.
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I want to be the leader of this specific organization for the reasons:
1) I'm going to organize and set Vagos straight. For the past few months, I've noticed vagos have had struggles for leadership and proper guidance. I am an experienced player who knows strategic positioning, battle coordination, and superior knowledge of the map. I believe if I am a leader I can transfer this information to its members and thus, make every member organized and informed.
2) I fully will commit and confide to the members of the Vagos information, giving them all my attention, including things like making formal applications and or certain standard tests that will set the utmost highest standard for the members of Vagos. I know I can make Vagos the powerhouse it was meant to be.
3) For me, communication is key. I will keep all of the Vagos members informed about updates on rules, and exceptions aswell as on personal communication gang rules. With this, I will make sure every member can adhere and know the English language at a standard in which is communicable with other members of Vagos, but as well for other gang members and families for events and RP situations like robbing someone.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Making sure I set a standard for speaking English at all times and making communication between members of utmost importance, everyone treated with the same respect I treat others with and make sure everyone knows and abides by the current and updated server rules during my time as a leader for the Vagos Street Gang.

Jibreel Anton

May 8, 2021
1- Hossam
2- 18
3- GMT +3
4- 7-10 hours
5- Jibreel#8808
6- Jibreel Anton
7- 7439

Additional information:

1- Leader of Vagos street crime organization.

2- Why do I want to become the leader of the organization

-Make Vagos less hated by other gangs by teaching the members the rules and making a good assessment for them before they join the gang to make sure they are well versed with the rules to be followed in the city.

-Using my leading skills for events for better strategies and better co-ordination.

-As a person who has been a part of the ghetto for quite a while, I believe I have what it takes to lead a group of gang members towards victory and make sure the gang triumphs further as we progress :) .

3- My advices for improving RolePlay level in organization:

I noticed that the Vagos have been breaking a couple of rules in the city and I believe I can teach them the right thing to do in almost every situation, Making sure that every member get treated with equal respect and courtesy, Provide the members of the gang(Vagos) enough opportunities to make money and learn more for the foreseeable future. This shall reflect in the gangs attitude towards various altercations and help manage the organization in a much better sense.


May 8, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Declan Miller
2. 16
3. GMT
4. 10-12 hours
5. declanmillz#4230
6 Sheamus McConally
7. 2643
- Because i would like to see the quality of role play increase within the legal departments
- I really enjoy legal RP and used to be deputy Chief of PD hence enjoying the position
- I have a good relationships with the other legal department leaders and could grow the organisation for the better

3. I have a list of ideas i would be more inclined to share in an interview to keep it under wraps for the time being.

Sean Garcia

May 16, 2021
1. Your name IRL - Sean Duffy
2. Your age - 16
3. Time zone - BST
4. Average online per day - 6-15HRS
5. Your Discord - exay#1671
6. Your Nickname - Sean Price
7. Your ID - 1162
Additional information
1. Leader of SAHP
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation) - I would like to be the leader of the Sheriff Department for a various amount of reasons. Firstly starting off with dedication. I was in SAHP since the start. From a Cadet ( Lowest Rank ) To a Colonel ( Under DEP. Chief ) Chief Of Recruitment and Chief Of Training. This shows I was trusted and had the dedication to really bring the SAHP somewhere with my fellow officers. Secondly speaking. I wish to be Sheriff of SAHP to not let any corruption lay within the Department. When I was with the SAHP, It was not perfect. Slight corruption occurred and becoming Leader I can seek and knock out any of the problems faced. Thirdly and lastly speaking. To give new players the best Experience. Have a Department were we have fun. But keep a level of strict professionalism so everyone will enjoy. SIDENOTE: I have the skills of a Leader, knowing when to put my troopers into place and know what punishments to dish out etc. I would not use my rank to an advantage and not let anyone use there rank to an advantage

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization. - I wish to aim for the best RP experience possible. Having a strict line of Punishments and acting how we would IRL is situations IC. Being trained how you would IRL. Go thorough strict processing etc. We need to aim for non-corruption. Because that's what gives the Non-RP vibe. Treat all situations with full professional script. Knowing what to do and what not to do and to carry it out in the best RP way.

Richard Sole

Former Governor
May 8, 2021
1. Harry Eastwood
2. 24
3. UK (GMT +/-0)
4. 5+ during weekdays and 10+ weekends
5. Monkeynutz#2010
6. Richard Sole
7. 3466
Additional information
1. Leader of SAHP
2. I want to be the leader of the SAHP because:
a. I believe I am leadership material. I have been in the National Guard in my leadership role for a long time now. I lead our Ammo runs, I lead on our events, I lead on cross-organisation operations and lead the special forces unit within the National Guard. I am currently 2nd in command under the General and aspire to lead and am very headstrong when put in leadership positions. I consider everyone's opinion in a team and like to make decisions collectively as a whole team rather than just one figurehead pointing fingers. I believe in teamwork over individuality which is crucial in a position such as leader of an organisation.
b. I am well known between the current organisations and have been the reason we are in good communication. I currently have a list shared across the organisations which contains the numbers for all higher ups so we can easily communicate across the city. I have re-shaped the NG training process to iron out creases and it runs smoothly, I believe in delegating to reasonable personnel to ensure the job gets done collectively, efficiently and quickly. I currently manage the NG Discord due to my experience running communities in other games successfully and make a lot of the big decisions and provide the General with advice on decisions as well as make many suggestions that have been implemented within the NG for the better.
c. I believe my experience in helping the NG get to where it's at today will be a benefit to the SAHP and help reshape the SAHP and allow it to become a larger organisation that is considered more alongside the reinforcements of LSPD and FIB. I see now and it still appeared to be that the SAHP had low numbers and seemed to be the last resort to robberies etc. My aim would be to ensure the SAHP gets the numbers it deserves and the attention it deserves at the same time as keeping the peace in the northern territories. I will make sure that all of my troops would be trained properly and not a finger is laid wrongly during our duties, as per my Bio, I work to extinguish bad within the NG and I think I would be able to make the SAHP as great as the NG is today.
3. As stated above, I would strive to improve the relationships between the departments and would use my military training and expertise to whip the SAHP into shape. There will be an organisation full of great Officers who can handle any situation once I am done with it. That is my promise to you, as a leader, to make you proud of the SAHP. I will make the SAHP stand out and we will bring law, order and justice to the Northern territories of San Andreas. The roleplay will be enhanced, relations between organisations will be enhanced and I will keep on top of the sheets I currently provide to NG and will bring them into play with the SAHP too. I look forward to the potential of bringing peace to the streets and learning something exceptional.

I promise to you this, I will make you proud as the leader of the SAHP.
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Salvador Reyes
May 29, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. Jared
2. 26
3. UTC -4
4. Varies significantly. Anywhere from 2-8 hours usually.
5. r0b0#7634
6. Salvador Reyes
7. 23273

Additional information
1. Los Santos Vagos

2. - I want to be able to actually leave my HQ without getting dropped on site. Prior to us being disbanded the warehouse was permanently closed, and members (Rank 8 and below) never received weapons/gear. If you were in Vagos and had a gun/vest, it was because you purchased it yourself. This meant that most members were pretty ill-equipped to handle the constant raids from other crime organizations. All the gangs know we are the weakest, and they took advantage of that. I simply want the opportunity of having an equal playing field within "The Ghetto".

- I've seen so many people leave Vagos over the past few weeks to go join other organizations. They all had good reasons. This contributed with the lack of leadership has made being in Vagos basically pointless and not enjoyable at all. A good portion of what makes this game fun is meeting new friends and having a social relationship with these people. In Vagos there is very little comradery from the top all the way to the bottom. I hope that If I become the leader I can help change that.

- Lastly, I want to become the leader of Vagos because I was basically already doing the job. There was no form of communication or order within the organization when I joined. It was basically a group of people from the Balkan region who solely spoke their language combined with a bunch of other nationalities of people who spoke very little English. I quickly rose in rank and showed that I was capable of improving the organization. I started enforcing the use of our Discord, mass inviting our uninformed player base, and cramming as much information as I could to try and inform people of what they could and should be doing. I also recommended and made the majority of changes to our current ranking structure. I made it fit our theme better to match Vagos (Latino street gang). Even as a rank 7/8 I have proved that I can and will do more than the previous leadership.

3. I think the better question is how can we improve the RP standards of the server. There's only so much you can do as a person/gang/organization. To answer the question though, I would suggest adding OOC requirements along with IC requirements for each rank. I was in the process of creating this prior to our disbandment. I also recommend we test new recruits and lower ranks in order for them to progress within the gang. The most important thing I should suggest is teaching and helping the members understand the theme of the gang. On our server, we have tons of different nationalities and cultures who might not fully understand what Vagos are and how they should expand their characters to match the organization. It's not just a bunch of people who wear yellow.

Extra Info: I've been RPing as a Vago since 2012 on SAMP (San Andreas Multiplayer) and a couple of other GTA V servers that I've come across. That's almost a decade that I've been committed to this theme. I will continue to be a Vago regardless of who you put as the leader, and you won't see me applying for anything else. I think that shows you how important the quality of this organization is to me.

Sara Atticus

Jun 10, 2021
1. Riley
2. 18
3. GMT +1
4. 5-7 hours
5. Arequile#1568
6. Sara Atticus
7. 27388
Additional information
1. Vagos
2. I have a lot of experience from criminal RP and I owned a gang in another server and I'm pretty familiar with gang rules and ingame rules which leads me to believe that I'm perfect for this opportunity. I have been apart of families and I currently am apart of Bloods never been a high rank in neither but I've shown both of them that I am worthy of being in the gang by being active but mostly by showing them how good I am not only leadership but skill too.
3. I like to take roleplay seriously and I would like to implement my roleplay techniques on all my members and make sure that they don't break any rules to prevent warnings from being given to them. I also see many people in different organizations not RPing and I want to make sure that everyone around me RPs properly and most importantly follows the rules. I've been RPing for about 5 months now and I came to the realization that not everyone RPs which is kind of annoying but I think setting a good example to my members will obviously not make them RP 100% but it'll give them an idea and also teach them how to do it properly.

Louie Margiela

May 10, 2021
1. Your name IRL - Lucas
2. Your age - 27
3. Time zone - USA Central Time
4. Average online per day 6-12 hours
5. Your Discord LouiieLouiie#1780
6. Your Nickname - Louie Bones
7. Your ID - 9187
Additional information
1. Leader of... SAHP
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
  1. I studied Criminal Justice in real life college. I know many policing strategies, terms, and how they ACTUALLY act in real life. Often times people believe that they know realistic policing ways, such as warrants, stop and search, highway patrol, but they are mislead
  2. I want to improve the safety and overall justice in the city. The city right now is damn near like Gotham. It is overran by gangs and the gangs can do whatever they want.
  3. I have seen when the organizations don't work together and it is do no one any benefit. I am mature, 27 in real life, know organization skills, and how to act. I also am a Recruiter for my IRL job. I know how to weed out good, qualified candidates for our organization.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
  • I am a Recruiter for my IRL job. I know how to weed out good, qualified candidates for our organization.
  • I know real life policing strategies and rules. Applying this information to IC ways will help improve this organization and LEO in general.
  • I want to partner with LSPD, FIB, GOV, and NG to make a cohesive justice system. The more in unison we are, the better we can stop robberies, raids, etc..
  • Using my IRL experience will help me hire only the top members for the organization. This starts with an age restriction to confirm maturity and responsibilities. I love to have fun fun and will do in game events with my squads to have them have fun also.


May 8, 2021
1. Owen
2. 22
3. GMT +1 (UK)
4. 9h-12h
5. Root#4362
6. Willie Stroker
7. 10338

Additional information
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
  • Built strong inter-departmental relations during my time spent as an officer in the National Guard. This would be beneficial to all organisations as we can collaborate much easier. By collaborating with other organisations it creates a higher workload across the board for SAHP. I trust this will help boost appeal through our recruitment processes.
  • Increase the presence of SAHP officers within the county to bring a higher sense of security and actually prevent crime. We will achieve this by running more organised patrols and ensuring all road users have the legal documentation required to operate a motor vehicle. This can also be achieved by positioning more strategic checkpoints across the county.
  • Logistically plan potential exit strategies at store robberies and set up the required roadblocks to ensure the culprits do NOT make an escape. I will also provide the necessary training program for all officers to enhance and maintain their skillset, required to make Los Santos a safer place for everybody.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

I will work closely with other organisations and gods to ensure we are following standard procedures and laws. I will enforce a zero-tolerance policy on this. Ill set an extensive training program after the recruitment process to ensure all officers are capable of handling any RP situation.
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