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IMPORTANT Applications for the leader of party

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Muha Alemdar

Nov 19, 2021

Light Party

Welcome to the Light Party, a wholistic, proactive, educational new political paradigm party dedicated to "Health, Peace and Freedom for All". Founded by Mac Blu and Goro Takemura to fight the Darkness of Corruption swallowing our city, the party is dedicated to building a brighter future for all of Los Santos City. Our party members are experienced in different aspect of government and are working together to realize the dream of a Brighter Future for our Beloved City.


We aim to build a united force to drive our city towards a brighter and prosperous future.


o Government Transparency – Introduction of new Act for this
o Bringing in Legal orgs into the law building process of the Government
o Equal opportunity for all – Men and women get represented equally in all legal orgs
o Open courts and transparent trials – no more email courts
o Accountable to the people – open and regular Q/A sessions between the Governor and citizens. Open Conferences
o Implement a senate and a congress

List of Party members

Governor – Mac Blu
Deputy Governor – Feather West, Melvin Lacoste
Chief Whip – Goro Takemura
Minister of Justice –Charlie Pickins
Minister of Homeland – Charles Holloway
Minister of Defence – Leon Silverman
Minister of Security - Anthony Richards
Minister of Finance – Azazel Euron
Minister of Social Development - MiaGlizzy

Members of party

Khabib Time
Kyle Hustling
Lucky Blu
Bean Tosser
Rik Lyve
Moe Hallak
Dream Stormy
Rain Cash
Omar Aly
Carlos Mount
Burghs Cash
Isaac Bosak

Slogan: A Time For Greatness, Welcome the ERA of Greatness


2. FIB
3. NG
5. DeepBlu
6. EMS


Requirement to join the Light Party

- Clean background
- over 6 Years in the city
- Knowledge of server rules
- Knowledge of city legislation

Established: 01/12/2021
Light Party, All the way!

Baracus Pellegrini

Nov 24, 2021

Slogan: “Come join T.H.E. Party!”

The Human Equality Party A.K.A. T.H.E. Party

T.H.E. Party was created by a group of influential citizens who have been in the city since almost it’s beginning. Watching the rise and fall of many eras and governments, we’ve always noticed an underlying sensation that the average citizen is overlooked and not taken into consideration.

Our mission is to empower the people, to enhance health, end violence and overcome hardships.

With the endorsement of these influential people, we have gathered a team of influential citizens from all areas of expertise, who have experienced many terms, both as a part of the government, and from outside watching in. We believe this group will be able to help inspire those around so that even the most vulnerable people can lift themselves up and achieve great things.


T.H.E. Party is focused on granting equality to all citizens, and granting protection to the people in a way that makes sure they feel like humans.


One way of protecting our citizens is by shielding them from harassment of sexually charged acts. People should be treated as people, and not as objects to be harassed and disrespected without fear of punishment.

We want our citizens to be punished accordingly per crime, and not be treated as state terrorists for petty crimes. This means decriminalizing use of small quantities of drugs. No more serious time for non-violent crimes such as these when there are worse crimes to focus on.

Review, and rewrite the near totalitarian laws enforced by the previous governor Nibijeebies. We will rewrite the severe punishment for traffic violations such as being imprisoned for going 45 kmph over the speed limit, and instead making this 91 kmph over, and parking violations.

Push for a larger DSD department in order to ensure more events and scenarios are introduced to the city. We want to invest the citizens' money back into the community itself in order to help grow the community and create a fun environment.

We go beyond conventional ideas and approaches so new possibilities and innovation can flourish to ensure real and lasting positive change.

Pre-Election Promises:

  • Crack down on harassment
  • Lessen the charges on petty crimes
  • Rewrite laws placed by Nebijeebies
  • Give money from IRS back to the people

Criteria to become member:

  • must have 5 years in the city
  • clean record
  • Fluent English Skills

Party Candidates:

*Governor: Baracus Pellegrini
*Deputy Governors: Kira Decali, Rooti Parooti
*Minister of Homeland Security: Bruno Mora
*Head of Secret Service: Maybe Matic, Tommy East
*DSD Director: Phillup McGroin
*Supreme Court Judge: Bianca Pellegrini
*Attorney General: Charlie Pickins
*State Attorney: Arshraj Singh
*Director of Secretary: Xavier Clark
*USSS FPPD: Tyler Durden, Stormy Cyrus

Mia Love
Jimmy TooTime
Rain Cash
Marko Miller
Dean Howard
Moonbeam Howard
Enzo Howard
Oxi Howard
Wick Lopez
Isaiah Feeder
Giovanni Feeder
Wowizzy Matic
Johnny Mooch
Benji Buttons
TonyD ank

The date of the creation:
December 1st, 2021
Last edited:

Ashhar Baba

Deputy Chief Of SAHP
Nov 15, 2021




So Federalist Party was the first Political party in the states. Under Alexander Hamilton it dominated the states but never was able to keep a foot in San Andreas and in the leadership of Finley Falcon Federalist Party Decided to join the Annual Election. The Federalists called for a strong national government that promoted economic growth and fostered friendly relationships with Great Britain in opposition to Revolutionary France and will establish strong economic relationship with every country in the world which will make San Andrea’s great again with high salaries.​


We believe that every citizen should have right to speech and be treated equally no matter what their age, gender, profession and nationality is and we believe that Our state should be above all other states in the USA.​


  • Respect for women
  • High Wages
  • More Opportunity
  • Violence free city
  • Corruption Free bureaucrat system
  • High Salary for State Org.'s
  • Subsidy To Farmers
  • Lesser price of Gun license


Candidate- Finley Falcon

Deputies- Shourya Sri and Ranker Ustad

Head of Department-Ashhar Ansari
Director of DOC-Anisha Daneals
Director of SS- Yip Man
Director of Secretary- Toxic Archit
Attorney-Charlie Pickins

Looking for more members if u wish to be a part of federalist Party just DM me in emails on ISHAN ADITYA#9207



  • 5 years in the city

  • Clean background

  • Have knowledge of city rules


  • LSPD​

  • SAHP​

  • FIB​

  • EMS​

  • NG​

Date party was created : 10/11/2021


Let she be the governer Major at LSPD

Uni TooTime

Jun 17, 2021
The Following Players are selected for the The Leader of the Party Interview:

1. Tommaso Spagnoli - 61750
2. Baracus Pellegrini - 9498

The interview is at 19:00 Sever Time on Tuesday (07/12/2021).

Tip to all future applicants of the Leader of the Party:
Please read election rules carefully, especially election rules - (3) The party has to contain minimum of 20 members and has to be unique.

Charlie Pellegrini

Department of Jumps
Nov 2, 2021

Slogan: “Come join T.H.E. Party!”

The Human Equality Party A.K.A. T.H.E. Party

T.H.E. Party was created by a group of influential citizens who have been in the city since almost its beginning. Watching the rise and fall of many eras and governments, we’ve always noticed an underlying sensation that the average citizen is overlooked and not taken into consideration.

Our mission is to empower the people, to enhance health, end violence and overcome hardships.

With the endorsement of these influential people, we have gathered a team of influential citizens from all areas of expertise, who have experienced many terms, both as a part of the government and from outside watching in. We believe this group will be able to help inspire those around so that even the most vulnerable people can lift themselves up and achieve great things.

T.H.E. Party is focused on granting equality to all citizens, and granting protection to the people in a way that makes sure they feel like humans.


Previous Government's Objectives:
One way of protecting our citizens is by shielding them from harassment of sexually charged acts. People should be treated as people, and not as objects to be harassed and disrespected without fear of punishment. Progress Achieved

We want our citizens to be punished accordingly per crime, and not be treated as state terrorists for petty crimes. This means decriminalizing use of small quantities of drugs. No more serious time for non-violent crimes such as these when there are worse crimes to focus on. Achieved

Review, and rewrite the near totalitarian laws enforced by the previous governor Nibijeebies. We will rewrite the severe punishment for traffic violations such as being imprisoned for going 45 kmph over the speed limit, and instead making this 91 kmph over, and parking violations. Achieved

Push for a larger DSD department in order to ensure more events and scenarios are introduced to the city. We want to invest the citizens' money back into the community itself in order to help grow the community and create a fun environment. Achieved

We go beyond conventional ideas and approaches so new possibilities and innovation can flourish to ensure real and lasting positive change. Double Achieved

During the prior term, THE Party gave away more than 38 million dollars to state organisations through the new POGGERS act and more than 14 million dollars was given away through events.

New Term Objectives:
Create a robust Congress system, a new government institution that will bring citizens from every Organisation from both sides of the street, top families, and private citizens together to discuss issues of the day and craft new legislation as a partnership.

Restore the IRS to a fully functioning agency to relieve business owners of the oppressive taxation scheme they are currently bearing. This pool of money will be used charitably, through bonuses, giveaways, prizes.

Give prisoners more to do in DOC. It is meant to be a prison, but that doesn't mean that we can't make it a creative and interesting environment rather than a time out from RP. We can do better, and this is something our DOC is working on now and will continue to work on if re-elected.

Government will use its secretaries in delegations throughout the city to perform public services, offer free medical care with supplies purchased from EMS, answer questions, and be a resource for citizens generally especially with a hotel liason where new arrivals can get information, and guidance on where to begin their life here.

The government will create a comprehensive cannabis scheme, there is a lot of opportunity to create new RP situations and roles in the city and we will explore the limits of this.

Improving inter-organisational relations, encourage cooperation.

Sponsored by Globe Oil, the oil you trust in your car or truck. Oil for the people.

Pre-Election Promises:

  • Create congress so that people have more of a say in the laws which govern them.
  • Revive IRS to reduce the tax burden on business owners and create wealth which can be given back to the people in the form of bonuses, stimulus, and events.
  • Creating a more humane and less disengaging DOC/Prison environment
  • In collaboration with EMS set up Government-sponsored disease prevention program
  • Better education and care for new city arrivals with a Hotel liason
  • Create a regulated cannabis scheme
Criteria to become member:

  • Must have 5 years in the city
  • Clean record
  • Fluent English Skills
  • Human decency

Party Candidates:
Governor Charlie Pickins
Dep Governor Joel Specter
Dep Governor Maratha Vorobiov
Attorney General Bianca Pellegrini
Supreme Court Justice Juhny Huxley
Speaker of the House Lucy Pickins
SSA Professor Phani
SSA Emad Zahran
PR & Sec Director Gabby Quattro
Chief of Staff Vick Vinegar
Chief of Staff Frank Columbo
Warden Shaquile Trincao
SS Member Ryan Nino
SS Member Itay Neuman
SS Member Sergio Pagani
DOC Senior Officer Ski Chekoros
DOC Officer Charlotte StPatrick
DOC Supervisor Chuck Miller
DOC Officer Dylan Gomez
SS Member Kaneki Kami
Secretary Raynard Jepson
SSA Nixie Lancer
FPPD Strela Pol

Globe Oil Corporation
Vom Feuer Gun Manufacturing Co.
Redwood Cigarettes

The date of the creation:
December 1st, 2021

Baracus Pellegrini has given his permission to continue THE party into the next term.

Proof of party membership
Last edited:


No matter how kind you are, always expect idiots
Nov 21, 2021

Slogan: “Come join T.H.E. Party!”

The Human Equality Party A.K.A. T.H.E. Party

T.H.E. Party was created by a group of influential citizens who have been in the city since almost its beginning. Watching the rise and fall of many eras and governments, we’ve always noticed an underlying sensation that the average citizen is overlooked and not taken into consideration.

Our mission is to empower the people, to enhance health, end violence and overcome hardships.

With the endorsement of these influential people, we have gathered a team of influential citizens from all areas of expertise, who have experienced many terms, both as a part of the government and from outside watching in. We believe this group will be able to help inspire those around so that even the most vulnerable people can lift themselves up and achieve great things.

T.H.E. Party is focused on granting equality to all citizens, and granting protection to the people in a way that makes sure they feel like humans.


Previous Government's Objectives:
One way of protecting our citizens is by shielding them from harassment of sexually charged acts. People should be treated as people, and not as objects to be harassed and disrespected without fear of punishment. Progress Achieved

We want our citizens to be punished accordingly per crime, and not be treated as state terrorists for petty crimes. This means decriminalizing use of small quantities of drugs. No more serious time for non-violent crimes such as these when there are worse crimes to focus on. Achieved

Review, and rewrite the near totalitarian laws enforced by the previous governor Nibijeebies. We will rewrite the severe punishment for traffic violations such as being imprisoned for going 45 kmph over the speed limit, and instead making this 91 kmph over, and parking violations. Achieved

Push for a larger DSD department in order to ensure more events and scenarios are introduced to the city. We want to invest the citizens' money back into the community itself in order to help grow the community and create a fun environment. Achieved

We go beyond conventional ideas and approaches so new possibilities and innovation can flourish to ensure real and lasting positive change. Double Achieved

During the prior term, THE Party gave away more than 38 million dollars to state organisations through the new POGGERS act and more than 14 million dollars was given away through events.

New Term Objectives:
Create a robust Congress system, a new government institution that will bring citizens from every Organisation from both sides of the street, top families, and private citizens together to discuss issues of the day and craft new legislation as a partnership.

Restore the IRS to a fully functioning agency to relieve business owners of the oppressive taxation scheme they are currently bearing. This pool of money will be used charitably, through bonuses, giveaways, prizes.

Give prisoners more to do in DOC. It is meant to be a prison, but that doesn't mean that we can't make it a creative and interesting environment rather than a time out from RP. We can do better, and this is something our DOC is working on now and will continue to work on if re-elected.

Government will use its secretaries in delegations throughout the city to perform public services, offer free medical care with supplies purchased from EMS, answer questions, and be a resource for citizens generally especially with a hotel liason where new arrivals can get information, and guidance on where to begin their life here.

The government will create a comprehensive cannabis scheme, there is a lot of opportunity to create new RP situations and roles in the city and we will explore the limits of this.

Improving inter-organisational relations, encourage cooperation.

Sponsored by Globe Oil, the oil you trust in your car or truck. Oil for the people.

Pre-Election Promises:

  • Create congress so that people have more of a say in the laws which govern them.
  • Revive IRS to reduce the tax burden on business owners and create wealth which can be given back to the people in the form of bonuses, stimulus, and events.
  • Creating a more humane and less disengaging DOC/Prison environment
  • In collaboration with EMS set up Government-sponsored disease prevention program
  • Better education and care for new city arrivals with a Hotel liason
  • Create a regulated cannabis scheme
Criteria to become member:

  • Must have 5 years in the city
  • Clean record
  • Fluent English Skills
  • Human decency

Party Candidates:
Governor Charlie Pickins
Dep Governor Joel Specter
Dep Governor Maratha Vorobiov
Attorney General Bianca Pellegrini
Supreme Court Justice Juhny Huxley
Speaker of the House Lucy Pickins
SSA Professor Phani
SSA Emad Zahran
PR & Sec Director Gabby Quattro
Chief of Staff Vick Vinegar
Chief of Staff Frank Columbo
PR & Sec Director Penelope Lime
SS Member Ryan Nino
SS Member Itay Neuman
SS Member Sergio Pagani
DOC Senior Officer Ski Chekoros
DOC Officer Charlotte StPatrick
DOC Supervisor Chuck Miller
DOC Officer Dylan Gomez
SS Member Kaneki Kami
Secretary Raynard Jepson
SSA Nixie Lancer
FPPD Strela Pol

Globe Oil Corporation
Vom Feuer Gun Manufacturing Co.
Redwood Cigarettes

The date of the creation:
December 1st, 2021

Baracus Pellegrini has given his permission to continue THE party into the next term.

+++++++++ Good Luck.

Johnny Green

Ex SAHP Sheriff of EN 1
Aug 18, 2021

Slogan: “Come join T.H.E. Party!”

The Human Equality Party A.K.A. T.H.E. Party

T.H.E. Party was created by a group of influential citizens who have been in the city since almost its beginning. Watching the rise and fall of many eras and governments, we’ve always noticed an underlying sensation that the average citizen is overlooked and not taken into consideration.

Our mission is to empower the people, to enhance health, end violence and overcome hardships.

With the endorsement of these influential people, we have gathered a team of influential citizens from all areas of expertise, who have experienced many terms, both as a part of the government and from outside watching in. We believe this group will be able to help inspire those around so that even the most vulnerable people can lift themselves up and achieve great things.

T.H.E. Party is focused on granting equality to all citizens, and granting protection to the people in a way that makes sure they feel like humans.


Previous Government's Objectives:
One way of protecting our citizens is by shielding them from harassment of sexually charged acts. People should be treated as people, and not as objects to be harassed and disrespected without fear of punishment. Progress Achieved

We want our citizens to be punished accordingly per crime, and not be treated as state terrorists for petty crimes. This means decriminalizing use of small quantities of drugs. No more serious time for non-violent crimes such as these when there are worse crimes to focus on. Achieved

Review, and rewrite the near totalitarian laws enforced by the previous governor Nibijeebies. We will rewrite the severe punishment for traffic violations such as being imprisoned for going 45 kmph over the speed limit, and instead making this 91 kmph over, and parking violations. Achieved

Push for a larger DSD department in order to ensure more events and scenarios are introduced to the city. We want to invest the citizens' money back into the community itself in order to help grow the community and create a fun environment. Achieved

We go beyond conventional ideas and approaches so new possibilities and innovation can flourish to ensure real and lasting positive change. Double Achieved

During the prior term, THE Party gave away more than 38 million dollars to state organisations through the new POGGERS act and more than 14 million dollars was given away through events.

New Term Objectives:
Create a robust Congress system, a new government institution that will bring citizens from every Organisation from both sides of the street, top families, and private citizens together to discuss issues of the day and craft new legislation as a partnership.

Restore the IRS to a fully functioning agency to relieve business owners of the oppressive taxation scheme they are currently bearing. This pool of money will be used charitably, through bonuses, giveaways, prizes.

Give prisoners more to do in DOC. It is meant to be a prison, but that doesn't mean that we can't make it a creative and interesting environment rather than a time out from RP. We can do better, and this is something our DOC is working on now and will continue to work on if re-elected.

Government will use its secretaries in delegations throughout the city to perform public services, offer free medical care with supplies purchased from EMS, answer questions, and be a resource for citizens generally especially with a hotel liason where new arrivals can get information, and guidance on where to begin their life here.

The government will create a comprehensive cannabis scheme, there is a lot of opportunity to create new RP situations and roles in the city and we will explore the limits of this.

Improving inter-organisational relations, encourage cooperation.

Sponsored by Globe Oil, the oil you trust in your car or truck. Oil for the people.

Pre-Election Promises:

  • Create congress so that people have more of a say in the laws which govern them.
  • Revive IRS to reduce the tax burden on business owners and create wealth which can be given back to the people in the form of bonuses, stimulus, and events.
  • Creating a more humane and less disengaging DOC/Prison environment
  • In collaboration with EMS set up Government-sponsored disease prevention program
  • Better education and care for new city arrivals with a Hotel liason
  • Create a regulated cannabis scheme
Criteria to become member:

  • Must have 5 years in the city
  • Clean record
  • Fluent English Skills
  • Human decency

Party Candidates:
Governor Charlie Pickins
Dep Governor Joel Specter
Dep Governor Maratha Vorobiov
Attorney General Bianca Pellegrini
Supreme Court Justice Juhny Huxley
Speaker of the House Lucy Pickins
SSA Professor Phani
SSA Emad Zahran
PR & Sec Director Gabby Quattro
Chief of Staff Vick Vinegar
Chief of Staff Frank Columbo
PR & Sec Director Penelope Lime
SS Member Ryan Nino
SS Member Itay Neuman
SS Member Sergio Pagani
DOC Senior Officer Ski Chekoros
DOC Officer Charlotte StPatrick
DOC Supervisor Chuck Miller
DOC Officer Dylan Gomez
SS Member Kaneki Kami
Secretary Raynard Jepson
SSA Nixie Lancer
FPPD Strela Pol

Globe Oil Corporation
Vom Feuer Gun Manufacturing Co.
Redwood Cigarettes

The date of the creation:
December 1st, 2021

Baracus Pellegrini has given his permission to continue THE party into the next term.
I’ve known Charlie for a long time… he definitely can lead the city into a new era

Trey Windsor

Sep 27, 2021

Slogan: “Come join T.H.E. Party!”

The Human Equality Party A.K.A. T.H.E. Party

T.H.E. Party was created by a group of influential citizens who have been in the city since almost its beginning. Watching the rise and fall of many eras and governments, we’ve always noticed an underlying sensation that the average citizen is overlooked and not taken into consideration.

Our mission is to empower the people, to enhance health, end violence and overcome hardships.

With the endorsement of these influential people, we have gathered a team of influential citizens from all areas of expertise, who have experienced many terms, both as a part of the government and from outside watching in. We believe this group will be able to help inspire those around so that even the most vulnerable people can lift themselves up and achieve great things.

T.H.E. Party is focused on granting equality to all citizens, and granting protection to the people in a way that makes sure they feel like humans.


Previous Government's Objectives:
One way of protecting our citizens is by shielding them from harassment of sexually charged acts. People should be treated as people, and not as objects to be harassed and disrespected without fear of punishment. Progress Achieved

We want our citizens to be punished accordingly per crime, and not be treated as state terrorists for petty crimes. This means decriminalizing use of small quantities of drugs. No more serious time for non-violent crimes such as these when there are worse crimes to focus on. Achieved

Review, and rewrite the near totalitarian laws enforced by the previous governor Nibijeebies. We will rewrite the severe punishment for traffic violations such as being imprisoned for going 45 kmph over the speed limit, and instead making this 91 kmph over, and parking violations. Achieved

Push for a larger DSD department in order to ensure more events and scenarios are introduced to the city. We want to invest the citizens' money back into the community itself in order to help grow the community and create a fun environment. Achieved

We go beyond conventional ideas and approaches so new possibilities and innovation can flourish to ensure real and lasting positive change. Double Achieved

During the prior term, THE Party gave away more than 38 million dollars to state organisations through the new POGGERS act and more than 14 million dollars was given away through events.

New Term Objectives:
Create a robust Congress system, a new government institution that will bring citizens from every Organisation from both sides of the street, top families, and private citizens together to discuss issues of the day and craft new legislation as a partnership.

Restore the IRS to a fully functioning agency to relieve business owners of the oppressive taxation scheme they are currently bearing. This pool of money will be used charitably, through bonuses, giveaways, prizes.

Give prisoners more to do in DOC. It is meant to be a prison, but that doesn't mean that we can't make it a creative and interesting environment rather than a time out from RP. We can do better, and this is something our DOC is working on now and will continue to work on if re-elected.

Government will use its secretaries in delegations throughout the city to perform public services, offer free medical care with supplies purchased from EMS, answer questions, and be a resource for citizens generally especially with a hotel liason where new arrivals can get information, and guidance on where to begin their life here.

The government will create a comprehensive cannabis scheme, there is a lot of opportunity to create new RP situations and roles in the city and we will explore the limits of this.

Improving inter-organisational relations, encourage cooperation.

Sponsored by Globe Oil, the oil you trust in your car or truck. Oil for the people.

Pre-Election Promises:

  • Create congress so that people have more of a say in the laws which govern them.
  • Revive IRS to reduce the tax burden on business owners and create wealth which can be given back to the people in the form of bonuses, stimulus, and events.
  • Creating a more humane and less disengaging DOC/Prison environment
  • In collaboration with EMS set up Government-sponsored disease prevention program
  • Better education and care for new city arrivals with a Hotel liason
  • Create a regulated cannabis scheme
Criteria to become member:

  • Must have 5 years in the city
  • Clean record
  • Fluent English Skills
  • Human decency

Party Candidates:
Governor Charlie Pickins
Dep Governor Joel Specter
Dep Governor Maratha Vorobiov
Attorney General Bianca Pellegrini
Supreme Court Justice Juhny Huxley
Speaker of the House Lucy Pickins
SSA Professor Phani
SSA Emad Zahran
PR & Sec Director Gabby Quattro
Chief of Staff Vick Vinegar
Chief of Staff Frank Columbo
Warden Shaquile Trincao
SS Member Ryan Nino
SS Member Itay Neuman
SS Member Sergio Pagani
DOC Senior Officer Ski Chekoros
DOC Officer Charlotte StPatrick
DOC Supervisor Chuck Miller
DOC Officer Dylan Gomez
SS Member Kaneki Kami
Secretary Raynard Jepson
SSA Nixie Lancer
FPPD Strela Pol

Globe Oil Corporation
Vom Feuer Gun Manufacturing Co.
Redwood Cigarettes

The date of the creation:
December 1st, 2021

Baracus Pellegrini has given his permission to continue THE party into the next term.

Proof of party membership
I have all my faith in Charlie I know that he will be the BEST governor to EVER rule over los santos and lead all the citizens to the right track, from what I have seen Charlie has everything needed plus a billion times more, If I were to vouch for anyone it would hands down be Charlie,

Good luck Charlie ;)

Souls Mattheww

Souls Mattheww- GOD
Sep 24, 2021

Slogan: “Come join T.H.E. Party!”

The Human Equality Party A.K.A. T.H.E. Party

T.H.E. Party was created by a group of influential citizens who have been in the city since almost its beginning. Watching the rise and fall of many eras and governments, we’ve always noticed an underlying sensation that the average citizen is overlooked and not taken into consideration.

Our mission is to empower the people, to enhance health, end violence and overcome hardships.

With the endorsement of these influential people, we have gathered a team of influential citizens from all areas of expertise, who have experienced many terms, both as a part of the government and from outside watching in. We believe this group will be able to help inspire those around so that even the most vulnerable people can lift themselves up and achieve great things.

T.H.E. Party is focused on granting equality to all citizens, and granting protection to the people in a way that makes sure they feel like humans.


Previous Government's Objectives:
One way of protecting our citizens is by shielding them from harassment of sexually charged acts. People should be treated as people, and not as objects to be harassed and disrespected without fear of punishment. Progress Achieved

We want our citizens to be punished accordingly per crime, and not be treated as state terrorists for petty crimes. This means decriminalizing use of small quantities of drugs. No more serious time for non-violent crimes such as these when there are worse crimes to focus on. Achieved

Review, and rewrite the near totalitarian laws enforced by the previous governor Nibijeebies. We will rewrite the severe punishment for traffic violations such as being imprisoned for going 45 kmph over the speed limit, and instead making this 91 kmph over, and parking violations. Achieved

Push for a larger DSD department in order to ensure more events and scenarios are introduced to the city. We want to invest the citizens' money back into the community itself in order to help grow the community and create a fun environment. Achieved

We go beyond conventional ideas and approaches so new possibilities and innovation can flourish to ensure real and lasting positive change. Double Achieved

During the prior term, THE Party gave away more than 38 million dollars to state organisations through the new POGGERS act and more than 14 million dollars was given away through events.

New Term Objectives:
Create a robust Congress system, a new government institution that will bring citizens from every Organisation from both sides of the street, top families, and private citizens together to discuss issues of the day and craft new legislation as a partnership.

Restore the IRS to a fully functioning agency to relieve business owners of the oppressive taxation scheme they are currently bearing. This pool of money will be used charitably, through bonuses, giveaways, prizes.

Give prisoners more to do in DOC. It is meant to be a prison, but that doesn't mean that we can't make it a creative and interesting environment rather than a time out from RP. We can do better, and this is something our DOC is working on now and will continue to work on if re-elected.

Government will use its secretaries in delegations throughout the city to perform public services, offer free medical care with supplies purchased from EMS, answer questions, and be a resource for citizens generally especially with a hotel liason where new arrivals can get information, and guidance on where to begin their life here.

The government will create a comprehensive cannabis scheme, there is a lot of opportunity to create new RP situations and roles in the city and we will explore the limits of this.

Improving inter-organisational relations, encourage cooperation.

Sponsored by Globe Oil, the oil you trust in your car or truck. Oil for the people.

Pre-Election Promises:

  • Create congress so that people have more of a say in the laws which govern them.
  • Revive IRS to reduce the tax burden on business owners and create wealth which can be given back to the people in the form of bonuses, stimulus, and events.
  • Creating a more humane and less disengaging DOC/Prison environment
  • In collaboration with EMS set up Government-sponsored disease prevention program
  • Better education and care for new city arrivals with a Hotel liason
  • Create a regulated cannabis scheme
Criteria to become member:

  • Must have 5 years in the city
  • Clean record
  • Fluent English Skills
  • Human decency

Party Candidates:
Governor Charlie Pickins
Dep Governor Joel Specter
Dep Governor Maratha Vorobiov
Attorney General Bianca Pellegrini
Supreme Court Justice Juhny Huxley
Speaker of the House Lucy Pickins
SSA Professor Phani
SSA Emad Zahran
PR & Sec Director Gabby Quattro
Chief of Staff Vick Vinegar
Chief of Staff Frank Columbo
Warden Shaquile Trincao
SS Member Ryan Nino
SS Member Itay Neuman
SS Member Sergio Pagani
DOC Senior Officer Ski Chekoros
DOC Officer Charlotte StPatrick
DOC Supervisor Chuck Miller
DOC Officer Dylan Gomez
SS Member Kaneki Kami
Secretary Raynard Jepson
SSA Nixie Lancer
FPPD Strela Pol

Globe Oil Corporation
Vom Feuer Gun Manufacturing Co.
Redwood Cigarettes

The date of the creation:
December 1st, 2021

Baracus Pellegrini has given his permission to continue THE party into the next term.

Proof of party membership
Best of luck one of the most deserving person to get governor.

Richard Sole

Former Governor
May 8, 2021
Change San Andreas
"Time for Change"
Founded 12th February 2022


San Andreas has gone on for long enough under the current government. It is Time for Change!
Change San Andreas promises to bring the state together under one banner of success. We strive to be the party of the people. We want to bring change to San Andreas to ensure that every person living in this state feels respected by their government, their law enforcement and the people. We want to change the views the people have about the government and ensure that we are approachable, friendly and appreciative of every individual in the state.
It is our aim and our priority to bring the people of San Andreas closer together.
Richard Sole is perfect for the position of Governor as he has previously held the following positions:
High Command of the National Guard throughout Papa Valeri’s Term.
Deputy/Colonel of the National Guard throughout Evangelia Papakosta’s Term.
During his time at the National Guard, he reformed the training, recruiting, dress codes, procedures and ranking structure. All of which are still in use today or have been extended upon and are in use.
High-command then Deputy Chief of LSPD throughout Gabi Tosca’s Terms, again improving upon the procedures, dress code, roster, admin and the daily running of the organization. Still in use today.
Deputy Chief under Tyrell Johnson at LSPD.
Senior Agent (Cannot confirm official title due to secrecy of the job) under Monty West at FIB.

Richard has spent enough time in Legal Organizations to understand the inner workings of the State and how things function legally. This experience in his own opinion is why he is selected as the best candidate for the Change SA party.
He is giving up a top spot in FIB to attempt to fix what he thinks is a broken Government and a broken system.

We believe that it is the right of every citizen to protect what is theirs and strive to be successful. This is why we think now is the Time for Change!

Our purpose will be to serve the people and make their quality of life better than it has ever been before. Our campaign promises will all be fulfilled within days. We want to make San Andreas greater than it already is. The only thing stopping that is the current government and their hypocrisy and lies. It is Time for Change!​

Our Promises​

  • Legislate and impose certain immunities to FIB again. Extend it to on duty LSPD, SAHP and NG employees. This will cover them for traffic offenses and over carrying weapons and ammunition and I will sign it into law to say that it can never be removed unless the majority of leaders of the affected organizations agree on it.
  • Increase the limits on weapons and ammunition stored inside of vehicles
  • Make changes to the trespassing laws of the state, enabling defense of property without Law Enforcement after warnings are given.
  • Impose self defense laws that are easier to understand and clear.
  • Rewrite the penal codes to make them easier to understand and ensure there are no contradictions
  • Rewrite the traffic codes to better protect public spaces and make clearer where citizens can and cannot park their vehicles.
  • Press conferences twice a week in collaboration with LifeInvader to address situations and the state.
  • Visit people at work and talk to the citizens from Taxi Drivers, to Lumberjacks and from Soldiers of the National Guard to the Director of FIB. We will be a government for the people.
  • We will make special visits to the family homes of San Andreas. We want to hear what every family has to say about their great state regardless of size, wealth or location in the state.
  • We will bring in a Jury during trials to mitigate favouritsim and biased opinions. Something this current government does not practise.
  • We will bring in an open senate where any citizen can apply to become a senator to sit in the senate and have a say in laws and discuss problems within the state.
  • Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Secret Service.
  • Fund the legal organizations weekly with a reward scheme promoted within each organization backed with government funding and ceremonies to celebrate the hard work the employees put in to protect our great state.
  • Take over on the payment for civilian hostages to show the people that we care for each and every one of our Citizens. This will also enable the legal organizations to spend that money elsewhere within their organization and never worry about money again.
  • Improve the justice system and make becoming a private lawyer a better known process so we have more lawyers within the state and also improve upon the examination process so we end up with better quality of lawyers.
  • Organize events more regularly with the people of San Andreas so that we show the people that we care and totally fund these events and staff them with respected individuals. Whether that’s collaborating with organizations and families or hosting them ourselves, our new Minister of Public affairs will create a public affairs committee where they will arrange fun activities throughout the state.
  • Promise that people who are already wanted by the state for crimes not witnessed by an officer of the law will be legally processed and brought before a judge for a hearing.

Party Members
For a full list of the members of the Change San Andreas Party, see the link provided below.

If you wish to join our party
You must not have a criminal record.
Must have been a resident for at least 10 years.
Contact me to sign up!

Tyrell Johnson - Chief of Police
Monty West - Director of FIB
Avi Batra - Chief of EMS
Eklavya Thakur - Deputy Chief of LSPD
Amara Somatra - CEO of Lifeinvader

Sponsored by no-one, supported by the people.
Last edited:

Kyle Longg

Oct 23, 2021
Change San Andreas
"Time for Change"

San Andreas has gone on for long enough under the current government. It is Time for Change!
Change San Andreas promises to bring the state together under one banner of success. We strive to be the party of the people. We want to bring change to San Andreas to ensure that every person living in this state feels respected by their government, their law enforcement and the people. We want to change the views the people have about the government and ensure that we are approachable, friendly and appreciative of every individual in the state.
It is our aim and our priority to bring the people of San Andreas closer together.
Richard Sole is perfect for the position of Governor as he has previously held the following positions:
High Command of the National Guard throughout Papa Valeri’s Term.
Deputy/Colonel of the National Guard throughout Evangelia Papakosta’s Term.
During his time at the National Guard, he reformed the training, recruiting, dress codes, procedures and ranking structure. All of which are still in use today or have been extended upon and are in use.
High-command then Deputy Chief of LSPD throughout Gabi Tosca’s Terms, again improving upon the procedures, dress code, roster, admin and the daily running of the organization. Still in use today.
Deputy Chief under Tyrell Johnson at LSPD.
Senior Agent (Cannot confirm official title due to secrecy of the job) under Monty West at FIB.

Richard has spent enough time in Legal Organizations to understand the inner workings of the State and how things function legally. This experience in his own opinion is why he is selected as the best candidate for the Change SA party.
He is giving up a top spot in FIB to attempt to fix what he thinks is a broken Government and a broken system.

We believe that it is the right of every citizen to protect what is theirs and strive to be successful. This is why we think now is the Time for Change!

Our purpose will be to serve the people and make their quality of life better than it has ever been before. Our campaign promises will all be fulfilled within days. We want to make San Andreas greater than it already is. The only thing stopping that is the current government and their hypocrisy and lies. It is Time for Change!​

Our Promises​

  • Impose impartial immunity to FIB again. Extend it to on duty LSPD, SAHP and NG employees. This will cover them for traffic offenses and over carrying weapons and ammunition and I will sign it into law to say that it can never be removed unless the majority of leaders of the affected organizations agree on it.
  • Increase the limits on weapons and ammunition stored inside of vehicles
  • Make changes to the trespassing laws of the state, enabling defense of property without Law Enforcement after warnings are given.
  • Impose self defense laws that are easier to understand and clear.
  • Rewrite the penal codes to make them easier to understand and ensure there are no contradictions
  • Rewrite the traffic codes to better protect public spaces and make clearer where citizens can and cannot park their vehicles.
  • Press conferences twice a week in collaboration with LifeInvader to address situations and the state.
  • Visit people at work and talk to the citizens from Taxi Drivers, to Lumberjacks and from Soldiers of the National Guard to the Director of FIB. We will be a government for the people.
  • We will make special visits to the family homes of San Andreas. We want to hear what every family has to say about their great state regardless of size, wealth or location in the state.
  • We will bring in a Jury during trials to mitigate favouritsim and biased opinions. Something this current government does not practise.
  • We will bring in an open senate where any citizen can apply to become a senator to sit in the senate and have a say in laws and discuss problems within the state.
  • Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Secret Service.
  • Fund the legal organizations weekly with a reward scheme promoted within each organization backed with government funding and ceremonies to celebrate the hard work the employees put in to protect our great state.
  • Take over on the payment for civilian hostages to show the people that we care for each and every one of our civilians. This will also enable the legal organizations to spend that money elsewhere within their organization and never worry about money again.
  • Improve the justice system and make becoming a private lawyer more known about so we have more lawyers within the state and also improve upon the examination process so we end up with better quality of lawyers.
  • Organize events more regularly with the people of San Andreas so that we show the people that we care and totally fund these events and staff them with respected individuals. Whether that’s collaborating with organizations and families or hosting them ourselves, our new Minister of Public affairs will create a public affairs committee where they will arrange fun activities throughout the state.
  • Promise that people who are already wanted by the state for crimes not witnessed by an officer of the law will be legally processed and brought before a judge for a hearing.Party Members

Party Members
For a full list of the members of the Change San Andreas Party, see the link provided below.

Tyrell Johnson - Chief of Police
Monty West - Director of FIB
Avi Batra - Chief of EMS
Eklavya Thakur - Deputy Chief of LSPD
Amara Somatra - CEO of Lifeinvader
+++++++++++ Brilliant guy and Brilliant ideas hopefully can’t wait to this in action it would totally transform the city into a much better place for everyone


Jan 9, 2022
Change San Andreas
"Time for Change"

San Andreas has gone on for long enough under the current government. It is Time for Change!
Change San Andreas promises to bring the state together under one banner of success. We strive to be the party of the people. We want to bring change to San Andreas to ensure that every person living in this state feels respected by their government, their law enforcement and the people. We want to change the views the people have about the government and ensure that we are approachable, friendly and appreciative of every individual in the state.
It is our aim and our priority to bring the people of San Andreas closer together.
Richard Sole is perfect for the position of Governor as he has previously held the following positions:
High Command of the National Guard throughout Papa Valeri’s Term.
Deputy/Colonel of the National Guard throughout Evangelia Papakosta’s Term.
During his time at the National Guard, he reformed the training, recruiting, dress codes, procedures and ranking structure. All of which are still in use today or have been extended upon and are in use.
High-command then Deputy Chief of LSPD throughout Gabi Tosca’s Terms, again improving upon the procedures, dress code, roster, admin and the daily running of the organization. Still in use today.
Deputy Chief under Tyrell Johnson at LSPD.
Senior Agent (Cannot confirm official title due to secrecy of the job) under Monty West at FIB.

Richard has spent enough time in Legal Organizations to understand the inner workings of the State and how things function legally. This experience in his own opinion is why he is selected as the best candidate for the Change SA party.
He is giving up a top spot in FIB to attempt to fix what he thinks is a broken Government and a broken system.

We believe that it is the right of every citizen to protect what is theirs and strive to be successful. This is why we think now is the Time for Change!

Our purpose will be to serve the people and make their quality of life better than it has ever been before. Our campaign promises will all be fulfilled within days. We want to make San Andreas greater than it already is. The only thing stopping that is the current government and their hypocrisy and lies. It is Time for Change!​

Our Promises​

  • Impose impartial immunity to FIB again. Extend it to on duty LSPD, SAHP and NG employees. This will cover them for traffic offenses and over carrying weapons and ammunition and I will sign it into law to say that it can never be removed unless the majority of leaders of the affected organizations agree on it.
  • Increase the limits on weapons and ammunition stored inside of vehicles
  • Make changes to the trespassing laws of the state, enabling defense of property without Law Enforcement after warnings are given.
  • Impose self defense laws that are easier to understand and clear.
  • Rewrite the penal codes to make them easier to understand and ensure there are no contradictions
  • Rewrite the traffic codes to better protect public spaces and make clearer where citizens can and cannot park their vehicles.
  • Press conferences twice a week in collaboration with LifeInvader to address situations and the state.
  • Visit people at work and talk to the citizens from Taxi Drivers, to Lumberjacks and from Soldiers of the National Guard to the Director of FIB. We will be a government for the people.
  • We will make special visits to the family homes of San Andreas. We want to hear what every family has to say about their great state regardless of size, wealth or location in the state.
  • We will bring in a Jury during trials to mitigate favouritsim and biased opinions. Something this current government does not practise.
  • We will bring in an open senate where any citizen can apply to become a senator to sit in the senate and have a say in laws and discuss problems within the state.
  • Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Secret Service.
  • Fund the legal organizations weekly with a reward scheme promoted within each organization backed with government funding and ceremonies to celebrate the hard work the employees put in to protect our great state.
  • Take over on the payment for civilian hostages to show the people that we care for each and every one of our civilians. This will also enable the legal organizations to spend that money elsewhere within their organization and never worry about money again.
  • Improve the justice system and make becoming a private lawyer more known about so we have more lawyers within the state and also improve upon the examination process so we end up with better quality of lawyers.
  • Organize events more regularly with the people of San Andreas so that we show the people that we care and totally fund these events and staff them with respected individuals. Whether that’s collaborating with organizations and families or hosting them ourselves, our new Minister of Public affairs will create a public affairs committee where they will arrange fun activities throughout the state.
  • Promise that people who are already wanted by the state for crimes not witnessed by an officer of the law will be legally processed and brought before a judge for a hearing.Party Members

Party Members
For a full list of the members of the Change San Andreas Party, see the link provided below.

Tyrell Johnson - Chief of Police
Monty West - Director of FIB
Avi Batra - Chief of EMS
Eklavya Thakur - Deputy Chief of LSPD
Amara Somatra - CEO of Lifeinvader

Max Konwell

May 9, 2021
Change San Andreas
"Time for Change"

San Andreas has gone on for long enough under the current government. It is Time for Change!
Change San Andreas promises to bring the state together under one banner of success. We strive to be the party of the people. We want to bring change to San Andreas to ensure that every person living in this state feels respected by their government, their law enforcement and the people. We want to change the views the people have about the government and ensure that we are approachable, friendly and appreciative of every individual in the state.
It is our aim and our priority to bring the people of San Andreas closer together.
Richard Sole is perfect for the position of Governor as he has previously held the following positions:
High Command of the National Guard throughout Papa Valeri’s Term.
Deputy/Colonel of the National Guard throughout Evangelia Papakosta’s Term.
During his time at the National Guard, he reformed the training, recruiting, dress codes, procedures and ranking structure. All of which are still in use today or have been extended upon and are in use.
High-command then Deputy Chief of LSPD throughout Gabi Tosca’s Terms, again improving upon the procedures, dress code, roster, admin and the daily running of the organization. Still in use today.
Deputy Chief under Tyrell Johnson at LSPD.
Senior Agent (Cannot confirm official title due to secrecy of the job) under Monty West at FIB.

Richard has spent enough time in Legal Organizations to understand the inner workings of the State and how things function legally. This experience in his own opinion is why he is selected as the best candidate for the Change SA party.
He is giving up a top spot in FIB to attempt to fix what he thinks is a broken Government and a broken system.

We believe that it is the right of every citizen to protect what is theirs and strive to be successful. This is why we think now is the Time for Change!

Our purpose will be to serve the people and make their quality of life better than it has ever been before. Our campaign promises will all be fulfilled within days. We want to make San Andreas greater than it already is. The only thing stopping that is the current government and their hypocrisy and lies. It is Time for Change!​

Our Promises​

  • Impose impartial immunity to FIB again. Extend it to on duty LSPD, SAHP and NG employees. This will cover them for traffic offenses and over carrying weapons and ammunition and I will sign it into law to say that it can never be removed unless the majority of leaders of the affected organizations agree on it.
  • Increase the limits on weapons and ammunition stored inside of vehicles
  • Make changes to the trespassing laws of the state, enabling defense of property without Law Enforcement after warnings are given.
  • Impose self defense laws that are easier to understand and clear.
  • Rewrite the penal codes to make them easier to understand and ensure there are no contradictions
  • Rewrite the traffic codes to better protect public spaces and make clearer where citizens can and cannot park their vehicles.
  • Press conferences twice a week in collaboration with LifeInvader to address situations and the state.
  • Visit people at work and talk to the citizens from Taxi Drivers, to Lumberjacks and from Soldiers of the National Guard to the Director of FIB. We will be a government for the people.
  • We will make special visits to the family homes of San Andreas. We want to hear what every family has to say about their great state regardless of size, wealth or location in the state.
  • We will bring in a Jury during trials to mitigate favouritsim and biased opinions. Something this current government does not practise.
  • We will bring in an open senate where any citizen can apply to become a senator to sit in the senate and have a say in laws and discuss problems within the state.
  • Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Secret Service.
  • Fund the legal organizations weekly with a reward scheme promoted within each organization backed with government funding and ceremonies to celebrate the hard work the employees put in to protect our great state.
  • Take over on the payment for civilian hostages to show the people that we care for each and every one of our civilians. This will also enable the legal organizations to spend that money elsewhere within their organization and never worry about money again.
  • Improve the justice system and make becoming a private lawyer more known about so we have more lawyers within the state and also improve upon the examination process so we end up with better quality of lawyers.
  • Organize events more regularly with the people of San Andreas so that we show the people that we care and totally fund these events and staff them with respected individuals. Whether that’s collaborating with organizations and families or hosting them ourselves, our new Minister of Public affairs will create a public affairs committee where they will arrange fun activities throughout the state.
  • Promise that people who are already wanted by the state for crimes not witnessed by an officer of the law will be legally processed and brought before a judge for a hearing.Party Members

Party Members
For a full list of the members of the Change San Andreas Party, see the link provided below.

Tyrell Johnson - Chief of Police
Monty West - Director of FIB
Avi Batra - Chief of EMS
Eklavya Thakur - Deputy Chief of LSPD
Amara Somatra - CEO of Lifeinvader
+ Really great guy, brilliant ideas. Couldn't think of anyone better

Jimmy Mayt

Big Daddy Jimmy
Dec 16, 2021
Change San Andreas
"Time for Change"

San Andreas has gone on for long enough under the current government. It is Time for Change!
Change San Andreas promises to bring the state together under one banner of success. We strive to be the party of the people. We want to bring change to San Andreas to ensure that every person living in this state feels respected by their government, their law enforcement and the people. We want to change the views the people have about the government and ensure that we are approachable, friendly and appreciative of every individual in the state.
It is our aim and our priority to bring the people of San Andreas closer together.
Richard Sole is perfect for the position of Governor as he has previously held the following positions:
High Command of the National Guard throughout Papa Valeri’s Term.
Deputy/Colonel of the National Guard throughout Evangelia Papakosta’s Term.
During his time at the National Guard, he reformed the training, recruiting, dress codes, procedures and ranking structure. All of which are still in use today or have been extended upon and are in use.
High-command then Deputy Chief of LSPD throughout Gabi Tosca’s Terms, again improving upon the procedures, dress code, roster, admin and the daily running of the organization. Still in use today.
Deputy Chief under Tyrell Johnson at LSPD.
Senior Agent (Cannot confirm official title due to secrecy of the job) under Monty West at FIB.

Richard has spent enough time in Legal Organizations to understand the inner workings of the State and how things function legally. This experience in his own opinion is why he is selected as the best candidate for the Change SA party.
He is giving up a top spot in FIB to attempt to fix what he thinks is a broken Government and a broken system.

We believe that it is the right of every citizen to protect what is theirs and strive to be successful. This is why we think now is the Time for Change!

Our purpose will be to serve the people and make their quality of life better than it has ever been before. Our campaign promises will all be fulfilled within days. We want to make San Andreas greater than it already is. The only thing stopping that is the current government and their hypocrisy and lies. It is Time for Change!​

Our Promises​

  • Impose impartial immunity to FIB again. Extend it to on duty LSPD, SAHP and NG employees. This will cover them for traffic offenses and over carrying weapons and ammunition and I will sign it into law to say that it can never be removed unless the majority of leaders of the affected organizations agree on it.
  • Increase the limits on weapons and ammunition stored inside of vehicles
  • Make changes to the trespassing laws of the state, enabling defense of property without Law Enforcement after warnings are given.
  • Impose self defense laws that are easier to understand and clear.
  • Rewrite the penal codes to make them easier to understand and ensure there are no contradictions
  • Rewrite the traffic codes to better protect public spaces and make clearer where citizens can and cannot park their vehicles.
  • Press conferences twice a week in collaboration with LifeInvader to address situations and the state.
  • Visit people at work and talk to the citizens from Taxi Drivers, to Lumberjacks and from Soldiers of the National Guard to the Director of FIB. We will be a government for the people.
  • We will make special visits to the family homes of San Andreas. We want to hear what every family has to say about their great state regardless of size, wealth or location in the state.
  • We will bring in a Jury during trials to mitigate favouritsim and biased opinions. Something this current government does not practise.
  • We will bring in an open senate where any citizen can apply to become a senator to sit in the senate and have a say in laws and discuss problems within the state.
  • Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Secret Service.
  • Fund the legal organizations weekly with a reward scheme promoted within each organization backed with government funding and ceremonies to celebrate the hard work the employees put in to protect our great state.
  • Take over on the payment for civilian hostages to show the people that we care for each and every one of our civilians. This will also enable the legal organizations to spend that money elsewhere within their organization and never worry about money again.
  • Improve the justice system and make becoming a private lawyer more known about so we have more lawyers within the state and also improve upon the examination process so we end up with better quality of lawyers.
  • Organize events more regularly with the people of San Andreas so that we show the people that we care and totally fund these events and staff them with respected individuals. Whether that’s collaborating with organizations and families or hosting them ourselves, our new Minister of Public affairs will create a public affairs committee where they will arrange fun activities throughout the state.
  • Promise that people who are already wanted by the state for crimes not witnessed by an officer of the law will be legally processed and brought before a judge for a hearing.Party Members

Party Members
For a full list of the members of the Change San Andreas Party, see the link provided below.

Tyrell Johnson - Chief of Police
Monty West - Director of FIB
Avi Batra - Chief of EMS
Eklavya Thakur - Deputy Chief of LSPD
Amara Somatra - CEO of Lifeinvader
Very grape +1

Tyrell Johnson

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
May 14, 2021
Change San Andreas
"Time for Change"

San Andreas has gone on for long enough under the current government. It is Time for Change!
Change San Andreas promises to bring the state together under one banner of success. We strive to be the party of the people. We want to bring change to San Andreas to ensure that every person living in this state feels respected by their government, their law enforcement and the people. We want to change the views the people have about the government and ensure that we are approachable, friendly and appreciative of every individual in the state.
It is our aim and our priority to bring the people of San Andreas closer together.
Richard Sole is perfect for the position of Governor as he has previously held the following positions:
High Command of the National Guard throughout Papa Valeri’s Term.
Deputy/Colonel of the National Guard throughout Evangelia Papakosta’s Term.
During his time at the National Guard, he reformed the training, recruiting, dress codes, procedures and ranking structure. All of which are still in use today or have been extended upon and are in use.
High-command then Deputy Chief of LSPD throughout Gabi Tosca’s Terms, again improving upon the procedures, dress code, roster, admin and the daily running of the organization. Still in use today.
Deputy Chief under Tyrell Johnson at LSPD.
Senior Agent (Cannot confirm official title due to secrecy of the job) under Monty West at FIB.

Richard has spent enough time in Legal Organizations to understand the inner workings of the State and how things function legally. This experience in his own opinion is why he is selected as the best candidate for the Change SA party.
He is giving up a top spot in FIB to attempt to fix what he thinks is a broken Government and a broken system.

We believe that it is the right of every citizen to protect what is theirs and strive to be successful. This is why we think now is the Time for Change!

Our purpose will be to serve the people and make their quality of life better than it has ever been before. Our campaign promises will all be fulfilled within days. We want to make San Andreas greater than it already is. The only thing stopping that is the current government and their hypocrisy and lies. It is Time for Change!​

Our Promises​

  • Impose impartial immunity to FIB again. Extend it to on duty LSPD, SAHP and NG employees. This will cover them for traffic offenses and over carrying weapons and ammunition and I will sign it into law to say that it can never be removed unless the majority of leaders of the affected organizations agree on it.
  • Increase the limits on weapons and ammunition stored inside of vehicles
  • Make changes to the trespassing laws of the state, enabling defense of property without Law Enforcement after warnings are given.
  • Impose self defense laws that are easier to understand and clear.
  • Rewrite the penal codes to make them easier to understand and ensure there are no contradictions
  • Rewrite the traffic codes to better protect public spaces and make clearer where citizens can and cannot park their vehicles.
  • Press conferences twice a week in collaboration with LifeInvader to address situations and the state.
  • Visit people at work and talk to the citizens from Taxi Drivers, to Lumberjacks and from Soldiers of the National Guard to the Director of FIB. We will be a government for the people.
  • We will make special visits to the family homes of San Andreas. We want to hear what every family has to say about their great state regardless of size, wealth or location in the state.
  • We will bring in a Jury during trials to mitigate favouritsim and biased opinions. Something this current government does not practise.
  • We will bring in an open senate where any citizen can apply to become a senator to sit in the senate and have a say in laws and discuss problems within the state.
  • Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Secret Service.
  • Fund the legal organizations weekly with a reward scheme promoted within each organization backed with government funding and ceremonies to celebrate the hard work the employees put in to protect our great state.
  • Take over on the payment for civilian hostages to show the people that we care for each and every one of our civilians. This will also enable the legal organizations to spend that money elsewhere within their organization and never worry about money again.
  • Improve the justice system and make becoming a private lawyer more known about so we have more lawyers within the state and also improve upon the examination process so we end up with better quality of lawyers.
  • Organize events more regularly with the people of San Andreas so that we show the people that we care and totally fund these events and staff them with respected individuals. Whether that’s collaborating with organizations and families or hosting them ourselves, our new Minister of Public affairs will create a public affairs committee where they will arrange fun activities throughout the state.
  • Promise that people who are already wanted by the state for crimes not witnessed by an officer of the law will be legally processed and brought before a judge for a hearing.Party Members

Party Members
For a full list of the members of the Change San Andreas Party, see the link provided below.

Tyrell Johnson - Chief of Police
Monty West - Director of FIB
Avi Batra - Chief of EMS
Eklavya Thakur - Deputy Chief of LSPD
Amara Somatra - CEO of Lifeinvader
Vouch for this guy!! Capable and the right person for the job!

Tyrone Dior

Jun 22, 2021
Change San Andreas
"Time for Change"

San Andreas has gone on for long enough under the current government. It is Time for Change!
Change San Andreas promises to bring the state together under one banner of success. We strive to be the party of the people. We want to bring change to San Andreas to ensure that every person living in this state feels respected by their government, their law enforcement and the people. We want to change the views the people have about the government and ensure that we are approachable, friendly and appreciative of every individual in the state.
It is our aim and our priority to bring the people of San Andreas closer together.
Richard Sole is perfect for the position of Governor as he has previously held the following positions:
High Command of the National Guard throughout Papa Valeri’s Term.
Deputy/Colonel of the National Guard throughout Evangelia Papakosta’s Term.
During his time at the National Guard, he reformed the training, recruiting, dress codes, procedures and ranking structure. All of which are still in use today or have been extended upon and are in use.
High-command then Deputy Chief of LSPD throughout Gabi Tosca’s Terms, again improving upon the procedures, dress code, roster, admin and the daily running of the organization. Still in use today.
Deputy Chief under Tyrell Johnson at LSPD.
Senior Agent (Cannot confirm official title due to secrecy of the job) under Monty West at FIB.

Richard has spent enough time in Legal Organizations to understand the inner workings of the State and how things function legally. This experience in his own opinion is why he is selected as the best candidate for the Change SA party.
He is giving up a top spot in FIB to attempt to fix what he thinks is a broken Government and a broken system.

We believe that it is the right of every citizen to protect what is theirs and strive to be successful. This is why we think now is the Time for Change!

Our purpose will be to serve the people and make their quality of life better than it has ever been before. Our campaign promises will all be fulfilled within days. We want to make San Andreas greater than it already is. The only thing stopping that is the current government and their hypocrisy and lies. It is Time for Change!​

Our Promises​

  • Impose impartial immunity to FIB again. Extend it to on duty LSPD, SAHP and NG employees. This will cover them for traffic offenses and over carrying weapons and ammunition and I will sign it into law to say that it can never be removed unless the majority of leaders of the affected organizations agree on it.
  • Increase the limits on weapons and ammunition stored inside of vehicles
  • Make changes to the trespassing laws of the state, enabling defense of property without Law Enforcement after warnings are given.
  • Impose self defense laws that are easier to understand and clear.
  • Rewrite the penal codes to make them easier to understand and ensure there are no contradictions
  • Rewrite the traffic codes to better protect public spaces and make clearer where citizens can and cannot park their vehicles.
  • Press conferences twice a week in collaboration with LifeInvader to address situations and the state.
  • Visit people at work and talk to the citizens from Taxi Drivers, to Lumberjacks and from Soldiers of the National Guard to the Director of FIB. We will be a government for the people.
  • We will make special visits to the family homes of San Andreas. We want to hear what every family has to say about their great state regardless of size, wealth or location in the state.
  • We will bring in a Jury during trials to mitigate favouritsim and biased opinions. Something this current government does not practise.
  • We will bring in an open senate where any citizen can apply to become a senator to sit in the senate and have a say in laws and discuss problems within the state.
  • Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Secret Service.
  • Fund the legal organizations weekly with a reward scheme promoted within each organization backed with government funding and ceremonies to celebrate the hard work the employees put in to protect our great state.
  • Take over on the payment for civilian hostages to show the people that we care for each and every one of our Citizens. This will also enable the legal organizations to spend that money elsewhere within their organization and never worry about money again.
  • Improve the justice system and make becoming a private lawyer a better known process so we have more lawyers within the state and also improve upon the examination process so we end up with better quality of lawyers.
  • Organize events more regularly with the people of San Andreas so that we show the people that we care and totally fund these events and staff them with respected individuals. Whether that’s collaborating with organizations and families or hosting them ourselves, our new Minister of Public affairs will create a public affairs committee where they will arrange fun activities throughout the state.
  • Promise that people who are already wanted by the state for crimes not witnessed by an officer of the law will be legally processed and brought before a judge for a hearing.

Party Members
For a full list of the members of the Change San Andreas Party, see the link provided below.

Tyrell Johnson - Chief of Police
Monty West - Director of FIB
Avi Batra - Chief of EMS
Eklavya Thakur - Deputy Chief of LSPD
Amara Somatra - CEO of Lifeinvader
Right Person for the job +++++++++++


Vadim Shaco
Jan 31, 2022

Slogan: “Come join T.H.E. Party!”

The Human Equality Party A.K.A. T.H.E. Party

T.H.E. Party was created by a group of influential citizens who have been in the city since almost its beginning. Watching the rise and fall of many eras and governments, we’ve always noticed an underlying sensation that the average citizen is overlooked and not taken into consideration.

Our mission is to empower the people, to enhance health, end violence and overcome hardships.

With the endorsement of these influential people, we have gathered a team of influential citizens from all areas of expertise, who have experienced many terms, both as a part of the government and from outside watching in. We believe this group will be able to help inspire those around so that even the most vulnerable people can lift themselves up and achieve great things.

T.H.E. Party is focused on granting equality to all citizens, and granting protection to the people in a way that makes sure they feel like humans.


Previous Government's Objectives:
One way of protecting our citizens is by shielding them from harassment of sexually charged acts. People should be treated as people, and not as objects to be harassed and disrespected without fear of punishment. Progress Achieved

We want our citizens to be punished accordingly per crime, and not be treated as state terrorists for petty crimes. This means decriminalizing use of small quantities of drugs. No more serious time for non-violent crimes such as these when there are worse crimes to focus on. Achieved

Review, and rewrite the near totalitarian laws enforced by the previous governor Nibijeebies. We will rewrite the severe punishment for traffic violations such as being imprisoned for going 45 kmph over the speed limit, and instead making this 91 kmph over, and parking violations. Achieved

Push for a larger DSD department in order to ensure more events and scenarios are introduced to the city. We want to invest the citizens' money back into the community itself in order to help grow the community and create a fun environment. Achieved

We go beyond conventional ideas and approaches so new possibilities and innovation can flourish to ensure real and lasting positive change. Double Achieved

During the prior term, THE Party gave away more than 38 million dollars to state organisations through the new POGGERS act and more than 14 million dollars was given away through events.

New Term Objectives:
Create a robust Congress system, a new government institution that will bring citizens from every Organisation from both sides of the street, top families, and private citizens together to discuss issues of the day and craft new legislation as a partnership.

Restore the IRS to a fully functioning agency to relieve business owners of the oppressive taxation scheme they are currently bearing. This pool of money will be used charitably, through bonuses, giveaways, prizes.

Give prisoners more to do in DOC. It is meant to be a prison, but that doesn't mean that we can't make it a creative and interesting environment rather than a time out from RP. We can do better, and this is something our DOC is working on now and will continue to work on if re-elected.

Government will use its secretaries in delegations throughout the city to perform public services, offer free medical care with supplies purchased from EMS, answer questions, and be a resource for citizens generally especially with a hotel liason where new arrivals can get information, and guidance on where to begin their life here.

The government will create a comprehensive cannabis scheme, there is a lot of opportunity to create new RP situations and roles in the city and we will explore the limits of this.

Improving inter-organisational relations, encourage cooperation.

Sponsored by Globe Oil, the oil you trust in your car or truck. Oil for the people.

Pre-Election Promises:

  • Create congress so that people have more of a say in the laws which govern them.
  • Revive IRS to reduce the tax burden on business owners and create wealth which can be given back to the people in the form of bonuses, stimulus, and events.
  • Creating a more humane and less disengaging DOC/Prison environment
  • In collaboration with EMS set up Government-sponsored disease prevention program
  • Better education and care for new city arrivals with a Hotel liason
  • Create a regulated cannabis scheme
Criteria to become member:

  • Must have 5 years in the city
  • Clean record
  • Fluent English Skills
  • Human decency

Party Candidates:
Governor Charlie Pickins
Dep Governor Joel Specter
Dep Governor Maratha Vorobiov
Attorney General Bianca Pellegrini
Supreme Court Justice Juhny Huxley
Speaker of the House Lucy Pickins
SSA Professor Phani
SSA Emad Zahran
PR & Sec Director Gabby Quattro
Chief of Staff Vick Vinegar
Chief of Staff Frank Columbo
Warden Shaquile Trincao
SS Member Ryan Nino
SS Member Itay Neuman
SS Member Sergio Pagani
DOC Senior Officer Ski Chekoros
DOC Officer Charlotte StPatrick
DOC Supervisor Chuck Miller
DOC Officer Dylan Gomez
SS Member Kaneki Kami
Secretary Raynard Jepson
SSA Nixie Lancer
FPPD Strela Pol

Globe Oil Corporation
Vom Feuer Gun Manufacturing Co.
Redwood Cigarettes

The date of the creation:
December 1st, 2021

Baracus Pellegrini has given his permission to continue THE party into the next term.

Proof of party membership
Best party to lead the city
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