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IMPORTANT Applications for LSPD

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Arvind Western

Jan 26, 2024
Applications for LSPD Leaders are now CLOSED
The following players have been selected for LSPD Leader interviews at 17:00 Server Time on (Monday, 5 August )

Raj Aryan (128844)- funxpro.gaming
Mafia Paul (28857)- mafia paul
Sexa Louis (159454) - kezal_eso

Thank You to All For Applying and Best Wishes.
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Arvind Western

Jan 26, 2024
Hello Everyone
The Application for LSPD leadership Re-open
Copying or using AI to generate your application is strictly prohibited any instances of these will result in immediate rejection of application without administrators (curators) checking them.

Also, It is mandatory to make LSPD application according to the format.

The Curator has the right to reject your application if
-The application does not follow the format

-The application is copy-pasted
-The applicant has a low level / experience

-The applicant doesn't fit the specifications the administration is looking for
-The applicant has a long and recurring punishment history with multiple bans.
-The application is low effort.

Please adhere to the proper guidelines for making application for LSPD

Thank you

Aman popio

Jul 25, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Roxy Orton
2. Your IRL age : 24 Ic : 8
3.Time zone: (GMT+5:30)
4. 4. Average online per day: 4-6 hours
5. Your Discord: popio50
6. Your Nickname: Roxy
7. Your ID: 159919

Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department.( LSPD )

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

Ans. Over the years, I’ve admired how this organization consistently pushes the boundaries of innovation and maintains a standard of excellence. My experience in strategic planning and team management has prepared me to contribute meaningfully to our goals. May leader doesn't hear the lower stage problem which is very important to hear what are they faced problems that we have the duty to help you and get more effective towards the organisation that for my experience and expectations.

3. Your advices for improving Role Play level in organization.

- Create a sense of community : Make new recruits feel welcome and part of the team. Encourage camaraderie and teamwork among officers.

- Offer training and development : Provide regular training sessions, workshops, and mentorship programs to help officers improve their skills and advance their careers.

- Recognize and reward excellence: Acknowledge and reward officers for their outstanding service, bravery, and dedication to duty.

- Foster a positive work environment : Encourage open communication, transparency, and respect among all officers and leadership.

- Provide opportunities for advancement: Offer promotions, specialized units, and leadership roles to motivated and deserving officers.

- Host engaging events and activities: Organize regular events, such as training exercises, community outreach programs, and social gatherings, to keep officers engaged and motivated.

Develop a strong leadership team: Ensure that leaders are experienced, approachable, and committed to supporting their officers.

Encourage work-life balance: Support officers in maintaining a healthy balance between their work and personal life.

Celebrate milestones and achievements: Mark important milestones, such as years of service, retirements, and significant career achievements.


Jul 2, 2024
1. Your name IRL: John Morabito
2. Your IRL age: 26
3. Time zone: Central Standard Time (GMT -6:00)
4. Average online per day: 4-5 hours
5. Your Discord: johnnymorabito
6. Your Nickname: Johnny Morabito
7. Your ID: 160482
Additional information
1. Leader of... LSPD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
a) I want to bring structure and efficiency to LSPD. I believe that LSPD has had a few challenging terms back to back, and I would like to implement different behaviors, routines, expectations and accountability that will allow for strong and reliable LSPD terms. Strengthening both the quantity and quality of all of our officers, from Cadets to Chiefs and everything in between.
b) I want to lay a foundation for several generations of LSPD chiefs moving forward. I believe that with the right leadership and LSPD team, I could use my term to establish a precedent for what LSPD should look like and how it should operate. I believe this could lead to a seamless transition to the next chief, and the chief after them, and so on, allowing the LSPD organization to strengthen, and also strengthen organizations around them.
c) I want to use LSPD during my term to benefit Los Santos as a whole - whether you're an LSPD officer, FIB Agent, Gang Member, or civilian, I want to do what LSPD says it does on our org vehicles - Serve our community. I believe that with the strength of an organization that we will build, as well as the quality of our officers, it will be more than just arresting and fining the citizens, but also teaching them, helping them, guiding them, and educating them on how to properly follow the law and enjoy life in our beautiful state.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
a) I think the implementation of a LSPD training program would be an incredible addition to the organization. This training program would take our rookies and teach them the phase one and two basics of LSPD - but then we will take it a step further. Every single rookie will spend 5 days in the following LSPD departments (Internal Affairs, Human Resources, and Swat). The 15 days they spend in these programs (5 days each) will teach them the fundamental basics of some of the most integral functions of LSPD as a whole. They will then have a strong foundation built, allowing them to fully understand how to do their job to the best of their abilities. They will execute with accuracy and have an excellent resume built up to apply for any internal department they'd like long term once training is complete. This will also help them have a strong foundation built if they choose to move beyond LSPD once their time here has come to an end. All in all, this will give us a strong quality and high quantity of officers, allowing LSPD to operate effectively and efficiently and will improve the RP of all involved.
b) Strong expectation and accountability will be implemented at every level of LSPD. Helping everyone understand up front what we expect of them, and properly training them on how to do those things effectively, will allow us to then hold these officers accountable for executive on their job to the quality and frequency we expect. If expectations are set, we can check in to ensure they are being met, and take action steps to raise officers up who are not currently meeting expectations. By establishing these consistent behaviors and routines, we will maximize on the efficiency of the organization, reducing the amount of redundancy and frustration, while including the overall RP for officers, civilians, and other orgs alike!
c) Transparency in communication will help all officers feel like their voice is heard. This will make LSPD a space for collaboration. A strong leader doesn't have all the best ideas or all of the right answers - a strong leader has an open ear, and surrounds themselves with people that speak wisdom into their role and allow them to share and implement ideas. Many minds are stronger than just one. Additionally, the transparency and open communication will help prevent nepotism, favoritism, or any feeling or actuality of HC or fellow officers excluding for any reason.

Of the most importance - I will ensure of the following:
1. We will reward hard work over favoritism
2. We will follow ALL IC and OOC rules to the letter - No one, especially not LEOs, are above the law
3. We will work with pride, ensuring that everything is RP'd to the highest level, improving the overall RP in the city immensely.

My prior experience includes:
Chief of Staff (Internal Affairs - LSPD)
Head of Department (Detective Department - LSPD)
District Attorney (LSPD)
District Court Judge (GOV)
Undercover (FIB)
And many more terms of various ranks.

I believe the vast variety of experience I have will contribute greatly to the organization as a whole, and allow us to apply my learnings over multiple terms to create a successful and admirable atmosphere.

30 - Chief Of Police
29 - Deputy Chief Of Police
28 - District Attorney
27 - Assistant District Attorney
26 - Commissioner (Oversees Multiple Departments)
25 - Captain Of Department
24 - Deputy Captain Of Department
23 - Lieutenant Of Division
================= HIGH COMMAND =================
22 - Superintendent
21 - Senior Inspector
20 - Inspector
19 - Senior Detective
18 - Detective
17 - Senior Instructor
16 - Instructor
15 - Commander
14 - Sergeant
13 - Corporal
12 - Major
11 - Colonel
10 - Master Patrol Officer
9 - Senior Patrol Officer II
8 - Senior Patrol Officer I
7 - Patrol officer III
6 - Patrol Officer II
5 - Patrol officer I
4 - Parking Enforcement Officer
3 - Rookie
2 - LOA
1 - Suspended

================= OFFICERS =================
Human Resources
Special Weapons And Tactics - S.W.A.T.
Internal Affairs
Traffic Enforcement
LSPD ELITE Training Program

=================DEPARTMENTS =================

I look forward to the opportunity to serve LSPD and Los Santos.
~ Johnny Morabito
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Rehan Rana

Good Copy, go Ahead!!
Jul 30, 2024
1. Your name IRL -> Rehan
2. Your age -> 23
3. Time zone -> (GMT+5:00)
4. Average online per day -> 8-10 Hours
5. Your Discord -> Rehanrana0314
6. Your Nickname -> Rehan Rana
7. Your ID -> 140403

Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2-1:Becoming the leader of the LSPD is important to me because it feels like i have a strong bond with this organization. I feel a strong sense of belonging when I work with my team and collogue. The friendship with my fellow workers not just making the job enjoyable but also create Never ending connections. It's not just a job to me but a group of friends, I've gained So much experiences in other orgs and I want LSPD to be one of them. that's why I really wanna became LSPD leader and make a successful and memorable term with the help of my fellow officers.

2-2:I have been with LSPD only for one time but I have gained a lot of experience being in FIB and SAHP in various leader's term. I have lead many departments many teams, these legal organizations has really helped me grow professionally. The time I have spent in legal orgs and the experience I have gained have allowed me to be a strong leader. These experiences helped me work and behave professionally.

2-3:I want to be leader of Los Santos Police Department because I really care about this organization and I have good experiences to lead it in a new way, that make a new way to lead LSPD with new ideas and good experience to new the people, if I get chance to be leader I will make sure that the workers in LSPD will be my family, they will be as close to me as my own family, and I will to make a good bond with every single officers so that we will enjoy our work and will try to make the term enjoyable.

3. Your advices for improving Role-play level in organization

3-1:As a Chief, I will be actively involved in every single situation and will try to make LSPD active organization ever. I will lead it with my experienced Deputies, setting a good relationship with other organization . As a Chief it is important to make a healthy relationship with other legal organizations so that the city will be clean from crimes, I'll set up a day in a week for my officers for any suggestions of improving our term, not only from our org but from other legal orgs as well so that it will help my term so be successful and enjoyable.

3-2:My focus for recruitment will be friendly officers not toxic during my term. I'll bring in members who understand basic city and general laws and if they don't know I will personally teach them , and also, i and the HR department will teach them how to behave in a situation and how to react. I will try to set up a day in a week for training of my officers like shooting, negotiations etc. And after training will issue a bonus not only from org but from my pocket as well so that it will increase their courage to work more.

3-3:In my term i will make sure there will be nothing like Favoritisms. Every Officer no matter their rank, will play a crucial role on LSPD, and their contributions will help me to grow my term and end it in a successful way.

Thanks for reading it (Rehan Rana)

Chain of Commands

30 Chief of Police
29 Deputy Chief of Police
28 Assistant Chief of Police
27 Chief of Staff
26 District Attorney
25 Head of Department
24 Deputy Head of Department
23 Supervisor of Department
22 Inspector
I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I
21 Commander
20 Captain
19 Master Lieutenant
18 Lieutenant
17 Human Resources
16 Internal Affairs
15 S.W.A.T
14 Detective
13 Master Sergeant
12 Senior Sergeant
11 Sergeant
10 Master Corporal
9 Senior Corporal
8 Corporal
7 Master Patrol Officer
6 Senior Patrol Officer
5 Patrol Officer
4 Rookie
3 Trainee
2 Leave of Absence
1 Suspended
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Raj Aryan

Jan 8, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Aryan
2. Your age: 19
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 3-4 hrs in weekdays and 5-6 hrs in weekend
5. Your Discord: funxpro.gaming
6. Your Nickname: Raj Aryan

7. Your ID: 128844

Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1 Desire to Lead a Force

I have been working for the legal organization from my starting days in the city. I explored various state organizations, which helped me gaining different kind of experiences, to gain knowledge about their work function. I faced many ups and downs during my org
experiences, most of the time it was a pleasure working with the orgs, but sometimes I felt demotivated, disappointment because of some irritating, provoking kind of criminals and disappointment when we fail to tackle them as a law enforcement agency. I have a strong desire to lead the organization in order to improve it in my own terms and ways. Everything gets better time by time if someone tries to improve it, and this time I want to give it a try to take the LSPD to a level up in terms of work experience and other things.

2.2 Commitment for the safety of the city and its citizens

Why someone join a state organization? Some new people join to earn money, few join to get experience, but if a person stays in the state organization for a long time, that means he wants to enhance the city and as a police officer, it's our priority to ensure the safety of all the citizens of the city. I have a strong commitment for our city, I want to enhance the city in all new ways, in order to make the living experience best for everyone. LSPD in my opinion is the main base root to start with the enhancements.

2.3 Leadership Qualities and team work

I believe in working as a team. We have always heard "United we stand, divided we fall" and I strongly believe in this saying. I want to train others in a way that they learn to work as a team, as a team I believe we can easily tackle every single situations. As a leader, I have the responsibilites and powers to ensure that everyone is getting a proper training for all this. Secondly, I believe as I heard from my close ones, that I have good qualities for being a leader, so I want to usemy best skills for smooth functioning of LSPD under my term, which can set examples for other upcoming leaders to run the future terms in more better ways.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.

3.1 Better Training

I have always seen and felt, most of the Legal organization people have a lack of training, they don't know about 25 min rule, they don't know proper procedure to process a suspect. They are not at fault in this, this is the negligence of their training officer, they should be more strict with them and tell them not to go for patrolling or processing without a higer up or training officer in first 1 week. This thing in my term will be highly ensured, which will make RP experience better for both officers, citizens and the supsect.

3.2 Legislation Classes

In my opinion, every single LEO should read basic things written for LEOs in Code of Civil and Procedural, Firearms Code, Criminal Code and Evidence Code. This will enhance their knowledge, understanding, and they will properly know their legal rights. So, I would arrange minimum 2 legislation classes for our officers. They will be informed about the rights of a detainee, procedure for a private lawyer (which many leo don't know properly), Gross violation, Unreasonal delay in justice, about the persons with legal immunity, admissible bodycam evidence, etc. It will help them to improve their understanding for all IC rules and enhance RP experience by not doing any kind of rule break.

3.3 Good relation with other orgs by not allowing any kind of toxicity

We all know about the toxic kind of people in every organization, and they are a real headache for the organization, for their colleagues, and for members of other organization too. Due to such people, we often face bad relationship with other orgs, which is not acceptable. We all as a state organization are working on the same goals, and indirectly or directly, we all are dependant on each other. So, I am not going to allow any such toxic person being a part of my organization to spread his toxicness and spoil RP experience for anyone.

3.4 Rankings based on favouritism

Every single officer gives their best and works hard for promotion and higher ranking. But some corrput or biased senior officer, give a higher rank to their undeserving friends or family members. And this ruins the RP experience and moral of that hard working guy in the org who is giving his all to get a desired rank. I am going to ensure all such cases, and promotion on my own to prevent such favouritism in the org.


The following ranking system will be put in place:
30. Chief of Police
29. Deputy Chief
28. Assitant Chief of Police
27. District Attorney
26. Senior Superintendent of Poilce (Chief of deparment)
25. Superintendent of Poilce (Head of department)
24. Deputy Superintendent of Poilce (Deputy head of Department)
23. Station House Officer
22. Elite S.W.A.T Agent
21. Lead detective
20. Senior S.W.A.T Agent
19. Inspector
18. Sub Inspector
17. Assistant Sub Inspector
16. Human Resources
15. Detective first class
14. S.W.A.T Agent
13. Detective second class
12. Executive corporal
11. Senior sergeant
10. Senior corporal
9. Sergeant corporal
8. Commanding patrol officer
7. Senior patrol officer
6. Patrol officer
5. Rookie 2
4. Rookie 1
3. Trainee
2. LOA
1. Suspended


I propose implementing a departmental structure within the organization to enhance efficiency and effectiveness as:
  1. SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics): S.W.A.T are the elite non-conventional forces of the Police Departmen. They are considered as the rapid action force of the LSPD and is expected to be the first to respond to any critical situation.

  2. Detective Bureau: This department focuses on gathering evidence for assisting FIB in the raids, investigating criminal cases while in disguise and not revealing their identities.

  3. Human Resources and Training (HRT): The Human Resource and Training (HRT) department is responsible for recruiting and training new recruits for the organization.

  4. Traffic Enforcement Unit: This department primarily focuses on enforcing traffic laws, investigating traffic accidents, and aware public to follow traffic rules.

  5. Internal Affairs (IA) :- This department focus upon the interal issue of the LSPD, they also have the work for regular checkup of logs and take necessary disciplinary actions.
My Past Experiences
NG Captain (Stacey Raven's term)
NG Captain (Daivik Kell's term)
USSS Operation Lead (Frank Bellic's term)
USSS Deputy Director (Luna Moonstone's interim term)
LSPD Detective (Aman Patel's term)
USSS Director, further Minister of Department of Homeland and Security [DHS/HLS] (Luka Mamardashvili's term)

FIB Senior Agent (Ignota Divinus' Term)
NG Major General (Suki Walker's term)
LSPD Chief of Staff (Arvind Singh's term)
Minister of Department of Homeland and Security [DHS/HLS] (Grey Fox's term)
NG Major General (Micheal Mayor's term)

DHS Director (Currently in Minato Uchiha's term)

Thanking you for reading my application
Best Regards,
Raj Aryan
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EN-2 | Deputy Governor
Jan 18, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Jayed
2. Your age: 17
3. Time: GMT+6
4. Average online per day: 3-4 hours (weekends 6-7)
5. Your Discord: jon_snow68
6. Your Nickname: Nikolai Frost
7. Your ID: 65124
Additional Information

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

i. The LSPD is really important! It helps manage crime in our city. After being part of the LSPD for 7 terms Plus Deputy for 2 Leaders, I've learned a lot about how things work here. I feel ready to lead the LSPD & bring about some positive changes!

ii. Spending time in the LSPD, I've noticed some things that need fixing. It's not acceptable for an important organization like ours! I’ve seen favoritism and discrimination between male & female citizens, which really worries me a lot.

iii. People who come to our city look to us for a good experience with law enforcement. Many think of LSPD first when they want to serve our state! Everyone, both citizens & officers, deserves respect. I promise to make sure new citizens are welcomed & their problems are dealt with quickly!

iv. I've spotted several officers who are experienced and mature enough to handle challenges in our state and department! New officers will not just learn how to police but also how to respect everyone they meet & follow all guidelines closely! Even if they’re new, all officers—including me—will help them become great cops!

3. Your advice for improving Role-play level in the organization

i. Officers who don’t stick to RolePlay rules will see results quickly if they know the guidelines but ignore them!

ii. As the head of the LSPD, I'll make sure that we won't have any Non-RP cops around here! The Internal Affairs team will work well—just like a new organization should!

iii. I'm working on a fresh guide for incoming LSPD members to help them learn the ropes & navigate those tricky RolePlay situations easily!

Thanks for reading my Application
Best regards
Nikolai Frost

Thomas Blaze

TYRANT. 1 X Deputy Leader
Jun 30, 2024
1. Your Name IRL: Vikram Aditya
2. Your Age: 18
3. Time Zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 7-8 hours
5. Your Discord: thomas.blaze
6. Your Nickname: Thomas Blaze
7. Your ID: 161132

Additional Information:

1. Leader of………… Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be the leader of this specific organisation? (List 3 reasons with explanations)

Reason 1: Lspd was the first state org which I joined when I first stepped foot in the city of en2. I was overwhelmed by the companionship and work culture of lspd more than any other state org as it played an important part in maintaining law enforcement in the city and safeguarding people in the main city. With me being the leader of lspd I have many ideas in my head which I will implement once I get the term. With my extensive knowledge about rules and regulations I would be able to guide my co-officers and lead a successful 30 days term with no hitches.

Reason 2: I am the deputy of the Top family of the server (TOP G) and also have alliances with many experiences families which have experienced individuals themselves. I will bring all of those people in my term which will be my USP and it would also ensure that LSPD has the max numbers on all events. Usually, night activity is ignored in state orgs due to low number of night shift employees. I know many such people who would be there in my term to handle the night shift. Other than all these factors, I would have experienced deputies who would know how to deal with any and all sorts of problems in the absence of me. They would make sure that LSPD has a sweet and smooth workflow throughout the term with no complaints. With these factors I would be able to make sure I lead a successful term.

Reason 3: I focus heavily on rp oriented stuff and same goes for my associates. I will make sure only top notch rp is done throughout which will enhance the role playing experience of everyone as a player and make sure they have a good time in the term with no complaints. Rp quality would never ever be compromised with and it would be made sure all officers get proper training not only how to do script things like fining, towing but also they gain extensive knowledge about dealing with certain common situations which an officers faces.

3. Your Advices for improving the roleplay level in the organisation.

-> As mentioned above in Reason 1, There are many ideas I have planned in my head which I will execute once I get the term but some of them I will list below, which include:

1. Only important info is shared via radio

2. No unprofessionalism tolerated on the radio.

3. Work ethics are taught to officers while the time of joining and breaking any internal rule resulting in monetary fines or suspension from duty.

4. Having Realistic Ranks and Realistic Departments serving realistic purposes.

5. Having faithful and knowledgeable high commands.

Departments I would have under my term:

1. Human Resources
2. Internal Affairs
3. Parking Enforcement
4. S.W.A.T
5. Los Santos Narcotics Department

Rest Assured, it is sure if I get the term, it would be the most active term in the history of en2 ;)

Sheikh Shaifur

May 9, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Sheikh Shaifur Rhaman Saik
2. Your IRL age : 24 Ic : 25
3.Time zone: (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day: 6-10 hours
5. Your Discord: sheikhsaik
6. Your Nickname: Saik
7. Your ID: 143762

Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department.( LSPD )

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

Ans. Over the years, I’ve admired how this organization consistently pushes the boundaries of innovation and maintains a standard of excellence. My experience in strategic planning and team management has prepared me to contribute meaningfully to our goals. May leader doesn't hear the lower stage problem which is very important to hear what are they faced problems that we have the duty to help you and get more effective towards the organisation that for my experience and expectations.

3. Your advices for improving Role Play level in organization.

- Create a sense of community : Make new recruits feel welcome and part of the team. Encourage camaraderie and teamwork among officers.

- Offer training and development : Provide regular training sessions, workshops, and mentorship programs to help officers improve their skills and advance their careers.

- Recognize and reward excellence: Acknowledge and reward officers for their outstanding service, bravery, and dedication to duty.

- Foster a positive work environment : Encourage open communication, transparency, and respect among all officers and leadership.

- Provide opportunities for advancement: Offer promotions, specialized units, and leadership roles to motivated and deserving officers.

- Host engaging events and activities: Organize regular events, such as training exercises, community outreach programs, and social gatherings, to keep officers engaged and motivated.

Develop a strong leadership team: Ensure that leaders are experienced, approachable, and committed to supporting their officers.

Encourage work-life balance: Support officers in maintaining a healthy balance between their work and personal life.

Celebrate milestones and achievements: Mark important milestones, such as years of service, retirements, and significant career achievements.

Andreas Tat

Aug 8, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Martin
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT+2
4. Average online per day: 4-6 hours
5. Your Discord: martin183
6. Your Nickname: Andreas Tat
7. Your ID: 61534

Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

1, Our community's safety is greatly enhanced by the LSPD, and as a leader, I think I can help further that safety. Being deeply committed to serving the public and having a firm understanding of the difficulties faced by law enforcement, I am sure that I am qualified to lead the LSPD in an efficient manner.

2, I want to build a successful and entertaining term. I have the good fortune to work with an incredible team, and I believe it is my duty to create a collaborative and encouraging environment for everybody. Building solid, constructive relationships within the team will also be a top priority for me in order to make sure that we can collaborate well to accomplish our common goal.

3, I will teach cadets at the NG Base Arena to improve team shooting skills in an effort to reduce the city's crime rate. Shooting exercises will be required to improve these abilities, which are vital in criminal conflicts. This will enable us to detain 10-15, and safely end hostage situations, which will result in productive arrests and a decrease in criminal activity.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1,To ensure realism and functionality, I suggest the LSPD develop an improved departmental structure and ranking system.

2, To reduce traffic in the city and properly enforce parking laws, the Patrols Department will concentrate on towing and penalising improperly parked cars.

3, As the top unit of law enforcement, the S.W.A.T. Department is entrusted with eliminating all criminal activity, capturing the city's most wanted criminals, and carrying out high-level operations against unlawful activity of all kinds.

4, The hiring of new officers and management of internal matters fall under the responsibility of the HR Department. It provides a more modern and efficient method of guaranteeing that all officers obtain the necessary training and maintaining a police department free from corruption by combining the responsibilities of the former FTO and IA Departments.

5, Maintaining a comprehensive evidence registry and obtaining intelligence on all criminal organisations are the duties assigned to the Gang Intelligence Unit (GIU). They work closely with the FIB on activities that need our assistance. It is important that these units operate stealthily and have a low profile.

Thanks For reading my application.

Rust Viper

May 10, 2024

1. Your name IRL- Himansh Agrawal

2. Your IRL age- 18

3. Time zone - GMT+5:30

4. Average online per day - 5-7 hours

5. Your Discord - himansh0271

6. Your Nickname - Rust Viper

7. Your ID - 141230

Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department.
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1: I think LSPD is one of the most crucial org in the city, because they are the guardian of the city. I have been in LSPD for a very long time as an High Command that's why i have saw many ups and down of LSPD and I know how to handle them. That's why I want to grab this opportunity and become the leader of LSPD.

2.2: As I am the High command in most of the org. I see many unprofessional , lack of responsibility , rude behavior of high command and poor communication . So, my top priority is to overcomes these problems and make a healthy atmosphere .

2.3: As a leader , I will check that all the departments are doing their work properly or not , if not I will do a meeting with the chief of that department and try to understand the problem after that I will address to overcome this problem. I will give time to make a good Head of all the departments so all departments can run smoothly.

3.Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

3.1: I will focus to enhance the knowledge level of beginner cops like Patrol Officers by conducting special regular sessions for them, because they are the pillars of any org, if their roleplay level enhances, then the org will function very smoothly and professionally for sure.

3.2: Surprise test for each High Command member will help us identify those eligible for the rank.

3.3: I will never allow favoritism in my organization and if i see any department's High commands doing favoritism then i will demote them.

3.4: I will established a good IA team so they can maintain a good discipline in the org.

3.5: I will host sessions in which all the units will get to know how to host and lead the Ghetto petrol, how to handle hostage situation and do negotiation and Shooting practice in NG arena.

Chain of Commands

30 Chief of Police

29 Deputy Chief of Police

28 Assistant Chief of Police

27 Chief of Staff

26 District Attorney

25 Head of Department

24 Deputy Head of Department

23 Supervisor of Department

22 Inspector

I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I

21 Commander

20 Captain

19 Master Lieutenant

18 Lieutenant

17 Human Resources

16 Internal Affairs

15 S.W.A.T

14 Detective

13 Master Sergeant

12 Senior Sergeant

11 Sergeant

10 Master Corporal

9 Senior Corporal

8 Corporal

7 Master Patrol Officer

6 Senior Patrol Officer

5 Patrol Officer

4 Rookie

3 Trainee

2 Leave of Absence

1 Suspended

Best Regards,
Rust Viper


May 25, 2024

1. Your name IRL : Tanmay Juneja
2. Your age : 18
3. Time zone : GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day : 5-6h
5. Your Discord - notwintox
6. Your Nickname - lord wintox
7. Your ID - 153044

Additional information

1. Leader of... LSPD

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

In En3 , i have the experience of deputy of NG and know how to manage the organization and keep the organization active . I will make sure to complete the term without any warning or any verbal . I also have been Leader of NG for temporary time . I know the importance of patrolling and i also have experience in LSPD .

2.2 I have experienced all the roles in most of the organization and also know the importance of not breaking rules in any org . By being in a leadership position, I can steer initiatives that resonate with my principles and help the organization achieve its long-term objectives. I have many ideas and plans that will ensure success of the term that i get and My main goal is to make the organization more active and responsive than before .

2.3 I can also help other people to develop there skills and techniques to adapt the workings of LSPD . I mainly have excel in most of the skills like social skills , management techniques , leadership ability . Keeping a healthy relationship with other orgs to maintain stability in the state. I have a passion for helping civilians and be a good leader of the state .

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

Keeping the HRs active 24/7 so they can hire new people to the org and give training

Increasing bonuses every week and clearing them on time .

Having a routine checkup of armory , logs and completing all the curator tasks .

Keeping minimum 5 units in every event .

Keeping minimum 4 units on the gate .

As a Chief i would increase the use of RP commands

I would try my best to have good relations with other organization

Recruiting experienced people to lead low commands in the organization and giving proper training to the recruits so we avoid all mistakes!


Parking enforcement Unit
Human resources
Internal Affairs


Patrolling | $7.500
ACC | $30.000
Submarine | $30.000
Bank Robbery | $30.000
FZ Raid | $5.000
24/7 Store Robbery | $15.000
Black Market Raid | $10.000
Gang Raid | $10.000
Ghetto Patrolling | $25.000
Prison Protection | $5.000
Transport Escort | $5.000
Protecting the Informer | $7.000


30.Chief of police
29.Deputy chief of police
28.Chief of staff
27.Head of department
26.Deputy head of department
25.Senior Supervisor
23. Master Captain
22. Senior Captain
21. Captain
20. Detective III
19. Detective II
18. Detective I
17. Master Sergeant
16. Senior Sergeant
15. Sergeant
14. Master Corporal
13. Senior Corporal
12. Corporal
11. Master Officer II
10. Master Officer II
09. Master Officer I
08. District attorney
07. Senior Officer
06. Patrol Officer III
05. Patrol Officer II
04. Patrol Officer I
03. Cadet
02. Suspended
01. Leave of Absence


May 23, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Sameer
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT 5:30 India
4. Average online per day: 5-6 hrs a day on weekdays, 9-12 hrs on weekends
5. Your Discord: vecnathings
6. Your Nickname: Vecna Things
7. Your ID: 141137

Additional information

1. Leader of LSPD

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
One of the reasons why I want to be in LSPD is: I had a lot of experience in LEO orgs. Another reason why is because LAPD itself is a great organization, the relationship we build in SAHP is great, I’ve met most of my best friends in the org. Other than that, I’ve had multiple experiences in the city and there are multiple people breaking the law, and they don’t get their punishment. The last reason is, while i was the Deputy of SAHP i was thinking about running for Leader of an org, and i feel like this is the time for me to run for Chief Of Police.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.

  • During processing a suspect, improving the /commands.
  • Better connections with other organizations, such as training together, doing UC work with all orgs, etc.
  • Improve the RP before engaging a situation, where there will be lethal force needed.
  • Active in all city events, such as SUBS, Store Robberies, Hostage calls, etc.
  • Improving the engagement before towing a car

4. Goals for the org.
The goals for the org is to improve the RP in every situation, have MAX numbers in events, be a strong org, have two successful terms, we will have weekly meetings, etc.

✦Teamwork and Efficiency✦
I will ensure that in the organization there will ALWAYS be teamwork, and IF there is any trouble between officers, I will make sure to hear BOTH sides of the story, and proceed with a decision to make everything good.

There will be multiple competition within the org, so that the officers will have a chance to get some extra money.
We will have weekly promotion ceremonies, in the ceremony we will have most of the HC recognize the officers with their effort within the org.

✦LSPD Training✦
I will ensure to have the best HR team, so ALL officers are trained with great knowledge.
Applicants that pass the interview will have 1-2 weeks to complete their training.

Internal Affairs | Human Resources | Undercover | Swat | Towies | Public Relations | K-9 Units

IA: Incharge of making sure every officer has their licenses, and no items they shouldn't have.
HR: Incharge of hiring and training people in the organization.
UC: Incharge of gathering evidence in events.
Swat: Incharge of negotiations in hostage situations, and will make plans to engage with the enemy.
Towies: Incharge of towing and fining cars. Does most of the parking tickets as well.
PR: They will be incharge of planning our globals, and events for the citizens.
K-9: They will take our lovely dogs on patrol and look for drugs.
✦Ranking Structure✦
Rank 30: Chief of Police

Rank 29: Deputy Chief of Police
Rank 28: Assisting Chief of Police (ACOP) (AKA COS)
Rank 27: District Attorney
Rank 26: Head Of Department (HOD)
Rank 25: Deputy Head Of Department (Deputy HOD)
Rank 24: Commander
Rank 23: Superintendent
Rank 22: Captain
Rank 21: Lieutenant
Rank 20: Senior Detective
Rank 19: Detective
Rank 18: Senior Supervisor
Rank 17: Supervisor
Rank 16: Major Sergeant
Rank 15: Sergeant
Rank 14: Senior Corporal
Rank 13: Corporal
Rank 12: Master Patrol Officer III
Rank 11: Master Patrol Officer II
Rank 10: Master Patrol Officer I
Rank 9: Senior Patrol Officer III
Rank 8: Senior Patrol Officer II
Rank 7: Senior Patrol Officer I
Rank 6: Patrol Officer III
Rank 5: Patrol Officer II
Rank 4: Patrol Officer I
Rank 3: Rookie
Rank 2: Cadet

Rank 1: Suspended

My experience in LSPD:
I’ve been in the IA and HR departments, . Also, HOD of IA.
My experience in SAHP:
I've been COS for almost a full term, and DHOD of IA.
My experience in FIB:
I have been DHOD Of UC 2 for half a term, and Supervisor of HR.
My experience in NG:
I have been a BG for a full term and HOD for half a term.


Black label
Oct 12, 2022
1. Your name IRL > Serkan Ilhan
2. Your IRL age > 32 (24.12.92)
3. Time zone > GMT +2:00
4. Average online per day +10 HOURS
5. Your Discord > msi_tr
6. Your Nickname > Venom Red
7. Your ID > 166616
Additional information
1. Leader of LSPD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I-) I want to improve that RolePlay Level so With going subs, bank robbery, store robbery and etc.
II-) I want to help people around me ans other citizens too so I will teach them how to do proper RolePlay . What allowed and what forbidden I am gonna teach all people...
III-) I applied for LSPD leadership because of my OOC age is 32 y.o and IC age not important , not much.. But It matters for your exp... I have past experience from LSPD and this was Mafia Paul term so They got disband and you can gimme one chance to go :)))
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
During processing with suspects by teamwork
Active in all city events, for example Subs Store Robberies, Hostage calls etc.
4. Goals for the org.
The goals for the org is to improve the RP in every situation,
I- Specifying organization teams and departments
II- Making new departments for special events and rp situations...
III- teaching and studying for store rob and be ready for store rob situations with trainings...
IV- Leader Must follow Chief and Curator orders

✦Ranking Structure
Rank 30: Chief of Police
Rank 29: Deputy Chief of Police
Rank 28: Assistant Chief of Police
Rank 27: District Attorney
Rank 26: Head Of Department (HOD)
Rank 25: Deputy Head Of Department (Deputy HOD)
Rank 24: Commander
Rank 23: Superintendent
Rank 22: Captain
Rank 21: Lieutenant
Rank 20: Senior Detective
Rank 19: Detective
Rank 18: Senior Supervisor
Rank 17: Supervisor
Rank 16: Major Sergeant
Rank 15: Sergeant
Rank 14: Senior Corporal
Rank 13: Corporal
Rank 12: Master Patrol Officer III
Rank 11: Master Patrol Officer II
Rank 10: Master Patrol Officer I
Rank 9: Senior Patrol Officer III
Rank 8: Senior Patrol Officer II
Rank 7: Senior Patrol Officer I
Rank 6: Patrol Officer III
Rank 5: Patrol Officer II
Rank 4: Patrol Officer I
Rank 3: Rookie
Rank 2: Cadet
Rank 1: Suspended

My experience in LSPD:

Best Regards
Venom Red
Last edited:


Aug 2, 2024

1. Your name IRL:
Ashu Dhillon
2. Your IRL age: 19
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 7-10 hours
5. Your Discord: Alan_Degrey
6. Your Nickname: Alan Degrey
7. Your ID: 16200

Additional Information


1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

Reason 1:
I've been playing Grand RP more than over 2 years in different servers. I took a lot of experience. especially as a Law Enforcement Officer (LEO). Los Santos Police Department (LSPD) was my first org that I have joined two years back. During this time of period, I got a lot of experience and became the proficient in understanding the server rules and internal rules of LSPD.

Reason 2: Leadership has always been a goal of mine. Unfortunately, due to some OOC issues, I couldn't be as active as I wanted to be in pursuing leadership roles. However, in the past a month, I've been consistently active and have built good relationships within the peoples in server. My best friend is the deputy of TOP-G, the largest family in the server, and they are ready to support me in making my term most active.

Reason 3: I will select the best high commands who will lead the lower ranks. I will make sure there's no favoritism among the high command, I will be choosing only those who have with the decent experience and ability to lead the department. Moreover, I will take advice from past leaders to overcome any major obstacles, ensuring my leadership is best and effective.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. There will be no favoritism during my term. Everyone will be treated equally.

2. Will focus on improving RP between the other organizations and cirizens.

3. Will do contacts with many families for sending the family members to LSPD.

4. Will do all IC events on the regular basis for the citizens to increase their interest to join LSPD.

5. All the new officers will get the best training.

6. Heavy bonuses will give to the officers.


Human Resource (HR):
This department will take care of hiring, firing and training purpose of this org, I will make sure that this department is active as it is the most important department of the org.

Internal Affairs (IA): In my term I will keep everything professional on the org and make sure that if any officer breaks any rules, laws they receive ic punishment, I will make sure that there is a good Head and Assistant Chief for this Department, in order to make LSPD professional.

Public Relation (PR): This department will make sure that we have good relations with public and this department will host regular IC events and will answer to all the questions of public

Special weapons and tactics (SWAT): This Department will take the tactical part of LSPD. This Department will respond to global take in-charge of ghetto patrol, respond to store robbery, gun store robbery and etc

Under Cover (UC): This department will collect evidence against gang by going undercover or by collecting evidence through ic events such as store robbery.

Parking enforcement (Towie): This Department will tow cars illegaly parked, issue fines and make sure there no illegal parking in city, This department is the ignored department in the org but I will try to make this department active as well.

Ranking Structure

Rank 30:
Chief of Police
Rank 29: Deputy Chief of Police
Rank 28: Assistant Chief of Police
Rank 27: Head Of Department (HOD)
Rank 26: Deputy Head Of Department (Deputy HOD)
Rank 25: District Attorney
Rank 24: Commander
Rank 23: Superintendent
Rank 22: Captain
Rank 21: Lieutenant
Rank 20: Senior Detective
Rank 19: Detective
Rank 18: Senior Supervisor
Rank 17: Supervisor
Rank 16: Major Sergeant
Rank 15: Sergeant
Rank 14: Senior Corporal
Rank 13: Corporal
Rank 12: Master Patrol Officer III
Rank 11: Master Patrol Officer II
Rank 10: Master Patrol Officer I
Rank 09: Senior Patrol Officer III
Rank 08: Senior Patrol Officer II
Rank 07: Senior Patrol Officer I
Rank 06: Patrol Officer III
Rank 05: Patrol Officer II
Rank 04: Patrol Officer I
Rank 03: Rookie
Rank 02: Cadet
Rank 01: Suspended

Bonuses which will provided in my term

Normal patrolling around the city:
$8,000 per hour
1 fine: $1,000
1 Arrest: $2,000

Store/Gun Robbery:
Bank protection/ACC: $35,000
SUBS: $40,000
Black Market/ Gang raid: $15,000
FZ raid/Prison Protection: $7,500
Ghetto Patrolling: $30,000
Escorting Transport: $10,000
Protecting the Informer: $10,000
Hostage situation: $5,000

My Experience (EN 2)

Minister of State (GOV)
Assistant Chief of Police (LSPD)
Chief Commander (SAHP)

Last edited:

yug gaming yt18

Apr 19, 2024

Name: Yug parmar
age: (forum age mistakenly 18) real age 16
time zone: India (GMT+5:30)
Average online per day: 3-7 hours
discord: yugyt5256
nickname: yug shadow
ID: 149346

Additional information



• If I want to be the leader of lspd because I have previous experience of many organizations I will respect my team of lspd I will also respect the state organization.

•Since being in Legal orgs i have been working with different kinds of people with different skill set and now i have many good people to work side by side with me to make the term successful, I want to lead the LSPD as it was first every org i had joined and i dreamt of being the leader of it as i was quite inspired by Levi the Chief of Police at that time as he controlled everything quite good and had everything under control.

• if you give me a chance, I will make my term something different. I will attend every globals. Any state department need LSPD we are responce that.

•My goal is to make a successful, enjoyable term for people who want to have a good time and try themselves out as a police officer. I am fortunate to have an incredible team working with me, and it is my responsibility to provide them with a supportive and collaborative environment. Additionally, I will prioritize maintaining positive relationships within the team to ensure we can work together effectively toward our shared mission.

•I'm dedicated to giving new comers a effective and good-quality training on time. To appreciate outstanding efforts, I want to introduce a bonus system. My idea is to give daily bonuses, making sure our team gets regular financial rewards to keep them motivated. I believe in consistently recognizing and rewarding hard work to make our workplace a motivating and appreciative space for everyone.

• I also know the rules,Due to all these reasons I am suitable to be a leader, please give me a change.

•Finally, I would like to create an organization with no verbal warnings. My organization will be founded on the principles of respect and equal treatment for all, regardless of rank, experience, age, or any other factors. Everyone will be treated with the same level of respect and consideration.

3. When someone is over speeding, we give them a demand, when we cannot stop their engine because they have anti radar, we are very angry that someone can break
the rules with money.

I will try and get the HR to hire as many newbie as possible and get many units for nightshift as it is the hardest to maintain.

•I would like to introduce an improved set of LSPD rankings and departments. It is crucial that these remain both realistic and functional.

The Patrols Department is responsible for towing and ticketing illegally parked vehicles to prevent overcrowding in the city and to enforce penalties for parking violations.

The S.W.A.T Department is responsible for being the most experienced form of law enforcement in eliminating all types of crime, arresting the most wanted criminals in the city, and carrying out heavy operations against all forms of criminal activity.

Chain of Commands

30 Chief of Police
29 Deputy Chief of Police
28 Assistant Chief
27 Chief of Staff
26 District Attorney
25 Head of Department
24 Deputy Head of Department
23 Supervisor
22 Inspector

I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I

21 Commander
20 Lieutenant
19 Captain
18 Major
17 Human Resources
16 Internal Affairs
15 S.W.A.T
14 Detective
13 Master Sergeant
12 Senior Sergeant
11 Sergeant
10 Master Corporal
9 Senior Corporal
8 Corporal
7 Master Patrol Officer
6 Senior Patrol Officer
5 Patrol Officer
4 Rookie
3 Trainee
2 Leave of Absence (LOA)
1 Suspended

Thanx for reading. Its yug_yt...
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