1. Your name IRL > Serkan Ilhan
2. Your IRL age > 32 (24.12.92)
3. Time zone > GMT +2:00
4. Average online per day +10 HOURS
5. Your Discord > msi_tr
6. Your Nickname > Venom Red
7. Your ID > 166616
Additional information
1. Leader of LSPD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I-) I want to improve that RolePlay Level so With going subs, bank robbery, store robbery and etc.
II-) I want to help people around me ans other citizens too so I will teach them how to do proper RolePlay . What allowed and what forbidden I am gonna teach all people...
III-) I applied for LSPD leadership because of my OOC age is 32 y.o and IC age not important , not much.. But It matters for your exp... I have past experience from LSPD and this was Mafia Paul term so They got disband and you can gimme one chance to go

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
During processing with suspects by teamwork
Active in all city events, for example Subs Store Robberies, Hostage calls etc.
4. Goals for the org.
The goals for the org is to improve the RP in every situation,
I- Specifying organization teams and departments
II- Making new departments for special events and rp situations...
III- teaching and studying for store rob and be ready for store rob situations with trainings...
IV- Leader Must follow Chief and Curator orders
✦Ranking Structure
Rank 30: Chief of Police
Rank 29: Deputy Chief of Police
Rank 28: Assistant Chief of Police
Rank 27: District Attorney
Rank 26: Head Of Department (HOD)
Rank 25: Deputy Head Of Department (Deputy HOD)
Rank 24: Commander
Rank 23: Superintendent
Rank 22: Captain
Rank 21: Lieutenant
Rank 20: Senior Detective
Rank 19: Detective
Rank 18: Senior Supervisor
Rank 17: Supervisor
Rank 16: Major Sergeant
Rank 15: Sergeant
Rank 14: Senior Corporal
Rank 13: Corporal
Rank 12: Master Patrol Officer III
Rank 11: Master Patrol Officer II
Rank 10: Master Patrol Officer I
Rank 9: Senior Patrol Officer III
Rank 8: Senior Patrol Officer II
Rank 7: Senior Patrol Officer I
Rank 6: Patrol Officer III
Rank 5: Patrol Officer II
Rank 4: Patrol Officer I
Rank 3: Rookie
Rank 2: Cadet
Rank 1: Suspended

My experience in LSPD:
Best Regards
Venom Red