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Search results

  1. Maximus Grand

    Approved Leader of Ballas| Recker Burberry

    Check this guy PC BurberryINC Brazzilian redux forbidden on the Grand RP
  2. Maximus Grand

    Approved Massrulebreak + Targeting | Bloods

    What did Bloods do wrong lmao no rules breaked here ofcourse leader is gonna remember it xD Dont make clown of yourself
  3. Maximus Grand

    Rejected Demorgen for GHR 1.7 | Edward Pluxury

    You can literally see from his POV that i was glitched in his PC and his Head i will put my POV and my friends POV also i where not bugged in animation beacuse u can literally see in POV that i was eating meat normally speed boost normaly and continue shooting just fine. i dont think he watched...
  4. Maximus Grand

    Rejected Warn For gen 6.16 | Fstoq Pluxury

    I didnt do anything as you can clearly see in POV i asked him to comply with me but he asked me then if he can join gang and i imidietly stopped asking him further questions and i let him go by my side and the other guy is clearly shooting and giving him orders i was standing aside for whole...
  5. Maximus Grand

    Rejected Admin Application | Maximus Aaaaa | 1064

    1. Your name IRL - Strahinja 2. Your Age - 26 3. Time Zone - (GMT+2) 4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (Make sure to use AM , PM to make it clear) - Depends on my private company (IRL) but ussualy 1PM to 2AM. 5. Average online per day - 10 - 11 Hours 6. Your...
  6. Maximus Grand

    Rejected Zalba odluku Administratora Ante Djukela

    Ja sam postavio POV gde se vidi kako ulaze clanovi LSPD-a u Geto njih 3 Koji nisu clanovi visoke komande nego obicna Patrola kako vadi pusku i krece da me puca u sred Geta sa jos 2 Clana koja stoje pored znaci sve se vidi i pored njih je bilo jos 2 Zamolicu da se pregleda POV
  7. Maximus Grand

    Approved Zalba na Organizaciju | LSPD

    Sve se lepo vidi u POV kako me zaustavlja policija u sred Geta bez ikakvog straha neodgovaraju niti bilo sta rade..
  8. Maximus Grand

    Approved Mass Rule Break | NG

    Sve se vidi u POV.. Zahtevao bi detaljno da se pogleda koja su sve pravila prekrsena posto mislim da su prekrsili vise pravila u isto vreme
  9. Maximus Grand

    Approved G.P 5.3 | 8926

    Sve se cuje u POV
  10. Maximus Grand

    Rejected Zalba na GOV| RP2WIN, FailRP

    Pre svega Vlada je gorela ako nisi video mozda sam ja sam stajao ispred bio sam Evakuisan iz zgrade i naravno niko nije mogao ni da pridje do mene i sobzirom na to da sam ja bio ispred sva lica moraju biti pretresena a drugo Samim tim sto si dosao ispred Vlade bi trebao da budes pretresan sto je...
  11. Maximus Grand

    Rejected GP 6.15 FAILRP | GOV

    To ti ne mozes da znas sam krsis previse pravila nauci kako se RP-a a drugo radis isto sto si i sa NG-om radio znaci da namerno nabijas warn poz od mene
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