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  1. VladFaust

    Rejected OOC Toxicity, Provoking | FREE SOULS

    and before blaming me with toxicity just take a quick look at your boys
  2. VladFaust

    Rejected OOC Toxicity, Provoking | FREE SOULS

    adverts are the problem of Life invader if u complain about the adverts just go and find high commands of Life invader and tell them not to post advert its simple that
  3. VladFaust

    Approved Gen 3.1/3.2 | 231630

    need turkish staff for topic
  4. VladFaust

    Reviewed ER 1.2 | MK 154508

    video is edited and cropped it doesnt shows anything xd
  5. VladFaust

    Rejected Mass Rdm | ER 1.2 Free Souls Family

    no proof no punishment remember
  6. VladFaust

    Rejected Mass Rdm | ER 1.2 Free Souls Family

    and also owner of thread is using illegal redux
  7. VladFaust

    Rejected Mass Rdm | ER 1.2 Free Souls Family

    video is edited or cropped read the rules of filling complaint
  8. VladFaust

    Approved Leader Of Marabunta Grande | Sierra Victor

    + greetings from free souls fam he is a good guy
  9. VladFaust

    Approved Bug Abuse/POV Req | 115939 121007

    not even your pov read the rules
  10. VladFaust

    Rejected GR 6.3 | 149980

    as seen on pov there is no parental insult .
  11. VladFaust

    Rejected Turco Grande | Unofficial Organization

    such a rulebreaker fam
  12. VladFaust

    Rejected ROBBING IN CITY | ID- 112605 | ID- 213534 | ID- 149985 | ID- 154508 | ID- 199980 | ID- 209159

    check ur right side of screen u ll notice there is a redzone that means we can rob u at there .
  13. VladFaust

    Reviewed Mass Rule Break | Turkish Soldiers

    sort of loser go cry somewhere else
  14. VladFaust

    Approved Mass Rule Break | Turkish Soldiers Family

    in addition tell your boys to improve their english cuz we cant understand them properly and u aswell dumb
  15. VladFaust

    Approved Mass Rule Break | Turkish Soldiers Family

    do whatever u want there is no rulebreak against you, if u have it post it stop talking trash dumb
  16. VladFaust

    Approved Massive Rule Break | Turkish Soldiers

    prepare it he got already punished xd
  17. VladFaust

    Reviewed Mass Rule Break | Turkish Soldiers

    make a complaint with the video nobody cares the picture dude read the rules of complaining gotcha ?
  18. VladFaust

    Rejected RDM 96345 244686 154508 209159 161904

    pov should be atleast 1 min read the rules of complaining and comeback and make a complaint as seen on pov we're defending our solar panel dumb
  19. VladFaust

    Reviewed Mass Rule Break Ballas | 75332,166112,120244,243235

    I'm strongly recommending you to a read the rules of robbing dumb shit
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