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  1. J

    Approved 1.12 If a person complies with given demands its not allowed to kill them | ID:76821

    I comply with the demands, he proceeds to shoot me and then kill me.
  2. J

    Approved Unban Appeal Jack Mcoff ID:2126

    Hello Mazhor, I was permanently banned on the Portuguese server for general rule 6.3. 2 months ago. I’ve talked to you about this and you asked me to make a forum complaint that’s why I’m here. In fact, I did have in my possession a balaclava (that I intended to sell) and a forgotten heavy...
  3. J

    Rejected Apelo de desbanimento / Murder Swayze

    Boa tarde, Swayze. Estou a fazer este apelo de desbanimento na medida em que não estou totalmente convicto que o ban foi dado de acordo com o que eu fiz. De facto, tinha coisas da LSPD na minha posse, sendo elas uma balaclava e uma heavy shotgun (que até estava esquecida na mala do meu carro...
  4. J

    Rejected RDM | 8216

    Man, I just posted that segment of my POV to show you who started the shootout. That's why the POV is short. Either way, you guys are metagaming and mixing every time we come up to you, "You are FIB, I have recording", how can you assume I'm FIB if I'm wearing different clothes and using makeup...
  5. J

    Rejected RDM | 8216

    Well, are you sure we were the ones starting the shootout?
  6. J

    Rejected RDM | 8216

    Please, just tell me what rule was broken on our side. Please, just one!
  7. J

    Rejected RDM | 8216

    In fact, I killed you even though you didn't shoot me in the first place and I apologize for that. 1. You guys are all dressed the same, with that being said it's hard to distinguish; 2. Your friend actually shot me and ran inside your fam's house, as you can see in the pov at 00:57 (Wesam...
  8. J

    Rejected RDM | 8216

    They doing me wrong my man Joel.
  9. J

    Rejected RDM | 8216

    And the insults were all IC, since you started shooting me and ran into your house. Plus it was your family who started the shootout.
  10. J

    Rejected RDM | 8216

    I was using makeup, my id is 49279. It's funny how you just show half of the footage xD Should've put the part where you were shooting us.
  11. J

    Rejected FIB Leader Application | Haley Parker

    Haley has the potential to be a good leader! +++++
  12. J

    Approved Drake Connors | National Guard General

    This guy has some game-changing qualities! Real G and a hard worker! +++++
  13. J

    Rejected Jack Mcoff | NG corrupt bio

    Name: Jack Mcoff Age: 27 DOB: 17/02/1994 Nationality: Portuguese Gender: Male Place of Birth: Cruz Vermelha Hospital House: West Vinewood Father: Christian Mcoff Mother: Angelina Mcoff Siblings: Anthony Mcoff, Abraham Mcoff Height: 1.89m Weight: 73kg Body Type: Skinny Eye colour: Green Hair...
  14. J

    Approved RDM | ID: 80339

    I finished turf and the family relative who attacked our territory killed me without an actual reason.
  15. J

    Approved 3.1 Insulting of the person (OOC) / 3.2 Parents should not be mentioned in all chats, including voice | ID: 62148

    I was at a race event organized by NG and to the end of the race, this guy started to get really uncontrolled and annoyed at me because I was blocking his way with my car. He started to insult me by calling me "bitch" over and over again and to the end, he said I would get banned for car-ramming...
  16. J

    Rejected Fail RP ID:62

    Why are you so nosy xD You can see we start the chase way before we see his ID, because he's leaving the area we were tracking and we kept in mind that that area is like a ghost area so the car was most likely from the person we were tracking. And what's the matter of not using the radar to pull...
  17. J

    Rejected Fail RP ID:62

    Update: Will be handed IC with the person involved
  18. J

    Rejected Jack Mcoff Biography | LSPD

    Name: Jack Mcoff Age: 27 DOB: 17/02/1994 Nationality: Portuguese Gender: Male Place of Birth: Cruz Vermelha Hospital House: Currently doesn't have one, lives in his car, future shock issi Father: Christian Mcoff Mother: Angelina Mcoff Siblings: Anthony Mcoff, Abraham Mcoff Height: 1.81m Weight...
  19. J

    Rejected FAIL RP

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