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  1. Onthefloor

    Reviewed Ban for General 4.1 | Dray Ottoman

    Dear Higher Admins, I was banned by Dray ottoman for fixed waves and apparently the waves in the redux i was using where not legal. I would really appreciated if i was unban and here is a video on my alt with the redux removed (i was told to do this by dray himself after the Random pc check)...
  2. Onthefloor

    Reviewed POV req | 0000

    Here is pov man
  3. Onthefloor

    Approved Cheats | 16554

    Been more then 6 hours
  4. Onthefloor

    Rejected GEN 6.16 | vagos gang

    thats not vagos 🤦‍♂️
  5. Onthefloor

    Approved Cheats | 16554

    Multiple people in the fam hit him for 50 and he did not die and he also tp into the trailer which i think he is using a lag switch
  6. Onthefloor

    Approved Women Harassment | 45524

    I agree with fluffy and i seen this happen before multiple times
  7. Onthefloor

    Rejected Admin Application | Noah Achachee

    1. Your name IRL Noah Achache 2. Your age 16 3. Time zone EST 4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (Make sure to use AM , PM to make it clear) 22:00pm to 4:00am 5. Average online per day 6-7 hours a day 6. Your Discord noliky 7. Your Nickname Noah Achachee 8. Your ID...
  8. Onthefloor

    Rejected General Rule 4.1 | Dylan Gomez

    Dear Lebanon, I know i have put in multiple forum report about this and i know this not allowed and already got an answer on this matter by you and Mahzor. But i feel like i was never given a chance to have a pc check i was ban for something i did not do and that was done because of my...
  9. Onthefloor

    Rejected General Rule 4.1 | Dylan Gomez

    I would like to also add that I have POVS of me playing event and that I play (excuse my language again) pretty bad and that I play fairly and prob half of the ppl that are gonna look at this forum agree with me that I am pretty bad at doing events.
  10. Onthefloor

    Rejected General Rule 4.1 | Dylan Gomez

    Dear Mahzor,Lebron and Sam I got banned for cheats in January because of (excuse my language) shitty internet. I would never cheat on this server because I honestly think it’s a fun server and it made me a lot a friends and I just wanna be able to come back and have fun. I have ask Mr.Lebron...
  11. Onthefloor

    Rejected General Rule 4.1 | Dylan Gomez

    The only reason why I waited out my ban is because I been busy these past 2 months and now that I check on my ban which was 60 days and I am SC Banned? I don’t have the clip because of the file being corrupt. Look if you want to pc check me go ahead but I just want to come back to grand and have fun
  12. Onthefloor

    Approved Provoking | ID: 1985

    Its a game and you a grown ass adult stop crying on forums and suck up to what ppl tell you. Welcome to the real world buddy! Everyone that sees you thinks of you as a joke 😂
  13. Onthefloor

    Rejected Leadership for Vagos | Jayy Verceti

    +best leader en2
  14. Onthefloor

    Rejected General Rule 4.1 | Dylan Gomez

    Hi Lebron hope you’re doing well, I have been banned for cheats when I think the last time I logged was either wensday or Thursday to pay for stuff and then get off. I have no clue if this a mistake or something else but could please look into it thank you
  15. Onthefloor

    Reviewed RuleBreakType | Kaos Family

    There is no rulebreak LOL
  16. Onthefloor

    Rejected Leadership For Ballas Street Gang

    Best leader 😩😩😘
  17. Onthefloor

    Reviewed Pov Request | ID: 120

    So you admit to using cheats nice 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤡
  18. Onthefloor

    Reviewed Pov Request | ID: 120

    Aren’t you the one using cheats and did not want to show pov because you had your cheats on 🤫🤫🤫
  19. Onthefloor

    Reviewed Woman Harrasment I 24960

    Can I get your autograph 😘😘😩😩😩😍
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