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IMPORTANT Applications for Marabunta Grande

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Manas Badmash

1. Your name IRL: Manas Satya
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: IST
4. Average online per day: 8 hour
5. Your Discord: Manas#0343
6. Your Nickname: Manas Badmash
7. Your ID: 3318

1. Leader of
2. Why do u want to be leader?
i. I want to be leader as i think that I can easily manage the gang events and end the term without having any warning. I will regularly do FZ raid, 24/7 Store robbery and gun store robbery.

ii. I have a good experience in both legal and illegal organization and know how to manage the things and in illegal activities how to help to escape everyone and make higher profits every hour

iii. I will be hiring recruiters, turfers and defenders for different purposes the recruiters will be recruiting more and more turfers and defenders so that gang never get dead and will do more and more Graffiti with help of defenders and Turfer

i. I will be diving Gang system with different ranks for Graffiti, robberies and raids So, that we can manage to run the gang easily and on a very large and active base with members.

ii. We will be keeping paint balloon, Guns and ammunation in Armory and warehouse So, that no one is without weapon in any type of Robbery or Raid
we can easily manage to allot weapons and increase the warehouse.

iii. Will be Keeping active deputy that have are previous leaders or have a great experience in gangs and know well how to manage the gangs

iv. After every event the bonus will be alloted to keep the gang active and raise everyone with gang

v. To keep the graffiti and territory capture active and as well as the bonus collection i will be alloting seperate bonus for it every hour so that all members get active and everyone get a good profit and remains in gang for a long

14- Villain

13-God Father


11-Young G





6-Graffiti leader



3-OG Bunta



I can Manage the gang easily due to my previous experiences

Neon Kirigaya

May 24, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Yash Khobragade
2. Your age: 22
3. Time zone: IST (GMT +5:30)
4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord: Neon Here#0007
6. Your Nickname: Neon Kirigaya
7. Your ID: 45667
1. Leader of
... Marabunta Grande

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
Ans. I have been in this city for more than 11 months and looked after city by both cops and gangster side and I know about cops side as I have been in every org of legal side that will help me evade them easily and my org member will do successful events like store robberies hostage situations etc. I will make sure my gang member have strong trust bond among us and it will make my gang stand above all as we will be working as a strong team with greater co-ordination. I will make my gang stand out from others and will make sure it will rule the ghetto region and my gang will actively gonna do graffiti . I have great leadership skill and I want to apply that by being the leader of the specific org.

3. Your advices for improving Role Play level in organization.
1. To Improve RP level in the org I will only invite the People who knows all the RP rules and knows how to apply and do it properly.
2.I will give HC rank to the people who are suitable for it.
3. I will take deputies who already have a lot of in Experience in Illegal orgs.
4. If The people through out my Org have done any Any rule break i will directly give him/her a strike.

Requirements to Join the Org will be :-
OOC Age :- 15+
IC Age :- 5
Should Know all RP rules.

Ranking System
14. God Father
13. Under G
12. DrugLord
11. WarLord
10. KingPin
9. Punisher
8. Recruiter
7. Turfer
6. Enforcer
5. Graffiti Team
4. Spray Team
4. Thug
3. Shooter
2. Gangster
1. Freeze

Punishment System
1st Strike - Verbal Warn
2nd Strike - Demotion
3rd Strike - Kick/Balcklist

My Goals
1. Do as much as activity possible
2. Get 100% Turfs
3. Get 100% Graffiti


Skye Blu

Aug 28, 2021

1. Your name IRL : Skye
2. Your age:
3. Time zone: GMT+2
4. Average online per day: 8hrs +
5. Your Discord: EvilKxrn#2214
6. Your Nickname: Skye Blu
7. Your ID: 157

Additional information

1. Leader of Marabunta Grande

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

-1 I have done a lot since the start of the city been legal and illegal organizations , threw all this experience the gang life has always been more interested me in the way thing work from turfs to the sprays and event robbery of FZ. Getting to know the way that all this works.

-2 I had previously been leader of bloods street gang and it was my first time as a gang leader and things happened and going into another leadership I will at least know what to expect and ways to prevent the bad things happening. Knowing that there are gonna be some challenges if I were selected but it would be really great to show what me as a person can bring to the table not only being a leader but being a leader means not that you just show that you lead by example but you also willing to do what it takes to be a great leader, and I feel that I can make that come true. Also my skills and abilities which I work with on a day to day basis makes it easier to understand and acknowledge how a leader should show themselves to others around them by setting an example.

-3 I feel that it is time that Marabunta is feared just like the rest of the other gang, last few terms have been good but also very quiet, I feel that we can make the org not only a good gang but it will not be a bunch of rule breakers!

-4 I would also love to try and get a turf team in that will be able to make 100% turfs!

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

My advice is the For starters when a person joins you gang you make sure that they abide by the rules and make sure that we all follow demands that they get given by not only there High Command but also there fellow gangster's.

Another one to make sure they work as a team and when it comes to a robbery they know how to treat a hostage or even the legal organizations. In saying this we will actually RP the whole thing out and not rush it all.

When it come to events, we need to make sure that what ever happens we will split the money made equally and fair! Even if people land up in prison!

Alan Zelensky

Feb 9, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Avi
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 4-6 Hours
5. Your Discord: INTRO GAMER#9785
6. Your Nickname: Alan Zelensky
7. Your ID: 93571
Additional information
1. Leader of...
Ans - Marabunta Grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
Ans - I have been experiencing things as a LEO and I have been in vagos at the start of my rp life. I climbed all the way up from a vagos Clapper to bloods and families underdeputy. I am colonel (head) of airforce right now in NG, before joining NG Mostly I used to be in gangs because a gang was my first org. Later I worked as an EMS employee. I know how to manage people and things to make an organization work efficiently whether it's legal or illegal. During my 3 terms in LSPD as HC, I saw many legal things and the way they work and illegal things too. So, I think that my these 2 experiences will help me a lot to become the leader Bunta and personally I want to increase the crime rate of los santos as much as I can and want to make sure that the Bunta always complete their tasks which they committed. I want to implement my skills developed so far in the leadership of Bunta.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Ans - (i) I won't promote any favoritism in the gang because I have seen that most of the people give their friends and family members some of the best ranks in the gang and this is very harmful for the gang as in this hardworking gang members are being ignored and some of them would leave and this will cause a loss of members in the gang.
(ii) I will try to capture territories as much as I can to expand the Marabunta as being a leader and I will recruit the best experienced people as turfer. I will make sure that our HCs are doing illegal things while following our email's rules and regulations.
(iii) I will implement my ranking system and strike system in a very efficient manner such that everyone who commits something wrong will get a lesson and with my ranking system, everyone can understand the actual importance of specific ranks (e.g. HCs ranks).

Ranking system:-
15) Boss (Leader)
14) Underboss (Deputy)
13) Turfer (Under Deputy)
12) OG (Event Leader)
11) Godfather
---High Commands---
10) Destroyer
9) Punisher
8) Warlord
7) Graffiti Leader
6) Villain
5) Clapper
4) Graffiti Members
3) Shooter
2) Newbie
1) Freeze

Strike system:-
Strike 1 - Verbal
Strike 2 - Demotion
Strike 3 - Blacklist/Fire

I'll be highly obliged if my application gets selected for interview.

Thanking You All
Yours Faithfully
Alan Zelensky

Punar Badmash

Ex-Marabunta Leader
Oct 26, 2022
Your name IRL : Punarveer
2. Your age: 15
3. Time zone:GMT+5:30 Indian Time
4. Average online per day: 6 to 7 hours
5. Your Discord: Punar0p#2132
6. Your Nickname: Punar Badmash
7. Your ID: 46029
Additional information

1. Leader Of Marabunta Grande

1.i want to be the leader of Marabunta grande i am in the city for like 1 or more year i have worked in both legal and ilegal orgs i have been hc in sahp and FiB and about ilegal i am current under deputy of families and ex Ballas Deputy and once in Marabunta also i have seen this gang doing very good in city one but in city 2 it is not powerful as city 1 like i dont seen that Marabunta complete his term in city

2 it got disbanded in 15 to 20 days maximum and iand i have thought that if i could get a opprtunity to be the leader of Marabunta i can handle this gang properly and i will try Ballas will complete his term this time
3. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

4. i will tell people that gang do not do only robing store and all there are also many more events like FZ raid and give them regular bonus for doing events i have seen in many gang leaders didnt give bonus who is doing hardwork for the gang and my main focus will be 100% turf

3.and i will help each and every people who is new in city dont get fired for any stupid reason i will tell them all the rules i will give them more chances that the other higher rank

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. i will make sure all get there deserving rank. I will give high command only to trusted people

2. i will stay on my words and make sure nobody get kicked for no reason or any stupid reason

3. and i will make strike system like

—>1 strike - 1 warning

—>2 strikes - Demotion

—>3 strikes - Fired/blacklisted

4. the main problem in the gangs is that people are very toxic they start abusing anyone without any reason or for any strict reason and i will make a special section in marabunta email for toxic people if anyone post there any proof about that a strict action will be take against him/her

Punar Badmash (note i want a last chance to be a leader and improve my past mistake)


Jun 28, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL: Rob
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT+2
4. Average online per day: 4-5 hours
5. Your Discord: rnqft#5651
6. Your Nickname: Mike Davis
7. Your ID: 32836
Additional information:

1. Leader of... Marabunta Grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1.Because i have experience in gangs especially in marabunta grande.
2. I know the ghetto rules.
3. I have a great leadership and communication skills.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1.Everyone should learn the ghetto rules and remember atleast the most important ones (because there are people who dont know any rules and still are in the organization) thats why the interviews should be a bit more complicated and harder so we have good gang members.
2. Stricter punishments- so no one would want to do bad things because the punishments would be bad also.
3. More store robberies, kidnappings, robbing, etc. So the gang would be more solid and everyone could rob and be a part of the organization.

Robin Badmash

F**k Em All
Jan 3, 2023
1. Robin
2. 22
3. IST
4. 8 Hours
5. 𝚉𝚘𝚛𝚊#1111
6. Robin Dior
7. 57804

1. Leader of MARABUNTA


2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

A) I want to be the leader of marabunta because i am assure that now i can handle a whole gang as a leader, and i gained a lot of experience how a gang supposed to run. I know how manage people as i've been high command in gangs and as well as in legal organization too and learned a lot from them.

B) I've been in city for 8 to 9 months and think now i am capable to run a whole gang. I know that being a leader is very stressful but with right deputies and high command it will be easier to run and make gang strong. I know few people who will stand with me and can handle people in my absenc

C) I have experience in Legal organization too, I've been HC in NG and also been in FIB and LSPD. I know how they work and how do they plan to catch gangsters in RP or events and that will be a plus point for me and for the gang to do proper RP and maintain professionalism.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

  1. I plan on having set ranks within the gang with specific responsibilities and expectations. For Example, I would have a rank called "Turf Captain" and this rank with be responsible for leading the turf team, giving members on the turf team tips and tricks, making sure all the turf members are showing up during turfs and overall managing the turf team. I would then also have a rank called "Turf thug", this rank will be given to all the members of the turf team besides the "Captain" and they will be expected to follow the turf captain and fill the ghetto map in yellow. ;)

  2. I will make sure when being recruited members are thoroughly interviewed and tested on their knowledge of ghetto rules. For example, I will have a specific team of people/rank that is assigned to recruiting members and they will be provided with a interview manual which will consist of questions regarding rules like "Are you allowed to run into HQ while being chased by another gang?" and i will add in a statement that makes my recruiting team aware players must be 5 years old in the city just to steer clear from recruiting members who join and arent active in the city and to ensure they have atleast some experience within the city.

  3. I would also like to have a separate "bank account" for the gang, this will NOT be the IC organization balance but i would like to have ONE TRUSTED member in the gang that keeps a percent of the money we earn and are rewarded with from events and the money saved will be used to help members in the gang buying skills that will help them in the gang. For example, the pickpocket skill is $300.000 and if a member wasn't able to afford the skill on their own and had not earned it we could help them by providing some money to go towards buying the skill.

  4. During store robberies and other events I will announce strict comms, this means that over the radio members should refrain from unnecessary conversations and until informed otherwise by me the chatter on radio should only consist of, callouts and information that is important or helpful during the event.

  5. (This wont be required but it will be suggested to all members.) To refrain from getting warnings and having members get punished I would like any members that are going out to rob, ghetto clap and doing sprays to inform me or a high command over radio where they are going and what they are going to do.

  6. From what I've seen around the city I know some people will start "mixing" during RP situations when others break rules, to try and avoid this I will try to tell all my members when a other player breaks the rules in a situation to just continue the situation if possible and grab bodycam of what the player is doing wrong and make a report after the situation or if the situation can no longer be continued they should just make sure the incident is on bodycam and walk away from the situation without mixing or insulting others.
Last edited:

Ethan Pluxury

Dec 22, 2022
1. Your name IRL- Umar Sadique
2. Your age- 17
3. Time zone- GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day- 6 to 7 hrs
5. Your Discord- GamingwithDarky#1111
6. Your Nickname- Robin Pluxury
7. Your ID- 86942

1. Leader of Marabunta Grande

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation).

*I've been playing the server for a while now and really want to be a leader. I've been in a few organizations over my period of playing and I feel this makes me a strong leader for this position. I have been in a few gangs now for extended periods of time. My knowledge of the rules helps me to be able to be successful over the 30 days of being a leader and maybe even take another term.

*Being in /Bloods/Marabunta/Ballas/Vagos/Families/FIB has taught me a lot about leading an Organization in the server and that has gave me a lot of confidents to achieve any goals. I know many of people would like to join me and help me along side this journey .

*By taking the Marabunta Grande Gang, I want to communicate with people I don't know in the game, share what I learned with them, and make our valuable time fun by doing Store robbery and similar events in the game.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

* Doing Robberys and Hostage situation.

*I will focus on training and helping my members to improve so they will also have fun in the city specially rules of events and also turfing and graffiti.

*I will prepare some rules like not to be abusive and many more( i have all noted and i dont want to provide here) that will follow the state rules and make the RP of the gang better than before

*I will try to give out prizes/bonus to the members who will do good in the events and also to the members if who give us time improving

Love This Server ❤️

Select for moderation Edit

Alex Demonn

Feb 12, 2023
1. Jaideep
2. 17
3. GMT+5:30
4. 7-8 Hours ( sometimes more than 10 hrs )
5. Alex Demon#8406
6. Gabbar Jatt
7. 63440
Additional information
1. Leader of Marabunta Grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

+ i am playing in this city more than 6 months and i love gang life here , i love illegal rp i have never joined any legal organization , i said never not even once not even in other cities and this makes me a lot experienced guy in the crime section

+ i have been high command in every gang , and this moment i know how to run a gang im full capaible to run a gang , i have spend a lot of time in ballas and i have a feeling with this particular gang that i cannot explain and ofcourse Nostlagia

+ i have seen many gang leader who just stay in hq or do nothing maybe 1 event in whole day ? which effect the Gang well i will not do this mistake as long as im in the city i will do multiple events everyday we can do store robbery , gun store robbery . clands , Hostage situation and multiple Fort zancudo , i will also never allow my graffiti team to go down more than 5000 profit i want my graffiti profit at peak , ghetto clapping with all my gang members , i want to make my gang dominating gang in the city

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
my mostly time has spent in gangs and the gangs has everything but also lack Of Rp , RP situatuons , in my gang i will Make a good enviornment for everyone will make small changes , the changes will imporove the Rp , No Toxicity , And will try best to deal with legal org and will make conversations intresting while doing negotiations , and also i would love to do team ups with other gangs , for example asking other gang for help or helping other gang for illegal stuff.

Kevin Wesker

Oct 16, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name : Darsh
2. Your age 16
3. Time zone IST
4. Average online per day 4-6 hours
5. Your Discord L0RD F1RE #9999
6. Your Nickname Devil Kevin
7. Your ID 65823

Additional information

1. Leader of Marabunta

2.The primary and most important reason I'd like to run Marabunta is to try to introduce something fresh to the illegal org scene. At this time, I've been in practically every gang and almost every legal organization. I've seen what goes wrong: how orgs are warned/disbanded, how rp between law enforcement and gangs works and fails, and how gangs engage with one another in events and around the city. I've got a couple ideas for events and roleplaying scenarios. So I think the first thing I'd like to address is RP within Marabunta, namely between the gang and other gangs.

Expanding on the last point, I'd like to operate the gang with as little toxicity as possible, creating an environment where people may feel like family and grow together, similar to how the city was since I first joined. It was new and exciting, and everyone was having a great time being in gangs. However, with the enormous number of individuals pouring into the city, gangs appear to have thrown the ghetto regulations, general rules, and even plain common sense out the window. As a result, I'd like to make certain that all of the gangsters are aware of the rules (what we can and cannot do). There will be a few general questions to which everyone must at least know the answers in order to participate.

Finally, I want to become Marabunta's leader in order to make the city more delightful for everyone. Many of my former pals who were heavily involved in the city and who enjoyed gang life and events grew tired of the sameness of encounters and certain characteristics of the city. As a result, I'd like to try to make it a little more interesting for everyone. I want to attract people back, welcome newcomers, and simply make the GrandRP city as fantastic as it was when I first joined. I'd RP fights and possibly even severe hostage discussions every time I flew into the city. I don't want to make the city "great again," because it is already amazing, but I do want to feel like a part of it.

3.I'd like to focus on role playing with the organization in two areas. The first is gang interactions in the ghetto, and the second involves gangs and legal organizations, particularly during store robberies, which can add suspense and interest to the game. Even though the free-for-all mentality can be entertaining in the ghetto, I believe everyone can agree with me that it becomes old quickly. I'm not sure how we can fix this other than making additional RP circumstances that you must complete while robbing or before firing because shooting without talking is uninteresting (this isn't an arena). Another option is to expand the ghetto borders to increase the area where illicit activity can occur.
Another option is to expand the ghetto borders in some way to enhance the area where illicit activity can occur (not necessarily a kill on sight but more of a "spreading out" of gangsters so RP can actually occur). I've worked in most of the legal organizations that deal with gangs, as I mentioned earlier, and I've seen how store thefts may be approached from several angles (high command, low ranks, gangster, negotiator).
I've worked in most of the legal organizations that deal with gangs, as I mentioned earlier, and I've seen how store thefts may be approached from several angles (high command, low ranks, gangster, negotiator). More negotiating and hostage options, in my opinion, should be added.

Loki Verlice

Apr 30, 2023
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
10-12 hours per day
Jake Choo|92216#2396
I want to be leader of marabunta
I want to be leader of marabunta because I’ve been a High command is ballas and familes so I know. A another reason why I should be leader because I’ve been in NG FIB Gov SAHP. I’m hard working I’m always honest to people I’m kind I’ll treat everyone with respect.
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
10-12 hours per day
Jake Choo|92216#2396
1. I want to be leader of marabunta
2. I want to be leader of marabunta because I’ve been a High command is ballas and familes so I know. A another reason why I should be leader because I’ve been in NG FIB Gov SAHP. I’m hard working I’m always honest to people I’m kind I’ll treat everyone with respect.
3. I can improve roleplay in this organisation by doing daily meetings. I’ll make sure every time someone wants to join I’ll make sure they knows the rules and everything about rp. I’ll give out bonus with my own money for everyone who attended store robbery gun store robbery and etc.

Luna Fellas

Jan 16, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Onurcan Yaygıngöl
2. Your age : 23
3. Time zone : GMT+03:00
4. Average online per day : 5-13 Hours
5. Your Discord : Curliynn#4683
6. Your Nickname : Luna Marcellus
7. Your ID : 11405

Additional information
1. Leader of Marabunta.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- The first reason is that Leadership is my passion and I want to pursue my passion in Marabunta, I have thousands of hours in Roleplay and I always wanted to be a Rebel/Bandit and promote illegal activities in the city, Being a Leader I will make sure that the members of Marabunta must act professionally, follow all the rules and make sure that they participate in every event like Clandestine , Store Robbery , NG Raid , Battleship and Turf wars.

- I have been high command in many gangs and have lead many families and I have seen many gangs fall down before their term ends and I truly believe that is because of the poor communication and lack of motivation between the leader and the members, I will make sure that my communication is continuous , gentle and skillful with the members and I will always do everything in my hand to get them give their finest performance in the gang.

- I want to make Marabunta the best gang in the city with the time and hard work I am willing to put in.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I am very kind hearted soft spoken and disciplined person . I take my duty very serious which makes me a good leader to lead his team throughout any phase they went in.

Thank you for reading my application and have a good day !!!


Jun 28, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL: Rob
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT+2
4. Average online per day: 4-5 hours
5. Your Discord: rnqft70#5651
6. Your Nickname: Mike Davis
7. Your ID: 32836
Additional information:

1. Leader of... Marabunta Grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1.Because i have experience in gangs especially in marabunta grande.
2. I know the ghetto rules.
3. I have a great leadership and communication skills.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1.Everyone should learn the ghetto rules and remember atleast the most important ones (because there are people who dont know any rules and still are in the organization) thats why the interviews should be a bit more complicated and harder so we have good gang members.
2. Stricter punishments- so no one would want to do bad things because the punishments would be bad also.
3. More store robberies, kidnappings, robbing, etc. So the gang would be more solid and everyone could rob and be a part of the organization.

Loki Verlice

Apr 30, 2023
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Jake Choo
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
10-12 hours
Jake Choo|92216#2396
1. Leader of marabunta grande
2. When I was in Familes I started as one of the lowest ranks and I worked my up to a HC in familes and this show me dedication to the gang
I have good leadership skills when you got good leadership skills u need to communicate patient open mindset
I have experience in illegal orgs and legal orgs with the experience I think I got what it takes to become leader marabunta grande
3. Going to store robbery, hostage situation, Ng raids, Robbing people. I make teams do stuff differently like Graffti turfs so everyone can contribute

Luna Fellas

Jan 16, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Onurcan Yaygıngöl
2. Your age : 23
3. Time zone : GMT+03:00
4. Average online per day : 5-13 Hours
5. Your Discord : Curliynn#4683
6. Your Nickname : Luna Marcellus
7. Your ID : 11405

Additional information
1. Leader of Marabunta.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
i want to be marabunta leader because i have past with marabunta. marabunta is my first gang in this city and i was 2 times Deputy in marabunta. i think its the right time now be a leader an organization which you started with.
i have tons of experince in every gangs and i saw most of them are not carrying about leadership, thats why i thought i have to be leader.
i know all the rules in this city.
i was HC all gang because of that i have really good leadership skills.
i will be a great leader an marabunta will be so much active members.
I will make sure that my communication is continuous , gentle and skillful with the members
3.Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
i dont want to give everyone free ranks. they have to get interview properly. i will make sure everyone knows the ghetto rules,general rules.
i will make sure no one will steal anything from events. i will give much bonusses for keeping them safe and honest.
we will rob every store-gun robbery, and much more hostage situation. also we not give any chance in clands,battleship other gangs.

Best Regards.
Luna Marcellus.
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Tyron Bolo

Apr 18, 2023
1: Your name IRL: Tyron
2: Your age: 18
3: Time zone: (GMT-6)
4: Average online per day: 8-10 hours
5: Your Discord: TRXPZ.#1172
6: Your Nickname: Tyron Bolo
7: Your ID: 24013

Additional information

1| Leader of Marabunta

2| Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

Reason 1: Being leader of Marabunta I will not only create a strong gang but aim to make Marabunta the strongest it has ever been. I plan on focusing on all aspects, and not just a select few like Profits and events. I will insure that Marabunta is not only involved in everything, but also in control of everything.
Reason 2: Being Marabunta leader is my chance to show the city that a gang can be strong with numbers and good high commands to lead those numbers.
Reason 3: Along with being active in every gang event possible, I will be aiming for 100% turfs and to maximize spray profits and bonuses to ensure everyone is making the money they deserve for the work they are putting in.

3| Your advices for improving Role-Play level in organization.

1: High commands will be those who are professional, responsible and most importantly limited.
2: Bonuses and promotions will be issued after every event to keep activity up as well as keeping everyone interested in the gang.
3: Everyone will be expected to provide POV when asked, if not they will be punished.
4: There will always be a high rank willing to help new members who have questions.
5: Those intentionally trying to get the organization a warning will be removed instantly to avoid ruining Roleplay level within the Organization.

Ranking System
14: Top G
13: OG
12: Kingpin
11: Warlord
10: Druglord
9: Turfer
8: enforcer
7: Thug
6: outlaw
5: Graffiti Team
4: Bandit
3: Crook
2: Delinquent


Jun 28, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL: Rob
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT+2
4. Average online per day: 4-5 hours
5. Your Discord: rnqft70#5651
6. Your Nickname: Mike Davis
7. Your ID: 32836
Additional information:

1. Leader of... Marabunta Grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1.Because i have experience in gangs especially in marabunta grande.
2. I know the ghetto rules.
3. I have a great leadership and communication skills.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1.Everyone should learn the ghetto rules and remember atleast the most important ones (because there are people who dont know any rules and still are in the organization) thats why the interviews should be a bit more complicated and harder so we have good gang members.
2. Stricter punishments- so no one would want to do bad things because the punishments would be bad also.
3. More store robberies, kidnappings, robbing, etc. So the gang would be more solid and everyone could rob and be a part of the organization.

Rex Barzani

Nov 11, 2021
1. Abo
2. 18
3. UTC+0
4. 6-9 hours
5. ReX ∞#0001
6. Rex Barzani
7. 939

1. Leader of Marabunta Grande

2. I understand how gangs need to run and how other legal orgs will be used to handle them. I feel I could be an amazing necessity to Marabunta and help them become what they deserve! I understand ranks and know many good members and people who would be great fits. I will train them all and make sure they understand what to do and for that I feel I could make a great leader and thats the main reason I want to be one
Another reason is i feel its all been wrong from past. I feel I could make some changes that would help Marabunta and make the situation better for everyone including other orgs. Ive always enjoyed gangs especially Marabunta and i think i would seriously enjoy this and make a huge impact to everybody around me and help players become better at rp and overall.

3. To improve roleplay I have many ideas here are a few.
I. I will always engage and make my members engage in negotiations for it is an amazing way to RP and if done right is very fun.
II. I will teach all my members how to properly do things such as RP, store robberies, ECT so the experience becomes more enjoyable for everybody with less drama.
III. I wont let people do stuff if I do not think they are ready. For example I will not let a new player host negotiations incase they mess it up for say something for our and everybody benefit.
IV. Ill assist new players with pure patience, I wont be mad and i will encourage players to ask me any questions they might have.

Strike system
Strike 1 * Verbal
Strike 2 * Demotion
Strike 3 * Blacklist/Fire

This is my marabunta application thank you!

Rishabh Kirigaya

Jan 13, 2023

1. Your name IRL- Rishabh
2. Your age - 18
3. Time zone- GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day- 6-8 Hrs
5. Your Discord - Desi Rishabh#0001
6. Your Nickname - Desi Rishabh
7. Your ID - 91886

Additional information

1. Leader of...


2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

I spent most of my RP life in gangs and criminal families. That always attracted me, I was the HC in almost all gangs, and I know how to lead one. For a long time, I observed leaders and their work, and I noticed good and bad things.
I think I am capable of leading a criminal organization, I know how to lead people to events, and I also know how to be a good leader. In my opinion, unity is the key to the organization, all members should respect each other, I would not tolerate toxicity at all. Honest effort and work would be rewarded.
I am very serious, I know what I want and I have serious people for this organization. I would like to make something out of this organization, I would be very serious, and so would my members. If there was no action, people would not just stand in the HQ, but he would send them to loot in the ghetto or to spread graffiti.
Turfs would be one of the priorities, I think that turfs are very important for a gang. I have a very serious Turf Team and I think turfs would be our strong point.
As the Leader of this organization, I would do my best to make everyone feel accepted, I would be very friendly towards everyone. I would raise the RP to a bigger and better level, a lot of people don't know what a real gangster RP is and I would show them that. We would behave very seriously and viciously, like gangsters in RL. Hostage situations, 24/7 convenience store robberies and Gun-Store robberies would be frequent and successful, I would use tactics never seen before.
My goal is for everyone to feel accepted, as if we were one big family, no one would be left behind, but we would go through everything together. That's how a gang should behave...

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization.
Meetings at least 2 times a week.
I noticed that people don't pay much attention to rp and non-rp chat in gangs, so I would draw their attention to that.
Much more serious examinations, people would be examined in a different way, a little more IR way, because I don't think the point is that they learn the rules by heart like a song, but that they know what it is about.
A much more serious gangster RP.
Making alliances with other gangs on IC, not OOC.
Improve player experience after joining a gang. To give everyone a chance to prove themselves and prove that they are better than what others think, many leaders did not give that opportunity to new members, and I would do my best to give it to everyone!
Activate and improve graffiti and ghetto looting. In my opinion, robbing and scrawling graffiti is a very impressive role in the gang, after a while each new member could decide whether he would like to join the graffiti team or be a robber, that system would only improve the behavior of the members in terms of seeking rank, and would try harder.
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